WEATHER Fair Tuesday and Wed a—day VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER IS7 DUDLEY YOUTH MEETS DEATH IN AUTO ACCIDENT Heart Failure Causes Sudden Death of Man John 8. E»son ag9 pupils over the enrollin': n at the end of the first ten days last ye«r. It thought that when figures for the end of the first t*n days of thin, sen- MRS. KIRKVI \N BURIED MONDAY Former Resident of GoldHlioro Dead in Greensboro After lllahAllll niwi | nmrw Mrs 1 ; Vlatidc P. Klrkmati 35, nee Ethel Lashley of Goldsboro, died on Sunday in Greenaboro. Funeral ser vices was held yesterday afternoon md was attended hy a number of sor rowing Goldsboro frirnds. Including Miss Daisy Jenkins. Mrs, David Noll and Mr. and. Mrs. 8. C. Norman. Death followed a very short Illness Mrs.'Kirkman is survived by her par * nts. her husband and four children, one of them an Infsnt. She was the daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. J. T. Lashley and a sister of Frnest Lashley of new Bern. Her father runs' baggage on the Southern out of Goldsboro now. Mrs. Ktrkman moved front Gold.-lmra to Greensboro rhout eight year., ago. She had many friends here who will learn with sadness of her d>-ath. EAST IIETN HCGAR HY BOAT j KINSTON. Sept. In Large -*lßgi mi nts of sugar liuve been received at Eastern Carolina river i»ortx recently. One arriving at Washington on the teamer Adotil contained nearly 100, imp pounds. Six Fined for Driving Automobile While Drunk Six drunken drivers who have en -oangered ttudr own lives lunLihe trav ■ lllng public by operating automobil es lu tll.e county duriug th*- past few V eeks-Wl* re i onrleli-d ill Wiifne 'Oah ly court yesterduy All .ex- opt on* w ent free tipog. psynu nt *>f |so fin* a-id the costs, hud upon ..condition that he dull not up* rate an automobile in the county In t’lie next three months In ease this condition' L found vlolat ed the defendant shall serva ninety days on the. roads. Fines totaling over |425 were Im posed upon defendants, ol wholm there ,-.cW twen,jy three Ihierng the two Mondays Recorder's court ha I not been Jn session having riven way to Wayne Superior court. Convicted or submitted to driving an automobile while druhk were. Jim laiftln, f.onnie Spencslle, and A Jon* I* was la tji)' Howell w.n. dl >\S luiiek under a Grt.-enh-uf hoi,.-.ef' badly (liiuiaglliK the He was euleui ed to six months on the roads f<>t* drH-ing drtink and damaging property |uhd six months for forcible trespass. son are available that there will be a J i light lucreasc for this yeas. ’ The on roll in* m hy years and I schools in the Negro system: K End Greenlf 8. St. Dll Total 1927 28 312 - 231 ’ 4»U 540 U. 64, 1528-29 237, 241 619 428—1523 4 lew Faculty 4 hanges There have b«en few changes In the faculty this year. Superintendent Armstrong said. All of the teachers were present for the opening yester day with the exception of Miss An* tlouelte Beasley, teacher of English n the High School. Mise.BeaeLy was uvlayed In coming to the city, on ac count of being In attendance with her mother who bus undergone a ser ious operation wlthlu the past few days. | T. M. 5 Green of Bowling Green, I Hy., will be In charge of comnSercial j subjects, taking the place of Miss , Stiouffer. who resigned to marry. Mr. Helms of Mure head City takes j the place in science last year filled hy ! Mis* Berta Crawford, now Mrs. T. T. ! Hamilton. C. W. Twiford becomes director of physical education at the Grammar scboql succeeding Mbs* Shirley. Mr. • Twiford will organise games and teams among (he grammar school and direct their basketball and baseball leagues, work done last year by Sup erintendent Armstrong. CARNES AIDED 2 YOUNG GIRLS • • » ■ O' Was to Get Proceeds for Ad vances If They Broke Ifito 1 Movies ■ - ATLANTA. Sept. 10 (A*> Thomas If. Scott." receiver for the property of Clinton S. Carnes, missing treasurer of the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board, said today that Carnes private 1 apers showed h<- had pern financing two girls attempting Id. break luto the movies in Hollywood. Scott said that a contract had not been found between esmes and the two girlx. Miss Sod la Nordlle and Mis* ,' *! « ' * ls Griffin, wlih'h was mude through | Mrs. Louise Pope, formerly of Atlan ; ta. The contract specified, Scott said Hat Carnes was to receive a portion ; of the esrnlngx of the girl* utter they I ecatne established Hk explained thut i arnes Imd told his office help that he expected to make money out of the deal The private books, of the Tnlsslng I treasurer, Scott said, showed that j during the past 22 months Carnes had ! advanced Miss Nordlle t $3,721.62.