WEATHER Mr ncift pnltMf itiwri la «x trwM west Maria;. SaadUjf parti; rlaai; prehnbl; laral skewers. Cttltr VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 171 GOLDBUGS WIN ‘WORLD’ W-easer Walloped in Own Back Yard As Young Thomas Pilches Perfectly For 2 to 0, Shut-Out Hamel's Sea national Catch and Cy’s Hokkag to Ball When Run Over Feature WILMINGTON. Btpt 14 C/P) flooring an earned run by auccesalve bit* la the ninth. Inning Jimm; Tea gues OoMaboro Mantfacturers oaptur ed the Eaatern Carolina baseball' bamplonshlp here thla afternoon two to nothing , ° One run resulting from a mlaru* In the eighth gave the champions the other tally. Heroes of today's clash were Thom a*, hurler for the visitors, and Hamel playing centerfleld It waa Thomas who puttied the Weafarltet to the tune of' aeven wide \y shattered blagles and Hamel, who. threw the stand* of more Ilian 3,M0 people into f wild demonstration by a one hand running slab of Rosette's lerrlfle drive which missed the fence by the thickness of Hemal’s glove. Two Pirates were on base and the drive would eaally have scored them with the possibility of the batter cross Ing the plate ahead o the throw from the deep comer. • .<■ Newbery, pitching eight innings for tht Pirates allowed only alx hlta and Tb* tally while he waa on the mound waa the reault of a bobbin by Hobble Dakar at hecoad base. Newberry w|p taken from the game In tb« Wt of the eighth for a pinch bitter. Newsome, who started the ninth for the Ptratee was quickly eat of the picture follow Inga double, single and the only earned run of the day. Lovin finished without aby further threat. With two men on base and one out In the final frame Thomas struck out Doherty and Powell to end the 1921 scaaon and raise the pennant over Griffin field in Goldsboro, —, - ■ - ■ A DRAMA THAT CROWD MISSED Ralph Carver Found Himaelf Praying For Aid For - " Thomas The three thousand fans who watch nd Young Thomaa»blank Wilmington S to 0 yesterday afternoon saw only part of the drams that was enacted' A more eaepest drama, solemn and gripping took place there on the aide lines as Ralph Carver champion aca of the league. w<nt through to him [alntul process of "warming up" then It appeared there In the eighth that Thomas, who Is just oht of Duke Dot veraity. might he sble (p blow. Cmrver revealed this other Story to friends last night and he had no Idea that It would get to The News. "f’ft tell you what," said the aca pitcher of the league "If I had had my chance at winning that game yes terday and in letting Thomas win it, I would have let Thomas win it. for that boy has got the stuff ,that men are made of. I wanted him to win ‘causa It would give us the flag, true, but because it wum hint and he is my friend. “When Jim sent me out to warm up I whispered under my breath ’laird If yon ever .helped anybody win a game, help Thomaa Jn there now.* 1 waa Just saying It over and over and all the time throwing them over as Jim had said to get ready. "And the Lord did help him' too, for he got better and in the ninth was st'll better." Thomaa Is the hame Thomas who last year abut out the Navy for Duka University. J “ Borah Will Visit Tenn. and Kentucky WASHINGTON. Hcpt 14 fjFl Sea a to; Borah of Idaho today announced that Tennessee and Kentucky have been added to hla campaign Itinerary which begins next week with a speech ftt Detroit, _ . , THE GOEDSBORO NEWS READ IN THB MORNING RHILR MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY) BUYERS BEFORE QTHEB «TW h. • THE BOX SCORE Gektsbero Ah K H Po K K Cnllnty as 4 0 0 3 2 1 bmith If .! 4 0 0 2 1‘ 6 Patton rs °4o 4 u 0 Hamel cf ...4 • 2 1 6 0 Riikham lb ........8 0 llt 0 0 D-iUghtry 3b 4 1 2 0 S O Chisholm c * 0 1 2 0 Teague 2b 4 0 l 0 1 0 Thomas p ....4 1 10 1 0 Totals .... 