WEATHER Local thundershowers, Friday and ■ . Saturday VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 129 TUNNEY RETAINS HIS CROWN HEENEY TAKES SEVERE BEATING AS NEW YORK RING HAS EVER KNOWN New Zealand Challenger Had Beat of Argument For Flnit Pour Rounds HANDICAPPED AS HE (itSTH ROSIN IN HIS LEFT EYE Heeney Left Unconscious At End of Tentlk Round, Geta Technical Knockout in 11th YANKEE STDIV’M. jfttW YORK. July *6—UP)—gubjactlng Tom Heeu ty, New ZeaUnd«>r, challenger. t*> one of the moil aevare beating auy .man ever took in • New York ring Oet»e Tnnney, heavyweight tampion, to- U'ght scored a technical knockout over the Ansae In the llth round Os a IN round match. Tunney knocked Heeney unron »dou» at the of the 10th. round but the bell eared the challenger aa he lay uaconacloua on the floor Tunney acaled 193 pouud* and Heen ey 203. t. \ ° j Kennd Owe Grimly determined Tunney whipped a aoltd right to lleeuey’a Jaw The challenger ducked »ud kwarmed luto Gene with short left and right hooka to the chin that drove the champion to’ the rope* HCeftky sll«‘ over a aoltd right to lha bead on the break Bttcktng hla. right hand out, (lene rrogaed two rtghta on Hecney'i J*w, but a sweeping left hook almost barjs the champion from Hie feet. Twiusey was out fait, slabbing now with hie loft but Tom beat both hande like a tatoo on Tunney’a chin ax they swap ped in cloae quarters, (lene ripped a solid right to Heeney’* head but It never moved the challenger and Tun ney wa* on the run a* Tom ripped after him. Both hands flashing to the head, there wae a had brpitu* over TuuneJ’a left eye *t the end or the fust round. • «... ... i .in— y Kennd Two 'Tunney obviously started at Heen sy‘a fierce offense started hoping the chaUengar. Ha abut left la Uccnci' s I wd but could not keep the bulldog of the Abuc'i away. Tunney blasted lefts and rights Into the sturdy head of the bard rock without causing » 'ticker of Heeney'a eyelashes. (lene swapped with hi* * ksllsuisi and they ripped left end right hooks * to the chin In dP furious exchange* Tunney sparred aa Tom ripped aud Tom ripped In when (lehe's left hook dropped New (teen* e*b*d »d betofe th« ebam plon, hande ready aud daring anoth er exchange (Jeue accomadntpd him and they cracked left «nd rights short vicious pokes that strung jaw and cheek. Gene didn't seem to like that and he bouuced bacV on defense, stinging e challenger with a aucceaslng of lefts as Torn stalked »fter him. Tun ney slipped as Heeney swept a right hook to his hesd end, nearly fell, but calne back to solid fooling without having been down and unhurt. Heeney slugged viciously at the champion’s head while Tnnnev met hts stuck w*th solid left books to th« body. Kuaud Koar Rising In sympathy with Heeney’s (Continued on page 6; THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ JN IHE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. 1 : * ——s—a, ——— r r a a Fight Sidelights J 7 YANKEE STADIUM. N. I. July E6 -VP) —The early bird at the Tunney Heeney- championship bout flocked to the right field bleacher we tne Ynnkee alodium where Babe Itulh hit many of his home runs. A sign tn big letter announced that lliere were «286 seels from the honte piste. set for the benefit of the home run clouted by ftuth »nd his fellows end had uo refernyes to the distjanre tn. the ring In which a boxing cham pionship of the world w"s to he decided later. The ring wap placed behind the pitchers muund so that the first rash customers colon crush in and were npt go far away limy mfght h-*ve been if the right and left had been thrown at the xaihe spot to which the hall nnd strikes are called. The customers who had reservations did not bother to visit the huge home of the world baseball chnfoplon while unsuccessfully to make an impriasluu 'lie b*illlaut lights the ring tied “gainst the still bright light of the late afternoon. " Kflrty aluminum Incased light of l.dbtt .