WEATHER Partly clewdy Tuesday sad Wednes day Possibly thundershowers on the t ' -os, < cH - , W»„ ... VOLUME ERVEN; NUMBER 127 ■ *. * CLYDE HOEY ANSWERS CRITICISMS AGAINST SMITH SA YS CITY’S GREA TEST NEED IS GET RID OF BOOTLEGGER • fc O* In Cabinet as Governor Are 12 Protestants, Two Catholics, and One Jew Speech «f Foraicr Congremmißii tIMtH Stole Compel** la CMncr’e Town tarar smith will make ADDRESS IN NORTH STATE Hoey Holde Smith Hoe Not Heft . *4 Party Platform A* Re. sere To Liquor CHARLOTTE, July 14—(#>-While nr definite wort ks) been received Here that Governor Alfred E. Smith, Democratic nominee for. president, la lo apeak la Charlotte “eery reliable** ( Information haa been repaired that' he la |e apeak In North Carolina, Jr. D.McCaU, prealdeat of in* „ tMal Smith for preeldent olab announced today. SHELBY, July IMR-In open to a the North Carolina Democratic cam paign here tonight Clyde R. Hoery former coagrcaamao from the alntn district, declared that he vu for Governor Alfred E. Smith, "wlthoat excuae and without apology.** H woe a divided crowd tn sentiment though Democratic tn politic* that hoard Mr. Hoey. open the campelgn, man? of them were deseed as anti- Smlth Mr. Heap ceateeed his apeech about Hla answer to the three major crltt •lama Os Smith—hla Tammany con nection. hia alleged wetneaa, and hla religion. There is oft* «rre defense for At Smith agaluat any charge that can he made against 'Tammany. Mr. Hoey raid end that Is "hla own epotleaa record of pnbllc service for the peat *8 years. “ Referring to the wet Issue, Mr. Hoey said that “for more than thirty 7 ears, not a single president of this country haa been prohibitionist Tdft wa» not, Wilson we* not. Hard. Ing was not. and Coolldge la not Moreover/ the present Republican can dfctate, Herbert Hoover never voted ; tor prohobttion In hla Ufa. Is not a dry and paver has been. “We are told that Governor Smith bolted at platform”. Mr. Hoey coat In red. “Ho did nothing of the kind.” j The platform declares la favor of on. forcing the law and be aaye. that he will do that lo the full letter of hla oath. ■■■-v-i? * “Oovarnor Smith's whole record give# assurance that hla religiose af filiation would In no ~way effect .the administration of hla office. There was fifteen member* 0 f this cabinet as governor. It o whom are proteatanta, 2 Catholics and one Jew. Hlr policy tl to appoint good men lo office re gardless of religions affiliation. “If we shall cease our criticisms end- quit our fait flnd'ttf. art) line np solidly behind A! Smith, he Will charge the breastworks of Repubtl- * cane, take the tranche* of privilege and pillage and go trtumphaiW*y over the top on November 4, and plant the -tnxialned and uaaullled banner of Democracy la the citadel of "the naT lion at Washington” . > CHRIS GRF.EXK WINS NEW RICHMOND. Ohio. July 24 (JF) —The packet Chris Greene beat the Retay Ana, Ita challenger for rlv. ar supremacy by two lengths In a 20 mile race froyVMnrlnnatl on the Ohio 1 river tonight. The unofficial time was 2 hour* ((.minutes. . . I * '0- . • '’’ , t cohfhwto* n obrfu.ox min MEXICO CITY, July »-<A*>—Gen eral Antonio Rloa Zerturhe. chief of police of Mdxlco City stated today 5, that a full confession has been ob tained from Joe* de Toral. ac. cueed asaaaaln elect °h regon, but that be was unable as yet te reveal Us contents. