WEATHER ■ I tbowers Bund*) afternoon or ingOt ~ «»■■■ —ll l . ——l»—i' ° . ■ ———■ II «'"w— -—— ■——— __________ VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 149 OPENING TOBACCO MART POSTPONED UNTIL SEPT. 4 Impossibility To Have Buyers at Early Opening Given As The Reason Meeting Calkd By President Carrington of Tobacco An aortalion of U. 8. 2 o MEETING HELP AT GREENVILLE AH Cofepuicn Will B» Repre- Mated On The Floor* At The Opening ■ " -v „■ KINSTON. August 18. Postponement of the opening of the Eastern Carolina Tobacco Market until September 4 was announced by the Eastern Caro lina North Carolina Warehouse Association tonight, following a meeting held «t Greenville this afternoon. The impossibility of the large tobacco companies to have buy eis at the early opening August 28 was given as the reason for the delay. The meeting was called at suggestion of A. B. Carrington, president of the Tobacco Asso ciution of the United States in. a letter to C. B. Sugg, president of the Eastern -North Carolina ’Association. Telegrams and copies of tele phone messages were read from all of the companies sending rep resentatives to the Eastern Mar kets in which it was declared that their buyers could not be placed on the Eastern Market August 28, the date nPt'by the Tobacco Association at a meet ing at Old Point Comfort in June. All tne companies will be rep resented at the opening on Sep tember 4. * BEGIN A REVIVAL BELLVIEW 8 P. M. Adjutant Anderson Os Frttet burg, Md., Will Be In Charge of Services j Adjutant J. Anderson of Frostburgl Md arrives city this, moraine I to begin s ufci meojJirt; yltli Captain A H. H. the local B»Wa tlon Amy at Bellvlew To night'* serylca • ° ,c,oc,t and will be continued each evening al the ■•me hour during the weak The large tent recently -used by the Salvation Army la its rovlval from the William street school growadp will bet set up at ffetlvlcw comfort abl» seat* for 700 are provided. Adjutant Anderson was sn Overseas iron serving with the Balvalloh Army In France during hte world war. He ,ttiH the reputation of being an In teresting • er. GMEY TERNS . DOWN OFFER Refuses To Nl Vacancy Caused By Resignation of Senator SimmonH , ■ s ASHEVILLE, Aug. 11-44*) An nouncement was made tonight by J- C ntltvy ft *f ,, ~ >rrW that after -tafcl&S. the matter trader advi«ero«ukh* bad determined not to allow hvWlauio to go before this Democratic state exe cutive committee fer the position of national committeeman from North Carol lan to fill the vacancy caused by the realgnatlon of Senator Hlnunons. ... -j an , deeply grateful to my friend* on the executive committee and oth ers who h«v# prymUed me their sup port for national committeeman*, raid Mr Ollhey. But ll Is clear to me that It would be unfortunate for the Democratic party In North Caro lina at this time to have any contest f»r thl* position. • Personally I hope to See Governor Cameron Morrison made national com mltieeman. and I should be grateful If tho*e of my friends who have so generously supported me will give tbtir support to him." THE GGGDSBOROrMEW S READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDB ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BIDE, M PAGES TODAY GOLDSBORO. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 11. 1928 , 14 CAGES TODAY -■ 1 ... . ■ —-W ■■• J, - ■---. j—,.— ... ■ ...... “PAT” ROBERTS DIED SATURDAY Pikcviile Man Survived By Wid ow And One Daughter, Eleven Year* Old (Special te The Neva) PIKKVII.bE, Aug, )!,—H. P. Bob ♦ rts died at hr- home here this saoru ng at 0 ct'cloch. following a ten days* illness Many friends snd acquain tances will learn with sincere h -grot of bl* v lintlmely demise. Ha wax 4S years of age surf l» snrvlved by U wtis ow and ona child—a daughter 11 .f-aar* at ago. Truly a good cltlxett has passed av ay In the death Os “PAC* Roberta. Friendly, cheerful and big hearted, he .Made many friend*. A devoted hus band, a coaislsteut member of the Tleasant Grove Free Will Baptist Church has passed. He had been em ployed for msny years In Dees Dtos.