WEATHER Generally Uir U 4 warmer Thursday muj Uir. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 175 CAROUNAS COUNT COST OF WIND AND RAIN STORM Washouts of Highways And Train Trestles On 3 Sides of Goldsboro Eipilr Fore«« Labor Furiously To Open Highways and Railways Id a Betting of gloom and dreari ly and with a background of drli iling rain that teuded to diihurUn Iha moat optimistic. Goltbiboro lay as aa Isolated city last night, with prac luelly all highway and railroad com munlcatlona with neighboring towns <ut off by waih outs, cave Ins, and Standing high water on the roade. Wire rommankatlon In some parts of the cuudty were cut off during parts of the day yesterday, but these were repaired In short order following their dtscovsrey and location. Only one rxlroad going from tbe city was open to traffic, this being the Southern train -going to Raleigh, and acrordlng lo reports, there were several wash cuts on the road between Raleigb and Greensboro. Water, which had attained a record high mark on some of the streeta in Goldsboro Tuesday night, rendering automobile traffic almost Impossible, had yesterday fallen to a lower level but as If to counter act this, the wafer In some of the other streets had risen still higher. Cars venturing out on tbe Kinston highway yesterday afternoon, wara forced to run for about two block in water that stood an« inches over the running boards snd. *a they ploughed through the stream caused great waves to go rippltnf across tha Surface, looking for all tha world like great ocean llaars slashing their way through tha mighty waters of the Atlantic. TEe water still stood several Inches In depth bn Walnut street near Edge wood, while many of tbe cross streets in that section of the city were flood ed. « Railroad traffic, with the eiception oft the Southern trains going to and Irom Aaleigh, wee at a stand still. John Robinson* Circus, which was supposed to have shown In New Bern ) estsrday. was yesterday held In the city on account of several wash outs on tha Norflok and Southern railroad. The Btoney Creek. Palling Creek, and Bear Creek treaties bad nil been wash ed away, rendering train srrice over 'the road Impossible. Two washouts on the Atlantic Coast Line tracks be tween Ooldsboro and Mt. Olive, had stopped Train service on this line be tween Goldsboro'and points further south, but repairs crewy with great pile drivers were at work on these btekka yesterday afternoon, and It gras hoped that train schedules would be resumed on all lines out of Golds boro some time today. The Kinston highway. Just on the other bide of the Stoney Creek bridge was washed out In one place and part of tbe pavement had caved In as a result of the heavy rains. Drivers at tempting to pass at this point were warned that they drove serosa gt their own risk. A portion of highway 40 on the other side of Dudley from Goldsboro was also washed out. ra«k Ing It impossible for automobiles to I-abs. Wash outs were also reported ca the highway from Goldsboro to Wilson. Goldsboro News subscribers from Fremont. Plkeville were calling *The News office constantly during the ray, wanting to know why they didn't get their paper. * Reports from other town* indicate that Ooldsboro Is not the only town in this section suffering from inadeouata communication facilities. In Kinston II was said that early yenterdayc-snjirfi ing water was standing two feetst*ep in the lobby of tbe new Kinston Hotel Tbe high wind and the high water to gether damaged the building to the ex tent of at least two thousaud dollars. It was said. The highways between Kinston and Pink Hill, Kinston and Goldsboro, and Kinston and Green- villa were rendered impassable by numerous wash outa according to news reports from that city. ENCAPKD CONVICT CAUGHT ZANKfiVILIJC. O. Befit. 19.—(Tear, les Dobbins, 57. this city, escaped convict from the Moundsville. W. Va., penitentiary, was held here today fol lowing his capture by a police squad last night- At the lime of Dobbins' escape on June 29 last, he was serv. § ww'/gkl term, • THE GOEDSBOKO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING KHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—REAR 818 BUYERS BEFORE THEY) RUB. Three Deal hi UKnown to Have Occurred From Storm* Work In States • CHARLOTTE, Sept —<A») — The aftermath of the tropical atorm that yesterday swept over the Carolines today appeared to be as bad aa the storm itself aa reports from virtually every Section of the two states filter ed In. as known to havdaoe rurredj-two trainmen having been killed aaar Sumpter. 