WEATHER Phowegs Saturday and probably Sun day. N«t much chaage in temperature VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 148 LEAK IS WIDENING IN GIANT DAM AT LAKE LURE - ’x: . ' * A. ' _ • * . —TUT - ... T — f . • ff Below Body Os Water Are Being Moved Out Pafarmatioa CmUlm* la DM* patekca to Charlotte and To —Asheville RUTHERFORDTON, THO. DENIES TRUTH REPORT Flood Conditions Generally Are Sabaidinc Id Western Nortli Carolina CHARLOTTE. An*. IT —(AN—The ttartotta Obscrwr trmi;ht received reports from • ataff repreeentatlv# at l.aae Lure, N. 0-. that the »u the lake dam had widened dangerous ly and that raaldenta In the valley he Jew are being moved out tonight. Lika report* were received by, the Aihevllle OHitena from person* ar rtvtng at Aahevllle tonight, message* from that newspaper Indicated. The report* were denied at Ruth erfordton. the neareat community that ran ba reached by telephone. The Lake Lure d»tn haa been re ported leaking Jpr several d*y» *■» the reault of torrential mine l« Western Carolina, but engineer* yeftterday* de clared It would not collapse. Effort* to at rents hen the wall have since been made. c>' V (AN pouthwestern and Southern North Carolina were again turning (o normal purauita to night after the wome flood nines the 1111 diaaster. With transportation and wtrw faculties rapidly being reatwmd 10 normal, reporta came In leaaenlng tears (hat additional damage would be done by the flood waters.' Highway engineers were repairing highway* cnl off by the storm and % the only railway aarvloe not restored at least to partially normal condition In the two Carollnlaa was on the (Charleston add Western North Caro lina railroad between Spartanburg and Augusta, because the condition ot the trestle across the Bavannali rirer n*ar Austa. * > At I-orkhart Dam. near Union. 8. C. where about 2iM> feet o's the dam ■' ft- * went out for -a depth of fire or *l* feet at 1:38 oclork this morning, the flood waters continued to receed and no further damage w«s expected. Although some highways In the Slack Mitdtnnin. N C.. section were still impdaglble risers near (here had relumed to their banka and no further damage la exptrlcd. WOMEN DIRECT N. Y. PARTIES t - - ; ith an|| Itlnetw Places Fem inine Hands In Charge of Reins '"5 i ■[ '■— ■* NEW YORK. Aug. 17—— The rery thing that antl-suffraglsts used to hold up as a threat when they wanted to put over aome devastating ridicule In the day* bejore women got the vote happened in New York Oil week. i The state'* two biggest partie* th-crush re pi oral hy dmth and. Mines* djL« eogm tics were volunteering every aid ,nec ctsary. The 25 or more Injured were r«- rorted today to be recovering. t-' ■ 1 "■»■■■" WM ■■*■* i i. Bad Weather Keeps Fliefs on <»round COCHRAMte, Qnt., Aug. If QP)~ Bert Hassell and Parker Crsnter. of Rockford, 111., filers bound for Bwed en were held on the ground today hy stormy weather. If the weather Is favorable tDtey will take ofMom»rrow fer Mft Brans. Greenland, on the sec ond leg oHh*lr flight t>» Stockholm, i: - MOI'LD YU PLOY I'l.Dl.K VL AID -_ , * NEW YORK, August 17 Emtio i. ent of every empliyc* •>* cared by Jorr-phus Dante's urretarv <>f the navy under Presldeii Wilson. dSii- wants to enforce the law cV ery nfan appointed to office ought to l>e told: 'Yon must enforce the laws of this country and not wink at vio lators.' ite said In charging that pr > lilblttnn enforcement had never liail a fair trial under the Republican i dmintstratlon. -** Neuse River Will Reach Flood Stage By Late This Afternoon Thh Neu*e river, which ha* rental u id quiet whUe river* to the we«t and north have Climbed but of their Milk* and up rend flood* over a wide urea. v> due to rl*e today, according to eal < elation* hy the weather bureau In Ilalelfh. Rv thl* morning the river will he at n stage 0f.15 feet or a llf •jlf better, the Raleigh bureau *a‘d. If there taVny occasion. the bureau wjll. broadcast » flood wanning. • RALKIOH (4b Flood stage will be reached at vnri m* point* by three Kaatern Carolina river* the Roanoke • t \ -Cipe I'Vnr and Hen** —tomorrow or Sunday, the weathef bureau here pre dicts tonight after receiving report*^ Wf " * Jf / *1 ; 1 /y is iTg I - .. 