yWRATHKR •havers Wt4iMhr ui Tkersady. Mat pack change ta teaeperatar* b, VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 146 MUST NOT ALLOW PERSONALITIES DESTROY PARTY Senator Smith of South Carolina Unqualifiedly Announces For A1 Smith . ? lUicawnt Cain on Sowth Not to Forget What Party Has Meant for Section GOVERNOR SMITH HAS COMPLETED ACCEPTANCE Joseph's Daniels WiU Confer in Albany With Nominee Imm Time Today FLORENCE. 8. C, Au«. 14—Iff)— ■oh_ « fII HSimniirnl nrlit * noctmrtnK tnat tnr lunavnrcutat p»*** clplea upon which 4h# Democratic party waa founded must be' maintain ed at all costa United Stales Senator Rlliaon D. Smith, in a statement to day .voiced unqualified allegiance to the Fffr Ml T|lV ntlonnl c«- paign. He eipressed a willingness to take the stump in support of the uo ' mineea. . -r* "While < consider it unfortunate that we ha|e chosen a man as our presldestial condldata wßoae attitude en certain questions Is so dlatascful and so ohjectlnoable to certain Dense eTata as to have caused a *ery de-. rroable condition in the paryt, I am lot distress about it”. Senator Binith paid "For" he continued. “When wa ” mnstder what the Democratic party as a political organisation stand* for and what It has stood for and what It meant, particularly to the South during the dreadful days of recon struction. tha party and the (undamen tel principles on whTctT It rests must be maintained. ± By n. H. OLIVES. (Associated Preaa Btaff Writer) ALBANY. Aug. 14 -Governor Smith had at least on# Important campaign task off hta mind today, completion of tit speech of acceptance to he deliv ered a week from tomorrow. After winding up a long conference with southern and middle western ferra leaders, tha Democratic presi dential nominee-last night put the flalshtng touches on the address, and cleared the why Tor a aerlea or eon ferencea today with party leaders, two if whom were pra convention oppon ents. . /" r : ■’• ■ . J Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia., _whc; had an important part In dr»w-j (ng up the law enforcement plank at the Houston convention, heads the Hat of prominent Democrat* Smith far Invited here to talk over the sit uation. He was dne In -Albany today. Josephus Daniels will arrlvtv-tomor row to he followed by Senator Oaorge of Georgia on Thursday and Senator Walah of Montana on oFrlday. At) *ie avowed drys. ' , PuTther than these discussions, Smith baa no present plana, and It I* ooubtful at this time whether he will flw«t tt— to make » week end trip ent of town for * rest befoer hi# notl - ftcatlon. ■ The speech formally »c --eepting the nomination will he "about ac long as Hdt»v**y one of hta eoclates said, addlug that It would tuke sn hour to deliver it. allowing for brief pauses. The word haa been raised that Smith will discuss all ' issues and will treat exhaustively the prohibition and farm relief problems. One of these farm relief—came forcibly to the trout yesterday when the governor spent more than five hours listening to an ourttne of thw question as tb*T«—ac-4* frsms «tev#a term beat!* froli&ibn south ajfl| mlddlcwest. headed by Uforge M. l’eek of Illinois, wWf recently Joined the Smith camp. Politics, both Smith and the farm leaders emphastied did not enter the dtacusalon. it being jointed out that the nominee had in vited the ten men and one wbman to Albany to obtain (beTr vlewa of a auo- Juct considered economic, not pplfll- JIJRY WHICH WILL TRY BRYANT fAHE COMPLETED MONDAY ASHEVILLE. Aug. 14—Th* Jury • which will try the HIOh.fMW alienation of affection# suit of G. Wall*©* Bry ant, nephew of Mrs. Henry Ford. against Henry Westall. wealthy A*W vlllc clubman, waa completed abortty filer 1 oclvck.Monday afternoon. