WEATHER Partly cloudy wl» tkqgadar t how era In west. -Wednesday And Thursday. Not much chant* In Tam. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 156 SIX ARE KNOWN DEAD IN SHELBY BUILDING CRASH WARD GUILTY OF ASSAULT Jury Failg T» Find Him G«Ut| Os Aasaalt WHI» T To Rape JMbn Want wu early last night found gauilty of aaanlt on a femlle by a i»ry In Wayne superior court Jadge Daniel* allowed W»rd to return t* hi* home la the Seven Spring* radar the same' bond upon which hr had had bU liberty,"’'and •en'.ence I* expected ttvhe paaesj today. Ward. %ad been charged with a* r*ult with Intent to commit on Kta.' Alia* Ward. Mra. Ward. same relation to the defendant. aald on the stand yester day that the attempt took place while her husband wan away from home and whUe ah* was alone in her heme except for her Infant dhtld- Ward made Indecent proposals to her, she aald. add then caught her and threw her on the bed where he made three attempts at accomplishing hi* purpose. fi o Clark Gats Suspended Sentence Prank Clark was given a suspended sentence of six months for the larceny of an automobile. He must report at each term of criminal ceurt for the next two years to show that he has been es good behaviour. SMITHTHANKS JERSEY PEOPLE 0 '"Ml_ IWB Make* Short Add few On New ark City Hall Steps Ijwt Midnight —o ly D. HAMULI) OLIVER Asa—faded Press Staff Writer- NEW YORlt. Aug - With a brief speech of, thanks to tile people es New Jeraey who hailed him np roartously during his four day visit there, Governor Smith has fifed ths fleet shot In his tight for the presid ency since he was formally proclaim td the democratic standard bearer While Impromptu and not on Ihe Is •ues of the day; the address w*g-de llrered am|d atmosphere jo unihls takabiy political that It was generally accepted am lh»vlug put the nominee up to the front line trenches for the' battlea to come. Plans for his speak* Ing Itinerary were down for discus alon at conferences here today, and ,ska governor will leave tomorrow morning for Syracuse to attend a din ner there tomorrow night and the •tate fair the next day. Oovernor Smith* rtrst speech, made Shortly before from a small decorated 'platform on she city hall Heps In Newark. *urrounded hy a howling torch bearing crowd that flooded Into the streets surprised nearly everyone In his parly as he had Passed the word that he Intended to make no opep air speeches unless forced to do so» This evidently was a case where he ws* forced for (he thrones that greet od him during the late afternoon and i ight as he made his way by autumn bile up to New York from Spring Lake, N. J„ where he spent the week end. gave him an ovation as 'tumul tuous «s that of last Friday, when he was enroute to the big ddem°eratk! tally at Sea (Jlrt. With difficulty, the nominee elbow ed hla way through the crowd to the step* “I left New York city at 4 p. m.„ Friday," he began “I've never thought New Jersey had so great a population At Be* Otrt the whole polulation of the eastern part of the L'olted Slates seemed to bf assembled. “I will be sorry to leave New Jersey I 'have neverjeeo ■*« much devotion. I may aj< the people of New Jersey have shown me. I have been called ‘Al’ more often during the four dayg I apent here thatr I have In my whole offlclaHUe In New York" JTI’G HtWMUU ONE l»KU» NEW YORK, Aug. 22 (/P) The pas eenger steamer Chester W. Chaplin of the New England Steamship company rammed «nd sunk a tug today in Hell (late off Dltmsrg Cove. Astoria. A fireman on the lug was reported miss Ing. The other trn of the tug's crew were rescued by a motor launch. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD DittUS MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE FBESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUJL i • - »V ' W 2 f .b O t r. Young Man Dies As Result Ol Dive Into Shallow Water James Elmore, young man of the Mt. Olive section, died at 12 o'clock Monday night of sustained wiup he dived int > shr-rlo* water at Crescent IJike Sunday night about 8 o'clock. X-ray pictures made at a local hospital to which Elmore was brought hours After tire showed that he had sustained a frac ture of the aplual column a few inches below the neck. “ He was paralysed ovef a-great, part of hla body from the time lhat he dived into the iJake, aud surgeons tegarded the esse aa hopeless after tfie examination j*l»«vv|J«»<l the aerlous i.ess of the fractured spine. » Funeral services were held by Rev. A. J.. Smith of the Firm Baptist church at 3 o'clock yesterday after noon. Young Elmore la survived by his widow and one child? A Sunday pleasure trip on which Elmore *nd two friends had gone ended In his death. Deputies who In Not to Ask First Pegs ee Q Verdict Against Johnson REVIVAL IS ON AT FIKEVILLE Rev. B. B. Slaughter Aiding Rev. K. I* Jerome lit Series Os Services ■ ■ - : 0 ■* "There are three classes of. church members." said Rev. B. B Slaughter of Morehcad Y'ify hiat night at ‘the Plkevllle Methodist church where be k helping (lie pasfor, Rev. R. L. r Jerome. In » aerie* of evangelistic meetings. "There are thus* who re main on the outer edges and are neu -11«l when it cornea to doing anything realty worth while for the cause of Jesus Christ. Then there are those wiho like Peter, James and John In the Uart|ten of Oethsemaue. go a little .farther into the, religious life and can watch aud pray. The third group or class of church members is.made up of a select few who. like the Mas ter. can go farthest ipto the Garden end' wh(> can say. “Not my will hut thine he done.’ All of us who belong to the church are In one of these Classes." aald Rpv. Mr. Slaughter. V There was a Sis crowd present to hear the visiting minister, and It «p pears that the house will be- overflow ing very soon, even though the meet ,ng has been In progress only aince Sunday night. One thing that helps to draw the crowd* Is Ihe spirited singing led by L. R. Casey, director of Ihe choir of the Friends churchy In’Goldsboro. He not only leads Hie choir and congre cation In aonro but he also sjng.s solo* to tin- delight of'those who hear him. The playing of the piano is in the experienced Jijinds of the regular church pianist.' Mrs. Rufus Hoaea. There have been O'gßftlxed two choirs a junior and » -senior c hoi'. The ser v‘ces a f4 held each evening at eitfit (•-clock* and raomljiTmeetings wll; .he held this week todajg, aDdf tom rrnw at nine-thirty. All who al'ond will be welcome. t Whiskey Found In Car J Following An Accident) . ■ 1 o , George Wetherlngton of Rovllo P»rk produced a 1150 said! bond last night) for a hearing In city court after ho, had been arrested following ah auto mobile accident at Ash and John rtreeta. m> » * V j Captain Jack Fttlghum happening on the scene about the time - that Wetherlngton'* -car had struck that nl A. A.Joseph discovered two, half i u I lona of whiskey In the llevllo park man's machine. The latter had walked up town a short distance and when confronted with the whiskey bv ('apt. (Fitlghttm declared that It had not ; l»een in his rar when Ihe wreck oc- I cured. I No one pa* injured In the mishap. veatigated the case said fliat he had keen drinking and quoted Dr. Wilk in* of Mt. Olive, who was called for nrn aid iii the Klmore home, a*_ sffy lug that there were evidences of drink, | Sunilay flight Deputies Knrnrcay ond Ggrduer received u call from the nwnaia of Y)udley Beach.' saying that eijneone had taken bathing suits >ud towels from the bepeb. Elmore. Nor '.ood Price, ami Cecil Purketl wera, unmed as having carried off the suit* The deputies drove to Ihe home es Klmore and found him suffering from Ihe Injury received at Crescent to which they h«d gone afte# leaving. Dudley Beach. The' deputies quoted Norwood Price i.s saying he w-ou|d tell the fuels In the cash. He sahl they took. Che suits and towels as * lark. Attendants at Crescent I.