WEATHER hhowbra. Slight warmer In extreme vest portion Thursday. Friday meet ly fair. ? , VOLUME QlgyEN; NUMBER 146 WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA IS MENACED SEVERE FLOOD Asheville Is Taking Steps Prevent Loss-" Life As Waters Rise D - i .. w 1 Train Service Freni Anhevilie Saliabtiry; A»heville-Spar tanburg Slopped ORDER PEOPLE LEAVE CITY DAM TERRITORY Bpwrtanburg, S. C., la Abte In Gripe of River Gods For Second Time AHHKVILLE. Auk I&—<A*>—With tildes blocking highways and rall :b«4sMit«t Asheville tonight and the French Broad and Swunuauou rivers ristua *t tbe rate of 1 foot an hour, and out of their banks at mauy polnta. Authorities were taking steps to pro tect tit* Uses et those who live In the j area affected by tbe flood ureters. No train service liascbeen possible between Asheville and Salisbury and Aabaeille and Spartanburg since noon today. The black Mountain and Hen dersonville highway* are blocked* by Hood waters. The city of Asheville has notified people living below tbe huge Bee Tree dam to vacate theta property and offi cers are ae.ilatlug people who dwell along the river banks to get out. A number of families hav<s*o far refus ed !• move with the watera lapping Mtbln g foot of their doors. Pat/>l* have been placed on all highways that art menaced to w»rn motorists. Measurements taken by the weather bureau bare tonight Indlctaed that the French Broad river i*aa standing at 7 fset above iero, four feet out of hftnke. the highest eitjee 1916 when It reached 81 feet. Bo far no loss of life has been reported. Highway number 10 between Aahe vtHe aud Old Fort Is blocked by a glide which took x chunk or (he high way 100 feet long aud draped It down °n the railroad, completely. Mocking the truck. The Salvation Army here h*s 20 refugee* driven out of their homes and Is expecting more. » SPARTANBURG, g. C., Aug. 16— <A*> —Battling through a heavy rain accompanied at times by stiff winds. Spartanburg was early tonight facing a storm that promised to Inflict more damage than thgt of' last Saturday morning. Two mill*. flooded Saturday ara again alreadp partly under water, with Chtnqftepln and Fair Forest ereeka threatenentng/th,*' villages. Streets In the city were being bad ly washed tonight. The 'gas hack In operation Monday after being flooded Saturday, la again under wat er and the city Hi without gag. ATLANTA. Ga.—(A*) —Serious flood conditions were wldesprex'l over (Ivor fcl# tonight ss the tropical storm blew. Itself out In a torrent of rgln over the upper watersheds of Georgia and Alabama. fluty (till death lias Wen reported, but preliminary estimates gave enor mous damage so crops, highways arid other lines of communications, with several towns virtually (Isolated an Inhabitant# of lowlands along the rivers warned of rising waters. I The most acute situation appeared tonight at Mllledgevllle and M*c»n, { Oa., where flood waters menaced sec tions of the reaTiTenTtal district. The Ocomutgee rtver at Macon already! b*d Inundated % Score of hemes and aevrmi dwellings wHre claimed by' the Oconee liver at Mld^lgerllle. DIAMOND WAR NEARING END < Reports ('omini; Out of Rrazil- Un State Tell «f Much Fighting -e RIO JANERIO. Brfastl. Aug. 15- Ten thousand vigalantes under .lose Warbeck. have ended two months of guerilla warfare In Matto Gross by driving 2000 diagramed native dla mond prospectors across the state of Guyax Reports reaching here tell of tights In the Jangle and uplands of tbe rich d'amond. fields, the burning of towns snd wiping out of Inhabit- j Ante of sevaral communities. o THE GOLDSBORO NEWS RRAH IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Orthopedic Clinic Starts at 9:30 A. M. !)r. O. L. Miller of Gastonia, chief surgeon of the North Uarollna Or thopedic Huapital, arrived In Gqlda boro last evealng for tbe first East era Uarollna clinic of the hospital to be conducted at the Memorial Community