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS _ _ <> . * READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Wall Street Hears Price* To Advancf NEW York. July *4—(AS—Wall •trcct ne*ra tntiij uit rtwtwi tw the wholesale price of cigarettes which was put la effect late last April shortly would be rescinded. Officiate of leading cigarette menu lecturing companies expressed no surprise at the report but would only elate they they could "say .nothing about |t“ ~ FARMERS OPEN ANNUAL MEETING Hundred* tn Raleigh For Fine Program For Men and Wo men of Parma RALEIGH, July 24—(AV-Tbe ***h annual session of the'North Carolina Farm (invention began today at N. r at*is College with nearly l.°M men and women from North Carolina farms gathered together for the four day Institute on problems or rural life. - -»~ The ouuVsaUau pas formaiig dimm ed thla morning with of welcome by Dean I. 0.~ Scbaub, of the.achool of Agriculture. Outer apeak era were J. C. B. Erlngheua. Elisa-: teth City; mmim IlffiSS *,°r ock. president of the farm convention and William A. Graham. Commmslon or of Agriculture. The program of the Institute calls for dally clauses In "agronomy. Hvfcl stock, hortirultnra. home economic!? i poultry, farm engineering and fores try. Special attention wMI be given dur Ing the Institute qn varloue day* to bog*, dairy cattle, beef cattle, bore- j es. end aheep with speakers from tbs rtate department M Agriculture anil State College experts. Prominence la given to forestry on | the program of the week. R. W.) Graeber, extension forester, haa pra-' pared an instructive .exhibit showing 1 proper method* of handling farm for ests, Including reforestation of de luded lands, harvesting of mature tree* and method* of securing ade quate firewood without damaging trie t< rests. T Entertainment features “have also, teen Included the program Trip# to various atato building will be spon sored. Hog calling, crop Identifies, tldn and tree Identification contests, have been arrange^ The annual meeting of the State. Federation of Hqme Demonstration clubs will held Id connection with . Continued on page 2 Saves His Father From Being; Washed Overboard in Storm J. C Kluttx, of Concord, 70 odd year* old, father of C. A. Klultf local barber, hgd a narroW escape from drowning while fishing at Vandemerc Monday afternoon. Seven member* of the Kluttx family had bcey having a great tlm-i druw li.ft In big .fat blue fish, pig Dali, am) croakers. The father, wb i v. ivc r»v<*nty, and another son. halting from the puland* were having the' time of their ltvea at the sport, for tishtng xurh a* they were experienc-- Ing was a thing unknown In Cabarrus county. Every one they were pulling In weighed a pound at least. All unnoticed, an ominous-looking cloud had pulled up close. The first Turning the fl*hing party bad of the cloud -and the party wa* 13 miles Out An the Pamlico—at** when a large fishing boat began to sound Its For Sale-r-One "Used Husband’'' kr' 111 Ff| BPS 'w| I m PTI » That’* the remarkable proffer whTch Mrs. Janet Quittner (abovf with herlhuabandiJTs alleged to havefntadc to Mrs. Esther Feld-; man Beck (inset below) according to papers in g $50,000 hetH balm suit instituted by Mrs. Quittner against Mrs. Beck. Thi ' latter denjes the larceny charge, saying that plaintiff came tn her and aaid : H lf you pay me s>lo,ooo, you can have my hugbanu for wmr htilbhri* ’* August -22 Is Date ior Formal Notification of Gov. A1 Smith ALBANY. July 24—(A*) -Oovarnor Smith will be uotilind of hi* namina- Wn tVednend»y evening, August 22. w The ceremony, which gill take place on the east step* of the State capitol here, and Wtll be broadcast by a na tion wide network 'of radio nt»tlona, will begin at seven p m euaterri day light time, and la expectetf to laat about one hour and a half. After considerable , ’ difttculty tu making radio arrangemshta because of the necessity of shifting fixed pro grams. announcement that a definite t'me for broadcasting the notlffFktlon ceremony had Wen agreed upon wa* made today by Governor Smith. ' Thr Democrpti? prealdential n<'tul nee *ald that while he had not be. gun actual drafting of his acept- Wtw speech In which he h*d promised m touch on alt campaign Issues he figured it would take an hour for .de livery. He also calculated that Sen ator Pittman of Nevada would need 15 minute* for hi* notification speech trnd that another 15* mtnure* would oe required for “Incidental hutlnee.* Governor Smith, In response to an (Continued page thro) siren wjMsfte In warning The captain in "charge of the launch on which tl*tt Klttftxcs werj fishing at once pulled up his kttchor. craukcd ’hi» motor and headed for the shore, i But mile* before the protection of the Ih-hcli had been reached the Ntnrm had broken about the sm*U craft in arcat fury. Waves many feet high broke over the craft. Nothing daunted Mr. Kluttx, the Concord m*h, stood up in the Ixxtt to reply tn seme word which big son C. A. Klutt*. the local barber, had shouted above the wave*, A* he Mood up a big comber washed aeroeti the boat A* It went over, It gifted the old mnn wrth K, UU he»d warn under ttie .water and his teet shot up. Then hi* feet went down _»nd ..his head shot up Reaching nnt suddenly, C. A. Kluttx. seised Wa -—" (Continued on Page Three) GOLDSBORO N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 192» WOMAN BOUGHT MUCH JEWELRY Sheriff Jlecover* $5(MI.OOO In Jewels Stud irt Unique Fraud Method NEW YORK, July 24—(A*)—Jewel# valued at almost half a tnlllou dollar* were seized by (he sheriff from a Fifth avenue jeweler t<‘dgy on the ground that he had obtained them, ap parently In go«d faith, from a house, keeper, who authorities said hud run Wild on her inipW>yrr> credit Mr*7 Maria J Leslie, It w*n s*ld uttfre slier iff* office was for a long ,(1010 housekeeper to Mr. and Vt l **- ‘ .John Emerson of Baltimore, wealthy MM'lety family, whose name Is famil iar to the public as manuFacturcra of 4»vom*w»et*er. tHMt bad awrtrorjty » make purcbaNe* for them. This spring the Emerson’* went to Europe find Mrs. Leslie * taxied In to buy fUMtli.OOte worth of Jewel*. n . * . - -k. Bhc obtained ffom Wanamakev Ookcs here *ud iu Philadelphia Jewels prMQ at «60,0tt0 on of her former authoFlsnUon and dispos ed of them to Harry Winston, a fifth avruyg jeweler, naylng she wa* nil* Ing tbc jewcl# for Mr#. Emerson who had certain obligations she must meet, at wtr* WUMW»B* , »atsriie paid t» ikoß m:vi Company FORMED HERE *ar - (it Itlshoro Securities! and Operat. inn Company Ik Title Os Firir. The following certificate of Incor poration were tiled In the office of the t !<•■ rctary of Btalc In Raleigh Monday: Gold»bdro Becarftle* and (>j»eratlng Company, of Goldsboro, N. C. To op er«ie otn<«« and ugencltla for com; nu and mercantile put pose*. Au- Ihorixed tatiltal stock. (100.000; pre ferred *to< k and kbarcs no par i value common. *iiK*cribed etock six share* no |>ur value con mon.