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS , •• a *7 ‘ .: f BEAD m TUB MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. SKETCH WIVES OF NOMINEES % Mrs. Hoover Called Homemaker; Mrs- Smith Dectaned in Love with Ai WASHINGTON. Aeg 14 (ts) Those who listen in once a week on Iretera eerrfe* pvgrwm *4 Ah* Mo tional League of Woman Voter* heard an Intimate description over the rail.o tonight of the characteristics of Mra. Herbert Hoover and Mra. Alfred *• Smith. The sketch of Mm. Hoover was ’ bro*4o*Vt¥y Mrs. John Pratt, mem ber of the New York board of alder man and a candidate W>r Congress; that of Mr*. Smith by Mrs. V'hgrlaF D*n* Gibson, wife of the Illustrator and magsslne publisher. “A home maker jjremlnently, yet on* whose experience will make of her a great American hostesa In the White House, ’ Mrs. Pratt said of Mra. Hoover. ** "To her succeaa as a hoateaa qf *ll types, all around the world will bear witness. In Washington for the lam seven year*, tho Hoover hum* haa been beloved. She reduce* purely formal entertaining to a mluimum. but h*R * glad welcome for all friend* and Ua* created a real home In 'Washing ton.” * Mr*. qibaon stressed the'sympathy" with which Mrs. Smith ha* followed ;he political progress of her husband. "AI Smith's mother took a n*tur«' pride In* her gifted son's high office, hut more Important thil this was tb* comfort she took in the knowledge that her son and his wife loved each other," Mrs. Gibson said. "1 bmt jflim pleasure of taking Mrs. Smith to call on Mra. Woodrow Wll s.’n while at (he Houston: convention. They liad never met before. There were two women destined to play a very important part in their husnands lives. Mrs. Wilson filled all oar re quirements In the role she ao suc cessfully played a* the first lady ofi the land. I am sure that Mra. Smith will do the same. She unselfishly keeps. Jicrswlf modestly In the back ground-finding her great satisfaction In her husband's success." POTTERY PLANT IS DEMOLISHED Explosion, Thought to Have Been Incendiary, Does Damage of $£5,000 HAMMOND. Ind.. Aug. 14—(4*)—An explosion, believed la he of Inc collars origtu tpday wrecked the plaut of the Indiana Sanitary Pottery, company, causing damage estimated at (250.000 Police were unable to enter the build Ing because of fire that broke out alter the bl'st but It Is believed that no ono was inside. The plant wag closed on Saturday because of a labor dispute between Its operators and employees aud potter irrnov tnTCKflgartng th'A, shots-: yf 4b*4 the pfarat Mown up by plottcrx. It was first reported that.from 8 to l'> men had been killed. Goldsboro Native Dies In Auto Mishap in Portsmouth Iststle Ernest Merritt, native of { son of Mrs. Hu*»n Bennett 1 of this city, sud a brother of Mrs. W. F. Cuddlngton, was killed In an automobile accident in Porta-i mouth. V«- according to a clipping from a Portsmouth paper received here yesterday. Mr. Merritt was 4.>' years old and had Ren residing In tbe Virginia city for 12 years. The Portsmouth paper haa tho lot- ; lowing account of th' accident; [ 4TH DISTRICT DOCTORS MEET 0 * . I !