WEATHER .r w T Generally Pair, Tkuisdky sad Friday Peestbl thunders bow In «lternoog ' Llule change In teaperatnre. . VOLUME SEVEN; MEMBER 169 SALES ON LOCAL MARKET NEAR HUON TOTAL 0 v- „ Average of $12.84 Set Yesterday in Face Much , Very Low Quality Weed Tfcrmicii WMlnwtsy 87M40 Pounds Had Been Sold On GaldaSjto Jiarket RAIN AGAIN THREATENS TO BLOW UP OFFERINGS Eliminating Sera*. Aeeragea Would Pa m sl6 Per Hundred Here Pales on the Goldsboro tobacco mar ket will all likelihood reach >ud pass the million pound mark here today Official statistics of sales supplied The News by Mr. Fuller last night showed sales through yesterday reach Ing the total of >71.440. pmftids. During the last two day* on the § market, figures supplied The NwWs snowed, the average baa tgcreaoed P«r cepUbly aud Tuesdays and Wsdues days sales were much more satisfae toi*y to the grower* than any pre vlouafy made. The official ■average ••n the market tor Tuaeday waa |12.46 and the official average for yesterday #raa $12.41. These averages—comparing favor ably wltlu.dfiSae on any markst—are considered good when .It ts noted that included in the two dan was about 70,000 pounds of very low grade stuff —out of $94.0011 totals —which brought $8 aud sl. Deducting this •crap the primings, she average Mould pass the sl6 ma'rk, wtgrehou*emen • s»‘d. ■ Tuesday's sales amounted to 1W.158 pounds which brought $19,970.79 of ficial figures given The News showed. YssterdgTs agios amount to 104.544 which brought t15.t4i.30. ■While congested conditions contin ue on most of the larger markets, the three Goldsboro houses have been Tiled np dally to such a point Uist sales can conveniently be cleared be tor tfte ens. of the day. Warehouse men said yesterday that everything Indicated now that the sales on. the market would pass the total set up last year, Yesterday's sales would have been nearer 22&.000 than 104,000 had not frequent downpours throughout the day held back considerable tobacco. The renewed damp spell will quite likely hold np considerably the flow to the- warehouses today, aud If the tobacco becomes damp, may reflect Uself in lower averages. A A total of $101,567.25 . Jhaa .been ' paid to growers prho have apld their tobacco on the Goldsboro market. CLEMWRENN FOUND GUILTY Sentences on North Wilkesboro Men To Be "Panned This Morning NORTH WILKESBORO. Sept- 12- OP) A verdict of guilty 1 ' as to f’tein Wrenn, former president of the now defunct Bank of Wllkea; W. Kister former read superintendent of Wiikes county, and C. C. Faw, coalman of the county board of education, all charged with conspiracy to defraud was returned by a Superior court Jury at 9 o'c lock touight The case giew out of the issuing of ullegcd spurious notes for $ 1 r>o,no(). The filial has consumed s week. Judge M- V. Barn, hill, of Rocky Mount, presiding will pronounce sentence tomorrow morn ing. SMITHV 53 YEAKS CHEROKEE .lowa, Sept. 11. </P> Restoring horse power has been hd. J. Klfrink’s Job for 53 years- In that time he has-fastened 662.00(1 shoe* to 138.340 horses . HI" blacksmith shop o»tlll averages 10 horses a day. mht rgainmt radio t.Roir CHICAGO, Sept. 12—</P> S "N *** (lied today In United States District court seeking to restrain the Federal Htdio Commission froip an forcing Its older of Septemlier 1, rnllug more than three score stations off the air. The sull was filed oil behalf of Sta- HonWCRW of Chicago. operated by Clinton R. White, who said other sta t'ons were expected to Join In the THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN XHB MORNING EHILE MINDS ABB FRESH—READ BM BUYERS BEFORE THEM MIX • . © * FIX HOUR FOR BAILEY SPEECH Rdlqigh Attorney Wayne Democratic Campaign Wed neoday, September 19 Five days trom today th» tic campaign will be launch ed in ’fcaynk couqty with kn address by J. W. Ba||vy of Raleigh. Mr. Ball sy is the first' of a number of big guns if the party lu the State who will . peak here before the November eV «-<-tion. O. Max Gardner, of Shelby, candidate for governor, and Josephus Imaiels editor of the Raleigh News and Observer and ex-secretary of t{te Navy, are expected to eppear herb before the ckx-tlcn , The hour for the Bailey tddrosi has been fixed at 8 o'clock In the evening. Wednesday Sept. 19 The piqce Is the Wayne county courthouse Precinct chairmen over the county Were yesterday urged by County Chair man W. A. Dees to broadcast the news of the Bailey speech. “We ought