WEATHER Partly riewdy. possibly tkutoibiw «« lb Weet, Thursday Md Friday, -v VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 140 CENTRAL FLORIDA IN GRIP 65-MILE HOUR GALE Grave Fears Felt For Citrus Fruit Crop In ' Path of Raging Wind Dum|« Until Yesterday After neon Was Estimated At Five Million Doilam WINTER HAVEN HIT BY .GALES LAST EVENING Teknltone Communications With Winter Haven Break As Report Coming In JACKSONVILLE, Aug «—<*>)-Af i*f hammering tudsjr at cominuultl** lu the ipirtely settled sections of East Central Florida the tropic storm emerged tonight to sweep Winter (jam and otbar towns In lb# rich central citrus eeuatvy. City official* SJ, Winter Haven, which la approximately 5(1 mile* eaat of Tampa, related that winds of 75 ml lee an hour velocity had followed afternoon galea of 40 mllee speed. T|j* telephone cinfilt was disrupt ted wblfe the report was being made and efforts to reestablish contact •were unavailing. Apparently the storm was more than half way on Its course from the Atlantic to the Gulf of Megfco, after ravaging a 200 mile strip along the east coast last night and today. Grave tears were-felt for the great citrus orchards, laden with fruit in lit# Immediate path of the storm. Damage was done Along the East Coast last agiht from West Halm Beach north to Cltusvllle, wtth three cities, Stu*rt, FVt Here*, end Xjro, Beech, bearing the blunt of the blow \ with ' estimated property damage of tfi.OOO.OOO ' Weet Palm Beech end Palm Beach escaped the full force of the storm bfu suffered considerable loss of trees and shrubbery. Available reports Indicated that there Was no loss of life and few In juries. The Florida sector of } the American Red Croaa took steps so •*- certain whether there was any Buffer ing hut no reports were received up to late today. a WEST PALM BEACH. Ha.. Aug. » —) The monoplane Friend*! - p In whirl! Amel la BsrhsM and her c«mpantofls flew icm this country to England will he manned by an Ameriacti crew for a return flight to Ameijir*. according; to information received here today. , vs It w*s announced recently that the Friendship had been purchased by Donald Woodward. Wealthy aviation enthusiast of Washington, D. C.. To day stale senator Arthur O. Spear s*ld he had received a letter from • New York friend which stated that Woodward, accompanied by Tlipt Harry Huger*. had sailed abroad for the purpose of flying the Friendship back to America. State Pharmacists Honor C. B. Miller C. B. Miller of the Goldsboro Drug Company has been elected first vice president of the North Catalina Phar maceutical association. It was au *>ouncfd yesterday. t MMR 1. Election was by vole circulated by wall among the members of thj-M --‘sociatlon. Others officers elecieil I Were: president, C.. a C. Fordham. sec-, rnd vice president, f, T. Durham; third vie* preeidetot O. A. Isley: secretary and treasurer; J. O. Board members of the executive commitlee, J. C. Brantley, W. W. Jtorne, I*. O. Slartford. EIEI.SON BUNTS TO 00 W ITH WILKINS TO MOUTH POLK GRANU_O(t>RKB. N. D., Aug. 8-DP) —Lt. Carl flen Eldlnon, of H«iloit. N. D.. b*s agreed to aeeompany Sir Huh- Krt Wilkins on the lajier;* proposed South Pole flight. Announcement that he had sent a message of acceptance to Wilkins In l.oa Angeles was made by Kiel son last night while here as guest of lion* 0 ■ir at a banquet sir ranged by local ser vice cluba. SHIPUOTTON BY AIRPLANE First Hale oC Sva.son In South To Be Sold For Demorrnt ir JFunds ' HA IM JOY AIRPORT. South Plain field,' N. J.. 8 (JPI The first lutle of cotton to be sent from the South by airplane arrived Tiere late today to la* auctioned'for the benefit of the Dem|catlc national campaign funds'.The eotton whs shipped hy ! Hnutherrf I*emocr«ts It will In* soldi nt the .product* exchange. . Senator Pat Harr'son of Mississippi nnd Howard Tullman of New York vrstrert two hour* to receive the cm ' ton M fHitroMl tu New Y«rk lt arrived.