WEATHER Ftti&axeapt local thundershowers In met portion Friday. Saturday sbow- VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 153 NEGRO hELD IN WILSON MA YHA VE ROBBED HOMES HERE MET TONIGHT TO NAME NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN Is Goldsboro Man And Used Same System That Was Employed In City CMfIHM to Wihon Police of Hiving Robbed Six Homes In Thai City BOUND TO COURT FOR IST DEGREE BURGLARY Expected I*c«l Police Will Ques tion Him Relative to Crimes Committed Here George Jones. Goldsboro negro, held tn Wilson yesterday for first degree burglary assy hare been Implicated in tbs Robbery of six homes in this City. It Is belleyed. Though local pol ka have mads no arrests. It Is expert rd that full Investigation of,j|feether n- not Jones was lmpll<uted hero will b« made. Confession made tovWllsoii pollcp showed th*t the Goldsboro negro had robbed six homes In Wilson In much the same fashion that a half dnseu Goldsboro homes were robbed. Flvcry instance here trousers of the male members of the families were taken from the room where the owners wore sleeping, carried to a porch and rifl ed. Invariably the thief accomodat (agly lef the pants where the ojyuer could get them. The Wilson Times yesterday gave the following account 9! the arrest of Jones: After ronfeatlng to local police Isst night .that ho broke in six local hnmaq nnd robbed them George Jones, Goldsboro negro, today waiv ed preliminary hearing before Jus tice R U. Brinkley. In Police Cotirt? when he wgs arraigned for trial on three charged' of fir.t degree bur rUry end was held for trial in Sup erior Court without privilege of bcetd. Jones was Incarcerated In the county Jail to await trial In Su perior coll rt next month. Jones was arrested Monday night by Detective J n. Fulghum as a snspect and upon searching him the itflcer found a burglars flash light, end a sliver knife that had Jbeen made Into a tool by which screen doors could be unlocked. Working on the theory that the negro stole the knife. Officer Fulghum , found ihet It had b«*n stolen from the home of Mr. J. A. Corbett. He then Aiade a complete lnvei*w;aUon Into the other robberies, attempting to connect the negro with them. but last night the negro confessed. When arrested the negro had about 1 M BO In money in hla pockets and a farther aearch of her person revealed , •bout *54 00 In bills secreted In his shoes. This strengthened tl*e belief •f the ‘police that he was the man "ho bad looted othar homes In the community. Hb Jones admitted to entering the home Mr Ernest Deans on -West Nash street, »n<l to walking Into the bed room where Mr. Deans was asleep •nd taking fIS 00 rut of his trousers pocket He told police that he entered the bedroom of Mr George Hannans' *nd removed about *SO or *.15 from his pocketa. Other homes tho negro admitted breaking In were Messrs. * A Corbett. Josh White, will Far mer and Dr. P. P. Lane. Small amounts of money were reported miss then The negro also told polß-e thst was another house that he en tered slid several others that he tried to break Into. He aaid that he used a l»rge nail to throw the lock on screen doors and (hat he had piade the kntre Into an Instrument that would open almost any door and without much dlflfcnlty. THREE lIFItB |> IIKM K MVRACKE.V, Kan..> Aug 21—Three trainmen were killed and four men Injured dangerously when “the wes terner'' Missouri Pacific passenger train enroule frt>m HI l-onls end lien ver ran head on luto a loaded moving extra' freight train six .tgiles west of here late last night- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING SVHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY. BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. > ? ♦ & ' ” BULLETINS MTRRIOR. WK, Ang. Z* (AP) John feolldgr has a job. It was learned today that be has so notified Ihe president of the Kem* Nalls, Rlmi.. National Bonk, O. E. Olumi. Hr. Olnod reeeatly wrote fie presidents sen offering him 0 • position In hi* honk. John In ans wering ihe letter. «oM\he anpree laled