WEATHER ImUj fair Wednesday and Thursday except pagjxlbly I weal skewer* in extreme West. VOLUME SEVEN} NUMBER 168 ROBINSON RECALLS G. O. P. RECORD IN RALEIGH ADDRESS Covers Widest Range * Subjects He Has Yet Touched in Addresses Recalbi Thai Nation tya* Pros perouN Under Simmons Un derwood Tariff I-aw CHARGES G. O. I*. SOLD FEDERAL APPOINTMENTS .- ■ 1 Head Waiter at Sir Walter Fails To Recognize Vice Prewi dential Nominee KALKIGH. Sep< 11 (-P)-I’r«vh iii is a Democrat a- dost Hue until P>'r» piratlou stood out Johnanh, secretary «f the state executive committee, «hd 0. M Mull, state chairman. Mr. and Mra. Robinson tonight found n break In the succession of dinner engagements to which they have been’ Invited In other cities and dined alone In the dinner* room of ihe Sir Walter Tliev were un m-ognlxrd by (lie head waiter *nd had to wait sometime before their or der was taken. After someone ill the dining room had told the head waiter who they were, lie Immediately went over to their table and gave personal attention to the service. COOUDGE SEES JAMES W. GOODE Or ( a Western Republicmn Manager Confers \Vith ( hies Kxe rutive in Chicago CARKETT. Ind, Bept. 11—OTk Aboard PraSTWht Coolulgea Vneclal Train-Scheduled to arrive 111 Wash t.iglon early tomorrow morning to re .time hla regular executive duties in the Capital after * long Vacation in Wisconsin. President Coolldge found national politic* impalent U) reach him before then and today he received the first caller* slneo leaving the so eluded shores of the Rrule River. j Jam •■* W. Goode. Western Republi can campaign manager, took the op port unity of an hour's stop of the presidential speelal In ( hlongo to con fer with the chief executive. Last week he sought to indue* Mr. Cool- Idge to deliver speeches for the Ra publican ticket lu the campaign, m THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEM Him Higher Averaßes On IxK'al Tobacco Mart Tobacco sale* of 175.000 pound un the Goldsboro floors* yesb.ula) averaged about $lO, warcbousetnei ■ said, deducting sun s of $1 and $1 per hundred paid for scrap uin very poor grades. The setlmate of 175.000 poundt for Tuesday was un official, bill* having not been completely check ed and turned in last night- t)f fleial sales through Monday a* supplied The News showed 610, 438 pounds sold here. Yesterday's totals brought the amount to about 785,438 pounds. By the end ot Thursday, if wot weather does not again slow up the sales, the mar ket will have pussed ihe million pound total- SOLICITOR TO MAKE DECISION Lenoir Coroner's Jury Makes No Indictments In Fatal Accident That Walttr Jones 17 yar Did * run out of gasoline and wgs left parked without llghl* u on the highway when the Ayden man struck. It YOUNG ULES TAKESHONORS Named I’renidont Sophomore Section of Hiram Founda tion Camp 0 .i.i. David Idles. Goldsboro ,4'oilth. has been named president of the sopho more section of the Hiram foundation t th* world in lowering the death rat, 1 .through public health work and pi< venttve meldin', said M » Ward This Is largely explained, she though through the very high death rate from tuberculosis, xx^aa. “Well, There’s an Understanding’/ ’' , ■ 1 : >o m on<',< r-tnndinß between us." She hiuted that w<-ome l.' latain ward of JanilUiug for JiO ftduiiicil Kla, ’ i .1.1 i, point in oil! that it wu* next lo iuipn lid,- iu indlglcni fuitllllc lo keep the one as flirted with tin di ■< fumi nil con tact with the other of the family. A* a r, »»> iety i* exposed, she sa d. "A Due hospltil would be fine," stated Ml** Ward, "but any plait* where Hie tnbft' tUar tould be Isolut 0 after ilie di». a e 1 wi ll iliul fw»y ould b« a *t> p,fit,- r,,Dif direction t am in favor of doing tfoimthing iow. ralher tlnui lu waiting until we An get big money for big tlilus*." I'lan* arc uiuler way between the k m m (Continued on page 6| GOLDSBORO- N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, lt»28 3 to 0 pound variety, but some weigh ed a* much us twMiy five pound*. Washed out,, of Gw rcgnl*r channel* of the Neuse by the high waters which have flooded hundreds of acres of low lands, they fell a prey to the sport*- iiii'ii in the shallow- water. The no u with Ik* pitchforks were I. avtng the h «-> part' of the luik. the riflemen and slndguimieu finding that their bitHfts fem-r«tty skidded i ff the top of the water without hit ting the fish. Spo t of a mo/e human kiijd wa* that found by unoth< r group amusing (DoakbiUMi on Faye Aix < DANIELSGETS A HEAVY FINE I J. W. Daniels To l*a> $l6O and. Costs For Havinjr Whiskey For Sale j. av. Daniel", Goldsboro man, wa* yesterday found guiliy lu M syne l onnly i,coi4|,; , ,-onrl Os receiving gnd having w hi.