33 2 827 12 1 N flmlngloa Ah K H Po A K *lr Cary rs 0 0 1 0 0 Gordon 3b ...3 0 2 0 0 0 Koecoe If ......h..4 0 1 8 0 0 Weafer lb * » 2 ? 1 0 Robins cf ~..3 0 0 I T 1 Baker 2b 3 0 1 5 2 1 Doherty c 3 0 0 7 2 0 Newbury p 2 0 0 1 3 0 Ktwsome p ....0 0 0 0 0 0 Lovin p .0 0 0 0 0 0 Kennedy x ...1 0 0 0 0 0 Powell xx »,1 0 0 o 0 0 Totals ... . 32 0 7 27 10 2 x— batted for Newberry in Bth. xx—baited for Baker In 9th. Score by inning* R GOLDSBORO ... 000 000 011— 2 Wilmingon 000 000 WKK 0 ; nummary Earned runs Goldsboro 1. Run halt -d in Tehgue. Two baa* hits Weafer. Hamel. Daughtry. Sacrifices Cnlloty, < nlsholm! Base ol balls off Thomas 3. off Newbury 2. Struck out by Thomaa 4, by Newbury 4. by Lovin 1. Hlta and ruls off Ntwbhry 6 and typ 8 Inning*, off Newsome 2 and 1 in 13 Innings, its Lovin 0 and 0 in 2.3 Innmgi. laia Jng pit r bee N'ewbifry. Wild pitch Thomas. Stolen base Schofield. Trown , Vi out stealing Robins. First on errors one each.l**ft on past Goldsboro 8, Pit West 9. Time of play 2 twiur*. 5 minutes. Umpires Beck on balia and strtxes. White on bases. Attendance s>B4. . . -1 >' \ NAVY TO SEND v . RELIEF SHIPS Islands of Carribean Suffers From Damage That Fol lows Storm’s Wake NEW YOJIK. Sept 14—(/P> —Born# rn s hurricane's back, deSoTßlion and death rode over the sunny, palm decked Islands of the" Carribean saw today and It was feared that when tha oust and debris of the storms fury set ties, the spectres* of famine and disease would be found stalking In its wake. Convention Will Ask New Tax Lax for Forest Land A highly inpSWTant meeting that all North who can do m should alMil la th* 1928 annual session of the North / ’~r.ijJ9r J - Fores try A*9iX£&i°n to t>e held In Golds boro. Septijrtiber 19 to 21 Inclusive. Remarkable exhibits will-illustrate the beat timbre production, fire pro tection, and Umber marketing meth eda but a subject of even greater interest will be that of taxation. On this point Mr. H. M Curran sa>-w— --"The one serlou-< raenpea. at this I'm* to the future of our r»i>*t In dustry in our present method of tax - Ing forest lands. Our present system makes It Impossible for the owners of] timherlands to hold them solefor* the , purpose of crop production. "Modern forest taxation classified I'm r forest lauds at the same rates as un improved lands in the same region, fhls for Carolina would mean rates §4 from ona to tea dollar; an aerg. Goldsboro (iots Wild and Stages Noisy. Colorful Celebration For Heroes Goldsboro folks will sleep late this morning, they stayed up so late last night celebrating the truly heroic de feat administered to Hal Weafer and tils Pirate Crew by the Manufacturers in Wilmington yesterday afternoon. The celebration commenced at the play o graph at th# Memorial Com munity building with the last strike hurled by youpg Thomas, and It waa etill going on In various rooms and meeting placea of the city at one o’- clock this morning. Climaxing the celebration of winning the world ser lea, was the pandemonium Infested welcome accorded Jim Teague and his ball playera whan they returned from Pirate Cove last evening. "Oh. l»rd. Just one little scratch hit now and they will have us tied." moaned Robert A \ Creech to Judge D. H. Bland as tliey. along with 1000 other fans and fanettea watched with bated breath the play on the board. Ho,.spoke the sentiment of all In the building. Haag* creaked aa the nerve tehae crowd dug Ita finger (Continued on page 7) DEPUTIES make NUMBER RAIDS, V ■ , ...