Ihe offer, hnl nlreadv had ae rented n position. He did not say where. WASH JUG TO*, ling. »—(AP) Philander C. Knox, Jr, son of the late Pennsylvania senator, speot several hoars In a cell here todnv before he conld locate n friend willing so post a gt.OOft bond for his appe<-snee to stand trial on charges of reckless ahta mohlle driving. rOM'MRIA, «t. r„ tug. —TAP)—jGovernor Richards’ re voke of a pardon granted Ren Hess. Florence, neg-o was snsfaln, ed lodsv. In an opinion hy -lodge AV. H. Towosheod of ihe Clrrnlt rwi The rnllag of Jadge Town send was given ab the end nfwr. gnmeat of fhc ease before him DCtITH. *flan„ I tag. 23 _ (AP) Hnrvev WUHnmson. Del nth representative of ffle mid- Plain Transit Corporation, drown ed lodav nhrn the romps ay's sea plane hr was piloting plunged lain Nt. Coals bay. Williamson was alone la she plane. rOLI'AfRIN, O- AugJ tt (AP) —The Centrol Ohio Con| opera tors assoriaiioa mid Ihe Ohio l olled Mine Workers today per fected a wage agreement on Ihe basis of $i per day and 7* rents per ton for loading and rattiai 11bout II mines employing from •W* ttto union miners are Im mediately affected. LEVINE WILL FLY WESTWARD Min* Mabel 801 l In Kurope With Him May He I'asisenjjer On <lMane *■' ■■■!■■ mu EBSAI’, (Jrrm*ny, Aug. 23—OP)— Charles Imvine and Bert Acosta ex pect to hop off tomorrow morning on the first state of a tram Atlantic Might to America. It was learned to night. The machine, a Junkers plane which they have just purchased la expected to land at Baldonuel Flold. Irish Free State, to re fuel. A Junkers mechanic will accom pany la-vine and Acosta as fur ax Haldonnel. ROOSEVELT FIELD, N Y.. Ahg 23 —MFV Paul Launin. owner of Itoesn- Velt-HeW -nwtay xa tiled riiarles Le vine and Bert. Acosta an Invitation to land thete Junkers plane here. The message said the field would In- In leadlness for them. Miss Mabel 801 l is in-Europe with l-evlnc and Acosta but aviation offi cials had no Informatloh whither or not she would attempt the flight with them. Bhe abandoned her plan to fly (lie Atlantic west to east when Mlsa Amelia Earhart beat her to a getaway, DAWSON LI?ID* IIFI.D IT WESTERN AMATII K GOLF 808 O'LINK CIA B, ( 1110X00, Age 23 (A*) John Daw son ’of Flilcago, by seorlng 33 36 <lO today for a total of 141 topped the field In the qaulllfy in* rounds of the western amateur glof championship. SCENE OF ROBINSON NOTIFICATION : { feh f \ L ... »&«;; {AM ». > • . . .... s ■ • »• -v v -yj , N> - AH of Senator “joe" Robinson’s friends will l>e oil hand in Hot Springs. Ark., when be is ofii cially notified oi Ins nominatiort Aug. J ( Intel Fremont Looks to Opening " __ T d * Os Schools, September 4th (Special To The News) PR KM O NT, Aug 23 Tho Fremont Crsded schools will opeft « a a. m , Monday, September 3, with u faculty made up entirely of lumbers with, tt’cceasful teaching experience. Imm. jll,ately after the students have assembled in their respective class rooms, they will march Into the audi torium for the exercises; to which s|f the patrons and friend,, of the Fremont Graded schools are cor dlsllv inrited.-vAt the conclusion, of tbe opening exercises the students will marcji Into their cla*s rooms .so thst class rolls n»»v he made up, iessonr assigned. Hnd to get a 11st. of required textbooks. School hooks for aav grade, may ba purchased at tho school building, im mediately after school closes Mon day, September 3. I »m requesting that parents purchase ail School books for their children as soon ss possible because after two or three weeks, our stock of textbooks will he depleted. All schools hooks will be said far cash. Tho teachers who have secured for the ensuing school ydars are: Miss Pearl Hafretson, rirst grade; Misses Lucile Garden and Alm« Clapp, sec ond grade; Miss Annie Ifarrelaon, third grade; Misses Kdlth Matthews and Mariana Rowe, fourth grade; Miss Bertha Barber, firih grade; Miss Rebecca Hines, sixth grade; Miss TELLS OF RELIEF STORM VICTIMS MrM. Mulliken Urges Local Red Crons Chapter so Organize Disaster Committee Mrs. Klir.e Mulliken. well known socially In Washington, D. c.. »n* a visitor In Hi- eltv yesterday. L«ng a volunteer In the service of the .