WEATHER Partly cloudy with l«cal thundershow er# la treat Wednesday Thursday tleady proceeded by rain oa the coast • VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 139 3RD DISTRICT DEMOCRATS CONFER IN GOLDSBORO Leaders Assure Stale Chairman Odus Mull Os A _ • v >f . ... __ Whole-Hearted Support « ■— i Swv«lty-Fiv« From I'omiUoh at Third Dkttdct Wm»nt fcr General Meeting RIVERS JOHNSON HEADS CONG KKSMION AL GROUP Mali’s Pten far Harmony Draws UaoatmouH Approval From V Group PfOscnt Democratic landers of the hauling' third congressional district will work «a fcanaewy sad »i«vmd lot lUv Democratic candidates from "consta ble to p«wlid«nt,” thin'was brought out la tba I or* feast at aged bare yesterday A county chairman, state esacatitre committee members and other Demo sveGe- principals a* Utw-tblrd mat foi a conference with Btate Chairman Odus if Mull of Hhelby. . The meeting brougut out a greater attendance and mare alureie promise* of deed service Oh behslf of tba party than any similar meeting tnged with ta recent year*. It was stated by those whose memory runs back for a num ber of campalKha Rivera D. Johnson of Warsaw Gaa named chairman tor the n. tug cstafslgs and hJa talk brought spontaneous cheering. r-tßinwriilitii Charles L. Aberneihv bagged those present not to forget the fact that the Negro question was ‘ quite likely to raise its head 1 tha Republicans managed to attract eullcieo* votes from the Democratic ticket nbttoaslly. . He cited Instances -of what be termed special attentions which the Republican party bas paid i the Negro lit Washington recently. Hecails I*** >*■■< „ Col. John D. larngston, formsrly (hslrman of tba stafe board of efec uoas. Joined w«h OWalissaa u answer say question Dr. Sirston might put *o him regarding hls public career. Nfcw YOJf'K fAT The Uaverepd John Itoach St.-illon tonight unnoiiiw - «d he w,«i*W a.'i-cpi the i ha lleaw»e Oovetnor.Alfred K. Smith lo repeat la thft govecuar'a. pram in a hi* - '.'H ot last Sunday In Which lie naitl • lovernor Smith wm the denjllest foe ti America of the forces of moral pr»>‘ gresa and true political wlsdriin Dr. Clarence Poe Addresses Wayne Dairymen 5:30 P. M. ~ The annual picnic of Ate Wfivne County Dairyman'-* Ae—• '.«t Itr held In the grovs at the home of "'alter Muere. nmir Crenienl l*ake si f, 30 Hilt, afternoon- lb - . Ctariun e Pm*, edltdfk bf the Profrenslv* farmer unit recognised as onc'of the formeat ihfnt *r» on agricultural topic In th.* K. ut’> wilt deliver the address. His topic u Ik he "The Outlook for the Dairy lii.tus try In North Carotins." The meeting wW get started pr-mp, tty at (I:3* this afternoon bid Dr. Vo* i* expei-teil to h»ve completed hts ad j dress by 6:Sfl at tshich time the pic p'r rtlnner will be served. The Dairyman's As*ioclall m Ii mad.- tip of owners and operators qf dairies about Goldsboro. Mi Olive. PUcevtlte and Kreiuont on# of fa ni era of the county whu are Interested ALL OF CREW. IS DEAD WHEN SUB RAISED SAVED FROM DAVY JONES’ LOCKER — -P J 1 : “ “ ' ' ' “ r * x. •J '• ’c i? r- V" * ■<••• . . * • -J v " ■ r > ‘I - ** • - *j,V - . . 'Mil. .Ullll ,WIW Ifcl IW ■ ■ - - * f. r I'h ronrliej affei the three • i 'andciT men Had'lam -a Taken fro iu tTie j>! ri,t .n of plane waltiiiK fu the re»«*Ae halt.)