- “Radio Movies’ ’ Transmitted In Experimental Laboratory I’ITTHBI RG, Pa, Ang. < (IP) , —A radl nlopla, when moving picture* will be sent through Ihe air so home* In all purls of Ihe world was tlsloned lodn) by rad* lo’s most consplrlous lenders when “radio movies" were sent for the first lime In history during a de monstration al the East Pitts, bnrg plant of (be Be*tlgg house Elect rlr and Mnnufnrluring Co. l eaders In Ihe radio world and newspapermen attended the dem- j He Bewww a King . * MM BE a h •- M SV-. * Jf | President Ahmed Zogu. of Albania. jrt*P, according to reliable eonecew, will become monarch of/tlye mountain ous country over which he baa ruled as an elected president for 10 pews. The Ajpauian parliament has disgrtiv >*d itself to make way for a constitu ent assembly which will revise the ccnstltution to of /.ogu's ae- Vtesslon to the throne. (International Newsreel) BATTERED BODY TEACHER FOUND * 4 I nor Pipe Wrapped in Napkin Is Clue Chicago Police Have To Work On *■ . i) 0 CHICAGO. Ang. 8 -UP) A bWast stained Iron pipe, wrapped In a paper napkin, was the clue hy which the police tonlgfit sought to trace the slayer <>f Miss Jennie CotlriLvee, 42 veer old tem-TTer i»f Peoria, HI., whoa* battered hodv was found beneath a w Bv»fi«t*ni, today. A milkman »tiiiiililiml over the wo man's body, just, before dawn Her ‘ikull w*a crushed' and her tattered gengeiits gnre evidence that art at tack had followed the fatal beating % Near the Body lay the iron pipe on whose paper napkin a smudged with rouge was faintly scratched with pen cil the name "I T eahs" and the letter “L“. It was In the front lawn of fAK H. Peaks, a few door* the home she was found. BIG ANTIS TO ATTEND MEET Upchurch Announces Names of Those Who Will Attend Conference RALEIGH. Anm * (/IV-Nat tonal leaders of the Anti-Smith Democrsts. movement wl(j attend The statewide conference culled tu meet here Fri day, Ilcv. ('. A l T pB ANG ELKS. Aug •—(AV-Thc saying of Mr*. Myrtle Melius here I«,st Sunday became today a murder mystery of the first magnitude when •mllee autiounced that bloody linger /prints foyud In the bathroom of th* palatial Melius where the woman waa found dead were not those of Leo •Tat" Kelly ham.lsome Butcher Boy, ■ reused of the crime. Kelly, who according so eridenc* and pollee'findings wa* for flv* years the’woman's sweetheart and compan ion at many drinking parties stulty maintains his Innocence. He ha* »d by th* grand Jury if day on a murder charge and his trial was expected to be set for August 20. „ B " Meanwhile following the discovery nlsfingerprlnl* other than Kelly’^.po lio* worked on the theory that other* may know of the filling and sum moned for einminatlon several per rons who knew Mrs Melius well, In cluding her husband, Frank Melius, )r0 r V> t-r»miuenL In RjMirls and fraternal circles. Finger prints will be made of all pepnills called. u»:< 11.1. M H-l INCIDENA NEW YORK. Ang. 8--GP)—Elnkln* of the Dalian subm'arglnp F H anJ the effort* (TTUh Dapped erew lo eom rminlate with thirty resellers vlvldlv recsll Ihe tragic days that followed •the sinking rrf tho Amrrlcan sutimer, slblc H 4 off Gppc Cod last December. IN THK OI YRPH I'IItH.RJM WONRN’M KTKNTJ4 REMAIN - r AMSTERDAM. Aug. 8- (AA— The International Amateur Athletic fed araihni after, a ,'aplxUcd ilglufc today voted 16' to fi jo retain the women's • rsck and field events lu the Otypmlc program. . ' By a Vote of 14 to 8 It r*J*-Wd a lull list of ten events asked hy the momen’s international snorts federa tion. ' 0 : ' AH*4RD CON riCACt TO HAI L ATI.\MA-C|fH?i<.o AimTATI. WASHINGTON, Aug. A (Al— The msUsi I tw ~«erv4tMt-wD wtsG he~ ’-ween C-Wuasp.aMd AM*»U w*» Award ed by the poatofffee department to- to the I.nlerstste Air Line, Die., of Chicago. The bid wa* 78 cents k | pound. i The contract a* announced hy I Postmaster General dj'ew, required j that the routes be placed in operation within six months from the date of 'award. ~„8- ■> J . v I ' , ; However," Mr New's statement I ! aid. • It is quite possible tjtat the de i part me nt In view of the Imreased air j mall traffic exported to reshlf from ' the new fjve cent rat,-, will require operation ’before the expiration of the six months period. ‘•fn such a contingency the route will l«e placed In day lime operation : until Die department of commerce j shall have completd the lighting of j t<: airway for night flying. o Phi Delta Delta Head * 1 