WEATHER Generally Fair Saturday and Sunday Somewhat Warmer Saturday VOLUME SEVEN* NUMBER 165 BAILEY TO OPEN CAMPAIGN HERE ON SEPTEMBER 19 Gardner and Daniels Will Appear Locally Before Election Time County Headquarter* Are Open ed By W. A. Oeen at IIS i’rofetwional Building _ <n ;■ . LARGE PICTURES OK CANDIDATES OFFERED Mr. Dee* I’leads With Democrats To Get Both Side* of The Queation With th* opening of County Demo c-atlc beedquarera at 115 Professional buUUlng yesterday, Chairman W A. Dee* announc'd that Josiuh WllMam | lialley of Raleigh will launch Uw < umpaign her* Wednesday, Septem her 19. wllh an addr'a* at the court house. Cl. Max Gardner, candidate for governor, and Josephus Daniels of Raleigh will In all probability speak 0 here late In th* campaign. Headquarters In the professional building will be in charge of a secre tary. and Dees, will spend con* tlderable of his time there. The office fr on the same floor where is lo cated hi* law office v "We are opening th* office" said the county chairman “with the Idea of haring a central and convenient place to which Democratic m'n and women rrn come for any information they want relative to the campaign. The office will belong to the Democrats of th* county and w* want them to make it ‘their headbuarters Publicat ions issued hy Ihe various campa'gn departments over the country will be available at the office. “I want to utter a word of caution right here, and to plead 'with the Democrats of the county not to m>k« up their minds or to pledge themself es to any efTort at the party until they haveheard both aides of the ques tion." Available at the office now, Mr Dees said are large pHbtogrsphs of O. Max Gardner candidate for Governor, and of Alfred R. .Smith, candidate- for presidents The hour for th# address of Mr. Bailey h*« not yet been fix'd, but- It will be so arranged as to be conven ient to the greater number, probably In the evening. The Raleigh man has long been a force In North Carolina politics, bcglnlnng In the dsys when he was editor of the RlbHcnl Record er. H# Is one of the most captivating “of the orators who are this fall giving their servW#* to the party. Candidates Meet September 15 fifing for the county canvass will he made wl^imie'ting of courtly can mdatea and rhalrtqnn of the varlons districts in the courthouse at noon Saturday, September 15. The canvass will this year. Mr. D'e* explained, be emphasised more than in several years Not only wifi the candidates and local workers visit the various voting place, but It is Intended that an outside speaker of reputation shall he on hand to address the .we-i-ns;. De 'lnlte plans for the canvass. h< wever, await Ihe asemhling of tfialrtnen and '- candidates on September I*. Chairman Deys des feflnite assur anee, he told The N»w>. f m State Chairman Mull thnt O. tin Gardner will appear here during Dm »; irpalgn It l» practically assured that Joseptiu Daniels editor of the Raleigh New* and Observer, and ex-secretary of the navy will also come to Goldsboro to talk to the Democrats. New Jersey Labor Is For AI Smith ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. B A resolution endorsing Governor Alfred E Smith for president was adopted by the State Federation of Labor to day. Although nearly two hours of de bate preceed'd the vote, the resolution was adopted with but few dissenting votes. Cheering followed the announce ment of the vote. The resolution slat ed that the Democratic , »as endorsed solely on hia 10W pet cent stand In favor of labor. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—REAR BY BUYERS BEFORE THRU' HM- NEUSE RIVER “ NOW FALLING Reached Depth of 22 Feet or 7 Feet Out of Banks At Hmithtield RALEIGH. Sept. 7—(JPi~A* flood* of the Cape Fear, Tar and N'utte riv ers In Eastern North Carloiu* tonight were near ihelr creat, the weather I ggLsu here Issued warning that the Roanoke river tomorrow will go out of Its banks for its third flood since August 1. The Roanoke flood will be less ser than the first two, fttrecaat Lee Denson, In charge of the bureau. The river will be 40 feet deep or ten feet over Its banks at Weldon by Sunday, It* said, and for the third time this summer the crop aTca tong the Roa noke lowlands will be underwater. Plate highway number 40 probably will be flooded n-'ar Roanoke Rapid*, he added. The Cape Fear was 55 feet at Fayte trville of 20 fret over Its banks when It reached Its flood crest late today, The r(ver was falling tonight, How ever, the water will rise at Elisabeth town on the lower Cape Fear until they reach 35 feet tomorrow, Denson predicted. The rive# was 33 feet , tonight. The Neuae after reaching a crest of 22 feet at Smltbfield today, wag Tall-, lng tonight. Though reports from Rocky Mount •aid the Tar was fulling slightly to night, Denson basing hts forecast on from hlgcr up the river, predict ed that the waters would continue to riae until the rlyer reached a depth of 22, feet or 4 feet above ltg banks *t Tarboro, Monday." Little damage from th* high waters except to crops has been reported, I'air weather was predicted for tomor row. , II M. ■I. M I . .BiI.HII - 0 V ROM AX KILLS AGED MOTH KB CHICAGO, Bcpt. 7— (A 3 )—They are holdlugNtlss Adelaide Bradley 4J v for the salylng of her 76 year old mother, Mr*. Constance Bradley. “Voices lit the window told me tb*t mother was to tie kilted." the daugh tet told police. “I didn't want“anyone to kill her. so I killed her." A physician told officers that Mis* Bradley had been under his care for many month* for treatment of a ner vou* disorder. o ’ WILL TOTE FOR HOOVER WASHINGTON. Bcpt. 7—The of Tennessee's farmers., will / vote Tor Herbert Hoover for president, re gprdbxs of Wh*t their husband do. Mr*. Rrulah .Hughes, Repuliean Na tional committee-woman fr°ra that *tal<- announce^ at Republican head quartets today.] 4.! ' * MURK.III JOINS WASHINGTON. Sept. 7~(JP)' Nica ragua today signified it?* Intention to t.dhere to th« Brlasd Kellogg anti war treaty. Board Makes Number Changes In Game Laws North Carolina Wayne county hunters were yest*r- : day 'urged to fi-miltarlso with the changes in the gam*' law* ot the state as adapted by tt|e State Hoard of Conservation and Jtevelop ment under authority conferred by the 1927 General .Aasembly. Among the points noted were that the open season for squirrels does not begin until October 1 this year, in the Eastern District instead qf Sep ** tember 15 as last year und the open season on wild turkey has been mo?‘ .1 from November 1 up to December 1, In (hr East and cloaed In the West. The complete changes under resolu tion* passed by the board: 1. That the season on doe (deer) be closed throughout the state of North ; SALES AND AVERAGES ARE IMPROVINQ 4< Mr. Efder” to Sue for Divorce da T •-sswaaJrSJiiJ EEi™ l \ jpA \ T*T, ~ A a \%MjkwfimmLc jMpf* Tlrtd of Ruth’s nolo high flying, Lyle Wotnaclc, husband <4 t.hc beatßfftt! Miss Elder,-is going to file suit for divorce, he an nounces. At Balboa, Canal Zone, where he is employed hy the government, the pretty Dior’s husband icts it become known he will charge “cruelty" in hit- action. f’ifoto above shows and Ruth upon occasion her triumphant return to United States; below, the aviatrix in her Dying helmet Ukitrnatlonil llluairaiwl »•»■> , GATES IS BOUND OVER TO COURT Formed Vitcher for Mantifac turerw Charged With Robbing Man W ho Aided Him John 0. Gat** charged with having ield up and roblw-d I#«n Oodhy, radio ii(»ii of the t.’nlted States Navy, be tween ahd Oxford, vra# .-Ivcn' a h aring In 11. uilct-i ;i and •mund over by Recorder A, E. Clem entp to the October term -of Vance Superior court under 11,000 bond. Early In May' Gat-.'