Butldtng begtnnln* al 9:SO this morning. Accompanying Dr. fdiller on this visit are fowv members of the staff of the Gam Hrtttit hospital. The general committee of 15 which will administer the |7.iHKi fund raked U/trovlde a clinic each month during the next twelve, to gether with a number of the phy sicians add specialists of Lhe city, will n.eet Dr. Miller and the other visitors Ibis morning. DEPUTIES GET 2MORE STILLS Nice t>lail-Order Outfit Is Found In Home of Haulston W Negro ® Two more complete rtlll outfits were added yesterday lo tbe half doseii or more capture,! t*y W'arrfe county deputies In the pad few d«ya. 20 gallon said to have been .•rdered from u mall order house WM found In tbe home of Will D«w nen of Saulstou township A barrel of beer was a.short distance from the hogpe A* the deputies—Kornegay, Wliilley and Oker, drove Into Daw- Son's yard, he espied them from a .joint where he w«« cropping tobacco, lie at once took to the woods. A sixty gallon outfit was captured near the Hooks Bridge on Little Riv er, Fork township. It was not in eft* c-ration Deputies Kornegay. Smith, Gardner and Precise made this raid. «... . W Fork Man Arrested Under Booze*Charge Tom FerreflV'resldent of the Coot's mill section of "F«.rk township. was iast night released under l>ull of |B»n to appear before County Judge Bland i.n a charge of having whiskey hi His pc-saeaslon for the purpose of sale. A raid conducted by Deputies Kor- Tiegay, Smith and Hales had netted 11 gallons of whlakey—apparently freshly made—on Ferrell's place. -About 10 gallons were found hidden In a tobacco patch and another gallon Was discovered In. the kitcheit ’bf tbe Ferrell home. , GKOIXIIiCII STKAWEK FLOATED| AT AA.SMA I' NEW YORK. Au», 16—</P) —The Mu eon line passenger steam Ahmitmnr. which went aground near Abaeo, Ba li stli a*, last Sunday w a*.!!”*'fd.XCL: lerday nd h«s arrived at Naitsu, ctffl <o c!ls of the line said today. HTKhHKK SIKHS: Mm LOST SHANGHAI. Aug. 15 (A*)- British naval circles announced today that Ifive hundred lives had been lost In the sinking of the Chinese steamer Hslnb eutung. In the Yangtse rtVer. Those drowned ar,- believed tq include a- British .missionary The steadier wav bound for xfiiany Jrom Chungking. TV foundered in dangerous rapids wirh •I! on board. T Woman Injured In Cyclotie * Yet In Critical Condition Mrs. J»ne Dalll Greene county wo j, man who whs sAriously Injured when | her home was blown away In a cyc- Vuie last Saturday, continues critical Iv 111, Sheriff K. A. Ilusberry of '.lrien county Informed The News o»-I er long distance telephone la«t eve-) ning. ndtllng that the report she hid died of her Injuries Is Incorrect. I Th*f cyclone ktll4«l Carolina Joyn j er. blew away 6 to 10 homes, shout 2 tobacco barns and Tlld damage In Greene and tM’tt counties estimated at' 1106,000 Mis. Dali was pinned’under heavy timbers of her home for fifty minutes LAD IS WOUNDED BY “UNLOADED" GUN Ocean Mail Takes New Short Cut 7T~ ~~ - ' -- ■. Hoping off from the after deck of tkt liner He de France, Louis Demougeot, French pilot, landed the majj in the United State# a full day Ksfore the nfeat liner waa due to dock. The True Accounting Necessary It Counties \ Are To Avoid Deficits, Says Easterling HOW TO SAVE YOUR GARDEN • • v County A Rent A. K. Roberta— Given Recipe For KillinK |4g«#i «i IL-i-1 Li nrun Dvviiv ""“"T -'TI-*'' ■■ *" **“ Complaints of destruction of beeps *by tha Mexican ttcan tleptlc arc n>w being heard In Wayne ccunty. At Seven Hprlngs the beui garde# n' Springs Hotel has been almost totally eaten by this peat and at Baulstbn jfatdi Her* Turro am report o# damage s»> butter bc.ins ui:d pule l«s»n.i Prompt action by using poison ‘.on the under side of the bean leaves •s ill < ontroL title pest. 1 Magnesium Arsenate, MagnAdum arsenate used as npruy should be* mixed as follows; Large qua#titles:. 1 j Magnesium arsente —1 pound | Water &u gallons Small quanfßfeat Magnesium arsenate ........ 