WEATHER Incrensiag cloudiness Tuesday fsllow ed by showers Tuesday night oHWef sesday. No change ta temperature. VOLUME SEVEN; NUM&R 144 Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Wants Probe of Weed Price rtyrmnrr Belief Collusion Ex* isu, Briwccn < ompuniaat* Force Price Do*# GEORGIA AVERAGE HAS BEEN sl3.ft6 PER CWT. Telwedfe Cities Increaer of iSb Is Acreage Ajfainwt 31% Decrease la Price ATI.ANTA, Aug. I* — Uft— Aessrtla* hi. belief ih«t there ban been collu - ..jea of the pert of tobacco Interests to dspeess price* In Georgia market# thle .eeaeon. Eugene Talmadge. »t*t* tomaleetoner of agrlcture today •eked the F*der*l trade commission to make an Investigation. Talmadge's rsquest followed publi cation of figure# by tit* department to d»y shewing that to date the 1928 •ea.on In Georgia has seen sale* of 29.089.810 pounds n't an average price cf $lB 66 per hundred, a decrease bf 81.08 psf-cent over the average price tor the same period last year. “The only esplanatlou So far offer ed for thla tttate of affairs " said T*l madgs in hia letter to the trade com mission. “is Ahe ths crop this year as compared with ’.917. 1 have taken occasion this morn Ing to carefully compare the figures isseud by the United States census bureau In other crop agendo*. and f'nd that the estimated Increase In fields of bright tobacco for Georgia. South Carolina. North Carolina, and Virginia, which cover the <*it|re bright tobacco belt. Is only 4 percent over 1987, while the decrease lit Is Sl.Ofi percent. V •Toe average price In Georgia last year was actually 17.07 percent paid tor the four stated mentioned, thus the price being paid In Georgia' today is more than 48 perrenl decreis* or er the average price for the tmTTfi belt laat year. “From this It would seem that flepr iila farmers centalnly are being dls criminated against and I respectfully urge tbnt yoflr committee start a thor cugh Investigation at the earliest po* stble moment as the sales season will lose more than three or four week* longer and It Is therefore ve*y Im portent that whatever la done he done quickly. “I have every reason to believe ihat there has been collusion on the part of tobacco Interests to unduly, depress prices In Georgia Invlllatlon of the Herman antt-truat law. >Talinadge estimated that In a great many Instances the prices now being paid at Georgia tobacco markets will fstl to detrsy the actual cost of the market lug. TO ORGANIZE RURAL SCOUTS Plans For Troop of Boy Scouts An Perfected For Gnw tiiam Community Organi**llon «f a troop of liny brnutn at Grantham, completed yes terday is the first, move toward form ing troops In all of the rural common Dies of Wayne County Scout Execu tive W. W. Rivers announced last evening. Plans for the organisation or the Grantham troop were completed yes terday In conferences held by Exe cutive Rivers with Interested people of the Grsntham section. O. F. Sey 4UWUF, a member of the faoultp «l tin Grsntham High School, will be scont master for the troop. If present projects materialise, at l.’aat eleven other troops would be mganlxed In the rural sections of Wayne, one troop to each commun ity: Seven Springs, Indian Springs. Smith’s Chapel, Rosewood. Nahunta. Eureka. Aycodk and others. . l>. H. 4MMHI TBADE BALANCE WASHINGTON. Aug. 18—Ths Unit ed States had • favorable balance of trade of *294,0«0,000 for the 6 month period ending June 30. the Commerce Department has announced. Exports totalled *2,277.632.000 a gain of *ll.- (•00,000. while Imporls were *2,004,432 000 a decline »f *37,000,000. