. WEATHER Ltcnl t bender showers Friday aad ia turd ay fontlnued warm. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 141 -DRY mvm ATTACKS G. 0. P. IN ACCEPTANCE Wilful Betrayal Oi 18th Amendment Is v Charged For G.O. P Bumj IMi No Root Ckonrc Cm Be Mode An to Siaccr tty of DcMOcrata BUT QUESTIONS RECORD OF GOVERNOR AL SMITH RoooMlcm Enforcement Ap pototment Like Mmkirtß Criminal Police Chief Ronmux r*NTR k. n. y, a««. » ■■ Iw iuui>Woa the piuMbtllsti party's nomination for the presidency tonight William f. Furney Accused tk« Republican administration’ ot, willfully betraying tb« llth nraend . Ha did not rhaliena* the sincerity of tba Democratic party aa • whole, raying this war Impossible because It was not In control o( the goyel-n meat, but he *»ld he could aee noth lng' - ■ ; »’ MORE SMALLPOX IN SAMPSON CO. „f . b ■■ I »■■!.!■ t>. Twelve Cases Now, Owe A Day Cowling Iw For First Sevew Days CUNTON. Aug. Softer an »p-j parently decrease during the past few; months Ihe imultpo* T*ett»i* have] mounted to an average of nearly one »j ear. With twelve cases reported to the health department recently. Sev en of theae have been placed on tike amallpoi list In the health office atnee 4b# first day of August. The disease spread rapidly, accord ing to health authorities. but the mag jortty of the reeent case* have been In family groups, geveral Instances have been disclosed where Ihe cmwty. health oftlfce had not been notified of the wliaease being In families One of •hese Instances occurred ■*"-#-al days ago when Tpvektlgatlon strnWed "rapt ■ every member of a family riad beflti confined to their homes with smallpox *nd this information was yaiYled when I»r. J. D Kerr county health of tier, waa called to that particular home to attend the last member of the family who had Just been afflicted with the disease. Heal Hi slflclela are of the opinion T that use of preventative* Is Ihe best way to ke(*p the smallpox disease :rom becoming rp**dlmlo They are at all tlmfa prepared to gtve-jjdlft rmallpox Vgerlnatlcm which Is known to be an almost hum preventative. The riVpßrtihV'iii-tdattaea Uii«’ fiery person who has failed t . take tTi> Ttgwmptat trestmeut should do so. and in tills why rrnder iu prcvfßtlni B «piT»d of the 4i****t r THE GOLDSBORO NEWS *»“ , O BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE BUNDS ASti FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. MRS. PETERSON OUT OF HOSPITAL Woman Shot Through Hears On Monday leaven Honpital » On Tharadny Mr* Charley Peterson. Grantham county .sromaa who was shot through i lu.- head by OwntD HuaOtrsaa aieul coon la u Mondsy. left thg Gnldsb«*n» hospital yesterday, It was learned last night. Mr*. Peterson'* head was pierced liy a buckshot which eutcred .inder the right eye aud ranged *em« what dowsC coming out near the h*ee <>f tire skull and on the -right side of the neck. tlendresou, still held In the W»yne county Jail, said that he fired at* shotgun not knowing what he was do lug aa he waa in ftie grips of a "Hr* Officers learned th*t he sai wevtf drttjkUig heavily the night before tfte i ccureiicg and drinking the niortms if the shooting. —r They found, however, proof of Hcj derson"* story tlist be was subject (i. fits und had been warned ag.tne, keeping firearms ah >ut the house. The Graiithnr t tnvi erved In V the I'tilted Hlate* army tlurlug the War. lie did not go uvera*.***. „ It wilt coioilderctl miraculous thai Mrs. Peterson was not tipitantly ktt\ ed The slightest variation of the *ho( as Ik tore through tlic h**»d w ould lmve ptdivtrated the brain oaaslng la- 1 i.lant death- Dr. Warrick of Gran tham rendered first aid. packing the wound with cpttou before bringing her tn the InisiflftiY llefe" 10 prevent bleeding to death. Mr*. Peterson remained *»t the ho*- pllal three days. COTTON SLUMPS OFF $4 A BALE Heavy Selling By Wall Street, Liverpool and Southern In termit* Force Decline « NEW YORK. Aug. 9 —(/P) **-CoUtou prices broke M to 17 a bale over yesterday's high levels on the New York