j-- , . • WEATHER Partly cloudy, pqnstWy showers la •art portion Thursday, Friday fair. ' VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 152 GOVERNOR SMITH OFFERS HIS PROGRAM TO NATION Discusseo Agriculture And Farm Relief In A Very Fearless Manner WmUI Not Approve Return of Saloon But TTfilnk Morality De , aaaads Change in Dry Law GIVES SOLEMN PLEDGE TO BUPPORT • LAW OF LAND Soggeota That Alcoholic Content Proviaion of Vointead Act Is Unadentilic v * ASSEMBLY CHAMBER. ALBANY. N. Y.. Aug. 22-<ff)—Bark again In the executive hall where years ago be received a political schooling. Oer. Smith tonight accepted the Democr* tic preeldentlal nomination. Rain bad forced a last minute shir; .tm arrangements for his notification. The ceremony which was to have tak en place outdoor was shifted to the aseembly chamber and he outltn *-d his views on carpalgn lasuea. As be was outlining his plan for modification of me prohibition amend ment to open the way tor restricted ■ 0 sale of llqupr. the nominee waa Inter :apted by a wild shout from some mah wedged In the crowd to the rear of the chamber, but he algnaled for silence and hurried .along. There wee ire demonstration what ever as he completed the outline of his plan bul, a moment later there was a noisy outburst when he paused ter aa Instant after declaring that he wls opposed to the return of the saloon. Cheers rocked the chamber when Smith promised if elected to loee no tlipe lu getting the best possl bla advice In drafting a farm relief program Silence waa restored when the speaker held up left hand, waving It as an appeal for order. Prom time to time as he hurried along tbs Governor took the white handkerchief protruding from his top coat pocket and mopped his face. Nearly every time there was applause _ he took advantage of the opportunity ta take a drink of tee water. Scarcely 2.000 people In rain soak ed clothes jammed tonight In the chamber to hear and see the gover nor's acceptance of the'nomination — an event that thousands had traveled mile* and mllek to attend.. =» Outside under the dripping elms under the 'state house lawn, several thousand other people were scattered over an area where It was expected that upwards of 100.000 people «4>uld attempt to assemble. a 111 ALBkNY. Aug. 22 HPPyWIth all the force at his command. Go7. Smith tonight told an he would du if elected president. In aggressive pishlon. tic accepted the Democratic nomination with a speech which not only set forth his stafcd on prohibition, agriculture, foreign rela tions snd other public questions, hut accused the Republican admlniotre lion of a (allure to keep revlth the people. As mljllnns listened Id by radio, the new leader of Ihe Democrats advocat ed modification of both the vnlstead Jew and eighteenth amendment; reit erated would give the pro blem of controlling crop surplus bis Immediate attention. If elected; assail ed the administration's Nlt-araqii»n snd Mexican policy, and pledged himselt to a "real” endeavor to outlaw war. He also railed for a reorganization. . of Federal government activities on a buslnn* basis; declared that nellber he nor the Democratic* parly contem plated "suddeu or drastic" cfisnges In tariff schedules; reaffirmed his stand fer public ownership and control of waterpower: promised a square deal for war veterans; stressed the nned for Inland waterway development, re, forehlratlou and conservation ‘of na il 'ur«l resources. »nd advocated “pro gressive legislation for the protection and care of working men and women” While standing “squarely" on "the Democratic platform declaration for restrictive Immigration the nominee asserted that he was “feesrrtHy. In favor of. remoy nc from the Immigra tion |Aw the harsh provision which eeperuica^amilles' ami was opposed {tyuUaued 3b P«ft Thraej THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD Dt THE MORNING SFHILE MINDS ABE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY* ' PREBS , ■ ’ t HIGHLIGHTS o A I,H ANY, Aug. $•- (AH)— OutsUudlwg polals la iGovernor .Smiths speech •( acceptance fol low i v IToblMtloni