'mmmmmmrnmmmmm WEATHER Partly rlaadj u 4 ewaler pry* dad k) ikMwri mi tk« r«M !■■<>>■ M»4a) parti) rlaad). - * Ci : t VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 143 CYCLONE HUS NEAR SNOW HILL - . . -*** - - - ■ -■ ■ t«aa*hMaikMa ■MfllMa (MIMIIMNI MIMB mbb/Wbbb MBMaaMBB mm/ --.— ■ » " -■ ■ * * * " . ™ - -'•• - ■■ q— —o —q — —o — —o — —() — —o — —o ■ —<r~ —o — —or .^ro — —o — —o — —o — —o — ■*-**-»• —*j— —« — —«— —— 0 —u — *> '' 41 » Hoover Makes Bid- For Farm Vote In Acceptance One Killed, 10 to 15 Injured, 2 Seriously; Homes Demolished With - Damage oI $200,000 In Creeiie O *_> - - —■ ‘*- V. . ® - - STORM STRUCK IN DAWN HOURS Moved Northward Mowing Er erytkinK Before U Like Scythe of Beath Hitting ilrit »b*»ut Institute ami J»- ■•n, Lenoir county vlllaa*»>* n «*« r l< *' Grange, a cyclona about t o’clock ye* • terday morning, myved northward for IE or 3b mills, having o»« 10 U lb liuit, 2 garlwualy, about 12 homes blown away lu Arum- county. rfUd thousand* of po«|'“l* of tolmcco oMtruyvd ai • num|er of tobacco Lama aud pack house* wire demolndi vd • The damage In Greene county will * tnprujAmaWly imw>" reliable chock ap & Tli> New*. Indicted yesterday afternoou, rorre*|t«nd*nt* «» tk® b“l* «| having gane Into lh« north of Snow UIH which suffered most trum th» »*oM« - - ~j- Y. M7mk, Farmvtll#- tobflccon i»t, wa* i|noted In Snow Hill a* aaylng that after the twiater bounced fur- Kuaiy out of Oreene county— leaving a trail of Which Mme death dealing scythe might b»VI cut trno Hiti Umt It deatroyed eight »« ure bU ‘ w away other tobeeeo barn* and added carnage coreUieusurale with what bad been done In tlreeue. W/ »oni« It was' g«M tj»»t rmmHftg buildings destroyed growing crops, damaged to bacco ruined when barns and pack houses were splintered that the total damage In the two counties might r»ach * half million d-llars. Caroline Joyner, negro wamti. Hv - tng smile flv« mile* north of Snow fill]' wa » killed when the twister tore the end off the house where she and ala others wery sleeping in the M*ne 'lacfloffTThe woman had apparently e* raped death When the bouse *» wrecked by the fury of the g»le, met death when the chimney t^P* -a and tell on her. Her head and the upper part of her body were crushed., fcyvrj brick In the chimney, wa* *ep srtdd ak If hy masons working metli < dirally »l this j«h. ' The end of Ihe house In which the woman hail men sleeping was lifted .™ |wtw' the ala aud deposited lh . tin:, toad about 25 yards awqiy. Lula Briggs, negro w»* In the house a* Ihe storm dnleklng and hoh Ting bad Its way with the flimsy dwelling, 1 ' and sustained c uts about the face and ’ hands Willie Klrlkaud. negro, w»* ( 1 Iso Injured, having had severe euts about the leg and knee. In this Immediate goCtlofl dwelling house* were reduced to aplln t«r» and eleven tobacco barns and pack houses destroyed. ' Hue "Narrow Ksrape The home of ltdbett jrfrmlln «aj; ureene t'.nisty farmer, was W< yard* to the north of where the Joy 'll r woman was killed-and In the full path of the storm The family war aroused by the shrieking, screaming ol the cyclone as It tore It* path to ward the house. In a trice and the house Was about their e»r*. Mr Jon es found n heavy beam and » part of the wall pinning him lu the debris. Exerting himself superhumanly, he _Jp>ved off the timber and wall and tnen picked h‘s wife and three chil dren out of the wreckage Boards and splintered planks from