Exchange today under heavy -.tiling by Wall Street, Liverpool »nd Southern Interests. The trade ■pparently was not dia- I used „to accept yesterday** govern ment crop estimate of 14.2i1,M0 hales peels In view of the favorable wemth at a pos'llve indication of crop proa |er conditions recently prevailing lu t the South. Tilt wiukel dedJawL ta-JUtthla a i .niarter cent « pound' of yesterdays" low tofelx Octoher. which h»«t m>Jd MS ht|h "s 20.75 cents a pounvj. de clined to 19 35 cents, while Decem ber which had trHd up to 2d.33 cents, dropped to 13.25»- Opening of Stemmeries Will Add SIO,OOO Weekly Payroll A weekly p*yra*d «*f wtH be added t« ctravrlathm in tWd i»oro l*> the last of next week when the three toha*io sU-n mor- i les here begin operations In force. These Hire*! plant* offer employment to about l|oo p# o iple mostly negro women and girl*. There figures per* supplied by the Goldsboro Cham tier of Coni • marce. With the tobacco off the Georg ia markets Imglnalng to *-rriv ■ and with some from the border belts which opened Tuesday com JatrHirtbe st'Wnmerles arc g-'t'r.x under way for opwratlou* t lu** Will continue without.. Interiup iton until slhiiil December 1. . The slemmery of the Export Leaf Tohseeo Company. X«w leas ed for * long perl***! by the AjISMi - Tobacco company of Great Brlta*u FIRST FA TALITIES IN FLORIDA HURRICANE Where Florida Hurnnu^^trm^^^ West Palm Beach and Palm Beach became twin cities of darkness during the tropical hur ricane, whicfi twisted up the Eastern seaboard, out oi the Bahama*. The map shows the course of the storm which apparently expended its BUYSCONTROL 1 OF MOTOR CO. | — ■ I-cplie l.anywtou d—sMiex Man agement Kulghum-Ma\wt*H Motor Company -V The- d3' wll|. Tft this territory.j The lino of cars bclug sold, by The Palghum-Maxwell (o. needs no word of 'lntrodhotlpn. sine# tin company has boon very active In the udvertls-J Mur and aafo>s «t Ihetr jiroiiuet during Ilia . Mon- -e.iiWpwo'r—fc»s ••rlantged. and th-'n too, thetr eaN ate. Uui products at t;»u«aal M-r-es, and therefore are nationally adver tised. Mr Langston Is a young man In (Continued on "page two) ’ the rtrirt "per-ittwrir *m W**difk da> tii part force. When running to full < w,»- adty- the- plant employs shone 225 people, and has a weekly pay roll of approximately f'.l.ijt) ll . Easley Face I* the l**i,il ni;in«g**r- On 1 Monday the Imperial will '.,v o start ttvpt seasonal operitlous. Manager E. E. Kutater said yes t»d«y. The Imperial plant em ploying from :srm to 351) to w«ik up tobacco purchased ami Sent here, and the weekly payroo! I* about 18500. T 1 The Htemfttery of J,. l\ Taylor, Urgest tu the city, w It not get g<* lug for üb*»ut two weeks, ts wug raid. Tbt* busin* -s wjU litre shout 600 people aud the weekly psv oil will amount to approximately JV ouo ■ Mr. Klmbro I* Itie local muitager, GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, UttK JOHN F. MORRIS 1 DIES KX WINSTON i ' Had AttendciJTundntl of Shier, Mm. A. A. Miller Hvre Tuesday •• Jdaek at hla business In Winston iaklH ouly u H h«rt lime alter attend- I Jug the funeral of his sister, Mrs. A. j A. Miller In Goldsboro ou Tuesday, John Frank Morris, agvd ok, native ! Os Wayne county, died suddenly at his 1 office us yie Morris Ac Karly Furniture Company In the- Twin City at l«:8i» yesterday. News of the death of Mr | Morris trap received in...L-jui. illtlatiratr UO'jsMKeti from u'liiMnii >e-! t-l lk*o* mornlnri | Funeral w ill be held from th«) home lln Wt ns ton - Sal e m .-'iturday morning , al It) o‘i Iu* ill.rial will be made lu Kaloin cemetery. Members of the Clvitau ‘ -club will servo as active pgJJlearcraj aafijj members of tha board of siewimiti of Centenary MejhoilUl tburvn wlli ac| as honorary pullbeare ~ -— v— tx Mr. Morris Iras a yon of the kite '.Mr. and Mrs. John Mirrts and wuh well knowu In church, business and • fraternal ckeles throughout the slate. | At one time he*vn»a a member of the Huntley-yill-StocWton Company of -\V ia.U.a-Rutew Mo-orWw irrtfVr trv-ttr '.affairs of the Methodist ehmeh In WUiatua, -erv.ua s»‘ w m.