WEATHER Rate probably hoary In swat portion Tuesday Coo lor Tuesday. Wednesday •Morally fair oaat nod aortboaat gala VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 173 33 KNOWN DEAD IN FLA. STORM Disturbance Is Now Travelling North In Direction North Car. 140 Kiowa Injured and Many Hoaeieus in Florida in Firat Incomplete Count WORSE THAN STORMS OF TWO YEARS AGO Warn Indian Aren of 1500 Miles Ravaged And At I .earn 1,000 Are Killed JACKSONVILLE. Ha., Sept 17— UP) —A known toll of S 3 dead, ltd injured an undetermined number rendered homeless and exteuslv* property damage was onacted by tbe West In dlaa hurricane that buffeted tbe low or Florida east coalt yesterday and then lashed tta way Inland, available reporta showed late tonight. WBBT PTLM BEACH—OP)—Nine •re kaowa dead and 140 Injured an a reault of tUe burrican In tbe Palm Beach section of the Florida coast. WILMINGTON, N. C.. Sept. 1» UP) —A wind travelling 65 miles an hoar struck WrlghUvllle Beach at 13:80 this morning. No domage waa dons', though residents were bedly frighten ed and called upon the Tidewater Power company to send two electric lntemrb«t> cars to remove thoke who fished to move inland. Tbe glmaahaaes l • wan-og-n. local kind and bad no connection with the hnrriceae which hit Florida. Damage was confined to the breaking up of lurnitare on porches of humea. Heavy i alas followed the winds. RALEIGH— (A*) —WhiIe the latest storm warnings of the U. 8. Weather gureau In Washington indfcata that tbe Florida hurricane is heading to- . ward North Carolina, ita Intensity will probably he greatly redncad when It reach** here, loe A. Denson, lb charge of the bureau here, nald tonight. No prediction a* to Ita Intensity ran wall be made until later data la re ceived but north bonnd tropin dis turbance* usually proceeded with dim Inlahtng Intensity lie said, adding that a new- curve might send the atorm wgy from the btate. Atmospheric disturbances In North ’ Carolina followed the earlle/'' atorm in Florida this summer and at Ash ley Height* near Aberdeen, several buildings were blown down and two persons were killed. Heavy ralna Tueeday followed by east and northeast gales Wednesday have been predicted for Eastern North Carolina. (By Aabociated Press) 5i ' West Indian hurricane such •* history has seldom recorded, already having swept 1500 miles of uea and land, dealing death and destruction In a 100 mile awathe. last night was roaring upward through Florldn to new fields In Georgia and South Carolina. 0 0 The death toll will run U> four fig ures when the Isolation of Guadeloupe interior Portio Rico and Centrol Florida taaa been conquered by relief forces already at work. Porto Rico fears a death toll of 1000 with 700.000 homeleba. Property damage will reach ojitap enduous total with Porto Rico alone estimating her loss In excess of SIOO - Ships, farms factories. roads, pow er. telegraph, telephone, cable and homes by hundrete of thousand* have haau wrecked torn, broken and flat tened by the wind. ’ 4 w Mnrrieaa At A Glance (By Associated Pr^pa) Reports of destruction In lit* and property mounted In the hurricane wtke along lower Florida east roast Unconfirmed radio advices say 10 -known dead and pombtly greater loss of Ilf#; scores injured, man/ home la* a. ! r| m THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING KHILE BUNDS ARE FRESH—HEAD BM BUYERS BEFORE THEM writ STORM BULLETINS i# u WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. (AFJ—The tlarm whlrh has swept Ike Florida mot roast was reported to be heading' northward by tbe weather bureau which la sued the following warning Ad. ilsory V:SO P. M. —“ Northeast atorm warnings ordered north ot Georgetown, JL l* to Virginia t apes aad warnings lower gulf roast. Key West to Mobile. Hur ricane eenlnai 8 p. m. between Cedar Keys aad JarkimaiUle, Fla, bat nearer Jarksoarille and re. earring toward the north aad * northeast. Ho renter will likely pass near Hama Bah, Gm, la about „ 12 bears. Intensity of storm considerable leas than when K reached the Heutheant Florida coast.’’ WASHINGTON Bed (roes hand, qaarfers here tonight received a * message from Halses CKy, Fla, saying that 16 persons were dead at Okeechobee, Fla, led homeless aad that aa argent appeul fer help had been seat oat. Tbe message alse stated that Okeerhocbee was Hooded. \ . HJCII YORK—An official repart, to tho Commercial Cable to, here from Miami via Havana, Cuba, tonight said meagre and Incom plete reports listed H dead aa 108 tejnrad In the Florida storm whh no report amilahle from many , Inland tewaa la tbe path es beat. lest damage. ■ ■■ <3 UAINEHVU.LIv, Fla. The (.ainestUle Sun aayn K reeeltqg ward from The Tampa weather barean that a storm of burrlcaae force was centered about 76 miles north of Tampa late today hi the general vicinity of. Internes*. c - - •. j , c, ANIIFRSON, S. C— Kmining In to a terrlHc windstorm high In •be air, IMck Merrill, northbound mail pilqt on the Atlanlli Kleh mend air mail ronle landed safe ly here shortly 'ifter 11 o’clock , tonight after Wjipd made two efforts to negotiate the st>rm which he encountered In the vi cinity of Bllllamston a few miles’ beyond here. TWO ACCIDENTS OVER WEEK END Seven Are Injured. One I’ossi bly Critically," In Auio Accident* ■Henry Price of Buck Swamp town Ihjp, bis wife, and their scversl chlK dren were injured Ist Saturday night when a Ford autamobile beloug Ing to, Henry Atkinson, negro, was driven into the wagon on which the frmily was riding on highway No. 10 Rear where the road front Rosewood Joins the highway. The wagon was dcmolisned. the horse Injured, the automobile wrerk ed and the Trice family scattered: about the highway. None of ihcn seriously hurt. Mr. Price has bat laceration* about the head and l.aJ tc come to a doctor in Goldsboro lor first aid. A quantity of whiskey w»i found in the wrecked automobile and there were a number of empty bettl.M. Mr. and Mrs Price and family had been so church at Kb-nctcr Mid were pn their way h ( *• ■ . y \A* | / c Ifmi cne tfl aeg at j ,s /. n Gv*oti«* gfe, 1 ** -’* ~~** ~ •-* ~_ T ~' --i,- LMMmsavaSmmi Jana jjf I • • * a«*ttr ; jyjL - / “ - «■-**** 55* -W w - HhS - jl Beautiful San Jugn, Porto Rico, is • city of sadness following tropical hmricane which killed scores, injured hundrtfis and rendered thousands homeless, Map shows progress of Storm which twisted out of Caribbean near Vuririn Islands and headed over Porto Rico Gives Issues on Which Vets to Support Smith North Carolina Veterans will give lull support to the Democratic Uck et because they are it h-, the parly that insure* a square -deal/' declared Col. John D. Langston of Goldsboro, Chairman of the Demo cratic Vetersus organixatiou. aa ho fired the first gun tor that orgr.nlxa* Con In a atatement given tbe pr sj. Local units of the veterans for A‘. Smith will be formed throughout Iho State and work to that end has already started, Col. Langston aaid. “The ex service men of North Carolina have given themselves fully in (he past to the perpetuation of the IS ILL ONLY THREE HOURS! Mrs. Amanda Andrews I)ie« of Paralysis at Her Home in Georgetown —■—r Stricken jrlth paralysis at 8 o'clock fast night, Mra. Am*nda Andrews, 51, died wt the home of hey duagitef, rit Katie Benton in Georgetown. ISinerai wIU be held from the home at 3 o'- clock tills afternoon by Rev. Mr. Wl Mams of the Bfyan Slno-l church. Burial will bo m»de in ‘Wil low Dale cemetery. Surviving tin. Andrews are two djughteih: Mr . Benton wtrn whom iihe made her home and Mrs. Abide Bradshaw of Sampson county. Jim and Joe Boyette of Sampson county aro brothers of the deceased and Mrs. Etta ■Blackmon of Petersburg. Va.. Is a at* ter . OLD BELT ©PENS TODAY , DURHAM, iteipt 