WEATHER Fair Thursday tad Friday followed hr thundershowers Friday afternoon Not much change in temperature. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER IS4 GEORGIA WEED MARKETS OPEN WITH HIGH AVERAGE Prices Range From 15 To 20 Cents Per Pound • As Quality Very High Average Price P«W I* Glr«n as 17.5 Cent* for Opening Auctions EXPECT GEORGIA WILL MAKE 68.000,000 LBS. Opening Exceeds AH Expecta tions Market'; of 22 Towns Get Going MACON, G*. Aug 1 -KB*)- Tobacco it ads history In South Georgia to day record quantities aud qaulltle* bringing a flood of gold from opening day prlcea equalling, and In eotne rain bettering thoao for prevloua aoa acna. __ ___ " 1 Carnival! were enacted In the 'LI towna where wareh<*u!«i wrre hunt mng all day with thy* ertea of th# auctioneers, Business felt the keen atlmului of prlrea that averaged between U and 20 cent! for a aeaaon etarted expect td to in total aalee approximately i!S.O®0,000 pounds A tl ~ p MACON. Ga., Augual t-tA*) Ex ceeding all expdctatlona aa to. quan tity, quality and prlcea. tobacco dia l-laced cotton aa king in 22 South Georgia towna today aa the aeaaon'a Irvlt al sales were recorded before holiday aixi d crowd* Moat of the tobacco offered today coita'ated of aand lpg* but wan de e'ered to of the beat quality In years. bright In color aud light in weight, making for prlcea above the tune! level (or that grade of the: 1 weed Prlcea averaged between 16 to 20 centa per pound. Today’! offering! wera the ven guard of the great crop estimated tc be more than SB.OOtj.dOU puuuda be sere the last leaves are atrlppcd and •old. Seven acre* of floor apace wh cov ered with the weed when the w.are houaaa at Vldalla opened this worn- Icg. Hotela wrre crowded to cxoxc- Hy and cltlxene opened their hnnes lo tobacwsjilanlers and huyera W'th the beat estimates that more than v million and a half pound* of Icl/tc io waa on the floor today. price* ranging between 11 and 30 cent*. the average 17 l-J cants per pound Iwo xeta of. buyers, carried on throughout the day. Streets were thronged wTI traffic and pedeatratn* Two thousand persona witnessed the opening aalea at Baxley where 800.000 pounds were on the floors for sale Prices averaged twenty centa. with the highest sales ,at 27 cents Buyer* estimated the better grades In thla section will petcti, arou-»d 36 cents. Approximately 360.1)00 pound* *a» ready tor the b*mmer at Douglas which haa four warehousea. Four seta nf buyer* were watched by ap prnxijtfitply SOOOjperaon ffyoeg aver aged about the same as In other part*. Wayt rose bad more tobacco anjl better quality weed than In several year* The city waa in ga[a attire the atraeta decorated with flag* and bunting, Merchant* reported great Stimulation of business. V More then 6.000 pounds of weed av eraged 20 cants per poilnd" despite that moat of the tobacco waa eand ttga It loogqd ilka circus day 10 Ttftrm with a million pouuds at auc tton. exceeding all previous opening aay quantities. Prlcea, ranging from 7 to 26 centa per pound, were said to Tobacco grower* brought their lamll >► to market and swelled »he crowds for which amusement »nd celebration haa been provided by a festival, par ade, water carnival, and a danc Dur ing the earning a "tobacco queen" was to be crowned Valdosta estimated the opening day quantity at 869,000 pound* with sand luga predominating, but bringing good prices. The smaller markets of Camilla and Pelham with 60. WM) and IW.OOJ peund* respectively saw average pric es of about l6e per pound, although prlo-s ranged up to 36 ham. , I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN TUB MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THtiY BUY. * * ■ ° ' To Ask Donations For 2 New Fair Buildings Construction of a woman's build ing at Ihe Wayne county fair grounds anil of a new exhibit hall lor an automobile show are expect ed to go forward us a result of ac tion taken by directors of the Kafr Association me ting here yesterday (i ma* decided Ui ask 2W stock:, holders In tbe Fair to contribute 826 each toward the needed build Ings. The present large exhibit hall would be converted Into a stoeg display building, thu* averting ne cessity of erecting additional stock display pens. Plans