1 I ■■ Frank Grey, Jr„ and hia aunt, , Katherine Gettcna, below, ol Brooklyn, N. Y„ started for their vacation in Connecticut, luit disappeared, into thin air. The boy’s father, a Brooklyn detective, fears foul play. Thejr were last seen riding in a taxi .to the train, hut no trace of them has been found since 'time, two weeks __ D ANIELS HAS UNIQUE. PLAN Would Have Every Government Employee A Dry Officer To Stop Idiwbfe ikint{ NEW YORK. Aug- it - UP) —Enlist- ment "f cv. vv federal employe* a* nn aid t*> prnhfblttoa enforcement offl cers |e { the connltlon* of their tributaries The Cape Fear will prvbwltlv reach :,5 feel. ju»t within the damage flood nark a; FtiyeUrville't*Atnomfw. 1> V. I»en»«n In charge of the local hU’ tau mild. On Sunday It will be’four frej over he hank* at- Kltzahetbtnwi* The R«aitoke which was at >2 feet tiaday and alow ly faMiue will rearm tO feet at Meldoa by Sund.iy-r-10 fee* above hank level. " .V , . « Th.- Reuse l* rapidly rising topigijt and will be on* foot above bank level a* Smithflcld by late tomorroir. u 1 I.lttle (lamTel’ exTepT flo 'dlng of' crop* In lowland* |* exported by th* bureau fhher eastern Carolina riv ’ era are not expected to leave their 4 banka.. . GOLDSHORO. N. C SATURDAY MORNING. AUGITST 18. 1928 For Sunday Dinner, Try This Here Menu NEW ORDKIMH, Am 17— A Jumblrtl menu constating t»l monkey meat, pa m -rce hearts, a mar dill e» and nuts from the bread nut tree was described here today hv Dr. Erani lllom of a Tulmu I'utrersity cx|>edltiou which re in uni! from an exploring, trip through Central America and Mexh-o. pr lllenl said it was th« beyt' mcijn they h»d for seventy day-; when out of i-ooimaturation with thr mid lb ir regular flood supply was exhausted. He. rwcomaaendf ‘and M r. “J ' i.of agree on some widely considered, hot It Is vain tn look 'or » with convictions rep iwtins mlUlnn.> jvbo like-; w'sc ha* coitVlclletlsT snd rgreeln with them nil on all questions. "I notice," the Hcnatar continued •‘(hat an honored but more or less eh- D»moeeette from tho west who • erved wttb distinction wHh me tn Ihe Hena(a b« « c;one over to the Re twhllcaif p»rtv hv reason of tJaire-no Smiths affiliation with Tammany— cheerfully aligning h'mself with an organtxaimn lliat avail* Itself of thi aid of the Vnt*' and Mellon machine ip Pennsylvania and the Big 1 Thompson In llUiufi*. All three jii which made contribution* of moment in the, choice of the eandldsfc with whom my friends rust his fortune "If one t* to h# judged by tils political assoelnt -s, how shall tH< Peptihllenn nominee escape eandrin nallofiT He as' "lq the caldnpt with t'all and Daughtry stlthout ever rals.- : tng hfs hatnf ter thtrart thetr Ttitanter while they wee Irctnv perpetrated m raising his vole* tn candtnnnail in 'hem after they were exposed." m _____ ■ _______ STKATON RUSHES TO PRESS AG AIN "Bluffer. TrirkHfer. € otaard," ; Are CulturMl Words Min- Hands Odt • GREENWOOD I„\KF N. Y., Atig.-ll -t^tt-» ’r-n "will aufothatlcaKy brand run b> 'itr the world ip» s bluffer, a Tummanv trickster .and a coward.” Ti e letter l« In r> ply to a rommun 'cation frNrrtr,i|| r other than Cavalry Daptiat church. Diced With Doth ft. . vmL-Y W > H V . I r .