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Gets Three Stills In Saulston on Sunday “Think the operators must have been a# Sunday, school," remarking Deputy Sheriff George Coker of Saulston yesterday afternoon In admlttiufc that on Sunday, he with a son of' Ills had bagged three dls j tilling outfits. Two> of them were copper outfits and one was a gaso line drum rigged up as a still. No arrests were made; hence Mr. Joker's* comment. , FIFTEEN CASES IN CITY COURT 18Ui Amend men I Ih Statute Get ting Most Folks Into Trouble 4' , , ” l)„ An unusually heavy docket was the outstanding feature of the regular 'Monday morning session of city court ysterdny. r !Fiftecn cases were dlspos • d of before Mayor If ill. and one or :wo others were left open until furtb er evidence could be secured. Llnxa Faison, colored charged with being drunk, Ivas let off with the payment of the coats. Charlie Boyette. colored w»g hound over to the coqnty court &*''i. i • . t °y. •' m RUhj r i .. ‘• wfr I s - • i _ ”• 7 t - , • • , ■ O ' '-'V' j • r . ,-. I—.1 —. ■ —*■ -• ' .. . .... ..... ‘ ~ ipMW ; , . ■s% ..... J I jjfc'aa' . jij«, *a, 1 * •*- •- . '- ' * •J Them p.c- '*■ ' cyelous that hit in parts of Greene county Saturday, The upper left shows the remaps e **. story-*od-half UrrciUng of the lull aister,. Noth injured, on* lermoMy Tlie bed on which they were aslcp whciT thi aUrrn broke'wa* fomd a mile nwuy. i pper nghl. what wns an * honed und. v.. -w.ill *il (ft djWftltU*,' H« licnl hlms* If and tip his wtflf aud thrw chlldrwU. Ths Imhy was i,iund in another spot.* stlMt Uardi ovwi hsr felt unhurt. Rktht bottom: Out 1 III* In <.u-.n- c ; u«i> broken by the «torm. The New* supplied theao picture* to the KuleigU News god Olmsrvor yv|t«r.Uy and tin* hmn of forth* above ia by courtesy of The Raleigh paper. - ‘•DICKY" GETS > LITTLE RIDE 'Younfcstcr Sealc^Jf 7 1 nseen. On Hunnini; Hoard W hen Car i ' Is Started “Dicky ’’ Weatherly, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Weatherly, -07 East Elm street, Is grcstly ndmilred by all of the ueighbork, and wlnn Uls, imreitt* IhinkH he is in the yard at play, the little fellow will slip off 1? some of the neighbor* There I* not a child spy more liked by- the nciehhors than “Dicky!” Sunday morning while lie wn* thought to be at pt»y In the yard, he wondered to the homo of Mrs. W-* < Denmark .ttifd was qnh'tlj' seated (,n the running .board of their car, which wasoparked In the drive way. Mr*. Denmark entered the car for » drive not knowing the child was ui.y where around —ho betng seated n n the opposite side from which Mr*- Denmark entered. The car was back ed out and slow driven off toward Wil liam Ircet. when to her ntti;/ inv prTselwaTiflßTileyesjwek'srovor Ttrr M"rrr window: tWHrr ' hwd pwHrW himseJJ— A*i a standing position #nd not until then was Mrs’. Denmark aware on iiiyiVnp Tielhfi on ITo> I#R She Immediately stopped. t#klng the •tlild tn the car and on rl-.x hm: her d.-HtUksthm called the mother oft the phone requesting that who come ft>r him. ' • ; NclghhorsSfn seeing Mrs. Denmark violation of the prohibition laws and 'fined ♦ costs. A suspended sentence of six months °n the road a»>i also held'over Htnt.'tO become es fw tjve if he tut aln violates the law Jim Hinson, operator, of a station near the Neuse Hlver bridge south ot the Htyri'Kas declared not guilty of having whiskey for the purpose of fc*le. ■ 1 Judge Bland ruled that ' evidence i wan insufficient in this y»*e. Deputies hkd found U quantity.'of with key and a qflanttty -if wine In tfm rear of Hinson's station' Addle Hall drew three months op the ro:id» for having whiskey In lier jh»s sessloii for the purpose of sale. If Was lier husband who escaped from on p.i.. two) GOLDSBORO. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1 i. 1928 Cilv Good Citizen In Death oi W. T. Yelverion Aq outstanding cHlsnn. a leading M.iasiui ,i film liearverTu nod |oa- Tic cv «f the principles of the Christian it liglon, was purled ye* lew lay when W. T. Yclvertoii, wnn died ‘i*t his Louie *t Id: la Sunday Inorulflg, was iuterred )}J Willow thri* cemetery. Km pic funeral 1 riles had been con* cin tui ig the rosldqnca Wy luv. ?