17—OP)— After (hr«e weeks of prepertlon on the part of firmer*, warehousemen and buyer* the Middle belt fobareo market wll open for the new season. The Durham market faces what local tobaccoutata believes will bo the most successful seasons In. its history. Tonight the seven big warehouses are filling up with tta« vehicle* of farm* from all i seotteaLtif this county and from [other counties tn readihesa for the opening tale# tomorrow. GOLDSBORO N. C TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1928 principles and Ideals of their former commander Jn Chief Woodrow Wlpion Now when those principles and ideals arc endangered by Nationul Republi can mul administration; when the xcro hour has come; when a new e-/' leader of Democracy pledge* himself to a faithful continuance of thosp policies and principles. North Caro lina veterans will not stay in the I trenches. They will keep North Caro ’ llua a* .faithful to her truift h* they did In i' this, some alight curtainment will he necessary In stances. Application* for of a number of children were studied and approved hy the board. o TO OFFER lilt. Ki n tKM FOR t'AKM7< ATLANTA. Ga., Sept. 17 -UP),— For mar Governor Clifford 'Walker of Georgia has bee nretslned' a* special t*ollrltnr general to aid in teh aearch and prosecution of Clinton 8. Came# missing treasurer of the Heathen i*aptut I ion Mission board, tt waa announced today. Murderer Leaves His Name and Address At Side ol His Victim o c r, u ' SaulHton Booth Goes Back to Hood Swamp The Haulslou township folk# didn't like having their voting place moved from Hood Swamp to George Coker * store and they did not miss telling tbe world about it either. So yeeterday the Wayne county board of electoio* promptly reversed their action of ten daya ago and ordered tbe voting plnco switched tack to the aenool house at Hood Swamp. It la from the latter pla^e-that registration wilt go on aud later the genera* elec tion. WEED AVERAGE IS ADVANCING dee* r _. --- ¥ la Fare of Hag* Sales Yester day, Average Waa About 915 Here With aalee of approximately 270.080 pounds hern yeeterday Goldsboro's tobacco aalee for the season ap proached a million and a half- There waa also a sharp advance In the aV erage price yeeterday. Warehousemen estimating nn average of tl> f°r all grades- Many of ihs superior quality piles brought |M and $45 a hundred? Tbe average was spoken of as equaling the average at the eaam time last year, Official Sales and averages of Mon day aula* could not- be obtained I sat night aa It would be early this morn. Ing before g Anal check could be made. Until yesterday the total sales on the market here had been 1,317,- 624. Monday total* shoved It cloae to 1,417,624 pounds. Yesterday saw the btggsst breaks yet on the Goldeboro Market and de. spite the forge amount offered sales Wert completed In all bouses before the end of the auctioneering, but It wga good dark when an end waa higtjp. Warehousemen again callad attention to the fact that the slogan of ths Goldsboro markst was sales the qama day qf arriving in town. The tjhAc conlsts believe that prices will con. Untie to advance from now on • Farmers from a wide territory Ware Key- yesterday—over 10 coun ties—and most of them were well pleased, admitting that Goldsboro of. sered as good cbancss *s any othsr town for getting the high dollar- Not including Monday sales, grow ers had been paid a total of sl4*,- -00. Id on ths, local market, Diet* Suddenly At Home in Sautaton Mrs. Betsy Hauls, aged 78, died suddenly at the home of h«i !