*k<* spoke <*f having s«-eu Ihe yonng men go as many a* three lime* to their automo (Continued on page 7) Special Venire of Fifty Men Summoned for lfeKinning of Cette Tomorrow Mori ing A special penile of ftu> men were yesterday ordered summoned (or the start of the trial «f 51111% rd Johnson, Of.-ußbani* tbwushlp man. for the mar cer of pink Rose, also of Grauthnm. on Kunduy. June LjC The case is set to. Jtrt underway at 8:30 tomorrow morning and Ji la prohabk that A arflt contlniK* fe> tlis rest «f fbv week Hollrltor C|sw*i»n .Williams an nounced yesterday at the nrralgnro’-r or JOUBTOB that he u I I hot seek p first degree ronvlctton, acrordliik to officer* of the court. A truo bill In the case wa* returned l»y the grand Jury yesterday moriilH#*- Johnson ha* been ut liberty under Slfi.noo bond, signed by twelve pro ninent lirantham citizen*. Grand Jurj Visits hepartmrnls » The grahd Jury yaatarday afternoon went on an Inspect lon* of the county home, convict caqips and of county department*. No report of action on the name* of from (5 to 75 people who have failed to make their return* for this year wa* made. The. list was handed to the grand Jury by county uudlt«r F. L. Peacock Monday morning art .ng under instruction* from the toun ty commlasloners. Report on action In the matter is exported to come today. Failure to m«ke returns Is punishable with'* fine up to (58, ft was said Tnlerest in John-on <n*e Interest in this term of court cen ters In the Johnson case, and will probably attract hundreds from the Grantham section for the trial tomor row. I’nless the charges against Henry Godwin and Mrs. Elate Jones are icached today It Is probable that they will go over until another term of co(irt. The Jones worti*» was not in the eltv yesterday, i) was learned, but It was said che could'be reached In a short time If Ihe cases were call ed. The charge* grew out of the dl* appearance of Gnwdln and Airs Jones and t hoi J- subsequent discovery regis tered at a St. Louis Hotel. YM4LAU-I I N( IIOOI.s Ol’IN | ASHEVILLE. Aug I’B—The Aalie . vllle city school* will open Tuesday, I September 4. and It lx expected that 'between and 12.000 pupil* will 'enroll for lite coming sess.on. Ghallenge Straton Debate Hardwick in Kalei^h K VI.I It.H. tuu'. 2S( \l*> J. K. fi'rlffln local Itriimrratli' trailer l«daj wired n challenge*, to Her. •lohn It ouch Strut nn pastor of 1 altar* liaptNl church. New York l« debate (he mnl Mart of (<««. Alfred K. *lll llli. lieiiiucratlr noMluec with Thom oh IV. Hardwick. I'lirroer itmemor of Heoriria here September 3. Mratun reieu(l) accepted the Imitation oj He*. i. V. Upchurch GOLDSBORO- KC. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 29. 192 H Steers Mexican State ?> " ■ T w Dr. Emilio Fortes Gil, nc,« Mexican kecretary of static ant as such heads the cabinet o President Calles. He formerly wak governor ol the state oi - Tanuulipas. MRS. CULBRETH DIED TUESDAY - *- uaerui of Goorßetowii Woman b coni iiesidi tu f at 2 O'clock TMh Afternobn a .* "* A Mrs, Eurl Cillbreth died »t her home In Georgetown yesterday after novn at 2:30- following, an tllntae of rix month* with tuberculosis. Hbtr is survived try ttcr‘ two children, har lather, four slater* and one brother. The sister* ure Mr*. H. C. Wiggins. Mr.