*, If, H. Wilson, s f inner padnr of flt. Caul Meihodo clittri h Tin ru was • great *ii' on in 1 friend* in the-fua era! wliiffoe innuy years hail twyn Id ol,tifi-d with even, phase ol tC'tds life * Mr. Yelverton h*d fought a brave hut losing f. tit Sometime ago he ufferrd .1-•• like of and about two Ueeßs Sgo h« contracted pneumonia!. Ylo t' Friday thtr- was « Tennrenco nr tin paralytic '•no. V. anti ue iK rew gradually Saturday night bis i ondlt u •• •! <#jp Just aftsr the K- nr that t ■ ln-Hti of 'lit* cblirehes had til.d the UOt.c lor Sunday -.>•.•«> )>• passed away. Wlltl-im Them) 1 - Yel Vert on would Have been 8d year a - age- tnr b»- bttuatt bucji, bora .1% this coinu). jS , ember .1 I'M*. lie? parents were George Teuberry and -FdtH* P-rrm-r Y-*rrrtott ttirr father hial been a large planter but business iDten-t'n rather thou agrleulmnd phr suits Interested Mr. Yclverton.' As" proprietor of a country more he car* *.,ed on a. aitirfactors buAlins.*. uutll till in vear lie was e|r, i lerk of court for Wayne. JlTT'liiflii* i nee over the county was extensrv* and hfs personaT as wall a* political *r-elected to this oft o At the clow i °i,.n g,T in' -*-1 -. .t». , m second t rm, lit il , d to The- re-rerd as his official lift* ini' 'ftf It->ll j,ihie etiielniey. IK H»s) irieuifS riutucfou* and ha w.a twin Mr. Yelveiion starled In tie hard ware business hete, In which line he eotttfntnd until the time of his death. 11l health, however, sdVeral years forced HHu to relinquish much * ; Tit- direction <>[ thb buninesa -to h'p sons Mr YelviYum was married April •X I’,. - I , Mies K.trait Jane Sauls of tbit county, and the widow with four >oils survive- lalwagd It., Leslie i! I aul and Harrison, Tie- .|> . ■ ..I had ridditi late. ■ - -I.* uni time w»a on the .’d of director* of lie Ni 1 'U'al V - l ank of iini'| i|n.rn and of the Wayne Arro*ii!l nr- IV rl- For I I e art In 'served as a mem In ' of the hoard lit '(OsMlntd on. lhige Tw«) RASKOII PRAISES HOOVER SPEECH Hays It liacc« Politics On'Tyuh Plant-—Says Dt-mocvats Will Do Same jo New YGItK. A aft. 13 rW- Birbert -Honv. !•’;. i,< . ejc'.oc.e of the i .n pri t,al nomination wrn* “crin that raise politics to a high r.r levcf” Jtthn J. Basknh, chairman # 11 tli > notional d» moncratlc, roiomft u e nald In a statement Isslmd late to Ni. . . I fi, i,4i, r iy sdmlrr Mr .. ; i Hcvateufbla • i»iap.ii«n v to the rt’gnliv that a cnutcat of this kind, I fid ‘should command In American mI my hope la thut we wtff He able on our slih to keep the con '.u> f*of the campaign aku a very high has NY FFAVE CBAstO s INTO ttftrtVtt ’ # BSiRLIN, auk. 13 Threw men #n ( J one woman were killed and several -e»wrs-tpjtrmt T-day w£on art cifiibl ii-or t’.vi r n*uicd (• ■ ■-r», r lo t i ■■tdrol : lit r plane and o a shed into a 1 iwd of •p. • iaU>r* At dim Aachen Ftying !•'!'■ id' utde I# said 4 !jj/k\e Iftcu ttm cau-c. of Urn **mDi dent, tlcsper wn* only slightly hurt, j Do Not Approve Proposed Changes of Bus Station V 4 Tin- Goldsboro. Mw\cliant Arsoehv ti+th ;tml thl> (i(f!i|4»>n>. Chamber •of i nrr.mert .t will not a pprovt* blueprints M'-wina Ri'i'l 11 "•■•U Improvements for Us present-tni'i station, rcpr<,-*enla ° ■l'' • < ..a V**t ;t lu via listift anJ li no coiiipaiiv of linhdyli, e.*«-cutorn of tlic estate which now own fhn ata- U**< » ’ Th'. Ii ,11 1 aid* rin<*n w. re to * i• v b< *it r**pn-’ iitVi tt| by ‘< ■f th <■■ hi Mi' m, tl i}’. bint otpy, one nmil’ r could to- pr "rut this uc/j T ofut. th' * ty ilid not Yolo in tlio mat, u-r.bttt lh* committee Ik rvpcci-d tot sliol.v tic flam >t >'i'ntf later dole. The commit . \v itc ■ Id ye print ami a lenfeliiy Ui.