■ O Dr. A. fl Woodard of (ipWwboro Prmidai; Incsl Doctors i ___ Attend •v With. Dr, A. G. Woodard of Golds boro In the chair, approximately *O2 physicians and surgeons, members • of the Fourth District Medical asgoc- I .Alton, met In Rocky Mount last even ing at Shore. Springs. In the regular , quartely meeting pf the association. ’ An attractive program had been ar isnged for the occasion, sev/ral im portant papers were presented to the . group and much business of )uter* . i to the association transacted. Bight counties, Edgetumhe. Nash. ! Halifax. Green, Northampton. Wayne. , 'Vllgoa and Johnston .are Included In the Foutrh district . The quarterly jaectiUK waa called to order at 6:80 at Shore Springs , with Dr. A- U. Woodward of Golds boro, pTwrtfcmt of the saawtethwi.pv* aiding. The regular quarlely session r as held In conjunction with tha re -7 yuUr monthly mecilng of the Nash County Medical association. Following tlie barbecue brunswlck stew s'pper which was served st the Springs, Hr. W. J. Suiter of Weldoa presented a per on "Toxlu-Antl Toxin” Some Clinical Observations Following Its Use'. The discussion of thla paper was lad by Dr H. Lee Large, city health offider of Rocky Mount. *- f j Dr. J. S.„ Brewer" of Koseboro pr%- sented the second paper on the even lug on "When and How to Produce Labor” Informal discussion of tht* paper followed. Dr. J. L. Lane, of Rocky Mount read a paper on ''Headaches”. - Another twtswtttun fcatwe of the progChm wa* *n addi'eaa by Dr. Cyru* Thompson, of Jackaonville. who was > pecial honor guest of association mentlng. nr Thompson la a ptoneei physician In Eastern Carolina und hU address waa looked forward to with :.pec.lal Inter**!. Kuporl* of clinical cases and reading of Ui* mtnutea «,r the last seaslnn of the association came next. Officers of the association are' Dr. A. G. Woodward of Goldsboro .presi dent: Dr. L. M. Brook of Elm City; vice-president; »nd Dr. W. Bernard Klnlaw, of this cMy. secretary aud ‘reasurer. - - - ■ ■ CONFESSES HE SLEW TEACHER Illiterate Negro Calm ly Re-enact.s Scene of Con utance Killing . . s CHICAGO, Aug. 14—GF) David Shank*, Illiterate Segro bootblack, !v. ho police said confessed slaying + M4«* Jennie -CSnstance. Peerla edura-1 l tcr, today was arraigned, bound over, j to the grand Jury and Indicted within i the space of a few hours. J^Ssecutors| aVSky; ( «Wo»tr would -he made tor set an early date for hft trial and 'het they would demand his erlcctro • ut ton. Shanks was arrested last, night byJ ( Evanston police after they had traced | •« wrist watch which belonged t$ tho -prjdtlm. The bootblack readily ty»n --; fersed the slaying police said. - The prisoner wn kept under heavy " uard last night. Today, before V a Crowd of 3nd persons, bo calmly and the klEin* • ' lU« &en*. “A swift trjp to fhc electric chair rwttT he his portioti,*; said an attorney. j Four occupsnts of a Ford coach were Injured at 10:16 ycatnrdA mom 1 Ing lu an accident at Elm arenuo and the Gosport road, one of them I festally. 'The victim, who died sboul un hour after the mih-.ip was Leslie Ernest Merritt. 46 years old, of I*lS Roanoke avenue Acceding (0 a report filed by Po licemen Dunn »nd Hnyef, who inveetl- K'tcd the accident, a Hui Lon couch 1 £optluu«sl op rage till) GOLIINBORa N. (?. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1928 She's a Winner 6 . * j I >• (V-d;.