are for the new buildings to„ be ready by the date for thejalr In October,! The wom an's building will be 32 by 76 feet and planned to meet demands for home economics dlsphtysT'hnd the automobile show 'building 12 by 140 feet. ' GRANVILLE TO . HOLD REUNION “Home Sweet Home” Will Ik Official Sonjf of Home.Cominu Son*, and Daughter OXFORD. N. C., Aug. 1 up)— "Home. Hweet Home" will be the of ficial song of sons and daughter* of Granville county, wherever they may be. tomorrow, for- the day hb* been designated county home coming day. The lobacco branch station here will toe the gathering -platoi far lirjuivU: llana, who will JUSTS family and com munity groups for a picnic luncheon E. G. Moss, superlhlendent of the lobacco farm, haa extended a spedat Invitation t« the largo number of ex pert tobacco growers throughout the bright belt who recognise Granville a, their home, to return ftpr the day. The principal addre** of the occa sion will he delivered by Dr. K. W. Bikes, president of Clemson College. B C., who will be Introduced by -W. A. Graham, state commissioner of ag riculture C. W. president of the Granville county board of agricul tuee. win preside. Addresses will be made toy the Rev. W. H. Brown. K. V. Ftriyd. tobacco specialist at State l Til; Dr. F. A Wolf, of Duke I'niver slty. and A. C Kinney, of fitaleCol leg*. it R Chamblee has charge of arrangement* tof music. The Oxford chamber of con.mercc has offered a silver clip to the Oran* vftle county township having the best .attendance, based on mileage traveled Mr. TIOERT HF>lt.>B WASHINGTON. Aug. 1 --(4*l Dr. John J. commissioner of the bureau of education, to'day tendere 1 Tirg rostguathm. effeetivr Beptemh-v 1. to accept the presidency of the University of Florida. * State Fox Hunters To Meet In GoldsboTO Week Oct . 19 The North- rarotiaa .Fox **»oclatlon will stag*- ll* annual ftclrt trials will be given over to the derby ember 19-23, tlj« executive committee meeting with the conVCTtlon commit- j ter of the Goldsboro, chamber of i omnterce here last evening decided Tlw association has some 500 mem ber* and ty w«* said 37510 about ( 3tM) were expected to attend the trials here \ Tuesday and Wednesday of the trial* will he given over t othe derby lor dogs under two years old, and thla l««ture In past trials has drawn the beat blooded hunter* from over the S» Util. and Thuraday ‘trials will be the derby for ill ages and Thursday afternoon will he » bench show at the Wayne couujy fair | grounds. Romance Isn’t Dead —Quite -v <■!«I! ■ —■■l | pr-* r J TSt*' , - aw 4, ... a'— " " ■ Maybe George L>. Nyeblmg, Greenwich Village habitue anc tcioiFpf wealthy Philadelphia family, is a throwback to tbs'* age orchivalry—or something. At any rate he fought a duelt / for hia 'Madye fair” and then tried to take hit life because he couldn’t get a job as an actor. The lailydn question, Billy Netcong. is pictured consoting him in Knickerbocker Hospital, whither he was taken after leaping 75 feet to the hard pave ment in MornmgsixJf.Park He's going to recover, parry Bill and Jive happily cver_ after _ Mt. Olive Market For Auction Os Produce Ends First Season TOTAL OF lU'U)97 PACKAGES HANDUEO DURING TWO MONTHS OF OPERATION—GROWERS CAME FROM WIDE AREA—STANDARDIZATION OK BRANDS TO BE ATTEMI’TEI) ’ Having operated to the aatlsafvtion cf buyers and seller* and firmly es u. hi Is bed Itself in two months of business, the Ml Olive auction mar ket for the sale of truck produce came to * close yesterday. Opening on June first," the market handing 103.097 packages of produce from growers over a wide are*. While the auction system haa jji'ov »d generally satisfactory to both buy er* and seller, rhexe vriwr an ■ts sold through Mt Olive that did not go under the system, end this sum Is not Included In the figure* given. The Mt. Olive freight depot Is not located Inside the eor j (.rate limits of the town and there were Instances when broker* bought Iront the station, thus side stepping the municipal law under which the auction market was created. Seveu hundred tw-opTe sold truck >n the mc-rlcet during the two months tr vr< lit Truck.