| v WEATHER FUr except local thundershowers la extreme wool. Tuesday Wednee **r , * VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 151 SMITH DELIVERS ACCEPTANCE SPEECH TONIGHT Played Golf With His Friends Yesterday To ' Be Fit For Ceremonies Senators Robinson and Pittman Will Arrive Today For Ac ceptance Event * i PROGRAM STARTS AT 7:30 THIS EVENING IN ALBANY Visited Norman H. Davis, Con nected With Wilson Adminis tration, Yesterday ALBANY. Au*. 21 —A round of golf -td dinner with friend* In the quiet surrounding of the nearby Berkshire* Appealed to Governor Smith more than politics on the ’eve of. his notification ceremony. So he slipped away today to the summer home at Btockbrldge, Maaa., of Norman M. Davly. one of the c»kK In the Wilaon administrative machin ery. and did aa he pleaaed. Anxloua to be fit for the hour at ouak tomorrow when he will take command of the forcea of democracy for the presidential campaign, the man "who came up from the dlamlaaed political care* at noon, and by motor with Mrs. Smith at his side, took the road for his destination to miles to the Southeast. After an evening visit at the Ilavla, home the preaidentlal nominee plan ned to return to the executive niun elon where tomorrow In advance of the delivery of hia acceptance speech he will welcome to hi* family circle four KUeeta —Senator Kobinsou -of Arkansas, his runnlnK mate, and Ills wife; and Senator Key Pittman, of Nevada. Who Will break the news Os his nomination to the governor and Alia Ptttmao- £ The program on the air opening promptly at 7:30 Kaatern Daylight Easing Time will be a* follows; 1. Tall to order by .John J. Kaskob, ibalrman of the Democratic Natil’n? Committee. 2. Playing and aluglng of The Star Spangled Banner, led Ivy New York State National Guard bands. 3. Invocation. 4 Introduction by f’hitlrnian Has kob of Mayor John ThacTier of Albany. - 5. Address of Senator Key Pittman of Nevada, chairman of fye committee to notify Governor SnilTTi 6 Acceptance by Governor Smith of the certificate of nomination and speech' of acceptance. 7 Relied ct lon The progiam will dose at 9 p. m.. *d' far *» the radio audience is con lerned and members of the present audience will also disperse nlMiut this time. ''V ARE SEARCHING FOR TWO AIRMEN r*.» Fear Rapidly Guinn Ground That Rockford Flirty* Have Met Death CHICAGO, Aug 21 (VP) x>The be lief that. Itert llasseli and Parker framer, filers of the greater Rork tord either tiled Sunday or have but • fighting chance to win through was expressed tonight by (host familiar With conditions at Davis Strait. , It w»* there, between the coast of 1 ■borador and Greenland. Lkat radio communication from the plane ended early Sunday. The pl»ne. equipped »dth landing wheels would have re mained afloat but a few hour*. If the fljers made land, good fortumrand a determination to live may bring them to> Clvllixatlon. In meanwhile the government* of I lie United States, Canada, Denmark urn! Greenland have ordered reach' ships Into Ilavla , sjralts to seek a possible shore camp of the filer* or wteckage that would mark where tl.ey went down WIN. 14t borador 4A»l s - A heavy rain and fa|Jing barometer here to night Indicated bad weather for those vearchlng for Pilot Bert Hassell and radio operator Parker Cratuor. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH— READ BYr BUYERS BEFORE THEY! Him. BULLETINS ... - NKW YOHK, Aug. 21 ~ Seaalor George 11. hoses o|Arw Hampshire, front Kepuhll can the middle west and far west today asserted he fouad no active agricultural revolt In ike west. Talk about prohibition hr said H wa* almost desultory.” “I hate come hack front the west," he said “uiore rout lured than rter that Ike real Issue of this campaign will detelop through a calm consideration of the two candidates, their trntu: lag and their equipment for Ike presidency. LAGKAMK. tig, Aug. 21 f IP) - Shortly after his sweetheart was said to have broken their engage meat, 'Alvin Morph). 