WEATHER GewetrpMy fair. Friday aad Balatday except yrakakly *he wen BM*r day ia Mw extreme wedt . VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 176 MANUFACTURERS BATTLE WILMINGTON TO 5-5 TIE A BAD DECISION ROBS GOLDBUGS Amkm’i Homer in 10th Saves Day for Hal Weafer and Company Goldsboro won the aerie* from Wilmington yesterday afternoon, but Umpire Beck ruled contrary wU* and now Jim jreagues boya will have to do It all over again at Wilmington this afternoon. The Anal score waa G to 5 and dark neaa ended the count In the tenth tuning- At laaat that « what It waa after Mr. Heck got through with call Ing safe a play that waa "out" by 'several feet. It waa la the sixth inning that Beck got crossed Gordon. Aral up for the Pirates, hit a two-bagger into deep center- Iloaeee hit to short, and Culloty caught . Gordon at third. Daughtry tagger) Gordon son.# dla taqce from the plate, and Gordon had uerer reached the haven of third sack when Beck called film Safe. ’ A|>- parsntly the uuip missed the play probably expecting to gee the first tne made at find rather than third. Anyway it wa* one of the champ b< tier* pulled by an ump -eo the crowd thought -on the Held this year. The Ooldaboro fan* bad dhck fit after duck fit at the decision, and bad it not.< been for the cooler headb. Griffin r-rrk grandatand would have been* rendeied to blta and caat In fury about) the place- Before things settled down again, Wllmlngtoh had pushed over foiir run* and tied the score 4 all. The tally remained ksotted for the next three Innings, and Koaco# came In in thf drat of the tenth with a home run over the center field fence The fighting Gold Buga came back however. In their half of the inning and puahed across a run to tic the score again- The umpires called the game at the end of the tenth lining on account of darkness. Stanley Johnson had started on the mound for the locals and held the visitors scoreless for the llrst five In. nlngs Tlye Manufacturer* scored first in the third inning on a walk, a aacrafice and two singles, Teague, first man up. got g base on balls. Carver running for Teague, went to seoond on Johnson's sarraflle. Cpl loty singled’'to center field. Orvcr going to third. Carver scored on Smith's, single to the Infield. Patton made first ou fielder's choice when Hn.ith was put out at second. Hamel went out aecond to first. Again lit tha fifth the Buga scored, tallying three runs to bring the sum up to four, and giving the local* a four run lead- With one man down, Stanley Johnson got base on balls Culloty king It'd through i*hor* and Johnson went to third, while Culloty went to second on the play. Johnson scored on Smith’s single through 'second. Culloty going to llilrd- Patton (Continued on page S) LINER PICKS UP ANOTHER SAILOR .r Victim of Explosion of South port in ('harieHton and In Serious Condition SOUTHPORT, Sept. 13-<>P) The known death toll from the explosion of the tanker Shrevport off Fryfhg Pan ahoals yesterday wax reduced to four today when the Clyde lluer Mo hawk docked at Charleston with John Welflnger. boatswain who had been listed as killed. Wolfing*r wa* In a Mrlous condition and unable to fur nish any Information agout hi* three shipmate* who are *tl|| unaccounted for by the anrvivor* of the disaster. He had drifted about on a life ring for more than 12 houm before he waa picked up. Captaiu MscKentie of the Mohawk *aiRO. Sept. 13— V. Kaw, chairman of the Wtlkse county board ot education for the pant eight year* and -W. H. Foe U*r, road superlntnedent were aentenc de this afternoon-rto serve not lees than four nor more than »even year* Ip. the Stale penitentiary for eonsptr ' acy to defraud. Clem Wr«nn, preaid ent of the defunct gank of Wilkes, new nerving a »entence of not le»* than nine or more than 12 years for violating the atate'banking laws;was riven »0 additional seuUaca. Charges against llie three grew ost of the alleged laauance of forged county note* to the eum of $150,000 More than a consumed by the trial. An appeal waa entered for the two Uenteiiced and bonds Os $5,000 each were arranged W retin was returned to the prison to continue serving hie r.entence. - USES UI V 03 SINGERS CHICAGO, Sept. I?