8 0.. when a train went through a weakened cul vert, and a negro killed at Washing ton, N. C.. when he grapied a live wire at the heigbth of the storm. From every ,section came wide spread reports of rising streams, rail road tracks washed out by the torren ual rains, highways blocked, telegraph »nd telephone wires leveled for miles. Three were uprooted over an area fully 100 mllefc wtdea and Sty miles long and advertising signs and flimsy buildings blown away. There were few reports of iajuries and nona of those reported was Serious. The southeastern section of South CaroJlns and Eastern North Carolina appeared to be suffering vforse from the high waters that followed In the wake of the Storm. Washington and New Bern, on the roast, reported high tides that Inun dated lower streeta. Goldsboro reports flooded highway* suspended train snd bub service snd telephone lines out. Rocky Mount re ported 500 local telapbnnea out of order and the Tar river at flood stage and rising rapidly Fayetteville reported the Cape Fear river rising and from the weather bureau at Raleigh came predictions of flood stage in all pastern Carolina rivers. Railroads operating In the storm area were struggling wtlh a serious situation. Trains were being anulled .or ware marooned by wasbositS. None attempted to maintain any sort of rohedule. No estimate or 'damage was available but thousands of local telephones were reported out of order snd many hundreds of poleSi down and cabels flooded. , % HF.NDERBON. GP)—Railroad lines into Henderson were badly crippled -today by the rain and —wind- si Arm that swept this Section Telephone and telegraph lines also were down and communication with the outside world was meagre. -t NEW BERN— (JP) —Late today New Het-n was still Isolated : from tbe oualde world ho far as trav j Continued on page three Fourth Flood Warning Is Issued For Neuse River « i> Neuse River, In mldutream last night 'w*» rlatnK nt the rate of an Inch and a half an honr. a check made by the News allowed. At 6 o’* clock The New* placed a Hague In midatream under the bridge orer highway 40, eouth of the 11 o’clock laat night the gague rcgls Ured a rlae of 9 Inchea. *Fhsre were aome reporta that In the backwater# at retm the water waa rising a** tepidly aa four Inchea an hour. All predictions are that the rirer will greatly exceed flood- of ten daya ago which cotewl hlghemy 40, and aome lnalat that 9123 figures may be paaxed. laauesl for Smithfleld show the stream due to reach 2 feet higher than In the recent flood ’.he Smithfleld creat. however mill not arrive In Wayne county_ stretches of the river until aeveral dava i ter paaalnx the Johnston cap Mai. Johnaton county la credited by the Hatelgh weather bnreau ax having had most rainfall in the dow'npotrr end most of thbt flood wll be turned iuto the Neree to be borne away. RALKIOH. Sept 19-OPI The Fourth flood warning for Kaxtern N irtb Carolina rlvera since August 1 was issued here today by Leo A. Lou Grim Sweep of Tornado „ « ' P 1 rrsK,... j!^L3a Map shows sweep of storm from Virgin Islands to Florida, the death toll of which may reach 1,000. Best information is to effect that 700,000 persons are homeless, while, property Can Avoid Washout By Making Detour . 4 Motorists wishing to go from Goldsboro to Mt. Olive or Wllmlng tan can avoid proceed by detouring around the washout at Brooks Swamp, South of the city, accord ing %» Deputy Sheriff J. C. Kor negay. His directions are to turn to the left at Dudley in the direc tions are to turn to the left at Dudley in the of Sleep Creek Hill, lo continue on to Mark Moglngn* place krhepe a turn to the right Si made. and then straight ahead past the Pott's place to the Seven Springs- Mt Olive road front which, a turn to the right will carry one back to highway 49, ROM A HOPS OFF FROM ROME BACK IN 21 MINI TEN OLD ORCHARD, Maine. Sept 19— (JP)—'The Bel