the demolish ed building covered them, but they were unhurt. “ I , J Hut horrors, the baby onj.v a lew noptb* old. was misstng. Rushing frantically about In the murky dawn,, with the wind raging, at 75 miles an hour and rain descending as If the ton tinned on Page SUJ t • THE GOLDSBORO NEWS •* j ’ ' . „ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—HEAD BY, BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. ' . ' 1 THK NEWS SCORES A BEAT The News Is ihe only daj'y paper in the state which tins momiiiß present u nnnplct story o i the cyclone which struck yesterday morning early in the vicinity of Snuw HiU. Henry Hoik, maniiging editor and John I). Langston. Jr-, associate editor; aceom panied hy Rev. VV. (). Cone, jpent yesterday afternoon vis iting the scene and talking with those who were injured nr whose homes*, had been swept away. Hence the tom piete details in this paper! ■ Mr. Cone, un expert ama teur photographer, made a se- Hes of 12 photographs of th t catasrtophe for The News. Jmm to The Tnr Ileel < atm-ra Shop at 8 o'clock last night, these photographs, were de .-eloped and printed within an hour ami a h*l Ljuul the 10 o’cioek train earned eopierri? them to the Associated Press feature service'in Atlanta for li.strthuttrm The News atsrr 1 supplied the Raleigh News j and Observer with a copy of the prints, and some of these ire expected to appear in'-tho Raleigh paper Monday morn ing with a credit line for Th*> News. It 1s planned 1% run some of the pictures in Tues da/'s News. 1 ' The effort which this paper haH made in j-overing this ma jor catastrophe is in keeping With the papelSgjreneral j*ol icy of giving its readers com plete coverage of news of se. tional or local (Interest. 11 hwnomiH ' The I'liUat *it!i it atmi Oittll wobm<-u swlmniiT* uiul itlvvi’s naliiliig w»s quallfbal 10 Jisp.in- -iv championships HihcduPtil to* tHits sir irunou tin- cbisiug day ■ i tTi.- tliyiu 110 water many athletes fur these < vents a* Ini sports. The AWeik-uo ir.«BsaUßl an m : aut. >aUUi*c*. tar. Umuusj events as nil the rest of tin notions put tog tiler. 7 T ? 1 VKITTIU.N HI VIM til S 1 LANTH SIHKII. IMYS 1 NAI-I-KS, Italy, A.ug II An enip tlou of Mount Vesuvius likely to 0011, Unite for several days'; is reported by the observatory on the mountain. May Decide Bus Station 1 Matter at Meeting Monday '' <•» . What may result in a filial declnion t relative to the bus station situation tn y Oohh>bon> la the meeting of a t orn- c :nlttee from I In - B“->i3 of Aide r Eli*: u, , icpresentsikvi *of •Mt r< harm > As* Voctalion ami of the Goldsboro Cliam „ of Cunmii rn at the a.'Si-Utbly * room of tin' latter ornaniaatiuu on MV ntlay morn hr at 10 o'clock. The Wachovia Hank and Trust t orn- ; pany of Halt-tali cxe.ytors for the , * dates which owns the present Inn i »t station. Acting lit this aapadty. the.* Kalelgb bunking Institution has had pr* him* prints for * proposed p 'mprovemeut of the station. v These prints are ft he submitted « itt- the met tliiß Monday morning with f •he request that they In- i x.mlmnl as t to whether or not they will he acertp table by the city us Uolthiboro and t - Ii«- ""lll—i.i.iw - —■ ■■ 11. 1.1, 1 14 PAUES TODAY Cf POUR kllllli IN SOUTH CAR. 1 ‘ 0 Storms Are Offshtwf of Cyclone That Haa Ravaged Florida And Georgia a * CIJAHI.OTTK. August llv-lA’) I'lve deaths, numerous pwtPßi lu- Jured. a* lea-t one seriously, flood“<t i.lreams god propc-rly damage e»t|- matrd high into" the hundreds of tliousaltds dollar.