-aortic power each east their -sdlance on the right 55.5 feel above Ihe ground on Iron supports. The ring -was tn rtl(r Yankee Ktadium. It had been here before. «ne “notable vhdi to thr base tall park marking the knockout of Jack Shsrkey by Jack Dempsey when it is not visiting outdoors, the ring makes it home at Madison Square garden. Ttx Itlekard'"Arrived *t 6:30. The promoter second only to Tunney as Interested part to the bout chewed I,ls big cigar and looked ai an at ray of scats lie hoped would lie filled. Rickard did not voice any appre hension that ihe customer* would not come. But he could not have been sure as he left the stadium to at tend to his other chores in connect tion with the bout. Tex remarked that It looted Hite he Would have a g*io*l evening if nothing else. Neither the stage manager nor any one else could find any fault with the weather as twilight fell. Hows of Itlag* were atop at lntervala on the grandstand. David Belasco, who is to direct the stagework of Jack Dempsey, another good fighter. In a play to be produced in the late summer was In hh* ring, stile seat more than tWo hour* before lie could hope to see aiiy vital blows. exchanged In the ring. f Cameramen fired it Belasco and (Continued, on Page Four! Methodist Bishops Issue Statement on Wet Question KICHN4OND, July 26 -Gh-Fourj Suuthern Methodist bishop* at a Joint •taiement made public here tonight: — ——ss■ ■**-—*» .nr—- — 4 warwed lire wet son-es that (tie moran dements of the nation will nut be; driven from tlie field by th** 1 t*ry that they are bringing the church Into politics for opposing »n outstanding enemy of prohibition for the presid ency. The statement signed by Bldhops James Cannon, Jr., of Hichmt Hoods was at fault In an auto accident In Prlrfcetan fn which the plaintiff was permanently injured The Goldsboro Orhcery lotnpany f'les complaint against the estate li. 1,. Hdmundsou for $3 l‘lj-i t* my t hunh on the subject *»f persou;il ail - party politics as that p*>st'*n has teen . i proclaimed authorilutlv *';• (rmn Ha ’ leaders from Ihe beglnulig of ;ts • •victory ».* a CbrlsUuu li»ty." GOLDSBORO- N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 27, 192* \\\\m 111 EX?V K II I I ,'flk r* 'rlv.V - I wrl I 111 I I Mil GENE TUNNEY THOUSAND FANS AT FIGIIT PARTY t rredlcliomi Heard Fiilldiihg Hout That Heeney YV ill He Next Uhnmir Approximately; one thousand per sona heard Ihl detailed account of the Tun ne.v -Heeney championship bout from In front *Jf The News office iaat night. They heard the details of I)h* ring side «*,—ip and tire autwuuu> ment of the final eleventh round In which it was declared that Tunney had won by a technical knockout, af ter battering the New Zealand* r up considerably In the eleven proeeew I'tg rounds. , The crowd of fight fan.*, wh eh Sphered lit front **f Thu News office vas orderly considering the cvept. It’s importance, and. the tefrllc. sps peusc, Laud r‘>tu* %cqt up from lime te time ox one fighter nr the other would land a terrific Wow to the head of the other. Tunney was « cen tral fuvorite with- the fans, Jmt UtMuiuy luul .IkU. Muuiu(.U4;a Italpli King, who ha * nnn«*uuei d two thirds of the previous rights for The News. o(fi<-date(l lit t iilt’ht. .“ lid *s volc.r w«» ill good shape. The cmmda ami the full livni-flt..of Up*. volume, and s**em***l to enjoy the "party’’ immensely. After the fight war over?