WEATHER Haiti)' cloudy Tuesday and Wednes day Possibly thundershowers on the rsast 1 VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 118 SIMMONS RESIGNS AS NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN Announce*? He Has Sent Resignation To Raskob But Makes No Comment AiuMHincenaot of Resignation Is Mads Frost New Bern Home Last Nigfct » CHAIRMAN MULL REFUSES TO COMMENT ON ACTION Believe National C'omrnlttee Has Power to Fill Vacancy Thus Created NEW BERN. N. C. July 26 OP) Senator F. M Slummo*. Senior Sen ator from North Carolina, and lona the recognised bead of the Demo cratic party in tbe State, announced today be bad forwarded to Johu J. Kaakob. national chairman, bia res ignation aa a member of the Demo cratic National Committee. No explanation was given by the Senator for hit action. 1 Segatcr Slmmona was unanimous ly elected national committeeman by the State Democratic Convention meeting In Raleigh In June. Prior to tbe Democratic National Conven tion, which he did not attend, he waa i utspokeu In )ria opposition to the nomination of Governor Smith Since the nomination of Governor Smith. Senator Slmmoua has made no political statement. Senator 81m* mona aaid ha bad alao wired Odus M. Mull, Shelby, chairman of tbe State Democratic executive committee, ad vising him of hla resignation. Senator Slmmona arrived at hla hums here a few days ago from a Maryland sanitarium where he had baan resting following an IllnSaa I’paa advice of hie physician he did i.ot attend the Houston convention, and waa not proaent at the meeting ol the National committee wtten Haakob waa elected national chair man. K Tbe Senator has been national* com. mltteeman since 1924 succeeding Governor A. W Mcl-ean, who re ■ighed when he became a candidate for governor. Mall Silent HMFI.BY. July 25 —DPI -0 M Mull chairman of the State Democratic committee, declined tonight to corn mint on the resignation of Senator F M Simmons from the Democratic Nitlonal executive committee. He Indicated that he had only been noti fied by the Senator of his action without comment, and did no? feel at I'berty t» add to that statement. Chairman Mull expressed belief that the Nattoual executive committee la empowered to fill the vacancy. He said that no recommendation for a 1 luceeaaor would be placed before the I National connntttee by the N*rth J Carolina committee unless cefled 1 upon. OWENCOMESbUT FOR MR. HOOVER Says Republican Candidate lies'? Fitted Man in America For Presidency . J) ■ YORK, July 25 Dtf— Robert 1.. Owen, former Democratic 11. 8. Senator from Oklahoma, for 18 years In s statement Issued today, endorsed Herbert Hoover for president. /f r> ' ’At headquarters of Senator fieorge Hr Moses. Eastern Hoover campaign manager. Owen said: >Mr. Htpeve* In my opinion Is tly» 'test qualified man ever presented by sny J>Vty In America .for the presi dency during my lifetime. "As chairman of the senate comnM •ee on banking and currency, Senator Owen managed the passage es the Federal Reserve Act and farm loan in the upper house of Congress. ADD MACHINERY FOREST CITY. July 25MiP)—The Forest City Hosiery Mills h»ve Just completed the Installation of two new full fashioned hosiery machines, giv ing the plant a total of eight such machines. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING SVHILK MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. •„ \ \ 7 ~ - - ' ‘—2 1 -* i ; County Sells Another Begin At 8:45 P. M Wayne County Commiaaloner In session yesterday did some more re-flnem Ing and- approved plans fer construction of additions to three rural aclioola The commis sioners sold another fIttO.OOO worth of short term notes to the Wayne National Bank at ala per cent Interest. Duly last week the slue hank purchased fTfi.dwt worth of notes at 6 percent. The papers sold yesterday will mature in six months mud are sold to re finance notes sold six month# ago Contracts for erection of additions to the Rosewood, Belfast and Sev en Springs school houses were also approved and submitted by the Board of Education. 