WEATHER 5 « • Filr liMK local thundershowers la •xtrtuse vast. Tuesday sad Wednes *•7 » VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 150 GOVERNOR SMITH REPLIES TO WILLIAM ALLEN WHITS Claims Attack Was Inspired by G. O. P. National Committee Dadana I B Last Time Will Be Brawn Into Such IMscuh aions Aa This IN FUTURE TO DEAL WITH CAMPAIGN ISSUES Takea Up In Order Counts Brought By Kansas Editor Soniatinie Ago ALBANY, Aug. 20-GP) Alter week* of deliberation, Governor Smith came bkek tonight against one of hit outspoken qritlc* \Villlam Allen White of Kansaa - with the declara tion that his attack'on his legislative record wa* Slanderous and uufair, unmanly and un-american. In a format reply to the Kansas editor'* charge (hat •* a New York erssmblymau the Democratic preaid entlal nominee favored the aaloon, gambling and prostitution, the Gov ernor asserted that he wsa “Glad to have this matter taken out o( the whispering stags Slid put into the op en " The Democratic standard hearer em braced In his counter asasult the Re publican national committee, contend lt»g that there waa "unmistakable evi dence" that It had " openly associated iteelt with this personal attack." "S."I have the satisfaction, however”, •ild the Governor “of knowing that It la not concurred in bv the people of my own state who have year after rear fipressed their confidence la me, notwithstanding that ■ large part ct tka matter herein referred to waa MM before them In the past by my political anomies.".. "Here we have an unmistakle evi dence of the Republican National (ommltete openly associated itself with this personal,attack. Lacking the < ourag# to stand by Its own complici ty In ths attack, the Republican dir ector of publicity the next day stated that he withdraws his Issuance of Mr. Whites' withdrawal of al. I am glad to have this matter taken cnl of the whispering stage pH! J into (he open, one# and for all I shall meet It now. I regard It as putely political ana when the cam paign begins, I not propose to have i the Issues-of that campaign befogged by controversy over Irrelevant things, such as the discussion of my votes ns ■ legislator some twenty or more years ago. My record as an opponent of Immor alitjr Is fixed and secure. , Publicity and hy many letter* (n ipy possession, the late reverend Can op John P. Peters.^,when chairman of lliescommittee of fourteen, the leading anti-vice society of New York, repeat edly thanked me for ray 'cooperation with that organization. No one In all of the t.wenty five years of my public life has ever dared to make the vile suggestions which emanated from Mr. White, with the, approval of Henry J. Allen, publicity director of •he Republican nmmlttcee. What a cowardly cnuraU'thr Repub lican national committee pursued. It Issued a slanderous statement ’hrough Its official publicity bureau and then after Its general publication In the press, attempted to evade res ponsibility by the childish claim l/afc lt had been given tint by accident. That Is not fair play. I am confident In the belief (hat the people of the state of New York ap proved of my Legislative record, oth erwise. they would not have therc alter elecMd me to the highest office .Within, t liel. gill. Uu> go rue,trsblp of New York lor spur terms.':' ——— - ■ j —— Wayne Superior Court Was Started Yesterday In the home district after many months. Judge F A. Daniels yester day cslled to ord«tr s two weeks *••* slon of'Wayne county Superior court, the" first week for civil *nd the ser A filling *tatiou will be erected °n, (lie northwest corner' of James and \Valnut streeeta by Edwin Borden un der permission granted by Um board Os Aldermen In regular raid-month: ■esjfon last evening. y. „ iTht* board V n t«4 tn contribute |2!