lance Monoplane lloiUa turned hack and landed on tbe beach j ties* at 11:32 a. m. Eastern Standard ' Time, today 21 minutes after it ha taken off on a projected non atop flight to Rome. o Watcher* at Cape Kllgaheth Light reported that when the Roma-passed j there at a low altitude It was shooting I black smoke and Its motor apparent ' ly wa# firing unevenly. aen of the United States weather ho* ( reau. .because of the heavy 1 ratn that t accompanied the West Indian liurri ct ne up the Atlantic ooaat. The Cape Fear river. Denson pre dieted, will reach 52, feet at Fayette , vllle by tomorrow morning. Flood stage there IS 35 feet. lute today tfi‘e river had reached 46 feet there. At Rocky Mount the Tar River, al ready out of IU bank!, will reach 14 feet, 5 feet above flood stage by Frl ,i * * day night, he eaid. A thirty foot stage will be et Tarboro where 19 feet la hank level was predicted by Satur day. The Roanoke river will go to 38 fee ( j at Weldon within the next 36 bourn the warning bald. Flood stage • there is 30 feet. A helghth of 24 feet or 5 feet out of Its banka was predicted for the Neuse river at Smithfleld bv late to morrow. The river will also reach counties where 7 inches fell Rainfall where it has been bank full the past fetv daya, ; Heaviest rainfall during the storm I yesterday ab reported to the weather bureau was In Nash and Johnston counties where 7 Inchres fell. Rainfall over Ea:>terr North Caroline, Dcnbon said, ranged from 3to 7 Inches. t GOLDSBORO- N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 20. I*2B JOHN BEASLEY TO AID SMITH Named Chairman 7th ('ongien- Hional Democratic Veterans Organization i » • Jnha Beasley. #f Cart bug*. Out state coit-mander es the North Caro, lira Department of the American Le gion, was yesterday named by Col. John D. lhfigston. state chairmen, to head the Democratic Veterans Organ, (ration In the Seventh Congrem'onal District. Mr. Beasley has tbe dis tinction of having been the Norlh . N W Carolina departments youngest tom. maniler. He is new editing the Moore fownty News and Is prei dent ot the Interior Motor Express Com pany- f In accepting the congressional chairmanship Mr. Beasley Issue I the following statement: ”1 am supporting Governor Smith more enthusiastlcally than I have any other democratic presidential nomt. nee since Wilson, not only because 1 d«»ply admire hU i finrsgp. slnfi.rilv and honesty, but Itei-a use U believe. if he Is elected, that he will eliminate the bureaucracy and red tape In the veteran's bureau that Is prveentlng n.any sick and disabled veterans frpni procuring the hospitalisation and compensation a grateful coupt'ry is able and willing to bestow. "Governor Smith, through his ad vocacy and approval of the measures awarding an annual grant of SSOO to blind soldiers of New York atste. and the appropriation of llo.otKi.oim for a state hospital , for the care of his state's disabled ex.servlcemen. has demonstrated his interest in the wel fare of the disabled defenders of his count and In his speech of accept ance he approved the federal appro priations for disabled veterans. "Contrast this wDh the record of Mr Hoover. He Ignored the plight of these sick and maimed veterans In kls speech of acceptance, and if he has manifested any concern for them, or denounced the scandalous conduct oi the Veteran's btire*t notorious Forties, an appointee id Fresldent Harding, and. In a sense, his col. league, I am unaware of It.’’ Baltimore Feels Effects of Storm : UAI.TIMORK, Md , sepf. 19.—<*>>- - The wind and rain atprm produced , by the West Indian hurricane rcault- j ed In the <!