> daughter Mrs. Ad l-anrsster In Haulston town ship about 2 o'clock Sunday after noon. At 1 o’clock Mrs. Sauls waa seized with a cerebral hemorrhage and an hour liter she waa dead. Fun cral service was conducted from the homo yesterday afternootL/by Rev. Cornelius Jackson of Ihe Free Wi'l Baptist church. a The deceased was of the family from which Saulstou takes It nam and was well known In her section. Surviving her are two daughter* an I three sous; Mrs. lancaster, yftn whom she mad* her home; Mrs Mary Oultety of Baulstou; John Sauls of Haulston; Joe Hauls of Greene county and Billy Cauls cf (Honey Creek township. MODEL RETIRES ST. LOriß, Hept. 17 (JPI Wltcey Moore, whose sinker bal and stndry relief work was a tremendnuii factor in the New York Yankees drlVe to the World Championship in 1927 ttak ed manager Miller Huggins today to place him on the voluntary list The failure of his arm to retain it cunning of the laat season res- MEMBER tm £ \ THE ASBOCIAfW~ PREBB ‘ PRICK FIVR dim I Got Dead Man’* Hat Bv Mis take, Leaving Owa mtk Insurance Receipt ' JAMKH JACKSON ADMITS KILLING JAMKH BRUNBQit Keen HleiithiagJljr Lecai OCIp era Pali Facta Together and Confeaaiaa Seem* » When June* Jackson, negro, killed John Brunson ne«ro. near the hums or tli« latter nortk of the Petr • rounds about 11 o'clock Betardky night. ho loft his nasas and address. Jackson confeahud hie ernes renter day and e Coroner's Jnry Impaneled by Coroner T. R. Robinson ordered him hsld in jail vttboet bond pending s hearing oI tbe oess In Wayne tar crl«i court. - —■ — ia'dr-‘ Tbe itonr of hew Jnckeon left Me I rams and address after killing Iran son on tks rend was told before Mg enronerh Jnry yesterday la Jaekasahi coalssslon as rapes tad by Sheriff f» D. (Irani. In bis haste to leers th* ■pot after knocking dews Md then shooting Bnfbeon with a .SB calmgA rifle, Jackson got the dead man's h»t by miatnkn and left hie own. In the band of tbe latter tit an receipt made oat to Jackson , Chief Tew: of the police force 40 covered tbe r*cegpt;tß th# bet ,*t Jackeoa after th# lawn fend *Mh hmmt te the cHy hail f e*dem» hr Deputy J. C. Korhega f sad Wl rlotbeaoua L. O. Rbodee who tarugtt Kited tbe caae. palling upon the agent aho bad tfaed the receipt, Deputy Korhegay aecerutade that aa receipt for Jackaoa hid tevW been glamj anyone bat him. A .23 calibre reeoirer with a Mead itaia upon R was found la Jnefcseoa house. Tbe gaa wan kvekea end that fretoly. • r-,% At ft rut Jarkaee denied the origg holding that the Meed state awe e paint splotch. Rat whoa ooufresdod w'th hi* own hat. with the tassrsass rrciept In it, aad with the gaa, he confessed tbe crime. The coafeaMiß. urea made te Sheriff Great la the presence of several qther of Deere, la )i*ei confession, Jucksen said ha bnttsft cd Brunson down eftef the I atm* “lunged'' at him with a halls; thll he shot him after he wee down. The murders* bed returned to the areae of bis crime to find Me hat haring discovered that he had the deed man's by mistake, aad wan beat ing about the place when the llgMn of the car of Deputy Koraegay seared him away, hd confessed. The oftiepr was'bringing Coroner Roblnaoa aad coming to Inreatlgnte the matter ag on receipt of telephone meaaages from the Section There bad beea tronhto kstwssa Hrunaon aad Jackaoa about three years ago It was said. Bruasao bad HU H oa hie person when killed. KINSTON MAN CLUB SPEAKER Mr. Few Deerrtbee Making th* In profit able Profitable'' At KiwgJtia The Kiwanls club at last sight# luncheon, with the largeet attendance, ♦luce the vacation aeaeotv, enjoyed a delightful program put on by T. B. Desseron. Him Duun, music teacher at the I. O. O. V. hosts end five of her pupils furnished mqitic for the occee* vlon. A musical re. H«jUoo by one of the pupils and a saxophone quarts* were especially enjoyed. Kuguae Few president of the Mas* ton KlwanU club talked on "Hskiog the t'nprof liable , profitable or Rato inr Human Values.“ He began bto 1 talk lightly, telling a number of bam oroua stories, but soon brought the mesnltiK of his subject forcetaily te thejnlnd* of his audience. He told of examples where cornmnaplaeß thlnga were raised to rains kg pgggjg „ (Contlnu* fifi MM