— l,l • -■I"”. "'■? WEATHER *• 'FAIE ftrWDAY AND *>Y MONDAY ’* t; * * - ” ' - -«-* ‘ ~ VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 166 JONES COUNTY BOY CONFESSES SLAYING FRIEND Youth Gives No Motive . O' ‘ 4 Xj Except to State He Was Blood Thirsty at Time * Report, However, T>at Be Want ed Job of Hoy Whom He • Murdered HELD IN CRAVEN CO. JAll. PENDING COURT Chris Trumbo savs He Shot Johi Meadows to Death As letter I .ay Sleeping ■ « NEW HKKN. Sept. ('umbo. 17 of Jones county, wm arrested here last night ‘ about 11 o’clock at the tiiatoa hotel, purged with the inurd rf'of John Hiram Meadows 16 his life lonic friend* *nd daily companion the night of August 29. After a (inference ln.it night with Solicitor D. M. ('Lark, the boy submitted a written confession that he had shot M<-adow»- while the iaijer lay aslebp. Tlie solicitor was murli gratified 0 9 with the outcome of his conference with the b(>y. For a longtime Gumbo stuck' to his story denytnic all guilt and implication in the murder. Be j silse ot the hoys’ youth and • hi* Mraightfnrward confession, however, Mr. Clark stated this morning tHut he would not, ask for a first degree, yer d'et. (‘umbo is now In the Crsvcn county (all. Where he will be held until the Junes' county term of ‘Criminal court opens in Trenton September 17. In the confession h» gave no motive for the shooting, saying that he must have been blood thirsty. It l»„ understood, Uowsvar, that there had been some ar gument and trohble between the two friuds oyer a school truck. Cumbo .desiring driving Job, JMld by Mead »wa. , Meadows Id year old orphan hoy of Trenton was instantly killed when shot while asleep on hhi bed. Two bloodhounds were used but c«i u ld pick up uo trail. He was Ihrtpg with an uncle, william Meadows and was asleep on a bed with Bert Meadows when the shooting took place The identity of the assailant could not be learned and the coroner's Jury fulled to order an arrest. Solicitor Clark went to Jones counay and start .>l.*M)n for appearance for trial of alleged violations of the pio btbltloa''laws following a raid vhlrh Deputies K»rnegny. Coker and Pre cise made in Indian Springs y-ter. day. A atxty gallon still was -fired and 10 barrel* of beer poured out. Hen- John and Will Greenfield were arrested for manufacturing. A short dienes away John Brew intr t-»•. and IJily Richardson. believed t,o have been Implicated In the operation of the still, were arrested with l* pints of liquor on a Ford c “ ~ > PARIS, Sept B—(AT—l*ola Negri. fumous film actress, tonight was rest lug more comfortably thun at w»-. she fell fron. her horse yesterday evening while riding. Al (he American hospital it Was said she had shown a slow improvement during the day and tHat no crtxl* Was expected tonight. It was indi cated the actress hud been luEiienrd the decision of physidiins Dial no operation would be necessary tonight. They were eTp*rled Jo make a. final drelsl“n lomorrow. While some mystery surrounded.the exact character of her Injuries.. It was said at the hospital thut no bones were broken and there wo re no in juries to the head. Injuries being sole, ly to the body. Beyond this the au thor! lls would give no Information, tatiitg that their Stand was in c rdance With the w ishes of the uc. tress. From friends It was learned •that there were times last irlghl when they de ■ Wan Alert her E. L. Parker and StMler (rr ( hirf IVw and Henry Tew Mrs. W- F Parker, aged 61. died at her home in . Oxford last evmtlng following an Illness of two weeks, according to Information received by relative*. Mrs. Parker was the oldest ,slster of Chief of Police K. J. Tew and of Henry Tew of the Handley Motpr Company. t-b- L- Parker, bookkeeper fur tlje Grant und Smith warehouse. jp an only son of the deceased Her husband and two daughters also sur vlce Mrs. Hugh 1-ley of Raleigh and Msr. Charles" Powell ot Oxford- Funeral services will be held this afternoon in Oxford and a party of relative* and friends from Goldsboro will attend the rites. The deceased has often visited here and there will be mußy who will learn with soilness of her death- She was a devout mem ber of the Methodist church. 801 FLY KB OFF FKtIN RICHMOND, RICHMOND. Va-, Kept- K (/Pi Joe Garold*. 