-key in hia po ocssion (or the purp 'of u(, . Judge Bland < ider' ,1 him to p„, * tin" of $l5O and Ufa ,Mi . and "t id MU ’d loin lo 1* iLjontliM tin the county road* 4 to h* upon r.mdiiion that IHiii 1., tak«* up p ill* cel' w ith hi' father . m I reports I » tin* court throuvJt the ■ hs'*rlff or 'chief nf jp»i!»'»* at leant net t m vt t* ill h 1 ** iu Hu via) 1 rqui! ii to 4. Yf htu*l In f h* rum Os $250 to fcft&urc the report* T. E. Browne to Speak Before Rosewood Club I' 1! T. «.-.i : n, . dm tor of vocation i~l agrli nli.-.r v i-h Ui' N.irlh Osro- I Lna foil* <- Kvlenston service, will t„ :he k- .It the It. wood com , mini tv ( lull meeting Friday evening. I A picnic *upp»-r w ill la- served at 6 j o'clock, hi ui’-. will 1h» transacted ■ mid the .iiidri * wilj go on the board* claim 7 d° Mr RVowiie la re, ognlxcl .1" a leader-among thoae interested In tinlying the problem* of agrlcultur* ami Boeewuod club member* invite tbo general public to tirar him, | E LEI TION BOARD TO MEET TODAY ened On Saturday, October tft H t * * axrv Final plans for hnldinf th« Novvm her election are expected to be made at a meeting of the t'ounty Hoard of Kleetlons at the courthouse at 10:3C this morning Those who held p*lb or -served as reglMrars In the primary are being asked to serve for the tall but where there '»re any resignations or changes on account of moving or other .-aiices, others will Ik- appointed, lender provision* of Section 5i>47 of the Consolidated Statutes ,#* Hme tided, the Registration Books shall open tor the registration of voters at pine o’uloek A. M , on tin -sth Saturday before each election. Therefore the laeiks are to he open ed for the tji-nerul Klectton on Sat urday, (XTofier 6th, Jh2B and remain •pen unlit sunset (sal urday, October 27« h. 1938- BUTCHER BOY TELLS STORY 1 tares Farts of 5-Yrar Illicit Love Affair With Society Mat run J.OS ANOKId-78, Sept 11 (JPJ— De tails of le-<>. P. Kelly’s 6 year Illicit love affair with Mra. Myrtlo Mellua, voclety matronl for whose murdsr ho ia ou trial, were related by the de fendant from the witness stand today at his chief argument to lave himself from conviction. Declaring hlmaelf to have been a "mull pursued". K>*lly a 29 year old meat cutter, told of the iluiideoUne meetings which had "every Sunday bu< six In the ffve s%»rx" aud a| least two night a w*ok. From the day he was introduced to Mrs. Mcllui, In January 1923 littho meal market where he worked Kelly I, stifled -}i* wa* "chuaed." He declared Mrs. Melius on one oc caslon 1 old him »he was "m»« at T. TH.” (her husband Frank Mullus) bo cruse he run around with a blonde. On Monday August fl when the nude ui d multllated body of Mrs. Melius was found lit her home, Kelly was ruptured ip a clothe* On the ctand todav he said ho hid there b*- , * use Melius came home unexpected ly mid he “tboutfht If 1 hid there *he (ould let ni« out'of Ihe house later when ihinj:* quieted down.’’ He said be hud hidden lu the closet on prev ious occasions when th* husband *ur prised them together. Kelly *ai,F that when Mrs. Melius went up to her bedroom the afternoon of the fatal l«at Sunday tie #p*nt with her. he heard her fall on the stairway and that he rushed to her, lurried her to her bedroom, and that lie th*n fell asleep. L»ter Mra. Mvllu* walked fefr-the stirway to bid him poodbye, he said, when the doorbell i a tig and he hid In the flOWt Then, he testified, he heard Mrs. Melius, srtenni "Frank" and that, he beard ro more until the police awketted him lu the i losi-t. \\ OH KIM. WItKS OPI'dSKD St. PAUL. Sept. 11---M*) A local m gani/ailon oppos' d to the employ n < til of married women who have no jiependerpa has prepared a hill for li tnxtpction In tlie 1929 legislative Bc.,M(pi forlildding employment » of nmrrlal women tn any state depart ment. I Urges Farmers to Attend Forestry Convention Here Aii