WEATHER Generally P*lfr-Betnrday and Sunday Cooler Saturday a ft* moon or Bight. •t ‘ _ - - VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 177 RED CROSS OFFICIAL PLACES FLORIDA DEAD AT 1385 Story Os Tragedy Is Increased As Work Os o 5m.. —-• • ' • 0 •> • (f ' Rehabilitation Starts Decomposition of Bodies Now Adds DnnffOr of Epidemic To Situation GOVERNOR MARTIN MAKES SURVEY OF CONDITIONS Lake Okeechobee Was Ixwsied From Coniines By Raxint Winds of Storm 4 WEST PALM BEACH, Sept 21— (d»>—The aiory of the hurricane irag •dy grew in proportion today aa the count ot the dead wept on a* r>ing waters continued to hamper cpmtnun icatyms with the utrlckeu shores of Lake Okeechobee, where aanltary con dittona nr* adding hiaardu not only to the destitute population, hut to leltef workers- The American Red Cross at Wash tngton naked $5.(MM,»04) tor hurricane reliet In. Porto Rico, Florida, and tho Virginia laUnd*. while the people of Florida poured contribution* Into the rlate relief fund* n* well a* started Governor Martin wo* In the Okee new cararana of euppllea on the way cbobee area to make ape aonla ohaer ration of the conditions. Before tear Ing her the chief lenitive after r calving reporta from the acenclew en -•‘•I in the relief work, declared the aerlouaneaa of the situation wae "epaltlng.” , Snator Park Trammell, himaelf mak Inga *urve.v of the area, yserted he would talegraph Preetdent Cool idee to have a Federal survey made with a view to obtalnlnged Federal aid as was given after the Miami diaaater 1 In IMI. There waa atlll no final estimate of Che total number who loet itmfe live* when the dykea of Lake OkchAbee hrolje before the wind* and wavs, loosing a rqah of water* upon the farming country behind the levees. Howard W. Selby, chairman of the Palm Beach couaty Red Croaa com mitt*#. who has estimated the dead at between Ton and 800 person* w»» said to be checking the figure* of Dr. E. D. Clawson, in charge of medical relief, who notified A, L. Shafer, representative of the national Red Croaa, that he could account for 1,385 bodies on the face of latest re. ports. o o Recordaof the national guard units today showed that 537 bodies ha keen burled, but many more were •till within the district, unrecovered or plied at strategic gointk awaiting transportation to dry lands, officials said. ■ sr Several officials who have been In aide the stricken tone declared the irtual death toll may never be known Plcturea of horror were drawn by worker* who have been plying the lake and field, recovering bodies or administering to the living. Decompo* ttlon of bodle* of animals and fish have added to the seriousness of con dltlons under which they have been compelled to work', thy said, and tho horrid sun steadily increasing the danger. MAKES APPEAL ' FOR WHISKEY Hundred of 111 and Injured In Storm Ansa in Need of Htlmulanla WASHTNOTON/Bept. 21 ~(4Y Mrs. Mabel Walker Will* hrandt answe-ed an appeal of Red ( roe* official* for liquor In Florida by telegraphing,, tl. 8. Marahal* at Jacksonville un ! Mi an.l to turn over all liquor that had been seised and was aublect t > dl* poaal front the government. A telegram said that hundred* of tit add Injuied were In need of aftmii tails " . The liquor to tie turned over to the Red Croaa will ha that which ha* been . <* seized and ordered to be dispos'd of by the ‘ court*. Her telegjraic told them to that th# flHlv«‘iy wan made at tones and that It Included all •tores suitable for use by the Had Croat. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING KHRJS MINDS ARB FBEBH—READ BE BUYERS BEFORE THEM BIIW Cape Fear At Fayetteville Ap pronrheH IU All Time Flood Mark NEUSE FELL SLIGHTLY AT KINSTON FRIDAY Convict* Carole Dyke* At Cale don in In Effort Save Prison Plan tat ion « RALEIGH. Sept It—(A 1 ) Flood conditions of r'vera iu Eastern North Carolina tontght,. had blocked high wcyjt inuundnted crop* and In many section* had reached home* The weather bureau here, however, predlc ted today that the crest of the flood will pan* tonight at moat of the dan gerous points No loss of life haa been •ecorded Steady o M*ing, tjte Cape Fear at Fayetteville late today wav past the M foot mark and