to have 1,000 loyal Democrats out to hear Mr. Bailey.” said the chair man. The Raleigh attorney has long been tecognlsed as among the foremost po lltk-al leaders of the State. Mr. Bal 'ey Waa graduated faotn Wake Forest! College and while a very young man ■dlted the Biblical Recululer He gave up the editorial chair for public Ijfe aud there Is no more elective or enkindling speaker in North Carolimr than Mr Bailey. Wayne 'Democratic headquarters have been opened at 115 Professional building by Mr. Dees and are being frequented by an Increasing numbeg of Democrats daily. Miss Pierce Is i.ow in charge of the office aud she has so relitlrbntlon large pictures of O. Max Gardner and of Governor *>mlih, and several publications of tha Democratic party. youngTngram DIES IN CITY Native of Grantham Township Had pten Working In Lexington Gordon McCrary Ingram. 22 years old, died at 10 o'clock yesterday in a local hospital following an illnesg of two weeks with Bright's Disease. Mr. Ttigram was taken 111 while working with a Lcxiugtou printing company oh linotype man and rs’me home where ho enteied the hospital. Funeral service will be held from the -home of Mrs. C. A. Jackson In Grantham township at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Howard Pipkin of the baptist church will lie In charge oP the rites. Burial will be made In Kureku church yard. Surviving young Igram are. hits ) mother. R CO and C J. Ingram, one r'.ster Arsbclle Ingram; and two hall brothers, Nelson and Melvin Jackson ail of Grantham township Interesting Exhibits For Forestry Convention Here '"We expect the exhibitsrto be om of the meeting most attractive! worth while feature* u t , 9nr convention.” y peaking of the convention here on September 19-21. says R W. Oraeb •I, Secretary ofHbe N. C. Forestry 'Association. "We have arranged for < xhibits to be plac' d by the Depart ment of Conservation and Develop mettt, by the Commute on Wood Utilisation of the V. 8. Department of Commerce,, by tl»- American For istry Association and the N. C. Agri cultural Extension service. “The Department or conservation and development w-11l put on an ela borate exhibit showing the effect at forest fires, not only the destruction of trees, but this exhibit will a|so show the dlsatreoux effect upon the fcapt oar our cute. This exhibit sill LARRY NEWSOME TO DIE SEPTEMBER 28 Tim Perfect Bride yil. jM H K If i • .1 Tfc . 9 HI Rose Perfect;' Broadway mo •leal comedy star, who is to marry Edmond A. Ricder, manager of big New York hotel, in the near future. She haa a son, 14. by a previous marriage. LAWRENCE CASE BEFORE COURT AttopifeyH for Durham Man r Claim Evidence of Guilt In sufTicient for Verdict \ RALEIGH. Seg>t Vi ~</P>--' K'm«r lain* aud Jonea Fuller, attorney* fir W. H. Lawrence. Durham contractor convicted of the slaying of Mrs; An., ule Terry, middle aged druse maker und sentenced to 30 years In stats prison, today asked the supreme court to free their client, arguing that he had been convicted on auch "flimsy” circumstantial evidence that Judge 11. A. Nunn, presiding In Chatham Superior Court had erred In not graiit- Ing their motion for non-nult- Fuller cited ft* « |irecedeat the Montague case of Asheville whe-ru the victim was her home with her throat Slashed aud dead- A practical nurse In her home was convicted of slaying on circum stantial evidence by thb lower court but when the case was reviewed by the Supreme Court the conviction was stricken out aud the defendant re. leased. , Arguments for the state were pre sented by Frank c Vi-h, asslhjfat at lorney general Ale reviewed like evi dence upon which Y*twrem e was bon vlcted. maintaining It -was sufficient to warrant the second degree yjrdlct brought In- I*6 la charge of Mr. t'has. 11. Flory, j» nMt - State Foreat«r. The American people have been a nation of wood waster* but since! the supply of timber of high quality f is bplng rapidly d«pleted. it is ueces- 1 ary that we study and device more es i f.clent ways of using wood. The erj hlbtt by the Commute «u Wood U tilt ration will show some of the pusatblli ties along this line. ‘ "The American Flr**try Association which hai recently undertaken some very eoustuctive work to the south ern states.' placing several represen tatives In the field ou a imperial educa tional program, will also; have an ex lilblt depleting some of their work, which will prove interesting. •‘The N. C. Agricultural