p* WEATHER Mostly fair Bandar Monday lac rear lag cloudiness probably followed by rain in South portion. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 171 FEAR HURRICANE MAY CONTINUE WTO FLORIDA Tens of Thousands Are Left Homeless in Wake ' OlTropicalWindStorm Red Cross Acts to Save Stricken Regions From Starvation And Disease SAN JUAN, PORTO RICO. IS GREATEST SUFFERER Scant Communications Prevent Any Accurate Check U|ion Number of Dead (By Associated Press) The tropical hurricane that has spread deaolatiou across Porto Hico ihe eastern shore of Banton Domingo apd the Virgin Islands, leaving (be threat of famine and disease In Its wake was raking the Bahanua Sat or day and waa due, unless It should chance Its course or blow ttseif out, to strike the Florida Coast Hun i.ty. The weather buread Jleid that such a change of course. In either direction might occur today when the storm we« due to reach Naseat:. A swing to tbs west would ssnd the hur'Dane between Cuba and the southern lip of Florida. with possible daman to the Cult States, snd a curve is.vtwnrd would point It upward toward the Virginia Capea or completely out Into the Atlantic. Thin waa the fourth day of the hurricane and it was proceeding with undlmlnlahed fury along its trail of .deatructlon. Friday night it passed over the British -West Indies, destroy mg shipping and earning wholesale damage ashore, and yesterday it was raising havoc throughout the aputhern branch of the Bahanams. Tens of thousands of Inhhbl'ant* pf the stricken Islands wars borne* less Countless housas and buslnetk buildings were laid waste before the on slaught of the storm, described In dispatches as ons of the moat deatruc five In the history of the Carribean. Appeals for assistance said that re lief must be aent at once If famine and disease were tn be everted. The stricken population. It was said, cou’d obslit for a few days qn available food but when that was gqne.f would be fa«ed with imminent starvation. The Amerloan Red Cross approprlat ed an additional 130.000 for relief pur poses and dispatched a trained relief crew on a naval ship from Charleston 8. C. Communication with the ravaged area was still scant snd it wap liftpos »ible to tell to what huge totals the list of property damage-and loss of life might eventually rise. But It waa known that the death total would run . high. \ The Him at a Glance ♦By Associated Press) San Juan. Porto Rico—Seventy per rent of tie beadtlful capital's oomaa and 40 percent of Its business build ings believed destroyed. •Ponce. Porto Rlrrt—Ten dead. 700 homeless. Extensive damage, although Ponce apparently not to hard hit m > Ban Juan. Humaco, Porta Rico—Thirty dead, widespread damege . Nassau—Shipping ordered to an chorages in expectation that fnl'fhg barometer foreaents arrival of the big wind Rt . Croix. Virgin Islands—Hundreds homeless. Ban Salvador—Stiff Northeast gale I lowing this afternoon over the island Columbus discovered. Turk Island. British Went Indies— Two schooners damaged, reports lost with all hands. San Domingo—hull Line freighter driver ashore yesterday. , * . 1 AitH-Venin Rushed to Kinston Last Evening Antl.venin from the Wayne county health department was rushed to Kloeton last night for Miss rvtna Moore of Fort Barnwell, bitten by a snake yesterday afternoon. The antl- ( snake bite remedy waa aent to Kin. stpn by the night train, the call hav lug.come as a&out the time the train was leaving. Tbs News was told from Kinston last night that Mias Moore reacted favorably Immediately upon receiving the vaccine. The snake that bit her was not regarded aa the dead ly poisonous variety. On Friday an other snake bite case occurred In Winston. but antl.veain fog that case waa available In Kinston. | . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING RHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ' BE BUYERS BEFORE THEY Bim V “ * * , A ■ J> * CAROLINA TO OPEN MONDAY - u - Freshmen Report Three Days Ahead of Upper o 1 ( InMumen ( CHAPEL HIM,. Kept Ik—The Uni veruity of North Carolina will open the doors for Us 1.15th session on Monday when the new men will arrive lor the activities of Kwlunsn Week The upperclassmen and post graduate students wtl register on Thursday, and class work will begin on Friday. The' total enrolmrnt for the fall quarter la expected to be 2700 or more. The freshman class will probsb *y total #OO. or more. The enrolment lor the year probably wilt set a new record. c The first thing on the program for the freshmen Monday la a phywican examination to determine what, if any phyalcal defects, the men have with the view to remedying them. The frenh men will report to I)j-. I.uwh iii at the gymnasium. The new men will hold their first assembly at B:3ft o'clock Tuesday morning when they will meet In item orlal Hall for organisation Into group by rcunselorfe. The remainder of tho day will he devoted to Indl'Vttat con ference with the counselors, physi cal examinations, Library tours, and ron.'erem-ea with the Deans Th * Eng lish placement tests will take place at 88:30 o’clock Tuesday night. tworegistrars ARE APPOINTED Will Serve At Wardtt 1 and 2 Booths in Place of Two Resigned ** .I. »■» ■■ to ; I Appointment of two new registrar# 1 tor Goldsboro votlug places to take ' the place of two resigning, waa an- I nrunced yesterday by George Vann, 1 chairman of the Wayne county board 1 ■of elections Q. C 4 Kornegay was named regiat 1 rar for Goldsboro wkrd 2—the court 1 house taking the place of W. C. 1 Crawford, resigned. George SasAer waa appointed regls * trar for Goldsboro ouber I—Spence . Motor company—taking the place D. L. Hobson, resigned- COJrilT NR ATION CUT NASSAU, Bahamas, Sepl- 16.—hA*)—; Communication with was lost shortly before noon today j ' the Colonial government 'radio at*- ' tlon reported, after vain, attempt* to < obtain weather data front th# bland 1 Inaugua Is about 400 utiles southeast I of Naaaau and Is believed to beYn the path of the hurricane reported m >«liik t up the eastern fringe of Bahamian < Group In a northeaster ly direction- ’ | End of First Week Finds Schools Settled to Work For one week now the two thou* and white school children at the Gold* boro city echooht have bean spending the greater part of their day under the efficient supervision of -the corps ol leat her* who are to load ihemDUl nVPhter activity during tiw school year. All of th# ecljoafj) have reported an lucreaae In enroln/nt ov er last year, the greatest I ncyhase bo Ing tn the new high school. The hitt.-i school swung It* door* open Monday to 4WO students. 69 n.ore than regis tered on the first day last session. During the week reglatratlone have caused the enrollment t»» reach the five hundred mark With, the Increase tn the number of boy* and glr,s tak tng up their high achoo) ijrnrk the re port come* of a larger high vchool tecuUy- There are two additional teacher* engaged for worih tht* year In addition to th) l two extra lmorur kyrs. four new teacher* have copse to fill the vacancies of I hone who fall «d to return- Th* new teachers at the high school are Meaanutielma and SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY DEMOCRA TIC CANDIDA TES PLAN CANVASS Their Screen Careers Flicker iCw I yW.''^ T s' 4 1 v ■- 'Vi SB *>• *w. * ’ .-• — Z ' ——SK . ■ ' -Mm , _ —, Two pretty Atlanta girla, Sonia Novida (left) and Lois Gridin, are wondering in Hollywood what is going ta, happen to screen careers, now that Clinton S. Clmea (inset), termer treaa ■rer of Baptist Home Mis»k>n Board, has disappeared. Police claim Cames ia short more than $1.000,000 in hia accounts Champion Manufacturers { Are Guests at Barbecue The Goldsboro Manufacturer*, re turned victor* and heroe* of a mighty battle, were guefct* ut a barbei ui glv eu at “Griffin’s Mill last evening by enthuiila*tlc|fan» un«l *upi*>rters of the tkilcUTiioro'club. -Of course there were others present but Jimmy Tea gue and his Gold Rugs held the lime light. The boy* wijre all there with the bell* on. and prvoed that there were several other'thlngs they coihd do beuld# play baseball, one of them being the delightful art of eating bar becue. „ . Rev. J. M- Daniel,# In a short hut effective and complimentary speech Introduced t'hurlte Rmith, otherwise Governor Smith To Start Tour Tj>*iay ALBANY. N. Y... Hept. 15— OP)— himself physically for the two week* campaign tour through the west and northweet '{)e will Start out on tomorrow night. Governor Smith diumlMsed (area from hi* j£)nd today plaVed eume golf and did much rent ing. The nominee of the Democrat* re mulucd away from hi* office at the capital having cleared hia deck of all prewKlng business. S' Greene, and Misses Koch, Atkina Colaon, Ferry. Mra. John