WEATHER . Mostly fair continued warn Friday {•llo wad by tbaadarabowara In waai portion Friday night ar Saturday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 135 ENGLISH FLIERS ARE RESCUED FROM MID-ATLANTIC REPUBLICAN FARM LEADER BOLTS G. O. P. FOR DEMOCRACY Courlney and Crew Are Picked Up After Plane Is Forced Down at Sea Drifted 100 Mile* From Point Where Doraier. Napier First Sent Out SOS PLANE LEFT AZORES LATE WEDNESDAY P. M. , ' , Honrs of Silence From Distrew ed Plane Raised Anxiety to Hfcrh Pitch NEW YORK. Aug 2—OP)—Captain Frank T. Courtney and the throe com panloaa with whom he made a forced landing in thalr (lying boat today were picked up late today by the steamer Minnewoaka. which announced by radio that Courtney and hla craw bad bean taken aboank and that all waa wall. When tkk flying boat which had taken off from the Aaorea from New Found I and late yeaterday waa forced town. Courtney aent out a radio dls treaa SOM call giving hla position. A dosen ocean liners turned from their course to race to the rescue but Whan the (Irat arrived at the poalt'on given the plane could not he fouud. Hours of silence tne aislrese ed plane after Its landing led to the general fear that the radio had goue cat of commipaion. But the ateamer >U hanlna got In direct communca tton with the plana again and was given the new position. This Indicat ed that the plana had drifted pteadlly to the uortheast aides Ita landing and was almost 100 miles front Its first position. t, " ■ o Cou'tney's place landed In the oc tsn early this morning and In resp onse to Its radio calls for assistant all stetuners anywhere In the vicinity turned from their couraea to go to the reacue. At 11:15 eastern daylight time the Radio Marine corporation I ' New York was advised thr.! l:a '•tatton at ( hatham. Mass., had Inlor nrtlo'a that Ihe liner Prealdent H»v < had readied' the position Courtney savj In hh dis tress calls and was searching for the reap lane Two hours la 1 -** ho word had bean received that Hij search I ad met with aucceaa. Other Itnera that went to Conrfioy's rialatanre were the MUnewasas, the ‘‘edrlc, the. Cpltrle an 1 thi ( Columbus, The Inward, tJw ‘Orlpshelm and-ins Berengarls a'ded by relaying Ihe wireleaa messages Taj Cedric was rot much further from the landing plat* of the plane than (tie I lesidrnt Hayes and it whs b»*l »v«s J sin* too ihust hpye been searching hi water, ,n 1 ihe position Courtney .. n , |, ... , | —.«•. .wjfcmecrrr.... .. * CANCER CAUSES DEATH M.T. COX • . * End Came At 10 O’clock Iduit Night For Well to Do - Broaden Citizen M T Cox. well to do Brogden town rhtp* farmer, died at hla home at 10 o'clock leal night following a llnger- U*W lllneaa wtOi cancer. Funeral service will be held from Ihe Neuse church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will be conducted by Rev Ben Mllllken of the N'shunta Frtenda church Purlal will he made In the cemetery At the Neuse church. ~ A devoted believer In the Quaker faith. Mr Cox lived • quiet and use ful life He Is survived by his widow, three sons and three daughters The sons am N.. K. Cox of Brogden township, P., 0. Cox of Suffolk, V*., cud 'V. T. Cox of Cincinnati Ohio. The daughters are Miss Lucy ‘ Cox of Brogden township: Mts *P. S, Collier of Liberty, and Mrs. G. K., Moore of Liberty. J _ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Say Stepmoth’r Bound And Gag’ed Little Girl Vtempson authorities thor oughly Investigating a charge that Mary Robinson, eight yeWts old and small for tier age. was bound and gagged by Her stepmother to keep her from leaving the house while the parents were away, ac cording to Information front ct*p ton reaching here yesterday. C|lt|toU police are said to have been informed that the little girl was bound by the parent when she left till-ir home Monday and had remained at appetl until neighbors heard faint cries iront the Robin son house and released the step child- It has been learned that the Kobluson woman had tied the girl up to keep her from going to other homes while she and her husband were away at work. VIRGINIANS VISIT SMITH Democratic Headquarters As aured That Old Dominion Will Stand Firm (Special To The News) NBW YORK. A jig. I Byrd and Senator Swanson of Virgin ia conferred today vwrth Oarer wo: Smith, Demorcatlc presidential nom ,_in *c. and John J. Uaskob, cha'rman o.