WEATHER , Fllghtly warmer la extras** wreat portion Haturday Fair In East. Thars day ahowars la west- VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER U7 TWISTERS STRIKE TWICE IN NORTH CAROLINA THURS. SMITH TO REPLY TOW. A. WHITE i if Statement WIH Be On Bant* of r ' Study of Own Political Record ALBANY. Aug. li—OPi-Gewnor Smith h*» deoiddi to reply to William Alton White* charge* that a* au a* rmblymau he favored the saloon and allied interest*. Fortified by an exhaustive review ct hi* oWn legislative record. the Democratic nominee for president I* preparing »n *nawer, but doe* not know Just when he will make It pub ife • - -• ’ :■ A drrijl oaMad tram Europe by the Raima* Editor, th»t he h»d "re tracted any of tit* accusation* pul a new llftpt on the situation lu Govern or Hmlih’s opinion and ha* served to hold up hi* rejoinder. (j Whether the president!*! uomlnee in hi* counter blast also will take cognisance of other attack* on hi* public r*c«<M. *uch a* those made by Dr. John Roach Btraton of New York ha* aot beeh disclosed , PUNE FORCED DOWN AT SE A • ■*. S ....I u .a ... .^1 One Pameitfter Is Killed As Ha vana-Kev Went Plane Strikes Water St. PETERSBURG. Hi.. Aug. 16— UP) —Another drama of the a'ea and air waa unfolded* here today '.with the landing of four siirvlvlors of a - Pan-- Amertcan airway airplane In which “ paasaugar lost bis life when It waa forced by near exhaustion'of fuel, to descend last night Into the atorm waters of the Gulf after ft had been! blown miles off Its course. The plane which left Havana for Key Weal yesterday afternoon, 'alight eci iom« 166 tpl'laa soulhwest of"here, near the Tank steamer, Llgunier, which rescued the crew of three and the remaining pasaenga';. a-—- Charles %. Ageton, 12 of Flushing, Long Island, was l«sf In the crash, be Ing cither killed-outright by the plane smashing Impact with tha' water or pitched nut of the craft and drowned. Ills body was not recovered and the sinking plane was abandoned when a rearch for It proved futile . TUNNEY LEAVES FOR HIS TOI R ’■ —— « On Same Day Tom Heeney Slips Quietly Onto Train and Heada Homeward '; ■ - o |' NEW YORK. Ang IS - I/P)— Rnr rannded by uproar and camera click ing a* great as he ever experienced in the prize ring. Germ Tuimcy "prl rate clllien" **ld today <>ii ihe liner Maura Unit fur a walking irtp Otrough- Europc A few hour* earlier, with none hut the closest friends In attendance T»m Heeney, the New /.calami challenger in Genes last fight, quietly boarded a train for Mancouvcr. Tl. where In will hall for bis homeland next Wednesday. Shortly before Tunncy left for the Inter, he had lunch with his fiancee, ilia* Mary Josephine lender whom h* will marry either abroad or kimrllv • fie< hte return to the United state* “tw tuna tn TntrYnr A1 Smith. “ \ j" Forest Fire Rages In Bremerton, Wash. BREMERTON. Waah .> id 1 ) A fir* raged uncontrolled In a state forest near here today while several hundred wood*worker* and national forest rangers fought frantically —A* l bring U under Check. The bl*xe started yesterday, burned ever IJOO acres of logged off-and ito fore It began eating Into yie.rt timber lumber camp wheh the rope center of * cable line caughrßH; Irom.frlSl 0 " Sn li ' rp " or hom "" . w ® r, tepi/ted in danger *nd fire fighting official* "Bid the flaftte- would he .1 rought tinder coni rot before they voultl reach lbl» vdty. 1 • ’ K THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. End First Leg of Flight To Sweden COO!HANK, Ontario. Aug. 16- i/P) -The monoplane