Extension \fbrk through its office of Farm For JU. (Ce»t)uu?d ffd &£$ BfHfl m GOLDSBORO- N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 5 DIE AS TANKER EXPLODES Change Voting Place To G. Coker’s Store The Ban I ston voting precinct was yesterday changed from Hood Swamp to George Coker's store and It Is from the letter place hat the registration books for tha pi wind will be opened. Action making this change wae adopted by the Wayne County Board of elections In session here yesterday Changing at this voting place fea tured a session In which final pre mraGgn* for holdlug the general elemhn In November were mate. Notices of the change of voting place In Kaulston, »» adopted by the board, were carried xef'erdav Into the section and posted. The old Hood Swamp voting boeth has been the scene of many a hotly con tpvted and Interesting catnpsgln. IS GRANTED INJUNCTION a <r _____ Argument Before Judge Daniebt September 24 as to Making It Permanent , & ___________ Annie 8. Woolen of Mt. Ollvp has been granted a temporary Injunction ugalnst the Gulf Refining Company r« straining the company from placing gasoline tanks under a street and abutting property of the plaintiff. The Injunction was granted by Judge Hen ry A. Grady at a chetnbers hearing in Kenansvllle asd will be argued before Judge F. A. Daniels In Bmithfleld on September 24 to deterpilue ts the or der Khali be made permanent Robert P lfolntf has leaaed a pey talu tract of land from the First Na tional Bank of Mt. Olive on W. Cen ter street, for a filling station. He has been granted a permit to install gaso line tanks on Center etree and adjoin lug property of thf.. plaintiff, explains the papers filed In the office of Clerk Court J. B. Hooks. These papers deny that the toVIT of Ml, Olive has the authority to grant a permit to place the tanks where they are being placed .. HARDMAN AHEAD OUT IN GEORGIA' „■ * Ex-t'onjrreHMinan Uphhaw—An ti Smithile—lWads Present Incumbent ATLANTA, Sept- 12—Governor L. G. Hardman took the lead for the nomination tor Governor on the.facet of early return* from today's demo cratic primary election In Georgia. Dyomplete returns fr"tn Ik of the 161 counties of the state for governor) gave'‘Hardman 1,733; E. D. River* 1.40 L. * In Georgia the nomination Is has etl on a majority of the unit votes, ear-h county Jiavlna twice as many unit vote* a* It has representatives In the state house of representatives The.-e returns If maintained, gill maintain that Hardman had 36 unit votes to 16 for Rivers. There are 414 unit votes In the State. I At the same hour (be first •! pre icincts In the Mb district gave for (Congress cave W- D I'psbaw, 235; L . 11. Steele 172; Upshaw, former con. l pressman ha* waged a vigorous cam ! palgn against Governor Al Smith, the Democratic nominee, white STeele, fu. enmhent ha* support™! Smith. 2JII 1.1." MARKET ON RAMI'AGE NEW YORK. B<-pf IX—<>P>— Thq “bull' market on the New York stock exchange got away to a flying start today When more than • score Issues were rushed up to' record high lev els In the first half hour of trading. The early gains ranged from $1 to nearly $7 a share with blocks of 3000 and 15,00 b shares changing hands at ; £ cqu S ifl latcrilU, s.sda SEA ACCIDENT OFT SOUTHPORT Twenty Seven Rent-ued by Spu lnh Ship After Taking To Roatg 80 r TH PO RT. Sept. f 12——Five teamen were killed and four others Injured when the tank* steamer Shre veport, bound from I'hlladelpula to Gulf ports, exploded at sea off Fry ing Pan shoals near here this morn lug. Twenty nine survivors were ree < ued by the Spanish steamship Aide coa and brought to the quarantine sta non herev o Among the injured was Cap Cr. 8. A. Simmons of Baltimore, master of the vesael. The shlii was demolished by the ex p.oslon but at latest reports tonight had not sunk. The coast guard cut ter Modoc hsd been ordered to ataod try. According to word from the survlv ors, the first explosion cams with ter rlfying suddenees tore away the bridge deck and mldahlpa housing end -endeerd the wtrelse uaeleea. The ship was immediately In flames, they said end before the crew could take to the boats three more eaploaioa occurred. Captain Simmoue said he had no to send ever a wireless call for help and that the Atdecoa waa at tracted by the smoke arsilng trom the burning tanker. The erew had all taken te small boats whig <■> i nemr 1 ship arrived. „ The Shreveport wee a 4,Odd (on ves sel operated by the cities Service Transportation Co.; of New York, ehe a« travelling In ballast from Phils delphla where she had pjuet finished discharging and expected to pick up another cargo of pi! In Gulf porta. o* 11 TKLKM, LIKE PROPLR, , KENEhT niSTUMBIMU WASHINGTON—(A*)—Trees, like people lost adaptability with advanc ing age. and • comparatively minor change In their environment may be Entomologists of the deperement of agriculture say that transplanting almost always Is a severe test for trees of consldereable else, and transpuuted trees are attacked by* In .