WEATHER r*h and Cooler Saturday Buaday ■Bowers VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 142 PLAN ANTI-SMITH CAMPAIGN IN NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh Meet c Makes Plans Would Have State of Two From Each Congrw , atonal District " BISHOP CANNON ATTACKS GOV. SMITH AND RASKOB Dr. Campbell of Buie* Crook. Leading Educator, Presides At Conference RALEIGH Au* to — North Carotin* anti -Smith Itemocrat*. ot gantxtn* In a statewide conference today to cam pa ic n against the I>emo gratic n-alrf is tbia state. hoard Bishop James A. Cannon. Jr . Rich mf tha Wake Forest College board of trustees. wa» elected ri'airman W. T. Tull, Oreenaboro. was .elected secretary * Dr. Csmpb* 11. chairman named a committee of flvs la draft » state ment of principle*. The committee was also empowered 's stand on piohlbltlon and theu declared the land despite their affori* eor anv money withdraw, it her* 1 Methodist will give fouyflod. R'shop Cannon *». Ihe d not wan* 15 ra'ifi the reUgl*-ai i«aa» hut that. It was well known that "outstanding dlglatarles of ths Catholle church five opposed prohibition. 'l, he thei( ) read a atatement which he said hail teen made by the IVipe In which pro hibition In America was declared to be a failure. The committee drafted a statemen of principles but said It would not be able to name, the cxccuilve c"lnmll .tee oittit furtUar oouaUU ratiaa, -set ting yendav teataMvely a- the date P ;r sntHwoe ttg R. Although declar l.ig opposition for Smith the confer ence did not endorse Hoover. Maid Saves Many Lives But Loses Own In End IXJNDON, Au* !•—(A*)— Batty Faulkner, o 20 year old chambermaid teved many lives In the burning ot a javern today bill is-risheil lu the fir me* when site tried lo rescue her fiance. Walter Thorpe, and Ills moth ft, and brother. When the tavern rsugbt flri*. she awakened the other lodgers who escaped, hut *he disre garded* their warning and went hack to arOu*o the Thropes. All four died together. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS • ™ ~ *• ! o* » ■> o BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ UY BUYERS UKKORK THEY BUY* The Future Mr*, Gene Tunney V•. T c * r'J -r -5- - ' : ■% f JBfem. jjjL rik A i JBHK ..■ k -«» Miss Mary Josephine Lander’s engagement to Gene Tunney, - the literary Umbagiey, ha# been Income Tax I’rovhtionH „ !• ( OREENSDORO. Aug 10- (Ah Three alleged whiskey manufacturers will he tried In Federal court here, probably this fall, for failure to pay '.axes as required hy the revenue *ct ol 1928. ■ 3k - Ed Gross, of Jackson Springs; It. !'• Dlxott. Yadkin countv; BJid.,W. It. ftovall. iMtwsonville are defendant* jj) suit* far ewlitmtion for back due lines f Jed In federal cunia-liy jhs- Itlct attorney Gavin. In the' action acolnsl Dixon, the Culled Slates of Ane rica and Gilliam tlrissom. roller tor of Internal revenue, charge tt»l on about jHaTli 3" Ihde. the defend ant did unlawfully and wilfully roantt f »ct uje lnliii feat Iu v liquor In viola tion act and that he <»■] ■P’LjWiT tttt mi his still «r on 12 gallons of whis key. Thp tbtol SOhgM fMR Dixon Is ft. (f'onUucd JJIz- Mt. Olive Chamber Commerce Gives Barbecue For Farmers .-{flfrrrlsl '-Tr TH— N-wre-* - MT DUVE Awe Apr"* •mutely l'>" farmers of this >c*Uon met here this i vcnlng at a barbci n< vlv, ii by tie Ml. Olive 'Chamber of Commerce, heard district Fann Agent C. ,W Gall her tell them wh«t Is the matter with farming, and cortVldered ■ ipp, rl of the first season of the Mt. DllVe aitctjon market with a< companylu* rwsommcntlai ion.