- . k Step up and meet pretty Ruth Hurschler. Site captured first pri«r m the annual \ l>ack" contest of the National Cliirupractic As - M l.D* r\ n«Hilafe resTtii:\ Well gay that Ruth certainly n-rited the| STORM HEADED” THIS DIRECTION ■ " ® 150 Mile Stretch in Florida Iso lated by Latent Tropical Db^urbance JACKSONVILLE, Aug. 14——Afj > ter isolating n )&() mile stretch us the Northwest Florida <- up tlie Gulf.of Mexico Last ulghL lhe tropical storm veered lutand with htirrlcano foroe today uodj, 'tonight • it* blowing scros# southern Georgia . t'.wiUd liu Atluntlo ocean. - “ "* THOMAKVILL!.. Aug U— (A 1 ) Cairo. Quitman, aud other extrema !«t>nthren Georgia towns fell the ap-1 prouc.lt of tin dfsturbancc'which tha weather buregu would he attended oy wind of Co to 7n niTTe velocity, ft waa hcllaved flic cetner would pais In tha vicinity ui Tliomaavilia last night h*- -' ' ' ! Siidd> n < tnergctiri 1 of 'tho storm ' Irom the Gulf oj Cedar Keys In North ; ivc-t Florida, t»geltier with lIS seem ingiy no leased- latanaity, bolstarud r -UU '-Fflltj', Bkgatrd. zo. in the Gulf lari night »t Tamps pa and 8. rctershurg, that those citi es felt merely iclashtug from tho eas tern ad«a. ( s - • «T I AVlroi commuiUlatlona intb tho now | FWorm are* rapidly were gulag down -before the arivnto-r-trf~ tim gain but Lrst report.! said tho damage appar c.tly will he greaier thail th»t done by last wto.k>. atorm which followed virtually tho aunt) course"B>iVd ■ - pa -I‘lifYf-t? N Gafew «««- ffij ' tleoTitia ntirtd.i hoMeTy yertt yrnr that business ylrluklly had boon da nbt>ralix< T d by the gale and driving rditi.a. ~ ... So far ita be learned, there 'l.ave .beeu no lives lost as a result of tbe new storm. IM POST tills SBITH IT ND NEW YORK, Ainr 14—>/!'»—Pierre 8. DnpSnt, of Wllmlngtou. I>el., who Is ard of the General. Jdalocs Corporation' and who reevnYfy"' ißclar isl his i i the candidacy of I Governor Smith, has contributed f'lO.- 000 to tho Democratic campaign fund This was aunouucad today by John J. ttaakolb chair man of the uaUoual com Wiltco. ROTARY HONORS BALL PLAYERS Boy Scouts Prepare and Serve Meal and Then Give Good KnUrtainmonl ■ 7 " , ■ The Goldsboro Hotary rlub hkd a* lh«lr guests at (he regular meeting of the club last evenlbg the members of the ha-rball team, and short talks by the visitors aud assurances of etfyreelstlon for the record the team has made Riled ibe hour. Tbe meeting wa* held at the Memo rial <'(immunity building and a baked chicken dinner wa* served by the Ro fery troop of Boy Seoul*, of which John Norwood. Is scoutmaster. 'Follow- Jag *k» m>al, 4lHv wewqiq no 4 «n wcwr **• - v*e »■ twiHVOtu ttrwx • Aft" 11H ii i mi• both the Kotariaua and tbe Manufac turer* fleasg* and Albert Starr.. member*, of the Rotary troop, were th* star entertainer* for the Scouts. George made bK tfkrjol* peffrirm all manner of nteastng effect* and then he added to Ibi* with several "Impersonation*. Albert did the hula-huta done# and followed it up fey a number of |r>m nAk *tunl*. George S. Dewey bade the baseball players welcome on behalf of the club, aud Manager Jim Teague, and player* Dutton, Smith and L'htaholdf respond - tal. One theme keeced to run through alt the talks; about th* most desir able thing at hand now Is io tick )Vli ming ton, -f : POSSE SEAROTS> FOR MURDERER « J9>' —— Shoo4t> Chief Pdßcesand Another Am They Enter Hb Ceil Then Flees HAY, BT. rJ>U!S. Ml»*, Aug. 44 dP) a m»u hunt wai on near here jf>uight f»r u negro who killed on# man and seriously (bounded chief of police Mark Oliver today as they were entering the negro’s cell at tht city JaiL Sever*! hundred person were depu tised by