Hawley, who taught in the Grammar School lust year has been placed over a: the new high schrtol this ae**iou to work wl: ;i_.ji.eep»cial gre-up of hoy* and girl* sent up from the seventh grade. The students were held until 12 o’clock Monday, hut since tha* time the school* havV been running on full schedule. W hile' the io ce • arv a<l jiißtmenU had to b<> made, the school ha* gollen off to a much better «tart this year than ever before. Tuesday, the teacher* were taking up regular work, and II seemed to the student-) a* if school had been In full swing for several weeks. C> All Rtudentg- arc required to have their liincho* al schrtol this year The five hundred sUtdciiHi are taCen care f hy two lunch periodn of for.y three minute* each. K»ch luncli pe-,o>l i t devlded into two shift*. During the first half of the period the girl* a:a served, and during (be latter hall of r (Continued ou page 6) GOLDSBORO- N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1926 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY known a* 'Tandy Ball”, p»* boy that ' can play most any position on the diamond h’lth equal oa*e, hut whe wag the shining light In left field ' during the little world aertss. Smith in behalf of his fellow members »! the Goldsboro club, presented Man ager Jimmy Teague wKh a, hand ! some leather tl-aaelling ljag. In recog , union and appreciation of, hi* good managership and good, fellowship Manager Teague expressed ciutloh In a few well cbftseu words- President A T- Griffin also made a Vhurt tklk in which he thanked Jlni Teugue and each and every mem (Continued on peg# 8) ROTARY MEETS - ON WEDNESDAY Date Is Changed in Order to Get In ViHit of Dißtrict Governor The Goldsboro Rotary Club will meet on Wednesday evening at 6:30 Instead of ifie regular hour on Tues day st 6: Fre*ld«nt Bob Steven* of the rluir announced yesterday. George K. Butler of Clinton, dtstrlc 4 governor, will make his annual visit to the club upon this occanion. The meeting wai Ranged frojn Tuesday evening to Wednesday even lng that there might be no conflicting event*~*ln the city upon the oci avion o’ the vl*lt of Governor Butler. It wa* feared that the presence of the circus here Tuesday might proven! |)Ok,title attrudancs upon Rotary con-, ferences called by-Air. Butler- j All officers es the club and all chairmen of committees will meeti ; with Governor Butler at 4 o’clock! ! Wednesday aftrenoon. At time the Clinton man will go fhortkighly ' into question* of the *tate of Rrtary In Goldsboro and will offer surges. [ tiOtlH. Mr. tin tier I* expected to tell artme thlng of hi* plans for forming Rotary club* In other fqjrn* and cities In the district. Recently he announced that | club* were In prospect of forming in «lx dub-, ami that before the end of the year, he proposed to Install six j others ,Mt HTRAYDF.It Mil* SAYFD BY AIR Ml, Y HUDSON, OnJ.. Sept. 16.——(/»*)- -Fif ty mltn-r*. stranded In the wild Red TAk* district without food or cl >:hlng| have been saved by avlalori who flew in is them with the needed supplies. WANT AID EOR STORMS VICTIMS A Wayne County Red Crown Ask ed Contribute Part in Porto Rico Relief ~ - S' ___ Mrs R. H. Millar, president of tba I(*cal chapter of tha American 1 Red Cross, Issued through Tl|o News an appeal for contributions M the Red Cross to be used for the ft I ken peo ple In Piwto Rico and othiur West Ind luu inland* who suffered disanter aa a result of Thursday's tropical hur rlcaue. ln the abeetu:# from the city of Qo 1. George K. Freeman, disaster relief committee chairman, Mr*. Mil* icr requMtr that contributions be sent to Mrs. L. D. Ulddens, secretary o( the local chapter, at her office tn the Memorial Community Building. Mrs. Miller recalls the past generos ity of Goldeboro, citlaena to disaster relief funds and hope* for the same sort of response to thla appeal. The telegram berk yester day from Met. John Barton Payne, national chairman of the American Red Croak, Washington, D. CL, reads »* follows “West Indian hurrtcaua li»i* destroyed thousands of homes In IVrto Hico and other Island^and also d« ve*tated chops Immediate needs for food, shatter, medical supplies and ‘emergency relief. Initial donation Tnadt* -es 150.000 from nayonal funds. Ilaker and dlaaater staff now on way to Island. Red Cross taking charge at request of President Coolldgs. Need for