*- from Roaebo-o, Clinton, Jacksonville, Beu -rwatUla, rolhickayille. Golds ho rp, Fre motlh Plkevtlle, and gold at ' Mt Olive during the last two months. A fextatte of the trials expected to nrsw tViocK »l teid U ttui boric shov to be staged Tuesday of the con vention week There will he two ela* iti oL heroes')entete<| In the show, those for the ch»*t and the. free for all event*. l( ' . The convention all! dime to a close •Thursday night October 23 with a fox hunters, hall at the Hotel (1 old short. The 'hotel will Ih- headquarter* for Ihe association, and dogs brought here O tor the trials will In- ketyurll.-il at W*Jrne county fair ground* The North Carolina trial* follow the irlat* of the Nat,mrial Fox Hun (■rs association by a week and are cx pff'rlefl to lira* s% ii'um>M»r of oocn from the national' meet to be held 111 Clijvrlotl< svlUe. Va., Home (.f the hading sportsmyn nf America will (Continued on Rage Four) GOLDSBORO- N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 2, 1928 ■ftutk. loads frem these points came In only after growers from, the*# I prints, had attended sale* at the auc- 1 lion system, hath been favorably Im precat'd and went home to return and use the market. Tin r u were twenty five trucks re -1 ularlt hculli.v trnci. lo the market -for the am tkms. Thirty f>e huyars' made purchases dttr ng the season, and there wc. regularly six buyers tat " All purchase* ware government In spected and apprtwed I* time aak- A, :i m charge ‘'f. the Btatc there e«re m o . • - n luspecUo ■ and at one time spec tor* on the market Prior* paid were declared to have Icon, ts/jove that what the produce would have hrnughl In the o|wn mar let Muck lets rctes w. ia the most sat lahtoUijy sola* far Ore tu inert"* »yer ■° - t 1 King ala.ut la. SO a 1 tuty. The auction, market was created by the Town Os Mt. Olive after a mwlt tet' of farmer h*d conferred with * . mrintiUT" mm -rm- Mt. +tfi-rr r-h-m- Ik r of Commerce relative to devlslttg f system that would more firmly ■stubllsh the town as a market M r pi (din e .1 i- William* of Smith's Cliupel community ha* been active on I (-half of. tin isriucr*. ind' M H Water* acted a* aucltolieer. William Bird as secretary and 1.. A. Bird. Jr., as me nag: i ‘‘ " ' Mi WCU, rr. !n gtrimr Hie Sew* 1 figures as to the -success of the ut*r-' k( t yesterday, said that all were enn riuced that snot hit* m-usou would see, 'he ' ‘.mi: and discussion so plan* fi the coming year will h. made be fohe the Auvu-t meellng of the Mt, 'Hive Climber of C<.mmeri e. Thl* .meting will he held at »om<- point in the-country mar Mt. Olive, .» Uarb« .-tie will W served; and farmer* gen ci*lly Invited to attend. StabdurdixaCnn of brands is one item Win h will l»- ad vacated for an *m ' y Other year. Instead of aeUTujg Mt. (•lira potatoes, for Instances, under (Continued on I'ag* Four) KM K KILLED AT CROSvSTNC i r " r Soul hey) way I'uMtengtr Train Hitx Automobile At China Grove I HAHI.OTTK. August — Four |K‘r*oiia were killed Instantly and a fifth was seriously lujqred when Boutheru Railway passenger It*!u No. 22 htruck an nutguiobll* at a grade crossing »t China Grove this mur.-iltiK according tu rapurts r. aching hare _ I,l*l Us Dead The dead are: e Mr and Mrs- Mack Thomas Poplin, of Uakboiu. Mrs W B. Harlsell, of Oakbord, tlanahiar. ul Mr. aud Mrs. Poplin. John Greer Poplin, six year old grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Puplln. Mr. Harlsell. driver of the car, w** seriously Injured and may die. I r«»«lng I atthslrarled An official report made to head quarter* or the railway said the notariat* view of the crossing waa Jtu.hsturled, '{The automobile was demolished by tit*f force of the impact, which oc culted at 8 a. in., at a private creas ing. according to the report filed el line* earn headquarters here. Th* ti'i.lnk which was moving southward, w if Jn charge of Conductor McCorkle rad Engineer. Gltn-berger. The lull ml* of Mr and Mrs. Toplln could not Ih- learued by the members of lha 1 rain crew and that- detail was not -.wt ludtd In the report made here. Driver Blamed A coroners Jury held that the *c . blent was caused by the curetesafi*** •of the driver. Witnesaea said that I'artsell iiij I to Ih* right and started d’wn the Wtmk In the same direr tton of tin- the train when he aaw tb* iPCQtBofIVe The I rain struck th* roar of tbe uutomohile and hurled the car ; ]about 9d feet. The bodies were thrown clear of the wreckage. across th# notthhound tracks aud Into & ditch. - FIRE DESTROYS I .HODGES’DAIRY 1 Three Muloh Burned to Death Mhen Thev Couldn't Be .Moved From Barns Fire Tuesday night dtetroyed ron- Vilerable .property and thr«» mules w. r Miuned to death lit their stalls * hen fl.