—— Annoyed by the singing of boy* below th# window last night, Joseph Cxshore blazed away with hla ehotguu, "toj Irighten them." as he told th# later. Tod*y he. waa held for the| death of Joseph Kusowski. 17. one of , the singers, whose body was found in the street In front of Ozahore'a home ROBINSON AT tOLIMBIt V • COUUMBfA. Kept. 13— UP)— Senator Joe T. Robinson and party arrived here at *:so 'o'clock this morning, ly his request, the Senator** party! remained undisturbed In their prl-i vate car until 1(1 o’clock. Bus and Auto Collide On Tr Highway 40 South of City The high waters which -hart been standing in ditches and low place* *!cng Side the road* and highway* in the vicinity of the Neuse River, probably saved J. A. Jackson, of Faison Route 1, and hi* little thro, year old son. from death. When the new Chevrolet touring c«r loaded with tobacco In which the two wore tiding to Goldsboro was struck by the Ooldsboro-Wilmhigton bus on the jdt. Olive highway about two miles i-from town ysHterday morning about eleven o’clock, knocking the h<*vily :aden car off the highway down an embankment and Into about four feet of water which wa* standing In the gully. The ljttel boy sustained a had bruise on the forehead and several reratrhes. and Jackson also sustain cd some scratches and slight bruises, hut beyond this father aud sou escap ed injury. Tha Chevrolet wag budljr Good Sales and Averages Continue on Loeal Market WITH ENI) OF SALES YESTERDAY SHY OF MIL LION POUNDS HY LESS THAN 2.O(H)—AVERAGE FOR YESTERDAY WAS $12.56 Season * totals for the Goldsboro luhaccu market lacked leas than 2.00# pound*; of reaching the million figure -.when the market waa closed yeater day. (Jfflctala report* of aalea sup plied The News by Mr. Pullrr ahowed for Thursday 122.638 pound*, bringing the total for the first nine day* of the season to 998.070 pound*. The average for yroterday was $12.56. and would have been higher but a portion of the, weed had been dampened In getting to Ihe market there remained ou aale great quuntlt- Wednesday afternoon and night. Again Ip* of stuff which brought only $1 to |S. There were occasional -sales, how ever, bringing S3O aud $35. -Wilson. Kinston, Greenville and other Urge markets continue to report Bugs Go Back to Tar Stronghold For 7th The Goldsboro Manufacturer* journey down to Wilmington to day to play the seventh game yt the post season series with Hal W'eafer'a Pirate*. Hundreds of Goldsboro fans were of the opln ion that the game would be played here on account of the fact that yesterday's game reeultt-d in a tie score, but it 'seems that a clause In the contract between the two clubs cal'* for tie games to be switched to the other town the next day. If the Manufacturer* win today It will be the end of the “cries and the geason. Old baseball fans who have kepi'- U p with the game for many year* believe that Goldsboro ha* the best rhance at copping the pennant. HAVE CAPTURED PAUL JAWORSKI Wan Leader of Gang Which , Blew Up Truck, Killing One, •and Got Payroll (iLBVVKIAND. 0., flept~ 13— threatened to cut off an ear. a finger • or a toe aud aend It to the boy* par i ent* tiulckt $60,000 ransnme is fortli i *QOlt]|g by Ssturday it w*« reveab-d > today. At the same' time with detec , tiv bureau squads scouring the city In & search of the boy and his captures, i It became known that the kidnappers 1 have called the Ranivrl family no less , than six tiuu-u during the past six Quizzed in Shortage * ■ JM H Photo shows Sonia Nordin, young Norwegian girl living in Loa Angeles; C«L, whom police questioned conceiving the di»- aoprarance from Atlanta, Ga., ot Clinton S. Carnes, ex-treas urer of Southern Baptist Hotn« Mission Board. letter is claimed to b« short nearly GOO.OOO in his accounts. ROBINSON IS - HEARD IN SC is Ours** Practice* AgahiMt Campaign COLUMBIA. Sept. 13 AJF\ Speak ing over a radio hook up second In size only to that he used In accepting the Democratic vice presidential no mlnatiou Senator Joe Robinson aald tonight (list fear of defeat If the bat tie wera conducted Id tha open has led the opposition to Employ method* which