14, said to he tftr youngest authorized airplane pilot in America, took off shortly before noon today 7 1 niii Byrd airport here for New York- He was accompanied hy G. K. Sht;aly, of Charlotte. N.. (’., who ar rived with him here last night from Rockingham," N. C . ■ thov took off shortly after noon yesterday. : -ix> : \ • l j. Much Bottom Land Flooded As Neuse Reaches Its Crest Hundred* of acre* of low lying i farm lands In Fork township worn un tier water afternoon n't tin 1 Ncuse rlnt approached tis flood crest j ! hearing the burden of waters fr"m the watershed farther up the state. A number of farmer* were drlvilii’'S»tock :■ ■ * 1 front the bottom pasture*. The Steven* Mill road for a ouar ,l ter of mile or more about Fate's store j [' n-na under water yeaterday afternoon, I tht* depth ranging from a few Inch** ; I I to three feet. Automobile* c°tild , ' make the passage by proceeding very | i cautiously and all who went through j lifMwl drowning their motor. B»tur j Id 'y afternoon traffic on the r«**d wa» badlv Incoiivenlenced. * Fairly y*«terd*y morning V. C. , Sprit 11. dairyman, had been forced to < Iflve some twenty thfe head of eat -1 tie front river pasture land on the i I’erkln* farm, near the Pute store. At the State hospital for coWfed Insane, Mr. Hedfvru, )u charge of, TWKNTY PACKS TODAY Will They Be Reunited? ♦ , ' ' - —~ ¥ ’ J.-TT 7“ ms ot-V ... Will death reunite Ellin Mackay Berlin and her lather, Clar ence H. Mackay? That, js question which the "4(A)" has asked , ever &ince the wife of popular aong writer hastened to bedside of her dying grandmother, Mrs. johty W. Mackay, she who queened it over society of the tnauve decade. The photo above sliows the charming Ellin and tier baby daughter. Bottom, L to r., Mr. Mackay and Irving Berlin, whom he bitterly op posed as a son-in-law. , - - (!«’. • ■ Conuriuiiity Building Slarls Its Fstll Program This Week! To Reorganize Athletic Club and Draiftiatir Club Early This Veek The fall schedule of activtics at the M< tnurigi Cumndinity'Building will ,g,t under Oils wi k wilt* the icvivial of the G'lhiahoro Atl.lcttc ilttb V aynr Community Players, dramatic tiHsoclation acqordtng to announce meat-* by the presidents of the orgsnl zatton*. The atlih't-es will gc- together for their first mcetcig TefM.Hjr night (he dramateers will { anvene on Thurg ’t' •lay. * vtiiiliik' at 8 <> v' l k k. Both of the org ■ u'zatioas cnjoytMt a •pleiidld season la.vt y< »r. Biifintt' A new feature at the hntlding. wet l over with a bang. Sever .ll .ir.iaicur carda were offered and without exception nell attended. Home cl* luUdlng ring men maiie their debi/. showing a world of aggressiveness, pluck, aiuf rteaming punches, even if they did like a hit In techiqne. The club also put out u basketball team which made a credible almwinr. both in tlte coun ty ieagn* and In contests with quin lets from other cits*a. Dramatics imam*' a popular #mtMo mint at the Building last winter. The •Wayne County Dramatic Festival un covered some exceptlonal amateur tal 111 W two of tin plays hi Ing presented in Its jrogrant enacting state wide (Continued On - Pago 8i furta operations, said that If the river rose three feet mure that it would be necessary to mere the hogs of the institution to higher ground. Consld- * ■ruble acreage of the asylum plants lion was underwater yesterday alter noon. hut no serious damage had ’ten done to crops. id the |>' ■ - I '. .id Mr. It'd * nrn “P.ot on the wrong side of the s**ter awhile ago, hut we made them Wlra hail ' A close cr p ck was Iteu^' I kept by business mSuac-r Purser, Mr. i 'tedfearn, and all hospital authorities' I n prevent damage to institution prop I *’ tjr ~ It was considered improbable that ihe situation wonld become serious !he rise of the river y* *terday was scCctHHited for* by the rain* from Ha l«tgh east during the la*t week. By today sometime the flood will have reached Its t reat, no rain having fall' eu yesterday to add to the danger, ( GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1928 TWENTY PAGK« TODAY VETERANSNOT TREATED RIGHT Senator .Robinson Att arks Cool idtfc and Harding For Ve toing Hills K.NOXVIIJ.K, Ttfntli, Sept- K (/P)- ■ The record of the Harding and Cool. idg<> administrations toward world war. veterfiu* was