-m Went ) official tvoard of (‘entouary church, < and as a iiieiubei of the board di re* tors «f Itutherf'irdi -n CoIU-kb,, a Methodist Institution. He was a past president of the ( tv-itan elub of Win | ston-Salem. a member of u ntimlH-r of |. fraternal orders and took u leailtng part lu the fklc affairs of the Twin ‘ V k «; He l»-survivi-i by his wblow. nr* ...i!a« wel dvSee -itr'. Frwnlr M. John F. Jr. hum 1 Id* tighter. Kvriyo Im Ha— ,M*>rrts erf Goldsboro Is a brother and Mrs. M I lapta Peuio* k. of Goldsboro is a sistvr. I- . .. _ _ 10-Year Ajfo item About Col. Lansrnton ' VP ‘Tin* following ai»|»* a ed In llie "Ten Years a--,o -Column" of the Raleigh Times yesterday sfteraoon: .Major Jdlm l>. l.an**lo:i. who has reeoutl.v I* t-n trau;-i*'it ed to tils staff of Provost Marshal General Crowder, ha* been advised from Washington. I . ii [,<• i: ...- I •: dii! v ■ soon -i, llie tlini-f-r of ill 'pi*,** id wffico lo_ * :iplain Tlion.**** It Mr* ~i c i-.-ii ti" cff« te*| Maj r Langston will leave In a. few days, *:.*f- < «*h**rt!y thereafter to to|lii hit oversea duty. fiercest blows in the vicinity of Palm Beach and Daytona Beach. Above, photo of debria left at Sorrento, Fla., in the wake of last, year's disastrous storm. ‘ 7* yißurostioDst Rmnd) ry FREMONT KNEW PROF, W-H. HAND Once ( ondut lcrl Acndemy In Thai Tow r and War, Bt* w (■client Teacher i Special T*. Tin N«wH rut'Mo.vT if®*: 9* ri-.i w H. Hand whose death lu ('oluuilila. S. C., Avas reported tu today's papers, la w-«U retmnilM-red in Fremont. 11c took charge of the old Fr**moni Aesdsmy ;u the kb's f.Minded Frem-mt Military Institute and conducted a hoarding m hoot for laiys and glrla, at Fremont hr- llie days WhSM thekb "were up public liigli schools Pfof. Hand's pu nt!* were drswn from Wayne and ad joining counties sud aome frotn other stales. i He ii- well ri-metnbered by many of ti leading ciiUens today. He was one *f the best teacher* who ever - '."tml a echo at la Fremont, i 'V* ' Hand married Ml»s Alice Gur ley, P -fiuiFblgr Eat Gurley, .vlo* lived In Fork lownshlp. Bhe was .. To-fi rof Mrs, ifob Hooks of flolds bi-ni, Mr Dallas Gurley aud Mt\ Thad Coj-lei of Fork township At the time of III* death Prof ff,tnd[ wo* .Miperlulf nifent of the CiiluniMn, N r. graded trhool*. u position which b*- h-,'l held f**r sometime. .#• ui;toh diem oi i\ji kii:h "PAltis, A lit ii fd*) —Maurice Drou hln one of France's foremost pilots, died today from Injuries received In the final te-t flight of a plane In which he hoped to fly to New York,. Tin dt7'erti>fr ut tlic C Fill Aisfltiatjuii iiaii aa Uu*u guesl*- -l ,ui inip i i,!ti', nice!uu- Wednesday mo riilii >, August s, several leading onsU.ii-. men for thr juirp-ise ol hav *r.g the-e men edvin* them on (lie ■ ,nieiupkilcd luijlillng proctjUn-whieH' ihev iiave in*we iMnslderstiou f* i ih- \\ ayne l uiiuiy Fair Grounds. After an hnur‘* conference. It,was this gioup us <■ Wayne county ciifjecns that a campaign he launched Immediately tu iaise thruugh pnlijn >ui . ripii.n, in Wj-.ih- < uiit) Xd.ftoo.iHt wliiTli wiil l« ue* *1 for the < uio-truHioii *1 i w-ii ni-Kti-ru exhibit imtlditlg* at the Fair Groumhi. Doth the dlrid tur* and visitors were •rtiinistiF rfvei the jm*-Utility of sc j-ucing ih* iieeih'd amount, dating H.-.it llu p*-* pi * i Way pi cO'Unty hail lon* ago reengnixed the fa*t that the Wayfle (' uiity Fair was not only an Ittttlou of pleasure and kmuie- Will Asli Public to Donate $6,000 for New Fair Bldngs. I* t Sudden Deaths fTiICAGO. Aug. 9—Twelve were reported dead In the t'lilcsgo dla trtot tonight at the result of excet k ve heat. Tlic thermometer stood at •dt* degree* *1 o p ui Tlie tun saared. fired residents who had becu unablo t<> sleep hevausc of lbo .uitry air ihirlug Hie previous uliffT Coutluued warm eras the forecast for Friday, although some h*>pe waa tecu in a forecast of showers by eiahtfall. Bcldler* of (he IHLuels Natiimai (kiffin-cd as thett dillls. Firty were prostrated yrHcrTay