-imcs were discovered In the leer* and writ equli.ed dairy barn of the Hodge's Dairy 6 mile#’ weaf of El.* t«.« (.ft Highway No. JO. At !• 3o when the fire was illacover ■d. It was thought that all the stock could be saved, but the animals could not be moved before the rapidly 'tpreading flames wire so close a* lo endanger the lives of llyi yesi urex. Mr. Hodges had recently dl*p»scd ( f tbe majority of his /ull blooded *Mtnl ttl calltoi. aod those icaclnlug 'll the barn Were *ll checked except one. anil lEwas thoqght It had- wander id Into ttm-fields \ N« Informatloji could Ih- obtained TiTr whether the 1 onsideriiTeTdia J .»t orred was coyered by Insurance. Wayne Farmers Trek Today To Oxford For Field Day Frfrty viT fifty Wayne county far- { oerw-.- Tic-ndetf toy « .-o*U i *g«mt' A-' idEt'.’l Robertson. wriT Teare tt:3o tWs morning f"r Oxford when- they will attend He- r< ventb annual field day ind hemecomlng of the Tobacco Ex pqrlmrnt Biutluji- 1* will feature farm and home equipment.- A .“iilt’ible progrxm has been «t --ange-l updir the direction of E. G. Moss, A. M Dean, and James F. Bul- Jn- Kinrii.'iß : >t 10 o • loclt., wither W AHen. president ~e the County B-ard of Agriculture! presiding The mush will he furbish ed by quartets, choir*, and other or ganisation*. M I’. Chamblec Is ch*lr mtui «f the m Ido cmnitotee. Invocation will be pionouiiced by n*v«njid ’V II Brown. R‘vcit-nd W D. rot will! deliver thf address of Urges Growing Os Staple Which Meets • Demand of N. C. Mills He Doesn’t Mind Dead Men’s Shoes KAYETTKVIEEE, Aug. 1. —(if*)— Dead men'* shoes have no super stitious terrors fur W H. Johnson, veteran peace off leer of fumberland county. Mr. Johnson has nnuouuc i-d his acceptanee of the post of . liicf of jhilli p nt Howland, N. C., which towu has seen the, last two previous chjefs slain lu th* dis charge of duly Alter 15 yearn of service a* a deputy and rural po liceman. Johnson atepa Into th* place made vacant by the death of It. Jones, for whose muni* a negro (a now In the Stale Peniten tiary under sentence c|f death Jones' predecessor was shot and hilled about two years ago. BANKRUPTS BAD FOR CREDITORS Bankruptcy That Creditor* Can’t Hope toGet (Her 70 Per Cant RALEIGH. Au*. 1. OP) When In dividuals or firms are thrown Into bankruptcy, creditor* usually can hop* to recover Itttl* more than 70 per c*pt of the actual asset* of the bankrupts which are usually far below tb« IS' debtedness. figures compiled by W. M. Hut*-nyin, Deputy fTerk of United Elate* Court (or the Eastern Dlatrlci of North Cardllna. show. - About 30 per cent of all recovered from th* bankrupts Is loat to the cred- f in Guta, com mix ■ lons, sXOenaes ’ of mattoUals. rtnalvc-r* and trust***. „ 6 . j and exemption*. During the fiscal ypar ending June 30, losasa to creditors on these accounts were slightly higher than 3ft [>er cent lu the Eastern Dis trict Federal court. There ware 232 individual* and busines* firm* to fail with a total ln cchtedness of 8544,179, Mr. Batqjnen'a figures show. The creditors recover-J ed $694,010. hut actual realisations were $911,408, showing $216,697 going for the various costs with $3,010 left undistributed. Tha coxu jx ere dlrliled; expenses of marshal*, receivers and trustees, $34.- 157, fees and expenses of sdmiiusua lion. $96,913; exemptions. $21,111; dowers, $264 Os th* s49*.oltf that went to rrodllors, accords creditor* gut $364.64)1 gnd general creditors, $331.324. The 232 Tor-this dlatrlci Wete divided .176 voluntary and 67 Involuntary. Classified: merchants, 92 'vulttatary. 46 Involuntary; farmers, 36 voluntary; manufacturer*, two vol*, pm ary, live Involuntary; wage earn ersTTlvt- voluntary: professional men and women, four Voluntaiy. twi> Invol itnlnry; iiiTscellVWMiaV.'"JT !(Hji.vry.