\m-rii.:,n Red Cross and understand ing needs In disaster service afld com" inanity welfare. Mrs. Mulliken lias been sent l« cottier with the officials of the chapter. She has Just returned from direct ing disaster service tn Ashley Height and Snow If ill and reports the need* have ijecti applied: the <*owmitte-^nn r ■".varils appointed and the fittest coop e-ajloti taking place'between nil agen rhs. sll workyic harmoniously und er the Itcd ( runs standard. Mrs. Mulliklu Is an enthusiastic lie llbver lit every city having u dl-as ter eomrnlUew already organised for fll'is a. I e .n. *le . i’l i - , "p. \ho fiarf- not been in * cyclone can 'ttiaglne the h»u tie condition of as fair* at that time.' Aps. Mulliken m-t with the local chapter Thursday morn leg *nd urged them t» perfect the organisation berg. GOLDSBORO- N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 21. 1928 Sarah Lewis, seventh grade; Miss Mahal Farmer. Latin and French; Miss Velma tiepin. Home Kcouumlca cud Biology; Miss Dene Pitts. History and Mathematics; Miss Marie Tyson. English; Mr. Jake M-, Smith, science, j mathematics, and ” athletics;' Mbs Josephine It«l>etr»on. pub. m-hool mils It; Mbs.Annyce VVor*h»m, piano; O. fi Thomas. Malliemattcs and supervl slon. O Miss Annyce Worsham is coming to nr well prepared to teach piano, hav ing completed a four year enurae at Greensboro college and studied under Profpssor Perry Granger, Chicago and other noted pianist. She also hat to her credit four years of snecessfn! (eu- hiug ex[H-rieiHje Tuition for pl«n« Will be *5 per month l*er pupil. It I. very Important fur parent* who Jjavc < tilhlren In high hi bool to come lo the uperlntendant* office with their children sometime between the boms ( .i **-12 a m. and 1-4 p. m. August 20. 30, 31. Bsch high school students' work Tor the ye ay w-IIF be planned and a stjicdule of same given to him when lii> eomeil. We arc ex ceedingly unxiaus for each parent.- t» Irnow the number of credits Ms »i girl had and the number of. addl j I lon :i I ereiflis needed to < implete lilh lor her course. Your cobpcratlan In Hits matter-may mean more do you, to your boy o girl, and to the school .nan you first (marine. MUCH PRAISE SMITH SPEECH Governor of New , York It* Now Trying To Best Up Before « Ct|m|)Mign Tour Ni:\V YOfSar. Alls. 23. (4*l -As a | full fledged ‘Presidential. nomlneA I (Governor Smith today „eame buck 1 agiiln l > hi native New York Clty.l dm ■ h> would start m live tampnigbln'g. Hls jrlew jt on the public issues of I ; i lie day arc to-tore the nation, and a ( litvvt fi b> itiv -train of hi* «<MMica> I Item last uigtit in Albany, the Demo- ! ct°atte v ■•tiilldurd benrerj-u-emed liiiire; i.lixiotis f,.r :e*t and - mYelttfon thatt i.nytlilng else . Alter an overnight stay, the govi-r. . rmr tomorrow Lv ill move on t> ' Jer-- v|o (iik. li.irt in .. id>; licmoii, ra ti*- rally at S/auirt Saturday and to D review national guard troops there. '(Next week he wUt pay his annual ; visit t‘> the New York. Htute Fair at : Syracuse, hnt l*e> mil that he has no ' etmNy. cii ‘ lit | » The governor wn< asked today whether he thought there any*'- i thing Inconstatent in a dry' democra tic runhlng for the Senate or house on the ti< ket with him. ' Kvcrv ti lde who Is nominated to: "Guntlnited on page two Photo sliows the palatial Arlington hotel, in front of which smnds are to be erected (or 25,000 61 "Joc’a folkt.” inset, the nominee. ASK PALESTINE APPEAL IN CITY * SeveraJ (Joldsboro People Are Urged To Organize Ctty For Movement | - Several prominent Jewish Under* j in tliti: community have r«r«!r*d let ter* In which Judge-Wm . 