WBATHEft •VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER IS3 BIG SEAPLANE WILL FLY ATLANTIC WITH 60 PEOPLE .Complete Tests on Big 8-Motored Plane That Weighs 70,000 Lbs. Tw« Motor. Would Be Held In Reserve At AH Tfiuee For Emergency Use PLANE TO BE SEAWORTHY IN MIDST OF STORM Trans- Atlantic Airways An. Bounces First Big Skip Ready Is Next Four Months NEW YORK. July 31— ton el tests ee a model u l a »eaj)laue designed to qarry M pa***nger» gcrom the North Atlantic ocean In 30 hours vta announced today by the O’Connor TrsaX-Atiantic Airways Inc; «* Preseut plana caliber construction 1 Work to begin at once wKb the pro bability that the drat plane will be completed in four tnobths. The O'Conner company, bna been o{| gautsed to develop n project looking to the of Trana-Atlan tic aud coastwise South American routes, , The pr«poa> d plane la the Invention of John T. O'Connor of New Y«rk it will havejf wing npread of 160 tent nnd will weigh 70.000 pound* un der full Ipjp lta power plant will conalat of $ air cooled motor*, two of wh'ch will be held In reserve. In the event of unexpected motor trobul* and a froeed landing, it waa raid the flntabed plane would be eea s artsy 4 even IB a never# north At lantic atorgi. TEACHERS TALK AT ROTARY (M B Explain What Vocational Agri culture !a Accomplish ini; For County What Instruction In vocational agri culture la accomplishing at Ptkevßls, Rosewood and Qranthaui high school communities waa explained to mem bers of the Goldsboro notary club last evening by the instructors at the school*. Making the explanations were A. H. Veeaey of Rnnewood. C. W Warrick of Pikevllle. anil 0. T Seymour of Grantham. Ray Armatraag. chairman of the progaam explained that the meeting waa 1a reeogaltlon of the fact thst both Messrs. Veaxey and Seyn.our had be. n selected as th- master agricul ture iMcbefa of the shale I" • uccea alve year* .id! iiiat "the only pi son Mr. Wartlcx wa«r-1 a ma*te*| -eacher naa that p couldn't go to tw > suit rue, tern in’a ; aa.i .•) rr.’* Mr. Ui.-r*3k tvt.iaad the lystem under »b«.i the ngriChttUT. X par! uient* at Ih. high rvbooln nr organiz ed uud >r the H ith Mo*lie.- r|» and gave th# plan of work Mrerr. Veaxey and Seymour related definite accom tiPshmeats lu their can mnnlty Actual Increase* In crop vfclue* and project value* over a period of year* lu Fork township under the sriper vslon of the instructor amounted to 344.060. Mr. Veaeey tald. Mr. Seymour apeke briefly of the or ganisation of Gianthanr farmery I<>r cooperative buying. The pa»T rt.uou. he mid, OtSPth# *»***«■« purchamd. €l6 low* es fariiusdC cooperatively a* a result of Arrfecldc In evening claaa InstAreHwti unde.- the. auspice* es the board of ag riculture of the township. This amounted to some $17,000. he aald. There were a number of gueata of the club for the occasion- JAW KRACTtIKD BY HftLF I'LI’B ASHEVILLE. July 31—(A I )—Hit by an iron club during a game on the Malverp Hilly goH course Sunday. Mrs. George W. Ledbetter. Aahdvllle. waa lit French Board Hospital Mon day suffering n fracture of the Jaw. Mra. ladbetter w*a playing In A threesome and waa watching one of her opponent* make an approach shot whan hi* club hit her. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BRAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, Plan Enlargement Grant Warehouse Plan* have been practically com plated It wa* learned yesterday, for eularglug the Grant warehouse, a new atiucture«erecied law year. 8 pace In'the building would be In creased by at leant one-fourth and would meet the demand* expected to be made on the warehouse this year Work is planned t- atari iu t me to be completed prior to the opening of the tobacco market on August 21. LOCALMARKET TO SELL MORE Discontinuance of Warsaw Mar. ket Expected To Help GoMubort' Total ■ A* " - - - Tbe Goldaborn tobacco market this 7#gr wHI sell tu+ty fou* millioo more pounds of tobacco than last year, warehousemen predicted yesterday after ."dramming" trip* through Le noir. Duplfh and Johnston And ad joining counties. “A good part of the weed In the Kenanavllle »nd Waranw section* will come to Goldsboro” said a warehouse man who has been working In that part of the halt Warsaw market will not open this year. It waa a* Id. last ywar the market at Warsaw opened for n short time and then closed down. Etlmala* of tha mount of weed, which will be raised In Wayne county rang* from HJtHMKW to (3,000.000 pounds. land year there waa ratted in the county about 1f.000,000 pound*, rhere *.»• been .a material increase— eatlmated at 10 percent—la the tob acco acreage In Wayne this season, but a good Ipt of the weed la being "burned” up In rite field. It wa* said "The continued* rain* and the hot sun shining down on It yellowed some <f the weed. Then there ta a conald eaTble total beigig ruined In the field* for hack of tobacco barn *pace. The Oold*boro market sold about 7,600,00 pounds last year, an Increase of one million pounds over a year *go. The 1026 total waa about a million pound* over HuM of 1925. Men representing the Big Brick' house, lb.’ Currtn Warehouse i mi the •jrant hi use are now apcmMn/ nil of their time calling on tobacco grow ers hi four rounltee nearby. 'And I heye ' ever found the Plantar* nr.M of Information aboil, ihe Goldxborc market." one declar.J. 91 KG BO KILI.M ANOTHER CHARLOTTE. July 31 -GP) Jack Harris. 35 year old negro, „*hot nnd almost Instantly killed another ne gro, Thomas Burns, here early to night during an altercation between tha taro. Harris waa arrested New Details of Strange Case Are Revealed Here Mote of th# atrange story told by -Mra. L**»#y Batfifc Hi B**4««vWh» MM gathered yesterday before a deputy sheriff of Iredell ciunly ftfrtVed ,to tarry' her back to a capias Issued by Judge. The woman was here Mon day upon request of ni the con main county. \ Voluntarily she told how she had been “going with” a wealthy States ville married m*n. how he changed a $25,000 insurance policy, to favor her instead ors his wife and child. Added oetalls related' yesterday moriUg were that the Smith woman ami the Statesville man. whose name could not be learned, had received u rlx months sentence In Jail upon con viction on a statutory rhafgp>s.that the *entethc was suspended upon rontl- Uum that the two were not to be seen together again In North Cayullua. CHAMN. MULL CALLS CONFERENCE HERE _ 64 Hurt In “L” Collision mm ' ' r”* ' 1. [ ■mM 1. U f W « M i \*k4A ’il i B * hg"3m ! i ' i,.z 'v % jlm ' • jS |HfS IH I j Nothing but kindling wood and a little twisted metal ia left of these two car vestibules after s collision on New York's *L* which injured mora than three-gcore persons. Ad the extreme 3 Children Are Dcawned In River Near Elizabeth City JEUEARETH iTTY. Julv :!l (A»> Tlirett childr<*« of t’,. A Uwutcy, SfJdn ly known of Pasquotank coun ty. and chairman us the board of county commlaalonerj were drowned thta after neon while wading In Lytle River at NUonton. # miles of here. The cbildrtn were Emily 14. Margie 8, and Clark 6 years of age. Tl\e yonnKer.t ventured beyond, Ida depth «nd the others were drowned when they attempted to reacue him. Grace, Ih, anoilntr daughter, narrow 'y escaped * like fate when she went to Jhe rescue, of the others She was dragged to safety by Mr*. W. P iWwtwdd. titU* menrher