}e. toward tin Mippeirt T»f the Onid-ibol *-j Chamber of Commerce during the 1 year 1128, this sum matching the amount appropriated by the county board of coiuamal,oners. I*rr*entati e *lte. I Alderman George W, Waters,’ Jr., { NO WORD FROM GREENLAND FLIERS KIWANIS HAS FINE MEETING Guy E. Whitman Named Serve tary To Succeed I)r. A. H. Kerr. Resigned AtMust nights' luncheon Klwanian* enjoyed one ol the most spirited meet ings at the year. The - program as con tinned by L. M Rite* was-filled with short talks and all the speakers ex hibited the faculty of combining set l< uxiies with frivolity In such a muii ner a* to make the'r points siuk deep ai’d at the same time to keep the entire club In a Joyous mood City Enlgueer Guy K. Whitman ws i elected secretary of the club to suc i eed. Dr. A. H. Kerr, resigned on account of press of other duties. W. C. Bprnct- detv lered the oral boost *nd he Impressed on his aud ience the lONponsllillliles of the dairy* In kiO-piuy the community supplied with pure .and nutritious milk. He mentioned litflrttnUit* which had been caused by lark of milk for feeding children and also related eases where epidemics of diseases had been caused by Impure milk. M C. Sullivan known throughout the radio world a* "Harmonica Mike" started off the- spirit of the evening with his harmonica which. when manipulated hy Dint, could do every thing except talk. Ills selections wero of unlimited variety and each one hv prolonged applause Al Smith waa seated with his fret flat on the floor and Ills hands folded when Harmonica ,\llkc stalled but he was soon patting his foot and when the tune of Turkey In the Straw start ed those feet just would n»t behave and -started around the room doing WMt'Wc'l'Tlr-d a Jig tlhe j reasing no opinion but according to the Jigger he was not dancing nor was lie jagging' nor doing anything rive except Jigging). , The subject of the evening wa* "Citizenship 1 * the talks grata ajacted by a triangular declamation contest on What Makes a Klwauian n Good f'ltlaen. This was for doctors only. be !i(g engaged in hy Dr. Woodurd. Dr. K. B. William* and Dr Byrd Their opinions varied from members to perrotfs. Dr. Willl«ms and Dr. Byrd the winner* of thl* contest wero swarded attendance prises consisting of cigarette ilghters. Citizenship What I* It? was the I übject «f u three* mtolute talk by j Frank Taylor. He explained that j there were good citizen*, had cltldcn 1 * slid nothing. He staled thaf a good citizen must he unselfish and willing j to cooperate with others for the com-1 mmt good. How good a citizen a man, was. be went on depended on whether hlf unselfish cooperation" only ex-; to himself or lo hi* neighbor mills town. t<> his state or to hi* na tton. Continued ou page two moved that the petition be referred to the city planning '•ommlwslon f" r investigation mill » report back to tho hoard for action. Alderman Mi - (Manny seconded t|te motion. Before the motion was put. Alderman B'Ulg ir* moved thpt the petltlpß be eit aflil Atari BOOIBHOTr SlTOtTdnt Ttrc A motion. M ; Waters ntitffh»tr--nH3. ."ted doWn. anil of Mr Bridgers adopted. Following the meeting The New* 'earned that the erection of the fill ing station was contemplated as a temporary matter. To I a sped Has Station I'lans i'pon request of Aldermsn Robin son-City Manager Hollowell will pro eure for the consideration of the aid i > men a f-opy of plans for the propos ed*lmn station at William and (Jeorgo on property owned by W. A. Hoyail. The committee named In confer wllh taxi driver* 'of the . i. i.illve to exalting u«ji fares d report lug until the neat mc«Ups. GOLDSBORO- N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21, 1&28 Sail for Alcohol Conference MpF Hi - United States Prohibition Commissioner J. M, Doran (left) and Captain J. P. McGovern, general counsel for the Industrial Alcohol Institute, photographed as they sailed for Antwerp, where the IntcfTwtional Congress Against Alcoholism will be held Aug. 20 to 25, inclusive. Dr. Doran ia the first United 1 States governmenft official ever accredited as a delegate to the congress since its organization forty-three £ears ago. Both he and Captain McGcßcrn will address the delegates. Senator F. ftj* Simmons Not To \ ole’ For President In Fall NIAV lit-,ON, .