Favor* medlftrstlon of Ihe DMb ameadmeui lo permit sale of »l cohoik Be«enures by Plate ageuc ks U appealed by popular refer . .rndnm vetet also ameadmenl of Velrtiad Art allowing each slate lo determine Ns «wa standard or alcoholic c»nlroll pledges honest endeator lo enforee dry laws and lo stamp ont corruption, and reiterate-* opposition to rvtnrn of the saloon. Farm relkf: Stands on platform for develop meat of cooperative marketing and for earnest efforts to ' solve 3 problem es distributing rest of bundling surpluses over units heartllted t promises to call la experts lo -utady question and pre sent recommendations upon re convening of congress. Foreign relations: Stresses necessity for rmitorlag cordial relations with letlsrl'mer ka declares Monroe Doctrine must he muiululaed bat not us a pre text for meddling with purely local I roubles | approves exten sion of arbitration treaties, and romlses “rear endeavor to end all ware by preventing causes. Tariff: Opposes “sadden or drastic" changes la eewnomk system, at tacks workings of Fordney-Mc I amber eel. and. promises to re store sekntifk non partisan tariff making. . Immigration: Favors removal of restrictions wkkk sepernte familks, and op poses basing quotas on ceasas M yews old. Mister poweri v Uhorates public ownership and control. * Floor relkf t Nays mowqv already appropriat ed not enough- lo make “even a •- start" on program laid down by Junes Keqd bill, wkkk mast be carried thru** a. , l-abor: Declares for collect hr bargain ing. fair traealmeat lo govern ment employees. Immediate alien Hon to aarmploymenl, and defin ite remedy for abase of ln|unrtioa In labor disputes. Inland Waterways! Would seek Inland waterwny tin provement and would restndy l.iral Lakes to sea project Im partlall) and abide by derlrip* of congress, t otwradn river: Favor-establishment of f'»lora do river respresenlatlve of all states roaeerned to handle development. Muscle ShokU: ' • Would develop melbul of opera- Hons and retain government own ership and control. < dnservatlont “* Hedges lo work for “progres (Continued On Page t) Mt. Carmel Methoclfyt Church Will Observe 50th Birthday The Golden Anniversary pf iho M"unt Carmel Methodist Chtifch on the Elm Hlreet and will Ire celebrated on 2C. The church Is’ situated eight , miles front Goldsboro in a thriving : rural community. The church w,v, firstUfkanlzed hy Rev A. J Flnlav i.p Aii*,um i'6. IH7K and has had a steady j growth htrx< thru lift R. |„ Je tome is the present pastor, having; been there for three year's. The relfhrallon will lake the form i of ad all day home coming -event with | old pastors., mt tubers, and other tor* preseal. At the eleven o'clock j 4 JUST BEFORE THE BIG EVENT • . * *”' 1 ' 1 1111 i _ *fr r•irt y ’ * i x Ttcßi Knßßnn pb* ' f| II mmM m Wi / E^^V , m e , m M WA. §i*Jr # V W flw Vi wL SHE Governor Alfred K. Smith doqgn’t appear pcrturb«>d as the ogclte. ment Incident to bln notith-atlon mounts to fever heat While Al bany 1« dally welcoming hundreds of prominent Demot opts, the chiefs executive of New York llnlshes up woik op his siH-ech of gcceptunce and prepares for the big event, • ■' . - Two Clintup White Men Are Held JDn a Serious Charge CLINTON, Aug. -22—C. T. Pop«.; white aged about fifty year.) and bin •on lu law, Jegse Butler aped about twenty* five Yearn, are both In jail Thl* afternoon otr a very lierloua charge, that of having 0 carifalTEnow-1 ledge at a gjr| under alxtoeu years of j age. Butler admits tne charge hut Pope denies It. The girl. Idenla Craft, daughter of a guard at one of the ‘ Sampson county convict camps, says Pope did not. have sexual Intercourse with Tver but that Butler did. The crime la a revolting one in Its detail*. According to statements m*dc by officers w ho InvestlgaTecl tbp affslr, the girl who Is fourteen years of ago.] was picked up by the two men Mon- ' HOOVER TAKES I A NEW START # Ciftdi I.aler lo Amplify Him Ideas ReifardinE Farm Relief Plans .