* marked the pass ing uvir the Carolina* of the Htorm tiiatfbns Ikwii over the Houtbeast for :i week. Several Inimfrlkl p. ison* v*ere temporarily driven from their trones along stream*. Kntir deal Its ocunrre,?- in South 'andlnn and one In North t’arnHp* t* hlrh wind* and mill tliut verged 'oh cTnudburst proportions t< veleo «p-'wer and ocmmunpcatiou 'lre*. Tin; <1 ■ -*r ,J: per Hartley, llalesvurg, S. C., a-.iu.a a' ** a< h«n Negro Rirl named Foster ktHed no»e Satitoe. S. C. wlun house ikitoye# flrover HijUnl»"Ui;‘h, tirj. nvllle. S. conductor on Southern railway j tretirtH-. kftted vfhen Hve wtre Tell oir :rnln , I’olden tlf led man killed between .SpdbUhlmrß and Ouwpens, 8. CnruHfls Joyner kfllod »t Know till! V 1* whew storm ib.Stmyed h* use. A s|or?n strnrk In S'lutliwest ern Carolina Krldny nitwit und boutw t d over to N« wberry where some dayi Me was dune. It then lost, some of Us fury at* n windstorm and torreu t‘sl rains fell throughout the FTe** tl ' " mont seytlona of the tw> Carolina*. A. branch of lb - storm, appeared to have swept over K.tMera. North Caro iina and In its wake left {the one deadl at Snow Hill. ‘ " ! The heaviest rainfall reimrted wu* at Yfiskory. N. C. wlnjs- to-Inches . war rrpnrF-d- with ttin city water , wo’rks pui-mb"ust: flooded and out at. cenimlsafoa. ” | Newton, N. reported heavy •J -dorms *t Spartanburg sc.vfn Itn.hes if ruin fell and more luut five hie lies I 1 aj I'nlon. 8. C. NumVrmis reports of 4 three to font Inches were ret-elved. Rl ll UtH oil 1 RIP FOR AMR! M s MB IV W 111 Ml. AY Fit j tai-lahaSsci-;. ki»;. au«. 11- </§»» I—Howard of ItpO wo* offered by i ICovrrn'fe' John W >lartln today fori Ithe arrest and tAuivlctlon of Mr. and 'Mr-- Elsie li Bopth, newly-weds of If lie girt'* aaed irr.nidfatb.-r, George W ISimn.on*. » w l intt'f'sta. Tills It the procedure which the bus division of the State "orporntioti coiutnlsslon has rciitiest id In the metier, Ttiaiklnr' tt very plain that the division win take such m tlon a« the people of Goldsboro seem to want. , A representative of the Wachovia , in part) ».1 hi Uujaialioro ytvtnnnr I I II left file blue prints PK-'examina tion iat the cathcrltfi! Monday. Tie- Merchants assodutlotr H»» rone t as favoring i( new station where busses would not have to lovl i.ih| u a lead on l lie sti.>t->. The hu i operator eonlrolllna II of the 23 votes which derided matter pertaining to the bus systems entering and leaving Goldsboro. had at a previous meeting Os operators voted for Immediate ptc nUure with plans for u new building. i ' 1 GOUIMIORtI V ( . . I MiW MORNING,'AUGUST 12, 1928 I ' 4 *~~~ ~~ „ In SIOO,OOO Forgery ■J k |/i 1 csr ■ - H Wm Wm v . 4 |E|fc f • J j ■ i“»- O _i_«W John J. Donohue is held in New York as one of three men hooked up with a StOO,OOO for gery plot, in which the bank 'which employed him was view Umizcd by'a W. T. Yclverton I* In Extremis at Home tv. T. Yelvertoi?. >ne of Goltlsbom’s Olileft arui b<-m... Itisac*-men, 1 w*i* hi ttinnii at'hi 1 e in S"ui!i John j fit ret! early sh c m:!-. , Th*-' News Iv, as ipfurmed. * 81--» yen with |.n«-t*r Inumt« nad.Ro *i < ; miatk «f I fmrajyaia. til.- b*!avail cHlanh at tha ■ixe n( 7lf. h#L^i vii i tn.-.v, flat los ing fight f’Jt„thp past two Rtadta. Fiienrij feared that he wnuld not live rtrtr 'ttrfnr mrnij giT *“ t am i 01 n*iT( hi s ijimitf IfitOOKGYN. Ann. It.