WEATHKB FAIX FBIXAT All) SATCBDAT VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 17C GOLDSBORO READY FOR BATTLE AGAINST FLOOD Coast Line Resumes v Service Over Lines Wilmington-Wilson Bm 9crrk« to Wilson lad New Bent—By Long Route—ls Again Started WORK TO HAVE NUMBER 10 WEST OF GOLDSBORO Nease (Ever Already Crowing Highway Number 40 Four Miles South l - - ~ r ' ' t • Under blue Italian skies sud » softly Smiling Indian Summer sun. Goldsboro yesterday got ael for the battle against the rapidly rising Mens# riTSfi Tbs battle will be well under way today and the river will not reach Its crest before Sunday or later It la very probable that the floods by tbs time the crest Is reach ed will approach the 1924 record. Bus and train service out Goldsboro was partly" renewed yes terday The Atipntic Coast Line, by working alrenoualy. opened Us line to Wilmington nnd to-Wilson The ton at 8:86 last night, the first since the floods. There were more passeng ftrsl train went through to Witmlng ara on It than In weeks. be< ause an tomoblle travel on highway 40 south la deflnllaJy abandoned for some time. This morning nil trains will le*ve Goldsboro on regular schedules, ex oeptlng the Norfolk and Southern, according to announcement from tha ticket offices of the union station jffst night. Tto first bug front New Bern Vince I the floods came through yesterday rrrtvtng at 4 o'clock in the arternoon eftar hating coma byway of Wash tngton*. Qreeiv»HTgr'llo< ky/ Mount, and Wilson. It left Newfhrrd at 7 a m The first f>un for New Bern left at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon with throe passengers. It followed the route by Wilson. Rocky Mount, OreeuYlll* end Washington Highway 4(h to Wilson was opened for the first time yesterday morning, and tha regular Wilson bus got start 4d on Its schedule again. Traffic to Klnfcton was again In terrupted yeaterday when 900 feet of the new Snow 1111 l highway ■round which Kinston travel had gone- ware condemned This forced motorists for Kinston to detour by wax of Jason, along country roads. Bus service over this ntretrh how ever was provided on touring cars Highway 40 south toward Wllmlng ton Is definitely closed for some time. Efforts at repairing .the wash, cut at Brooks swamp were abandon ed yesterday as the Highway Com mission roncsntrtted Its forces In f reventing a collapse of parts of highway number to at Little Rtvei bridge west of the city. The abutllng earth had tumbled on the northern side and many employees of the fnmmfcalon rushed labor yesterday and laaf night, piling dirt filled sacks In an effort to prevent a complete collapse of the highway. Traffle cc uld proceed only onUthe southern vlda of the highway at this point, hjjj waa going forward without *ny serious consideration «/ nightfall yew t«rday. 7 Washouts at the bridge were caused entirely by rising Utile Kir a ip. Drawing Ha water from local principally, this river war ex parted to rMckfifs crest tonight, and should this be tha oase. (lie highway 10 was surely saved front a collapse At Pearson's bridge at 4 o'clock ye* terday afternoon Little River had fallen two Inches This tw some 5 miles farther west from the bridge up the stream, hut would Indicate that the rlveg 1* reaching crest at the over highway 10. Waters front the river. however did not quite attain the atage of 1024. The road turning to the north from ( th# Old Tom Pierce filling station, however, was under water for a long Atrefrh, and outhouses In this area poked only the tops of Uyeir heads from out the swltfly flowing floods At the bridge over the Little Rlv it towards Elevens mill near the Piste Hospital, the highway waa coy eie«t to a depth of many feet. Three miles further* west on the road It a (Cpitomtd OB 6> THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—*READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUXL Kim ton Expected io Hear Brunt of Fkwds On Neuae River , IIAPI’ERSVILLE VILLAGE DESERTED LAST EVENING 1-ong Time Flood Records Will Be Shattered In Rising of Waters RALEIGH. Bept. !