90 PEOPLE TO BE IN PAGEANT “America’s Obligation” Is Title of Sketch to He Given Sunday Night Only ninety people will take part In the pageant called, "America's Ob ligation". put #n by the Womans Mis sionary Society of Fine Forest rliurch and staged at the Rosewood School house Sunday night July 29th at 8 p. m. The pageant depicts the res ponsibility of Christian America to give the Gospel to all men everywhere "We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities /of the weak, and Mot to please ourslevc*". The pageant constat* of a prologue. f»ur closely connected episodes given -without in termission. and an epilogue. The theme of the pageant: “The preaching of |he Gospel to others will build a stronger, better church In America and help mightily to bring lhr dty when Jesus shall rule lit all her affairs. » " The United States Supreme court has decDKyW that America is a Christian rtSlloil. If'the principles upoll which the nation was founded ere Christian does not that fact make It Imperative that America shall take the lead in propagating » potent Chris tlsnity. „ A few of the main characters are: Miss Julia Sutton, Miss Sa ,-ah Gurley, the church?" Mr. A. H. Vcasey, chonicler, Mias Mildred New ell America; Miss tmdlse Gurley, wealth; Mr. V. M Bass, stewardship Miss Alice Davis, love; Mr. George Harrison Becton, lnflrmutton: Mrs, IT; I;. Edwards, honesty; Miss Bailie Sutton, prayer. This page»nt has been well coach ed and I lie parts well worked out You will enjoy the pageant and the public ic cordially Invited. Remember the time and place; Sunday night at Rosewood school. *•» . . OLD ARCHBISHOP QUITS HIS JOB - * First Time In History of Canter bury Chat Archbishop Has Stepped Down IAW DON. July 25—DPI—Official announcement was made tonight thivt the Archbishop of Canterbury, pri mate of all England. h“« resigned It !s the first tiiiie ill the history of the arch-aee'of Canterbury .that the arch bishop has resigned, Ills predecessors having died In office. The resignation of the archbishop wh<> before his elevation In 1903 was the Most Reverend Randall Thomas Davidson, bishop of Winchester, had bye II ex pel ted for sometime. Tbe archbishop,' who Is 8h years old, had a long and distinguished career In the church, saddened In recent montha by the rejection of the revised alterna tive prayer book by the House of luminous . Calles Mourns Martyred Obregon Jjt 1 9 ™ w — ' tJdlFi #t wr , mJiM tm wr* W^i Up i Thi* unusual photo shows Plutarco Elias Calles, president of Mexico, his hat off and afoot, as he sorrowfully followed the coffin which contained the martyred General .Alvaro Obregon to the train which bore it to its last resting place in Colonna U— , . Discredit Reports About Bootlegging In Goldsboro "I have hesrd tht* talk too about | np much liquor selling around thel ( tty," said Rhertff ‘W. IJ, rtrimt yes-1 terday In discussing charges repeat, cd In yesterday's News by Co| John .1). Ijimgston. who quoted the man of the street. "Most <>f it Is Just talk", went uu the Sheriff. "We never fall to Investigate every clue as to prohibition law violators that Is bropght iia And we never re veal the name of one giving the infor mation either! “My deputies and I are here to en-I force the law to the best of our ability | end we «rc trying to do this. If these people who say that so much liquor .* being sold will just give ua the add raises of the sellers or tell tls where they are, we will go after them We are the servants of the people” 'Chief of Police Tew also discred ited report* that there V* a great deal of ItOotlegging going on In and about the city. He said that lie cured so lit- FORTY FARMERS MAKING A TOUR —'z Grantham ''nef* Pikcvillc Men Leave Thin Morninpr For Trip to Oxford Forty Wayne county farmers— twenty from Grantham township and Twenty TVofti TTkeVTrte —arc tmrytmr tilts morning for a trip to the 'tolaaieo Kx per i ment Station Or ford. Prof.