- tA'\ Dazxy J Vam-e nutpircb. d Kd, Hrandf lialay lo t 'win the first game of fj,e series for Brook >,) .0,1 •j. • H-.ivi 'i, 5 to 1 IS'- ' **<tii'lt.• Htart. -i f..«- • : a- with liU ’lhtb 1nm.,1 lu the l’mirtU. ( Will Form Permanent Cltek Organization . and itCme who »r> iuu- r--1 e/| }o tti. rcc.- p'd . lip.’u to be ealab Itsheil t here bv the North t‘amilna’ Orthopedic hosoltal at Gastonia art* ■I , . I •ill |fi »m at lie Cia.ilb rOf j coin km ■ • ■ Int at hit's M . V , fttf Ih< p.i-p -t •I bo ii.iUK a JMifj muiient »>r, .jiixalloii. H was an | nouno *1 i • r*ia' The first of si rid of monthly eliaiv*. for crippled 0 * Mldrcrf of Eastern North i - ’I ! i m al.il t immunity building j tl i vlth Dr.'Q. L.MfUttr, *' 1 t •' i i the .-late iustb I l| liu 'll ‘l C.i ' Oij.i, Pi ebaigW. ||y j [ fti. Cmi f-rr UuM- 'pti inber cllnb: I l It 'a ■.* i:■ ■ hal the clinic will i he iwriiiar.ei.lv Imatml In its own i hum 1 il'-J i tra'ned worker will la >**-•< ••rot* di l reel pdimtUary to' an.l’ following tie din If a - • ’ ' TEXANS HOtD MASS MEETING .Map Out Campaign To Asxurc Texan Remaining in Demo fTutir ( nlumns Al'STlN,' TkAaH. Auii'iiHt 11. (4>) AiU'iox-ffuat ly a»a Tex, n- In iinii-ratj* met in a state wulej in a>s meefliiK today t<y map oig a campaign to n-aure Tsxaa remaining Ist the In moor.itic oojumti in Uie Nu.‘ veniher p.caftleittial eki tlon. A res.,-' iotign dftmuHillriß that the slate d*-mu.. cr»Mc executive coin in it tce refuse to 11 rtlfy ini the -.tat.- Hi ket the name fff any f.<■ it. o ' waa placed In forn tlui rcsoliitlnns cnntmiUvu. 4» <'h, .r* are. ted the dec! .ratio, t of Mrs 11 if. Sevier. Texas national* committee woman that th« bolter* have read tlnmmdvns out I v meei .it lr party und ' I hope they never will te. allowed to run ft»r p.ihlli office and never will he per milted in -dr in the eoiimll oft Tia party sgalh." Jolia-W K*rby, millionaire lunihcr m,nn of Houston. ~wuh applauded re peatedly In n spiwi b attacking tlieso ‘Hoover iJcmocraUt." I t >' or< nor .Miller, devialtiiß fr«nf Cl. gen* Al attar gWlWr|^r^Tff ( TUTl»f^ , that the lkb am* odment |* a* firmly t'xcd lit htr * (institution as -thn 10 commandments arc in the Bible. *4 W tanol turn tirtrdSTTfflre WHT b'golry wi-rci ruining Texas chances >or sliuidlhg by the prcMcmlitiat nomfirwe," he add**!. ”l)Ul 1 believe new that in November we ar« going !•> hit A 'it ilifc grealc.t parfy majority in Toxrs for 20 year*.*’ Llouclf Hide Meteoric Shower From (ioldHlxmi T|l, ,n*et r which »cli-tiH *th said woald b« visible In the Vnlied htAte* last night between midnight d dawn was concealed Ixdilnd a * nr' 'i of cloud - if -TT url't her*-, f -i party watching the norfheasterii ki*-a (hunt 11:30 reported seeing 'an large of falling ;I in II- til th*- *pu< e .1 few j 'Tiinntui*. but th*re w*» no available m port of sighting varl-enlored ll*tli*t rifi'-mbllng the Aura Borealis, ,i had ht *-o I X pec toil • ' .SJkUUUb. •••*1 to com*- i mi th.- (jhntterstlf c«m<-t Prrscid* which nmkcs Its up -rarnnrr xvf'ty-'fn yr-lfrf. A-. the comet (oik 4* a the earth’s atmosplor*- t'.-rtli li-s fit »sff It ,-uol rendered white hot t*iitl'*n of rushing through the »ir give. otf a vtvld light as they shoot .-earthward. 4 —•—- *—»■■>*.. —— Charlotte Reports Plot For Murder of Husbands- Wives u- •“ • i - - iii *m A.j»r. H - CT’i 'A ptm ff-r the wlml* ..all’ murder of fettshund* who-*- wive* have tired **f them’and [„( five win..' icht ((tiupanlon.ihlr Ivan mu\vered here tonight, poH. <; as sert when I Ur* i persons won* arrest ~| ~[i li.fr :<i *Vf murder and .throe . 