1 ounce W a ter ~”T.T.~TT777~ 7.T7r a gullbni) Magnesium arsenate should be mix t-d for use as a dust as follows! •lugm-sliim 11 rsenate ..... .. 1 pound I'ydrated lime ...j3 to 6 pounds < For large dr smaller quantities change the umount Ih proportion of üb«ve.l. t alrluni Arsenate ' f’slcluni arsenate can lx- used with good lesujts If properly mixed.wltlr lime. Calciudi arsi-uadc is the cheap est poison available and Is effective sod tmf if properly ralxed- Cslclum srsenate for use as a dust hOuld be mixed as followsi ( sli'inm aresugdh ........... I peial Hydrated lime 7 pounds rFor larger err wmaHer qaaotHle* > the amount in prupnwtisat of ,af:er the house * scattered lo h» four winds, ami suffered internal in juries. The physician who has attend ed her a the home of her hrothAr. J. J. Murphy. Bbcrlff Itasbeory told The News, h*s been particularly afraid Ihjt pneumonia Tvotllil develop, hut thus far the old iudy lias escaped this danger. Paul Jones, prominent Hnow Mill man. Sheriff llssberfy ha* sturtiul dr cm la tjhg a iiet!tl»n f<ir aid for the In jured woman nod her sister, w hs lived •■one In their dwelling whteh was Wrecked. Other petit lops have been Continued »n page three GOLDSBORO- N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 16. 192» Assistant Secretary of Cominbs nion Speaks Before County (ummiHHionerh W ItitIHISMI.I.F lIKAFH, N. Aug. 15 UP) —Correct accounting .In county government fiscal affair# is n< < csKury for the uvoklanCe of deficit *, s*»t«> essocluAl**** c«oMly inns missioners wu* told at Its uiiniml con veiitl«rj hive today by W K KiMvr ling, nistslaht rxc-rgstlrr -jcrrrtarr of lh«? conn I y government advisory com mission. • I'ules* the accounting department Is so systeiuwtizcd that the rcspunslMe officials can fell at any time the exuet stains of the county V flnum i s. - Mi hnsteriiag warned that It la almost linimsslhli* for the authorlies o escape shortages that would have bee' provided by a proper methisl of keep VJi • lug accounts, under the practice In Miutiy counties, lot, not been available to county authorities > r ml Uie re “Hit; been a tluuuclu] couditlou at tti end of the period in wbieh obligation* were in extvsa 6r resources. % "Not knowim. .this Yonuttion," he iainliDUtuL "peurif ion waa noL nouic-iu cure It, and-the r< -.ult has been an ac cumulation of detu-iU c.arrlad tnraard from olio period to another until It be came necessury to Issue funding bond*; Thu-, the coniiulKsloriers have bad to stumble along with" uncertain JiiidUig.Jtmi lutinJc.yieil lnxi.3 «.ilh tha. ■view of meeting jtopulnr deucind In stead of ralslnrv revenues to meet tile actual nseda ‘0 lha coanty. They hate never beeii into luc d how they < mild systematically reduce op-rating costs to a minimum. "I know of olic county 111 the slate where lior.di v*ll. isguadgini' tin en-‘ axtniciii of the fiiiain <• net to fund an accumulation of curfenf ifißltpdlmil which will (tpiuirc a of ilea.- ty rrntr rm the #tw to TTTr-rvf■* Nr s|rtrtttt.-iin fn-ttitc; qt-r nmutat eel iudebtedqesH for operating the *«,UooU <»f ihe county was funded un der pruvisious of tire s. luh>l law .which require ; ,n animal tax rate of *ls vents. A tax rate of -14 cents Is the price the- taxpayers in rhat. county lire having to pay for the mistakes of ‘tihil-Informed nelm,iiii*traUv« official " "The only assurance for the pre , ventien of deficits," Mr. Easterling de I dared, "h strict adherence io the adopted plan or budget, ntul this Is ini;, i piisslhle without correct accounting as a guide.” Y " - Much of public (llsi-udsfacton with | the administration at copnty uftairsc, the speaker said, c«u lx* ascribed to i Jack of inloriuntion on the pan of Un it ax payers. Unless an adequate s>-- teni of .account mg U ih vogue, lie went Nm. the taxpayers can go to the cou» ty records for information hut comes | Continued *>n page three hydroplane F-AIQP, whil nade the first ship to land delivery, >a shown above at it stopped at Quarantine tor inspection. wrT 4 : - tlAtsnistlsasl NswstmU . L MEMBERS USING CREDIT BURSAL o- ■ ! Monthly hewK Bulletin of (ioldH boro MfrrhuntH Aafwiution A la Itwued That the credit burAnu of the (l*l4s horn Mt-ft-biHrts’ Aesoelallou Is helms mi-d more generally by members is yhodn In the figures of rating* fttv- Iliahad foV the past month, as Mated in the monthly nfwG~lni|letln of the aysoclatlon now being distributed to members listings of 175 people wee* tnrrttshctt members by -the essoctattaw Two hundred Inquiries for ratlnte were received and L 6 Inquiries tor ratings from other cities were for warded. Fifty credit report* war* sup piled association* in ether cities. Members of the association «r* urged to get acquainted with the -tiling I'tlmcc.t here The follow ing n"u* In lhe Bulletin muk'ee the ttrgcsllonr In Jmt a day# now our J 929 tuLiue- ni.u ket - will open. Wa Juifriv from experience that our tobacco appun lain our tnrr chants on x the warehouse floor. Let’s make it a paint Visit <*nr market , n u t <Stt& oa Ow»,t«p«uittK day. but cu# up to the warehouses every tlm? you ■iow «t> «t>|M<rtoi»Be termers that you are interested In tlie ‘prices that they ar<- receiving for their tohacii. Ld'«, dmi’t flood the warehouse fjoors with spoil; -ale eimilers, lets use hand shakes rnd words «f eucpuragehient and appreciation. It t Y ill's MAMAS MOV DUBLIN. Aug. 16.—MT-Jolo Ruv ot the r>itiwr Ftqfes wau iSe ME teapn irsm« inamhon run from Mov ->n l(» Dublin twiav State Board ot Health Calls Meeting Here, September 6 With a hop* of developing a more uniform puctliV In itehnel work, the State |'»;<rd <>f Health has arranged ,i pin fiiay program lo ini given In, tioldsh'fo on JHmi -day, September 6, exclusively for health offlcnr* of the nio*ll li«t'f rif the Sfatjfc/The me. ilnt: he r ailed to order at 10:84 4. M* at the County Health iropai luiuiil. With the follow lug papuru;- Pm school work of the Health Do rarttnent, by Ur. Hull*. of Halelgh, Phyafchf Kx«mlnuHon of arltool children, by llr. J. K, Smith of Wind sor. W ' "'J *•' * Warsaw Youth Brought iTo Hospital Here Has Right Cheek Blown Oil Human Fly of Movies (s Visiting In City W. V. dtrcflher, of B u Hywood, Calif, the man who doubled fev Harold Lloyd In "Safely Last.” Is now visiting bis aieter, Mrs. U. F. Winstead In Uoldsboro. - Mr. and Mrs. Bt rot her have loan spending sorae time here, and plan to leave Friday by aulomtibll* tor Chicugo. Accompanying the movie actor la his ilo£ T-l*k" who ha# also «p --luiared iu a nun.bcr of pictures, la "Safety latst,” Mr. Strother waa the man who did all the batr-rais ing Jmman fly stunt*. This has been his speciality In the movies Mr. Htrother was burned and reared In Wayne county. -Y: Y—j OHIO PRIMARY WON BY DRYS •• • ,w 1.,. ewesyees—i— |g { Anti-Saloon league Apparently Nominates Both Democratic and GDI* Candida ten i...... \. , u r GOLUMHUB. Ohio.. Aug. 18- -OF)— The Anti Haloon lAiague apparently has nominated Its Candidate for Gov ernuEof Ohio on biMh the Republican erd Democratic ticket on the face of Incompleia returns from yesterday's state primary, bui the G. 0. P. race appeared so class tonight that *u of ficial count may be necessary to do tcrmlne Jhe result Returns from sll bet one precinct In the State indicated ihat Myers Y. t'coper Cincinnati business men. who carried tli#_4g£-Jesgu* endorsement has agaiiFrecdved the Republican no mination for govnrnor. These returns gave him a majority cf 5,569 over Congressman Janies T. Begin of Handusky. his closest rjvsl. Congressman Martin L.-I>aVty of Kent, the League picked candidate for governor «n the l>emo#ratlc ticket, rfppasted to lisva woa a cogvlictn* victory over Peter. Witt, Cleveland. 