nf the ttarty, after site had twice passed un der the water. ~ She and Mr*. Newbold tfinffloni Pack to thf' shore a few minute* he for the little Imy wenh beyond hi* ,'epth. People living in the vicinity w.'ert attracted to the scene by the screams and at once began Meurch for the hod xa. A party at firemen from ICLu l*th flty hurried to tlu> scene'with a pidmotor and h'lmnl in the *ear»h The bcnLe* were ria overwl an hour later, hut effort* at resuscitation ygyig flllllr. .. | Relnrnlng to Statesville, the man ■.kmmime Mi never recilvered ffioo the Hint k* N(nr*n» smtrti woman lx brtnjr .brought back to serve ihe *ix month* suspended sentence for having vjo lalsd the conditions rtf the suspend t lob. ft wa* said. The widow of tho deceased man irported an having he*oy Vortli up wards of $200,000 wa* »l»o picturetl ".* in4tittiling court proceed* to pre tent pavment t»< $25,000 Insurance to Mr*. Smith. The latter aahl that nhe at flrat wtnli net nod the Insurance po|- ,si v ehanged to h»*r favor wa* for $7,- 500 But upon efforta at settlement ly th* inxurent-e company the snfh Va» revealed at $25.000,. The JredeU dipuiy reached 0*144- imro late Monday night and left yee tci day to r*. ort hi* prisoner hack (<• • ‘(('ouUnued from page three) GOLDSBORO, hj. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUCI ST 1.192 R ARE ORGANIZING RETAIL’STORES Edwin Joseph Is I'r motimi Os. fleer With System Aiding Independent Merchants ti— v.. Kdwln A. Joseph. »»n of Mr and' Mf*’. A A. Joseph. la now promo :>Onal officer with the United Mer chant* Syndicate. ltd., an omanli* -ti.»n whh I’VocK to provide the small '♦•tall uteri** with cooperative buying ■and t» tin and al meeting competition .> r the chain Mm ■■*,, * - "Wimwii't Wvnr titty l ' paMUhed lm \ T e* York, recently had the fallowing Item: The Pulled Merchant . KyndleMe; l,id., a croup of over Its* ludepatwJeiit •itall store* .ill oWB* Hie country, hnr ab-nrlH il Urn naalhi** Itroearrh j r !r<»up *ml taken over its stort**, vhtch at one time numbered It wax.announced today *1 the heiidtjuar lent at the 'umpany here, through I’aul 1., (iriinwei.it, icait “f (T».- l.d)?- <,ig syndicate. The tla iina* *r»np wa r formed about three year* ago. It was a doe id croup and Ixihrlit merchandise on n cooperative bnai*. , The ('lifted Merchants Syndli>»te becarnt* affiliat ed with the Hiintinc* Research (Irotip early this year, when II moved Us . (life : out’ lJT'i lliftadway to ill" ({roadway, where they are now locat 'd Kami -t ( ; llawtlnc* a* noted, left i the organization K»the tfme-agn. . •'»»■ armtitaatfev. tti.wir. amatK-iMMriur: T ■fl line*, w ill the exception "f ra*e TaffitTUF-. xfßjrcTmd arncc-tc*. Kdurti Aj Ji’n-ph. to ad of the promotional ViyßL.il said tlf croup liad Install'-I <fntt\y Innoi atloiis |u an effort to aid the *malt retail merchant to Combat •He competition of the chain store lit; the smalt town. ■ Some of the promotional Idea* in- < v tinted Ik the fitiiVd M'jr-rhan’s Syndicate I* Instructing the sale* help Jn theae .state* h«w to sell more mer-1 rhandlxc to each prospective custom-, .•r; to know jn at how to sell this roer. c handlto*. and to give them the Ideas followt.i out hy other »’.tree**ful de partment-stores throughout the coun try. A bulletin la t»*ued to all thgfn -, More* every week, wljtcli show* the merchandise that I* of unuaual Inter est at the present period. i . left it ladder down which firemen ctrrifcd terri* bed women and childj’tn, while in car windows hang chemical (iom tines used to fight blast General Mmmvm c * * *, TT ... ' Jii ■L I' r it Uialock, general mauagsr of the N’tirth f’arollna rntfon Growers' Cooperative