-a. Fork Township Negroes Had Ringed Up Something :-r v New In Stills . . -. ✓ Sheriff's deputies went on another rampage In the county yesterday, cap taring two atilla, arresting three men two negroes and one white, destroying ' a quantity of beer, and seising several gallons of liquor. , r Jim ‘Wooten nnd Tom Williams, ne gro of Fork township, has rigged them selves up something different In the way of a sflll. They had a long cylln dar Ilka hollar mounted on an Iron frame. Tha thing wouldn't hold more tlian 12 gallons but It was. making liquor right along when the deputies got it. Two barrels 'of beer were destroyed and a gallon of liquor *«ir ed. The negroes are lodged in Wayne Jatl charged with manufacturing. At another point In Fork. lh«v-depot lea captured a 40 gallon out fit, flva barrels of beer., F. H, Justice, native of Duplin county, end operating a filling sta tion west of the city on highway'num ber 10 waai cited to appear for having whiskey for the purpose of sale. The deputies found only one pint at hla place. Paul Swinson’s home brew manu facturing plant was seised and 5.5 enrses of home brew, a quantity of bops «pd several gallon* of liquor. Making the raid* were Deputies Kornegay. Gardner and Coker. Annual *re paid the county on thla afcarssmeot. The growing timber Is not considered a part of the value of the laud and no tax Is collected on tho growing timber unt’l the time of cutting. This tax. called a severance tax bears a definite rata In tha value of the product sold and runs from 1 to 10 per cent. “The meeting of the North Carolina Forestry Association will dlwrusa this method of forest taxation, and frame a proposed law similar to one now la force in sixteen other states for piesentation to the coming session of tur legislature. Paaroge of such a law wftl eliminate the menace m this great forest biixin*'-* anil to our forest-and development of our forest resources a place as prominent among North Carolina's industries as that now held by the manufacture of tobacco mid cotton.'' . _ „ „ _ N. C. SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 15, 1928 I Brings Goldsboro Her First Pennant f, th* \ / v » jg Ai ■ * w fl 11 - i ,jjm I I - tlm MM . MANAGER JIM TEAGUE ” COMMENTS . . (By ROB Rf)BINSON) C( )NORATULATTONH, GOLDBUGS! YOU’RE THE STUFFI * , * e CHAMPIONS OF THE EASTERN CAROLINA BASEBALL WORLD! .HOT DOG! ! ! ! I *OO Ts Before we go farther, let’a give three t-heera for Jimmy Tea gue, the amarteat, gquarest styoting, fightingest manager in the league! The fana of Goldaiioro are at your feet, Jimmy; you’re our bert>of heroes. /• • • And let’s follow that three cheers with a like number for the team. There’s a bunch of ball players you can’t praise tog much. For the better part of thret* months they.showed the way to every team in the circuit. Thfen. just as it iookbd like they were going to stay atop the Pinnacle, hard luck overtook them. Injuries, along with that old jinx, slump, connived to knock them olf in that heart breaking finish. y BUT THEY CAME BACK, BOY—ANiI HOW! • • • ~ .y, It’s the team that never quits fighting that shows their metal Thosjo Goldbugs are that team. They came iwck and whipped the living lights out of those Terrible Tars, taking four out of six knd losingka fifth certain victory through the blindness of a couple of umpires. » T ; ‘ ♦ • • , ' . •* »„ And now, let’s talk some about that final game yesterday! It’s a game worth talking about, fans. One of those affairs you read about in fiction! a • • MR. RALPH THOMAS IS T&E HERO OF OUR STORY! • "vR v We might call this little tale, “CRASHING THROUGH TO FAME”. * • • u Here’ s the ingredients of your story. The hero is out of favor. He’s lost a couple or so games. The fans says he’s no good. (Some of our good but skeptical brethren around these parts did think that and don't anv of you deny