\ug 20~ I Pi—Senator l‘. .U. Stßimau*. wh>' recently rcslgn cd aw tnrt+ntial ~ vaatH —w4H vote neither for Oovornor Al Btultli i.or IlirlM-rt IJpovcr, according to a st.itfmcut issued lonlght through L. II Homnu. editor of the New- Bern Time*. Ho reltercapNl his former statement in which he tied * red be would gjve full support to the st»le, (liMrh't uud county-.jjemotratlc tick ets In "reaching this (Jsrinloti the S« na tuy »n|,| that he n■jgjWfd for hlmsrff - the right of all Dentin tAts to exercise ihetr conscientious convictions and Jtidfcmcuti: w.thuut "proscription, coer ci< n or restraint'." o."veK!v‘>r SjpilthA ssidL dcllb-lj e.ratcly put the party under the dominating control of Tammy 11*11. big bustnesz and ti,e pwdatory lnter t k'.s us r< prt •'mi <1 to hath the Dem.ii truth' and Republican parties. DRIVE A UTO INTO ANOTHER 0 t> Small Daughter of George W. Hooks of («oWnbor<> Receives .Minor Hurts The Mt. utivc section #leW the *U)r Sunday afternoon .anPrmnbdr accident In Wayne county. Robert Simmon*. negro, an cm j levee of A It Whliman of Dudley, drove bin Ford Into the reac end of the Hard d’lven. IjyCi >r-'e \V 11-ioka cf Goldstar.l-, flock cier w m toried ( If the highway,, the yard M. i rift .end was badly wreck vd A small -.daughter of Mr. Ifook* ?usialtw*d ntniei hurls, Blramm 1 is*.:. int i nirf >dy by ' I wlm . hai>j>. Itnd on the teem* at the time and wit" reported a* very drunk. He was lodged lit jail at Mt . Olive' and wifi he given preliminary bcan.ii far,fairs. Esitiiifo 1,. W,. I’alk tf tltia lilui lilidT ■ 7 ~ This Is- the second time In lex* fhsu Trjsifi TToii Stmiiruitn loin been *rr< si, id for driving drunk. Chief tit,evens of Mt. Olive told The New. »' %\ hoi os oi r non: COCKS HAGEN. Aug, 20- Daugaard Jgn;s«n, general director cf tin le.ii l*U State Department for Cirx-chluud, dertardc today then is; no reason yet ,1c ahand. it >| < ft;/ licit iiu .. II and aim t n wh , liopfii-ii off at Cm hr.'u.e, Oatatio, i » f.s to Meant thnuf ( Irci land. This official pointed out the pop srenrtj •.'. Ir • 11tell n*«y hi unabh ti commui; irate with iTyill/atiou from Greeulauu evott if ativu uud wall, "v\s it result," he arid, “since the Houston convention ,the platform ha* •fcccti rrrmiip’ted. -the party the Issues refs anted and forces of privilege ami Bet use now are d,«mln atlijg »nd controlling it* natlunul machinery.” ar This tSondlHau. tin'said. Is a betravl, or stihmercencfl of the major princi ples of IhADemocratic party as, hereto ton under-mod un,i applied These things. *«bl tip- Benutor, have v, refied nil his predictions and prop hrHtra ivtstcti trr rngite tn s trprectt tle liver<*d to the U. 8. Senate against i Rant lit' venter Smith. Senator Simmons Is anthorlsinti the imhltcnilon f his statement, said he dt-Jiiircd miking ony formal ex j *n it I tor. of Ills''position at the re i dUCKt of O M Mull, r halrniati of the Democrnth until j after the acceptance speech of the ' <■ veruor. I Vo II4IIIM S BADLY lk.ll RID BBaVfoHT, S (V. Aug. 20. or)-- 1 Two marines wen* seriously Injure) *O - ve; tcriiay afternoon when the car In which they were riding was forcer! Rilf the road, seven miles from here, hj «n unknown auiolM. Marines ioster, Taylor and McLean, were is . the car. Which was forced Into the ditch, turning over several. Ilpies be fore pinning the men beneath the, ~ wreckage. * 1 Falling Creek- Youth Shot While Driving Along H’way Tin Inc M itin; IS old farm ufh who re-ldc* with Mr father J. | J Mat Mu, ju»l uver lh* Wayne line : 111 the Fa 111 up f'rci k motion of l,ci?olr ■•I:■» l,v recovering after having hem , ! .i mi lie In hwav Friday nTkHT. according lo lhf»ir r -l"F ***•»', tt* ■ "It* - * ttv e ftT’Crr , ! • hirSyM 'H. itegro 1 i*-Tte e« ~ar rt * led .1 h i t i in ; i 1 : Kin-liui> of Martin’* In itrlr-. I'hy-li ian- hav" regarded hi* ■ icntu • ,i very i triMH Hutton tut, »rr‘stmi at hi* home • near tit* Martin farm following In* vesdlyailoti of the shooting by deputy 0 rrlii M'lhh y and Sutton of KillWtOll. Lying in I 1 I. hi- body Miff irem Urn effect of the bullvtwt»u«d|. M;*r» tin u ted hi- 1 eticy of the "hooting " I k l«lt«.dn v < < lose drunk waa let pff with the pay ment of jthe costs Arrop was srreated tiesr The News office Ratnrday, where In was found lit a "pickled”- condition hir nine ayafukt a fence in a stain ‘bordering on the passing out. It In ru'd that the man drinks hatd tonic, and Other such alchohdric "beverages" D. VV, Jones, white tnsn. charged Wuli iM’lhg deunk. was let off with (hr payment of the costs. .lamt-H Gregory, colored, wsa sen tenced to thirty days on the roads <>M a charge of ln*lug drunk %nd dtsor ucrly: George. It was testified, went into (hr rear of the local CocaColu plant while