WEATHER Chtnaeatly talr Friday and Martel Warmer la the Interior Friday. ’ ■ _■ VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER IC4 HOME MISSION BOARD HAS PLAWFOR PAYING ITS DEBT - » ° * ' O '~W'7 • 5 ac/Tj- - i Dr. C* E. Maddry Makes Frank Statement As To Losses From C S. Carnes x Assets of Board now Estimated At $2,500,000 and LUMIUIni Os $2,425,000 MISSING TREASURER IS , REPORTED IN RICHMOND Statement of 1)r. Maddry Calls Upon Baptists to Rise To Tho, Occasion RALEIGH. Sept ft—</P*-Dr. Chaa. E. Maddry. general secretary of tha BstUat Put r«syml«a of North Carolina, upon his return today trout Atlanta, where he sat with tha execu • ire committee of tha Southern Bap tint convention during the considers ttnn of tha aliased shortage of former treaaarer C.-8. Carnes of the Bap:. Ust home mission board said “real as feta" of tha board were now “lonr ' ‘ thing like 12.600,000" gfaluat'llabillt ■as of $1426.611. In a statement prepared for tbe press he said '*The following Is the actual, condition at tha prssant time of the Home Board affairs". Assets as set up on the books are $4,276,649. This Includes property In " Havana*. Cuba: the Tubercular Hoa nital at El Paso Texas; tha properly of some twenty five mountain schools scattered throughout the South, to g< ther with altont $1,300,000 of fnvest ed funds of the loan department to - tome several hundred" churches In tha South These amounts will even tually be paid by the churches but many of Jhe loans extend through a period of 10 and even 15 years. I would Judge that the real value of the assets of the Home Board at tha-pre i»nt tlaaa would be something Ilk* s2.M*.gOo. The attorney of the Home Board assured us that there was a possibility of salvaging from the estate of the de faulting treasurer the sumc or $260- 000 or $300,000. However, there are ether creditors and It may be that al ter all the defaulting treasurer had borrowed heavily against his estate He h«d placed a second mortgage on Mr home and evidently came Into the possession of this money the day of hie disappearance. “1 have given the 11st of the whole matter frankly thal our people might know the fearful disaster that has t vertaken ua. I do not suppose any rellgloua body In the history of Uhrh(tlanity hat suffered such a stag gerlng Calamity. The Baptist of the South, however. . number more than 3,000.000 members Through our long history this la tha *• first loia that has ever come to the Home (Board The Baptist of the south have never defaulted one single rent - and while we are stxggred beyond words at this calamity we ara not go ing to default now. We want every bank and every creditor to know that Southern Baptists are going to meet this disaster with courage and every dollar of thsi loss will be » paid. The committee In ch»rge will prepare , I understand a statement to all banks who bought this paper from the former treasurer, asking that notes of trust be ec~<*pted from the executive committee of the South ern Baptist convention running Ihroogji a period of ten years, pay - able SIOO One a year with Interest. TJiia will ome dtit of the regular income of tbe Home Shard for the churches wnd jvlll mean that some' $150,000 home mhitson work will have Wube leR year by year. ,? RICH MOND—W*) Richmond police today received a.telegram from police authorities of Atlanta, saying thst Clinton 8. Carnes, missing treasurer 0 of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist church w»s thought to be In Richmond and requesting that he be arrested on sight »s a criminal warrant had been Issued against him. Police said tonight they were careful ly Investigating the report. * ' KILLtt CLEVELAND. O. Sept 6 - (AA George Stowel l 23. Bet roll, pilot and Oil Merryman 23. al»f Os Detroit, traffic manager of Ihe Stout Airways Ini*.. were killed today .when their airplane crashed at the municipal •‘ on »««■ . *»_ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING KHILE MINDS AWE FRESH—READ BE BUYERS BEFORE TREE BLOB, 0•'- ’ * « NEW STUDENTS REPORT TODAY ..I ■■■!