* store, here. Interment VIII he made" at Pine View cemetery Sunday. .Kg MMtIOI'N DAMAGE k I* JOHNBTOY f'OJ NTY 1 BMITH FIELD, Aug it.—While this immediate section bgs had Its full share of rain during this week. It has Wa spared the disaster of storms and 'cyclones that have visited other sac. t,ions of the Btiite aud country. Much fcoocern has been expre*ppd over lb* Vet season, as being a possible aid to the boll weevil in his destructive work. However, aside from that the hevay rains have caused no damage around here. Tobacco curing for tbia season la in lt« last stage* now. It Ag-auHr 7 ■ - T~ SENATOR CURTIS GIVEN OVATION i - l Tariff Revision and Development Os Inland Waterways . Suggested TOPEKA. Kan.. Aug. 18— (4*)—Non oartlsap dlaposltlon of the vextng agriculture problem through' a Joint congressional committee was advocat ed today sty Senator Curtis of "Kansas in his address formally icccptlng the Republican vice presidential n«mlna :Hfrtt. - “T* - ~ Tariff Revision and development of inland waterways wree other sug gestions for relief rOf the farmer by the' Kansas Senator who gave first auction and greatest spare ,ln his »d- T.rrss tea discussion of the agricul* loyal situation with which he ha* been Identified fdv many -Hr < oiigreey Speaking from a temporary "taiiA shielded from tfce aetllng sun on tin south steps of the majestic Kansas state house. Senator Curtis was given an ovation by the crowd before him t-n the lawn. Red Cross Will Conduct Life Saving Course Here braSt lo nave Hvob. Thai wilt bo •he motto of. the American Heel Cross j a •Ife. saying anil first aid school to be d conducted under the auspices of the i Wajrtie County Chapter in Goldsboro • beginning next Thursday and runnlnK r through Saturday. t The classes will be under the dlroc- : s tlpn of Claude P. Hall, life saving c field representative of the Afmertcan c f'fteen years, helped to develop the s Ked (Toss. Mr. Hall, has for the last i water safety work from little tnore ih»n an experiment Into one of the i nation* great est factors In Iho con- | aorvatlen of human life, lie was • I emonx the first pcVsnnx In this cun •ry to pga* the exacting life saving t testa. «nd to affiliate himself with a i nritlonal movement, for {he prev«n- l tfou of djrownluf. Little Girl Dies Os Blood Poison Louis* Wcthertngton. three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K*y mood Wetbertngfou. died >t the tome of her parents «a Etlmundson Hill at 1:30. yesterday Blood pu.son'iig was the cause of death A week ago yeatrrday the IkU* girl stuck a nail In her foot It w*s * superficial wound, and her parents paid little attention to It. The Foot became inflamed and yesterday was a severe case qf poisoning that threw the child Into patyoxyams of pain until the ynd cam*. Funeral will be held from the f»mUy cemetery near Mt. Olive this afternoon. ANDREW SAULS FUNERAL TODAY <, J, A. Two Weeks lllncM Wilh PlH?u monia and Com plirat long , —. Fatal . , a .is., ~.. ■ <v\ Andrew Baals. ( M;**n employee of the Empire Manufacturing company died early yesterday at his h ,me tn Georgetown, Kttneral service will be held from the resident* at 2 o'clock this afternoon with Rev. Mr. Ellis of the Methodist church in chary*. Members of the Moose lodge. to which'Mr,' Seuls belonged, vill act h* patit>earers. Those selecloj are: V M. Edgorton. 