- fi»V involuntary. weienma The flrxt a<£dre« nf th* nmewiwg, ■vttl he grtrm toy 13 V FTUiyd, t«fta*‘- (o extrusion specialist connected'with •,hc North Csroltna Btate College eg cultural experiment station. The subject of his address will be T'd>ftr : ce Disease*." "The k v smlly Cow” will be the tit)# of the address by A. C. Klmrey, of •he school of agriculture of North Carolina Btate college. There will he more music and then the chief address of the day will lit m«de bj Dr. E \V. Slkt-s. president of Clemson College. Smith CaroUns. He will he Introduced hy the honor able Will lam A G alum Kommlwslon er of Agriculture lit this stake. Shortly after noon lunch will lie served BilTtoi'rue wllf lie sold on the grounds. J Continued on i’ag* Four) ' MEMBER Oi TUB ASBOCIATBI PRESS - - rj jk, . L PRICK mi CBNTD Tell* Co-Op Members GatlwrW For Barbecue Thai BUU Lacks 500,000 Balaa ABOUT 400 PRESENT FOR SERVING OF MAMMOTH ’CUB Number of Premtaeat Farmers of Four CouaUaa Appear Oa Profraai North Carolina Ineb* HMW bnlee of cotton of producing o «ffW»M •mount or inch to luck sat «eo-ois - staple to anpply tbo Modi < the mills of tb# atat*. daqlored **' H. Blalock, of Ratetgh, seooral man ager of tb* North Carolina Cotta* Growers Coopacetlre iiimbltna -i peaking before tba mambam of tMg district bars yaatarda jr afternoon , Mr. Blalock qsato to Ooltoboro g*- ou tba occaaton of a SOI t)sens toabor •d tba mambers sad tbalr trlandi wbo rasld* In Wayna, Lenoir, Doplln and Wilson coanitWnt tba Wajmo Conatp KVIi grouuda. and wo* tbo principal i.p*SW of tba day Abast k*t bond (trad fanoora of tkla a action and bool ■taaa man of Ooldsbor worn BUBkb vd at tba barbecue. Mr Bid lock told bow tkb Ooopatra live Association Is adncatlnc Ba niotß lara to draw tba typa of cotton tb* rue N*Mh Cerollaa mill* dinilfi bo* th* grading and <■ lagging rornc# of Aaaoclatloa —bm H poegMa tbla atapto to cammnut» batpby »* -rtium and how tba Aoanslatlm la a4- Hiring tba membara that tbOf flbt tb# premium Ha told farthar, of offcet* I being made by tb# Aaaoolatlen toward * reduction of freight ret## bn notion I Tba gorernmeat— *Mdo and aa*loo igl estd Mr. Bloteah barn paid tap i witch attention to toooatnc •*•*•* , l»(iw to produca more. No* tbo .pro ( Mem la teaching bottor solan better cooperation, and tfnadprdtaa lion A, T Orlffln. director of tbo oo*jp (.aeoctetton tar tba dlatrlct presented \|r RlsloeirC. >• HI loir woloamad *ha farmers and gooota to tba oeco thm and gave born# of bla (iboare# • , 'i«na of what cooperation Is doing tab ' the farmers of tba far Waat as aead* t o a recant trip to brattle, Washing ton a. C. Case* of Dadlo?. toM bow be had found much satifScUon tram tbo • pit..n*t pool of tbo aoooclatloa. bay he had ordered them by talapbaoa at 11 o'clock one morning to a*H cat ion held for him. and bow ba bad re ceived bla chick on tbo morning mad the day followlngr \ . _ | A H. Oliver. Mt. Oliva and Doplln 1 farmer, related that on Jana M bo i rdered the association oofl oottan held for him and reaaired an average Os 124 07 On that day tba same riapte aa soli kp W> Ollvar through 'the association Would bare brentkf ■«))• $21.50 at tba mom. Jm anld. Ha ' (.aid Improved type cotton bo baa do *• injki'fj rtplnlati «hr high .reran, and added that this Assentation mad# it poaalhle for tbs grower to got »xacUy th* everag* that bis tapln tailed for. Dr. 8. H Crocker of SUntooborg ra'd the time would com* whan man now members of cooperative eaaooln none would he spoken of with prld* tb# pionaare of a great and worthy 'it«*ewie»4- ..I. S. Trank June*, dtatrtei agent praald ed over the meeting, explatoad that It* purpose was to stimulate Interest lin the association and to bring tbo farmer* of the muntie* and tba bool now* men of Goldsboro closer togeth er. AVthe end of th# program bo gang an opportunity for signing Os eon | tracta in the aaaortatton and eavaral took advantage of thla „ The meeting waa opened with prey cr b* Hav J M. Daniels, and grace before the barbecue waa anld by Mt. A. J. Smith. The harbecna waa tarr ed st ft is in one of the large Pbty Grounds building* ahd there waa plwi iv and more than a plenty to sere* the 4«« present. Mr Jones thanked the farmers and hnalnead firms of Goldsboro who aide Ica In m*klng the barbaetM p ßo*lll%