• —(A*>— Long time flood records for many Eastern Carolina rivers will be broken this week as a result of the torrential rain that accompauled the -West Indian hurricane Tuesday. Lee A Denton, of the U. 8, weather bureau he6|. pre dicted tonight 't, The t aps Pear. Neuae, Tar and Koa noke rivers were out of their hanks tonight and at the waters from choked trthuUrlejji reached the rivers they will go even higher. Denson said Thu Cape Fear at Fayetteville was 69.4 feat high late today and atilt ris ing. It will reach 63 feet or more there tomorrow night or Saturday. Denson predicted. The highest record | there is 68.7 feet, eatablbihd In 1908. j Flood stage for the (’ape Fear Is 33 j teet. . * The Neuae h« drcachcd 21.8 at Southfield this afternoon and was flooding lowlands and damaging crops. A 24 fool stage tw predicted tor the river there by tomorrow morning. The Tar river at Tarboro reached yl4 late today and was rising rapid ly. Flood stage Is 18 feet. Denson pre ’ ti.cted the rtver would go to 3o- feet Saturday or Sunday. A revlaed flood warning today for the Roanoke River at Weldon aet the craat at 42 feet to bo reached Bitur- j di|> Th« river had gone to 3,'. feet today. The Neuae at Kinston was reported | to be near that Inundated tTW>lower sections of: the city. The river was rising tonight at a rate of about 2.6 Inchest an hour. Krestdent of Happersville, village of 150 resident across the river from Kinston, have all deserted their home* Water has reached the lower floors of many housea there. No flod reerds are kept by “the weather bureau In Kinston but It was three daya after tha river reached Its highest! mark at Bmlthfleld before the exeat was reached at Kinston. All mads Into Kinston, egeept that to Greenville were clotted by high wat er tonight M ILBON — (A*) FlooHe streams in this'vicinity were receedlug rapidly -11 night with the exception of Coalent uea creek and Tolsnot swamp Roads which had been covered again were made paseahle as the streams return ed to their banka. Contnentco creek however, was causing sonic apprehension as It be tame swollen from tributaries pouring In on It. The power plant at the data operated, by the city was shut down jtlien water theratened to flood the first floor. j'g ROCKY MOUNT— (A*) —With sun (Continued on page 6) 9 j Larry Newsome Now Has Six More Days to Live KALiIIUH. Bcpt. 20— 1/Pi --Larry ifff-wsome, stumpy black negro of an cerluln age, who will be electrocut oil Htplember 28, was the principal fig lire In twA dramatic trials, both of which ended In his being sentenced to death for the murder last Decern her of Heulah Tedder. 15 year old tarm girl of near Fremont. Beulah Tedder was killed Decem ber 8. after a desperate struggle With Iter assaUnnt almost witht'u the shad ow of the humble borne of bet par eats, Mr. and Mrw Alex Tedder. A short lime later, her body was found with the head almost severed from the body. Sheriff V D Grant and other of I lee began an InvestigMliou and T-jCfliTn a few hours, they had Hires ed I*arry Newsome, who lived a short 4l*i»ute (rum Ui« actua ol Ui« ala/ . First Florida Storm Picture jjj The above telephoto show* building in business section of Avon Hark, Fla., leaning craxily into the street with it* roof blown completely pff by the force of hurricane, which devastated almost Forestry Association Ends Its Meetino in Goldsboro Holmes Says North Carolina Will Be Hare of Merchantable Timber in 20 Yrs. V , ■ ... The alarming rate at which North Carolina la cutting away Its njen ban jtible timber waa revealed by J. H. Holmes, forcMer with the North Csro l.nu Department of Conservation and Development. In an .address before