In a drunken condition. Here lie proceeded to curae onn of the workmen when the m»n ordered him out Finally he was run out of tfie place, uud later arrested.. t ■ Charlie I'lavls, colored, paid the ci Mb on a charge <>f assault, on bin wife. Davis, who has been alck for s* verul week*, hud an argument with Gepeva. lit* wife, as the reeutt of which, bottles, mirrors snd drinking l.lasses, ami a brick were thrown buck ami forth at each other. Finally the vnen etHHeht the w««n** after * hnatng her from the house and hU her • few lick*. Charlie has been under the < are of a doctor r»r aame time. Whnn .10, com fe waked G»* woman ts nbe sad her littshand trail m*de up and could live together peacefully, she replied, "l aho* 'don't want, Charlie no more. hentlniPond peckin' on me". Abraham Well white charged with ■ pending an automobile, was let off vrtth the payntent of tkf costs, thin being his first appearance In court. J. C. Freeman, charged with bring ctsorderly. was given thirty days. Freeman It was said, had threatened lit* wife, canted her and been dis orderly lu general; •John HWks and Krnest Williams, vnlored. get »no nu arguraeut tv*r » lifty cent ptfr.c There ensued a rum* ulng contest, with one chasing tpw other with a knife. The leaflet In u e rate turned around several times to throw a brick *ud thus gain a longer lend. The pair were fined flvd dol lars and the costs, each. ° The case ugalnat Krnest -'Vorreh. colored, was bound over to Hie next rtaslrth of county court. Kept. 3. The two negroes work down at tho Fm plre Msnufsrtnrlng (ompaay. WarreP, was trying to rush AHord Into getting ilirough with his work se they could go to the ball game, ope day last Continued, on page two (Jen a tongue of fl»me flashed out txodde the road, and f felt a jar and * - (nixing sensation In my left aide” Min lln *a(d. „ •’I we* driving (he ear a Wrd, —und my left hand, which waa on (fie wheel and the wbul# " left ehh* of ffi. UafV We* f|H»d With cfiT( » T»y ifieTba3~Tr»m a shotgun. :n Kinston, and the place* lu my side ’ The h<>>/< look hid lo the hospital were cleaned out. "I don’t know who did It. for sure. I -i* no one, only the flash of the ktin 1 didn't hear anyone. •*" I bad a little trouble wj,gh I,eon Hutton. If* h ul threatened to get me, it he ever had the chanre. " Sub eqiteut lnve«tlgatton by officers dl-cloaed that Martin and one of hi* friends. Henry Tyndall, had quarreled i vUh the negro over some muskrats i aimed the negro to have stolen from Hit trap* by''the white boy*, Ans ar uincnt en-ned. during which the <« Xi» wa« ttahl to have cu r »od the w hit* boy*. CuuUnuvd ou page two MEMBER m THE ASSOCIATED PRESS t • t PRICE PIYV dim Long Overdue, At Their Goal - T —*“W--URJ e Signals From llUnoi. Mm Wan ' Heard Last Rgrly Sunday ". Morning CHICAGO, Aug. 10— — radio atgnala unheard f*r mare than ( 30 hours, grave anxiety vaa Ml to * night hy the Rockford. HI., baekere ad * the good will flight from leefcferl to Stockholm,, Hwedea, of Rett Hdr * sell and Parker Kramer. ' The moat optimistic, Includiag rafo live* of the avtetera, belteupd that the mart, laat heard tram Baadd?' morning at 4 o'clock, mar hava aaadto a forced landing eomewkere ta Oreea. land when they tailed ta attain their objective at Meant Ivans. la lid cate days might elapee before tha “ wheat ther could communiaata Utth \ tha outside wertd- • * Btepe, ware taken dertaa tka B|R to aeardk for the alnaea okaa tha nonet guard cutter Marita, aa* ndir the route they van expected ta Ukh ; yre* ordered to Lake up tka aaaai. ~*• •-* i The dm left Rockford Tharaflar' and made the «ret lag of thgtf pW‘ t ej to Cochrane. Ontario, wttheet ta- . c Ident. They left Ceohraib Raturduy noon on the second IMP mile lag da. Mi. Event Intermit teat r.ulla uporta wiving their poeittoß ware heard MR til four o'cioch Sunday moralag when ! they laat elgaalad ladicatiag a poet-. tion off Capa Chtdfoy. The plane wae due at Kt Rvnnf n few houre later hat did fht fond fad . ne further word has hSU| MaK (HR It. ——• ——~ OFFICERS GET A BIG STIIlt; *” 1 Oprratora BWill Aa RaM*|> Take Seventy OkMoo Ckffonr - ouiat ■ A seventy gallon eoppev Mil I *Ad' ■ aptured by Oepnty Rnriff,.f. I D»i Sutton of Hofeo Springe and WWtl - Officer Ratten and Malstawte hi