* was a member (if the Goldsboro Manufacturers. ‘'vQates was arrested In Durham as ter Atwtyrew* reported to pollFc that he bad been bckl and robbed by -,h« man after giving him a ride from Philadelphia, Andrews flagged a bus , ml got to ftendersop. reporting the affair to Durham police. Andrews w»t<‘h. clothing and car, alued at SSOO and sls In motley, were taken by G*te*. Andrew* report cd. Gates it was understood wag at ;«fnpting to communirat* with his father, who It is said, lives in Graham (Continued on Pace Fonrt (Catalina for u period of five years that lu cases yf violations of this law the burden of proof-shall be on the liunter to show that he killed a iucV. 2. That Vhc state of North Carolina U- divided Into two districts as the Western District and the Hast ern District. Tho Western district ,hall be us follow's: Caswell. Orange, Chatham, Moore, Hoke and Scotland and all counties west of these aud that the Eastern District shall con tain all bounties east und not Included to the Western District. S, That th<- open season on buck* (deert In the Western District shall from November 1 to December >f each y< ar. , 1 „■ Continued on page three GOLDSBORO- N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 HOOVER STAND . IS AMBIGUOUS Such in Declaration of Sen. Rob inaon As To (».<). I’. Nomi hee On Prohibition / -- * Jc CHATTANOOQafce Tenh . Sept. 7 (A 1 ) —Herbert Hoover's utterances on prohibition were fired upon tonight „hy Benator Robinson wlu> declared the Republican *l:«inl»rd bearer could have "readily relieved the subject of any ambiguily by a frank statement such as has been made by Governor Smith. Mr, R.obinsou s*>d that "national prohibition had not been made an lisuc by either ilte Republican or Democratic platforms as both declar id for etiforci ment of eglalting laws on the subject and that Mr. Hoover's nfefj-nre to tli subject of n.iodifcatlon require-, explanation. Defining hi* own position on prohi bition as a supper of all "Important prohibition measures brought forward curing my service* in both lipuses of Congri > i." Idr. Robtn*ou said Hoover :n replying t.> thv'luestionalrc »ent . i;t last wlntef- to prospective candid :!e - lie S.-nat- r Jtor»h of Idaho had declared against repeat of the ISth amendment but 'omit* all reference to the question of modification”. ■ "llii charm t<-risatihn of national a an ecouomie ••rpyrl must be worked «u‘i"dbn ,t! ui *lv<-io ' tiie Hcnator continued, • in, provoked much discussion ss to the meaning of the candidate. ’’ Ampie. opportunity was afforded '.'r. Hoover to make clear hi* me*n Ii ral consense of opinion- »fim» to he that he failed to d« this His reference to the subject of modification re quire* explanation.” ATLANTA i/P) A tiagh at S«V ..nuali mi tiie evening of fleptomber It* has been added to the campaign llin t try of Senator Robinson of Arkaa *n. m sptieum ement from the offic es of John R. Slater. "manager of the party's national ( uiipaign in Georgia 'ta»d today. a . m. GANG LEADER SHOT TO DE ATH Shooting Takes Place Within Block of ('hicago’M Butaev l : Conner - CHICAGO, Sept. 7 —<4f*)—Chlcalto’s t&thtng gangland again erupted to night— thla time fu the heart of the i»op at the height of. the rush hour. 1 The lutest flare tip yoet the life o* Tony Lombardo, president of 'tha t'lilou Slelll*nu. ap worefut gang leader and intimate friends of “Bcar lace Al” Capene, Shot down beside him was a body kunrd, Joseph Ferrara, who probably will die. Both were shot In th* back.’ Ju-t a hin<At from State and Madison street the burlest corner In th* elty. Another bodyguard, Joseph lxriordo, Reel fro ml he assailants but was cap tured hy poltcs. |> Thoiuaud* witnessed the shooting while on their way home. They pass ed afoot, In automobolles, street ear* end busses. Fortunately uoua was hit 1 by the fussilade. | Crowds swarnKd to cover and th# cireets were cleared save for tb* bod ies of the gang chief and his llanten ,mt.. them lay two pistole drop 1 ped hy ihelr assailants. Lolordo had , bceu marked sor f 4»ath since last year when he reuonced allegiance to th* I Allla gang and alltd himself with ' Capone. Upon Lolordo'a body was foupd sl,-1 077 in currency. A bank book showed deposes or $25,337. His belt buckle' was **t with 41 piamonda. forming! tRS