*. lainnie Carmack *ud Misses Eleanor May and Emma Pollock. Floyd Pollofk, of Los Angel c- CoUfornia, I* a. brother of the sc. deceased. x> r-uncral service will l»e held from the home at 2 o'clock this afternoon and will be la charge of Rev. J. M., vfedford and Rev. R, L. Jerome. •■V' Hurlgl will "be made In the family plot at the Kal*on cemetery, PLANNING TOUR THROUGH DIXIE t. Senalor Robinson For ward To Campaign Speeches Over Southern States hot SPRINGS. Ask.. Aug. 2(~0P) —Willi only two days remaining be fore he will become a full pledged v'ce presidential candidate. Senator 4 Holdnson of Arkiin*a* spent practlc n'lv all of today collecting data an information to hi used fp Jits fa it i.ppriPuhlnc lompaign to tv of the routli. •I'wlll-tin—-prv ~inr~lii- h.:i* devoted h'miel-f a I most exclusively, to preparn II -n of tlic speech to he delivered In Nrmally aii'i-pUrur second place on the Ih-mm-iatlc ticket Tlmrsiisv night but Ire feel*, however, that there la pofhlug remaining to he done on this •ml Ih>* turned hi atlenflon to pre paration for strennmi'- work ahead. •After li> iiiii if ;i al Inn here Thur i day. the Senator wIH go to ftonnke, Ark., hi* for a home i-om lug cetebf.itlon. Then after a two day " L In will leave for Da Ila Tt-xa* where ou Monday ha'will make hi* flr*( speech us flu- i urupulgu. deceased. Miperluleilenl of the anti'SalOnii > lemrue In North < arnllnn to - .peak iiiraln.t fJoterniir Smith*, nun!M.mi here on that dale. I.rlffin wired the HialU nirc. he .aid. utter .rrurtiMf (he proiuKr of Hardwick to meet the New York |M*»t«r. Hr hud rcceheil no repl.* from tyralon at a late hour toaudil. Ipchurcb,howetcr, declared to Pikeville Vlan W ill Stage t . Tobacco Marathon to Mart W L Cook, Plke vllle fanner, dow reeks a place lalhe sun «long vfllh I'lartlrcH-k Simpson ami *he greatei lights of tin* recent Bunion Derby. On Tuesday September 4 M 6 o'- clock In tlie miSbiig. Mr Cook will -turt from hi* home in PtkcvlUa (or tin Grant and warehouse In tlold'-hoco. He will be pulling -200 r) pound* of tobacco on “ tobacco truck ivpe tuti-li as used In work shout the hum. 1/ (he ,1s uot In Goldsboro end al the warehouse hy l*:3o a. m., land l( he lia* not walked all the way lie will |«ay. M O. Itcglater. I'lksvlllo druggist. *r,o In rash ts !«• walkH tins Uislance in the two atid half hours and reaches the wtirahtiUM- by 2:30. M. ,() Itcglwter, i’lkerlllc druggist, will pay him 950. “I think I can make the distance all right *ud ou time," Mild Mr, (look, "bat what I lu'te to think uhotit Is folk-, bothering me *»n the way and asking all antta of qu'Wionti. "The way It came about was t City to Be Asked Provide Permanent Scout Camp Site Secured on Sleepy Greek But Will Auk UituenN Make PuMtifcJe Budding* •, s r . Ttiat Goldwboru may be leaked In the m t dlt/anf future to provide equip ment f«r a permanent Boy Scout tanip via*" revealed by George «H. lu-wry last evening tr» (uttllniim hnfor* tin tbrtrfshoro Rotary club Ilia Ide* cW »- (ould support" during thn year. The tttggeation by Mr. Dewey met wllli ready nffinoallre reaponsn on thn-part of the Itoturlann preaent. Mr. Deny Mind that a very digit-able camp silo had been socurgil ou Sleepy Crenk. between Mt Ollvei and Sevan Springs, and that It remain ed to c-rc-s-t the necessary, kitchen, barracks, and to build a dam to pro vide a lake for dbc boys. It Is assured be satd that the ramp will be made of easy neceaa. Lionel Weil and J. T. Jer»ms were uiher members of th<- Rotary club who stroke for the plan put forward by Mr. Dewey »nd every member of the cjtib endorsed It. „ The club program give* to a discussion of ’ the memlxT* of what il.ey thought the club outfit to a«t •• (.bjectlves for Ihe year. Henry I’lke sold one thing that thrtuld be done wa- to take the club out of the ela*s of clubs thtt "Just rat*" and nothing mqjre Mr. Pike’s Hally brought a round o( applause. K C. Iloyalf