„..i. , CP,DAK RPAAPIDg, Lai* Aug 22 Op) Assuming again tlie mantle of r hepuhliran leadership after a, day of relaxation among boyhood ‘ friends, Herbert Hoover toi*' burrow: d Into what ha considered the nations great <st enontJßfc problem—that ot farm lelief, | In a sori<** of conferences with Agricultural leaders and ed'fiirs of larm papers, the presidential cbn'l'd ate outlined again his method of tack ling the task, going rtiore Into dpuils on some of Its pbasfe. What he said, however. In the closed conference looms was withheld from puhllestton wlfhylht oxpljmllon that at later lu the(csinpxtgu ho would make a public expCMslon. services liev. T. V<vM (irant, pastor, of the I'lrrt Methodist Church 1» Wilson, N. i ’.. wlrt preach and admip , sister the su. r,intents In the after*-. : noun two former pastors, liev. char le> A. Julies of ItoWland and Rev- C 1 j P. Jerome., of (iftldshor'). -will -peak, ] nnd in addition *i«-ctal music and ! i other HUna-i have lu-en planned. Din. I | /ii e* t will hi -i-t *ed up- n the, gronnds i after the morning -service. All old s member* are’especially urged to re j J turn for thlb ocoaxlon- KVaryomt is j j Invli.-d to attend and worship nt th< e. j j two beryjcoa, 1 GOLDSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 192 H | nay afternoon and carried in Pope’* 1 car tq a palm in * woods a mil* at U'ore from town. Thero Butler Is said to her. ° The men (hen, it is claimed, left | the girl lu the woods *nd she was il ed to walk home. * N* Ighlmrs 1 reported to offlcetg tlikt two meu had picked the girl up. ■lnvestigation followed The girl, at Urst reluctant,'’then told the story. flffUers want for Pope and Butler, both attempted to avoid arrest by : uniting but were’caught and placed In jail. Into this afternoon the girl was under the care of a physicians; The case Is one of the most revolting ] that has occurred in Clinton In mdny I days, It Is said. | WILL PROSECUTE LIBEL SPREADERS 1 f\ Knights of Col it m bus Will Take Action Again*! Printing u ,Spuriou* Oath • CLEV>:i.A\K. u. Auk. 22 • (4*)—* - Charges of criminal libel will be plioc-d gjgnlhtt -lx persons -and or ghnlzntipns alleged to hsvo circulated T bogus “fourth degree oath” of the . * Knights of (•* lutnbtis. The Hupreme councll of the order !u session here today promised'lm mediate prosecution of tlio offending. ~ cireulatm MHllotin of eopirs -f the spurious . cath have been distributed through-' '•tu the country p,i>tl,iil»rty In the Fouth gvlth'.n the last three months, according to a report made today by 1.. E. Hart of the i njer. I “Our standing* rewanl of 12C.000 to snygvne who can prove that the oath, ever wii* a pari of the Knights of, , Columbus ritual or ob)l*ntton Is not | Stirililf iit f > ili fer riii, TIL. I, m,r ap- IM’reirtlv arc the tons of literature we have been pul ii ibiog." Life paving Coiirse Will Ilepin At 9 A. M. . Clijmir V. Hall, life saving Instrnr i tor vs ilh th. National fled "Cross, will ft I Ilf ** 111 Ilf., string ,f/ the Prcshvt. ri n pool hire tlilw morning. ! *ho 1 are to enroll, for the course ] *h*>uld report at the pool at ft olctock 'llls mortilntr In» trui fton will .contin ue until I?.and will he resumed at 3 j *Ms nrternoon and end as I>. At « o'clock this evening. Mr. Hall “ ill deliver a lecture ou lift* saving at j the Memorial community buildup. EXPECT BETTER WEED AVERAGE Tobaccoliinl* Say Mf«l of Thia Belt of Better Quality Than In Georgia *o—ll Tobacconist* In thla bait say prices should be belter for Eastern CaroHna tobacco than fur that farther South. The nkersge price of •«»» tbun 14 !-4 . ent* on Georgia markets last* ftvk is not encouraging to growers, who week *fter next will start pouring i heir weed on wsrehpuso rioora In thla area, hut an average of 14 2-4 ci ut* In Georgia should mean a cent or two a pound more In Eastern North Carolina. It Is claimed by lomo siitliorltle*. The-crop in thlg district II believed to be belter than that dfown South, though Us, quality ta off from last years. It te only a fair crop as f*r gx quality goes,.lt was .estimated yesief i’ay Some districts have produced •gUPd tobacco thla season, others poor. The rainfall tuts varied and other co«» t dlt lons have tended to make the crop spotted. Many Eastern Carolina tobaccon ist* are on Georgia and Bouth Caro lina markets, and some of these write heme that conditions are gradually The situation here in September may not be aa bad as has been predicted, they state. a — PLAINTIFF WINS COURT DECISION (oner vie Si eel Company'Award er! $2372 Again*! W. I*. Rone ' *, .