Greater Rock fork, flying front ttockford. IH.. to Btockhoim. Sweden, finished the first leg of its Journey «t this Northern Datario town at 2:40 p, making the 800 mile hop from the Ami ricsu tHy in seven tours. FBv«red by fine weather Bert ITas*cl% and his co-pllot, Parket Cramer, brought the ship to per fect landing. If the weather con tinues good they plan to take of! al dawn tomorrow on the next lap, a flight of about 16000 ntllpa to Ml. Javans. Greenland HUNT AGAIN TAKES LE AD ,0 . J Mistake Had Ikjen Made In Re» porting Ballots Which X» Aided Opponent "" $ COLUMBUS, 0., Aur 16'iiR-tir* P, Hunt, Cincinnati liberal, to night swung back Into the lead over Wftiutor Lochet avowcd ; dry of tMOVej land for the Democratic short term senatorial nomination <**> the ba*i# or a mistake today by < ounty election bo*rda In figures pro riously reported. (f The Allen county election board to 'bight announced au official count of Hunt 1,067. Locker 1989, a* sgalnat nr unofficial total reported yesterday of 547 for Hunt and 1990 for lAtckcr On the ba&la of the new total Hunt wt«w leads his opponent hy 445 rotes. VIRGINIA HAS TWO TRAGEDIES —* — -* - - c <• Two Drown / Attempting To Usve Stralttrtfr on Bridge and Reach Shore ROANOKE, Vn , Aug. Dpva, driver and A .A. Kraft. » pa*- leiiger on “ toxlngtbn to Rpanoke bn* were drowned thla afternoou in a fu* llle attempt to Teach land ‘after the bus was m iruuucd by high wgtyr "U the Looney /'reek bridge near Hpty auan. New* of Ihe tragedy was brought by passengers who made ll;elr way to Roanoke after the watei had recorded and left,the. road open. Dove, according to E. V. Dower, New York GUy’ » fell Into the. ewMlejrJ *li earn and was swept °ut of ilfhl while attempting to mako hts way to land by means-of telephonic wir**\ to which he climbed from a pole standing beside ..the bridge. Kraft, who »»•> fftkl Spi ingwof#. YTi.. gongtlt to cr"*r thr HO rent by boliling to fallen Ttirwhm lTTgt his grip witd ww" ewe ' rled away. K.oir oilier on the Ml waited for more than three hours on tfet bridge nil til the water re. * «M« and were brought to Roanoke In a milk Iriiek. . Seven Negroes Hurt, One Seriously, In Auto Crash One netr" *** erttlodly Injured ana x other* were hurt when • Chevro let tru. k crashed into a tree n*-ai • itl-enlcaf on highway 40 edrly yc*t«f day morning. Milford Harnett I* In » >' M *> hoap'tal .ot cxp*')-.tPtl p» re* r, vter. lie spine »« fractured, hi* right leg broken, am. several rib* torn* loose ffom the i ..dv - . —mher* Injured: ,le**e Barnes driver of 'he truck, cut about head. Rather Harnett, one eye injured. Lucy l*ler. right leg broken. * Nancy Mo*.-!, one eye cut *uti had -lacerations about body. wiflle More*, rib broken Charley Harne*. suffered fr«m *bnek. ' s'. J,.s*e Harries, driver t»f the truck j was act,«modntlau the other negroes Royal Wedding Eagerly' Awaited J ■HUT ; xi The long talked of wedding of PritWess Mane Joae of Belgium and Prince’ Humbert of Italy will take place amid unpre cedented pomp at Rome. Diplomatic and social yrcles of Europe have been awaiting this word for a long time. The Pope and Cardinal Gamba have discussed the marriage and have decided that it will take place. Bus Station To Be Erected At Walnut iiml George Sis. ■ r ■ LONG TERM LEASED SIGNED YESTERDAY BY S. T. GRES HAM AND JIM WEST; W. A. ROY ALL IS OWNER OF PROPERTY WHERE STATION TO BE BUILT Guldsboiu gets a now. modem anil. mi tant*l "ty bn* rtatnin, tt wa- offl c'alfj' unuminccd here yesterday. ' The Htatlnn will be located at H’*»t