11. Lewi* ts Philadelphia, National chairman of th* I’nited Palestine Appeal, and Mr. liddor* Hershfleld of Washington, I halrman of flic Seaboard Region IJ. I*. A." lirgtOi# local leader* to In augurate a campaign -for Palestine fiiuda with an nppeal on, the Jewish ; New Year, which taken place the mid dle of September. The Icttej In part reaila a* follow*! ' A* chainman of the Hulled Pules tine Appeal fiir the Seaboard Region I have been directed by Judge Wm. M. I<ewia, National charlman of the ( idled .Paleatlne Appeal to rommunl cal* with you and request you to make p-epar*tton* for a Paleatlne ap t pent to be held in your synagogue «e --j Roah Ifashonah. Your ei/rnmunlty la I fully aware of the demands and the j obligation* which Paleatlne .place* up |»i Jewry the world over and wo 1 *fi < ref ore trust that you will rex pond f wholeheartedly to cooperate with •nr Regional AiUnlolsiratlve commit tec in ilda inobi worthy ta«k:” Tl m letter* were received byMt. M. K olla. A. M. Shrago, Mr*. Wm. "Rlb . and Mr*. C. Margolla, of Goldsboro. The I nited Paleatlne Appeal cotn- I in* , -lx seperste fund'falling agon eh into one for the purpose <>f ae enrlng sufficient mouy to enahlo the work In Palestine to proreed at a rap'd rate. The pr,ngre**whlch the Zionist movement has brought about In Puli'Hftn not only affect* the ■I wish popnJiCf Ton, but/ h»* had a v. rv Welded ass,.. t on all Inhabitants or the, land. Horn* 0 f the leading men In the | I'nlted plates. Including President ' f 'oo||dg, and tbd late Presidents WU* ' son and Harding, have wholehearted ■ \y endorsed the Palestine movement. Thl* fund Is * making possible -s the I m.ilnlalnce of hospital.* and sanitary. ml'iilc* throughout Palestine. It *d»o rnis'iitalns over 100 «< bools, which Me ai!ended Ic. 17.000 pupil*. The fund take i »te of anil provide* work log linni 'a*.ml.s just arriving. Within' tlic pa t five year*, 120,000,000 has I*een raised through the effort, nxwt oi the money l.plng raised In America. While thf fond I* ral.t-d almost ex vluxlvely front among the Jewish pea pie, nevertheless the arnpo of Its work i In Palestine U non-sectarian. (•If.AM It It 111 KIM |i - A-UU|JT,M. PREDICT Pl> CHICAGO. Aug. 23 A gigantic traiiM -out mental *aHro*d grouping. Involving the Southern Pacific, North i rn Pacific, Great Northern, and Bur llngton system*, was predicted here 1 - following the nunounremeut of major change* In the executive per -1 sonnel of several of these lines,' Daniels May Ask That Friends Dp Not Place t . His Name Before Group 3 DeafhH Recently k From Typhoid Fever The death of a negro boy by tha name of Lea In. tha aoutharn edge of Ihe city yesterday brought the number of death In the county from typh»ld fever In the lest ten days to three, according to Dr. I*. W. Corbett, city and county health officer. “I would not alarm the public”, said Dr. Corbett “But this brings up again the matter of making tha point of the necessity of securing Inoculation egaloet the disease. Vaccination can be secured at the health itetpaiinneu at any time between 9 to 6 on any week d«y.“ SAYS HIS CAR . WAS SHOT AT Michael Heedln And Young; Wo* men t Companion* Have Narrow Eacapo “Banal and a spilt'second aftar the .explosion, shots spattered on tha glass In the back of tbe top of my coupe Inst like hall stones." said Mich eel Heedln, Goldsboro boy In describ ing en adventure he had Wednesday night. Heedln, 'with two young lady companions, wah driving alanif tha Mount Olive highway, going to Crea* c#ttt Lake when partita or un known fired at the car twlcfl with A shot gun. "It was shout 'll o'clock, and we were jjiat riding ont to Crea cent fa»ke," said young Heedln "We were just on the other aide of tha river bridge when aaddenty e ghat rang nut," he atated. "! Immediately stopped the car and hollered hack and told whoever tt was khootlng to do It again." And he did, for right aftar wards another shot came and tha pellets Jnst rattled on the glass and t< p. I got ont then to see (I I could tee anyone, hut there was on one la v'ghl. News reporter examined the car yrsterday morning, an<| shot holes were easily see scattered shout la the buck covering of the fop. Be tween this covering and Ihe Interlock of the car, tbe back of the top la sheet steel, and If It hadn't been for this protection,! there Is no