it.) Naturally he’s down in the mouth. He is anxious-for a change to make good. He sees his team sweep through almost to victory without him contribut ing one thing worth mentioning; then sees it turned back just when the championship is in its hands, turned latck, robbed by the blindness of two inefficient but honest umpires. ~* * • * . >* , The big moment approaches. The crucial gkme. The old re liables of the pitihing staff hnve given their all. It’s up to out hero to come through or go down in ignoming. • • • There you hive the stage set. The scene is in the very den of the terrible enemy. The store- is read&to unfold. • * * But it would take too long to fftffold it detail by detail. We’il make it short.and snappy. If reads like this: Eight inning*, of shutout baseball; eight beautiful goose eggs; six measly bingies.' Then rome.s the ninth with his team clinging to a two run lead • • • K The terrible Weafer (champion beefer of all time) is at the plate. He singles. The next man is oIH on a fly.. Then, with a dangerous pinch hitter up. he bears down. Over anxious to win his game, ho throws wild to second and 'tbere’* two men on the sacks, one on the perilous coiner. A few moments later the man on first steals second There’s enough runs in scoring position to k.nott the count. What a setting for a climax! * • * AND BOY, WHAT A CLIMAX! • • • ■». Mr. Doherty, a dangerous hitter at al! times, is Rt the plato. Three thousand people are yelling like mad for a home run! the most hectic baseball one can imagine, is agonizing. And there. The nervous tension, keyed to breaking point by over a week of i v on I’uge Five), SERIES Col. Langston Named Organize Veterans Os State for Gov. Smith t ~ ■ ia To Bury Hal Weafcr At Park This P. M. Funeral services (or Hal Wuftf, manager of the defeated Wilmlng ton Pirates, will be held at Orifflo Parke let this afternoon, and Weal ir himself will he appropriately burled—lu effigy at leaat. The o«- raelon wltl be a dutch barbecue with the Manufacturers present aa guesta of honor. Plates wilt b« at so much per, and the burial aer rice for the deceased Mr. Weafer will be free. HUGE BREAKS ON CITY MART Auctioneer* Diapowod of Soum thin K Like 275.000 Pound* Hare Ycwterday o • . ■ The Goldsboro tobacco warehouses were full yesterday and about 275,0*0 pounds, were sold la the two houses that the auetkoaeem were able to dear. These sales brought the total far the season to over IJ7MM pounds for ths season. Averages continued to advance yea lor day. the actual count climbing close to fit. despite much sale of very lour grads and low prtee weed. Warehousemen espect that the aver ages will continue to go up as tba rnarkoffteason advances. The rush to the floors here the post three days have Indicated the possibility of Goldsboro market reaching the 10,004,000 pound total this b«ason. 'Warehousemen are well pleased with the way the tarmacs of a wide area are turning to Ooldeboro. Planters from Nash. Johnson, Samp son, Duplin, Greene end other conn ties sold here yesterday. CYCLONE DOES HEAVY DAMAGE Capital of Porto Rico Aim Houses Unroofed and “Do * vnatation Everywhere** ' "WASHINGTON, Sept. |*_</P)—The NavJT department tonight received a radio menage from San Juan, Porto Rica, via its navel radio station at Guantanamo Ray, Cuba, which des cribed the Island's capital with M percent of its houses unrooted and devastation everywhere. The menage wan the first direct word from Porto ffteo that the Navy had received. The communication declared that the windstorm was of “extraodlaary violence’ and Ipeted from 11 a. m.. io 4 p. ni yesterday. County Candidates Meet At Noon to Arrange tor Canvass The Democratic campagln gets un