Walnut and G*orge street*, the north . ust corner, and It was announced that work on the huldlue will l»e itarted at once. —— The project long talked about In the city guca forward Immediately ar thr rrontt of j«tnt actlcn by B 1 firr«h*m ill fYUmlnutoir, p> caideut of the Safety Tranait Line?. Inc., and Jim West, .president of the Se**lior* rran*por,te*4<>n company They huv mgether singed a long term ira-e --fer thc> station. It *m announced They signed a long terin le»ac for the building to In erected. » Towel her thex- two operators con troj 16-of vole* v\lnch *ra east In jlectdlnr luajtcr* ass. i iln. the hua Kysteni." entering and leavtug the_ tiotdKbofw. Eu. li operator it* allowed on* vote .for egch Imim leaving tho illy during the day. Mu** print* f*.r the Matjon. a* wet, a* It* locution, have bean approved by HUM \YMI ST Dll IN CHAIK A . . y-..,,- „ . ATI-A.VTA, Ga ; Aug. 16- The stat i Htirrome ■* rtrrt t-rdny ruled ttrrt Mn Kula Thoiripxi.n n u*t die in Ihe et> c fe+e- chair for h*-r -wHcged e*mnei-H-rtr with the imirdet of f’alemnn O-born . a storekeeper at Chatsworth, Ga., i yntr ago. Her husband, Clifford Thompson and Jltn Mor*. negro, wero . !<. ! rot nlcil at 1 the Hlagt prison at MllladitevHlc, Augo*t ~>: o a tl.le to their rnornin*: work when til# ueddent occurred Eye witnes*** ■lalctl Ilia* th. Clii GTcfht ft Tight de. b.'d - wa- making at Icm Ta mili* an hour. A right ’rear wheel •troppi d off the highway shoulder, and Harne* Jerked the machlac ‘udd.'utt hut k outti tht pavement A* be did. If itft lit* <<>ntr..l, slijh across the hlglt ■ ay on two wli'c I - atnl *ma*lied >he ttee -. . Torn hark ..n the tree 10 feet high Ti-.wcd nice pari of l-ft-- t*ip k |pt.| bit. . \ Je**e ft .rnc* driver of sh- matMilßf ImfS to the tall timber*. dc*p:te injur ies He 1* non hein: on. lit oil a . h*rge of reeklt.»r drivTnr Dep.l'' Hi'.*' 'll* "I v>i irivrstk i.tcd the accident f end tbo ..peednm.'ter an the Chevrolet jammed at M> miles, 1 . *. GOLdSHORU 57c. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 17. 1928 the Corporation Comtui* don. It wa* an nWtcd. " \Y. A' hoy«!l. owner ol tlw prop**- ty. had plan* for « bu* stiCtluu pre p..rALjtt'tn . ne ...... a-..: tin bull.l ini t be erected will be one of beauty. lli.m jp'lll take on. and dUeburre p»* .rugoraNfrum tin 1 ’ bus statinn property W aiting ne in* w ill be provided, a r—« room !>>) 111* % man, apd .tht* »HI -nhbe -bt- pt »v : ilvd- apace for * statlcu cute or csfotferla. Aononucrmcut that work would . lurt jiiti th«. ’to « station and* am»» ’• * who i!»ig fir# foi -K.-veial a r-*k ■ -t»li-r tfarr er-k rrpre nuirthu #f th* hoard of aldaxaum of (foldfb r•>. ot tin .\ierchuutM As.nicl*- lion, and ot lit# < bamber of.commerce O met an ae>-«l «>f the Wachorln . lank and Trunt Company to * ..u*nU.. pl*u* which had been made ot a pro- I. *ed lmpr.iv'in.nt ami enlaipcinent of the present station at Walnut and ,t hen!nut. Th< Chamber »>f (’.mmerie arid Merchant •< to approve tis plan 'Consideration of tbl* project hah Ik . n naked'"by the t>ns rttvi ion ■ : com mission. . Y 1 MAIL PILOT I S located Had Been Forced To Hrinir Air .Mail t*tanc Down In Storm Near Old Fort. ATLANTA, 'At*. It -i v. Johoay. Kvtle, tflr twntf-pfi-e-htl—im- -taee be • uk ,n in r.tnd.e.r fi. Id here t»*t, nli-bt th- t •rtlibotirid Xcw..Vtigk tilt null he.> been lot .ttt .i Old ,\,rt. S t; h-- -TH-vr- •• f >i\t d _Veu.ll ojt' jtcconnt_of the storm. FH» cairn svlg'n-i) > ;':prnpv offi.Eiat pi*, faaared inSSE..-...—-.-... E&sthrpffii ansi ptaiui vrrre safe, of flcln! . .li.t I s*.