donht that the occupants of Ihe coupe wnn'td Mrs been hi: by s«me of tbe shots. Tha heavy glass In the back of the top Was also hit by several shot, but it was so thick that It wus not broken, The lira «over off the buck was pe net rated by a few of the shot hut beyond this no fu*ihere {damage was done. This Is the second affair of the kind which has occured In y«ar. Several months ago, • motorist reported that while driving on the I-aUrwige highway a few miles from ti wn, he had been fired at by sqme (,ne. Officers Investigated at the tlma hut could find no trace of anyone who Fud done the ahootlttg. REPORT PLANE SEEN BY CITIES t opcnhaifcn Itinpatch Huoyn Up Hope pf Kdatiw of Rock* ford Fliers Rockford. In., Aug. 23—(/Pi Riloyed up by fresh hope that Bert Hassell and Darker f ramer. Rock fard-to-stockholm ftlpr*, are raf i somewhere In Greenland, relatives of the uvlalom who never have aban iloned hope they were alive, t?. day *h< d t< urs of joy and relief when they received word from Copenhagen through tHgp, Associated Pres* that (Continued on page $> member Off THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FIYI CRlfljh (ommitttcmaa WU Baiill# Senator P. M. StlHOl. RsslfMi Jah M MORRISON ADMITTEDLY HAS LEAD IN nSf* Naming Commit teMMO QbE Buslnana Slat* Riacathra 1 CommUltw Ta Da RALBIOH. ill U —an—*E» fctate Democratic esecatt— tamSe tee will meet here Imaorrew «l|kt O eelc< t a emcee—or DaaMimtio jpr tl-uifcl commit!—maa from Carolina to Beamtor r. M. ■UrnawMl who rwgtgaad Jmly M> many oamwa worm sagg—fd % friends for lb* rmoeat f—ittoa. ial whhio th* moat tiro wnha oafr MB have been fr——atly maattoflbd Wm o* former governor Oaaafew MwH •on, Charlotte aad Joeepbmi n> high publisher. Doubt has been espree—d hr M> i rlends that Daniels wltl a)lemr hfcl name to g* W°r* »*• eommKt—Jl a candidate. Me said teatght tbatfrp h>d no atat—seat to make and a* reason why he ehoal| .poke mm. The New. aad Ohaarrar sand M published by Mr. Daalats. however, will any tomoe—w that Dmh— .mt queeted friend, a* to -J— •* hp name te the rommlttoo ' f * Mur risen he. the -dmaafreal, A* Governor Met —a ial •eerstory UN State J. A. for the W. C. wilklae—, Charlatto aad J. Q tlllkey, Martas, who we* hfc# ugg.ated as likely aaee—lam to Em moog hfve declared they are candidates aad aaaoaaoed sapperl vdf. Morrtsea. No hnsiae— other thaa the elaajMt of a natloaal inmmtttn— to. Jflp te oome beta- the semmlMri meeting. *«fw ( , ' e” BUTLER UKES I SMITH SPEECH / • , PreaMoat o t CEmUa UaH# aity Cali Arrhftaaad - RUM— Hi—I NBW YORK. Aaa. U- Ut) -4k. Nicholas Murray Batter, who t Mr day* ago wrote a letter A the ||Mr York Tim— criticising the StMdijfcf Herbert Hoover oa proMhittea did national defen—, made the fettemlriß • tatement to the Herald-Trthaao,«• Go|ereor Smith's ape—h of ae—lp. tsnre: * , . v 3i "The address of aeceptaa— of Owe • rnor Smith la a atatosasmllk* deh«- ment. well ceaeotrod. wall fhrMMt and admirably ekpreeeed. ft shf«a the “governor at hts haul aad we MaW York Repabllce— know by leaf M perlence bow t*ed that la. Ilia lIHMI forth of the ca— of the party In this campaign ta aht* aad ea a high plane Thin oan only he met by like nr better argument* oa a *4—o— plah*. * "Os rourhe the govevaer'a rliapdM la • strictly partisan ea*. Oa alt tßra* paramount subje. taos torelgn policies with reapeot to Mr national p—ce, aad prohlhtUea, The governor speaks with no aacef—na sound. No on* —a mltUke what t* m—ns nr what he wilt aim to da Mhh 'fled Hla treata—at of prehthKlea if frank, ronstructire gad forward fro* ing. If Governor Smith —a h tl*» Democratic party to tbs support 4 the position which he takes aa eaMMB ous service will thereby he read—ad tr the nstleu. It remain* tor tbo— of us Hepnhttcans of th* *ld fashloted sort who are profoundly Internet ad In fundamental political v ee whether w* can get to —aaattdhi with the Republican party. "The proposed modification of ft* Volstead act Is fully within the P*an> (Continued eg Ppf* l>fr|

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