the c]oslug session of the North Caret [ Mnu Fnrtatry Association here yester day. Today will he given over to the Inspection by school children of for estry exhibits placed for the conveti lion. Burveys made by the Aiservatlon department show that North Caroliuu Is cutting Its Mix Inch and agave ttm her at the' rate of a billion feet a year. Mr. Holmes said In 1912 there were standing In the state 45 billion feet of merchantable timber. Today there are remaining only 15 billion feet, according to Mr. Holmes ad dressing the convention. He cited these figures to nhow the alarming necessity of taking., real means for reforestation, for very lit lie of the billion feet cut yearly Is re placed At tide rate. North Carolina's forests will be cut sway In something like twenty years, provided no wide spread reforestation movement is started. At the closing session of the con ventlou the following dfflcerw were elected: president. It Roliertson. of Cauton; vice president, I’. It Camp of Wallace: vice president for, West ern North Carolina W. K. Campbell of Greensboro: and for Ka.dern North Carolina, John L. Cobbs, Jr., of Wil mington H W Graeber was itmtln tied a* secretary and W. J. Dantft of Canton as treasurer. Lionel cWoll, Goldsboro msn. had declined on account of other Interest (ngngedlng Iris attention, to permit his Maine to be offered for the pre -id cncy. Nqnlre* Speak* Maik Squires “father of the Great (CpUliiutd on Page Four! in*. In order to prevent possible tio lence. th<- negro «, mu brought to IUIe)«h lor safe keeping Two days later. Newsome waa | plantl on trial In the Wayne county; courthouse ut Gold-boro with Judge Henry W Grady presiding One day i did miffli e to tlnfth the c**e,."'and ! it »a- continued on tin seciMtd day which w.t, Sunday. In the midst of the proceeding, the iourttonm was thrown Into turmoil when relatives of the dead girl made an attempt to j *ei*e the defendant. Judge Grady dls I play a pistol from the bench, and : Sheriff Grant fired Into the ctlli.i*. I The disorder wan quashed, the trial i esunicd, and N»;w.Mime v. s , found 1 KUllty of first degree murder. .Indue | Crady sentenced him to die by • lee-j trocution. ftttUMfd efi p#|t tUfCf * n [ GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, SEI>TEMBKR 21, 1928 Local Market Records Good Sale and Price Bale of 139.356 pounds of weed on the market hero fur 119,189.64. brought the total sor 1 the season in 1.6:1,548 pounds and tfoe money to 8310,966-'l6. Yesterday's actual average, muffle In the face of being established. ® COL BAIN WILL AID GOV. SMITH Accepts* Chairmanship of Demo cratic Veterans Orgariza tkm In Wayne COI. Kdagr H. Bain will seYve as (balrman of the Democratic Veterans organisation In Wayne counts, having notiflerl Cot. John D Lsttgwtou, state chairman of Ins appointment. Col. Bain will carry on an active campaign among veterans lor (he (,:use of the Democratic tt eii .i Itepilhlh an f would have long x sin »lid nun Vtiili SoW" of I Olimi laud ituii. r water, will Is- not l« «* :lun »2 . "O-i believes. the enure scale»ard of slate. Lalcut advice* place loss of life at more than -KJU in Florida alone, while tltf damage wrought by twister mounts into hundreds of millions. • GIVES FACTS AS TO BUSSES Mill Resume Regular Line To More head and New Bern This .Morning Bus service to New Bern and Miirchc.nl over the regular route will be roomed this morning according In announcement made last night tfy G. Irby Holmew. manager of the bus .nation here. The station tins since .the flteul acted as a clearing house Inr travel Information, and Ms ' . Inline* said last night Ibai he Would | lie glad to supply further Informa llon today. t * Hr Issued the following stulement: "We are operating busses on ragu lar schedules out of Goldsboro to Raleigh and from Goldsboro to WII ’oil, connecting at Wilson (or