MergostiMl the advls lability of n day net apart for ti celebration of Goldsboro and Wayne's ; «oil road- accompli'hment. He sur Med the naming of a dale for such ! aft event or (he deslgiiatjou of one alar atejhc rontitv f-*4r for It He (le clarsd that this might be the means i t -i irnul.itln* Interest,. In *UI! another highway from the cly. one by Seven Springs .ta.jncki’onvlllc Such > road he *ah|, w ß * entirely In the realm of posr'lhllily. Th< urgent need of going, ahead ’With plans for the country r-luh of I lie city wa* stn sed by Herman Well i tV A, ItiVrsll and Olliers Rev. J. M Daniel .-aid that, the Huh at- till* time conld dq no more worthy work than to Interest boy* tAV* 1 golntr back ti» rch'»il l)i W. 11. j' J-mltli spoke of Ihe neelty for look | ing ahead to the end of the year ,t)( the. orthopedic clinic work In ' r,tnt.|ilned nft Pave Siv> 0 nlk ill lir n until iml iihikiil lo ti joint tleliate In-Inci'ii Slrutun anil ll.iriln il k. Allhutiah hr Is simper intedont nl thr unl.l Sul unit leiniiie anil a leader In-she nnranired tntl Saitili In iin i rai> ni»«riiieiil. hr said lie liuil Intlied Slniloli here |wrsonnl- I*, and fhul Ihe address was not »|niiiiisured ),} either of (he Inn atitanl/utiuns niih nhleli he % affiliated. . told ihe folks I was going to wall and sell my t-)ba> co In Goldsboro. They -eld you couldn't get trucks to haul It down there f»r you. and I said veil then I'd load It on a tobacco (rut k and pull ll over. Then Wn got tn talking about how long It would lake. Now I am golug to prove It." Cook ctmfessted Ihe had been pracllo | liig on the tobacco- marathon ' ,’T I leaded 500 pound* on a truck and pulled It two miles over* dirt road. I, threw off 200 pounds at the end of the first mile and then I Jus* walked "long, ninile It feel much eas ier.” , : The Plkevllle man said, though, h« wasn't going to try any stunt llks «hi*_ on lh> hike to the market the opening day here. "I am going to put cii 200 pounds and «one right un ov cr" he declared. Mr. Register will haye representa tives ui-eoippauylng Mr. Cook to see “bb*(—avery thing goes according to agreement. “ SAY THIS BELT IS IMPOSED ON ' > ...i u.» ’ Sells Greater Part Brlffkt Leaf Uut Ha» To Walt On Otlwr Balt*‘for Opening At the request of Mini* of the pro minent bankers business am ud » k «ta cw«naa the president of tb« Kexltrn Carolina, t'hambcr of Commerce has called a meeting of tile directnre nl or~ . sanitation and representatives of warehouses, chamber* of commerce merchant* associations and otbar of- KBulxation* to itaaet In Kinston to nlMlit at tlx* Klnaton Hotel, to dinettes wuya and means of having the Uaat «rrn CaroHna tobacco market! opened endy next season," * II la "an outran Eastern North Carolina market!, selling hair of the tonnage of the whole tobacco region, wait on a sectloif that doaa >ot market all told on 23 market’ nr math an one of the Ksxtern Caro lina market* *ell* suutially,” a pro minent hanker aald Monday morning. Bccretry Newell HartleU aald the meetig would be In the form of a t'.nner and It would be a “Dutch” af fair for those who attand. a3 LEVINE TESTS HIS NEW PLANE q 3 Associated IVpnh Correspondent Makes Trial Spins With « “Queen of Air" LONDON. Auk. 2k OP)-Traveltug at (he rale of 100 miles an hour, a < *»i N for lite Aaaoclated I’rett* today experienced during one hour wtlial Charltx Irvine, Hert Ac <*i« and their passenger Mlxa Mabel Doll, will experience during the first I art of their projected Iralis-Alhintlr trip. . * o’- ■'. ~ •' . ''lilt Acoal* at the wheel and Le tine *nd Mix* Doll beside him. the -irrrpondent through serlea of i •Anoitcvi r. devoted to the plxoe "The Queen of she Air” a gllat < iilng all-joetul menot»Utiie took off ft rT*.