Sheriff Joseph Jon** to par tlclpaie In the search and tonight they were spread out through the ct unties near here. Blood hounds tyere brought to pick tip any trails that tnay tonre beep left. TJie d*«d man Is Joliu Damberlno, 1 n employee of a local automobile repair shop, lid was shot through the temple aud Instantly died- Chief Oliver received bullet wouoAs In the back of the bead and the ahouldef He wa* taken to a hospital and tq not >vp4Hcd to lIVB The negro,; Slier Richardson, waa belted In a cell and ho opened flro with a revolver which either tfid been over looked in scorching him or had been Slipped to him by a friend. Af ter a shooting tho negro*'* dash for l i Li, el o m, —a... i-eaefiil -* t*#4*riy' “M SULWBBIUI. Duncan Sentenced To From 15 to 20 Yearn .WENTWORTH. S. C„ Aug, 14-(A*l| Gllnier litHtran. t»d“y lu Itockjiig l am Superior Court was to l.tit Ice* tlum 16 years and not tirvoo than 2') yenm tn stutc- |iri«,un foT tha killing of Harvey William*. and. whose body was found lu Mayo river several wt-eksago . Duncan plead us guilty. » Jf*#t'. L'arc. wJul plead* gatlty to 'Hrlay an wcostgor BlTl*T the fact. aimL »:fiv icalißad. timt 3» fadyed- tligpoas j •Ks Wihtams' fefetly' wlkHr' thtncaa. with ! mn drawn, ordered him to was ' give 4to 6 years ta prlsoo. Jtk, I State Started $6,000,000 Worth Building During July During the past month there wa»j *5,623,7(K) worth of new building and engineering work sturu-d in North Carolina,'according to F.,. Dodge Cor poration. The ulA’ve figure was 6 per cent ahead of the July Jh27 rcored, hut thorn was a 26 peremtt decrease * fe from tho total for June of this year. Included In the July building record, were the following important cloas ci *; work or 27 per cent Committee of Fifteen Will Administer Fund For Orthopedic Clinic REV. D.H. TUTTLE ACCEPTS CHARGE Former Pastor of Bt. Paul Will Aid in Work on Princeton ('hartre ■ Rev. D JH. JuttU -vs SmithfMC lormer pastor of St. Paul Mathodlat e h«*eh beje and well b*4a»et 4u Uw i|y. t)S* >c, epted regtnarvnmk gmrta ftie Methodist confewiic* fai the nntaluder of the yen*, the presiding Cider having appointed him Id fill lie vacancy caused by tho ds.vtl* sf lie*. O, EL Petty last yxslu --- ' Itev. Mr. Tuttle will preach at Princeton ou Ih* aecmrt Sunday nuuu ing and night and »lu ou tha fit Sunday night mid at Futtosmtitp, Joknston county, on 141*1 ftgst and fourth Sunday morning*. Mr. Tuttle was superannuated »t th* fen •*■«** conference, since that tint* he baa made bL burnt in ftohlthflstd. 8* wtH continue to reside lu SmlthfleßL Th* other chun-hoe oa tne iMses teij charge will be taken cat* (f ir Rev. W K. Glass 8f Hmllbfleld. Mr. Glass wa* formerly a member* of tha Jiethodlat coafarence. hut on aeoeunt of bis health hod te give up hta wont i nd ip now In tht InwnTtHiftf builntflf. About two months ago ha took over some of the work on tha Princeton flSu it McCall's Cross Roads. i L. = (rI>WD Not WiJlins to Moot g»Hli In Debate Mi ( h«rrt», But Itt Urre Hall YORK, Aug. 14—Grt— The New Yorlr Evening Poet today quot es Dr. Roach Htrston saying ha ta teady to repeal In th»- largest hall be can find hi# recent sermon rrtttrtstni Goverate l§lnUli In tbe event that the Governor refuses to debate with hint In any place but Tslvary Baptiat church of which Dr. -Straton I* pastor The newspapers correspondent at Greenwood, N'. Y., where Dr. Btratoa I, staying hail Informed Dr. Straton of Governor BmHh's letter demaad ing that tbe propbs/l discussion ha held In tho church at all. "In reply the correspondent quotes Dr. Staton as saying: "I.cgnnot reply untlk I receive the letter, hut I cjtfl, sky...jhjtl.JLj>. 