violate the accepted standard of ethics." Carrying hi* campaign Into South Carolina which for yearn has been liemocrattc something Ilka t to 1, th* icnofor said It w*s unfair and prejudl eta I for representatives of the Repub or secretly tofylead organised labor lo Icl lev# the Democratic party success Mean party or others to keek openly means the repeal or Impairment of law* for limiting Immigration. "Why iVo they apparently willing to accept," he inked, "th" advantages of a whispering cimpatgn designed I a* per* the character of the aWt* end patriotic gentleman chosen on the flrnf ballot of th» Houston conven lion? There can be but one answer "They fear defeat If the battle 4* tn the opeu. They therefor* employ poison I ou* gas and engage - nip*' shooter*. Such methods cannot prevail. The people of th<* United States are fair mined arid jupt. They wtlL reseut as un American and Paul Jaworski, one of the men who proud citizenship asptr an organized i!fort Jo win a national election tlirough -prejadire and falsehrM.d. Young Voters of Wayne Are Urged to Register An urgent cull to all young voter* who are going awAy to school and who pill l»e a latent from the Nov ember il.-ciion* to register before leaving their horn- towns, lias been iskued by county and state democratic lenders, according to a statement re re vod last night. Ty registering be fore leaving home ballots may be caat in slise.ptye for the November election It was explained. "There are many young men and women of voting age who will return to college* an dto teachers position* school! ./'■■ t Mtcinent ncMiircil. "and I Hose >MU,og p* opl* are urged to visit their counly registrar and pl»ce their names upon Ihe books before they ]*ivi- tn order that they may cast absentee votea In the Nov ember elections." "We are particularly anxious' that all the young totem of the county Grantham Boys and Girls c - Win in Contest at Willard ANNUAL FIELD DAY AT TEST FARM 18 ATTENDED BY FROM B,INK) It) 10,000— WAYNE COUNTY MEN PROMINENT ON DAY’S ACTIVITIES ° Grantham township boye *ud glrla yesterday came out ahead In tha poul try Judging contest held at Wtlllard teat station In connection with an nual Iteld day. ' lo>uiae Holl«well and Hmel Price tied for top Pin*’* •"‘i Atlra Ginn won third. Edmund Ky c«Hk, of Nahuuta also mad# a g*>od showing In the judging. Ay cock and Aaron Peele comprised the Wayne county cattle Judging con. test, but the results of thle ronteaL will nut be known for sometime. The winner# In the poultry Judging' are students of Grant haul high school and were (rained by Prof. Seymour- The wlnnera are member* of the Grantham 4-H club- The Wayne boys and filrla taking part In tha “contests were among some 50 people of the counly who attended Larry Newsome Has 0 No Chance Reprieve There la no hope of executive —* : or w - --- clemency for latrry Newaope, Wayne counly negro, who Is Mat ed to lyp electrocuted at Stale's Prtfon on September 28 tor the murder, Jaat December ot a young white |*l. Edwin B. Bridge#, Stole Pardon Commissioner, said Thursday.’ The Supreme Court •urned down Newaoma'a second ap peal -Wednesday afternoon. "I hove mad* a thorough la ▼eattgaffnn into tha Newsom* case aad there Is but a chaaoa ot executive clemency for him," said Ilf. Bridge*. . ‘ ANTI SMITHS LOSE IN GA. Hardman In R« Elected Gover nor and Steele Goea Back To Confrreoa ATI-ANTA. Sept. 18-W Gov. Hardman was renominated by th* Democrats of Georgia yeaterday by a majority of mors than 2 to 1 over hie cpponhnt State Senator K.D.Rivers Returns complied late today gave Hardman 300 unit votea to 114 for Senator Rivers. Two hundred »nd eight vote# 'if* necessary for a thole*. In the the dhtrlct* In which the incumbent congressman had opposi tion one I/. J. Steel of th* sth was renominated b ya big majority vor« hi* opponent W. D. Upehaw. This race wa* featured by th# inenc tlon or the presidential angle. Up shaw having mad# a bitter fight ngalhst Governor Alfred Smith, the Democratic presidential nomine*, while Btecl vigorously supported tiff entire ticket. MACON. Gs.