> i*!i».-. wer< -i id I lit i r .nil 1..■1 '< ii _'ty Kvl le :»*t. r i. * . , • ifr >.i I'lini ‘l'.'i he passed over northeastern Georgia l**t night. GIiF.ENSDOR'O nVi Thr Pltcuiru kviattnn, in. reported hare l 'tatt to rnuy that, itiev bad-been »dvi#c(J froqi :tr.• fr Hi. i.ucoul * Johnny Ky tic v. a- (fit U< jilted In the landing I• J.i ' o .!' -: f! 7 I.*.w ■ v.'r wu- rip. »rt• l wu»!it.l out which tno»ti' u..ui.. il Pcyonti repair. I (ION if Mil l LEADING fni 1 MtH 8 «. a ■ If Tiad M> *r* V- Goi.per, Cincinnati, ha* been, selected u the RspuhHrafl nominee for governor, of (>hlo over t’nngriv.- man James Kegg. of iJandusky, Two Killed and Score Injured Near Aberdeen; Severe Damage Wrought " By Freak Storm hi Lucama Section Three Drowned In Menatlnt; Moods That Rise in Weslrrn Uaroiina ’ j CHARLOTTE, Aug. IB—(>»*) Floods tornadoes and rains of altnosi uupre-; . i d.'Utetl c.*i ce NPtv.l dtgrstion todgfjf rent>■ and t* mcn.i. C the l urolluas. i dealing dcuth and destruction over much of the two state*: t? . i K 1 c ii. .itn- mil < ... "i ■ in >re > .f _ i'c.i one niju' 1 .1 had been report cl UP) to tonight. Thera were fear* that a*!' I roken commiinlcattniis are restored either fatalitlc, will be reported n Two death end a *cort> of Injuries wets reported f >mr A*bt*y Heights In Hoke county, N. a* a result ot a oufiiade that cvi-hc-tl " that, VCHttge early today. Two imldcntlfted child ren were drowned In Ilia swollen wat or* of the Henry river, near Hickory till* afternoon and a third was In a j i lii> .I eoftdlUdi \r. >ri Pi. th.-, Ik w*. drowued at) Hendersonviile fie with a conipaiilon. w»ti »*tflng s washed oqt bridge down stream when lie was thrown off and •he current carried him away. HiJ toiusanlcm made UU wav Ushore. Ommuhichtian wa* realorad to ti ght l.ctui.Tit,Aghevtlle and l.ake Jun niu liit, Mtiiitrrii ftOTHßfl'lNtt. a*- sembiy grounda of tire Methedist Kpiseopal rhureh, ftouth. the Hnulh «rn I’tc >bytpi inn church, and thb Heutherti Baptist church AH reported that lUhVc wo» po damage, that no twwtv waik iniMstng or hurt and that the assemblies are going on as usual. Train service (o Asheville byway of Spartanburg a 7l * restored tonight when the tiaiu- that left Columbia'ear •Jy todsr wretrrft. A report was' received here that the great earthen dam holdllyf hack I ake lame* the largest fresh water *L • r mil »i tin Great lakew- an J easl of 'the M|s*l»«jppf wa* *loukM Jm in iWo place*.' om. lsl* of the Duke Put* ey company, which owna Jh.e lake, mid. that the rsport—wn*- t’lttrit. Tin i sai l ilielr reports from the d*me were that the water had l four inch** this .fte: n"un’and II ,f c(>i!<lltiojis would bo narnial by tomorrow a ' m* AHHRLKY HEIGHTS, N. C.. Aug. 16 fcl’j- titruik with full foree iiy a aiinl of tornado violence tboul 4:80 lit. - morning this little villfcge tn t> ' 1. * !■: > cotifttv tonight was taking slock »f rh> torlfftc tlumuge done. Two, tiv t - v. :. loat. more than t> score of l«t >■ n tijurad sad Btgriy ail bnlld iiu ■ tlcinoli-lieU. The dead : rnhientlfkd white man. who had stepped over rn spend the night with a. {r.,e«4~ .4 Mite-d destlc J W. Jones, died of Injuries. xyt a*a . n•• • • > *. ..nwi- n. ■■ In~ • r• • 1•- •i-**i' f *t— -■ * TTTJtVT Mrs. J.