• >th of one man here to day while one house was unroofed and wires and trees were blftwn down by the 46 mile an hour wind. if tSl' IK JIBED IK WRICK LONDON, Sept 19 - (JP) -wMany pas ectigera wtre Injured, aome hetiously. wh.n a train from rrayfnrd carrying city workers craahed into the buffers at Clwlijclnto the second and plnne I in lueuj* 4Mb JH JJB damage may reach a quarter of a billion dollar*. Below, photo of a street in San Juan (P. K ) following 1906 hurricane. " tlguruUiW IIIMUUW New.l Newsome Fails In Effort Kill Self RALEIGH, Sept lE—(/P) —UUTTF Newsome, Wayne county negro convicted to the murder of youag Heula Tedder and aentenced to dlo n the electric chair, Bept«mtwr Sl attern pled to taka hit Ufa by kettlng fire to his agattreaa In Ota solitary cell,'''state prison officials revealed tonight Guards imall-sd smoke, found Newsoma lying upon tbe amoking msttroaa, and frust rat ed the attempt. Tbe nagro baa beedt very moroao slnra ha learned that his second appeal to tbe State Bb* preme court has beau daaled, gri son officials bald. Woman Suspect Is Held By Police Calgary. Alberta, Canada, Sept 19. (A 1 ) —A woman believed to be Mrs. Sarah Northrutt. mother of Gordon Norihcott, wanted .a Los An. the niurddr farm case near Hlrr-ralde Is being held for questioning by city police- I t ...° | f WAhHIAHIK FAfNT * if you mix-varnish with the paint used on your walls, when you do tbe woodwork, it will be the desirable non glossy surface and atlll be able. Forestry Association Will Ask New Forest Tax Statute The program a* Kent out shows U*« following for todayi in a. m. * ' ' ■ Addnets State Forest* or Park* Hon. Mark Squiren -«Mdr*»s i' N I' Hon. h! F. fle*w«!l »t* / Addressed — Highway planting %' W. K. C»ropbell \ Member State Highway Commission Member North CaCrollba Federation of S\ otuanjL^ClitJl*' Ilcport on For<*try Survey* in North Carolina *• K . 1. S. Holmea I f< 0 • State Forester V i' B:.'S» o'clock |>. m. Addressee —Fish and (lamo Conserva tlon i ' t Paul RedlugtOU fj A Director IT. H. Mologlrsl Surrey 7 Wade H. Phillips 1 Director Dept. Conservation and ! Development.. f H. H Hrlmley 'ft fl| Cufator State Museum tj Address Izauk Walton Miaguo . In 1 North Carolina 4 H. K Dartre f fftpi V Winston Salem I VIH I 7 I'tletk p. m. if ' I (Jet-Together Hsoquct, Hotel l, I Goldsboro A HI , yv *• - Courtroom Filled As ___ - .v J. W. Bailey Launches Campaign in Wayne HOLMES HEARD BY ROTARIANS R. E. Stevens Driven 250 Miles Over Flooded Roadu to Al tend Meeting farmers of Fuislern North Carolina ran secure long leaf pine seedlings m the State Nuibery at Clayton a< »3 per thuoeand. State forester J. S. Holmes declared last night In t talk before the Ooldsboro Rotary club Mr Holmes BJ»d ten other forestry Work* era here lo attend the conventloa of the Nortb Carolina Forestry Aaaocla tlon were guests of ths club. District Governor George B. of Clinton had been scheduled to make his visit to the clttb put coaid rot resc lithe city on arcoant of wash <4|ts on the highway between Clinton snd Warsaw. C. F. Kroatln, with tbe Appalach- , Isn forestry Experiment station at Asheville told of a curvey of out over P'fC? lands now being made through the statin ino Virginal, Eastern North Carolina and Eaatarn South Caroling* Mr. K matin lilted a* tha greatest ob stacles to forestry growth In this ae.c Uoi: fire, a taxation hystetn that does not take Into acconnt Ihe growth of timber crogb, and the high value pin- ed on bar#-farm lands. Mr. Krow tin raid that timber could be profit 'ihdo g’< wn aa a crop on lands .valued up to 97 sad agra. R. E. SUvsbs, president of the club, u'ated to the members a thrill ing rtory of how he and another Qpidsl-oro man drove over the flood yivaged highways from Jackeonvilla yssG rday In order to be at tha meet Ing ast nlrht. The reguelar highway* w re all washed out and Impamable. ai d Mr. Steven*, secured from a na tive. who grettkd him with Ih* **luta •ten, “Well, wfcat I want to know la how In you got In here" when he enquired an to the beat way t« rtf ch Ooldsboro. •'Stlbk to tbe plneknot roßd*’ , and you tan gat through." the native ad vised and drew a rude m»p which then ad the country roads fYom Tren p.-i to Fink Hill. The party finally reached Ooldsboro after coming by l even Springs and bavin* driven 250 -mttrs-un a trip that U ordinarily less ttast. 70 gill**. SALISBURY STORM BRINGS RAIN * AND STIFF NORTH WINO SALISBURY, Sept- 1»-—(S’) R a* n * fall In Hatisbury during the last 24 hour, totalled 431 Inches, bringing the total during lb# storm to 4J»j Inches. -t North Carolina For.etry A.