■—■■ $) High Students Who Have Not Selected Courcen Requested - To Report Tbeye will be no' loss offline when the highsebool students assemble on next Monday morning. Registration was held before the close of school last aipring, at which tiny- the stud ents of all grades above the seventh selected so far as possible the courses they wished to pursue the ap proaching school yea/. When the students report Monday morning, they will have presented to them their schedules and from then ou, they will l»e nay meeting tha new classes 'and receiving their assignments for tbe following day. Today and tomorrow will be used so fg raa Ihe students are concerned n making any changes In courses that may be deemed necesaary. Boys and girls who are to enter high school hare tbla year for the first time and who were not In the Goldsboro school system last spring for registration are requested to present themselves at the tygh school for tha purpose of Registration a it'd selection of courses. Bid students who for any reason wlah Vo make any changes In the courses .‘•elected by them last spring are also requested lo report for conferences regarding the changes they wish made Mr. Hamilton and the high school teachers who have arrived in the city for the opening of school will be on :innd to offer what adVice to students needing help'. Parents wishing to copter about high school matters are •specially asked to come out. * *• High School boys and girl*, who have not registered for work TjiJSiir those who have registered hut who wish to make changes In their regis tration are urged not to put off nntll next week any matter than can be handled oklay and -tomorrow. Next week will find all ready for work and -regular classes. * , M’NINCH wnF LEAD ANTIITES V 0 Ex-Charlotte Mayor Announce* Names of Committeemen <£> For Staley RALEIGH, Sept. 6-7 P) —' Kreuk It, McNlnch of Chariot e was nsmed chairmsn of the anti Hmtt.i Democra tic and Charlotte wav selected' as 1-eadquaFtcrs city for ,tjMr < to defeat the Demrocnlic president<al candidate at a meet! lg of the organi sation committee today. Other officers alerted were Hugh Mcßae, \V!lm>gtou. first vice chair man; J. L. Morehe l l. Durham sec ond vice chairman; CJns. H Ireland. Greensboro, treasurer: and Mrs. b. Lindsay, Charlotte, secretary. ' A committee of 77 was announced after the meeting by Mr. McNlnch. They Included Mrs. Ben Cam pen, of Goldsboro, J H. Canady. Kinston; j And L. H Homan, New Hern I Branch Bank and Trust Co. May Place Branch in City , - «* The Branch Ranking and Trust ( compMty. wth home offices in \Vll»on, considers liH-allug In Goldsboro, Tin- News lea rul’d from reliable sources j yesterday. Application for a permit for a Uoldabotu branch has been 111- j cd and will be considered by the Corporation Commission In a short timr. It wss learned. There w:i* much favorable com ment upon the streets yesterday e-lien It was generally circulated thai the Wilson institution wan considering ; coming t« Goldsboro. “We have a J' | city large enough sud important en ough from a business .unilpolpt to ; Justify the location of another strong bank her*’’, sa d a prominent business In discussing the mutter. "The ( EAST CAROLINA RIVERS STILL RISING Southwest’* Fairest : JHS , ■ cfjy If- w « La mL V.-JM v- ; Miss Dorothy Collide, 19, Long Beach, Cal., who was awarded Pacific Southwest Exposition’s most beautiful girl trophy. a. s 0 < LEADERSHIP NOT NOTABLE Thin l H Statement of Senator Ruhinnon Relative Coelidqe And Hoover NASHVILLE. Sept, ft--GP) - Presid ent < toolidge and the late president Harding were accused tonight ’by Senator Jets T. Robluaon with “having fulled to 'display thut decision of character necessary for elimination of crooks and tn competencence from , their advisers." He prefaced this statement with » dvlcaratliHi that he’ made n<> attack On thT-Ttereoual character of either, and that the point he sought to drlva home was that "there leadership baa not been notable to that degree that the memory of Mr. Harding could b« glorified or that President CoolUigo should be credited because of g/eat political triumph in either foreign or dntnestlQ affairs « “Had president Harding had one half the knowledge of men tliut Al Smith has shown" the Democratic vice presidential said “he would never have Mr. Daugherty at torney general or*Slr. Dcnby secret ary of the navy or Mr. Korbes direc tor of the veterans bureau. ' “Had president Coolidge realised when sworn Into succeed