Rocky Mount. Ho far we liuve had no Dou ble on ihiwet two lines. Tbe Hite op erating from Goldsboro td Greenville end Washington, by* way of Kinston has made some of their schedule and will continue to- tryp them aa | fur as they can. • “Our bus that left New diem on i Thursday morning at 7 a. m.. arrlr led In Golileboro ut 3:50 p . m , after a hard (rip around by Washington, tireeilvllle. Rocky Mount sud Wilson , The same bus left here at 6 -p. m --J I.ended for New Bern vip the aum« route with several passengers, iu eluding a giivernmeut man. “This morning (Friday* ut 7 o'- I t lock ,we will wiart a bus for Ls Grange, Kinston, New Hero, More-» head and, Bi-aufort via the regular route, and If stti-crssful will resume; all schcdults. “Our Gnldslioro-Wllmlngtoti bus's i e* are not 'operating and operation i of thewe lin**es look very slim, there being a 3b or Id foot washout 3 miles this side of Mogul Olive. The. high way fori f.e Have ’ lieen transfrrrotl : - from this point to tin* Little River j I ridge on and Raleigh, therefore It will pro bably he the flrd of next week be • V lurt* can In* oil tbi j (Continued.on I’age Four) Governor Smith Attacks - Methods of Republicans Oklahoma r»TV. .'o—<4*» Carrying his fyrht fur tin; prffcldern y into the border at.iti of which 11 torn l»y tm!lli< . (mV jr j nor Smitli tonight deplored the In f Jection of the rrlinloiiH l«*uo nml I “whispering" methodk Ini ) "the ijm pul go. it* fended hi- nrcinl *« < hlef executive of Sr* York and uitfrd th*- votero of stne nation to make their c hoice 111 Ihe November election nolo- j |v on ihe ground of rrliat Jjieat, promot e* the lntere*f and welfare of the He public. In a upcei h prepared for delivery h< re. i‘n the (‘ollUeuni. *|ilrh hn» a • aline capacity of about liUfOti Uie Democratic nominee directed ait «t --jituk hi former Senator fferww of tbla I Mate, who ha a holted thjp Democratic 1 party to Hupporl' Herbert Hoover, a sailed Mrs. Mabel WiUebraudt, «u »a j Now Fear Death List In Florida Hurricane _ * May Reach Total 700 NOTICE TO THE BUBLIU All traffic on Hlxliwiy No. 40 between (>uldMboro and \Ailminn(on wais rtoued to the public thin morning al 1 o’- clock. by the Hiifhwu) Com miwgion. • High*ay No. 10 wan ulUl open at thia hour and no in lerruptior. in expected on thin road. MARY TEACHEY TAKES TO TENT Traffic Over Neuae River Bridge On Highway 40 Stopped ni Midnight I-ant With eight 4mhes of water across the highway and flowing ui»diy *1 the joint or the Circle fllliui station. State Highway Commisison employees At midnight last.atopped further traf *|r from rrornW the bridge oveh Neuse river oti Route 40. end blockad ed highway at the Thompson planta tion a few miles south of the city. Mary Tearhey, ac lent negress. who has seen other lloorls and freshets along the Neuse had tied two boats at her porch last night and waa ready (o push off fur the sand hill back of ‘Adams filling atstiiWi. Here she lias erected her a tent and here eha az peels to wait out the flood wklch Is rising about her home. 'I camped there In 1908 and (he wet er did not get me, and Icamped there in 1923 and- the water did not get me. and I dout In-lleve It will come to the top of the bill this *kjn«" the it*” areas was quoted, as saying. Anywnv she .took along a couple of boats to be ready to row 10 Mfety iff esse kuown record* are shattered and the water covers the hill on which her tent tr pitched SIXTY HI KIKIi IX ONK MBUB GBAVB BT. PKTKKHBFRG, Ms, Bept. 20- OP) The HI. Petersburg Time* today published a dispatch from n stuff cor teapondent at West Palm B'-»ch that said sixty bodies were burled In one large grave there yesterday, a grave Dial was dug by a stau msbovel. He ssld the bodies were brought In so rapidly from tbe lake region that a cre.w of carpenters wa» kept busy building roiigbt cofttna. ’ ,, r / buok i.KUiFi: ■> MULE