-/>/, Ann* Green, pretty Brooklrn girl, who* disappointed in kA«, penned a farewell poem and threw the n hla burning launch In latke lavlttge, and crucifix lu hand, granted absolittlon to ftv* ethers of his fsth before they plnug rq Into the water has been told by ip# sole-survivor* of fhc tragedy. Tig" priest. Father J. B. Public, at thnugh a powerful swimmer, w*n drowned aftemptlng to save The live* of others of his party _ »TUu dramaUo atocy of tb*> tragedy was related by Albert Lafrenier*. who with his wife and two children. Knthe Pubic and Miss l>nm»e Ryl Vest re set out Wednesday night for a cruise around tho lake, after a plcpic nt which they, bad been tb# priest’s *«<«(* -v They had proceeded g tithe up She lake when a backfire from tbe engine Irrf* d gasoline In (he blege. ri sollne tank exploded. enveldßlng In flames. ('aiming Ids guests a* the flumes »i.iiikli-d around thetn. Father Dubuo uinilV'rbClied thC rtlual of hU chor ~vU anit VOea aotd: - 'Tfeeeo la- agthtaE else to. do. W# must jump Into the water.” "* \ . Lafri-nlete, clasping his oldest son , f.lnude Y. tn hit arms made for a cnisll tslnadi which ttio glare -Jr<>m tin- flames*showed three Huorc ios I his hold on bts wa. and eras barely hhle to win 'he ihore alone. The i thers were all drowned. Car Turns OveY Twice But Driver Escapes Bad Hurts Mr*.“Calvin Yelvcrton of Fre* nionl escaped *cri<>u* Injury yes teday. afternoon who her "Tiukk «edah skidded and turned over t<*ii f near Helfud „ 9 iuiiumhk into » lummer shower, Mr*. Yelvcrton. The Now# wa» told, took one hand oft the steer- In* wliccl to turn on the wind shield wiper. The. car Verred and over twh- landing with* H* wheels up In the air In a tiearby field. ' ’ Kye witnesses who had seen the fcblKt.tti.K h|n*> cavort. *l»|rger, and turn a double somersault, hur r tid t» the place ujjicrc It ’repua cU on Its tup. The first iu*» on Goldsboro People Caught In Floods in Mountains And At Ashland, ViMsnia FAIL IDENTIFY WOMAN’S BODY Head Shot Through, Body Char red, Body of Woman Found In Ditch "11 li'AtitJ. Aug. 17 tA")- Authorlt '|i s (heed an enigma today in their af tert to uor«v«I the crime and Identify the young woman whose charred b«dy •va-i fonrtu <>n u highway near Crown i’nlnt yesterday. WMb- -irt Dt-rj- thought t» be Adm .Inc Racrardo, missing sweathekrt of » hunk robber slain following a held up M< uday. the "k'»haii‘s identify re mains uncertain. Police have sbaml < ned the theory thg|t other mamberv of the bank robber gang might have -d»tfl her 1« prevtmt police question lit* retarding th# robbery. The body, shot through the head and burned beyond recognHton w*a ers had poured gaaollae on.the cloth ing and set fir* to tho body afta .:l"-'0Ung die woman. XINNIHG AIR MAIL PILOT t KAHHEM «N NOI NTIIN, IN BAFR CHARLOTTE, An*. IT fjlV Joh*- iv Kytle, Atlanta «lr mall fM oh his way home today victorious *f ®lcr an encounter with n monntaln for the second time within as many moth* Kytle ran Rite a mountain near Old Fort. N. 0., Wednesday night whll flying a 2,fM10 feel aad did not get hi* mall tit a train until Into yesterday. Ilia plane waa demolished, bat b* suffered no Injuria* Th* mail wa* Rewarded by train. He did not eicape aa eaalty In th* prevlona accident, having been severe ly Jarred when hi* plan* struck Bton# mountain near Atlanta la * fog. '~~'i " ■' ■ ' LITTLE GIRL BERN . BOTHER SHOOT. HER FATHER TO DEATH NICM'-GRLEANS, Aug. i7—(A*)—lit tie lfeliTi McMahon, 7 year old lisurhter of Mr. and Mr*. Thomaa McMahan, waa orphaned hy a tragedy of last night which snuffed out the live* of her parents. . TK?®l'hlld wjtneseed the fatal'ahoet ! 