nttai ked here to ulght hy Hciiator Robinson,' who d»- cured thht the "elimination of poll. I tlcal Influence tn the ' election of those e urged with tpd - cure of veterans” mid Inrpyitt,} condition*. The Ihinocratic vs-e , presidential nominee a"sailed Mr 1 iinlhlee for we- . lolug ' the Soldiers Bonn- Hill nntl IS II I. fIO.MK. h- I'ope Plus XI ba* < again taken 111 and papal audi -uces liatfPhe.il suspended. It was rind at tint Vatican today. Accordlax to 1 report t. he U suffering from arterlo sclerdsi*. M .UUlf FRK IHimi.S HAN I KANiMHOU,CaIif-. Sept g. Search wo - bolnjr < "iilintied today for the lit; it* of three men believed to ; k t ■ i , 1 ii I m the til. W’T.idl tie street pier 4s. Tbe charred body of Albert Anderson, a bar." watehmaii 4 was recovered yesterday. Sixteen , Bremen suffered minor injuries light ing the blaM. . / * Jkas avaasO. —at... FLOODS CREEP i UPONCALEDONIA Damage of SIOO,OOO Will Renult If Strained Banks On . River Break RAGFIGiI. Sept. 8 i/P) Uislng waters’of the Roanoke River, already jat flood iage. tentgbt t tire atoned to , breakthrough an 8 mile dike at Cule , 'tonta farm In Halifax county and inundate 3,000 acres of growing crops. Convict labor under th* direction of state 4tighway engineer laoored today pluggiug leaks which have oc curred at several place* in th* dlk*, , already weakened by two other floods aiuce August 1. If the dike (ads no live, will he endiiuitered, Georg* Rosa Po«, prl ion Miiperlnteudeut said, but 4 haj-*siimat*d damage to crop* would . exceed floOioOtl.’ The weather bureau Here predicted the Roanoke would teach it* flood * te«t late tomorrow at about 45 feet It was standing at 37 feet, or 6 feet above hank level tonight. Ah the water* of the Roanoke were riidug those of the Nwnsu and ("ape Fear Rivers Which have been ul flood i dago In Guide: n Caroling;, the past , H iFe days were falling on up|»er i '•iretche*. The Neuse receeded ? feet at Smlthfield today but was still a foot joqt of Its b«nk« tonight. Lee A. Denson In charge of the bureau here, ; Mild the lower Neuse would probably j rise a lltlte yet but no further dam. age Is expected from It^ The Cape Fear reached it* crest at Fayetteville early tbla morning at a .little over 55 feet and hud fallen 10 Inches tonight, reporta received by Denson said. ", Thu Tar will rise tonight and to- I tnorrow quill It reaches u flood crest of 2< feet or 4 fe«-t over its tiauks at i Tar boro Monday, it *h said- WANTS WOMEN - CAST BALLOT > 1 . Chairman Baekoh Bointg “Whin j iHTinif” (iempaiun Agairntt Al Smith NKW YORK. MepL B—oP)~John J. Raskob, Democratic national chair man. Issuing an uppcul to (he women of the country to vote for Governor i Alfred K Smith said; 1 “The woman's viewpoint h*« Im [couie essential lo the peaceful au T thorlty of the nation. The total attendance of tho schools 1 reached 2HO slid Hit rledltit have b* u issued. Cortlflcate* of credit were not given to the little children below school age nor to adults, there were City Schools Re-Open Tomorrow Morning And Increase Is Expected PLYWOOD ADDS ANOTHER PLANT Waterloo, Canada, Plant Will He Equipped Am Plywood Veneer Mill clubs keep In conte.at with th* Atlas JMywoud Corporation, according to Ralph M. Buck. President has ac quired up cash, and will tmulp aa a pl> wou*l|a»*cr mill, p*6p*U|leH of the Bedford f at Watejjtxi (Jpiehec. This ,om ' pauy in a j|rategl( posit tart to obtain new duty of ipproxlmately parcent on America! plywood products entering Canada. jjf«. The n»w plant la served by tha Canadian Padfle and the Canadian National Railways, nd Is cloa# to both tier supply of hrd and koft weoda and to Its market* lu Canadian indus trial ccntsra. The main mill building has Ifi.ftKi square feet of h»or apacl »ud Ur/ with a production rapacity of tOttJHW square feet of plywood par . '4 week. Th* Ply Wood Corporation asvergl months ago purchased th# Manufacturing Company to Oolda boro, continuing the e-wnuny utidar 1 Ur sain t personnel. Plywood la an | eight million dollar corporation. Th# last report of financial condition ahow I ed heavy earnings during th* pant alx month*. 