'W. K. Eewli, W. 11. Hines, i. C. Howell. W. C. Howell, and C, H. Edgerton. Burial fjlll be made in the lumpy plot in Greene county. Two week* ago the quiet, hard working cltlsen was talon .11. with pneumonia aud complications. Yester day morning at &:3« the wH cnme. Huyvlvlng him Is hlw widow, who will lava gt'licral sympathy In her bereave ment. FLOODWATERS NOW RECEDING Neune River Slightly Above Bank Level At Smlthßeld Yesterday , RALEIGH. Aug. 18— (IP)— Only scat tered showers on the watershed of Wu Roaq<>kft. Nouse and Cape Fear rivers today brought assurance tonight that the Eastern Carolina rivers, although going out of their banka frura rainy earlier in the week would not do any great damage, the local weather bur CUU said. The tiape Fear reached 36.02 feet t»day at Fayetteville and will go one foot above bank, level there. It la ex pected to reach G feet “bov# at Kllxa* lpthiu|'ii tomorrow. Ttre Xfuib wx* silglitly above bank level at Hmltbfleld -today hut Is naf f xpertcif to do set tuu i ilumage even to. crops. The Roanoke reached 36.0 f at Wel don this afternoon and the crest of the flood M‘ 4‘*"feet was predicted for tomorrow afternoon. Flood level at Wilion is 30 feet. Since becoming field representative .. the IDbd Cross he has taught hun ilrcds of people how to rescue swim mers, in danger. He can leach you, -lrovldlng you with a knowledge that rway, some time, enable you to save the life of a relative, a friend or a stranger. The worth of a hum»u life cannot be calculated In dollars and , cents; the value of such knowledge a- you <an get from Mr. Hall's class es will he above monetary estimation! The classes In luxrructllon will be conducted mainly at the ITesbylorlati peel, especially those for'youngsters moat ol the examination will be held At Crescent I>ke. The public la urg- ; VuiitM.*~-bTTm Ihe prlce|r«* lessons ed to take sdvslitage of this oppor in the conservation 61'life. Voulinuod t>n page throe x j -- Undulating Gdda Sued by l_A i ■ WL ■■ r* wm W h ™ < ; f A: ML I e. ■ M , Bk *v—•- ¥ * fj.* t*** ~~ _ | Befltttiful GiliU Gray, Cinderella dancing girl, who shook her-1 self into fame aitd fortune and a wealthy husband, now ta de fendant in *|icross-auit for'annulment of her marrige to Gil | * * her night club mate, charging that she concealed her • ,; *^ 5 ”« TJje star is herself suing for a dlvorec <■ ——* —-ei t- Superinte/i11«• nt Arinbtrong . Given List of City Teachers - - ■ - -m Hnpcrtntendent H«y Armstrong Is. sued yesterday the list «f teachers for the Uoldsbarv/dty schools which opeu Monday, September. 10, at kr<s In the morning. Teachers meetings have teen scheduled lor the preceeding Sat In the fdur unit* whli« city aya tem, there >:tre seventy teachers. In the fogr unit*, of the negro schools them arc 48 taacbet a. The {alter open September It, * week ea slier than tha t ystem for white children. Tl»a, lift of teachers. as announced fcy Mr. Armstronj: High School Belle Carson Atkin*. Mury I*an Bailey, Antoinettes llsisely. C. J. NEGHO Dll'S OF AUTO INJURIES £_ —rr*. « JcbHe Karnch. Drives pf Truck, Sought Bv Sheriff’s Office a a Milford ll.' :i tic.-so who suffer ed a fractured iplne in an auta aw morning, d&O.-'thrly yesterday mnr dent near (Jrdenloaf ia.-t Thursday ii'g <“* a re-ult «f hb injuries. H»rncs with six oQtcr negroes was riding dt a (’hevrolct truck drU-yby Jesse Harnes. w hen the track-bit a tree .tear Ur-cenlcaf. All of Wu in rr.-: vet r< ir.jiit <d, bat srs rccotT-msg,' tt' ttm 'earned,** Joust ha in A. driver of tin truck lw still being sought by the officer*# who am of thi opinion th-'t lie. was Intoxicated when the me.dint occur red As soon to •• • < ipiurcd lie .w'll he ,u min te .Ir^r—%,-!