- - V-. After having been out since 6:80 with time out for supper a Jury In ■Wayne county superior ,Mt night st 9:45 returned a verdict In' irvor of the plaintiff In the suit pf Concrete ftteei Company versus W. F. Ruae. The New York company waa swarded 12.372 with interest from Au gusl 1. 1924. The award waa made by the Jury In answering Issue one of the questions ~far decision. Question two waa “did plaintiff commit a breach of con tract?’’. The answer w*s Yes. Que#- tlnn number three was did the Aefend ent waive broach of the contract and the answer was yea. The suit grew out of business deal t\ss between Ihe Goldsboro firm and the plaintiff while the local firm wks interested la the erection of the Wtl <*ci* coprihouse? The action had been hanging fire lu the courts for spur years. Hearing of the case has con-, turned the time of the eburt MnPday. # . In an Interval of the court one dl-’ vorcc was granted. .Lois B. Hlnkltt from Charles Hinkle on statutory grounds. $ O ° . Shot Ah He Flees ' ijT to From Dry Men c 3 CHSeAGO. Aug. 22 uV» I'mler charges of conspiracy to violate the dry laws eight men were heII to the * grand Jury today while a ninth re- I tiislned In a serious condition In aj hospital, shot by one of thro*- l-'ed cral agent* who arrested the* eight' men In u raid on a loop office build-! ing yesterday. Scout Troops Remember sth Anniversary Scputing Here A* an anniversary party in honor iff" S mi l.xi i utlve W . \\ River*. ttn an expression of r<> toward tne law .authorities of riofdsboru and Wayne county. Troop Mumbai*" 3, known a* the American hrgloa troop ifuve i ihiikup dinner at the Memor ial Community liulldiiiK yesterday at noon. Mayor J. 11. Hill, members of she liM'al police force. Sheriff W. I». (Irani-and his deputies, and ft. C. Robinson were the fortunate guests. Mayor Hill making the only speech of Iha occasion, puhl fine tribute to the Soon movement In (hta city do* clariaa that if) lire polko anu»U of 0 v * ' ' f> **' Furches and Bowie Sentenced in Death 1 ' Os Chapel Hill Boy Cutter FearH FlierH Have Perinhed in Sea WASHINGTON. Aug 22 --i/t) The coast guard cutter Marlon, searching for th*> pilsslu*? fl'ers. Bert Jlassell and Darker Cramer, reported to hea (quarters t* night that st noon It Was heeve to In a "strong southerly vile," thirty miles east of Heolu 'j« ted ax pressed the opinion Gift ihcie was no chance of ILssell belrg si Ivs surow ff on the water In this vic inity. The message spill the r.ui'er to rn*, rum would *‘..ritinu(c the A -srch to the southward along the labors dor current. TRYING TO SWIM PANAMA CANAL Two Alligator* Attempt Glvo Author Ow F«*t Once Over PANAMA. Aug. 22—(ff)—Two «n --counters with alllgatora. In nattbar case serious. h«va marked the pro gress of Richard Halliburton, Ameri can author who haae bean making • fcwlm through the Panama Canal from the Atlantic to Pacific, a tMatanc* of about fifty mites. It li not expected that alllgatora will be encountered during tfca r»rt of.4he journey *• Halliburton has passed the Infested waters, but It la possible that aftar being lacked through into the Pacific from th* Mlrafloree locks b# Wilt fao* Dg |M>NKihllliy of attacks by abarka dur ing Ihe swim down the Pacific chan nel to Balboa. Halliburton Is accoupanlsd by aa hi my sharpshooter as a guard. Tba first lime the sharpshooter was call ed into action was on Monday when an alligator waa driven off by ahotp tired by him. The second 1 time wgt vesterdap when an alligator accom panied Halliburton Into the Halliard cut, - the surian trailing about 2f feet in the rear, after a few ehota the alligator dlsappearedeand It was. not known whether he had been kill-' ut nr simply scared