* the Democratic national committer "We asaured Governor Smith.' Senator Swanson »»ld after the con ference "that Virginia would be In the'"'Defoeratio column in November Governot Smith and^-Wr. Itaykob cre understood to hav(- inquired of Governor Byrd and Senator Swanson ■s to Ihe paramuont Issues In Vir ginia with a general view to sending rpeakeiyi to Ihe state to sttmulat interest In the campaign at the prop cr time, the Virgin* leaders obtained assurances that the Democratic na tional) headquarters wouff cooperatr fully In. all parts of the slate with ’he state committees this Is In line with the general policy of the nation al committee to operate through the ’t«te Governor Byrd visited h's brother Commander Rlot(- srd 8., Byrd In New York who Is pre paring for a trip to the South pole Hickman Loses Appeal f Before Supreme Court 0 HAN FRAXTf*t*n. Am «—bP)—Tfc* late of William Brtward Hickman, rlayer of Marlon Parker. 12 year old Los Ajigele* girl was sealed today when the California State Supreme court handed down a three line drji . on denying hffh an a appeal A Making Appointments For Clinic Here on August 16 A numlier of appointments h»ve al ready bren scheduled for the first clinic to be held here by the North Carolina Otbepedlc hospital oh. Aug ust 16. according to information re ceived from Dr. Q. t*. Miller chief surgeon of the Gaatonla state Insti tution and who will be In Charge of •he monthly clinics to he staged In the city. Seven thouetand dollar* have been raised to Insure the operation of the Monthly ..clinics. In Goldsboro for Ka stern North Carolina beginning ;hls month aiftl continuing stir one rear. It Is p\obahle that as an out growth of the clinics to be staged Monthly a branch of the Gastotila hospital will be eventually erected J Priifi to Marry t— _Jr£ Princess Lean a isn't ifuinp to become the wife of an Ameri can after aIL Instead the beau tiful daughter of Marie .of Rumania will a Ger man, Print? Jricinrich of Schaumhourg Lippc, according to ftporta reachimr friends in the United States. Tlie prospec tive bridegroom ia one of the wealthiest men in Germany. SAMPSON CHILD KILLED IN FALL t Three Yertr Old Boy Sustains - Broke nNteck As ttr Tumble* From Father’s Truck i O. I*. Carter, Jr. three year old «nr of Mr. aud .Mrs. 0. L. Carter if near Ingold. Sampson county was nstantly killed when he fell from a truck Jn which he was riding with till! parent, last Sunday afternoon, recording to information reaching here yeaterday. The tittle Imy's neck was broken by the force of the fall. The Carter fumlly had left *• their Hume In their truck for a ride that vfternoon and the little boy, with otne of ihe other children, was *eat d in the truck body, while Mr. Car e:, his wife and baby, were In the front Se.'t It Is believed that: the -child WH*- attempting to move hie po illon at the front to ihe rear and In some way became overbalanced ? In* plte the fact that his father waa drlv ng s( low speed he was hurled to the ground with Mich force that his neck was broken. Neighbors, whom the Carter* passed-Jur.t before the •ugedy oectfrred. state?! that the child.. KBi seated at that time on the side of the truck . . I At; soon »* the little fellow cnttJd be reached It was found that he was In - atawiiy- -kUlod h> the tall. Thchorruf stricken mother took her son In her o-ms and carried. to their hoffie, j which they bad left only a few min ute* before for a pleasure riile.