4*i*-r.« on charge* of • conspiraey to murdor. AVli ’lfS'lfn v. iv<:.i Os then the eou'ijty }uil adcaoad *>f attempting uv T ‘%UI tr|*nir irate- the vi, iim- lay at tholr Ifrime- baH44»g ft** life as the result of "white powders" obtain ad ?f 1 .to 't.-U : ’n| .oil* I*l id hj ihowfi’ic police said that all ( f those atn • tt*d had t oufe-red. 'rhose arrested were - S. W. alias Prof, Brand or! tie, a fortune fall* •« t, .Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Prefer; Mr*. I*'. W. I’ridgen. Mrs Jdlly Town!*/ and J II Moore, a negro prein her of Newton, whose wife lives in f"har lotto. 14 PAGES' TODAY v> a "9 ' ' ~ trf?rv. " V ~ --- - -vc r ' • Formal Notification, , t> * A ‘ - • I>remonieß Are Held In Stanford Stadiaa . TSgft All IVincrete Poured | On Snow Hill H’way Pouring of coucrete on th« C >l<|*horo-Bnow HIM highway haa buOn com idol ed and ' th« highway will be open in traffic within Ut«' I ’ next f* w days: Already It I* opwi t» | a p.olnt about four miles this aids of Snow Hill. Leveling up , of I . shoiihlers and th* pusaage of J dine for “doIIIur” nr* all lb*t ■ remain .to cnmplotn the projecx, said to have tatsbllshml a record for eopatrdcjlon of’highways In North tlaroliuai The Mc<*utr* tlon st.rnctlon company wa* In charfw of the work. Opening of the high way In Snow Hill will give Ooldsboro contlnu- . ou< hard surftti-tt' htgliway to { 0 reap v I lie and shorten the di«- taoci- to that city by some_ 12 mil- , ea. Ka* mvllle,., Kn«w liill, Hooker ton und a very rich farming coun try will be'opened lo Goldsboro. Talk at .rlrhratmn pt,,th*r Rf||W 1 (Ireeff* county lino upon th# oc * salon of lhn opening of lh« c«m --1 pit ted highw#y baa a# y«t gun* no further than talk. Action to.this .■>l.l rftiiut *om,. Jik Vl—> Oaailoti if ‘ Mtf Pit PRO* I IIJ tmNRMBf Mr ! ii nnminmt SCORES INJURED BY FIRE TRUCK • | ,IW«rfttl Engine ’ Used For' - Only Tournament ‘ Kadnß FLORAL PARK, N. Y., Ang 11 ' I (iPI—A *«*«>re of persons, many of litem , women and children, weru luF jured today when a flr*> truck, parts ( ipntlng a fire departtift'Ut tonrn.x ■tom hour, sfcldd*d lata, s cro*4 of L./standers at the curb. t Thwmschitie wais a powerful engine | attached to the Roosevelt-l/ml IslaQd rt**|*urtmetit nnd used <»nly for tourna ment racing Spectators had if wgpt ''.witil the curb a* lt^ rami- /ruing pdM, witties-,-* said, slid a py/nreycLe policeman turned ltU machlno toward d*«*. 4* tr rush • -futo- the , Tli* l tru* I, spread down hpon him, ntrlklng the rootorryrlo as tho drivnr pushed In bin bn*uk». Tlie 10-avy niadOne akifldol on the wet ppvvment f tul swerved Into the i rowjjp Amlin yatices carried the liiluri-<y4way. 9 hut <-oly live persons wr*’C ii**t»ltie*| for tl > emergency trciinii-itt ii ii 11—ii .• **■'•—sr**~—■ — The arrests came about through in vestigation of the death of L. M | lajeV iniy, who died on June & '"and | *.h . Widow soon. at ter ward married fTei’d. r. iJanWU and Preskr were arrested first and confessed. Denlels. ! in liie , .ml.