27, return ed to her h»mr today, shot and killed Ike girls mother, seriously wounded her and then committed suicide. ‘ hr*. J. T. Bishop, the mother, died almost Instantly. The girl, l.ols IDs (fop, was In a grave con dition at n hospital here tonight. PABIS, Prance, tag. 21 (Al’> - Ha. Allen White, In a stale men) tonight, denied that be had assailed Governor Smith In his roll call “wtj; the governor's legislative record." I The statement, which comment ed on Gwveisnor Smith's published reply to the roll call holds “that la every statement I made. I care fnlly dc clared by fn|llt In his honesty.’* f V . ' NINE KILLED IN TORNADOES Damage in Minnesota Expected To Reach Sum of Three Million Dollars r ‘ « f ' ST UAUI,. Aiik. 21—(4^—Nine per- Min* were killed, more th»n HHI Were hurt, some seriously, and property was damaged to the extent of fit,oo,- 000 In the tornado which swept through the town of Austin, two Minnesota counties and near the lowa border Monday night. A survey of tpe area developed the Information tonight that two *eperate tornadnea ctnaed the c|S(ji:igc outside of Austin, then finally joined in striking that city whore six persons were kllle and 5d wee liurt, Property l.isaoa there were estimatedfl.oon.onn. Three additional deaths were reported troin lic»r Rockwell. Through out today, records were increased on the Injured list unfit more than 100 natm s were enrolled' 3 Stills Taken Yesterday: Nine Within Last Ten Days 1 Wayne county deputy sheriffs yes terday captured three blockade dls rilling. uulfUs, briugiug Ui. number | I’kcn in the last ten days to nine. ■ Yf Merday's capture totaled a capnifipp ef 170 gallons, ami 60tt gal!”nh of 1 leer were poured out One arrest was made. A uiinty gallon outfit was dixcov (red In tlie f'ffir's %itl! section of Fork township yrtdeeday morning. I and IMI ghlloas of beer destroyed. Evl j derice :ft this place wa< that the j still had been hidden find had not ! been used In sometime. Moving a half mile away, the depu ! ’ es discovered a brti (iM utp "48 gSEllin ’ mlflt that wax hot from recent use ' Ti e cap was gone and the whiskey made »f the run If any wa* also j m'nslng. The xiippouftton is that the j operators beard the deputies as they I hacked up the beet barrels at tlie SIX HOMES IN CITY ENTERED AND ROBBED BACK TO SCHOOL ' l} " PROGRAM GIVEN Rotary Club Haw Several Hoyw Os Uity Ah (iuesU At Barbecue A backlo-sehool program was star led by the Goldsboro Rotary dull Inst j evening with Several hoy* (>r the tdty { the guests of the club at a barbecue I supper at the M.indlal Uomiuunitv Building*. A. "A. Joseph, chairman of | ihe boy*’ work committee of the club i was In charge of the occasion and ! presentesl members of hi* committee who treated of vortoUli angles of Iho importance of an education. Derick S. Hartshorn, spoke of the ‘’Romance of Education," pointing t ut that while man has about invostl I guted and explored every Inch '.of the habitable globe that great realmn of knowlejjpe remain for meutM ex ploration- One ran get from mental A- . exploration, he *nid. a thrill eompar able to thut which Ityrd looks forward to In Tils airplane dash for the Pole- Mr. Hartshorn treated bl» subject feelingly and made his hearers get much of the aplrß that moved hln.. R. C- Hoblnaon urged the young men not to quit school In order to ‘‘spile the teacher” aa they sometimes do, Haying that it was not the teach j cr but sdf who wa* spited. | Ray Armstrong, superintendent of city school*, treated of the monetary j* value of an education. Quoting sta tistics gathered hy the Federal Uu ) r«au of education, he said that for i every day one remains in grammar or high school In later life he realises f M-6J K. C. Royall ended the advice to I the visiting boy* by asking them to I mark the successful men of