-that [ terminated in onerof the greatest tr«g- I edies of a family. “ hr re , Dr Miller. In a letter to those In terested In the clinic, says that up polnlment* for examination of a nutit her of crippled children 111 this half of tlie state haver been made D6\ MIII e with the superintendent () f the Gaston a hospital w ill arrive In Gold*, born Oil, August 1 ready f°r the clliili the following day. Crippled, < hlldrtn residing' 111 this half of the rtate will report, hero for preltmln .uy exarqntatloua,;, for minor currrf •ive treatments. «nd"T'>r rher’k up ex-i am nation.* folloyltiit treatment tn the Gostdnla h"spiti*L It I* assured that hundred- of additional crippled children wtil he icarhed through ee-1 (Continued Dp Rage Three j GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3,192 H SIMMONS AGAIN 1 ATTACKS SMITH r » o . Letter To Wilmington Man Is Given to Prens For Publication WILMINGTON. Aug. 2. |>P) Cliaigin* Gov. Afride K smith. Den.o. I°cn*tie presideufiul niniln«*e, wlth be ing "hostile to the fundamental prin ciples of democracy,” rieuator J>". M. Sin toons, veteran North Carolina log- MUtor. tn a tetter to A. k. tTtnrm, local Insurance man. heclajed that • ull DeoiocifalU voter* atioqtd be tree; from coercion or restraint in the ex ercise of their conscientious convlc ift' Don aud Jiicgment w ith rcs|M-ct to the nstloual ticket.” » The letter, given th« Wilmlugton News Dispatch lor publicst.ou bj Mr. C.oou ,iu part, fallows: "1 aui deeply interested 111 the rlec | tlon or the Democratic state, district and local tickets, aud T carucNtly hope they may receive Hie undivided si j.- of the democracy of the State, hut' I feel that because of Governor Smith's action since bis nonitaatiou with reference to the plaUurm, his orgaulxation of the national IN-raocra- Lc execut've t uunrUttec and his an«l its alllauce with Interests'aud group' liovtile unc autagonlstu lu the run d-amenial principles of deotoci rcy, all In mociattc voters should be free from coercion or restraint In the exercise cf theh conscientious conviction aui judgment with respect to ths nntiouul Ucksk" I Senator Sljntiions. leader of hla par ty lu North Carolina and senior u»en.- 1 fa r ar'ffte tipper KSTy from tits State, - recently resigned ms a member of the I'eniqcralic executive mnimUtec Throughout the pre-convention cam paign he vigorously opposed the uoml ratlon of the New York Governor lpi( did not attend the t-nnvenUon - T - _ COVINGTON AHII HIM.H AMK UN ItIMTN IN GO ASimviLU:. Aug . 2-GF)—Dtrk ('ovtngtou of Wayuesrtilf,. «nd Wllm cr Hines. Columbia, S. C., were fin alists iu the uiuiual Invitation junior tcunls tout uanient st Blitmore Forest club today, Bines; second ranking Ju uolr of Dixie, entered the filial Tttes any by ei:mlu«tlug H. U. McGood wln. I'blUidi lplii i. In -.lralght ael.*. Covington third ranking, ttinnned Juck Counts, Atliiuts. s Yesterday, iu Isfalgbt scl*. mrnlug ihv; right to ■-meet Hides. . ... ■ ■ , • fAKECOANTIS I STAGE MEETING _ ' ” r Dr Tucker ClamieH Catholic Church Am I'oliticai .Macninc And CusweM Editors RALKIGH, Aug. 2 (A'l With tbc Rev. J. Powell Tucker, Ih^D, pastor <if the First llai>ti -t i hurt h of Raleigh. lerlarlng a vote..for the party's presl ocutlal nominee would he a vole to crucify Ihm country on the bloiniy c.:oss bcilded \ lit forelgu eli iiietit anti Smith Democrats of \V;<I, eottti tv launched a temporary <nk.iio/uiUni here tonlglit. . > s. » " v On motion of Rev (*. A. Upchurch. Superintendent of the North Carolina Autl Salo'm la-aatie a committee of M'Vfti *«;’ n»me<i upd Hi urged w Ull roihlinit l ®* a trmjtrfy eoiwmklec to be -comiK)*yi| of a Utah and woman livin' racli of.(he 1.3 townships. A second meeting was arranged-f >r mid pledge card*, were dHtributr(j the e fg. slghatur* hut Itoy Banks, a moving spirit in the eiiterprl o . raid he wax unable to say Intw many lud been filled out. The rards merely pledged the signers not to vote for Governor Smith. Dr. Tinker, who made the only speech of the evening took a rap at "two by four editor*" who criticised minister* for political activity "Why Jn God's name don’t they hejp keep the Roman Catholic church out of politic*," he demanded. I)r. Tucker liad previously referred to, Ihe Catho lic churrh as a "gigantic political ina. i hln< hacking under the guUtf of re iigion.