bat wer* .aid lu be recuperating. The temtigra-, tare there w»s I*2 deg re**. JOHNSTOWN, Penn., Aug. 9- (A 1 ) Five miners were killed late today In au explosion in the Hugh Lochrl# Coal Milling company mine near here, ’llie bodies were brought to* the sur face curly toulglM) Four other work ers In the underground tunnels at the ’•me of the blast sacuped. Immediate ly, after the explosion qracue crew* Were sent into the workings and fol lowing a few hours exploration they, rmni'jjfwii the bodies. The caua of the blast hail not beau determined t out Hit hy officials of the mining * ompatty, ' * ~ HANDBTONB. Mian—h**)—rive per none were drowned lu Orludstone lake erae here today when they Stepped into a pitch off where.the water la tSR foet deep. Mrs. Charles Llndesn nnd her father, William Lund Holm, and John N* »• drword while trying -to, save Mrs- Undeeu’a rhtldren, Iren# > 44 tt aad HHlerd lu. ' , DURH’M HfWIERYi MILL WILL CLOSE Expert That Goldaboro Branch Will Be Entirely ( lowed Out By September T The Durham Hosiery Mills wIR tfliraitiittue tiieir Goldsboro plant | *nd hulldlng at Ash aud fteuter at reel will Jm* offered for sale or rent, tl.- C. jolmaea, mnn.ager of the mill her* I told The New* yesterday. A* fast as stocka now on hand can Ih* worked up. the units will he dls | comiuu' d, und It Is expe< ted that the ! business will bu closed out entirely ; Jiy Hepfetulier 1 . . L. The branch *4 the Durham company here ha beea engaged in the manu | facture of cotton, hoee, and such Is the growth lii popularity of rayon and I cilk hose that the market _ fqr cotton j hose Is now almost nil. Fhclug this I hltuatluii. the .Durham company has rated to dl*gi)iitillue the {branch aniFSfYTeent. alls** It sholdlngs > lu. Durham. ' — -r~~ About three hundred people have , I‘cgjU imptugso l«v the bnraeh here. Mr. Johnson *.ibl ycsterdsyJJpvF— a*i*»l percent of lhl* help-cfvould he l unsferred to Durham. Asked for sg * etlniat* a* to the nmount, be would j wot venture one mt-ut wUeri oar people meet **ee • year and enjoy themsetws, but that It was arr Hly educational enterprise, one that I* Just us Important iu our county a* are our schools. The unit man And woman power of Wain.* eonntr i* g**£»# io asked t * take |i«rt In the * .impaign to raise this money. Tin- A.w* In discuiyifiig Ui* mat t* r with the Fair Secretary U C. Denmark. nsEed that If la his pinion that the needed f 6,000 could h re* lured, through public suliscrlp tl**u and b* replied 1 most p*i*ltlyely, "Yea" » “I have seen to many * ampalgns sue* i*r •Hilly- csfrlrd through In Way tie county to think for one minute that thia . one will not g<> through. Just two weeka ago F saw a group d 1 less than a ilote.u men underwrite a sub erlptlon for $6.0(0) 00 to finsn**e the Orth* pedlc clinic in (>old*l»oro for (Cotitlnticd l‘*|e Three) MEMBER OP THE ABSOCIATRH PRESS 1 , •- :> . - >sl ran nvi cufiu ' Four Killed • i Near Jupiter Refuge** Wad* In Wml«r hnf lime To Armpßa In RAmt- ' ing Place of Safety v STORM PASSING INTO GULF OF MEXICO NOW Crlpffed Wires Prevent Syste matic Cheek Up of Amennl of Damage WKBT PALM BEACH. Fla. AM- ,• - (A*) Klret reporta of fgteHHm la > the Florida hurricane were OltWf ( •>»day to the Inca) Red Crete chapter by R. H. Hull, prominent IraU l»* cr *r«i of JwpMer. who anti Be hot beard that (our pereena were killed -tit that area The obaoe wreelM Hr the siprni end the eseuloc EMM «*Ee ,r It Impossible (er Him la aerify Efa reporu, Hull eald. (Hid Mat feta B lormetloa wee very BStfU- On eenmat el trideeprspC damage wrought pgr the kirdav Mi Read* which rendered • number of lasUsaU l.ouMlets uni tnaamrted oruM* pA ca lo a depth of free I te « Mat eie riven the Rei Of«*a hp Huß. vi • At lead! io famillee la Oka etetaMi of hie orchards wets la dlstma tfee Phunter reported sad badly la aaa4 as rood. Kefugeea. he Mid. aome of wham had walhyi Jar milt* throuik walerx no me times up to their armpit* had‘be ruu to errtta u* hie aetata where Mrir were being Aired R»r v JACKSONVILLE. AUC »-