only a few feet from the alt time flood record of the river >ot at MX In The creel la ex pected to par* tonight Fifty or more loose* wore surreundVl by?' water, here but some of them flowing. A relief committee haa been organised to take care of those driven from their homes. Many principal street* are blocked off by the walet^ Thr Nen*e river at Bmlthfleld ya* 28 feet tonight, or 6 feet above bdnk leve|. At Kinston, on the lower, temporary relief rame tori tty whin the river fell 4 Inches after Carrying to rise again, however, ah the-floor! from higher up" the river reaches and lower portions of the city may he inundated . Convicts today partroled the 8 iblle dyke that protect* Caledonia prison • arm's 7.000 acre* of crop land from the high waters of the Roanoke Rfrer which ha* gone to 37.7 feet, flooding highway* and farm land*. The dyke ha* been strengthened. George Roas I'ru, Superintendent of the prison aid. and 'h expected to prevent the eater* from reaching Caledonia. Tar river at Tarboro was lust un der 20 feet or 8 feet above flood stage tonight. Flood crest at 30 feet has been prdirted there for Sunday. g, ---» “Speed” Holman Leads Class B. Races EL PASO. Texas, B«pt. 21.—aJV) —• Charles W. “Speed” Holman, of Min neapolis, flying a Imlrd plane led the clan* B race* of the !,<># Angeles. Cincinnati flight into Kl Paso thl* afternoon landing at 4:45- MANAGER COTTON FIRM ARRESTF.iI FOR LARCENY SAVANNAH. Sept. 21-GP)—Walter G. Hughe* manager Os the local office of Alexander Eccle* and company. English cotton firm which recently clwp-d here was arrtes edday on an jndlcment charging larceny ■ after trn-t of $39.118..06. ' He furnished bond for l;ls release Os SIO,OOO. U. S. Senator from Tenn. Is to Speak in Fremont With the Democratic campaign in Wayne launched by l/he address of J. W. Bailey here Wednesday night, rnltttcat Interest locally now turiK to the address of General Lawrence P. Tyson, (Tnlted State* Senator of Tennessee, In Fremont at 8 o'clock. Tuesday September 25. This will he one of three speeches which General Tyson will make In North C»rollna In the Interest of the Democratic party. The Fremont meeting will also launch the annual canvas* by the Democratic candidate* of the county of the various voting precincts of the county. It has been announced thgt an nut of county speaker will be pro vided in most Instances for the can vas* this campaign. the second meeting of the canvass will he held In Mt. Olive on October 1. and the speaker will be Hon. rhar les D. Harris of Raleigh Candidate* local Democratic lender* will at tend both the Fremont pud Mt. Olive Yccaaton* In a body. From -Wayne county headquarters , .*> Troops Quard Florida Ruins . ' 1 ' - \ —mmm—mmr —■ .. .. i imn iiy I ( 1 11 1 1 I } jj mm si «HS< L rm *nZ • mmr W*j, [B - ■9| mm y/D, Tiiij m M w * ■ Mr “ Jy. ,5 > j »’ f ‘ ' j 'M p#*”* ■ jH — d&s&fdsLtt Ht •• '*"■ ■ - -»*•-■ -■ • -- '■"■•■■■ u.i >■■■■• Ims Ml mamsmiiwmia ■ n .sm i^mm—m^WHl 1 , * Photo shows National Guard troop* | ..trolling the. Nlreet* of West Palm itench, w.:ich was one of the Florida eitirs most •eged by the hurricane. The *olboth Civil and Military life H« la a popular speaker He fully un derstand* the tnauea In thla campaign and will dlacua* them In an interest' fng »lid comprehensive way. "All our cltitem are cordially In eited to go out to hear him. It a rare opportunity. ,3 The county cunditlate* will vlalt the Fremont precinct on thin occa sion. "The place: Auditorium of School Building. , "Time: 8 o'clock, p. in . ’fuKtaday, Sept 25th. 1!>28. "Kverybody come!” Reaction to the addrefea made by J. W. Bailey jm a campaign opener have been 'very favorable. W. A. I»e«>e. county'i hairmnn said yesterday It waa an effective presentation Cft the iksuea of the campaign,” said Mr. I*ee«. GOLDSBORO N. C. SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 22. 