-By tier- ■ man Well, K. B. Borden. Jr., and Lionet Welt, of Gfildsboro, N. CV | Erect Tobacco Barn In 18 Working Hrs. t » Here'* a record which resident# of Ml Olive reule 5 aecllou would like tu kuow other section lu the L-ouuty or state can equal. Friday at noon fire completely destroyed the tobacco barn of g C. F. Jordan M*ttd*y morning a enrw was being made In e new hern erected by the-neighbor* (lather :—— —m —* Ing after the misfortune befell Mr. . Jordan, hi* uelgbbata eeected the barn lu It grorjilng hour*. NEW STORE TO OPEN IN CITY , ■ » ( axh and Carry Auto Acctsser. leg Place Opens On Auffust 15 - r 4 11 11 A cash and carry auto accessories chain store will be the ueweet thing on East Walnut street on August IS, A. -Mr Loraw'of prwt dent of the Otto Marke Company, Inc.. announced while In the city yeeterday. Mr. Lucas completed arrangement* for leasing the store at 129 East Whip. nut. moat recently occupied by the Gold Star Grocery Company. A man ager. will come here from Wilmington, Mr. Lucas said, but other helo will be employed locally. ' The Mark# Company has a store in Wilmington and selected Goldsboro as ihg rvluigj Xitr iu Hinnrttd rLua alißff e se ** j#»wv“W ..iewv ee ™ ■ l W* l m ' MPPW an Investigation a* to the opportuni ties offered in most of the Eastern North Carolina towns. Mr. Lucas said yesterday that he wa* highly mpreas ed with the future of the city. T -- - CAN’T CONFIRM MORONES STORY New York Hburcen Hear E*. l4tbor Minister of Mexico Is Wounded , MEXICO CITY. July 24—(A^—Re port* rlt-i'lved in New York City t(t day th*l former secretary of labor Loo hi Morottes. had been wounded Jnly IS,, i-ould not be versified to night! Morones whereabouts were un known and thoke ordlnsrly close to 111 mwere ignorant of where he wag Or cbo*e to conceal tbelr knowledge. Innitfiiberable report* concerning b.m hkve been circulating for the day*. Onfc asya be. baa escap ed to the I'nlted Slates In au airplane If any attacks have been made an him they Imve bath kept secret. Au Int-ittfallon that in addition to r? pm aii fling rcninvul iyf mil moutfml# iU the labor parly from the Government, leaders did not expert President Cal les tn 1 remain lb foflce as provisional resident was .seA-n In a statement ftom the Obregon leader Soto Y. I "w -1 I ((’nnllnunl on page two) Gardner andSeawell Accept Invitations to Speak Here The Hkecutive Committee of thf North Carolina Forestry Association o'imounce* thul Invitations tn make addresses at the 18th Annual meeting Os the Association, In be held In Golds’ l!Hh to 21st, h»ve l»een accepted by Hen. O. Max flard •ier, Hon. H F. ileayrelj. H°" Mark Squires (who ha* done such spktndjd work In the InVereet of the Great Smoky Mountain National I’arkL M»Jor Wadi- H. idillllp*. *nd G H. Colllngwood. Forester of the American Forestry As*oclatlon. Otb. ers who are expected are O'. M. Waf hurton. Director of Extension Work jiLthe Departmonl of Agriculture, and a. representative of the lxa»k Walton League In North Carolina. Dne day of the meeting will he de voted to discussions of farm wnnd land* and a demotistrallon of farm [" , i Many People Declare Liquor and Beer Sold Promiscuously in City 1 l_ " ’ ' 1 "UJ r - ' r- -I— ---I Succeeds Dr. Work - «* '-(-v v. . % » '*■ 3'sl-^^^^^Bhßßß 18. sk BK 4 mi - m. W yH| Roy D. Wert, Republican nw-i tional committeeman from Chicago end peraonal friend of President Coolldge, who hag been appointed aecretaryof the interior, auccccding Dr. Hubert v Work, whtfc resigned to pilot the campeigm of CHARIIF DIES YESTERDAY ■ *e hi Healh Came In Local Hhapltal Folloy'ing IllneHs of Weel>; Funeral Today FollowUig so one. week, Charlie F. Wllk'na died at a local hospital «t 2 o'clock yeetrrduy after, noon, Funeral service# will be held from rtie home of a slater, Mr*. L. F. I’carsall, In Edgewood at 5 o'clock this afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. Petbr Mclntyre, psator of tfte First Presbyterian church . The following have been selected as imlltttsrW*: H. B. Haley, O. J. O. . Seymour. B. L. Bare fuuL X. M . Parker, C. L. I‘oUarg,. . Ifiicrtnettl