u WEATHER Partly cloudy Saturday and Sunday local thundershowers Sunday and In VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER IS4 14 NATIONS HAVE NOW ACCEPTED ANTI-WAR TREATY Smith's Acceptance Speech To Deal With All Campaign Issues Will Not Subordinate Speech To , Prohibition and Farm Re , lief Only DISCOUNTS FORECASTS OF TEXT OF ADDRESS Governor Saya Only He Knows i What la In Speech; Enter. lainePittKan ALBANY. Jo IT 80—(AV-Bpervlav tion about what he will emphaatse la hia forth coming acceptance speech prompted Governor Smith to declare tedejr that no one except hlmeelf known what be Intend* to any. Otncredltug publlabed forecart, the Democratic presidential uomlnee reiterated that he proposed at the time iff hie notification next month tfi ditciun aJI the major issue* of the campaign He alao advised uewvpa per men that there waa no basle for reporta that be Inteded to subor dlnate prohibition and farm relief and emphaalae hia view* for a .general reorganisation of Federal government bureaus. "Prohibition and farm relief both trill be dealt with extonsrv«ty,~ said the governor. He said he planned to deal "definitely with nil Issues," and stated emphatically that nothing that fa an leaue would be left out. Tha nominee already Hi ebaplng hia acceptance speech In hie m'nd. He bad an oversight guest at the man. alon. Senator Pittman, of Nevada?, who “was chairman of the platform com. mittee at Houston and will head the rommlttee that formally will ap. praise Smith of hie nomination. HOOVERS REACH WESTERN HOME Welcome Is Quiet On Account of Recent Death Mrs. Hoov er’s Fsther STANFORD UNIVERSITY. July $0 - ~(JP) — Herbert Hoovevr, the Arst resident of the Pacific coaet to car ry the standard of a great political party, returned to hie beloved Cali fornia to receive format notification at the Republican nominee for presi dent. lt was a quiet homecomrni Tha death of Mrs. Hoover's rather, C. D. Henry, wealthy hauler, having m*de necessary the cancelling of, the cele. bra Mons which the people of- Sen Francisco pnd the utilveralty town had planned lu hi» honor Wflbio s .fsw hours after they r^ach. • heir home on the rolling hill over looking the University campus, Mr. and Mre. Hoover attended the fune. «, ral service o( Mr. Heary. CHILDREN S DAY TO BE OBSERVED Two ScrmonH, Special Music and Picnic Dinner St Stoney ' Creek Tomorrow Tw o sermons, exercises by the .chil dren sad special music wllJLbe the b*gh lights of children's day eiee- J '* blabs U» be observed at the Stoney (bySk Free Will Hsptlat church on * the road tu Paletown tomorrow. Fea tured promlnenify on thy program which never fails to attract hun dreds of people yearly—l* a picnic ainner.. Exercise* will begin at 10:3<> slul at 11:4$ there-will be a sermon by i Rev. W. L. Hart of Snow Hill In the afternoon there will be singing by the famous "Thomas Choir" of. SmThfleld ard dialogue by 12 young girla. this feature starting at 2:30. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon will be an address by J C. Mpy* of Raleigh the talk to deal with Sunday school work and ths churca and Its * young people. Mr. Jonss, In the ettr to advertise the meeting yesterday asked The News * urge all who r*n to be preseut for tha day's axarclsas. THE GOL’DSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY / n j t ° ■ * ’ - . * .S ‘ " $ * WHAT'S MATTER WITH THE YOUNG 1 Prof. Ronton of Southern Col. logo Some Idea* ’ OnSubject LAKE JtSfctLCHKA, July 20—(JP) - Young asoalt today are dissatisfied because the appreciative side At re ligion has been neglected and much '\>f -the preaching scaled sown to trite and common place condemnation rt card playing, danengi, drinking and ither evils, declared Prof. John Renton of Southern College, lake land. Fls.. In an address here. The subtle and destructive sias *r* often toft untouched, he ’ said, and. often worship of God has degenerated Into religious Jsss Young -people do not need to be condemned, nor do they need to be depended; they only need to be un-. derstood, said Prof. Benton In speak Ing at the Young People's Conference of . the Methodist Episcopal church. South i, ’ r r ' “The truth of the matter," continu. cd the speaker. "Is that while most of cur religious leaders are running to seed In mere talk, many youtig peo ple find themselves possessed of a sense of discouragement, bafflement, defeat and even cynicism with respect to religion. Here especially youth needs not ts he defended or condemn ed, but understood “Youth Is dissatisfied because a life vpfaose dominant atm Is ease, luxury and pleasure Is tbo empty and trP vial to exercise their real powers. They are willing to pay gfbat prices. They mn» venturesome and not wfTT- In. to settle down to middle aged matters eff actness and mediocrity. They want to give their lives for great things. The pro yram of the Christian church Is a program of saving the world llaelf, not Just saving g few people out' of thd' world. "Youth does not need to revolt ag. t’nst doctrine because there can b« no greater religion without t:tlon of life, of the universe, of the experience of mind and of Cod But youth does need to revolt against trad If onal dogmas, traditional forma of worship and traditional codes of ethics, unless they c*»ne alive Ip ths consciousness and mean something.” WHAT A PERRY WILL l>o RALEIGH. Jut| 4NW postal cards coat only a penny again. That I# one of the changes Just been announced by the PoStofflce puthorL tles For some tints ths rate was two cents per card bill beginning this nonth, the rate was changed to the Cld CCSKt. ' •> •—e Private postcards may be mailed for one <-ent Instead us cents, bnsid on the standard site regula tion Whoever Finds This SSO To Send It Right Back AV t jMrtt* Marker, C«ldsb»r«s R 4. was telling a hard luck tale tor fair yesterday. , "Hack In w’JpWßtos when things was high I tried to buy me a piece of luud and did And I alrt't never boU|fb£j me a Ford nor nothing else Whwn we Want to go we goes th* old Way In a buggy. and 1 have been right v yfiitif out the money tor that Itttd, and not spending potto foolUhpr. Before I got it paid for a man run over me and killed me In a car ee hadtt‘l paid (or ajvd 1 spent weeks In the hospital about to die t never warranted hint nor nothing, for before I got out of the hospital he had been sent to the penitentiary for leading that mob. “Welt I was putting up thy tobac co this /gar, and standing on my head 1 Killed, 18 Hurt in Train Wreck \b * >——L... —-i ’ ~ ■ " * * .'A Right photograph of the wrecked crack M Ponce de Leon” pasaepgcr train , near RoYne, Qa., showing the observation coach in Which were riding railroad execu- riiousaf»<k 01 Finny Monsters Taken In Nets When Waler Is Let Go At Sasser’s Milt Pond v By JOHN D. LAhWSTON, JR | Not as a Jewel In a beautiful setting . of Jagged peaks, anrronndnd by a vsr dent green of virgin forests, but ns u drab, quiet mill-pond, with a mud hot. ,t«m stucjded wl{h cyprem tdißiiiMh. Sasser’s Mill, also known by some as Aycock'S Mill located In the northern end of Wayne county, about three miles frdne Fremont, was the scene of one of the most animated and ttreHest spectacles ever seen in this yesterday, when the water was turned Irrtu the poud to permit nei Kssat'y re lam being made on the dam. The event was announced as a fish f-olie, and by nine o'clock, the time set BORDENS FORM A NEW COMPANY «* Wayne Securities* Corporation of Goldsboro Gets'lncorpora »tion Papers “ The ceTOtftoeto# of Rw«r poration filed In the offlro nt the Secretory of Stale. Haleigh. Wayne Securities Corporation. »f Goldsboro, to carry on the business of general broker* and dealer* In stocks, bonds, notes. etif % Authorised capital" stock