---Int'l. Ncw»recl ' NEWT. MORRIS IS FOR SMITH * ■ I A 2 l ' h Gcfaiciit lt d Oirpa-od Governor Hrfurr Hmixfon • • NHW YORK. Aug 7 (A*! Newt M-A rig, iff Georgia, who #as a delegate t« the Democratlc national eonven t*myi. oppoeotj the iiomtirati *>u of (Jov exnor Hmltb.MPulleil ifp'*** lhe vutent m tfijr K inrti to xummrt the Btntih i sti'lldacy Issnad ife-nurli catnpnign biadquafioiw totluy. lie. said he la llevod. tire Routh t.oitld cast rts vote “In opptwTH'ift *l»«r tepudlcafloit «f lint iUpdlha# party - which fie asserted had math' a record lux gorrupi imi and gr'lLtfim 'Hjguad) In hbifotiF. ’ # lie called H".i ri'ftirj M-ll- u Ijc I«iwer MIM the titCOHc ill th*' lt“* publican Tterty and charged bad never rouecigiftiounly alletnnfwil to cntorca the Vplstead ucl. RARBECUE AT ' MT. OLIVE FRL . .o; I'- H - —- ('banilifr of (’ttmmert-c 25p Farmers to Distrirt , Atjcnt liailhti tßpeciH To The N« jm) ■ M>'. tif.IVR Au< ir-f be M.. 501 Gllvd ntamb. r of ('unttinyce Is giving -»-h!tWH-c«e-w+-tb** M—s+o rU+ve-t-^U+d-H. Club Friday aftetraaOtt AukßiM Ittfli at l!t»> iPrlock. £ His jreat xt JdSLjiibMt: <« '''* v « an the kpeaKer of th>« day H. W. Gaither, •i. farm acm alt* If. Koill ' | talk to n« on "Fill ent Xtamwemeii! cf the Vnrnt.” The baflns ue Tit baiag given Ur iHe •ll l "lltwg >.tl".M<'T ,n . fff ttltt PWrtWlTßfltr fflf the Cli irtiher of Commerce a* an ex p«.v.,.»«>U' id Tfa- «p«*d..awUL «»*d iniistl .hip lo then) IW sfc ovp.-etiniT tw i hundred ami ilW*. and hope t ( > make ihc nu'cMiig hi.ill cJfii’i'ta llliig he I pip I . .h in ImprovimyThi-i r dairy ito.k Th . zssor ijiton was tormed atioat «fvt‘it t . >i«rs ago .(ml Ini been Instmmcytiat I In u progyenelve dairy , movement fn the county.'lib*tnr; ttiti 'lime dairyfho his come lie an tin - j porto 111 liiiluecry I - . 1■» ,1 i?. . K Adams js president sf the \S4." ntiiiii and ts ?xi>ei t*st 1•* pn '•nls .in 1 the meeting W. r BpincV 1, <* .-1 rt -a 1 y and I! K. Merritt, sc. 1 r< to ry. J The grove In wjilch the speak •,ry »l*l lsk.‘ place and the pientc | l*nue' will In . *:rved Is one of the s coolest spot* In ten in lies around ! ami L hecotninr P'.jmil ir as a pi* nlc . rround. Jt wa> here the Poultry I *O4 AsvtMlalloii h.-ld its inoi-liiu- .ito.nt .1 I month ago. GOLDSHORO.% C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8. lU2* OLD VETER WS OPEN meeting; Got. Na*uiy Itvhi* man. who In bf/j own |M-ra<*u, Mtsndx for North Carpi ma I*» nod'»!»**»-* Klr-t at HelhelV-ftir TnrwiirWWt Wyatt wlu n he fclT; fgr ll.'"t ni t 'tt liurg, with I’litlgrew, anil lui.f at Appoflftilfox".’ *' Col. N'a-'li ii'*ki n* follows ii * d "Al> il *rii‘ *.| r Cornniaiidur and coni i i-4iV« *U—eottfify fftVe* , fX >•>11 so her arnn and jirnn In tevtuc: enrihrarc, folly r*’ol!r'-rt" Up- r>r*>n. hoaor you a a xeiifi.rrlo'« upon u by ■H4*et|nc ill Tnrh.irti u .lit re 4*ni.ta. — —-•—r™- *Y’nt arc niu m erfa-r »l(hla a f 'oiu-H Uiruw i I ft. ,i. ni i,. ii, r.i! Y*'iitfgm ,1 tc-K-.y* i'-'piiiT. nor dhitittr tl licfl i imly mail, who tiur hh« life i It the fkdd ;*< Gettysburg, ami tut tho f.M* it common, ta full view f mi Wltc'o At- nr- no- • . »eHt. J. iU>:> : lhe"pi. nt«*r n! f ;>t ■ 11 in . t | Ce SVllliMiii M t M Chnplor of the United IVmp.