-ects If most of the large trees la a grove are killed leaving only a bor der of trees or small groups, the ntrvivors often suffer serious damage and die. POHTMANTERH TO .MEET IS ASHEVILLE ASHEVILLE. Sept- l2.—(^*)—Senor Cosme Hinojosa, Postmaster General of Mexico, and Rodolpho B Koto, su perintendent of malls In Mexico, will i ome to Asheville next week to meet Harry 8- New, Postmaster General, when about 500 postmasters of the nation gather for their anmuaj con vention. plans for which wer«|cotr plcted today, D- W.' Hill, Postmaster here, announced. Blames Hoover For Failure Os Agriculture Aid Bill CHARIXJTTE. Kept bert Hoover was accused tonight by Senator Robinson of being the "prin ciple cause of the failure” of farm legislation during the Harding and Coolldge administration. Br-'akliig a silence he has maintain cd on the farm relief Dan# since for mallr accepting the Democrstlc vie* I residential nomlnstion, the Senator In his second speech in North Carol ina attacked the records of both the Republican presidential nominee and of Republicanism In general and de* i lared that "either he'nor his p*rty Is entitled to further opportunity.” Mr, Robinson declared that no more outstanding instance could be found of the “inefficiency and failure of the Republican party In its conduct of national gftflri during the lu( eight SIX PLANES YET IN BIG FLIGHT r Thrills Aplenty Provided A* 9 Ship* Take Os For Trans -, continental Hop ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y . Bept 12 —(>P)—Nine planes took to the atr to day In a mighty non stop marathon more past two ahlps had been forced mere past two hlpa had been forced down and another had given up the attempt and returned to the martm* point. Os the alx planes remaining,in the race, four can share In the $23,600 prise money. , . The six are Ihe Yankee Doodle of Art Ooebel: k !.of kheed Vega o>rned by William Dbawell. famous wsr filer Charlsw A. Levine's trsns Atlantic Columbia; a sesqul plane piloted by N. B. Mammer of Spokane; and two Rellancaa piloted by George Halde man, Ruth Elder's drean pilot ; and Emil Rurgln. The take offs occupied the whole day and gave several thrills to • crowd esttmsted at about 10.090. The first thrill of the day came when Mammer tha second to take off was unable to get Into the air on hla first try. He cut his switch and cam* to a safe stop lost short of that steep declivity at the bottom of which Rene Fonck's plane burned on a trass At „ *** fp» iRAt wi> * n five other plsnes had followed Mou rner Into the aIV and Irvine's Colitm bla roared down the runway. A photographer ran across In front of (be speeding plane to to avoid aim ing him. Pilot Jack feemsn steered Ihe ship sharply. The right wheel col lapsed, (be plane made a ground loop and seemed about to turn over. It lighted Itself, however, and after hae ty repairs got safely Into the air. COLUMBI7B. O—<>P|—A large «B* identified plane^passed over,.the Col umbus airport shortly after I o'clock officials reported. Because of the darkness, the plane could sot be re cognised. Airport officials believed the plane to be one of the non stop entrants In the trsns •continental air race from New York lo Los Angelas. ACQUIRE HTOCK CONTROL NEW YORK. Kept «—(JP)- War ner Brothers pictures haa acquired control of the Stanley company of America through stock purchased, ft was announced today. An offering to the minority stockholders will be made on the same basts for which control was acquired. Details for which control was acsnlred. o - ■ WON’T PLEDGE SELF WASHINGTON. Kept. It— (/Pi Herbert Hoover today frankly told a delegation from the woman'* party that he would not plege himself to an eeual right amendment to the constl tut lon until he had completed an ex baustlv* study of tbe effect o such a- change In the Fundamental law. yearn than that relate*! to the farm problem " Further the Senator declared that Mr. Hoorer. while food administrator under Woodrow -Wilson, never did any thing to fpi re'ane the price of Ameri can wheat, bill on the contrary Bought to atahlllre the price at a lev»l at time* far belo*r the market price.