- ct»n ftrnlug next year. - '' The b“rbe C ' ■ ru North Caiallna, said Mr. G git her, for the folk anywh're In itiD Bork. Ftoni percent lo 60 per GIVE CONCERT FOR LAGRANGE -j, - Free Will BapiiMt Orphnnnue I’leawes With Program Be 6. fore Lenoir People The concert-I lasi fnijji ttic Free Will llapilri OrfiliauuKe 7 that so de lightfully entertained s good sixr au dlence at t o hc Free Will Hap tint / boys and girls will be .it Casey'- Chapel tfils svi nlng at 8 o'clock wln-re they expect to meet « ctib greßation. '** .Xha. i.luax ka- a- iq>e»<|w4 • program (J.i-t they relldcr' on Auudxy and »s tliey wee -n c JnWstW'rn TUB manager. M'ss Verdi® Jackson, haa anx-nted to attedd Worship at the church here Fuiulny and therefore the Continued otf Page Sir' ■" ■■■■ crut us lf|P“1«I«Br 'ViTTiie, farm iuq*i'" c-itw 'to :-Vt* a Ovcllhawl <« ibe number *>f acres i ultlvaled must 'he materially increased, declared tic district ax-ent. S~ \ "We have *e> in »• h 'tirrttl in Kastem ’. the farmer* the Incrt'g-i of their feed cr> p and cover 1 1 qh, and the main •ii»im <• of ilo ll tn ~n t—.T|>'. leVin ■' .tot'.n i u jo i ii, ,n . m .Re . j ■ Rm.*p hay. ihu and :o r ,foiM|*luffo. ,ml ofl ■ i 1 .i ;; , M* J * . • ix A e*'iilt;>, sail i. ■ lt'ic coni ! mended. Dr. J ~W. Wllkhti' pr<-ddcd ( over , Mis meetHf: and prim to Do iwtk to Mr. Gaither there had appmred on i j__ (ConUoutql on I’ogo lYmr) I „ (iOIjOSHOKO. N. C. SATI HIIAV MOIININIi. ACIil ST 11, 192 K Dfmolishfs Wagon Willi Auto, 3 Hurt, Driver Does Not Slop MRS. 6EOK(jE GAKUIB IN LOCAL HOSPITAL WITH WHAT IS DKSt RIHEp AS IKH HLE FRACTURE OF SKUII.; L I). W(»6tEN OF LAGRANGE SAID TO HAVE BEEN DRIVER OF CAR tHnw-iy Imiirovlng hut still ri'Ka. [ 'dc.| 1»h In a *c: !ou* condition, Mrs (ieorge tiarrlH. of near UaUrungo Is In a lo» h, r.pitsl with (otgpouud frac ture of the /kull as the result of Injuries su italut-d v hen ,an aut»nui i bUu said to have Imen ilrlvan bj I-.l D W'ooli n < ( Ml. OIlTc strtu k the naguii on which she v »■* rlUinu with it*i trt(eUuuLn**id 1 w - rid Wren, hurfmir piem hr i‘“ It! hday. tlem dh ii ftg tits wugo|t. .*ad l-sdiy wKitiullus the horse. he nertgent (K-cnrcd at tho lumber road crowing luwr Lutltacge ea«t of (Joldsls ru. The driver of the car did not stop |« dffer aid. - Mr. tlsrrts and Mils Gsrrts, aged 3 w« ic also Injur,* lien the wagon wnk splintered the car. V'cruou (jam,, vi".r old Osh* ri'« the only ’ C’ - . la the Tchlclo who was not In jun 'L * » As the car roan^ , * ll w “*°h Mia. Garris tlJitly clulehcil her child .nil her prutiitlng arms saved him Irom Injury, while she sustained u f:m luic uh.,ul the base of the skull : nil uiiuthi r on the forehead. When ’ thilie near the scene rushed to aid | :hu stricken family, tlio fwlherf moili-j e< imd three year old etltld ws* nu e.cns, oils. Ihe huby, his nose bleeding, r*i yrtthiK ftntttr. >l.~ Mrs. Garris, with th> child In lumi, Usd been cast a distance of forty 1 f»eJ by tin force if the Impuri, blood stall •• »n the highway shnjvlug v, here she hud Fatten. Kdnjif. the little girl, was also sever 1 y Injured sustaining what w»s des cribed as u fractured skull. iMhirge Giirris, fii® father, snffertll bad brills .•«i almu:. ihe hi# uud side-, and tcrrl tits shock- Miss Jenny I'zzcll had the family pl.'ceil ('it her car and hurried lUeui COMM INI.STS IN BIG CONFERENCE . a —— ( hicußo Man Given Ideas of Ho\\ To Hrinii (’omniunism To United States MOHOOVi. Ant In (/Jh Russia Declaration of how the compinutal* ol Anteric* imp, to build up their or y. ul/.'dlon in tl:c I'ultcd Siati and o ■ s depi ftdcin h" «,c ; un lo the Com nii’iiUt intenuttl 'ii'il cmfcreuco hero uslay by J. L. Fu luhl, of Chicago tt t'fckf of the p ops#.'utd« burr a its of the Worker* J*btl> i America, The Chjcagojwan Jtojd t|jt enaier—. i i’ sonic pla> •• rrnUAed fob To i l ' 1-- t pto 11 »i" i. In r i iiiili.itlrer. t I-', (iur rl*. mar LaGrofijje