-'h r, .of tee t; sUnt Gafy in In tmi a 11 , Wyatt, or rVmnft'i.i C ilr , f'andlnri re tm/ cI. • i nml. f . -wgwjjyiilmf iir tln Term ..TDisT. •' ! fid who u.H th 11r*t <»pnte*tfrrAie eoMler UMe l te4t>«i|.e, ■ There ytre I^r, - y-tic- who. If ynnr rei ird «. r . prm Inline.!, bl ivip 1 lie admiriitlon of alt le.iVtt ttteii and triii* women who mbrlit have 114*4*1-. 4 1 111 1 (|4* Story I hid you, my ' "inradc in one iiv ime *c p*«y front IW." |ft:,Tn'e.,ffT*Tir?;irttilv ai-tivilb t<> ..u p ibe re clear (bat no «pi>t tpiy -hlamliih ■li i-hn*v*tt emt f, e*». Your r tint I. estshlixlii -I f . f„ •ai, RinapafkiM t>. rite * I Hi 1 v, ‘ 1d,1f." In . pie,i | '•I- Vonr wfpnpt- 'ori;rffo«w hit* the udjacefif i euntb notahly It ilii. v. Olid • *i.r . , S‘ l>tl.trill \,. II I ( I, , ■, { lowed to Mtieuaip you f.,, ~|>-k 1 while you nre o||g ritesH Anti th teWfl. «K* nifh TO N'orTti i-n-* ' --rrol piCrmt ,i. .., we v'*!f i-,.. f m *- ■»* Kde irtbj ta,. n h.M • ~ , 4 ... , deo tw-r. , , i**ftrt Neck to dose the cxercisei) Itw*W ' tp eni . eii'ifnn H'l.tfe her, „ Ur t"ea«# make koewn to u« fimr vni)ls ' I"I er,. r tiny buy tw* The lown.oT Tallinn. < M „| Ivl: ei,„„ M , m ' * while yoq are here, and we ea staaik htuiv in us no y < ■,, - -go- >.'/.T o ! nil I .1 i. '-•I lit ‘ .U-.XuuMot. oe.itoDu* Cud*.* f«». Co ' - rl’l ir-l-Vt *1 4(, the Matifh. Southward the star tjf hit* t.u at’Hi* • t>. mill tine- 'loti, so AL, liei- 14.-4' >rf> o >• t < ail fit 11. Ir ihi ii>; Irt .louree fit-- B4i»itir| --1 ■ .it Ii oti-.l ids# L.m I ituti ter •,*>. -■ AO-• i-ihe'o -l’ stitiir Ui t»t .) xr.o • , htfpbt raw mat oiu js Into artivr pretft v» wo.k and .In o-t houtiillesi M >, fieri''Ufa Hts ■ 1,1 *• !ii jMJU-illll thu eduCa’bMmJ in '-.ff-tk seeltofy ■ The S.>uth . ■ I iiu-'i jy a r-p 1 ••>*.:to-»• * Cie ! f-.;-- r .-i- :T rrrir ".omr. Tr. '-uTn^™ m. tils Uirt-wy Will m ‘-i d 0* i< IWO (lie great st In ait human uJtatsx." - ‘ The .{topeLdsoa- of Hie .keit-tt .Is ;it fir. . if . I.i lo over ff).#*»a,thn> na c .11, 1. 1 .--I vUh 0 1 f, 1,1 States tu I'tfiu” I 'pi ptJiilititTei (a- ft-Mid 1- li/.-i-. • l>> n Ill'll M II" p !o ' • ■ 'll 14* Us, Ulnae 441.4151 K Sf*' +*•“•' - - "The hbhw.'V e-.,*. |lil;t. 1. 4;, t*!-“ South 111 C I'7 aHP m ilcd to 11 Ml vi'J eon pt y||. lly i‘fhl,t'l ■ .: " notch I hi (GitWtostMl «in I’sge Tw») Border Prices Indicate About Same-Averages As Last Year ll'ittHy;*. amir kids' .it th. lr opi ntnr yesterday sra «n Indication, yVl'a' l ’? I>n **t# t.,*-MIJ" te*i 11 marl.-'i> - >!'.•• 'Oil ... e.. be slmiit tike*. prt< < of a year a~o TIP* w;>i| the word which GrttdsboßO wnrchddsomcu bark ye-rtcr* day after il tt. ndlur Die optinltu. .. ihm •tt l,umbert"i and Clark ton Tie- qaatft - . .1 »• i ir 1 ■• 1 I aod : p prii -• (mm II to ll'l II w 1 Id. Tb iver . oge was about H 2. U w ! ih-.titN. lolt Ho ; 1 ' ■ ■’ , ‘ .*iil r-ull .01 rv stuff It s.c. *! l SiilUl ! Inga mu' "Itiflo short fellows deotl 1 a wsi. tniu ennui, “I have nyvor, a '*»u too lon-ih of u alii-’, hr "Oil « “ i ’'There was v«*ry Idl'd real g -al ...bail" oil tlo 1100 | dal see one or • two piles fh.>l uvi rugeti up to |25 and EJeven Birthtf Irately In of Princeton I RIIB KTi iV,, Auk. 7 Johnston *. iiritv tiiwn ~i>i«io 12 tntlrs west l« luiidty *«« hla mm Goldsboro, nw«. : ' | ' 2 * ** cm‘ *ir. \* Dyifi p ulMlfh Hi |i in I u.) 1.11 at imt Inoro Dim I.W ’int tu Hi>. ,|i»“l tew duy.i. accord 01 i v jo )!' on 110 -Id Heiald. there I*. I **l It birth in ti'" vnlagc •; s, llrrdtt ciwrespondentJJi lt them. % .. . Mr. and Mr*. Glove I anil Fall, a’ A I'trt; to Mi* and Wr-L III* barA ule Mkinson. n Ctrl; t» Mr. unity Martin, a Hrt; Mr. and Mrs |hvH , «fef »» -RT.I MSiTt- 'S' ”2*d amt Mrj A I. ft 11 mbe. a girl: lu Mr. and. Men. Albert K'lwards,' a I; to Mr snd Mrs. Oscar Wtltfam*, a boy; to Mr and Mr*. Kl.