Jr " 9 Mist Grace Knoeller, Wash * ington, D. C., attorney, who waa elected president of Phi Delta Detta at the aorority’a recent convention in Seattle, Wash. She is a native of Pennsylvania. PROHIBITION CALLED ISSUE Scnutor Edwards B*y«. This I*fo ' blent Eclipses All Others * Before Nation WABHysOTON, Auk *- Prohl liinon was singled out todsy ha the foremost iaaun In the campaign by Swnotor Ef modification of the dry law, predicted ,11ml hi* stale would Iks overwhelmthKly for Smith. He swhf that tw* yearn ago h» h*4 prop -csved lli»t prohlbfllou must be faced by Ihe 1!)2H nominees and that the Is sue-"l# now lu re In all ll* hldeous neas." 0 JAPAN ISSUES WARNING NOTE Inform Chinese Nationalists i t Thry Mast Not Annex Man* c churia To Rule TOKYO, Aug. -Alarmed by report* that Manchuria wu« about l« In* Joined to Ihe Chinese iiailopatlat government at Nanking. Japan today wsrtied the province n*>t to lake that aXtqx.and lag.' that iouillajrliv initiated unless the Nfltlon»l!ata tecee<| from their al tit tide toddl'd the ipecinf ri*lit of Japanese sltlsen*\lß chin* Japan under»taii\l' that till* aaree m< nt grants comp\ele anldbomy to Manchuria In its dbmesllc relaitonw blit gives Nanking l ucitrof of foreign .reUtionH of tlie provroci-, It Is thts latter-aapect which ha* grossed Tok yo to aclloa. Napk+ffg having already notified Japan of its ahlOgatlon of comm recta treaties granting pxtra territorial rights to japaot-aet Japah’ii 1 Pirn that -mtv AtttaiAthdt bs'nrfcgaT’ has been ignored by Nanking. County Club Membets Camp At White Lake, August 27-31 Tlo Wiivtn- County Camp will be held at White August 27-81. i according to an announcement mad* yesterday .by Courtly Agent A. K. Rofnlrtsott and home demonstration agent. Mis* Ruth iiellly, Aci-omtnoda tlons can In* arranaed for *ilty five »t the lamp, and it ifte hop*’ of Ml*s Reilly and Mr Roto*rtson -that. this number can atrdhdi ' They have mailed the U> J the ciph memlters «f the, county. The Wayne county C»tnp wilt he held at White Lake August 27-31. Dairy Industry Offers Great Opportunities To Eastern North Carolina SMITH AWAITS STRATON NOTE Will Kvmuin Quiet About De bate Until Peroonal Repfy • ! * Received „ ALHANY. Aug. * (A*)—Until *th« pustiuau bring* Uovertior Smith * let Ur- fr..m Roach Strston. aceepting Ills ! ulisllengo for a range and fre* dlseiMiloti of hla potl ttc-tti career, the Democratic prrttld entlal nominee Intends'to say nothing ti ore obortt the proposed debate. tu a IWt«r to. the pastor of Cavalry Hapttst church tu, 'Hew York City,] Smith yesterday took exception td I'i straton's dalacartton'a from th* pulpit ~ ; Dr. Htruton, not; waiting for Smith communication- to reach him »t hla New Jersey vacation retreat announc ed that the debate waa a go but aug yested that It h« held In aomn targa New York auditorium. He also pro posed tlmt the nominee and he en gage In a series of joint debates through the South i .. - Short Cotton Report Sends Market Upward WASHINGTON, Aug. g—<>*V~ Th* Department of Agriculture today •»- mmneed that a cotton cr*p of 14,881,- prtrt equivalent 500 pound hates la Indi i a ted far this year and that the coa dillon of the crop on Augitat I waa 47.9 per cent of a norffEl. On the strength of thla report, cot "tfiti irrrf s hffwhfi on straight Jumps and c|oe*d about 76 points higher ttian th* day before. .*'.( » York spot* closed Robrnson Fays Tribute to Lost Leadeir^Brennan HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Aug. $*(&) -Senator Joe T. Robinson, Demoera tic vice presidential candidate said In a statement today ‘‘the loss of th* effl dicitl services of George ilreuuan, wh# (l ed In Chicago this morning, will be •elt hy the political urbanisation with which he wa* affiliated." GKNETUNNEY™ TS TO MARRY Formal Announcement ‘fcf En trauement to IlfMltimillionaireiMi Is Made SOUTH. Mum. Mn- Aag Sr-tfS —E'l/hual announcement of tho en gagement of Gene Tunncy, retired J.i-uyyweight champion to Mis* Josep h>ne Lauder’of Greenwich, Conn., was mode here tod*y by-Mrs. George Undo, Jr., mother of the girl. Date of the marriage hasjiot been set. The rurmiv) ai}D»un< entent followed rumor* of the eng»gem*ut that