shares, no par value pioforri<h stuck Ulld. $32;r,00 common 'i*< W hy )’ K llord' o. K it, Borden. Jr, F» K. Borden, Jr., tuid ethers of Goldsboro. | i HsiiiaK ■ tiUug- Fstudi.y J ms. I*. mx-~ i *elf that t Just a* welt' sell some of j these pig* I got for winter meat and | use the money to get some help. I ought not to hsvcj, sold l|icni but It 1 looked Ilk. It wn* the only way t<> save the tobacco. H'» 1 got up a bunch j ut them npd sold them for s4't. I gutre 1 the man ft and he gave m* 150, “tot the:' fore I got home I lort the moil. <y "It Just about killed me; my <4egs fut right weak-like and. If it would have done any good I would have tak er ■ .seat and cried right- there ". The SSO wjnt lost yesterday morning alout noon on route number hu2 he • ween Mitchell’s store and the route 40 The money wa>. In a • mall Wayne National B»nk folder. Mr. I'arker is-hoping that some - body found ths money who will r« turn It. GOLDSBORO N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1928 tivea and which was turned over. Oqe mao . wap*killed while atanding on the rear plat form. Eightfan other* were injured.—Photo by lotarnational Illustrated Newa. f«. the dam to be openwl, several hnn dred people Lorn all ovsr Wnyne and 'Vilton counties w.-re at> the pond, armed willy sclns, hand nets, dfttg n*lf. and even large tidm ami buckets, Ut Jtiia-. in Ut«. Ums-- As eke wafers began to reesed, nets.were stung out at strategic pornts. amt as Ih.- water went down stilj furthe-, and as the black ooxe of the mud but tom ap peared tn the shallow parts,'hip hoots were hastily pulled on, und Inti* the water went a swart;, of far wets, store owners, und huslnest and professional n»4r . Wo called llnaintlul and aoclal line* were thrown to the winds, and rich mao mid poo r man waded . Ilmw BIG Rtll II M l. AT WILMINGTON **• 1 - t> ■Modoc f'oaM (itiard I'jjrlv Maht Capture flAim Valued at ' , —-—.... —■—— ■■■—. WILMINGTON July 20—Capture of a cargo of ralualda imported 11. qtiors valued bet» et?n Jlif.iHH) and t&0, ! ih*o, the arrest of one man, giving ! hi* name as tietlrgc Waller*. and claiming -to be from I’bliadclphla, n liure ttf one uit+emdbiTeir one truck .and ■ fti.fiMii houseboat and tin* uu— covering of Hues that may lead to the 1 breaking dp of a huge liquor ring arc the results of a r:i*d conducted by Const guardsmen of the C. S flutter Modoc this morning ut Wntxlslde, pear Topsail I tile 1 . * The liquor consisted of 280 rB«h» of Imperii d liquor*, 35° sacks and I 4£._ barrels. There wew 13 cases of t Three Htar cognac, 'lff barrel* of Old nf&qtmr SHrtt-73 safler or ttbftttrtf 1n tnuid and one < ase of champagne, la the scUtire. . . Officers of the Modoc received a L telephone call from '\V»odswe snout m dnlght, Jelling of Uu* liquor being inert! ami a party of four guardsmen, t ilsrry A, tiro wit, Hob Moyle. Juke Korensen and W. A Maker, und* r the j command of .Mnsigtt, I 'V. Ityssey, I were immediately dispatched. I ; ' ( IfIKHKIt WITH M til, THEFT NKW YORK, Jnly 20—0 T» Arthi bol4 t'tiwpman asgtsUnJ lien kMpqf In th' steward’s® department. was . (barged, today with the theft of ra g.star'd trail from the United States ilner la-vlathaif between June lfi and June 22 while the vcssyl was uu tile j high seas. In the brown water gad the atjrky • mud of ihe poh.i-battom, all in aagwr Uaarch of the elusive finny tribes, j Uke over-grown they pulled and sweated on the string-ends •end handle* flf net#, swinging nround In circles, und then heading hack to ward the shore. As the bottom was ! shuffled ’ and stirred hy the tread of | hundred* of boot-shod feet, eiid the ; water* quickly became muddy, the Ash ltecatno less elusive—they could no b.