«f It Ily lifter a ..hurt run at the t roydon airdomc and soared over the suburb* of South Uindon. Then It turn cd and «prd back. I’llot Acosta subjected the plane to •« vere lest*. banking, climbing at cimp height* and making several landing* and take ofr* The,later was tii.idc to te*i tin undercarriage of the machine. A * The plane pfbbnhly. will he equip ped wilh new landing gear. The «*• IP'iiment < tod»y showed that extra afton* shock alowtrberx will be re t,Hired because of the added- weight 1 ecauxe ol gaaoltae which will bo r ccetoary for the long flight. , j the presl MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATED PRESS price nv« cum MM FEAR OTHERS T BURIED UNDER* MASS DEBRIES * Two 'Two-Store Brick BMMiaoM. Tumble In When Wnttp Cal* lapse From Bxca.vlfb«i* ¥ RESCUE CREWS WORK LATE INTO THE NIGHT Several Members Kienvattaß Crew UuccwwMl Par Be lleved Bkrlnl AIN SHKI.HY Aug JH-Uh-U't MM| I ad been recovtral narly tonight g*i rescue workara were coattwni' y that! efforts to local* ttheru thay t-ettovsf might have been burls l in the i<«WW| of three buildlngn that ec'lapaat Ml the buxlntsa centar of the tewa MR, mornings While construct ton' gaaga lata R pttal uttacbeee made prrpantfMi *at care for g deaaa others Ualjffcd tM have heap killed or 'njured la fb» c«l !np*r. Twelve vlctlan already Ml received treatment. Some of thatt were seriously hart. ~ * , ■ %* 1 The building* *ll of two atory hrtoM construction. were the Pint MitltiSSl flank the Good Or«*c*ry ckmpnsy ant the Hadley Tailor shop. Excavations In the MeamMtt es tin Tailor Shop war* thought to toss weakened the wall of that street** and p reel pita tad tin collape*. t 1 Several members of the einavatlsg crew were thought to h* |NM MM tombed In tin elevator ahaft at fl» Hadley place tonight It w*a tbewgM *aw the bodies at aa ealdeaUMi white man and • aageo la Em IMR ment ol the bufldtag, these fa cMargp of clearing away tha d*hrtea dlaoowM Id the claim a*l directed nanp crews of other portion* of wriniMß Belief la held dh*t several me* persons. probably’ negroes wflt || A white bo» i* aald t* have MR hurled |n the alley to tM r**r of IM buildings while he af/ta **tl*g a watß melon, bat wreckage I* ae deep i* ■■ that section that worhme* held Et tle hope of axcertaialng the tratt of this atstem**t uatll sometime lomr row. Hexche crews have Me* taei uiital to continue their labor* until a lad* hour tonight In n hop* that earn* at i hose believed burled may M found alive. Coroner T. 8. Eskridge at CMw Itnd county has been called upon wy Mayor W. N. Doraey of Shelby IS make a thorough Investigation of tM tragedy. The coroner I* howeven **- ported to deputia* eegieoae to hold the Inguest and tavestigatloa. aid** < daughter. Mias Ora Bakrtdga wa* one of tb* victims. ' B [ While no data has baaa sat lar EM probe, thus* la cloaa touch say that It will likely he begua sometime ty morrow when dahrts baa been **tE «lnlly cleared to be sure that all kgh lc» h*ve been recovered. MISS HUMMELL * CIVEN HONOR t* 7Z, * Goldnhoro Wosfsw NtT' (ional ( onmlttaomnn far . Auxiliary Pvom District < HARI.OTTK, Aug TT flf| Mh|gg Robert Ore** Cherry of Gastonia was today unanimously alerted state com n.ander of tha American Legion and' Raleigh wa* chosaa ’by aocltawtlsg 'ax the 192!» convention city by *d. prlrxn J.cgionnairee In the cloelog NT aton of (heir tenth annual convaa. ~ lion here. Neither, selection was com texted • Mrs. George A. Iteley of Ralegtt was elected president of the N. C. Department American Legtoe Auil|t ary and Mrs. Harry f. Vaaa. Wiaetota. Suicm, national commlttew woman. Among district committee woeaas (elected were Mr* r. g. Mrfleaedy Kinston, thiid district, and Mtag Madeline Hummeil, Goldsboro, fuait%

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