Association, win be the priutTpal speaker At the barbecue fqf meniber* of the Aesociation front the distrht at the Wayne County /1»lr Grounds this afternoon. A native of U .lOeshoro, Mr. Blalock's efficient dt m'rirrß of the .txtmcmrhmr hr smetni has coupled materially In the *uce**s it ha* attained M' Biaiotk say* ife ffkes |o conic to Waym* county espe cially a* hi* wife was once a teacher to Ihe ttnTr-rrnrrt ■vchoWtr : --—-j Expect 50Q At District Barbecue of Co-Ops Today ' Man* for strengthening the North '•fSBWWWIIW-' f-tiiftf ereth-e Association Hc tfi flie» in - Wayhc, tar ii*if, l»ii|ill» and Wile on rOUntJeV will ho undo at a bartM-oiie and buxl- M meeting of the mouihorisblp of ttw»e count io* ai th< Watne t’dnntjr I air rroomA tills anemone, The pro I'.luni wiUrrit underway at 4:*t»> this i utternpon. .uni admUelon will be by i i-ard* only. Frank Jones, local repre sentative of the Association »nnmtr>e rd. Ail member# of the Association in tthr dietrli t have lie«*n Invited to at .t.nd the Jitrbootie and to bring on# oeti'hlmr with them Aoeepb&be mall rd to Mr Joimm -b.-rr nil at tendance of approximately tdb) |or the , on anion 1' 0, Blalock’ of ltulo.igh. general imtnAper of the Aa>'relation, will give JliKUies allowing the progress th« As Republican); After Democratic South NK'V YORK. July 31—(A*)—The lirpublican party will wage a xls orouf. fight for the "liemocratic solid South" electoral votss, Ben»- tor Moses of New Hampshire said toilay, V«ycr*lug his recent stand that ihe party would be uiiwlxe to campaign Ihere Hundred* of el) couraglng letterii from the south, had Memvlnttfd him the Republican. Eastern CumpaUu manager aald. t Init Uwvfr had ■ splendid chance of victory In the Southern stale* “My correaponduptg tell roe,'* he Mild. 'That I «m may ts t »bhrtr Hoover will not gel the electoral vote* of the South.'* END COMES TO WM. DANIELS Fine Youi r Man Died Last Eve. ninjf in Richmond Hospital After IxMiff Illness William* Hunlels. aged *2 yaare. von of Mr and Mr*. R W. panleli es thw Ihmhd* cJßspe* eomasuuUge died at a Richmond hospital at f o'- elo*A !*-• evening following an op aration for tumor of th* brmln per formed at 18 o'clock yesteday morn 'ng. Tit# «ad net* wa* cenulned In e long distance temibon* message to relativr* her* taat night. Yodug Daniel* bad been HI t*f many week* And today • week age be was taken to a Richmond hoeplUl -iirgeon* yesterday made a last effor* 'il saving the young man’e ltfelnet temptlng an operation for removal m a tumor es the brain. It waa as a laal rcaort that th* operation w*e tried, end It wa* unsuccessful. b at Tirt npfnnmr wwr tut iw nwwt were hi* parents, Sir. and ,Mrs Dan iris. Mrs. Mary .Daniel*. Widow of a brother who was killed In th# Worlc* War. aatl his do** friend Leon Derr. | The latUr will return to Goldsboro this morning by automobile. Remains of the deceased will be rhipped to (lObisboro, arriving thb morlng Funeral services had not been complet'd lasi evening, pending the arrlvsl of The parents from Richmond. Young Donljds w,a* for a number of years employed es bookkeeper by the Utility Manufacturing company, and was a man of strong character, well thought of by *H fw the i umnuwnHy lie was a faiihful member of tbe Dan iels Chapel Methodist church sad was fctlve In Its Interests I V j l'Hi I P flO GA48.091N OK HOOTCH July *t <APs—Afterf lying In wait all night in th* waods r.f the Pol* Creek sect lop, where a ■quor cache had been located, seven Buncombe county deputy sheriff* nrrtr ytodny MV* njs Hope of ffndlby the^wtiers and dug up tbe supply Trilljr s’x gallon* of corn liquor, In 132 Jars, which hail been