Golds, boro and to note thut they have its an average taken advantage of edu cational opportunities. ‘There are ; of course”, he dec lured some men in the community who have attained success—marked success—without an* but that Is the exception, and It happens that It Is (he excep tion one hear* about must often " Harmonica Mike, who represents '■ himself a* having been the first radio * announcer, entertained the dub with u number of hig selections on the j Harmonica. Mr. Sullivan, as he is | called on the street, told the Rotary dub and visitor* that for four year* he has won t htdn ter nu tloa a l bar. monicjpt>laylng championship. rhairm’n Kaskob Makes j Statement on Inquiry ; VK'V YORK. Alik 21 vt) John J. Itnskoh, (liiti'rn.in of the democratic national committee, t«ok notice today ol the Federal roundup of promin ent New Yorker* whose testimony Is sought by the government for It* caao against several night dob proprietors lor violation of the liquor law. (f 5 The wholesale examination of wtt iwssca, MT Itaxkob said. Was ju*t (.t’other evidence of the Insults to . the liberty of i illxrns llmr the adifiln- I istratlon feel* it l» necesnrr to sub ject us in order to enforce the law. first sitr and esenp, ,}. Tlfree barrella if beer abo ott gallfm* uire I.a iroyed ui fill* spot. The stil taken litre was a 4o gallon capacity one. 'Moving t” Grantham’s-township on yesterday afternoon —the Corbett hill section lire officer* found a I" gal lon outfit hidden m the weeds ulioiKj 10 yard* from the home of Jap Me Cullen The still dill trot allow trace* of having been recently operated Me < nllcn was recognised lti the *um of JIMI for hta appearance before Judge Dlund In recorder’s court on Beptem tcr for * hearing on a c harge »f ht*vr .iiß u still In hi- poim ,Mini tor the I urpose of making wtiiskey. Mak ng the*~?bbl* vesterday were Ixputle* J (*. Ki" ueeay. Buck Gard ner ami Carl Srtvith of the sheriff"* office and fx-piil) George t’uker of .hsulston totinsblp. GOIjIKsBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST, 22. I»2X Lear Rockford Flierr. Are Down L ~,l ru * *ihl, j*""''' Above, L to r. t are Bert Hassell, pilot, and Uarker Cramer, co-pilot, of the Stinson- Detroiter "Greater Rockford," which took of! Irom Cochrane, Ort* (or Mount Evans, Green land, on the second Icy of a proposed fliyht LITTLE BOY IS DEAD OF HURTS 0 - i - r - Five-Year-Old Johnson County Lad Dies After Beinjr Hun ■ Over By Wajcon A tragic accident happened in the Brogden section say* the Hmllhfleld Herald, when little Vernon Wilson, the five year old aoU of Mr. and Mrs. J, N. Royall, fell front a wagon and the wagon passed over his body, causing Injuries that resulted In his death. The little fellow and his older brother* had started with the wagon to haul some-wood about five odock In the afternoon fcy some way the 111 lie fellow lost his balance and fell Item the wagon. A doctor was sum oujjut iiuj it wax found that serious internal Injuries had been -sustained He wa. brought to the Johnston County Hospital and an operation w»* performed about ten. thrlty o’clock. It wa* seen at that time that his condition was critical, and the little follow died the following afternoon about 3:ftd o'clock Tie wam roin. loua up until )n*t before the end came. Fin n BIRTHDAY COUNCIL TODAY Scout Executive W. W, Riven Came To Golduboro Five Yearn Aro Today tf ® Live year* ago today. Si nut F?X P epjjw W -W Rivers arrived In Goldsboro l» assume orgaiilxation and direction t»f Tu-turnra council. Under hi - supervision the council has accomplished tin foils lug results In this time. v llo\- (ouchi'll by Seouilng l-’DO. Merit bail) m p <*il dooQ Eagle* created 22. Boys ape lifting a week or more In summer i amp DM. Life saving te-t passed 287. Uxgakc reseuux bun drowning end electrocution 7 KOI K Dll HI 111 111 |)Ei fII IV 111 S; MIX OTHI Its 111 It 1 o REDWING. Ml mi Auk. 