- C W, Warrick is con-' Ui'ding the tour of the IMkevHle men and Prof. G. K., Seymour la conduct-! f - j Ing the Grantham tourist* The trip to Oxford will be made byway of Durham and In Granville' the party wtH ms onty visit the To tacco Experiment but wilt' I —— * (K visit the .Masonic Orphanage, and other iMilnts of Interest. The return (tip will be made byway of Wake . Forest with a short stop at > "*vW*ke; I orest College and Gouisbufjcr’”* The I’lkeVille crowd has chartered a bus to convey them on the trip; ADDING Kj( Il'MI NT TUXKDO. N. ('.. July'rS—DP]—The Green River Manufacturing Company rhlch ns recently reported as pl«n iiiiig to instajl looms, is going ahead with its plans of erecting a new cave shed nnd putting in 04 new looms The company whleli has been making only combed yarns,' will produce biosdcluth* In thc>future. GOLDSBORO N. C. IHi'RSDAY MORNING, JULY 26. 192 H I tie about the charges made that he J read only a part of the article In The 4- New s about them. 'Uflr* ns facta a«d Ve will act,” he went on. Home officers spoke of the great (l'fflculty In obiafiiiiig evidence suffi cient to convict. Thpy agreed with The News editorial of yesterday that their task would he greatly lightened <f such a strong public opinion could he developed as to make Impossible for a bootlegger to live In any part of the town without drawing upon him [self the wrath of his neighbors. Under thCie . ctrciinistantils. It wqa said. It , would bo easier to get cvidetictriuf llclent ,to convict. * The "sick” dodge was one revealed somellmee employed, officers sold, by bootleggers to uvold ap pearing In court when cited for vio lation. The person sited. It was said, gets "sick" and procure# a doctor’s (ertlflcate to the fact that, he 1# not In condition to appear in court, and iotnetlines the case goes over. It w»# •aid. —, .. . ’ SEEKING \ NEW CHINESE TREATY I —1 Minister McMurray in I’ekinß * Authorized To Act On He. half of United States -7-I*- •W ASHINGTON, July 25—DP)--Ac , crptance of proposals by the Chinese Nationalist# authorities for negotia tion of a new tmrtft treaty, gianting j China fdll Autonomy has beep com municated to th*l goverirnlent hv j Secretary 'Kellogg, j Mac Murray In Peking Tim note of a< ti ptance which was p.aile public tonight lev the gtate de p.irtm<iit wuthorixr* Mr. MacMuxray cut the Crlited State* In ft«- rirtdlaltima with property, accredited representatives of the NartonalistS' government. It stipulates that the Cnljcd St-it< * Idoki'to the Nattonallst 1 roverumeut fur adequate proteetlon ,n China *t*d foe their right# and for equal treatment for Ameyicau rititenn v. itli those of any other rouoUry. M W I'I.IMT illOI'T READY OXFORD, July 25—14*»—The Ox. •T-fork Silk Varus Company, NUhKldla- I 11 ration, ha# announced That It ex ■ ry of the Southern Silk Yarns Cor. pact* to have its plant ready for op ■ ec at lon in aboil! two mouth# It will •' ' jive « weekly capacity of 2.11 U pound 1 converted rayon yarn*. HAMLET FLIER ON CITY FIELD J. O. Roy all Will l)o Commercial Fly Idr From Field Today —Maybe For Rent Week Huttontown, Sampson couniy. h»* intertslued It* flrat alrplaivoff K. M Royal), native of Bnlembuig and now residing In Mantlet, thoythi the folks of tho village where hi* wife wa* burn how to briug a plane down In the negro baseball park there. Royall. Who name to <>»ld*bnro yea lerday to do aome commercial flying, told about the trip to Suttontown. , All the folks wanted to go rising with the nutlyg of Hampson hut he refused. Ua ail right gutting your | lane down Inaide a Itaneball park, but tT*u nnt the saneirt hied *1 flying to take people for hope from sin Jj narrow confine*. Young Kbyall how. ever, did make a concession to the brother of his wife, who wa* a But. (oil anikto one or two otherM. Hoyall has 100 hours of flying time U lila credit and la now hoping about iui the country on a abort vacation, doing passenger flying hetlmea. Ac. niipanyiuK him is Arthur also of Hamlet. who acta aa ground n an. The tw<{ lauded In Royal l*a Waco to biplanti on the municipal field yes. hrdivy having come to the city from KuMgh Uy way of Rocky Mount. They *uld they would be at the field all ways today and If business was rood would remain throughout the week.