1 aeomplet* ret urns gave HIM ■ l**d ul 26.009. ‘ ‘ - _ZU7—_ .. b • • • • ' ■ —LVFTItN KDGKt a*, Ao«. lA—UP) —The iiomlnatlpn of Governor H*rvey Psrucll lo succeed himself appeared i nured tonight on the basis of re turns from approximately Hire* fourths of the precinct* In y**terd*ys Democratic prim»ry. With return* In frem most of the votlug centers, Par m.l!, who waged an Intensive c*mp pfm baeetl on defense of the present $52,000,060 road program was move Than t 5.060 votes ahead of hie wear-1 tt t trpjHne-nt. Wrouh* Hay*. 8# Ttsr old lawyer. ' " * Correction of phywlcal defectp In tchool children, br ? ■N« w Hem. *» Control of t’«mmpNfeiahle diseastj In schools, by Hr. J. A. Norris of Ox ford. All papers to be freely dlacuiaed by each health officer presents :"W« are anxious to make tbla, an interesting meeting for cooperative c unity health officers, writes C. N. f-isk, Director. la-partmeal of County 11 cullU Work exclusively with a vie w lo having such meeting* occa sional) throughout the year. " MEMBER 01 VHE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FTVH cum TJnkmded” Gum Wm 1m HeMM Os Junes Guy, Nfaw Yflun >A Os A«t INJURED BOY n NOAH r m-A( KBtfRN, WHO 18 17 Guy Ud Find At Btockhm AM Latter FadMd % Window Hlackburn, of Waroaw, ig the letsrt victim of an ualendod gam. ** Blackburn WM brought ta Oplssr’O Sanatorium yesterday with his rigid cheek shot away, part of cheek bon* mtoaiag toad tot lower right eye Ud goao'lroak aa "asloaded?* gun which had boon la tha hands 6>< Jams* Qny, t yoar old son of Walter Lay- of Want*, : , -- Y : „ . .I*. Barring evedtaalittoi. yoMg JNMtf burn will rscovar, hat whoa ho geta well- the right aUb of Mo fIMO Wfli be a new on* for anrgoan ysistsHMT tet about the Job kslldlggf tot 0 taka tha plant of tha om the "Mltof ed* gun carried umy. Leokjow to MM unwelosnM vtottor that tha surgeang * Ire now sat ahowt gnardtog sgslasl. Warsaw clUmm who hnaaght Ink burn to the hospital ton aMaHI how tha acvtdOM oeoartaA. Negh wm pitssiag the wladaw as a tdaM hi s*»h*i gun. Thf tnttsr palled Ugi weapon np, pointod it M BlMkhnrh, sad pulled tha tftggOr. Tha Vwaatla h»va already heea Mg, The gun waa mridsatty aag pshilgi directly at Noah, aloa hto haag sranlß have been Mown oft such w*a df| ■ losenos* of tha raaga. Aa tt was g portion «f tha load loro through fete a *o face Another Terstoa ' Since the shove wm wrtttoa Ghijf ri Police H. ft. Mawttt of WM—W ha* givoci Tha Nam ovar l*ag dtp, (anc* telephone, another Tsrstaa 'be can*. "As far M I saa gata,” ta said, "Thar* had base some rnahto between the boys. It is saM that thf Hg boy -Hlackbura— hag haataa tha mtl# one. Later he wawt nroaad so James' house. This to whaa thO snooting'' took place. The Warsaw chief WW that aa woM rants would ha Isswad. SAYS STATE IS S AFE FOR SMITH Joopto. DuKK CObn WHk Govrmor Hnlth At Mu •*o« In Aittjr ALBANY, N. r„ Coot bluing hla con/orenoes with prominent dry leaders of the party. Cover nor Smith lata tetfy recalled Josephus Dan let a. North CaroUaa publisher, who predicted before jot* Ing the presidential aomtaee that the Boittl) would remain solidly la the Do* awemto nnfaui weetmhir, Mr. Han late who supported the mans dry plank at the Hoaston c*e i • ntlon, and later aaaoaaced he would support Smith, was tho ameai of the candidates callers in aa maay days to hall from Southern dry rashaC" Senator Carter Glass of Virginia, eon* ftrrlng with him yesterday, *ad re malned an eTeralght gassL Olasd would n( >t comment regarding the conference. The former secretary es the Maty submitted to questioning at the aap» tutlve manalop before entering the conference with Smith. Entering Into n long dtacueolon M political trends and needs, nssladi declared that while there waa seme unreal In the South over Salih’s pro hibit lon views and aa maeh depend* ed upon what he wopld say upon the subject In hla acceptance ipitnh aa neat Wednesday night, he hollered At Continued an pape thro*

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