21 -UV) Trapped In a hurjng btts, four pten • 11- , lon iiejJ Jo il< ul h and e! a other* were injured, two so severely that they arc expected to die, when a pas wenger bn- anil a truijc collided on the highway iH',n- here today. Nope of (he dead wx* Identified and their bodies were burned Ixyond recognition anti their personal effect* -were destroyed x>- the rn«a«-h, mired In the ditch, caught fire und was burned to Its fr»me. Tlie lius was bound front Uhlcago for Minneapolis. Hoover Adopts Smith’s ltlt-a , For Sell in lowa Address WOULD CALL CONFERENCE OF FARM LEADERS, INCLUD ING GOVERNOR LOWDEN, TO STUDY AGRICUL *’ Tl/RAL SITUATION—GOVERNOR SMITH - <9 * . v HAD I’RHViOUSIJY MADE SUCH - ANNOUNCEMENT — ‘ WEST BRANCH. I**s., Aug. 21— {IP} An agricultural conference In which Frank O, Lowdtu of llliiioi*. and oth et farm leaders will be asked to parti elplatvv In the search for a common ground upon which to act for form relief, was proposed here tonight hy Herbert Hoover to tit* homecoming uddrsaa in Hie Heart of The corn belt. “In formulating recommendation* lor legislation to carry out the pro posal* of the party,’the Ttepnbltcsn Presidential candidate said. ”1 trust that we may have Hie full asalalancs of the leader* of agricultural thought. 1 am not liißi-nxihle to the value of the study which sincere farm lead •r ■ have given to till* question of farm legslallon. They have all contH liilted to the reallxsllon that ' the P' ■ I*l *id ulu-1 he solved. They will no Invited Into conform* ’’ Outstand lifg farmers such a« Governor Dowdsn will be naked to join In the search Jor comnii.m ground upon whlih wo can act." The ratling of such a conference naturally Is predicated upon Hoovers rfertlon, bill the mVminei did not In dicate whether It wou|d lx- his pur I o«e to- call It before or after hi* In auguration Ills Democratic opponent h.» announced that If ,K«t should he elected he would Invite Ypt*' 'farm Complaints Heard Relative Postponement Mart Opening Complaints continued yesterday MQtIRR M nrnr cWttnty farmers nff' Ooldsboro bu-lin « men beeausc of "the post ponint tit of the K ' >t Hit* Knuit r« Carotins- Tobacco M*rkei f i.m \uru«f 2H Ti r.vptemlx’r 4. U"- opening up that otic mock.” ■;ihP4nu» pi eminent Wsvin county r#ntnr "win itifun » loan of ou*«nd* of dollar* In thin county Shpie Hr ll.iv»‘l'cn August 2H. No* we have trot In *tore the crop und wait for another week longer, I’nxt pop hi. nt Ilf tile 11 lien lin; it tit II • ptember 4, It was pointed out, may | trnVe Inw ’I |cnver:tu; thi pm " The i passage of aii.ither week, will «w; eur j Inr »f the rrnp at sin h a point. It w.ii declared, that al in not every far •tier will have to Ret large quantifies |ln the market as quhkl) M1- IWI from Rockford, 111., to Stockholm. Sweden, ant hasn’t been heard of since. The map ahowi their route. Friend* fear they have been forced down by ice-laden win^i. (IbUiuUmU Mvvnnkl - t leaden Ht -immediately after Novsra ber 8. Former Governor - t-owden Is Qta foremost exponent of the equalisation lee plan of farm relief, and aftsr the Republican convention at Kansaa City i ejected th«t*plun he announced his’ withdrawal from the r>cp for tbe po v ixvlniitloiv which Went to Hoover on n ■ I ballot fn his address here the O. O. Fr I standard hearer reiterated the declare | Gen made In hi* acceptance speech it.at the Republican platform proposal for farm relief did not contemplate ilt her putting the government Into the control of the bustnees of agrL ctilturc or iuh*l|llxlng prices of farm i product* by paying the loaae* thereon fi°m the Federal truaaury or by , ’ t or foe Imposed on the farmer. He propose wlih governmental !o.