-i u I'Siim t we. ARE TO GO TO CONVENTION * County Problems Will Be .Studied At f otnmlKKtoncnP isr = snri Convention Five nu mbers of ths Wayne county ♦ j wutivo board «r« leav ng today to etUuul Lhu annual muctlug of tbs •» got l*tl“n of county commissioners of North Carolina, mid of the association of auditors of North Carolina counties They ari 1,. A, ItnnCy, chairman of ic l- "d; Hcrtnuu Denning, and N. O. ftcr?t*r, mombers of the board; hr ink 1, IVscock, county auditor; tied I ul Humphrey, county attorney. The annual address df ths pre|id c Shill to delivered Wednesday i otiMiu by’ E M. Lyda, chuirman of Bitfti iniibq,a;ounty hoard of c<>m n I o > t:» and a tyemluT of ths ciun •r r.vmm.’ni ad\lsury commission. Administration of the fiscal affair! ol lh" counties I# expected' to figurs largely in alt of, the lilscusslona. Charles M Johnson, execuilv* ge*. rctary ,f :hc proval of the budget. pMjP—d *O, accordance with the count? *flaaaoa •no ■ant.— ~— Tba rala waa adopted upon tba hdfr la of an estimated valuation of |4t,- ■ aui jmmr Am tasotAaio tb . _.r.,.* lffr IB# ItllDll Os HO COO* •r. Tha rata la an Incraaaa at U eaata over tha rata of ft. 10 which baa pre vailed far tha past two yarns. ; Despite tba Incraaaa. It waa aaM. the Wayna rata u atilt ataab nulla than tba rate of any adjoialai conaty final reporta of tha oparattoa of tha • ountr under the flrat yaar la aa- K.rdance with tha badcat provtßtoa ar Iha rounty finance lav ahSWid that tha Income and expenditure oolamaa if had bean brought almoat lata 14- uuca. Main dir talon* of tha budgat idapt pd yesterday Includa: . Mineral fund aad raaarvaa School MS4.aiT.t4. , Honda and highway dhpartaM* 1144,474.34. " MISSREHEYIS CLUB SPEAKER l)r. WUHum hml A. T. Mh wu Ur. a, T WoHln—Wendh, who a*a iluctad laat night's program a» UK ICtwaata luuohada Introduoad la -m dub, Mlaa Rally. Wayao county bam# <|| agent, aad aha m 0» an intdraatlng talk oa tha larpaaai and accomplishment! es tha liprt went. ■■■—■-■' • Wr—r-4- Mlaa Rally began bar nai»li with an outlina of the hlatory of hil—!>d warn aa carried aa by AgrWlHfd achoola In cooparatlan with The id* part Riant pt Agriculture la aaah county. Tha beginning: as this nprlaal 1 lUral cxtenalen work of wfelah baa# d«mon*tration la a branch kagnn. dhp raid about INI. tba mowmna* beta* an outgrowth of glass to aid Mum or#* when tha boll waavtt first hagna ltd devastation of cotton. Tha maveaMet grow with a definite orpSalgaHaa, with tha object of halpiag farmer# with alt of thafr gnihlmi Sad natur aily introduced the boaee dam oast rg- Mon aa a help to tairviia wtvaa aad the boys and girls. Wgyaa county had It flrat farm demonetrattes agent IA 1913, and flrat Umh dam«aatr>rtea agent la 4*14, aha eeMfc^^ ihe department which aha rapraaaatad 'n sir acted the farm wogaaa ao that they could do their worE better hail lx Iter living rondlloaa, aad find than to d»rt>te to picasurw, aad ta tha meat valuable of all c rope—the child ran. Instructions, aha etatsd 'warn glvad hi rough (oeal claim as which Jhsra era now SB In Wgyaa county. Imeal member* are flrat trained by apodal i ouraaa' to fit them for lnatraolaia and they with tha help of tha dam oaetratlon agent pat avar the Mae# WW other member* git tha elsla, ’ litftjPßi in m dWßed m aai»:.afeHft' r ; ; 'by competition for pftaes. Tha prac tice of the cenaua bureau la llatlad home maker* aa “without occupeltdn" waa made light of by tha apeekar. She xald they had found that la mods farm famllica (ha wife waa doctor, rplrtual adrjaor, planner aad amkar of meals, designer and mgdufMtarar. <>f clothe* and a big »s«lstaaoela tha actual handling of tho crops Rpaclal emphasis at present, aha continued tg being given the chltdroo. Inatrnotlaa being given to tha parents aad dican-, tly to the children thraagh hoya aad-. girls dubs. At tba beginning ar tha luncheon I’resident Chhs. Millar read a latter from tha Hecretary’of tba Chamber a* Commerce Inviting ill member* to ha preaeat at a meeting to dtacuaa maaag of financing soma needed tmprara mant at tha Wayne county hill (CanUguad on papa two) .. A