**g*r see. nut) breathing beeame dlf ftoult Once in a while a large “chub" [or Jtuk would rise to the eurface, to i be quickly disputehed by a small stick • Continued 3n Pnaa Three! Announce Plans For Expanding Ft. Bragg FOlif MItVGG, July 2(i- (JP)— An-1 in .tic "tneiu of plans for additions •oul impi ivcments of quarters for It Hri'.rx arnv post haya hum snnounc. -d T . s Imdude: Harcank* |o accomodnte 1.140 enlist rd men. fY,ttA;wm. " ~ yuartcr* to actomndate 46 non commissioned officer $211,000 *tl Quarters to sccomodaiu 56 offbo rs, 1« *I,OOO. Quarters for 25 nurses, SBO,OOO. „ Hospital ward to accomodate 30 patients, SIOO,OOO. Fun Gragg Is « large training are* lof field artillery of the United Slates nrmy and ts station liuadquarfers for the 13th Field Artillery hrlgsd Abortion Charge Against Durham Doctor Postponed 111 HU A M htky »W».-»'tt4*e «w«e. of t»e Foy Durham ptiyGciaii. i harge,| with oboitlon as the result of |m rforming a criminal operation-epos Mis* Irmn Itobtnson, young Gold-boro woman Who taught in Gif Raleigh, city schools last year, wmx not called for trial lu Durham Superior Uoiirl F.l day moriilm: there iiiit much *'ruice of II helng called for trial at this lerfh of c«urt, ■ « • ' Tin solicitor was occupied with the trial of other cases Friday morning und no mention of the Robe*sou case wav made lu open court. Mr. ivnlght said. Ai a matter of fact tho Itobee* son ca-e * ume up from recorder',* court, too late lit be prln'u.l >o tbo doiket for this terra of court, b* add ed. The solicitor, planned to call the case of H, T. Harris, charged with cttihcxzlemcut, upon the opening of court Friday afternbojg. He sx ( *««ts Japan Government Is Latest Nation To Come j Under Kellogg Treaty FARM AND HOME PROGRAM IS 01 IT Wayne Cnunty Expect* to Send Urge Dele (ration to Raleigh ~ ■' For Meeting Farmer* and farw. women from rv ary IlgWii HIM esf |iu|. (Jlil gss|4)| ■ f T MV I V TVSVT vr* VVTW -evvv s^^vvw will gather at Mate ('allege Raleigh, next week--July 24th io 271 h, Inclu rive, lor ths sessions of Ihe Annual Fnnuar'a CouvenllOß This yaar for the Aist time, this occasion has baaa termed “Farm sad Home' Week", and It last one day longer than tha old conventlohs. Tuesday will tie business day, with greeting* from tha various heads of Stale Department*. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will have gpHy programs thut should Interest a far mer or farm woman regardless of their Hue of -farm production. Hoc lions isl be formed for Agronomy or I Kgrm crops, for Livestock, for Fowl try, for Forestry and for Hortlcultuiw and, for the women like divisions of subject n atter which should hold tba Interest of any farm woman daalrotia of lacreaalag her knowledge of food preparation, dressmfcktga, child health, •tc. 5 Contest* will be held as roltoWl: 1. A stiver loving cup wMi bo dm to the person naming corroctly the most specimens of plants on display'. 3 A groodsaw outfit win bv given | Th# person naming corroctly tha most) of 46 o' more' tress «n display i 2. A hog railing contest will inks' place on Wednesday. Frits to bs sn aouncyd at tha time, l Wiurns UouiiUr usnsUf kss a good attendance each year at tha annual •farmer's convention and several do* eus sf her farm people are expected to attend again year. CARS COLLIDE LAST EVENING Mrs. M. B. I/dwl* Slightly In. jurud In AcrUtent On E4vc of-Ctty I Mrs- M. U. Lewis susialned mlpor iirjui les about 8 o'clock last evening ill an automobile accident In front of the hopie of H, H.