derway In Wayne county at noon to day when candidate* and precinct chairmen meet at tho courthouse to plan the county canraaa. There will be go outalde speaker* or high prea aare artiata at the meeting today, juat a gathering of home growu Dem ocrat* who> will talk thing* over and get ready for a campaign that ta go -I,ig to be fait and lortoua, but d<-an, The county canraaa thia year, ac lOrding to County Chairman W. A. D«*ee la going to recelre more alien lion than in sometime, The county In going to be canvaaaed by the can dldates and an interesting program presented at each precinct place vis iting. Chairman Dee* h%a In mind having an out of county speaker pres ent to make a Democratic addreaa at each voting plat win the county before the election In, November. These plana—yet in a tentative MEMBER mi THE ASSOCIATED . PRESS # ■■■•■ price rrm cum Appointment Announced Fraud State Democratic Hoad- » quarters in RaMtk lii STATE ORGANIZATION TO BE FORMED BOOR Preliminary OrraaisaUon AU randy Perfected la Several Towng, Announced HA I.HIGH, Rapt 14—idV-Co*. Job* D. Megaton of Upldaboro hag beam appointed by the National Democratic committee \o orgaalae Democratic veterans of North Carol las oa behalf of the candidacy of Ooyernor SaUth. f| was announced at State Democratic luadquarter* today. Col. Langston •aid that preiimb* ary organlsatlom had bapa mads tm| reveral towns already and dot g gala c(sanitation would ha formad la thtf near ffctura, , s<•( g t / ELDER HARRISON FOR GOV. SMITH Wrttdo How Ho In Jnot O* Uko rnunrut Fhiß j . Who RmN ChMCO ;| HAUBIGH. hsjt-.H ddpr V. M* Harrison, mlllUß fttalttve Bapttoi preacher, Confederate* soMlar and tMf long Democrat today fnrwgrdad « ringing statement fTimjuralld State Executive OoatgaKtoe faVirtoi (he candidacy of Ouofitor (Alfred Smith for Mo Oardocd fer Governor and tha satire tteket, and calling upon alt Democrats to leg ally support them. Elder ftarrlaam oho AwMyao* old but would pads for mush yoaaga er, Is the oldest Primitive Bagthtt ml* later In tba Kahohsa which 4a tha oldest to ft mtrial Bd baa been s«rvljig three charahah Id that Aasocladao for the last U yeard and Is a rigorous praseb who Id known all over North Carolina. Juad recently at a historical oblebrattou of Plymouth he thrilled da largo croud with hie description of the Coofedad ate Ram, Albemarle. With the deatll of the late BylvaOtor TTastrtl, he M probably the oldest and hast belovodl preacher of hla denomlnatloa la thd conntry. Elder garrison’s address Id ’Nnetown. R. F. b„ sod ha itvaa ia| Waahlngton county. ‘ Hla statement given out today la Od follows: ”1 am a Democrat—just one at thd old fashioned kind, without any fritld, 1 have never carried my polttlca fed my pulpit and nsvur will. My cbureM has been foremost la the separation Os thingsjKlplttmUrom the Monas ad God. I s ra for Alfred B. Smith Cod president, because for four years 1 fCoatinuad- Oo Pago » i state—will be gqjpe Into tboroaghU[ with the candidate* and praclaaf leader*! at the courthoaae today. f "Reporta reaching me," aatd Ks« Deee, yeatdrday. "afe encouragtatf. The leader* in the county any »hfj there la more Interest In the cause* than In aometlme. We wUg hare a well attended .and enthusiastic meeting Saturday, judging from rg portn - / Ms Today's gathering over, the eag( palgn will get under toll ateaaa next week. J. W. Bailey of Kaleigk deliW era the first address at the oowf house at * ociock Wedaaaddy. Jang* ary 19. Announcement that the Ral dgh attorney would open the apealf mg in the county has aaet with able commeat and the conrthoaaa wU| Ip all probability be crowded to haag Ui ®- 1 ■■ ■■■> Hdl

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