-, Miss Griffin 85,138.61; and Mrs, Pope 13.044. Thin development came on the eve j es presentation of the ('arnes case to the grsnd jury at which the mission. (Continued on page R) lie Mitered a pleii ol utility lu nil cane*, M•>« rvht*M> I'<»r trnii'-p irtiits: tilil,!. ’ , Ed Austin was fined $25 and half the coils and Willie Mo** stti, and 1 It o lf tin in 1 i* siif Bro*4har*t mi e'tarfd of a 1 barge of manufacturing ; id .lap Mr f'nllen had-a charge of bav ■ in a still dismissed. Other cast* Kid Sltaw. assault, Bn jr»; Johnny Oliver. lan ■if of dress " days; In nip ■< > Gooch, larceny BO () It. Ingram. assault s',o and 1 sts; Kiln Smith aud K»rah Kmtih . violating chapter 215. judgment rus I" ruled o',er period of two year- upon payment of t Armstrong as,, til! not guilty; Wilbert Sheppard ; and Walter Sheppard false pretense, pot utility; Repin Unpins, assault (10 ( end costs; ten Urn wold, assault lie aud ec its;* Kutllt .Vrtrmw. lar> uy, $ ‘ mouths in jail; Troy assault ’ $10; and cost*. Jim Vinson, Goldsboro (Continued oa paje 5), « g GOLDSBORO- N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1928 IS CRUSHED AS HEAVY CAR HITS TOBACCO TRUCK # Truck Said to Have Been On Highway and Without Any Light,* ACCIDENT HAPPENED 6 MILES W, KINSTON Waller Mooring. Aired Dudley Man, In Also Injured In Accident « Walter Jones, 17 year old son of ,"m Jones of Dudley, ir».< instantly killed uhout 8 u'eloi K last 'veiling when crushed between a tobacco true'; * lauding oil the highway and a heave automobile Andrew Mooting, also f Dudley, was Injured when the truck was Knocked against Itlm hy the tore*) of the blow. The accident occurred on highway number lu about six mMe* * ext of Kinston. , • Young Jon** w-as on a truck of to bueco belonging to J. 8 O'Berry of Dudley *ud driven by bis brother Em matt Jones. ran out of gain one and-a us parked w ithout lights oh the .highway. Walter Joint started urck toward a second trmk belong ing to Mr. O'Berry In older to get Mime gusollita. or hfd been Imek. Lye witnesses were not clear about tlflh point. * *" 4 Standing In the rear of the loaded truck, he was caught squarely be tween It and the heavy automobile »» the latter crushed Into the truck. Jones nu.-iaua d u broken leg. u brok en arm. a broken neck and his left ride crushed In about the heart and lung./'-Dciitli must have been iio-iuiil uncoils said physician# who examined the body - Raymond Taylor of Ayd'n was the driver of the *utJu:ok)ic which struck ♦lie truck, crushing the Wayne county boy. Accompanying him was his wife and brother in law, W. L. Tyson, the latter also of Ayden. The Sheriff ot Lenoir County made an investigation und did not order any urrests. Tuyior drove his rar on Into Kinston and luter to Aytlcj). though greatly upset by the occur ence. An Itiqu* st Into the m.eldcntc was ordered by Coroner F, A. Gardner of for 7 o’clock tonight and will be held at the i-ourthons* in Kinston. The remains of Jon s was t.fVen to >.he t»I Home mi Kinston and prepared for burial While fuller ul griHllgi-lneuts hud n*>t t'*uh perfect ml last night, It was expecied Ihxt ritca would l«- held at Dudley Hie afternoon. It was consider'd unlikely that the body would In* held pending the Inquest, tonight. Mr. Mooring an used man. »*>. tjk.. in t» Parrots * Memorial hospital where he received first aid Follow ing tilts, he was allowed to leave the hospital. He was suffering great pain however, and physicians -aid that It would he som'lime before the extent id his injuries could be effetively do icrmlned , !u all likelihood tin at* *d*-iit would C o not have Ukin plat v h»ti tin n Ik»i‘h Unlit.' on the inn k. 110 was g* in rally agreed. That the Ayden man was (ruvrlllnu at a high rate ol ip* <-*t w a loilli st'd. It was said hy the. fact that tin loaded trunk was knocked j n feet (town the highway and Into * field, dark spot on the highway at the point ark spot on the highway ul tin- | tint e.hni'c tin wiled..' of It Mud-. 