jMro, (LirrU etuu de .i I'lbet! us somewhat beitv.r yester day. It was r«t uiit 1 yesterday after . Uoua that* full rteteli* of rhe-anldent were available. , - Ur. Gurris and wife and children '■ere on ih wflv ft. imnie ol his father C. it. Gurrlit, v ) i borrow .an Hirtnuioblb to go fp; n doctor for t r i. Tha w*gon wa* travelling I# the Afreet lop of l-aOrttuge. Tilt*' I envy llulck that stmek it at the luttl bt r t '>:#d ct irslnp, won alei. travelling in the direct ton of laiGrangv. tutomohill* ti«d not at th»t time i turiled on their light*, It was* said. As Go car splliitTHi,, the wagon hurling Its occupant* High Into iho a r. the driver, Yh« News was told, uld not halt In the teaat, but; eontln* t'td cast ward »t a bfioikncck spctij. • ATrtTiiig ltom® acverul finui* after, the accident to I war (K the Double. C R. Gar. Is, at once started Inverti n'! t on Itt lo who li was who hern iitTvim. tha < »t' He Trailed the jttkch* iue lo a ifaiage In Kinston. The tar tth mm dhalsfert' rhnr Tbor iTHTmof know whose car It was Mr. Garris, secured HmT number tel< phoned iTtT" state automobile bureau aiiil w** jn f •mefrir [i .i» 11> iTf "r. it Woolen of t.u<|runge. The latter, TTJ- News leurie d, did not deny being the driver alien he was No ludletineulu ham •a-sn ls*uvd In the c«»e. 17 GRADUATES - ATI. FOREST 11 " i First! TimHn Hiutury of Cullege Thitl Sum me; School Huh Awarded Diploma.*; " KK for I :ht; Aug id- or, Foi Gfft tlwii. In Jilslory* ccAwahe jPar c i i "Uokc todsn clasa of yuutu; : iciewas graduated and pre ■ "litcd degre at tlie close -Htr- O summer scsaloti With th. faculty and '"I graduating clas- of IT robed In academic g"«.m*. brief c\' r« !#es were T.iJ3 *i»iil-it to tlm-t t( the '-itd of ■ Jc -i UI-*-. g-'t-t’» —Or-.. I- p Gaines presenled the illjdomaK alii! made tin- griiiiiintitig ad tre. -. Among those who were graduated were R. K. Lee ami N. Stroud, both of Kinston, whe jcidvcd degree* . Offer Fremont $62,500 For Its Light Distributing System . v ,„, ... - Au«. Iff "Mayor C |{. Av<,k ilnbnunicd today tlttt -tin Kr> inont hoard of town com mt'Hi.jiirt. liHf unanimously " . f>‘il, to -' ll thr into-uil-t iu i lino'from boro to Fremont amt t!i town dl«tr'ib»iUnK di-cUn 1 tin if)' ia t» the f’nrotloa Print er and U|U company for the sura ' t) f *C2.rniO The ulf mill In- -ant*- 1 Jet t lit u \J>U- -frt t Im* l itlxi’lu* til i\ <(h • Iml rladiuß w ill a ■ pnt'tal rn-veil tiv the state, Corpora-■■ Uo:» £pmml«sk>ii. I A iiuiMi uwcttuK will tit- called Diet In Plan* Crath pS ImEwf. ' w i uHRvx Wf w Maurice * Drunlim,' famoui l-i4+uJ» avmtof, w*t burned to death vvhmHh*ggM»r tn-motor monoplane, *JVfc ea Ciel”—Kaittbow—designed b> tho youug Ftench engineer, Rene Cmuintl, craihed and wa* conipletclf wrecked al Ih* Orly Hfruß Field *»*»r. Lana, The pilot wa* totmy tha hug* TftTtp jWcKimnary lo in aftempl to Hy the Atlantic. Mcchaui* ernn barret wax ktlW wMtifht Avlnle Engineer (iianolo and Radio C)j»erator Manuel re ceived set ion* injuri|a. Th* designer witnessed tlie cra*b “fcottr the »round .•■ • "" "* LLOYDS TRYING TO BRE Ait WILL LT Nephewyt and Nelce» Want $150,000 Fortune I-ate Thnmas Lloyd ( HAPKL HILL , Au*. 1U— Thlrtccn ticpWw* and , niece* of the 'arc YTrs. TafoJlne Lloyd widow of I h<*m«s A. Lloyd, who *t tits dtatti .0 year* atm. was reputed to be tin y cultliiesl man In Chapel Hill, havt li’ wtlit -nit ag‘in-: her nephew Lu rco'Lloyd to set axTile Mr*. Ltoyd’i v ,11 l» qlietlllug the hulk of the Moya < -late to litjix. accordltMt to a story pghlUhod today lu Ute Chapel Hitt JKaiku.. Tin* coinpiaWf which h.ii-jHN*n fjJK I v i;li tin* clerk ol court iHtiili* bt i” phi"' - lln* vsltic ol the estate al tlf'h.tXMi wJille Lloyd's sworn report xl the t nu' of taking out latter* »l nUmiiilst rat loti < gave the value •» only *|'’n,iMrt), * '!:■ in-si iuuir* whan 4 tie full . lUinil.i aud explanation* will be f i•/> h„ttlie» cltlgt n . In the” me*u timi. .i | ( (h< agm-tAcnl .