-, o al l gpi “Hamm What Am” t ,v‘ » ( ' ” . n * ' > *t VtL ■ J u EiUlie Ilainro, Georgia Tech athlete, who set a nti* Olympic record of 7.73 metres (25 feet 4J inches) in the broad jump event. Ou)y phanomenal com petition can prevent an Ameri can victory in. thia event. BUILDING WOULD BOOST CANNING IMkeville Womtn Shown Need of • ■ Proposed New Building tor A|-i Fair Grounds No better w«y of mr.ouraalH# t«a n.‘ng In Wayhf* count y c*»uld be deYD ed than through providing the purpos «-d woman's bHildlng a ttbr Wayne cm’nty lair, according lo Mrt. K. L. Ftvle of IMkevlfie, chairman of the canning aud pantry supply displays «t t lie fair. Mrs. I Vein In a letter (o Ihe fair aHS«M'latlnn expressed the hope that the fH.ofHi neesk-d Bis the t evr buildings win he provided. "Nn one In the county," write* Mrs Reel*, "tin* read wllh m«re Interest of ■our plan* to build a woman’s and ;:!-r!building at the Fair groundi Mian 1 b»vc. '* ■» 0 • 1 have been supervising thexgtltred gjwjd* ■• ml pantry supplies department nt the fab for a number of years, and we have nor only Ik'Sii crowded for space, but the dirt flimr In the old I ulldluf makes It Impoistble for Ihe women of the county to dls play their work in a creditable way. "The llrn teil amount of space mak *» it Impossible for «h to encourage tttv enrmeyt »wt *sd. jsnrtty. »uofd> exhibits The cunning Industry Is r»p Idly growing in Ihe county and visit It a building for the woman and g'rl* i■> use exclusively you have no Idea l.ow much it wotilh encourage them o exhibit ttndr prodtH*. “I sincerely hoi>e that yoirwilt not let the ‘good people of Wayne county ti l until you get lhi» building for UR.’ ' Drives Auto Into Ditch To Avoid Hitting Train sti" n .r->x*r< i-ed remark iblr presence of mind, Miss Lois toHltierlnnd would probably have teen killed In a grade crossing iccident on highway number to ouMi ill the etty yesteiday about noon. MU* Southerland was drlvlAg a * hevmlrt autoni'ibtlv (Foci the office of the Gulf Refining whole- < -ill station south i»f (he city. It us- about 12.15 P. M. The m irn lug train from Wilmington is doe here at. about 11:15 and Miss ft Southerland, knowing the sched ule of the'train, »i, hoi expel ling an obstructed crowing. It hap pened. however, that the train wav Peek of Illinois Says He Find* Alfred Leader For Agriculture Takes Record For Constructing Barn New Hope now rapture* honors fiom Dolibt rsvitfe for short-order const rind lon of a tobacco bar*.* Karlv this week. Bnti Newsome of New Hup* I »»t a tobacco barn by lire. At 7:30 yesterday morning Mr. New some started up his saw mill, sawed necessary lumber, haul ed it t« where the barn bid been hi rued, and wllh six tenants hetp lug bltu rushed up a o*w born. At 6 o’clia k Inst ujght' tb* barn was completed uud a flit going la the furaaro. Thh. beats by soma six hours the record of 15 work In:; hours established In building a barn In the Dobborsvtlle section Sometime ago. SPANIARDS TO CONTINUE HOP w 1 f . Will To4«> Rmuntc Fli K ht In terrupted When Forced V Dowd At 8m ni'ttVA, Spain. Auf. * Pnrcod down her* By motor trouble, Com mander Ramon FVanco aud bis throe companions will resume their rouffd the world fl'ght Friday. Franco favor* starting Friday” TiF stead of Thu'ftiday because Frdlay I* :bv anniversary fH« MCftNrtaqr MbrialopJier njtnmtms voyage G> America In HP2. Franco had origin ntly inlruded his night from radix Friday, but had made the hop off because of exlremely favorable veather coudlllons. With blx c ompanlons, Faptaln* llulx Dr Alda *nd (Mllarta of tbc 1-psnlsh Royal Hying Forces, and the civilian mechanic Pablo Rada. Franco hopped off from ('adls. lee* than n hundred miles southeast of here, at < 1® r m .