**several vary hysrd to predict l| 11« • urv would whip Tunney In two years The 'h g Imy fi fxn d IWI) and- i did up a good fight, hut Gene was too ..... Question* Sincerity of Former Senator Owens —* —i - ALBANY. July 2t>—(Ah The sin < ereity of former senator Owen of Oklahoma Jn bolting the Democrallc parly wa-< t|ues(i*ined today by (!ov erndr Smith. wh'» m ailed Owen n* a presidential aspirant himself I years ago. sought ixhe tipporl. of Tammany Hull whlelt he Is now a*. sslllnji Owen Who served three t* rms in the United States senate retiring |p I*t2| announced yesterday In New York that ill' w >i|ld raid hi* lot w lh the liepimlU.UUi'* this yeas In .an e us ,“'mlih's stand on prohibition and hie bllUip i: wlili Tsatinanp. TUNNEY FLIES TO NEW YORK 'Makes Trip Ffoin Simulator With Tar Hcd Pitot Al • _ (’ontrob* NEW YORK. July M— (JP)— Gene Tunnev and his Amphibian airplane h i»xl landed on the Hudson -Htver ,gl I " 25 p. m, today. The heavyweight champion left ’.Bperislator at 10:12 «. m. —-r—i SI’ETULaToR. Jaly 36- (Ah Gene Tumiey took off from lotke fnwwaat lu :i daaj m*'t'>red Sikorshy amphihl »i> m. IP: 12 tills morning for New * 0 Y*rk. w here *he will defend hal d'a heavyweight- title against Yam Heeney of Nww Zealand tonight, fc the Yankee stadium The rnamplrtn was accowpsnfed by? \V. O. McOenhaii. New York »p*irts wrTl.-r, Mid fliarte* V Boh. of New j York, hi§ millionaire friend and own er of Hi*- plane. Hill Winston, a Curt I* its Burnell.' Kik«rsky mecjisnle. Io ld pilot, was nt tit* control*, and w;.s'atiiiratMraVJir - *”'"""' “ “ ”'“*l Kvury man, woman and child In AimculaUir gathered at the edge of the lake to wish Tunney sue* ess as he entered the plane. • I Let Contracts for Additions To 3 Wayne County Schools Nunes of sue*-* awful contractors ff>r of oddUlutut .to thre.* aMMjwn * n««ty rwr*l svlmkA* »•»« *«. -ncnrsrrp yesterd»y -* Rogers end l/nlinore of Srnlthti«J.d were low bidders for lh# erectiou of a four room addition to Ihe Itoae wi'iid t'on didated school. Work |n> iPme at Hos**w'mhl will cost $3.- ,00 Additional fuclMUes for students ,-.-t It .»* * ,t| aye mioh- neees-ary ihrongti the jmntlnued gr**wth «f lh* M'hool "111 through consolidation of Khenczer v-i hool with Roiewood. . Hl* rooms’ will l»- added to tne Hcv- Sprln-"' budding anil Kd K.-Twylot I was low bidder for this prnji* I with sls,«tm as his figure -Consolidation of several sehoolg In the Seven Spring* section with Hev. _ NEW YORK, July M-(T)--Smiator David I Walsh of Massachusetts stop, led «ff at Hmlth headquarters today “Her a rud sai*l"GygJ» r >dil hit lon Issue would swing m*ny Republican voUr* to th* Dnooc-ratlc elandard bearer. While he found a number of Re publican* declaring they would sup poet Governor Smith, the New Eng land Senator s»id he found no Demo i retie disaffection In the Middle -Weat “The Republican party used* to b* flightened about other states ‘than tho Atlantic. Heabnard atate*. I 'ed to Ihe conclusion that Ohio, llftn o'.s, Mhjilgan. Wisconsin. MlnusssoU and even Pentfiiylvenla would require r.a much sttention from the Kepubll tau urganltallon If they tutend to ImPI the** .stsbA aa to the se called duuhtful seatoouraNfratssT Turning, to the Southern situation, * Henstor Walsh said Beualor Bwaneon, d Virginia told hla HotTuern Isadora "nre not unmindful at the prevalence of dry eentiment among Democrat* of the Southeast,” but h* waa confid ent the soutTi would glre Ha alsctor l■ I vote to 1 Governor Hmlth* ? r - •. r. NI?W YpRK. July 2«—Oft— llajtxr « George L. Berry of Tenneaaee lodsy accepted an appolntmant by the Da i mncratlc national committee to bead i labor bureau organlaed to promote Governor Smith's candidacy. Ilajor Berry Is president of the Internatloa al Printing l'r«diamen and aaalstanta union of North America. . , . ~,, an-., i . Pres. Cool idge Does , Duty As A Pitcher HTTEItKIR. Wla., July hi* sppeargpce at a public func. —* !■ .!