- i HOUSTON CAMP PUNS REUNION W. , a I. Preewdtrit WIH ■ He Maintained by Old Hoi. diet* of Duplin anil'f—f - _ For more than thirty years, an an nual reunion of the W. J. Houston ('amp of Confederate veteran* baa been held at behauaville on the firat p hur*d«y of each August. The reun lon fpr this yaar will take place on the second »f Augeat, at the court' hottac In Kenauavllle. It ha* become qulie an event In the county to be looked forward lb by all the people of the county, especially the young folks who attend by the thousands. It has also become a home coming day fi r the many son* and daughter* of (he county who have gon# away to pv»k. th«ir home* In other counties ..ini states, and' many of them come hack on th«t day to greet old friend* (.ml kiuafolk. The camp wa* named for Capt W. J. Houston, a brilliant young law yea of Duplin, who raTSed fh# first company of volunteers, was with On ( ral J. K. D. Stuart of Virginia, and was htiled at Ashby* Gap, to that Mate. For many years, S. II Newton, a lieutenant In the Civil W*r. wa* commender of the ramp. When h<\ died II C. Harden, another! civil ware veteran, became eoWMwaade* which post he held till hi* death the 23fd of July. TheTe nr* still a ~nml*er of veterans, members of thla mnp. wtm tatrf dmrti ttn4r «tm* mo»e than S 3 year* ago. There is always a speaker for the Occasion, a band of music, and din ner furnished by "the members of the cr-mp and their wives . WRITES LETTER TO MINISTERS Moderator of Georgia Baptist ( on \ cut ion l'rgc*-*WniKterM Stay Out Politics <c »- .... —* ATIcANTA. Jtfly 28.-—(IP) The Rap. list preachers of Georgia have been !>\ked by Dr. John I) Mcll. president! if the (ieorgla-Haptlst .convthtijon to, keep out of politic*. ’’ Dr. Mell, who has been president of the Georgia convention since 191 S. has written an open tetter to the preachers which will be pub. Ilshed tomorrow In (be Christian In - deg here. Me warned the inlnisfers In avoid politics particularly, in their, pulpit*. j Tourist Ship With 1500 About Sent Out SOS Calls From Spitzbergen I Quit* General Motor* i I w I^, V W T , , shBHE I ' I' M < ,*"*** w" HMPv \\ / / mL ' / U \ John Raakob tendered nit resignation aa cbhirman of the finance committee of Gen eral Motor* in qrder to devote his full time to the campaign < of Governor Alfred E. Smith. He it chairman of the National Democratic Committee. CALLS PIR ATE T FANS ROWDYS h C. Denmark Won’t Go Back If They Send Special PnH man Here for Him tall* plr«tes—FOßONT ~ ...... 9.. “I wouldn’t go to uwkwrmakA game In Wilmington. If they sent a r peels I Pullman up here fur me, n IMid K i Denmark, yeeterday, la dlreusalng the exhibition of staged by Wilmington fan* and by member* of the Wilmington team at the Goldsboro Wilmington game in "It was aa poor au -exhibition of Wrlmtngton Tuesday afternoon. eportman*htp throughout aa I have .vw seen.", said Mr. Denmark, and he ct hge twen following baseball, foot, hall and sport* generally over North Carolina for a number of year*. ’’l h»ve seen baseball from New York on cown and I have never seen anything to equal It. o . "Curae word* were continually hur led at Goldsboro players by fans. It aa* kill him, murder him. I’ll pay vour fine, all the way through. Row dyism la the only word that will des cribe It diid rowdyism la not atroag enough. I * “••Of cours** there were a number of WiluUusurn ptHipla:.