“ U«, not expected to live. | ■ A Mr and .Mr . Ingram. »nd their five children Th. parcuts-rrrr »'<li cx pe.cted to live whtie -the rhiidrPß ( onjinuod PTi r..i?,e three " Twenty-One Counties Send 82 To Orthopedic Clinic Eighty-two ry-mrcti from twenty one couutte* in Ivostcrn North Caro 11 ni. attended the tu t orth .pe4hhu.tJin hrl'i ... t!' M.ncnta! C'ontnfnjtok v t. 11. • > r> .1 s' ■' e* of t,li> North'’" ;t olina Oi'tbopedlt Ho-pitak a* Gn-tonm. Dr O. I< MU ler. chief surgeon whd wa* in thargi of tin cilnit anti (Joldsiioro f»->.plt who have been In tores led In seen ting It location in tin »ity were well pl.a-.d with the [nagober in attnd ■J'w vverf In .iteadat;. •• fruu Mifytit county, atul frtsn util cr . . not.. .. follows: .Ni w liitov. es, 2: Pal in. 2, Pender 2, i-ttl 2, Rob « 1 on 2, Kampson 2, Wake I, Wash Inrl on l, \YM#oii 7. Vance 7, car tcrct 1. < inii»eriand 3, Duplin 7, Ed ge* ..mice 1,1. Harnett 4, Jolinsou J, J»nca 1, 1.c00.r 2, au I Niult 3. . News (Jives Full Story Lucama Twister Yt>u get the home u«w» first U Tht rtold*l»oro New* and you get U templet* within thirty mlntrtag after tlk elotm. had iltutlk ngPI* yesterday, J A. Rekt, pro tnhe-nt Pi.m.Mii ipau h*d eallad Tht. News t<* rogprt th# otn urawoo la teiii inr mmuUk after lcavltU. GoidslM.r.. to Chech up on th# atorm V. II lamgKton. vice president of Vile -News and llenry Betk. manag ing editor, wer* ou the scene ol the twister. Six miles of the trip w<Tf made ov«r country ro*d* uot* unde.: gulag construction and .alick as gl»s* from recent rains. Th* New* was the only daily paper which sent corres.pontleutg'Kg tht Ltuama scene yesterday afternoon. DEATH COMES TO S. A SCOTT I‘neumonia Developtt Folioninß Injuries in Auto ArcidMt And Proves F»U! " c. A. Heott. auditor for the Uelk a iH.j.m lHiem store In Goldsboro and In Kinston, seriously injured wbeu Usei 1 automobile of Dr. M. T. McMillan! anil one of a Mr Browtj of Wllmlug-| ton sld. swifKd each other on lorty Houih of the ulty ten days ago, died at a local hospital last evening. lVi.utuouia developed following his Injurum, it was learned, and couatltu fmually wpak fTem heart trouble, Mr ■ Heott was «rrt ttbie to m*ke a Winning <» light against 'the 4l»«ta«e. He waa thrown from the left rear sent tlie right ride of the wlnd "hlld In the Accident and the ecalp lifted from his skull. He had l«»t ■ great quantity of blood before" he reached the hospital and in addition suffered a compound, fractura of the rkuii " “ Willi him luat evening when the uid came were h,l* y.lfe. and a broth er J. J. Bcott. Jr., of Lynchburg VJr ylnut Another bruiher. Ham Bcott of New York City will arrive In tht city this nun 11 lug. o The Ix.dy will i»e prepared for bur ial and Mint on Gu* ill o’clock train from herb tonight for Lynchburg where funeral and burial will be made. The deceased was about ferty-aix! n.ars of age, and Uo4 -beau a oil iron • Goldebtiio fur kctreral. mouths. A in tie* #f Vlrgtnls. Me Kent ««»!»#• .Hfici the l>e* 1,. culture and twwrla* which b..« long dlM'snauißlied tlte true \ rgllisiu In the ->h..rt Uni. he lim.l [ Ived here lie hail tiiailc many friend* j Mverl hrre he had made rn»ny friend* [ t-ns ’lt:. t \pt«y Ttmitd nig, where the clinic was held, was Gte si ene of great‘activity and bustle IP day. beginning at 9;30 In the nr.ruiulf' ( oiintiite tha parent* who earn# with the tliiidren and locgL fieoplc wh(o tailed during tho day, iHundred visited the clinic Muring the day. Dr Miller hi* assistant. Dr. J. H Gaul, th. suoerinteudent of the- GaAtonla hosptuU; Mis* Harriett J Mcfullum, and tho secretary Mia* Win red McLean were In charge of the !