President Harding that he must accept respon sibility for his choice of mlrTscrs, ho would never have retained Fait, Denby and Daugherty nor would he have cougtit to white wash them when putP He opinion forced their retirement to private life." tsroLfcomcrrlal banks we hsve have long pe'vtdd* of subatautisl history bo hind them; they are making adrnne > with the advancement-of .the' city, out I feel that the Branch Bank and Trust company could be of great a* kirtanc* and service to (he citlxena and l>'is|ue* < life of the cmmufilty." The WJliion iiistltutloa has for the past eight months maintained a real estate loan nffl,o In the city under ilie cllr'‘nJio:i of H. Y. Modlln. Placing a. branch here would give ' the company seven hunk- in Eaahpru North Carolina. , Ttr current statement of the Hrauch Baiiklng and Trust company 'ns-of June 30ih, shown assets of-f4a | Continued cn l’agc Six) GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. HKPTEMUER 7, 1928 Fear Mis* Cobb Is Seriously Injured (Special to The News) s FREMONT, ° Sapt. ti.- Mils If 11- Yred t’ohb of Fremont, and a stire' dent at N. 0- C- W . who was hurt in an automobile-truck collision here yesterday. Is more seriously injured thAu at Aral thought. It da foaied. She haH trfit recovered from the t hock anib It Is feared 'there may he Internal Injuries. It ia thought at this writing that Mtsi f‘iihh will be taken to a Klchaond hospital. tonight. She was hurt when a Jedreys and %oiih truck collided with a Ford coupe At Main street and highway forty Wednesday night | ..1. ■ YOUNG DYIL IS PAINFULLY HURT Collide* With Motorcycle of Deputy Sheriff Carl Smith At Ball Park Owen Bail, 18 year old son of Mr. aud Mrs. O. J. C- Bail of 216 East li Chestnut ans painfully but uot her lousty Injured when he ran from be hind an automobile Into the path of -th£ motorcycle "driven by Deputy Tarl Smith at Griffin Tark yesterday afternoon. Young Dali Buffered aevero lacera lions about tbe face, aud physlctana said Teat Bight that ■Uitif' could not then determine whether or not hla collar bone waa fractured. He waa, however, g’J&tag al'hla home. Be. B 3. Rose m*d<- an examination at the park and bad determined he waa not seriously hurt He was carried lo hla home by Ralph Gkldeiw-and Merritt Moore. "Owen says ho doesn't, know whnt happened; that he did not remember •ver seeing Mr. Smith" Mrs. Dali (old The News last evening. “I had left tb« game when Wil mington came to the hat In the Utb." Depdky Smith told The News “That'a my custom. 1 bad cranked up my motorcycley and had Just switched lnt0 k g*cond gear wh«n Ball cant# out •i behind an automobile. He was looking hack aud < «m« right en. Ha vas so close when he came from out behind the car (hat I couldn't atop betore wo collided.” Deputy Smith wws much “cut up" ever the accident saying “I wouldn't have had It to happen for a th*u*aud dollara." ■ ■ . . ROBERTI FAILS STOP SOLOMON •A " slant Italian In Sontethinic of Flunk In ImteNt Sally For Fame <* NEW YORK, S'-pe. ft Roberto Ho barti, the Giant Italian who Is being bally booed as » prominent contender the heavyweight chunpiogghlp, nut Increased his pre-tige. today as a result of the- ten round decision tec won from King Solomon of Pann ma a*. Fhbcts Field last night. Robertl's failure to stop the ring worn So|om»u. wav a distinct >dl»- #P)Mii>,imrnt to his many admirers who had confidently predicted tho Lig Italian would knock Solomon out Robert^-however won every round, j ecvyral of them by wide margins. In , the third he put Solomon on the floor for * short count- and In the seventh cut his opponents face su badly the referee seemd about to atop the fight. The durable Ho Icm an, however, dung and mauh-d his way through the renreinltig rounds and was todiully clu red for staying the i limit Robert! missed many heavy | rights but landed quit* a few, teat, t He. did not bog as well as tn his ( recent tight with Johnny Klsko. hut be wuk easily the master of Solomon ; and the Issue was nev«r in doubt. , Robert), weighted 225 34, Solomon 1» 3 >2. Serve 30 Dayi Mrs. Florence E. S. Knapp former New Y’ork gecretary of •tale, who haa l»een keptrnced to serve thirty days in jail (01 grand larceny. She waa con verted on two counts in con nection with