'nc nt her father, a general coni*|d i t"r, hy her mother, 2k years old, sad hmnl the suicidal shot that killed bar .mother ring out while Richard Hoff man. a neighbor, wa* leading the girt from Ih# scene. Mrs. Hoffman dlad * nroute to ll»e hospital. "I wne In bed," Helen's account of ihe tragedy ram. “Mamma, and pgt l!"or In tha kltcfeen. They started were sleeping on a mattress on the quarrelling shout my papa wanting to go our at night. Than papa hit mapia and she got op and got the gun. Then T heard maim shoot She picked him up and carried him out of the ap*rt ih**l Rifti the Kanway. Then sSa came hack to my room and said I‘vg shat your father. n< s*de*d. * "! didn't cry because I didn't know whaj/tfn do hut I Saw Mr. Hoffman ru*h Into the house and get me. He was carrying me to hla house when ne h.Mrd some more shots and f knew i »tn» must have shot herself. the acene. hi* hurry to get Mra. YHverton out of the car. kicked* the (lan* out of one of the front o door*. Other than thin, the car was ••Id to have been practically ua scratched. * The only Injury sustained by Mr*. Yelverton wag a alight scratch on one elbow. Those who witnessed the acci dent; said that the tnarhlnn waa mukiiitc a rapid rate of speed at the time of the accident. They retarded the escape of Mr*. Yel verUfn and the- slight dam airu done the machine aa nothing short of miraculous, MFafMei Ml f THE ASSOCIATU PRESS PRICE FITE CENTS Rev. R. A. Alktoe Reistaa E*i pe lienees Wlttl Rf* 1* . v — ; | .SHERIFF W. D. OKANtttUA OF WESTERN N. C. PLOOCI Both Parties Were Cat Off Fra* Rosie Home For Em Bjr Hifii Wrter atorla* of brtdgto waM* e«* away. highway*,ha——Mfc.kam* m*i diamptad, and mini «ea#:. Wirf brought to (Mdshora i mtmtm turn Ylrtiato »< ft— »k* motors ion of North Carolina by toeSl oMg ion* who rota row tram th— —tof£ B«*. «. A. Atkin* m 4 f*sUiy iurnml from a moath'i atas to Blip luond *nA Aahland wKk daUtta to Ok Vlrlglna flood. "I waa atoyteg to Ilka ha— to# man who oparated a hathtaf pise* as the Booth Anna rtvar at daStoad.f Raid Mr. Atkina "aid hla hay ato my boy .worn at tha rtvar whaa- th* huga rain atartad. Thay had a ftofft and I waa afraid that a*4|a had' gs» wot and tha motor died da I Jdhitto oftar them, la aaothar oar. I dm ad to the edge of ton Km basalt and ato mi tha high way aad tha watar wto throe feel dtofc "The bridge war tha rtvar aad toll waa alt o'etouk la the eraalag waa Ml feet from tba watar. At II O’elaak tlfil night the bride bed been coveted." ! bta pulpit Bmaday-tolar aaw -«a brldga awapt away. <*V In reluming ta Oaldnbam toy tIM vz&ssMS+t mid Mr. Attla* a—n|*a|hM ** ttnanoke River tha «nr panaad for tww - it - ,blohoomo - ~ > mdfl^^tomMu nitrdf OYWT TlJff U|l pffi wWHKm lappping on either aida to tli^fiaaf* now." he added "I aaver —r'ssfll liotoa la my Ufa. A I a|aa# th* ateeleh yaa reald tea the h£fjtoK of corn at Irk tag oat of tba a»3 water." Bbartff W. D. Ofaat, Mm. Oms§ mV. and Mm. todH Wrmat aft Ml*. M. ■. John non, ritaraad —at—» day from BntbarlbUlia aad Mid Lara Where ShaUR Ofiat attaa*M the ronrenlton as North OaoHaa aha* lea. ronid not go torasrd ar mtara tod aereml days. * “* «f "Tha whoi# roattrysMe waa —I waahed away houaal sliding att thd mountain*. *u flato gatoa opaaad to Veep dam a from hmaktag; totraato pouring through atomn nad tha —ff "ti the nt-wiy rw* amrifli anything Ilka It." The party returned to Onlddhare. ler making a number of date ami asf> at cnorleen they drotw their car soar 4 bridge on the dreueh dr tad th—‘ wna partly under watar. 1. K. r. Hick* brought keck an other atory from the aeon ntatea. U atratch of rend between Aobevflle as# Cnatonla which Mr. Htcka tad taadßf raaaed over In the morulag wag away In the afierue** "rtda. t:mi mighty goad W ato' mß* Htcka "Jnat cleared ilka flood* That portion of highway natokar to naas old Fbrtjhat waa waahed irv ha*' travelled by to. Hlcka aarfSto* Ur only three dnya be tore. Ruben Clark Selected ■ As Under Secretary RIfPKRIOR. Win.. Aag. IT— Selection by Prenldnat Coelldgv di Reuben Clark of Salt Lake City. Uto* to be under eecretary of atete, wto Lnnounred at tha anmator White Honae today. The chief executive hsa aad r*t aimed Mr. Clark'* r«auut*ttou kid the latter had already accepted tha roaltlun aad only formalttie* ra—tot before be will eater a—a Ms dst* j ' - * ■ ■'