01 hid - brakes had liwufnl'lh'd before 111* impact. The truck was h< aded in the direr tlun of Kinston, when the loimcco •as h* ilig taken In market Th A> den *ar wa- travlllne in the sum' direction. Anti Smith (>roup Is Barrde At Convention UALf-AK. Tex., Kept lh u Die Flrcle filling: station (overeil life road to a depth of-14 Inches in the deepest place. )To prevent the water "which nt points raced across the concrete wiftly. from undermining the road and crumbling the concrete, employ es n>f llie state highway d 1 pu; i.aant labored all yesterday at piling hags loaded with sand along the shoulders of the road. These prevented Che sand o' the .*hnulders washing away. Tralfiee through llie stream had to proceed at a snail's pate. Highway employe's placed large poles in order te mark the edge of the pavement. ■ Might Ihiniagr nt tlospllal Hmatl daniuge relitllcd to crops at the pluntnilon of th* State Hospital lor the colored Insane when : -the floods slowly, covered considerable pasture land and som smart corn areas Sunday, Dr. W. C. Linvllle, Supt-rlulendent aald. It was nwessary »c move all hogs and cattle of the COTTON SLI MI’S $4.50 K BALE UuNiration of Government Tim dit ion .Report ( auned Bi« Break NEW YORK. Sept 10 —(fl*) —Cotton price* broke »4 50 * bale In early trading en th* cotton exchange today us a recat ion to the government crop estimate of 14,439000 hales on Sat ur(l ay. The Liverpool market was also weak. Heavy general selling flooded the New Y'ork market at the opening. iii-L-ompunied hy Southern hedge sell- Ing carrying October contracts, which I.Jd closed at £19.28 on Saturday, to 18.34. December which closed at i i 09 Saturday boke to 18 56 cents. • Ntf iV ORLEANS, Sept 10 i*ar another check for $175,000 will! tome from Within two and |om half x .|rearß tub entire money pro hospital to higher ground Sunday as the spot where they are usually qua tered was Inundated. "*We eau't tetl yet whether the corn that Is luuded will lie lost,'' said Dr. Linvllle “If it do«s not gel over the tops ot the ear, It oughL lo bo usable but If the water get Into the ear, R will sour and Im- ruined.** Dr. Lliivill'-; 4 *ald that the Ncuse had apparently readied Its highest point’ alMiut noon yesterday. At the bridge on highway 40, sevet a! miles farther cast'' from the hatpi Ul the crest was not ranched until late yesterday. ~ Vs Three atre-U In little Washing! m negro section of the dty, were (lihiJ ed as the waters hacked lu from th" lowland Canal for a distance of two blocks h»d to be waded by Ihc .peo pie living along It. Eight to ten lien M of wat'r hail backed In Orchard and Washington streets that cron* Canal. Narrow K»cap* Home of the most convalescent In mates of the Slate hospital amus‘,l tii'msrlves going swimlng as they aided In the removal of the hospital stock to points of safety. Kcnmvltfg their clothes, they had a great ttM4 diving into the 20 fo*»t w«t*r. Two reeded to tty the stunt, thlnging K deaf mute* among the numb'r pro “freat". Without khowlng that uni Continued on page three RALEIGH AWAITS SEN, ROBINSON Democratic Nominee Speaks in £! h AUd i u?ni um There H -* Tonijfhl RICHMOND, Vt-, Bept. Governor Smith's inemhership 18 the (.athollc church, rather than his views on prohlhitlen were declared toutght by Senator Robinson to be la his opluion the rtkl “reason" prompting what he described as “an extrai-rdln sty and unjustified attack on Um Democratic giiesidentWl nominee" Carrying his campaign for the rife t residency on the Democratic ticket Into the Old Dominion. Mr* ltublngon said thut “vague dread of undue church Influence” In governmental af fairs hnc! become maulfest and railed upou His audience to remember thet Virginia Had taken a foremost part in declerlhg for separation of church and state with Ua statutes or ous liberties. J Hpeakltig here In the city auditor ium not mgny miles from the tomb of Thomas Jefferson, the party's founder the Senator said that tfio private let tern and StaTi-'tjaper* of the great Democratic rhieftian. “glow with fer vld advocacy us the cause of 'ellgl ous liberty.” (Continued on pa*ge 6) ; vided by the county should havt I ’eon repaid. « Eighty mllea of highway along three prhn Ipa I routes- to, 40 and 102 hive been constructed In Wsyne county. 