-prc*eut .who were not taking part ftt this un«portsmau like exhibition and they were disgust ed with what "was goth* on Hut they j)t; yb’ t‘f | f*|M| j ||]p f ftl’fi* of kUt_ r tl storm Ar”fury helms veined a* Goldsboro players. k Thera were atsmt thirty people from Goldsboro present and I will bet that not a one of them will go hark to another game In Wilmington. “Baseball In a small efty league such as the Eastern North Carolina | 1 op ought to be played In » spirit that ' would bring Ihe town* el riser togeth er, rather than after the fashion of j I*lk city rurkateeVs and a spirit that j will engender animosities and kssp the cities father apart.I** 1 ** ' . U Canisters Kill Each Other In St Ixniis —. _ . -4 I ' ’ HT I,ol’lß, Mo. July « —OP)— Jones Russo and Mike Lertgo, gangs, 0r.,. were killed and Jack Griffin waa seriously wounded In a pistol fight .it a vacant lot lu Maplewood, a sub urb,today The iMidiea of Rttsao and l.enyk were found beside their aS tomofilTe*. flaug differences are ; thought to have been responsible for I the fight. MRlfßgtt 018 THE ASSOCIATE PREBB ' j prick riTi am MetMafM Picked Up B; km breaker K rami a Wlich Turns Abnul to Aid VESSEL REPORTED IN DISTRESS 13 GERMAN Story Related In Radio Dtapolrß From Havao Apwij 1 Cor. *■ MOHt'OW, Rassla, My » (ATI Tin Saw Sana i«Mf corresponds*! sbssN fln lw iirrHSer *ni»*»n rOSIII SO SS *u» p. m. today Mai tin Kmdi nm * hearing HOH calls Mm MM IMb posssagsr aksatd. f*a laamv sla bad pat iknt cod tom tad. tag for Ml Mud, 9»HclM*— where the s%mls ace beMbeed to have rone from. Jbly T fren ielbemeo, Nermy, wiu § inilf ag|p senffor list. Ml M b eo *o> * west (west of RpMebeopo tem .. than 10 nflos to the team es -t King's »ey. A .yp«» ■■ i—iHiiiiias—mi ZEB JOHNSON - IS CAPTURED Halfway Dowa Rapa Tkionm From Hoar Windoor of NR*i Station Whoa Takon, . ... m* mm,, T*t> fohosow HTtOfff,, flinging to a rop# oa wltfah he Md sought escape, Zob Ishaeea, opaßp t n a charge of violating tin preOst tlon law. was oaptered ysstseder h* Deputy Sheriff J. 0. Ksnagp- Johnson felled to pm 4w ea • gpk poaraaoe to answer to r ' ihergi,, 0 breaking the Itgoor laws several months. soArOfftoers hedTlaga mk •he look ant for htn. Weed cent jrcto turday that V had Rasa seed to «jp old Tom Pierce filling ctatiea eo b'ghway number 10 put Meet es M|b tbs nr , , Deputy Kornogay earned to Mto hlaeo. While atlU aoeso dtotdaoo OedO the road, he noticed a ana rise hor rlrdly from a chair la treat es too station and go laaide. It waa idhaaSw Instead of goiag inaldo the botldldg to anarch for w. -to. Deputy BfT negay who waa atoae weed to the mm us It. There wee e rope Oeaglljjg from a window oonyp It foot ap, tor (be station I* built oo * MU. rear part being oa high pUlara. BUf «*y d»wn tho rope waa Jehacoa, "Como on dowa.** ordered the odR. cor. Johnson cane. Now bo la looked I* Jail, denied bond and will be tried ea the aM count. '*• " £ S ’ v • ' “ 1 r , j Funeral Services Far Father of Judge Bland Faneral aorvket over to# rownfag »t /. T. Bland, father of Jadge D. t£ Bland of Goldsboro were ctodactod In Oprtaw yesterday afternoon at .1 o’clock. Several monbora of tho Way ne fodnty Bar Association wore among the greet crowd gßtoerifdT tor (he simple tod Impresari* rttoe, retag as, a tribute not only to the —fl~Tg* lawyer who had passed away hat to the son. Judge Bland, of Qoldehltb. The Burgsw resident, aged la yeaae and honor*, died late Taeedoy after noon of heart failure. All will sjrto pethlse with Judge Bland la hie bar row. ff NAME HIIPKMINTEIIPRMT WADKBBORO, July j6-(JF) Cltoe fren will be the supertntaadeat of ihe new silk plant to bo know* 00 the Allen-lhles Gonpany of Wadeaboro. The machinery Is hetap in-AhUcd this week and officials sa ne i to begin operations sea*: Owner* of Ihe plant are H B. Alla aad He H —J4 A,' - s

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