large funds tmeprative. Fleas* give widest possible publicity, to this ap peal and entity public. Your chapter will revive funds and forward all (ontribatkeea, to national headquar ters." KELLY- IS FOUND GUILTY MURDER HKowh little Emotion When Convicted of Slaying Society Woman Sweetheart ,».ft-—■ IAW ANGELES, Sept. 15—<S*) - Leo Kelly, "handsome butcher boy” was found guilty of the mqrder of Mra- Myrtle Met I ok, his society woman sweetheart, by a Jury In superior court htls afternoon after less than three hours deliberation- The verdict, which waa unaceom panted by any recommendation for mercy, made the passing of th# death sentence maudatory- Keliy, who had been on trta* two week*, was charged with murder in the first degree. The case we.lt to the jury of seven men and flve wom en near the end of the morning see. aion. A gulp, a twlat of his body, snd a Itrmec.grip on the arms of hia chair were the only signs of emotion ehown by Kelly when he heard (he verdict Mrs- Josephlno Kelly, his mother, col lapsed. Mrs. Mt-llns, wife of Frank MelflWt* wealthy sportsman and manufacturer Contlnuofl on Page Htx» Short Circuit of Motor Causes Death Local Boy Seven year* ago'Willie Baiber, aged Ift, was taken from Goldsboro and udmltted to the-Caswell Training School- at Kinston. lt"was better sot Willie thl* giving hint a home down there where people wouldn’t etare at him. and boys -wouldn't guy him and make fun of him- For Willis wasn't like other hoyv Nature or fate or laircnts had Jg mewhere failed and Willie came Into the jutrld with a veil qf unreality Jiull.-il acrosi ht* brain- Maybe this was heat; for the world could never come In and press hint down. Always he played and a.aueed himself at the most childish thing* The year* go swift at Caswell, gpd he played On and on, and there name no tormenting adolescent stirring# to trouble him Rut always hto life was one great serenity, and there was a hlttnknros upon hi* face. Hl* father hud died- Hl* mother left Goldsboro. » #• VtekftPQ Willi* played on at Caswell He was now seventeen and a big bur out the veil of unreality clung shout hia Questions For Herbert Hoover Mr. Hoover: If 1. You are going to re-appoint Andrew Mellon to enforce prohibt (ton aren't youT 2. You ere going to keep white girl* and negroes working togeth er In the departments, aren’t you.T 3. Mr. Hoover, tell my why. Here you're wel and Ihore you're dry. SNOW HILL R. R. CASE SCHEDULED Taxpayer* Seek Pnrvtmt Salt of * $106,000 Towtuddp Benda For Roada Appeal of both pUlntlffa and de fendauta from a Judgraaot of Judge Henrf Grad/ In the suit of Greene County to prevent the sale of 8100,* 000 Snow Hill lownahlp bond* the Scow Hill Hallway Company, wU» be one of the moet vigorously argued caaes before the State Supreme Court to Raleigh ne»t week. Back in 1818, Just before the bub ble of wartime proepertty burst folks around Snow Hill thought It would pretty good plan to run a rail* road to Hookertoa, a few miles away to hook up wIA the Easteri Carotlaa Railway at Tarboro. Bonda were voted, a detect waa found, a remedial bill waa paaaed by the legislature and the etall# l- JOgged along with aa work doae oa the rail road. Meantime times got herder, better roads were built, a hand a t, two busted and the uscemttr of wr railroad did not seem so neoeeeary. Now Greene County and Snow Hill township taxpayers allege that the corporation which waa to use the bonds to build the railroad has paaa ed out of legal existence because It failed for two years to function for the purpose for which it waa formed.. that there were so regular meetings y directors, and so forth sad ho on Defendants expected that A Judge Grady's judgment waa sot la acocr tlance with the evidence end plain tiff expected because Judge Orudy did not adjudge the bonds e nullity on (he face of the whole record. Allied with thla caso la that of the State of North Carolina against the Hnow Hill Railway Company which resulted In the certificate of Incor poration of that company bolng caa celled. Grifton Man Struck And Killed By Auto D- M- Johnson. Grifton man, was slmost Instantly killed 'When struck by a hit and run driver white cross ing a Grifton street yesterday, ac cording to word raaeklng here lapt night A negro waa being held ebufg ed with crime. mind. Hut he Could do aome work and with another boy he twaj »n Thursday put