off. 0 0 Despite the advice of physicians who examined’his sunburned should era, Halliburton Is continuing th# »wlm but Is wearing a ahlrt forth« first time alpce the ewlra began. ■ — ye. a. ■ , ■ Movie AHsociation Aids World Peace BERLIN.. Aug. The burn- Inguif lllms which might arouse in ternational hatred was declared by Gutmann. president ttf the German Picture Theatre - As siKlatlnn tii be one of the principal aim* of the European Film Cengree* which opened here today. Five hun dred person*, prominent In the film w*rld. and repreaentlng 15 nation* vure present. TTHd -imrw- Sr out bun ever J'Ttt iirr-vnKt'd for mlscOuducL Be ceun« of tNls excellent record and becyuea of the education In cltixan dilp Klven the Seoul*, he aa mayor i f the city, expressed hi.s apprecia tion to Seoul Executive Itlvers and hln »eodt m,i>ters. for the service they hare heart rendering the city. Yesterday being Mr. Rivers fifth yr»r here as sepal executlva. Troop Number ,1. In searching for some fit ting demonstration of their admira tion and affection for him. decided to kivc thin dinner. In such a manner gvultuued ua pact tWtf rK 7 r • ♦ PRICE FIVE CENTO . Killed Twelve Yew OM UA While Driving Drank New Village , GIVEN PO(JR MONTHS AND ‘ PRIVILEGE OP HIRING OU% Will Pay Widww mt Deni Bnf Sun of fII,OOO Under Cm* *, • prom 1m With Her HII.IJIBORO, All. Alter compromising with the constat at tlf solicitor. Steve Fnrcbes and T. Oh Eewle, Jr , students M the M|MlN| or North Carollm ui members i prominent famlUea la thle Me, Ip orange county superior coart MWh Judge W A. Dev|ii today entered a plea of nolo ceutaadeer to la vetant> ary manalaughtor, threw Ihemaalvd on the mercy of the oeort and ten rentenced t« tour mouths la W, || be hired out ou payment es toe see* The mother of Mag Reudergnto. to year old Chapel Hill hoy, whe the two young men were charged »“h running over and kitting received ftt ooo and tonight Pwnhee and hemto had left Hlllabero in company wftß their tathere. Os tha 111,OOP. IMN wtU be pets by the Insurfcaoe company wMeh, had, Insured the cere and 95.M4 hp *ta£ defendant ending all etvtl IlhMHUes, Bam cuttle, prominent ftniapl lawyer, made* an honest plan to mercy before Judge Devtg. saytaj the young men should he glvee a*- ritorhMhlSi ne metoTiatoma *«• ifee tragic accident qm tha Ohd«dl Ml Stator# My to to fe mm Tlgenre *f \ jmuthT both Os the ysotal men having heed Intoxicated at Oto time. tecertMagyfo tie ehaygee. . ’ ■ k - "i STRATON WILL "" SPEAK IN GA Republican Pandldnlg Gira* Publicity-Sdakar dtonct U DEw- a # i< t iiHUW nVII mwmeiMmmnmia ORKKNWOOD LAX* N. Y„ A« :t— <*)—Dr. Joha Reach ftraton. paster of Cavalry Baptist chtreh to New York City, and opponent ‘t OedL Smith's candidacy, annonnced tod# he had accepted an Invitation te ad dress a mass meeting hi Atlanta. 4ta!, September 4 and that he woekNavttg (lovernor Smith “to »me and dedMl fcl. record.- « * * o r 4 ATLANTA—(to—-M -a. Met tie W*. Il*ms, president of thi Oeorym W. C. T. U said tonight that a «trtemea» would ha forthcoming r«ea ragnrdlag a mass meeting here September. 4 to which Pr. J. A. Strata.! will eftmdt Mrs. Williams, recently i.cmmeted to h candidate for Repnhllcaa r'eatof and William D. Upshaw randldata ior congress in the Democratic prt m>ry, were addressed In a Ulegrddl from Dr. Htraton accept lag aa Invito- fv Hon to speak at the meeting- NEW RECEIVERS ' ARE APPOINTED Trying to Devine Plant Save In ternational Lifjp Inraraacg , Com pnny w , KT. I.oVih, Ang 21——Coe trow* «ray over appointment es federol mi elate receivers for the Intenwttomd Us« Insurance company wee setting today by agreement of all partied when Federal Judga Reeves of Karn es* City assumed sole Jnrladletien and sppolnied a new set of reoetvere. Judge Reeve* appointed Massey tog son. former president and one of tin (minders of International Lite and HrwO. Hyde, elate superintendent at Insurance and inatrncted them |g study thoroughly and report on tig various plans far rslseurspoe end rchabUUaUoa of the cegfim^e

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