**' jitlmi Will B«h the next legislature ° ~a m a bill exempting growing timh*r jrr.m taxation and providing that Mm her shull be taken only when cut It also want, national* for Da.t „ ra North Carolina. A reaolutlou to this effect wa. panted yesterday at t)« opening aexalon of the llth an uual convention here. Dexplte the flooda which pcevented * number of officer* apd apeakera fr.mi reaching the city, the morning tftalon «>* »ome thirty eight forest ry pn thn»la*u In *#»lon and before the day the.attendance had mounted to a r onsiderable figure. On behalf of Goldsboro, Monel Well rrwl an sddress of welcome which had been prepared sty Mayor J. H. Hill. County Attorney K A. Humi»h r*y welcomed the convention for the count. H M. Currau, forester of the ,i. pertinent of agriculture nkponded. Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt, chairman of the executive committee waa pro >. nted by lllneaa from attending and ■ill* repot* went over, to another ses sion. — 1 Conaidaratlon of the report by the legislative committee wasi the out standing event of the dny. I>r. C, M. .Warburton, director of extension ear % on Pago Two) MEMBER 01 KHE ASSOCIATION PRESS PRICK FIYB cam Geti Biggest Apple tfoo WM He Decries Rsishig Rs- Mgiou* Issue m ( ITEM G. 0. P. RECORD OF LOOT AND ROBBRRY ~ * 1 n ' 4 Shows How Republicans Pledge ed ’Aid to Fanuefi and Then Failed to Give It Washouts on thu bighwsys sad mil roads and tba elimination of MtfU „ ever country roada by tba Heed ai y Tuesday In no way waabad Sway the scheduled oprntngOf the Dsmooratia rampalgn In Weyna eoanty land alsbA Tba courthouse was wall flllad W*- man and wosmb to boar J.'W Ballsy rrratan tba Republican party for Re lootnig of tba public domain. its Bttt ura to carry oat Ha pladsab to the farmer of America; and to abend him as ba (are a ayatpsthotle pie* torn of Goraraer Alfred R. fhnfth • tend hla record. Despite tba waaiber condition* there was a number present (real tba surrounding rwfpl ttatrtots aad quite a few ijgoas Primont. it waa the largaat gettwria|| attracted t • any public meeting In tba ooaribouw in many montha, aad frequently the crowd broke Into hearty apple oaf at Mr. Bailey's presentation of the 7 Mauaa. . Ballsy won the biggest band" at* the evening when he declared that to "raise the religious las os la Am* erica Is aa offense agaluat Ood, and Head clappiag at thta statement laat ad aometisw County Chairman W. A. Dean M caMlng the maetlag together appeal ad to all Democrats to “sustain aw In thU arduous teak of heading apt the campaign la the eoanty I can" do iluio without the haip of »my ioyal Democrat- -ma* aad — wall T~ (At fraamt dsat. Mr. Dees announced that the aont * address he the campaign locally would be mad# at tYemont qp Tueo day, September 31, when Hefted MM' ea Senator L. B. Tybon of Tenner see will speak In the eckool then. This occasion will he the first of th# county can vase and candidate# will be present for it. Mr. Doon rerter ed briefly the record of Benetse iy eon, saying that ho had solved da a General la th* World War and that he was aa effective Speaker. Mies (lertmde Well introduced Mt BaUey as " a Democrat, tbo kind that begin with a n n plt n I I) and the kind that begins with » little d." ~ “I woald not rake the race tie* lion,* said Mr. BaUey preiimUary ho taking up the nude tread of hid two hour speech,' "but the RstpaT (Continued oa page SI DIES ArHOME OF A DAUGHTER t ' “ W. D. Motrin Formerly iff Office Buried in Washington, D. C. f W. D. Morris, wh% for eight yenrd we* In the county tax collecting oK fled, died Tuesday afternoon at 4 o' clock D. C . following a long IllneeU, friends were notified by wire yesterday. Mr. Morrle wan at the home of a daughter when the end came. While he has been la fnltlaff health, he was not regarded *« a aerioun and the almost sudden end will come aa a shock to hla assay friends Funeral was held In Wash* Ington. The deceased wab a native of Peter* hurt!. Va.. eud a man of quiet, eoart eous. but assured bearing. Worn 1M1! to 1!»?5 he wee In the employ of tho Sheriff as ta* collector sad made a wide acquaintance. Since that tips ha hed lived In Washington hat last innn came to Goldsboro for hit health. Mp remained here until the lattar part of v usual The first part of big visit lie re found him much Improved, Hk he failed under the severe beat sad was feeling very bad whan ha left hi. d.u|htra, Ttr#Ail

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