« a I lie In tin office nl Mayor Ay cork. In Hie town hall ..The i Itigen? of Kpmi.nt >:e invited to call and t■ i etudy n. "" *■' tin are outst indln* |7.ottt» fix ileetii' llehl bonds * wonlit l» ri br< il Th< balance of the $62- 'no i fiued h> Hu- Carol 1 nn IMwer mid Unlit i ompuuy miithl be used l.i. ret frill j. oilier jiiri'hiicdne*!) of Fremont. Majroi Ayeoek and tlia conimis sit i ' lire i lltbuilnaU. about Ili» «*reei»*#t reached with tne • >’ .rfid .if. dr 1 tjni' tl • ele ction will i trry ty t lame ti “lrth (frollna market it ou Ike border of Month Care- It 11 “ or Pee [lee belt, since the op^a tns of 4he Ittt season followed raps < towel y nnntftrtab eabtaastao fttW previously. * * *l‘ Kslrmont. the largeet market of Upe .Kit sold the flrst three days of M*mm, (Wiuding yesterday. TIMM pounds ter fM.MT.M or at so aver ere peter nft». W per hundred p««ad Title market sold yesterday 11 MM m uml* for |I7,MMS, or it U erar fie of per hunJrsd l.nmberton sold no ft». opssfSg day 1 mare then S6MM pounds St «a »W ase or mv tbs rttst twe dtps: Tuesday and Wedsoadap. tks stfftd sold 17,1 TS pounds fey |U,MI«I, or in averse# es lIS.Tf par bwadred. Hales yesterday wars lighter bat om t I*l figures could not bs Obtained. It was aeaerally understood that aa e*. < race of at leaal 112 par head red «aa maintained. ‘ The outer fire markets bad Mfr ■ alee with a price raaaa yesterday mut the aasM aa «s Mm ihrdt too ii> ; '■? - w? T j'«r : F*r ■ days. JEALOUS, SHE SHOOTS WOMAN soHERmr, — Mrs. Ix>can PerMs* M. as WAK* ( Ity was la Jail faHt* * <*N«R. .* murder her#'today aa the raoalt ,d| her revenge oa a wo*a* wboai 4* , hargad with hraafctef «p bar ben*, Mhertly after midnight (bia. Stags i uk. Mrs.' Park tea waited daws tbs aisles of S Boulhkaamd Southern pee *«ngertain, a alt woe paaatas Pbfgjl* sc*, two ittttaa south •( bate, behind a aaat where ter haibSal wps uUking with Mhta Pearl Oweas. ft. >f l.milsvllle, sad tired twice, Mllil ■llss Owens Instantty. While paaaeasdrs la tha lay eoajab “( rumbled for safety, Coadaator Dan i■■ mo.n anatobad the fltatol frees Ibi. Perkins' hand before abated aa ep liortuulty to firs Math Mm p. rkius rafaaad to asblatabar action Hhe was placid 'iiiffi and lakan to a hospital wtefa k Me said sbo was la a state of aarwaa oltapse. Hhe will bo arraigned at a t>r«limluary he*rlt)a tomorrow \ ) Perkins, wbo skid ha bad be tied the train at Homs reel aad bad tabes •i seat beside Miss Owaaa. with wbeas be was acquainted. dalaarad that bis /k Liu rou. jaaoloea, So setd-bobod* we appointment to neat Miaa Owaaa 27 HURT WHEN TRAINtfCRASH vsomp M intake in Onlere Cunts Electric; Trains T» Meet Head-On { t* . tjn* 'Twaa- W |*rrw»ti w»r» mm to ho*st ttU bare tonight anffartne from brats * and laceration* whit* away otbera «.fi> slightly lujurej ia bead <*a crash late today batwaaa two HHa hrfgii-Wsjhlngtoa, Peon In tar nr ban trolley ear*. 1,4 None of those In haepttala was said to be seriously,hurt. The cars, heavily loaded with pda -engers. came together oo a sOUII dladuct on the outskirts of the Pftto burg business district, despite the ha peels which demoltsbed the froat attSa d the trolleys, both remained «a tba t nils. Firing glass from tba- wtadowp.. sir in k the petfsenaara. many of v. hum were thrown from thair aiata. end the alslea were fUled with dll nl lux men. women and children, "There wa ssoaie mistake about Urn signals." was the brief egplanbttpw 04- fc red by Wnj. J. McOona|ck. aasar inicndeat »f tba car *** .