to helpini about the .ri.utor that lurneil the hay preea- A pal wna with him. Kor the fun Os the thing, the pal crabbed WlUle'a hat off hie bead and threw U undr, the frame wh«re reeled the motor. The almnephore waa damp, for It had rained much (or dayu. The (round waa wet and the frame on which the motor eat waa wat. Willie placed one band on the frame that held the motor , He knelt upon the (round and out the other hand to retrieve the hot. A dart so flame allot through hi* body and It atlffaned In .death. The we* ground and wet frame had ahoT air cuited the motor and Ita current had xhot through hi* body. Hl* father waa daad. hi* tncthcr (one from Ooldaboro, there waa non* to claim the remain*. So they burled Willie dot there In the cemetery at Caawell near the place where f>t ten kng yearg ha had played. atl t MEMBER OR 1 THE ABBOCIATRB PRESS t | price mu euro BAILEY COMES ■ J)N WEDNESDAY) Senator Tyson of To—ms# Will Make Address Probably in Fremont ;J ,on Sopt. Si f •With J. W. Bailey of Raleioh bebp* duled to open the Wayne County Dom ocratic campaign with aa address on Wednesday night at the court ho a so, the battle will bp oa and there will be no let up until tha peeatas ed election day. Chairman W. A. Deep told county candidates of tho paid ' and preselect 'chairmen meeting at the court house at noon yesterday t# map out plana for tho .oouate oaayeqß It was a harmonious uftttac of. Democrats all determined to give th# party the teat that they have durlaf the abort time that remains before th# general election. To * man the earn dtd#ea and chairmen were eathaslaf tic concerning the proupeom ha then appear. They approved heartily Chaig man Dees’ plana of having the earn vaaa bo the vital art of tho oampalf in Wayne. Dote* for tho viatta to tho various voting places were sat fixed definitely hut It la probaht*, that the first will be at Fremont the latter part ed thU month While not yet definitely Senator L. B. Tyson, Os Toaaeaopg may ho tho prtadpal apaakar at tbs Fremont meeting Senator Tyeoa Witt be tn Wayne on September 88 and Chat rtoah bead ooneldired it prekikbl yesterday that ho would ho Ptooaod Ml servo at the opening of tho emwmikßh gutshod jvorid ww raoakd -sad ten en pleasure la knaortag him with IRI Tywon will aoapk in WiiOoa. While tha Tennooaoaa will la aU probability open tho eaavaaa mash of the work will bo delegated to fgtioiter Clawson L. WlUtaam of Saaterd sad to Coagpeaamaa CharlaS L. Aharaothg of New Bern, ni have vetuateered ■ervlc# tor Wnyaa Hate OhilUß O. M. Bull haa also tramtoed otheg apeakera ter the easy—, aU these 1r iddltton to hpoakora who will appear at Goldeboro. v rrty leader* la Ootdahooo sad the county will continue aa Ut other campaign* to assist la for Democracy. Thug will ha greatly depended upon la furthering tba cam* petga. Chairman Does urged yeiurday that the t-aadldaUh sad preclnet ehaiq man busy themaelves la epraqdlag the word of the opening 1 4drees by Mr. Ralley Wednesday night "Let's give bim a crowded courthouse" said Mr. Desk. He to a forceful epegtsr aa entertaining speaker end oa* will give tom* food for thought" NEGRO SHOT OR STABBED DEATH Murder TMk PWu» U N«rth «| Fair Grounds gaiaiiMw t Laat Night a Julius Brinson, negro ahsat 88 years old, was shot or atehhnd 88 death near his bo!%* to th* north o$ the Wayne County Fair grounds aboat 10 p'rlock laat evening. Three nsgrosq were locked up on nnsplctolsa whoa Brinson’s body was discovered lying by the side of the road running north and on th* eastern edge of tho Fair • rounds shortly before midnight laat; There was a email hole In tha cheat above the heart, and It rematna for aa Investigation to dot ermine whishlh the wound waa inflicted hy aoee* aharP instrument—say an ic* pick, or by a small rifle. Brinson had booa dead about two hours when dlscoeored. A hat waa found I yog f* the wooda by tho nlde of th* road. At tha ho ate of on* of th* negroes arrested—* Jack son -wee found a .32 rift* which hq)) s fiUc iloretlon of Mood agon IC Brinson's body waa tahon tb Guana' undertaking piece pending a cornore’g inquest and Deputy Sheriff Korueqay and Plain rotheu officer Rhodes ween continuing the e*rlg i hia morning. > t ( The dead negro boro a gqod name ' for sobriety He bad bought UW h*aks In which he lived alone, hto wM| hn^

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