Pi t ) HI UK ■ • n ~„m I- «N J CHICAGon Bepl 20 UP) A fm* major league double (day reisql i utmost certain to be established till* > ear. , With leu dav* to go the t'lnclnwattl R<-d* already have set a new National league mink with 179 double killing* sud are only three short of the major league record of 182 made by the Wsshliigton Senators lu 1923 laiant attorney general a "dUhon ' c*t my exlempraneoualy about the Itap tiat clergyman. In condcmnlnK aofne tho cam I'uieu method* lined aj.ritiHl h'mlth declared there was “uhuutant reason foi believing ihat KepuMleana ' high In the councils of the party have j _ (Continued on PM« as . MKMBKK 01 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FI VI CRNTR Ked ( roMM (hairmah GKn Pic ture of \p|iiilling Kilm( ft IhimHKe and Death liHRYING SOME HODIBH IN QUICS LIMB ONLY Danger From Dfawana and P«- t Hence Growing Greater Hourly , 0 WKMT PALM Hit A Off, n*.. gept. SO (/»*) The client of the ifftHiu Mounter visited by the tropical karri taae upon • ommuuities nestling on the enat ahore of Labe. Okeechobee aiood out clearly tonight aa local Red ( r»aa reports placed the estimated dead at between 7*»u and Nf persons. Virtually all of the daad am In tha Kverglsdes district around Pahokee, south Hay and Canal PoUit, an id Hear ard W. He I by, < balrmau of tha Jala Heat h county Had Crou committee, who made the n<% eat I mate. Declaring that health eoudtilona am growing wotoe aaary minute, Selby laid It mlaht be ascenes ry to place Ibe whole area of liO mile* eqaara uffder quarantine. "Unload bodlaa are ror neorad tad hurled within the neat 41 hours, oom pie evacuation qf that territory will haye lo ha effected, loci ad tea relief workers," Selby said * e , * Wurkorb ho oaaortod are rooorttac * to burying the bod lea ja quick Umo "aa It la Impossible to gleg them up and bring them to the (waggery.*! * may ha* to opr* (Ho Whale sort lon with I lata from ifr*> tlene,' aold Selby, adding that "a** ***** »ho di.pmoiMiftftdHtofth thor h doing the state a gr&THtJBrr.V ! Khderal aid may bo roqulmd said. Helhy, an the county hei not thi money to carry on the work Wh need outalde financial help badly to the esteat of t&AO.OM. T« ft? — —<—•' - H **lby »»id bla ei 11 mate of H|e property damage to tha county iU|l * •**.PPO.OPO but that iaourance if iuitera had estimated the lone might teach a* much aa 171.00*,M0 Tl»r chairman denied report* thgt rny rioting ha» occurred lb the atrldtf en area. Plenty of armed ponds gfn' <>n duty he aald. ■ * ’ J An airplane hay boon ncowliag orOr the area, spotting bodies, egfll Sttby, declaring that many bad drift ed away in flood.watora to almost tm pC net ruble places/ * c F. DEES IS . ' NEW COMMANDS J* _ , AmrHeart !region Uunrbeq Re I rogranf of Work Fur TW. Y*ur I be American Legion got off to 4 good start for the eeason of lMftJ* »hh sn initial roll call off neatly, "eventy-Ove members at tha commth.- J Ity building iaitt sight *lth Commander «ktoenldor pro. e‘dln*, meeting was opoaed with ihe usual new season preamble com* mention on the general work as too poet. This was follows# by the Op. point mein of an nominating commit- Ice for the election of nfflcoH for the cnsulna year. < laronce Crone chairman of thin committee reported aa followt: Ch«u *' u K Dees tor Comntoader. Mr Dgoo was ri< iLcon.mander; H- Fltsbugh Ute vice. commander; Archie U Wir ru k Adjutant, and on oceonnt of the of this latter offlcu a new office was created, namely, as. sistant adjutant. T- J. Psrroat H w Klvera was nominal*! an . k '.ir*ctn of Arms. ( apt. K. H Bain aa ('I aplaln, and l.ouls Humble M gar. vl«e Officer Clarence Crone woh nominated as Chairman of thq ha-r„ tertalnment Commlitoo. Those'Mari, nations were rallied unonimoooty with a‘eat ai.< laljn. After a most enjoyable barbecue the meeting was adjourned until tke third Thursday Ig OOehof-