-yesterday, encountering slight trouble with one of the four motors of the huge Dhrnler seaplane Numanclar Franco turned back and r 1 iadr >a safe Isiidlng her*. Tin fliers spent the night aa the gm.rts of the Hatilda Monastery here’ which Is famed as a haven used by Columbus during tb* years when he was trying to persuade tb* Bpanlsh court to finance Ills voyage of dls «overy. Dr. iJeroy Ahead In Race Up Mtafthtfiippi . j'AIRO, 111. Ai|g. 2-<A*>--Four hours ahead of the record of the pack til Hubert .£... Lee, in lu blslorlr race with Ihe Nati hex In I*7« from New Orleans t0..8f. Louis Dr. taiulg l<*Voy reached here al 3:52 today In the Bo Sic uud left a 5 p. m. H« expect* to reach Ml. laiuls tomorrow »ft*r ogon. un hoar late yesterday. Approaching the crossing, she found her car within a few feet "f an Atlantic Coast Un* (rain. She realized'in a flash that the brakes on Ihe car would not stop It In time to prevent a crash. It was either torn into a ditch oy hR the train. Into the ditch she headed' the. car. The n achtue wa» considerably torn up, and Miss Southerlgnd es caped with minor seratchf* and bruises and a had shock. was being Congratulated laljl liight on (he remarkable pres f nee of m'nd that -he displayed In the situation. MEMBER OH THE ABBOCIATRD PRESS PRICR PITS CBNTEI Declaration of Intent ten to ftap. port SMitk SMITH WOULD CALL FMUi AID C ONPiUiNCS IF NAM'D l‘eek Wan On* of Cluunpienn «l McNary.Hmufei Bill end I’rominent Loader • %' •••.’TF■=»-...• -'V* NEW YORK. AvC- *— UH— la Mo fight for tbo presidency, Governor Smith Rained an ally froai turn belt -George If- JMt. fC ,lu O* tie. one of tbo champion* es thfi Mr Nary-Haugen farm bOI Which w*b frowned on by the CoolMgt a—lhHfr •ration. *. 1 i'-j ~ A AJU- ~^L_ Peek announced that be lied belted tbe Hepu I lean party to ballot under te smith banner altar bo and tbo Democratic nominee bad dteeuoeed (h<- (arm queetiea tor two been £ Immediately oiler tboir ttebtueb Smith reaffired bio tntaatfofk It el*- clad of calling on tbe bast far ad rice In »(taping up of a tap relief program.' He awatloaod Pbagat, 0. I.owden of lliiaote ao ope at tbe lo rubiloaaa bewoad like te oeaouß- , In Me statement, tie Oeeeranr rest > that bo WaaM dtagaM t*e farmer 1 * at ieo»tb-»b Mo acceptance epooeh and oboe nrgd that conirol of tbo able at agrietitarbl •orpins hi recogniaad by oer platfgna a mi utecuHbl need, lie MtH bold posed on the ealtto be fwuftttd’* form, on which f eUad—oaly tbo It ■ all of tta accomptlobOMat remelag. bo added. 5 * Peek, who eeppoaod Uwmn tir the Republican preatdroHal ■nmlny don. rime out for dmltb formally af ter be bad v tatted ObalroMß Raabob at campaign bedaguarton lata In tbO day. , *' r *' ?%?■ "A* a reenlt of my cooler eac4 ertth (•ororaor Smith.” bo dictated to newt popermen. “I fool certain that la bafc r clear and correct undertUodtog at the farm problem aad tbot bo urltl mj|v* it wltb laietlaetaal boaooty if mil tee pout* If entirely la tbo beoda •(a'rment to mo ok tbo epftnmlbod la tUa public etatodikt iible modalhf. t rhall support hit candidacy for greets doncy.” t% * ' • ; -w.j...mnm.o % WAYNE FIELD 1 DAY AUGUST f ... - o Will Make Inamartlf «f Fartfc lixor and Variety Taata - -!■ CNM| . f On Thureday August Mb. german of Wayne ('oudtjt erg Ineltod to mabo a trip of inspection to the foHoerfng farm* to observe fertlllsar and rar l I« ly teats of corn, cotton aad tobacco. Representatives of Chilean NRrotaa and other fertiliser bnroaae wtl? ho etalent v k. Y~*b», a 9. mmier aod « 'W. Warrtqkr VooaMMM-dMMM i -iral Teacher* are cooperating *itl County Farm Agent Roberteen and ‘hcae farmers. *, 9 a. m—Perm of H T. Drrb, f Inilea “west of Genoa, now highway- ■* JO a m.- Karm of W. A. Jiaaatto. Park Hill School. Grantham* 11 a. m -Harm of M. E. Com Grantham township. l, p m Farm of R. B. Co*. 4 mllra northeast of Oeidsbore. °l p. m—Karm of C. M. Pippin. .it Premnnt. 4 p. m. Perm of Oid Gray. Old County Home Fhna. Pihertllo. 5 P m.- Karm bf Ployd Bardaa, rear Goldsboro. Highway No. 40. ; '6p. m Ksrm of Luby Hlnee 1 I-3 miles weet of Rosewood. )\ ■

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