alleged state cen su* thefta. . HEALTH OFFICRS GATHER IN CITY Show Field of ArcoMplhhment In School V A race of sturdier healthier North faroltnlans evolving through corjrec tion of physical defunct discovered by public heolCb officers la pre gebool cgamhiaiioun *of ihe cblldren of the state wa« pictured!yesterday by t>». O. H. Laugbinghouee of Raleigh, ctale health officer, la dijKtUftfu school practice before officers of Kuatern North Uarollna. , Thlty-«dd public health offlcera and about L 5 public health nurses attended » tbe meeting at tbe Wayne County Healtb Department. " The day Wka given over to a discus sion of school practice and was ache dulfd aa the flhit of a series called t>y Dr Sisk of the Stalft Health de partmeat with the Idea of evolving a more standard practice. Home mouths later another meeting will be called. Dr. Lnqghtnghouee la hie talk to the physician# emphasised the nee* reslly of the public health officer .working httnd in hand with the medl <a! profession «f tbe community. The health office, working with the school children, will discover and recom mend and th« profession generally will aid In correcting defecla abown, stated Dr. lumghinKhouse. Ho pralg ed the phyaclans of the state for thalr unselfish devotion to Ideals In aiding tn thl.v work. a Demonstration* In 41in examination of school children for eye, ear. nose, and throat trouble were made by Dr. A G. Woodard, Presenting papers td the gathering were Dr. A. C. Bulls of ujHg!: Dr. J, E. Smith of Wind sor, lie. B. 18 Ford of New Bern, »nd Dr. J. A. Norris of Oxford. t> Thunk:* was voted the Wayne conn ty health department for arranging details of the meeting. Tells How Prevent To Tobacco From Moulding Tobacco farmers,, whose cured tub men ha* been affected by a mound as tin- result of sWeiit wet weather, are advised by E, Y. Floyd, extension tobano specialist of Htuto College, to dry out their “tuck* »nd to rcplla It. This mould, h* warneiL Is likely t: ceuse the loss of thousands of dot lure unless active steps are taken to c run bat it within the next tew days. The mould be controlled, the spec ialist said, by the tn.VUll»tion 'Of a wood heater, with an upright draft The Pipe ihoulrl extend well out of a oth» r opening to minimize thi- rtre hatuH. At firgl. Dr. Moyd raid, a ‘mall f re should be hullL *nd watched carefully for a while, after 4.75 Inches of Rain Since Last Friday Special T 5 TtW N»WI FREMONT. SepL ft- J. H. Shack leford, one of Fremont's oldest cltliens, says th|a lias boon one of the wettest seasons ha hue evwr known. Ho keeps a record of *ach rain fall and hla record shows rain fail In Fremont to have been U Inches since February 1. The rain which tell this morning to 1 61 and t toltal of 4 3.4 tnchaa since Friday raoratug of last week TE ACHERS Will PLAN FOR YEAR iktl at School* Ai 10 A. M. Saturday and in General Herndon At 4 P. M. Teachers Id tbe city schools war# ai riving In the city yesterday and others will c-eme today far gas open ing of the tlty school system op Monday morning. Saturday morning at 10 o’clock the teachers will gather at thalr rghpa<r tlva schools to adopt plana and eat Una work for tha coming yaar. Prtn ctpals of tha various schools will be In charge of these meetings: at Vir ginia Street, Mias Mary Moore; »4 Walnut street. Mies AMie Freeman; at William street, Mies Louisa Dow tln; at th* High school. T. T. Ham Uton. At 4. o'clock tomorrow afternoon n general meetlag of tho Lacker# will be held In tha andttovtnm al Mm grammar school on William a treat, superintendent Ray Armstrong will Make up examination ware held at l,he high school yesterday morning, ben only" a few reported for them. THO INJURED IN ACCIDENT Head-On < otHMon Occurred Near Bridge on Neuae River South of City ■ in ii.iiii.hw V Two persona war# Injured w>an f'hryaler agtontoMlA m*t in ahead on rnlllHlon at the carve before the Circle Filling station aa Highway 40. fouth of the city about I o'clock last 1 evening. I A Mr. Htarger of Mt. Airy was] rarrl , 'd to tbe Goldsboro Hospital, and] an examination revealed a deep gaah I In the head It waa thought ha might] be able to leavs tbe hospital this I morning.’ I A Mr. Nunn, Tether of Ralph Nuns of North IJonel atreet, sustained sev ere shock and bruises. H* was csrried to the h<jtme of his son when first aid was reordered. Mr. Nunn Is about fifty five year* old and suffered greatly from shock, q Definite news of the accident could? not be pbulned. The N'we being on able tn locate eye wltneeas or to Inter view any of the participants. It waa vald howerer, that the pccldeat occur cd when one car went around onoth or, on the curve. which lli* temperature may be mala talnod at about 100 degree* until the tobacco la thoroughly dry. Ha coutlon ed as .mi at a beat of more than 10tr degree*. "The he at a 111 kill tha> mould, dry out the woek and aave moat of,the tobacco. If It waa properly parked when firm put In the houae." Mr. Floyd aald. Aa a aecond precaution, farmer:; ware adviaed to repil# their crop aa aoon aa the weather Improve*. Thla will pay any year, according to the peiiallxt, but «ape< tally thla year when gorid quality la bringing fair prlcea nu the market. Cured tobacco goo a through <1 Continued pa Page BiiJt A.- ,* ■ ' ■ yCTLAW rag AajßMPf rREBHci '? t' m ■'S ■> •£ |!j nHM WYI 60S . Wide Area Lowlands Are - - ■ • .%‘IfX t . Under Water Promiaa at OaMfer F*H Waatkar Mtr MaFlrart J Sertous Klood Skaattae - J tienendly tglr matter iiaMnl Ml today. It U materialises, MM MM* relist ta pro party owners Ulgpg th* lowlaada *f tte Nensg u< litUs riv ets who yesterday WWW taking p«* cautions to protoot holdings M M* r»»e of • serious Mai *teh at 4 -‘MS. Tho Llttlo lUvar WM tte mo|* iwollcn of Um two aai Mk M*k MM •hip was hacking atoadUy late tte lew lands. Yaslarday It WW l«M »• te MB fast out of Its Osaka. No if ago ta property of tte Btgto Hospital M§ urea dons ate hospital aatherttlgg ware kseptag a carofnl chock •* tte rise, ready at tho sarttaot warning M mor* hog pons on tte faegh- dtpteH might be flooded tea rise sack te t* '"23. 4 In the flood arss of Um Nonas Mm* (he Borden Brick ate Tte SdagM* had Uk*a prscnntlons Sgilnst pteps *rty damage, thongfct tfcrongh jntf y»» day afternoon tbs rtrsr wan Still test under Ugh water mark. last night that tte Msut woS reach SS test nr mors at te*thft*M| esrsa banks at ttet pnta*} Hooded rivers of testers NofthlMh teg crop leads wm»*MMitetiM* woali go' area bi*Mr hnemv an* more rain Is eipegM to talk Tho Caps tear HMB 4wn M or swag It fast shore Its hdn|p ht lUlllldltl i.olght It will rodch ot least UteM luring tbs asst M tens*. It Wte •*» Itctsd. At Blissbethto te, where tte «*•#! M test. th. feet tomorrow. Jlf 1 , The Neaao wsa short tl test dsa* at Soilthfleld and -till rising: Addtttea at rates orsr tte wntafitei Indteatg 'hat it will reach If test or wm%. which wiu be ste or ssote test skorn t bonks. Roads la tte inwkr ssstlon Os Johnson county war* reported .loaded. Tho weather bureau iseasd no floof warning today for tho ftoggste *tteg bat Loo A Dsoaon in charge, sold ■ bat ha thought It likely worsts* would be glrs* tomorrow. Tte Mae has had hoary rates which nr# *g psetsd to pat the streams oat if te hanks and into roods and fluids teg he third Urns sine* July. Th# Tar Hirer, a slow rising atrsaaf was one foot out *P> Its bosks at techy Mount sad reported still rtr ng tonight Though Federal highway aam bar f •tad bean closed la tenth Cantina ns main ih<>roughfarss la North Carolina w*rs under water today. Nsvnr tho Iras highway engineer Leslie Almas ias been sent to tbs western part of ih« stats to await developments. Bn reported that landslides wars feared in several section*. Th* rains In tte west, however, have not teoa as sov ■re as la th* eastern section at tte lit 4KURD WITH POIMMW fBOTf OA&AND, tept •—C**V— Chargaf hy Japanese consular officials te Ms Franc I sco with haring SOU potSoaM fruit to Prince Iyesato Thkagaws. president of (he Japanese H*as* ot Peers, and Prtncs Fumlnaro Koaogy* members of the House of Psora, and another titled Japanese. M. HignshL a fugitive from Naps Stats HnepMl tog the Insane, was arrested horn M*. ' METHODIST BfftHDPBOB ' CINCINNATI, Hept. •—<*V- Thf right Rev. Joseph Oran* HarUsO. Mlsbop of the Methodist Kptecolpai church, for Africa died at Chriot Hospital today. Hi* death wag do* ts Injuries received wivfn he was bosk* end beaten by rubbers la Us hoatf a| Hue Asb, user hard, JhMldjSjgfcf

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