'lt Haney recalled and. tin •only cost to the county his Men th< interest on $500,000 loaded the State ■ n rarrvlng on! the projects. This Is a tecord of solid financing In the mat tor of road building that very f#w count to can equal, It was said. With ( jji levs than three years all the money advanced by tho county will have Men paid, and the highway* will Just liave begun to serve the public. The new project for the county b • (he construction of a highway by Ber i i Springs to I’ink Hill and Jackson vlilc, Reallseatlon of tills project hi considered possible In the next fhw rear*. Pink Mill and Jacksonville aec tions nre enthusiastically In favor °f the piop. ■ d highway and' arc orn.ini led to aid > county In ohlalmng if.- \ ■' .1' ■'; • • -.Ji.-K.y i'll tfie proposed route has a Ire ad v been made by repr* sentatlves of the State Highway de pcriment. . i^| Ai iifl||| MEMBER OH. THE ASSOCIATHD PRESS * PRICK FIVE CINTR About 250,000 Lbfl. Weed Sold Yesterday With the tobacco drying out cop slderubty. slightly better averages prevailed on'the Goldsboro tooecco market yesterday wh'n approtm etety 26)1.000 pounds of weed were xuld. All the bills wore not In last night amt official averag** could uot by had. 4 EailmaU-s were khat yesterday's averages would range from 111 to 114. much lugs and acrap holding, down the average. Bl"( kt-d sales continued to axial on Wilson and other market*. •Wllsuii reported selling a million and a half yesterday. LARGE IKK.KET N IN CITY COURT "Ncifro Relate* Story of How Ho Wu AwMoßod With An Axe Case* of drunkaneaa end dlaordorly i 'induct war* th# foatura counts ot the police court docket disputed *f W Mayor J. H. Hill, at th# rajmtar Moftd*r morntnik aaaali»«. Th# ran# ot wnite men, charged with assaulting leaala Art la, colors with a dandly veapon. aald by witnesses to keen Iwtn an a**, w*a bound ovaflo th# • ounty court. Padgett, H waa aald la a •oltactor for a credit ator# and waa trying to collect from Art!# at toO time the altered aaaault l»ok alac# According to wltneaa*# Padgett atraok i he negro tuAc# with th* flat aid# of » til# age. knock Injt bint dow|, Art IA, m hta earnout of tha affair ta!er#d that « na of th* man. Poplin, jj ,< cap, which he had tho clothing atom, from hit. Artli* head, and riln with H. Wh#a Ha tiiraai to aea wh#r* tha man want, tail MS t ett at ruck him yIU» an a*e. aald tho ■ egro. Three wltnegaaa wags pra $r inted who declared that thgy •»* I'adgett atrlka Aril# with th# f M, and > aid that they dtd not a## a kalii in the hand# of Art la, or aap Otar _ weapon. Dare Bryant colored. charged with • wiling, waa fined flat dollar# 'awl th# o#ata. I - John Wynn, colored, w#a fined ftrd dollars and the coat# on ebargt* of hMnk drunk and disorderly. ntchard Austin. Cary Aaatla. (Cat? White and Masts Na# WhllfUld. all colored. wera each fined fir# dollars »nd Ibe roata on rhargaa of batag dto ■ orderly. According to wßaaasas, tho * HI wo worn n had etarted fighting oyer n Ice pick. Richard Auatin. cam# la „ •ha room and attempted to part tha •-air. About thla time, It waa aald. Cary came In with a hnlf* opaa la Ina hand, and at ruck at Richard, acct i.ently tutting one of the wltneoaet . n the hand when nhe aitempted to i rah the knife. Cary Auatin took land and declared that If Ila AuitW i aye Richard a shot gun. and that !Mr hard pointed the gun at him ft was flunally reduced that all of tha defendants were equally guilty, aad they were fined accordingly. •» ■ Charlie Thompson colored, charged. Ith being drunk, waa fined fir* dap ire the mate "I am going to break up thla hqsioMa of getting drunk on the atreeta." aald Mayor Hill In fining Thompaon. Emmett Ingram, white man. charg •d wl(h b‘ing drtipk, waa fined flTe lotlara and Ikg/ndl on a ch»rga of 'icing drunk. Neighbor# reportad ta •he police that Ingram waa ceasing i disturbance Sunday morning by ;timing over tables, breaking dltbsS and ao forth. Odall Wataon. white, paid tka coats •n a charge of being drunk. „ o in !».iar Sarvle, colored, entered tha • ourt on a charge of being drunk aad fleordarly, but waa bound over to tka •ounty court on charges "f aaaault 1 nid highway jobbery, when It waa e*titled by a w.ltn*aa that Sarvta had fofr'lbly taken money from the plain* riff In the r ‘ fJ -» a , The c.ise *Sgalnrt Prances Brown, colon