«!j *ry hearing * rhurgi of mauslaugfiff:}' n connection with the death of MtO ford Barnes, it was learned from offl cits >• • i-rday SOITHKKN < HM lit II CHAMPION CHAJILOTTH. Au* is— (/I'l-sKdlwn F. Hunt. H, 'if Nashville Tenn.. Inj came South'-;n ihc ker c|iamplenary tapeatiai ■ ■ ■ ga o A # Imes, (hi nry, N. C., vVtcr» nplayer lu the fin als. Hunt I, allied through all Kamos of two day* without amuglo Uc-ii.aU iiutiuck. Neiito flow., R. M. IMam Cutherlnd Cqlson, Janie fffhek, Miriam Knch, T. Marlon Lreen. "SUrcaret Kor ; uegay, Mr*. W. P. Middleton, L. M. i Omer, Ethel Roark, Bella Perry. Lou j Ist Sherwood, Christine Vick, T. T. j linmlHon. principal, * , _ - Lnuumar Heheol Edna Brooks, IJxxio Brooks. Mrs. Elisa Cox, Anne Emory, Helen Good v. nu lUhcixa liuiiißlirey, Helen Hur -1 f ley. Anne Hendricks. Mr*. John H*V !■ >. Rachel Jordan, Hilda Judd, N*ney Moore. Mrs, Mary Morris. Ruth My t iv. Alice Pope, Dolly. Lewis, Louie# iVldgen, Clara Spicer, Anna Butlien Katie Smith. Lprene Templeton, Mary Conflnucd on page three TRIBt'TE TBr AfOKBIS NEW.YORK. Aug. 18—Leaders of Parties today paid final tribute Tat the tiler of George K. Morris, chair ! man of the State Republican commlt j-Ue, Who died Wednesday. A wreath ! sent by Herbert IFoorer was p!«c*d on i tin casket; A retire of prominent poli tical leaders attended the short ser v'ce. Burial will Ire at'Amsterdam, H. j ; , ■ . , Bak&r Millions Claimants ■ Are Pushing Their Case . . T _ . The U»kt>r millions—variously astl . mated at from gIMMffMMPO to tlttO,- > i'Od.Od© —continue to hold attraction* [or Wayu* and Baaspses county folk* who claim they have evidence ahow* i |i g that they are the cloMCt t>( kin ’ to Ho founders of the mammoth •«- 1 "fj-1 ■■ tow to t Hi IriiKt by thu Stat of 1 i allfornta. , Ji:• ** I _ I -Next jee« k two ri'iirr aentatlvei of the people seeking to claim the for* tuue will go neat week t“ Cdtawha. N > t'., and t*> Washington, l». (Sv, to oh t<-lu Iha foi tune, ThO" News learned i yesterday. ■> The ififej* to W»Hhfn#to« ta to be r tniide for’ (he *kpr»*<« of cx 7^ .•milling thetTaHed <tatcs conies re-| - |. ort a front JMMI to I Hit# .aiui Ix3l In J all .effort l</'amahhilil tin residence us ihlt part of North Carolina of | Judge Daniels Opens . Wayne Superior Court 2 Weeks Term Mon* W'' F ' . n ■ pm- - ~ ; SENATOR REED f HITS AT LF. AGUE ( Char gen Tlmt Anti-Sulooii Lwt gue Trying To Rule Demo cratic l*arty ' .ih in w ■ . KANSAS CITY, Aug. 18.— (Al*) —’The Anti Suloon League wag tuMtailed today in a state ment by Senator, Jamea A. ReeJ of Minnouri who charged the League wan trying to dominate the Democratic patty while at the name time plotting ita de- Htruetioh., The Htatement was Senator Reed’s firat since the receht Min aouri primary In which Charles M. Hay, backed by the Mitf-M --loon league, defeated James A. Collett who had the support of Senator Reed for the Democratic ■ nomination tor Unite'! States Serutor. ” Making a defense of the poli cies of Governor Alfred E. Smith, Senator Reed said: ’ “Even now the anti-saloon lea gue Is cover!lv charging the election of Governor Smith meana the return of the open aaloon and the flooding “of the country with unrestricted liquor. They know this charge to be un true. They know no consider able body of men propose the return of the aaloona, and that Governor Smith’s attitude is thst-wbetter way for the promo tion of true temperance can be ,- ound than the plan of the VoF stead act.’’ * * Senator kN}- “*» organisa lidn which haa shown by its rec r,rd that it is controlled by a few i men who have gathered and ex • tended between 130,000,000 and ", “It acta largely in secret and frequently without regard to morals, faitnesa or honesty.” LAKE LURE DAM MAY BE SAVED ,1 *.' I level of iAtke Is Sinking Fast ! With All The Fbed t 4 ■“ ", • - * • , Gates Open M hi ■■ —■> LAKE LI RE AUB 18~0P>-Wltb "•-ugdteer* maki«g so toe headway to wn n] preventing water racing through leaks la. the Lake" Jaire dam tram ( tumbling dirt,.abuttmenu, prospect , for saving the structure appeared en , ,’ouraging tonight. Engineer* directing operation# db „l Iffrftj Ujhi .dfJTgev of collapse seems 1 ! ;i«w to Itave definitely passed. The i level of the lako Is sinking fast with - flood gales open, suthorltles reported, -| und Die escaped water has not , ; »-d property lons or caaualUea as far • as waa loerneq. I'regenitori of (he lirultufi who I*tor migrated to Ollftjonla. • The story ctreulated ••nrnng the ttumpron and Wayne people clali|lßg !lie lortuiit. is that there were two hr- 1 her a kiW a sister left Wayne conn t> when they were orphaned. That they settled In Moore county and mov jetl later to California. During the pioneer da." they are aaid to hare accumulated grtat wealth In mining property, and later In oil. Borne seventy five claimants of the fortune from this part of the atate met at the courthouao her® several weeks ago*to discuss plans for pusb ,frig THetr cdaUn*. There was. however, I a great sir of secrecy shopt th# meet ing. .i ml The News was not able to ;..m information as to what actually j Transpired at the meeting. _ j -- i 7~.-i.rir-.7- 1 I y IS inamn aa THE ASSOdAnO PRESS .. T-.-=*fc pmci rrm emm ■ ■ -n-W ~jt First W*k W» Bo Gtnp T» Civil CaM Ht Soc—d I» . % CrlattogJ I CIVIL CALENDAR » mostly or Rotmus Judge Bland hUI Wwfciui Soastoa at Wayaa lac*** nr 1 * Curl Jade* r. A. Daniels of O'lMill man homn Monday to |mW» of* A two week* urn at Wagrwo Canidp buparior < nun. V Th# fl rat WMk will bo gtroa to IV * I.raring of clwtl action* aad IV MM* cud wa«k tu tha trying at ortath* oto * *•. Thto will ho Um Or* aaaatoav «t Way pa ofui ‘to aOQM Mam flat l»H> ' Domain haa bald la hopm tow*. * t - n Practically avacy cgfc IkVM fgV lit* civil wash la of a Jdattop ***»d Moat Important erfcafcMt MNM Mlf dulat to coma ng pr«h*kly la that la which Millard Johnson ;te dkargpd with tlan /aartor at Bah Boas Orantham towaahlp. Joh*osm|g Mil _ at (tbarty undar sll,OlO h*it» Preliminary to th* hsgttafo «t lM * t lor carat Judga O. R. Btaoi'otot foUaitar Hdmoadoa* haM a toßof Cho weak aaaalon of Mooedprs tMrt ip clear up tha doohat No Masso«pmr court V echadulad la ha haM «t| S ptcmbarS. * f Ban Albrltaoa waa fount uaaauit aad aantaaoad to tip laaOdMP Thomaa marrall. fVti tosN|C irun or whaat prton-to dap 111 in fonad filled SIOO aad the oo*u and gtoouCa upon tha roads, not to taka MMs pending good bahartonr tot UM milk W two yaarn. p*a Dotooa was Band 111 and tuati for aaapU. ’ * j LIBRARIESFOR SCHOOLS ON RISE -185 Now BcM Likrartaa M* • Itahsd ia Stats Dmrto| Tit Past Bfittl fw ’ RALBIOH, Aag. IT fITI till Mr t teat »<b»ol year, M|aa Rnssa mtghdM «iau laapactor of at—aatdry school* >'•* rapurtad to Dr. An* f, Altai. "late luperlntaudaat ad paMic to "iructioa. Tha Plata ooatiihMtod IUM n f the expeadltarapad tha raaO eaam from locaTafiffTMlrty saareta. ," Laat year** "ctlrttlaa nagsaMatod'g 'urge Incraaaa ora? tha yaar ppiftodi Mlaa Knlghum .raportad, da* to to*, crraaad atata aid grmatad hy tha ttof i.cKlHlature. Tha anaaal utaaat g|dat * I for enUbli/RRHf of Htoartaa wig incroaaad that yaar from MTOT tadtO '»*>o. * Rural library work waa laa«aarntp| in IMI and alnc* that tlnaa about 0000 dust not iaaikddßlMr>d» of • apple . A— a -1 ttkv- —a - -• -• m » m w w. - ... A a ■ fr * tanm id tw >nfl>li nucleus. During tha pnnt flap ypw- *, ‘ Mw glran % fl -Jt total of fra tlieaa librarian ,tion. * »ntrlbutad by* „ ' . i • izSzl HUD . list 21st . K NEW T« , , -“-TDir rA I ;r:/1 lut CU. I v.-hn were era had b without ta , 31 dtscorar a«* \ « 1

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