have been preralanet *lnc<- Ihe heavyweight title holder defeated Tom Heeney New /Cealaod challenger, July 26, apd a few days later snnuoneed hi* retire ment from ifi# ring. Tuiincy I* vlslfwt ‘ nr the suinmrtr bhdw d?;tha* MhOkf r f»mlly here. Each bog and girl who expects to ge to camp must fill out *nd return the enclosed sheet ams make a depos it of (I ttO |»y August 18th. land year ihllty who did not go to camp h*d returned signed cards slating they would go. m» we lost tmiuey on tho ramp because pr<»v'*|ori was m*de them. This- yeitr we whnt lo have the n.oxt i urcessful camp poealble. We want 'you to go aud h»ve a good time, home of our Stale Agricultural work (Coutluued on page two) MEMBER 09 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK PIYR dim Wayii* ( »un(y Dairy mm's A wm> riation Htagaa Aanaal Pie- '• Ale and Barbocao DR. (I.ARBNCB POB 18 SPEAKER OP OCCAEIOIf Wttrtta «f Danger •# OwrPia duciion in Tabacea Hat , ThroaUaa Kit*tern North ( a roil as often morn' appoffutdiiii in tkmm li 4M9* In raising tobnoce or cotton. Dr.' Clarence Poe of Kaletgh. edlter d the Progressive Khnaer, tald 1M M and women gathered at Moor— grot* ycaterdgy afternoon for tin aamMR uttUßi oi (Im win rut faulty ptfry" meo'a Association. Dr. Poo aKi tatrf statement ah tin odtSat aad In |M> figures aad cited facta to proto It to the cojaree of a thirty nlaata that was a practical aa any baaed httreabouu la imattaMh To begin with. Sato to. tea Carolina rank* seventh la tin OattAl States In tin value of tta crape whlld It ranka twenty fourth la to vulog of tta Ilf* atock. “I never aiMt« lhaaa figures,” tin Releigh editor told dairymen aad fckelr gaaata “without Laving the aeoaUi plctare of a kag| a ant with eao leg M tent load aad the Other geesa." With thin unique coatparteaa. DT: roe emphasised that wkiltin aad dairying shouldbalance aaek other A warning aa to tin rapidly to* ci easing tohaigwi ecnwga whlea threatens a aartoua orar prodaotloa with raaoltaat low prfcto waa gteow to tho oaaenMago. “Hoof dcoryoao,** tor Itee atand, "tow eealW t>o ofj uation that ceaffoata go with radar eo«« to couea. Urcdt aatg anas # cotton produclagviarrttary ken koto opened np In tin wont,' a towttteg that can make tho cotton aunk okoo# #r than wo ana. Hod mt at an fat larwith l "I am afraid. however, tint wo mi ■omewhet alow to heoogalao tho that tobacco prodaoßoa la rapidly ap» prose blag a like stage.'l wag At Vto rroaa Ooorgla, eeotlea tho othor ms and dowa there tho tdtoooo »nraoj> thla year haa aaoa aa laoroooa of lihi percent. Iter Oeorgß at g wkoto there haa been aa laereaaa of M 14 peroent.” , Tkta Urge Increase la flWno aoto age eonth of her, afflmnd Dr. F* explains why the Oeorgla narkato thie oeooea opeato too Mate kdteto the average of a year age aad wig the border merhete aloe opened I cents below the average AT a -yoto ago. With thla warning nkoat na end* production ,of tobacca. Dr. ctl again to a dlschaaloa of tho fntaM of dairying In North Oercftteo. Mo vho wed (hat dairying iheild •TfiMpT In hand with the operntioa as nay wwi rwTßTtrPa nrtti, polttlli nvt tw there waa no cheaper way of laafato In* the fertility es the load than W keeping cattle on It, Milk production haa greatly lacreog *d In the laatati years, and Ig oon tlnulng to Increaae na ana hacooMd educated to the the nine of mflk to every balanced diet, (he crowd wai told. “In 1920 the a reggae coniomp- Uon of milk -per peraoo A the Ualted mates was 10 galloes. In DM. W; fee added the svirags conaumprioof rer person had Increased to H gal- ~ lons and S quarts. That North Carolina offers upper (unities In dairying waa brought oat hy the declaration that U Beehern rth Caroline tho ceoooteptloa U far below the average for tho nottto aa a whole. 1 (cvelopmenls In the acteoee d( dairying, went on the edtter, hdto made It poaelble for eae to tell en~ nctly whether or not each cew ta hfg herd la making a profit aad whettor cr not ■he should he disposed of. ltd ri»ch data can he gathered relative t* every field or plot of tebeoeo or eat* lon In such complete fora it woo atdl „ * The small number cows in thtn part of the tUte cited aa further Ip* (Ooatlued oa Page Ito