>< i.i.,iuic in .ihe morning th. which will admin' lsin the lond of 17.04 W raised to iduj-e the dlnle here, together with a number of local surgeon* and * 1 . ini*, railed to nwet the visitor*. Tin third Thursday In each month WUa ...elected a.c tlte date- fJr fut Continued ou page lUrco MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PEIC* FIVE CENTS The News ( orrtfoml—THE Scene If Miles Freni GoMs bore m 4 GiUwr Btarjr f Damage wieagkfttf Mm twlatei 4 (hat hit at Lacaaaa yeelerday toU hrtrfi -—~rr- -1 Oa plantation es C. B. E*rtMl I tuba ere haraa doetroyed wBB (EM house Mown aweji 1 gnrwge doe trujrdt I crib MaWB deWß| loMM house partly wrecked. _ 1 7 arm es flae ME mM|liM| ruined. U acre* es very feed wdrt». long staple dnrtrnygd. Oa ( barley Uedvla pIEOO> low ant house pares tad, rrapi, iMMB* ed trees ten a*. At I’hlltlpe Olaaery la IMME| part es balMM* Mewa away. A dene# Mack. foaaell rt»H clovd developed suddenly *■ s rtletM# harmleaa looking nky M*' IiWSA If mlteg northwest of here at I e’ettop yesterdef. end *“ S trios, tohnoeo 1-urn*. peek houses. large trees. «MMh, portions of teaaat tSidea. wawn nEttE* tired IP the fiendish grip 01 Um twM ter. While o*>rreepo#ief for H* Neva who visited the scene eC the havoc a lev hears later had no a»rt of obtaining aa eooarate eefhs*t* es the damage, farmers who hgd eeftered ! losses said th "damage tste i in- thosaeoda of dollars. ■ Whet | would like (a heew." nrtf* young Jeaae Barms, aom at C. B. ea, on whose plaoa the mod* daaaaee 'waa done. "ta what Mtppeart *e 4hh rhed wa had owpr thta aoaerste fouws ctton *»d uaed It aa a garega. I cast t!n4 u anywhere, l *»*■• Jt bloved plumb away 1 feeed <Mo leak oft K t end he waved a idee* ti way d<*wa yonder la that DeM.** ‘1 a* wee the case tttfe the which atruclr at Enow Mil tMt Hoy day there were numerous stories m the freak twleU It tort. Toheeco tnf one of the bar as destrgged waa Mows completely away Neighbors arrlrdf while The New* nurrmpoa deals warp being told Os this, art they brought word that tha tobadse wee hanging oh trees ell throng** stretch of torn half a mile »way frm the soeoe. Mas farrow laafia Jenny Lamb, If fear old ***■*# of Mr and Mrs, Imoter' Leah Wrt .itlone «( hr' Imme* JUMB thft iHMM accompanying the Storm closed h (bout the place. Afraid to remap alone in the house, ehe dashed through the open door and In dlreetloh of a neighbors* house Ml yards pw»B iftraight thrtragk a aetfaE £EM 'Mm 'an. and aa she r+i the sucktaL -twtattbEi devouring runnel gripped field. ijfc *‘l don't know hardly what hap pened." Mtae Leash told The NeWB Krrrythtng got black end then I gtjl n (lie field. I didn't rales my hart for the atr waa fall of mryWll ami I wan ao waek 1 couldn't do any thing." A fraction of tlmo and tho twisty had gone tearing through a woods *• feel away. beartac with <t parte df the wreekaam -a r- hadn’t tarter, in the fteM «hr would moat cermfnty has* hash carried away and preha Sly killed ih the storm." Stated a neighbor art here waa geaer/T agreement [_ The field where the youag wowiap had fallen looked like the scene «C <nme re< ?tlt battle Here end there by holes bad been toTn end there was p long stretch where the crop# had hdtE burned. If struck by lightning ( aa* AflSr Ball The funnel shaped twister followag * severe ralii storm aid Slactrlcal dgi play, (•'oiks in (be Tommuaity, they laiij, thought the Btora ( was over art then suddenly It wee »e| y dark art tho catastrophe waa being enacted The funnel la thought to hare apMt Into two parts aa It nyrad tha rillrtp of Lucama. one peril going Cowart UU northoeat and ttlp ether park It the northwest, '

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