Intttsl T. L.' In oaeh of his coat pockets was’ found sn automatic' pistol. Neither had been flredt F«rrara alio carried an unflrcd gun. Neither had had an op portunity to fight. t SEIZE CACHE OFMORPHINE . •> I-argent Amount Dope Ever Taken in KCAte Diturovered Near Durham DI’RHAJf, Sept. 7 OP)— Probably the largest capture of iMiotlag jnor pblne ever made in thla vicinity was found here today, when Federal agenta rslsed a each* about 7 mile* north of the city. A neatly drawn map bf the ,oration, found on the person of Mrs. f Bertie Pendergrass, who was releas'd Irorn up! here last Feck, when the grand Jury fail'd to return a true bill of Indictment against her, led to the capture. * • The morphine, said to have a re tail value of $30,000 was found as the may Indicated lodg'd In the top of a ttee about 50 yards from the Durham Roxboro highway. It was wrapped carefully in foil and oil cloth In alum inutn containers. SJollce said It belong id to Joe William* and Carl Anderson alleged head* of a narcotic ring era bracing most of the Important South eru cities and connected with dope centers In the north, who. were ar. •est'd In-re |*st Tuesday. r City Should Have Credits $24,000 For Postoffice The book* of the treasury depart. Hunt of the Pulled State* govern-'; meat should show appropriation* of j Home li’t.'too for uddiliona and Im provements to the Goldsboro pnstof, lice grantei? but not yet , It wai j recalled yesterday with the announce- , meat that the new annex to the •ITV# ih complete with the exception of paint Inn of lock boxes. Announcement matte from At unlilnrtoo by <ffngrt«Hinii»_Cj'»a. ]„ Abcrnethy more thbn a year ago that , a of s3o.tKh> bad been approprl- i ated for Improvement* In the office here. These were to be li’O.tHlo each during two yearM Such ! wna the ilnnouncementa made hr ('on Kreavman Abernethy, acting upon In- i formation mipplled him. and that *hese appropriation* went promised fur the j SAMPSONIANS AWAIT HOEY Shelby Man Fircn Bin Gun At Count ts Convent ion In Clinton X od *Y CLINTON. Sept. T-* Hon. Clyde R- Hoey, of Shelby. Is expected to "eet off" the Democratic fire works 1» (Sampson county Saturday of thla week with an addrta* at th# eourt house at 11 o’clock. Mr. Hoay’e *d dreas will precede the county Demo cratic convention, which will be held lu the court hous* hero, beginning at 1 oTlocii Saturday afternoon Th* Shelby la conceded to be ■ one of the" very best platform speak ers -In North Carolina aull Sampson County Democrats ar* slated over the I feet that they were able tn secure Mr. Hoey for an address her* as n etnrt ,cr for the 1928 campaign. Owing to Hoay’e reputation a* an orator, he will doubtless be heard hern by a large audience- , I Mr. Iloey ha* been active tn the | campaign for weeks, having I already delivered addresses In varl. ou* part* of th* state. The Cleveland county etateaman is a staunch *up , porter of Governor AI Smith, the Democratic presidential nomine*, and hts address her* likely will deal large ly with the national ticket- The Sampson Democrat* will nom ! luaie a complete county ticket, ln ! eluding n candidate for the etat* leg j Islatnre, at the roavaatlon Satorday ' uftermxip. Primaries were bald In lb* .various praelacta last Saturday after inoon, at .which time delegate# to tbo I county convention 'were named- fn ' dil ation* ar# that every township wilt send delegates to the convention. INFANT KILIFiD IN AUTO WRECK Two Nash < ouuty Ncmroca HcM in Jail Uendintf In vealigatkm ROCKY MOITNT, Sept. 7—(JP)—Tba infg*ut child of Rev. and Mrs. D. >. Dempsey of Spray was almost In stantly killed Ist* today when off nn tomoblle occupied by two negroes col tided with the car driven hy the min h.ter between NashvlU* knd Spring Hope on route number 90. The negruee were lodged in tha Nash county jail pending Investiga tion. Officers said liquor Could be infill'd on the breath of both. The parents of th* child and anoth er occupant of the car was unhurt Rev. Mr. Dempsey