-ar D)x'*ti. a. Iwiy, to Mr. and Mt r WrttTtt nvlda. a Trtrt: to Mr aqr) JlfH> t’- nti- p |lali*.t. a girl’; M| and tr . Pc stop J oYsort, a 11, t SLAYSSPQGSE AFTER QU ARREL NVv A oric Wontdn .Upfd Urr;id Kt (so fn lORinK Hu-land VVteb ‘'flat; AroumT * ib'r 1 "" °NF.\V V JUK \tts T ffll flten Kirk*' -I. o v..iiPtiful radio lecturer ■tahhMt !*• death today wRh a ’ kaife lilsi Brill! laid, lim jto-. trim 4HO. woy slid Itifllr.ied - tb* T iunitv. more tti»n A d-ntett by ac.el -44.-Ml ;t • *-bp funidlt for I>OSS«HS'OO of ithA-Vutfe m tbst Hhe Ituald wh« tew . y«n life, (Sh " harjgnd with mu'ifer. A ’ * Btrctmau foujiVl Kllkwo.ll td •.evsip lioif lie Ii Ml treeti nmn'itt i.rosnd wdh other Women. Bte*. |M -| .: - ’.'id '.. . illMl I, -1 . of tin ]-4-*util Caro .ins I*. It 1-j.eii ■ t the Hti'S scasiiu today ■to hnbdre i 1 tliou isiid pounds of 1 v of warehouse* hr aging prices pleasing the farmers .* . - ■' up a. 1 Hales at Fairmont. I.umhevton, 'V l il(4 , vtlhi. f bolbourn. ClAiktou. Ta 1 *>r stiil Fair llluff. were not of th" (Continued ou page t wo T MEMBER Oi I THE ASBOCIAITHI PRESS PRICK FIVK CKNTK Vessel Raised •]; Last E vetting Resaiera Were liaprepirN Te Kiwi Every Maa ofTt la Crew Dead of Patna ROM*, Auk 7 -Thf Italian iiiimurltin V 14 with Ita crdw of It front poisonous imm Me* *•- at*lit hroggHt !• the surfaca an tW MrUtiir hi whk’h It had ««*k oils# i ml Union 14 lionra before. ' "•“The weary satvagsra, olio had »te- N-rmi-d almost a n«T«t attracts to 1% !rtw**f tbM inikmwk fr*d'a depth ■ i 131 fael, peered hopefully tato the pan hatches only to Ibid flftjf 'Were ".fuiiiK Into ilia tomb of fbetr *aemred * as. ’ , : They had boon fora ««tM *f 4be >r<»lipi> hen during tbs Afternoon ii« .übmartne telegram signals frosg lu- %itirkm craft had suddanly cans ad They mutloued to drtv* at tfeato i nk, howsver. la th« hops that tbd mliiotta silence maaat alspptjf tint in- new liad withdrawn Mr sgilqp (tart of the submarine or «| Son* that they ware simply waaktned Hr, the diffficuliy of breathing A tbo fob! n ‘t . t t The revelation that all WM* tHS* ijuu> at a shock. At least one of tbo craw wars hoHav > to have escaped tbo- tortaro qt ttriplMM weight at tba baikwa as tba «ea lor reacna fro# tba a|nrn earn pn r l nieiil of tba W« wgs flea** ’ a ben tl>» abarbo* as tba daairarar '•nineppe Missed rods atrar tba naaeeg « -an: o W ■ There wort many fbptnfi jW Ibt awe against death Again* fit fib* nrer.i wan tha waatbar, WbWb 4ntt thin arenbig, tnada tba tlb rough, -nr me fit huh mg nTMrswW k \ iO'; which aha wna bat laved aa pelts at withstanding tba ptfMMkim . i* In .favor of tbo a«)«g«on wf* tba met that tba ftaat on tba spot awrl* virtually avery davit# ganaggAb far iafßa F - ■■g[- AKSOIVCHARGE ■ IS PREFERRED William WtataTtt. OHV* Htr Kro, Held on Slumri o*r« .. nunHUntUl KrHam4 ('ha'Mad with at(ara and which had bean aged la tbd 1 fforta to fire the place maiitbad as- Hly with another piece found at tbo i eg ro'e binne. It waa aaM. 'the piper contained an >tiefll