- Jawklng. op Jilgh way number 10. ’jm ' A truck loaded with 1706 pounds of fish end' rfrlyen by W B. Tatton of-' Prinoston collided with the Htudebak er In which Mrs. Lewis was tiding when the truck started to psee u car parked hy the highway. Tha machlnex met with a severe im part but neither was overturned. They were badly bent about the front llkd glia* shattered In the windshields. Mr* Lewis’ Injuries were said to bs superficial and hospitals r*|ffnrtad that so one came for treatment til* accident the esse to row tnt-t iftWtdjty sWn - noon, when Durhatr. Rtrpkrlor Court adjourns to reconvene October Y. s There la not much chanc# of Dr. Rob erson beln4 tried at this term unistn the solicitor should call It uhead of the Harris case. Dr Roberson Was bound over to Superior Court last week following a hearing In Durham Recorder's C nirt. His appearance boudbwa* fixed at $4,u00. Two other abortion case* are said to he pending against the Dur ham doctor. M. H. Davis, assistant State ento mologist, Is helng held on $2,500 ball on a charge of advising and pr««til ing the abortion, which resulted in the death of Miss Robinson, attending physician* said. A true bill was returned Tuesday of this week by the, Durham County grand jury against Dr. Kopiiraon. i mamm (Ml ' THE ABBOCIATHO PRBBB * PRICK FIYK cum Japan— Minister of Nwlffi Al* (sin* Accepts Treaty Without Change (ZHEt'O. SLOVAKIA IS 1 ONLY NATION NOT IN ,• ■ v l’renldgnt Coottdgo Mapi Hope Over Oetco— and ; SuvKosts Cealereaee wASMtsuWN, Jafy J»* pan's acceptance ot the Kail— aatH war treaty aa rev 4 erupted with congrataiatl— Areal the Table "upon the rapid end general acceptance at tha Amor lean proposal" waa received and mada public tonight Ip thh stats department * f Only tha rtpiy at tba Oaaehe-—. yphla la now Inching ‘o ve*pd oat tha plan tar a 1* power general pages treaty open to world wlda adherence. "Tha Imparts! —aeta ■ in prond to ba among tba first te be ag mk-tiled with tba movement no plain, ly In unlaon wUb tba hope purirtlW . 0 .a— wmiAAMnlls ■ nnnsmo Wei »•» ImlmWQ* KmH ©WBBmwmYsJp rvßt>w* With tba high probability as tba i iDtanoa of thin stmp)e tyeev Nr whole elvtllMd world 4 *, ■won Tnak*. Japanese mlntatar at foreign affair* asld In bla uoU at aonogf—a No reservation or a«HMw»| —4 ttoa of ia—*• underytaatftag of'Km term o fin revised AaMrteaaJiv*Mr ‘.laelf to tha nasal brief statement if, government Ip Secretary Kellogg-a« I nai ilgnatory to a tron»r a— ha tie iwvlaad draft trmnpitttad with t* American not*. ' TI •’• J'• t : ■wt r, cmaum m* -«»>aisMKTryn»er.asa—■—dgcggsgsa— —wot fliiPKßlOft. Win, Jely M.Hft rrnaident (’oplidge ballavan that ae International conference, pesalhlrM be held la Parts, for tha etmtrttapmO* m* nature of atl Interested govera menta of the anti-war covenant n*W under neßotlattoM Would ho ve# helpful in emphuhlstag the Intpof. lance of (ha treaty la the ayga at tha world by giving tha ceremony a ■•£• •bla leUfag. Secretary of Stata Kali— baa Ilk. farmed Mr. Goalhlgg. at (g-ettaill n|eng thli llna mad* by vartowa 9*- ropaufy countries and while Ms fie. paitmant has tba mattar aadar oas • Ideratten. no Anal decialoa has h— rear lied President Coolldga. however, tg ta> • lined to think that In rtaw of the crest Importance whieh tha pact hie rccaiytf by tha fiwataat pow er*, a aolama oera—y aa Its oowetn. •I»n would greatly* onhaaoa its prtg lige besides actually facilitating the (.tricing of tba nacaaaary signature*. THU DIATII fMI JQbtt NEW YORK. July JO-Wlth three mure heat deaths and foartaaa gras tratlona reported In tba matrogott. t«n area. Naw Yorker* mopped their brows today and aeannad tha aktaa for aigna of the cooling shearers pew dieted by tba Weather Baraan. RADIO EXPERT BURNED DEATH —a. Former Sweei heart of WlfeHl i And Widow Are Hold la Bombing Caae ■'■■am 'A ROrKPORD. 111.. Jnly «• —<KV— qnlry Into ihe fata! tnirnlpg es Bar ic-n Plager, Rochford radio expert, who was blown to death as ha etd|m. red ou the starter of his oar, reveal ed today that dynamite was tba eg. plosion used by the slayer. At the same time, police aaM they had learned Pant Read, accused far mar Mrs. Plager. widow of tha ra— export was familiar with Both Reed and Urn Plager haM 'been in custody since the hamb— | yesterday, although ageb denied eon. I unction with the slaying.'

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