■*.. ion. named the two wo , nu n nml the negro as haring obtained : a poison from tilth to give to their , tndUa. J Police said they had obtained nine l onlechi'ins from all of those Implicat ed, although Mr*. Pridgen, mother of JO child rast; asserted that she had Vmrehrtsed a "while powder*,, from the j, Professor and given It to hfr hue -1 /"I i i lo lug itto k hi* love. * > ii. an of ghost On,- is » • machinist for a local newspaper. lie ti.»w he. n niek f«r sometbi.e and pio j line »«ld he was violently 111 today. Ml Pridgen was Inken lo |enlfKc„ j headquarter* and there confronted [ with lianiela. MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATE! PRESS - - .I ?m ■' . prick nv* cum l K «iycag^ , Favors Htfhnr AtrMtmlflß* Iff uU Di i IMP—II if Wat m wars ’ STANFORD UtVIVMMMTT ITAO- • IHM. <!alH.. An*. V iientui iu>n.!■»**— today wih * md* terailon of bia Mas# ot repeal Si tka prohibition am*ndu*~M a* aav smAM* i Mkjn pf cntnfiem*** Sat VMS een ■tituUi nullification, and whh tha **- poaition of » three-fold «*Ti«lltW»l relief proa ran. k . | Tha nomine* rap—tad that ha stead** for "ibi efficient eafaraemato" at tha taw* enacted under lb* pvahihHton hnvandnwnt and added that «mh*aMiff . la cboaen pr—tdeat haa Under hl*<fc*fe the solemn duty to paraae thU oemn * * nuil increased and cheaper toaaqp*v*t , aid in buUdias up fare—r owned ass* cohtrloled torporalkm* to tab* ante eh ettiytunee. An Rndt* -sndtaaee ansi ; tho*e hear over the eadntff. Hnaanx outllnad hi* ataad on proMMUoa with out making direct reCarenae to Alfred E. Smith, hi* -ytr —1. ar to tha New York governor's Sttrlara tlon for liberallsatlaa of the Vetafadt I Enforcement Act. •- > I “ModlOcaiioa of tba entorcap.aat law* which would po««Mt that wblab | the conatttatlaa forblda*le nallldaa tion’„ he —id. "Tble the Amertomh i people will not i Reiterating that he did not law an* peal of the eighteenth amendment, tbs Itepublican nominee eMd aa ana wha to be rrttMeed for aeeklas to the conetflntlon by lawfnl t . hat added that the Kepnhttasn party 4**l - «d the right ot anyone to aaak to de ■troy the pnrpoaaa of tha eOMtttaUM by Indirection. * Kecoanlaths tba. ehneee of aaiaaea« meat under existing enabling acta, lloover itald thee# mna* ho raaaodiad after “an organised tearchlag iareett. gallon of facte and cpnaee" had potot- H the w»y to tt» wtaa-matbod ar ear. ’ reel Ing them. f The Republican candidate dhyanl of. the prohibition question la fed ■pace of a few minute* devoting ap proximately 300 words to He dlecna eion. To the farm eld question, he gave more than oae-eltth of bin ad* Sim.* iff more than >.OOO words. JZ. Declaring that agricultttr*,preseatad “the meet urgent economic problem la our nation today,** Hoover said the Kepublli an party farm plank copstf* tutwl * definite ptan of relief" mtod» l«t« only “the detailed eiehoratton ia| h gialetfoa end to pat It Into force." Adda from federal aid He farm stab* llizatton corporations, be proposed t*r , if lucres—* to give agrlcultare thd —me protection a* otbar Industrie* and the development of the tala** waterways. twpludlng tha Mississippi and the Ureut l,ak*e to the Atlantia ayetema. sj* means of affording nbeap .er transportation for farm product* and a otrresponding ahrtakage to thd spread Between what the farmer ear* reive* and what the consumer pay*. “An adequate tariff Is tha found** tlon of farnv relief.” be said, putting thf* first in hit program. Develop rnent of the grant water arteriee cam* *r ootid. * “The*.' Improvement* woo'd ir —a i»o large an Increase In farmnra priced m* to warrant their construction many, time* over.” be aeaertod " (Contlkaed Or a|

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