was enrout# to Windsor, where his parents reside, ant where he expected to conduct • revtvlsl. North Carolinian I& Killed in Plane Craah CLEVELAND, Ohio., Sept. 7—OP)— The b»dle* ofuG'orgn Htowell and J. C. Mcrrlmuii,' killed in an alreplan* crash at the municipal airport her* > t sterdsy, will pe *»nt to their former borne* for burial. Stowell'a body will . be taken to Kallamasoo, Mlcb., and ■ that of Merriman to Draper, N. C. building lnr» »-ae- nub»tantlat*d by Postmaster Slmkln* yeatarday. The annex now being completed. howAer, waa erected at a coat of ooly , $16,000. Thla should leave a credit ,of aome $4.0n0, It waa pointed out, 't°r the appropriation of one year. The other appropriation promised for i the building haa hot been touched.” j While the unnea being completed ; here provide* additional apace long needed by the office, further addl i Ilona and enlargement are nee W, It l »‘a* aaid, and these would be po» I *'We If the appropriation. reo>t'<vl jft on the poatofftce department u iw. n granted were forthcoming. News however, I* that Goldsboro will not be aUe to ahare In building approjria jtknu at present. MEMBER 01 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS »# —————mmmmmmmmmrn PRICK iIYK Cm About 275,000* Lbs. Are Sold ' Here Saturday Muck Sena Tobacco Cmllwn^ To Bo OVarod And HoW* . Dtwa Avorag* GOOD WEED AV BRACED FROM II TO M CENTO WarohouooMM Ex poet At Floor* Wit) bo Coeorod; Gourd Aguluot Block Buko Hslo haring slackened IU down pong for tit* first d*r In **ron. th* Ooldr boro tobacco market yesterday had MO * higoMt «Ur alac* tb* opening op Tuesday. Sal** approximated m.MO pound*, bringing th* total for week to about 100,000. Arwiga war* aooMwhat high ad yaatardoy, but thor* ooaUaood aaeb »elllng of rary I** grad* wood. Stuff that brought a* low a* 91 a buadrod told l*rjt*ly ta k**plac down tlw or* •rag*. That th* faraaora ara aot tfk iag seriously tb* suggasUoa of that |S •ad udder grad* tobooaa b* takfot bom* aad a*ad tor fartllloar raUbop than aold *a tb* awkd wag ahawp by tb* Bunicroua pllaa *f tbla e*f*p tobacco off* rod. flood dry, high quality waod aatf her* yesterday, ararapad aroood IP who ■ ' tb* Heron HflLpka aiidtpo, rpjEloted it a* ring flpf (be noldsbp* e*lao war* outatygkg tbooa IP- yUa*a. qiftiled aa thO tale* tb*r*. what I aa* aaalog right? uotr o* tb*a* floors la tb* b**t «f tbo d*y.‘’ Warehouseman axpagtod that arttb thg fair weather praoila*d far thd week end, that Monday M«ld brtog enough waad ta tb* as*rk*t h*r* OP \ fill lb* floor* of all thro* haaaaa. They again yrotetday *opgdul th* alogan of tb* awritet “Sal** tb* tam* day of arrteal," aad this wpf continue, they *a!4 to bo tb* oidar throughout tb* s*o*o*. <3* ' ■ Blocked mU* la a number of tbo larger market* war* being gaardad •gainst h*ro. ti, M’NINCH STARTS ANTI CAMPAIGN Speech in Cterkitc Nlfkt of Septcpibor IS WIU gtprt Tbh»*p } f'lUßUom, s*pt t —im *bf Carolina Anti Smith wooHtiq now organised headquartered / and r*gdy for tb* fray. (Ufptpto action today, with Prank R. McNlncb. chair man, directing th* attack from tb* romratttae’s four office* *n tb* Ttk floor of the law building h*r*. Th* opening speech will b* mad* n Charlotte the night of S*pt«mb*r - if. Mr. MeNinch wan choMa by th* committee la RaMgb t* fir* tb* opening gap forty rountle* la tki *tat* aro aour organfktng l local dab* and tk*t caar paig* will be kept ap until th* wttn •t*t* i* ooT*r*d, h* aid Senator SUa men*, was not at th* masting yaoter* day, but *ent greetings so th* 4p_ present, M< Nlnch said. Seriously Injured Wfceft Hit by Passenger Train fiRKKNSBORO. Sept T—(**— AP unidentified man b*ll*a*d to b* ■. W. Camper of Lynchburg. Va.. from pafr nr* found oa hi* person waa struck * and seriously Injured by aa Atlantia and Yadkin pa***ngor train la th* yard* h*r* today. H* was earftad to » hospital where authorities said It Wop too early to determine tb* *xt*p| •( „ I u Juries.

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