—t/P) —Congr«U»man W W. I.aryen of Dublin has been r* elec Ud In tJie,_LUhdl9trlrt by a majority of 1.344 overbids, opponent Ne«l Gil Its. official returns showed late today and state place their -ballot* In the loftxes In November." the statement i continued, "anil expect the largeaf vole that ha* ever been poled lu Way i ii# county ami North Carolina, to be counted out on Ahe night of Novem her 4th.” George Vann county chairman of election, will register all voters and receive there absentee ballots to be catered In the boxes on November CT it wa* announced h*ra. Organization of the yonng people i f the *t*te Into county and city De mocratic club* has been underway tor eome time. It wa* atated at head quarters yesterday. No effect, ax far a* has been announced I* being mads in Goldsboro or in Wayne county to ward the organising of th# young peo pie at present. Such a move Is expect ed to take place In the near future. > Lo waver, it waa auaouuced, . 1 MEMBER OR ' ] THE ASSOCIATED ” I „ PRESS «| PRICK FTVK CUTMI tbe field day festivities. Una of the l.dlgeM rrowda ever in attendaaco waa present and ‘Was varloualjr sett. Dialed from 8.000 to 10,000. I Wayne county farm workers war# prominent on the program of Ike day. County Agent A- K. Robertson was general manager of the booths sad A. H. Vessay, teacher of agriculture 111 Rosewood high school, welcomed 'the motorcade of 100 cars from Wil mington. "Agriculture as It la Mlaunder, stood" was the title of the prtacipsl address of the day, made hy Hon Jewell Mayea, secretary of the Mis souri BUte Board of Agriculture. Jefferson City, Mo.. W. A- Orabam, commissioner of agriculture for North Caroline Introduced Mr- Mayea- NO ONE FINISHES NON STOP FLIGHT X ' mmmmmmmmmmmrn Art GoM Forced Doom Wkta Only Few Hoara Front Goal and Me Prtae • LOB ANOBLM, Sept. U—(MV—Aft Ode be I. who laU today, wee the first rud only non slop crt>es eoetiaeaf liter to arrive at Mlmoe field amd who therefore wee eapected to be declared the winner of th feature of the MM National Air rues, later wan aaaeaae ed as having been aufemdiisallr <*W qualified for making a trooed landtag ■t Prescott. Art*., today. * >• The filar, who bad driven Me BoaOr slid Vega plane serene the country from New York in approximately M he,are and 50 minutes revealed that much of lest night be fought flame bred winds, rain sad sleet and curb* r-tor trouble. Oobel landed at the Arlsone town to adjust hie carbureter than stopped to measure bis gaaoltae snd added 71 gallons He wag on the ground about an boar and 10 minuted. Os the nine planes whttb M*fMd the long none atop grind at Roosevelt field New York yesterday, nil bate o been reported down. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Bept. 16— (A*) —Oeorge W Haldrmsn and Bblr icy Short, flylnau BelUaee mops'' plane In the non stop croee country (Mgbt lauded here at 6:05 this after noon. AMARILLO. Tex—(M)—The Columbia trena Atlautlc monoplane competing In the coast to coabt non stop men, weg forced down here at 4«66 thl# aitrrnoon by a leaking valve la the Jack I«rman aald the nlauo would reserve gasoline tank. Commander continue to lam Angeles tomorrow ROOHEVELT KIKLO, N. T., Bept. U -(in- Mrs. L. A. Yancey, wife of the co-pilot of Emit Bur gins entry In the non atop air race tonight tele phoned officiate here that aba had received a telegram from her bMboad Mating that the plane bad been forc ed down by lack of fuel at WlUard. N. M.. . DECATUR, lad, Bept. U-VP)-Col William ThawetAnd Captain Joka P. Morris, partlclpanta In the non atop • rani continental air race suffered severe Injuries today when tber plena was forced down on n farm 16 miles south of here. Ooi Thaw suffered e die iocated hip and Capt. Morula sualatur ed a fracture of the pelvis end e ditto rated shoulder. They were brouaht to • local hospi tal after lying In tbs wreckage of their plane tor nearly eia bourn Three Injured In Nebraska Tornado V inRDYCE. Neb. Bept IS— (dP) Three persons were Injured when a tornado struck hare late today. P. B. Sherlock, railroad station agent, waa rut and brained when he waa Struck : by boards falling In the rear of the station. Marly reports were to the ed lect that damage would am nent |§ i thousands of dlolars,