■ *■ f*.w ■» -emaamsmt' unirT rwnmf TTrrr tttt nrii 1 Ron. President Coolldge todaj opened j ihe head of the Mke baaeball tourna | ment by throbring out tha first ball The appearance of the chief execu tive, whose past contacts with the , national pasttime have been In open ing .big league gifmes with thousands Id kings on, was a magnate which filled the local park to capacity, hut even thaw* only a few hundred r,-»- addfd tn the HeU**( mektmi.: a h**ilng phM«4 sill 1»<- InstalUtd and sewerage provfd ed, greatly moderlnlxlng the Bel fast plant K K. the suc cessful bidder for* this work with a figure of $1,160 for coastrucUdu. t’ontract for addition to the Nahun ta school ami for the erection of a ne# tea*hersge at Kurvka bad been let aometlcne ago. DLDKHT activf: kuitor hike KNOXVILLE, July 26—MV-Cap tain William Rule, oldest active editor id the United States, died at t'-JO to. day. following an’ operation for ap pendicitis yesterday. Pyrltoiiitl* set In and hastened his death. He wa* K’< years old. Ills wife who Is a yea' ills senior, a sou, William Rule, Jr,, and a daughter LiJIUu survive. ■ r MEMBER 09 THE ASSOCIATED I PRESS l■■■■■— ! uA.mJ ■ *;• ■> PRICK FIYI CPlftll Negro Woman Unod “Hatting Rag” On Kenhr RotetUne Imtcr Proved Hava Favor RUSH FOR TYPHOID VACCINS 18 NOW OH State HaaJik Os tear LMttfclsr houm. and BUf CMROg^tW An Old Negro Granny's nfagt tloiu belief la the gotonay id Mr “healing r**7 hag brought too aaend , of typhoid to bar family and canged uine caaaa of typboM favfr la a age tlon a (•« miles aoithsaal as Thmual Bhch wu the dory nwalid yamgg. - day whan Slat* baaltb offtnar CMC. o il. imoghlnhauae, aad Dr» C H. Hick, M«col* Lewis, aad *. A. Taylor want with ooaaty baaltb db. car L. w Oorbati aad food laafOOlar Dr. A. H Karr for a typhoid dig* and Inapcatloa la tba Praggaai aao. tlon The niaa caaaa of favor, I i wag agig, era on a plantation wbleh waa tbo „ home place of tba lata Oovarttor Char lam H. Ayooofc. Rat tba healing rag ataqf. » T Relatives as tba granny flail, »bo is nomad Green, bad too Mk children oa a farm aadr Kdolri teib. ny Oraaa decided abo wosld taka ter healing rag*’’, a rag with mlraenl^to powers of potency, aha believed. and ro tome ura the baaltb breathing rag an A* alck children. Maaalaa waa tba troaglg Two of. tear greed ehiMiea want •long. . Tha healing rag Vgg fig r lift! te, cording to eccaptad ceajer atethade an IncauitaUoaa acroae tba faaa as .. •ho tick children. They braaMpd agntnmt It aa they ware tali la db. And wbaa tba Oranay womaa wait back to bar home near Cram am. aba bore tba mlracla rag with ter. i Tba children (a bar home gatp 111. The dlaaaaa (bay thoegM bad - bead maaalaa at Kaaly Was gravid later Ur be typhoid. Tba atlraala rgg warn again brought lata play. Am to »a avail. The rag which tba woaaaa la My .apkaatiilng bid peeled to prod nee Moling, pot oidy. did not produce heal lag bet ,fb gi probability brought beck tba fang* from Which tba dlaaaaa wee ataitdd «n the Ay cock plantation. Mew (bate ara nlna caaaa. h'nrthermora than to a greet rogh for typhoid immlaltatlen. "Yon might aaooence.** gold Dr. Corbett,* “that wa are glvlag trpbjaid vurrHuHinMi mA gkm v ■ 9 few w TttWi VWTVW It T seW QWimn from 9 until 6 avery day.” 7T~\ Air Pilot And His Passenger Killed WARWICK. R. 1.. J«ly *-(F>-Ag air pilot and hla pamaaagar ware bare • d to death wbaa their plaae bevel into flame* aa K craabad *LMi around at Pothlpar flying field hare tonight - Tba vtatlem were Oomend HMtet « -rs; MamarO. Onea, pile* OOd OMMfft p Tbnmpaon of Poxbare, Has* Simmons Declines To Discuss His Aettoß NEW BERN. July Aaoaft K. M Hlmmona declined tonight 10 illacuaa hla. remlgnation from tM 0% mocratlc National com milteaman with Newspapermen, aaylag only that Mi “ reasons for resigning should M obvious to everyoos.** He aahl he expected to ere 0. M> Mull. Shelby, chairman of the Stale I <, mm rath- executive committee wttb> •n a few day* aad would make a Hiatement at that Uma, addlag the* i « did not care to coaagHenti toaltarg by making a •laiameat now.