*' Contending adverse condition* In agriculture had prevailed *lnee the war. Mr. Rnblnaoa naltf that In the "opinion of many" the condition had originated In the polity of food con trol adopted by Hoover while aervlng »a food adminiatrator. Assailing Senator Hackett of Ken' tu<ky. Mini other Re pit hi lean a who, he argued nought to pnpulartgc the Re publican standard hearer wlt\ the far tnera by aaaming that aa food admin fConUnued oa Spwp). pap -HEKBEBOI J THE ASSOCIATED tt 1 PREBB I prick rrm cum Supreme Court Denies Appeal Ncwnm Twice Convietnd «rs Murdering Young WajrM County Girl RAIJfiIOH. Sep*. 11—(*>—The preme hourt today dismissed the ap real of Larry Niwaoat, Wsy*« coua , ty negro who waa twice eoevieted ot flrat degree murder la couaectioe with the alaylag of Beeeleh Tedder, 12 year old Wayne county term gift Under the laar Newsome will be electrocuted Friday. Septem SI. Newsome’s appeal waa naaar par ferted, but Chief Justtc Stacy. In a •brief opinion dismissing' the appeal raid: “no error appoara on the faoa id the record." The negro waa flrat triad la -Weyne county superior court before Judge Henry A. Orady. %•* convicted of iljrat degree murder aad ssetoooed to die. The Supreme court granted kirn a new trial, saying Jadga Urafy bed erred in ebarngiag that, a seesad de gree murder could pot to ratarned Tried again in Chatham coaaty, bo fora Judge W A. Nuns he wee again sentsdiced to die. hut Bia eehngel brought him a brief respite hy appmri ing to the Supreme rows* ■The:court handed down 17 other op in ions. With one exception they were,, ctrtl suits, moat of them iuvotvteg und disputes and of mlnier Impart' anee except to the parties JnVolvOd. JEWISH NE^YR. o PpjSpppjpllpW , ;. tef. Rabbi Freund Will ip In Otofin of florefang At dmb—,—, Hhoiom Temple IT The Jewish New Tear's Dey. er ftosh Ksshanah. aa it is celled In Ito’ brew will be observed by the Jewlah people with sundown Frtd»y. Septem her I»th, and the following day. Sat urday. This Festival Imsngarates in the Jewish calendar the Met day el the year MM, traditionally accepted date since creation. A* Oheb Bholem Temple, under tbs leadership of Snbbl I set L. Freund. services will be held Friday eight at • o'clock and Saturday morning at 1# o’clock. This baton a very solemn day in tie Jewish eel endar. the eervteee include solemn prayers, both traditional and modern. I'artlcuierty beautiful and Inspiring is the music during the services, •vhich Incorporate many traditions* melodies and chants, aad which will be rendered hy the Temple choir, da slated by Mhn Mary Evans aad MW. Ceorge Bynum tU the Organ. The Mew Year's message will be delivered bp Habbl Freund on Saturday morning. Strangers are cordially welcomed to all scry Ices. The observance of tbla dey ae e holy season is commanded la two pup saxes In the Bible, namely LeviU cue XXIII, 24.25 and Numbers XXIX. 1. Bui It hi tradition that has develop- f rd the reel sigeinceaee of the day. It has become not . only ea analverc »ry of the creation of the world—the chans* of th£ year, hot what hi more rnportauf t day of self introspection --a xeaaon for the change of life, la this way tt differs from the civil New Year. It is not m day for jolllfteetloe •■ut a solemn day of self repentance and holy resolve. It is the preparatory solem dey for the Day of Atnuement which follows ten days later. Tradition has called this day, Yom Hadin the Day of Judgment— the day where on one weighs himself in the scale of justice. *ttd perforce finds himself wanted, for "there la no righteous man upon earth that doeth rood always and slnneth not." Thee this d»y In the passing of cento rise haH come to embody the greet relt- . clous Ideas of divine justice and hnm an responsibility. Other festivals observed by the Jewish people during this mouth aad October sre the Dey of Atoeeaaeet. and the Festivals of Bu|tkoth or Teb ernarlei. At Oheb Sbolem services will he held during these festivals on the following days: . „ New Yeats Kve—Friday, Kept. 14, 6 p. m. New Teat's ) morning— BaUg[dPfj| Pept. 15th, 10 a. m. -JtA - IConUmted on pegs 7|^^|

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