concealed ta. • Iglit seperafp hiding pl&ces *nd cov- I Trrrt -with tfutvx,, : ——j sociation han made In financing. Ii fcAirttftWg Wr fta niewAyrh. «»f J® aoy* substantial growth. Isl jd ‘•*tton to the talk to he made by Mr Blalock, neveral pron.lnent farmers who ate member# „f the Association will appear on lh# program. Mr. Jones will conclude the speaking with a statement ofactivities in this dletrtet Th- ha rbeetle to be nerved will be ,lhe I a meat In Wayne county io -recent year*. Adam Scott. cu« cooker par r*#elle(ire, and hla etalf brill get boey early .this morning Twenty-odd pig# juet the’ right at*c, axe and -tenderness te make icood barbecue, will be placed on the cue ra< k and all day the savory odors will be wafted toward# the heavens. A number of Uoldaboro merchant! are cooperating In ataglng the bar bee lie, some having donated tray# And (Continued 3a Tage Three) COTTON CO4>P EDITION PSICR FIYB cam Third District Chairmen Meet Here August 7 Sena ter Si wo— fiisifti is Confer With 1M Mi . Cotter la lortlaa Stmt# Democratic Cbqlrmaa Odea Mull of Shelby wOl —t So ••Idsburo Tueaday. Aug net 7, for, f uuivmv* with t— eeaatp nsmimtaljp • halrmdn o< Um third OnograMlpatl jletrirt. w a- Dm, Wwh owuafti liairman aunounc* yooterpay Plane far the Democratic compdgo la Urn thirjl. mm allmoo roformd to m the luttitue tiitrtr will too made at ty conference. Th# nine chairmen from the cewg« tloa making up tfte UM, —• Wtpgb Craven carte—, Baanfort Dp t'in, Paallea. and BtgfjpßSM—*Bl gathar with Mr. Mil »•< tki *a*r|- >oneo at lo o 'lody Mr Dooo *«4 Annooa—at fro a Mi. Mott mu 4r •all* the toofrUM* fro ead'.Cl not oatllao a proc-tm. Mr Dane yep lerdap wrote tha atato < hai—o> P«k mg If ho coo IP ho of afpiatapy making proporatlooo Mr the It lo qttlu ilkotr that at the «*- 'franca particular ttoo^Mh^ •r many yaara of liputolleoul— Now Bora aPvlooo Mato Owl Bay Mo|i »a la t*a part *f the Bto»o. Jv T.r.i»aii»J • Tpe following Aram notorious MfW Horn Now Berniaai Soeatar 8 mmoaa. will not 8o to 'talolgh today to moot Chairman MoM, oommlttoa, WaHsodsy, no kr •atAon from 11 national oaotpthM • ommlttee. loataad ho will waft for a Mott MM tbo atata chairman during the ioPt part of this wok or the ft— part of nan week, while Hr. Mull -cctton of the Wlhp ipM—MW With party loadoyo o( the ft— PtetMOt at Bayvlow a*P chat neon of the tftf* llotrlct at Oeidabera. After hi. ro.lga.tioa from tha p*. (tonal committee, Senator otamaooa >r»tog that ho won* moot about his reason far i—M until ho had conferred with OfealgSt Mull He then offered to aaoet Gl—e man Mull Wadaoodar la nelalgft jif Toe 6 praviaai augagamoiMg la tS* we«ta»rn part of the atata Mr. Mol) *• ,l*iiad that latof would unit him heoMs It Hough ha said that ho wool# * '•■"I ta arrange to meet the ae— j— at gay llm# tha iiitip • nggastad. i' , Several ceafaroappo hava hooa hptd Hy Banator Slmmoaa hero with looal , tarty official', and laadars hat W hpi •alntalnad a atrlot pohlle eiiaaca'li »ommanting on his pelltloal —Jtpid intention:** Hl* eonraopnadft* ■ng five ttaaa an heavy nowsetTfai ■t the peak of p— vw—n port— k -r It lo a i par tad now that tbo await* ‘tatament from the oaaator wUI bn.M ru* within the week. oftorUy ajtdt •ha planned confarancaa with ,’MV. Mull. - • > _i. UKOBUK BURNS**,* ~ IVT POINT OF IKtfl CHICAGO. July W-^o 1? A B—t nun. Democratic rMWmimgn Hi Illinois, and elaee frla* of antlal nomlnaa Ai Smith today wOa report* naar death from aoet|e pas ■ oiling Ha was sliickan last Thu radar #M* lowing tha extract— of two alodvof • teeth. Tha polooa apra* to 'Mm Claud* of ha threat. —<*¥

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