0 . * BLOCKED SALES ON WILSON MART AverajD* in GoWnhoro On Open inj( Whh Better Thiin Kln- Mton Average 0 The opening averag* of the <3old*- bero tohnceo market waa better than the opening average In Kinston, com l arlsoti of the official 4 report# by The New* sliowsd yesterday. The *v#rags tor Kinston the opening day was 11.19 while the average ri>r-Geld*boro waa 81.28. The average for the Week ha* h*-en as good as any market In tbs Felt- ... terday guarding agatjst a blocksd sal# h*re Monday. 7t Is their inten- Goldsboro Warehousemen w»rs yss- 1 thin to m*ke It possible for the farm era to sell here th* same day that he rearhe* the market. » Wilson experienced blocked sales Friday and over KOO.oftO pounds of to bacco were on the floors of th* hcuse* from Friday night, not having been sold that day. That means that son into pounds will get first sal-1 is tomorrow. Farmers who were as j set led by the block had either to re-1 turn to their Ir inas »r to spend three 1 tight- and two d*y* in Wilson await Hit: ‘NiJ* < Congested conditions wer« reported- from oth«r market*. I IK6 children below school age and adulls that attended the** school*. 4 Test Boo* an Origimil Stady The. most unique thing about the icfiool.i this summer aside from get ting * school across In the peak of n busy tobacco season was the original i acini' made text bonk used. Before the school several weeks Mr. Shell and Mr. Brown work'd day »nd night ttt a little thirty page mimeographed {ext bonk w ith.' studies 111 th# Gospel hv at Mark. Ten thousand pages ' v.ere tnlmegraphed on attractive col ored schools and the work w*s hand illustrated by Mr. Brown. Three hundred books were mad# and they i have been the secret of the success of j th# schools. Th* schools w#r# *l,l of j five days In duration and th# uttsnd \ aim grew siei much Notice to ParmU Os City f | WORK PLANNED AT , „ • MEETINGS SATURDAY Primary Schools To Dhabi At Eleven O’clock on Monday * And Tuoaday * Tb« Guldaboro city school will launch the IBSS-0 Mtmtoa tomorrow morning with an Increased slfeadaaag for every school. City Superintendent Ray Armairoag yesterday afternoon issued the folloW / ,ng ' notion t» parents" and urged that they read It carefully before the chll dnd fifth grade# are asked to report at 1:46 Monday morning at tbo Q ram mer school Auditorium. "children is the slith nod i«vm|h g> adee nr* asked to. report at BtgS. If theu hours are sheer red. time will b» eared end contaetoa avoided. "High school pupUa will report to the High School Auditorium at iMlft Monday morning." , , •'sj Practically all of the teachers as the system ware hi the city T—frdgT for meetings preltmlaary to tho school | v*rt tomorrow. At It o'clock yimr ) day naming the prtaclpals at Ike vsrtoue schools presided over sessions *of the tehchef at kt reopeettre •ehoolg. The work tar the pear ami ts Iked over Yesterday aftomoee tfchre wee a general meeting at the gram mar grade auditoriaA With BapL Armstrong In charge GANGLAND IS AGAIN SD ENT Police Have Little But Ttoct* After KiUinc Os lA>mb nrS CHICAGO, Sept. —The omla ous silence of gsngland—tavnrtnhly the aftermnth of gnag esecutiona— tonight hid the direct motive lor tho elnyliig yesterday a Mock from “world’s busiest corner” of They Lombardo, gang leader. The polk* however, had half a dosen plausible theories, any one of which might ee. count for the tlnylag of f ninhnde and the wounding of one of hla t#o body guards. ~ At least one. man was being sought In the belief that he maybe one of the assassins Who shot Lombardo nod his companion In tbo beek and than tied through tho hundred! of startled people. I The most plausible theory was that j Lombardo was killed by the powerful Aiello gang, rivals for tho aortholdo liquor business, ae well as supremacy Id Italian organisation "Tough” Toay retailors, member of tbs Aiello rtg£ was the mao nought. •> *■ The other theory moat often con sidered was that liOtnbardo's death was In revenge for the mysterious slsylog two months ago of Freak Tala, Brooklyn gangster. PRESIDENT TO S START MONDAY Total of 600,000 Words Filed Bf Reporters About Hip Vacation 'j SUPERIOR, Wla., Sept g—CUV* ° Although President coolldge, during his tfyree months In Wisconsin, has mw varied from bis practice of saying little, much has been said about him ||> the press associations and ep«- ;( UI correspondents. Approximately