*letanc<‘ and an Initial advance of i capital," he added “to cnabie the agrl < ul!ur»l Industry m reach a stature of modern hualnen* operation* by which I 11 " farmers will attain his Independ imc «/ul maintain hi* Individuality " Expanding hi* prevloa* Rtatement ri gardlflF the development of thg IPPt aml the building of • ‘•real f,iike* to the Atlantic waterway a- Mil mead* of furnishing lower freight rates on farm produce going G’ontinueA on Page Semi) ■ ' , '\r I- lootlerf with the opening day offer in' < mill in the faro of million* of pounds of the weed, buyers will of ”uise buy at a lower price, It wai said. Hie foliowlggi annupncS " 11 ci.i!;ve in the postponement of iir* . |*< nlnir until September 4 wa* “At the siiKk-eitlon of Mr, A. B. < arrlngfon. president of the Tobacco Ahsih latlon of ihe United iflates, n a litter daled August IS, to H. B. : noi president Kaat Carolina Wire ' c.ise a I. i .tl lon. a raided In eel in* of it’, director* of the warehouse wtsoc w .s held In flreenvllle 4 p. lu., ■: I IS relstlvc to chaining the op ■ nine of Fa stern Carolina Market* '■ Tel eg rams and phone uiessaites from ornetlcally all the having compsnlea i (Continued on pass 71 MEMBER e» an tar ad at night and Monaf 4fj valuabla Jewelry atoiea- The tachatena as tha prwwlaa fyfß •lit the aereee door at a rear |w trance, reach through the hole aflfcdt* ad. raiaa the hook gad walk Into fed houaa. Inal da. the man. for I* £ evidently a one.ataa worker, stema unafraid at bia bustnooa. la H, atanoea ha haa even gone Into thd a* ■Ulra rooma of raaldnsas. Apparently ha aaarahaa far aMUfe? and In aavwral of the piaaaa haa a«A lectad tha treoaer* of the aaa of the houaa, tab an them eat adflt porch. rld«ei them of thotr me tew to and left them lying on the fitnjfr' c; Entering tha homo of & i. MM on East Mulberry after 1 tha morning, for Mr. Tafraaa had wed retired until that hoar, the thief afatd a tit watch aad thirty oawta. three dlmee la ay parta, aad e*»rdi them had a hole la It.” smtlfd Mr. Jaffreaa. The trwuaera were 4gC| from a room whan Mr. JadTreaawee •leaping. carried to a poreh aad 'HS, Kaya aad a kaifa la the eoekate wtte following morning. d factad an an trance by slMtiag KM •craan oa tha rear as the hewed Md ralalag the book. - f? Daumarh wtm Baterwd » *• A twenty oea jewel watch Whs Ml, an from the home es Joe ft ■jTH on Mocumb atraet, Mar Watawt. Mr trance hero waa hy a rear deer bltti Mr. Danmark did not think had IMM Icckad. The watch wae Id a Iftfk. era pocket aad the thlad nln'll |M room where Mr. Dawauufc lay idik took tha clothe* and etevtet AISE In th* hack porch to rtto the peefcE The home of J R. Muagrave Ml North William at raw *„ nhhettt m XK* money waa tahew Ire* Mb pocket of Mr. Maagrave’c trowetes, ■retired by the thief by eatarlar Ob r< oei where the wholeeal* g- nawj man and Mr*. Muagrar* mace deep* Ing. Aa in th* two other ease* the thlil waa acrommodatleg ratragh to lend the trouaara behind, lying oa tha MhMf porch. Thar* waa e ntaatyateht •-•nt watch la then* hat ha weu&V ■van taka that,** Mr- Muagrave'teNl The New*. <* Kdmaadcea lame Intend *1 The night worker la hvaa prowled through th* home 2 Prank Edmuadeoa for inmilimc f ge- Ing to upaUlra rooma la th# rad dance. La* Hdraundaoa. proprietor 4 tha Opera Shopp*, had aot come hated after clnalng his bnalaose aattl life, lar 12 o’clock, and tha houaa had M haan antarad at thla time- RM V valuabla watch and sl2 la money *££ ■ecu rad. Other Inara d Jack Cos. young maa of the MfR •waa reported aa havlag l*at ltd whed the thief ranaeckod hi* room. A wrlat watch valued at till wte •reported stolen whan th* thief *W fared tha raaldanca owned hy MM|l| Johnaon. •' 43 Names Chief W&rdeai 1 In Forestry District RALEIGH. Aug. 21——J. Me Millar, Hertford eoanty and I. 1,., Hooker, New Bara, war* Bemad ad chief forest wardoaa to«|| •ud five by Chari** Hilary, twW> cur fereater In chargu of foruat Iff control today. • Erection of two now at#*! fenaf lookout lowars will be hvgne thM weak. Hory said Aa M foot atrmlteS is to go up in Robaaoa county and f 100 foot tower la Cram cauaty,