0 MQSt remarkable letter that Governor Bmlth hes wrlten jue umailng to m*. "He talks about my traducing him governor. That has aothijif Wk*t cver In do with It. He wrote m* as a candidate for president of th* Unlt*d Ulhßt# and ihqt is why , h*‘wanted to gW ert h*Jt 4 run svtotv sod nultfy til* ftl'vvinor that t am going to repeat in th«t hall, the exact sermon to v*hich he objeetetf. of all constrnctlon. for residential buildings; ol.2hd.SOU or 2.1 per cent (or public works and utilities; fl.llh, j&oo or 21" percent, for oducallon pro- Jocle; and $1,111,500 or 20 percent for commercial, building*. Contrails let on now construction rince tbe first of this year reached a total of 164.659.100 being an incroas* of :I0 p«rcent over the amount con tracted foe during tho fl>'st seven Mouth* of last year. iiRMffKB OH THE ASSOCIATBD PRESS PRICE PITS CM 'Orvaabatin Pcrfoctod ai GajUb criac of Sahtcrttm Had t» iuuit Evoaiiaf FIRST CLINIC WILL ■■ HELD ON THURBDAT r «8 Dr. Milbr, CUof Bw«w% WH Arrive ISb : A gcnersl commlttei gs flftggfe BEE aii execatlve eemgM>He If lliß iwpl named last evening te adnrtnteter ttl ILoeo fund provided lev the.eeMMMl ment of an orthopedic oll«le In °«MB bora- under the UreeAt ad the Nee Mb Carolina Orthopedic knaylSnl Ot 4fe4- n group comprleed at bone wke had subaerthed toward tho feed amt wtfa are Intermted ta the ollaie. at fifteen which la ae tot tows t LHtefe Well, A. T. Grtffl*. Kewtetk O. Nay all. Dr. fl. F. Btrousnlder. Hr, BUMF uell Cobh, Dr. *.*». Karr. L. A. R. w BrnteerML M »mJ Ok pUAa >rfy t UN iohnifio aii yiim Otririfli Well and Kettle Dees'*. . 7 Mr. Raney will the oeem ty an the committee and Mr. Matte well tha city. ~r., *4 iiqSlO ■letalla looking te Nde evening *Vr&VWEStfkS tonta. prep*ratery «g gtaßfef tfe Urst clinic st the lftMK|Hn| Oeernmn- Hy Building on Theradny. Dr. lx chief iirgioe if the Stele heeettol at Gadlonia sod his superlnteadael . One Os th* items gs bestatmt te corn* before Dr. Miller and th* e«N cuUte committee will he th* eelaailMi a * r -mini heme fhr lie mHfi tnd th* deaKhiKeh gs the tmieU (d here and la ehargß at Hke twk The clinics will he held eoa* eaeh mouth and its scope will he K*utertk Monk Carolina. % YOUNG WOMAN DIED TUESDAY ' Funeral Servk«B fittr Mn. !•«•§ AI Thr«p P. N. 1 ' ; - __ t » Mrv,j»h*» Adame, aged 11. able wot before he* marri—e lKep Brown, died yesterday meretog at t o'clock at her home la Adamsvtll*. 1 i~" two day old Infant; her pareot*. Jb »nd Mrs. Charles Brown, and be fefr fnwlng sister* aad brother*; Mr*, i lrde Harwich, of railing ~Crggs. Misses Berthe, Ladle, end Aunt* Hrown. nod Mrs. Emmett end Mertam Brown, ell of Adsmevllle. V ~t tmatets r-h,p*t, *1,4 mtUMW mitt follow tn be Daniels Chapel ehdßth yard. - The service will he In charge si fter. R. E. Brown, pester at bd Goldsboro Methodist circuit, seeMted by Rev. W. F. Shell. ' ■ | , ni - - -m, -tt f Ao-* * Will Decide Siamese ' Twin Operation Today NEW YORK. Aug, 14—(MV—Whsdh cr an att»mpt will be mad* te eepm ate the Siamese twin*. Mary aad MOr liaret Gibb, will be determined detto- Itcly tomorrow, U was (earned t#d*y ut the orflce of Dr. rraoela P, WSo totx whs haa been interested te b* cos*. Th* snnonnceaieet was made *M* Dr. Harold U. Hays, director es Ofe I'ark W#»t Hospitqi >» e