1928 - if * As Neuse Creeps Higher Receives Tickets To Electrocution Tic kets of admission to the else irocution of l-arry Newsome, negro (or the murder of tittle Beulah Tedder, were yesterday sent to Sheriff W. D. Grant by Rtals Prison Huperinlendant George Rosa Pou. There wera *U of th* ticket* and Sheriff Grant turned them over to peopJa Lb Grab* Swamp township, uear wbers the murder waa committed, who had expressed a deairs to witness the electrocution, which will place Friday, September 21. Hela ' live* of the ooademned man and of the girl hs'murdered ars forhlddaa under statuaa of the state- to ho allowed In attendaocs at the elec trocution. „ V ' THANK CITY FOR ENTERTAINMENT Foreat ry AsooriaLioit Pimm RcHoiutioiw Exprowlar 1 Appreciation Thank* Is returned to Ooldsboro for cordial entertainment afforded the North Carolina Forestry Association hi ltd convention here, in a copy of renolntions adopted by tlie Aaaocla* Don and released yeatorday by R- W. Grseber", secretary of the orgaal gallon RESOLVED that this Associates go on record as approving and uraise the teaching of foreatry la the North Carolina Suto College and In the University of Naffth Carolina. RESOLVED that this Association *xpress to Colonel Joseph Hyde Prstt Chairman of our Executive Commit tee their sincere sympathy on account of hie lllneMi end beat wlebee for a speedy recovery and their sincere ap preclailon of his efforts io behalf of the courses of forestry and couser ration In the State and Natloa. RESOLVED that ths thanks of tha Association be expressed to all those who have coulrlbufed to the arrange m*nt* and the welfare of the delegat •s attending this meeting of th* As sociation. -We especially wish to thank Mr L'onel Wall, N. 0. A*rl cultural Extension Service and the officer* of the N. C. Dept- of Con servation and Development sad of Ihs United States Forest Service who arranged th# Interesting forestry ex ilbils. the directors of th* OoliMboro Community House for the privilege* their excellent bullldng. th# Oolde boro Dally News. Dally Arugua, Goldsboro Hotel and Ihs cltlaens gen erally of Ooldsboro to whom w# are Indebted Ay many evidences of cor dtsl coo^-alion H. McNlnch, chairman of. the Nortfi Carolina Anti Smith committee, and It it In that aeethm that a big ftgl4l la being made on tha New York governor. Republican Htato head iiuartara are also located at Char Ictte. 0 0 Conaiderabla tent uncut la being maulfeaH In Kaatern North Carolina nralnat Smith and- It may be that party leader* will have Smith apeak in Raleigh ao aa to quiet soma of hi* most outspoken critics in thin sec tion'lf possible. Then, too, Raleigh Is almost In the georgarphical canter < ( tha Bt*te and could he reached • gaily by people from all parts of the State. Gardner Speaks Ont O Ma* Gardner, Democratic nom inee for Governor, who bah bean ac • used In some circles aa being ' lukewarm” to the national ticket, pave the lie to the atatement* la a »I each at. Ulltabetktowa In Bladen county Thursday bight, s Continued on Pag* Four) MEMBER 01 DUAMMUnO FRBSR paid nrp csin» , ‘ * wr- * i «•. MadrkHtiat Dm NMranftf 'WSUEISSfe. V? - »* All tar yeetertay and uatti ’4U •u written Uri aighi th. ot4 Meta. •taßtaata tbt riae*Hr * > vMfh *»'•« t'nrritan oratory hern aeon •nnt to brag. H**mmlmtoe. end the Uandrr eriggind All rioefc and mouaftft proparty bad been collected on high agote abont th. Place. fTV , ■ Regbler appronebee te tan ioegllel' wrr. cut Off ee both' highway* are rorerad with water. Antaiaebtfod. Vv • rnr, were going thretgh hr taking *. wood* rood along the laathern r*U war tree ha. The railroad had piled r»tra ballaet on tte tmeka IHtelr to U rorerad hr water to had waahlai. , <*• **■-, 1 Lfttle Washington Iridluli flat# a number of the veatdaate of Little Weahlnatoa Bought habaa eLawheee when the lower pert if Ob UN boro at hie point wee tacraektnglr flooded, if wu aald. 11 . Predict tons worn that the ri*9« would rtee two feet hlghpr, agd tint it would not ranch fail flood At)* here before let. Sunday or early Man day. . r . 4 C. N. Hibbard Is ElecUd President WfNBTON.BAI.BM, Soft. C N Hibbard of Durham wen prenldeet of thn Noftk Cert linn Plorlet Aaeocietlon at the Anal aea ftlon of tb« annuel cnereotloe today Wllnou was erinctnd a* the pine, forth. moating next year- •ft HM ANII OP UK WICBS HTArtIS 1.08 ANUBLBS. Sept 11 id| <■>* •eeohd <>f three elr raeae frets tare , to Clnnmatt wee aUfted at Id A m. today when a fog WhWh Mbi held up the event eincf early todgi MM