Wl»l he made to WUUnr Itolc cemetery Hurvivlng Mr. Wilkins are two dunk liters: Mrs. Joe Antom, of Rat. elgh: Mrs. William 8. Hitter or Spen cer: two eistere. Mrs. S. B. Ihrger of PtkerUfe and Mr*. Pkarsall of Goldsboro wood laud management will be made by R. W. Grat'lier, Extension Forest er, at the forest belonging to the State H"*|iltnl st Goldaboro. In order to stimulate attendance, a *prl*e will be awarded In jbe COttnty *eh*kUig the largest numlier of dele gate*. The prise, a year's subscrip -0 . , Hon to the m*«asinr American For. <-»t* und Forest Life to each of the hlgJjfNu-hoolH althln the county, will be swarded on thru hdglKT thfi hnmber In attendance from a given county will he multiplied by the mileage from (ho county seat of that county to Goldshorq^ Every onflow I Ril is Interted in fores try, farm wood land management, and fish and game la invited tn attend the meet lug of the A-vM-latlon as a dote, sate, according to Joseph Hyde Pratt, Chairman Executive Committee. MEMBER 6r THE ASSOCIATHI) PRESS PRICE POT CENTO * • fir \ X AVERAGE MAMMAMR CHARGRft VUY OMHLT What Uoldaboro ttepte eßp** «W». thlag alee right now. John D. UmgMMi ywterddr, to te *M lid of tha boetlegger. “I* con vereetion with niti—a of Ooldaboro dating Um pMt Jp« «Mkf M Col. I -angel on Mid, “1 tow* tort 1/tuxtmairiy onv hihrivi fivfiv ■ »P* reacting vartoua wall* of Pa, atate aat faar of contradtetlea that whtek. W to being COWUMMMb nndnhao* ( pant* aold in' aeveral haadrad bwpt toggtng Joint* in aa ar*nnd OoPh two, that aiarge tto lilting atationa around, tto dtp «r» to , the regular bualaetfk. sag Ml'tol h«RM la tbeetty. opmmtod hya white wiaaaa. ratal!* Ilgwor pad to*r to tto glaaa wlthont faar at. JagpfyapUpa. ; "Either than* oadddi— «dtf| to they don't eaUt UtorPto to* a* capt to pick ap a “UrqT MM to a while. boldly aaye. If art | • orrect. tha preaent toed at tha city <<o*a not have to to gppapad. •. ,<* ' Don’t nak me ahead than* chargee, aak the average man who wplto nh*at the atraau "Thar* lan't nay donht thht Nfdtt, i» being sold too fre*ljr la OHdatoto. "If. Urn* tor tto gtod elttoona *1 the city to learn that tollan to toted* about criminal* tatoa them oet at tto claaa of *ood rftlMfta." u RASKQBTOQUIT GENERAL MOTHS New York &■ Say. He ""aagpfcr- NEW YORK. Jaly U.~yt>-Vka Ntw York American today eaye it he*| learned thnt John J. Ranke*, chair men of the National Democratic (Men** mittee. will sever hi* ogtclal oooMe-' lion with OaoaraJ Motor* Co loration , to give nil hie time to tto greatdaatlai campaign of Oovareor Smith. Mr. Rnakoh, It anto. tod (mu* tto dutlaa of managing Ctowarner dmlth’a campaign too arduona to permit of his remaining aa chairman bt tto taaaoe (on.mlttt* of fmgfH MMam., Although Mr direr**- in aavnml other componina. tha gapdr Mid he doaa not intonate reaign imeU Wanae they do not take time that had to b« denpdtua mnaag- ““ Ing the aflnlraipf Motodtl ( Corporation. ( / \ ) Mr. Rnakoh. who (Or madyf yontli waa a member of the etaunahiy\Mor publican Union league Cl*b o t ton-' delphta haa been propoeed for mom berahlp in the National Drnocrath tlub of New York. Although Hated In wto'a who a* a Republican, Mr. Raakob aald st tha lima of hie election to tho Democratic National < halrmanahtp that ho hod al waya been independent in politic* Although (i« Governor in expected 1:. make comparatively tow a peer ton, Mr. Raakob aald that everyone "artU have ample opportunity of either eee •n* him or hearing him over the i»-- dio," ; ,' ■> ——•»-*-*»* it . «a *

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