WRATHPB thermm tig cloudiness probably fol. Icwwl tor Ikovin Is South and Cen portion Sunday night. - - VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 178 SMITH PLACES PEOPLE ABOVE TRUSTS IN ADDRESS Says That Benefit Oi Power Site Development Should Accrue To Public Assails PrrnM—t CmUi» Far Vetotec Moprie Shoals 818 WUWt Explaining CITES RECORD OF JUDGE DAVIS AND PAUL CLAFP Dcdaras Thai RspuMican Paw or Platform Plank Is “Meaninslem” •* DENVER. Colo.. Sept Jt— (AV- Acuta training b|a cub* on Herbert Hoover as bo dtsctfased waUr powet In a campaign >pooch bora tonight. Governor Smith declared that the eneftt of the development of power •ltee "bhould accrao, to the people themselves and that we should not permit thorn to fall Into private hand for private development which menna privet# gain at the expense of all ot the user* of the energy."*, t - The Democratic nominee Tn an sd_ drees In the'tfeitoeum. whr Bryan 20 yean ag was nomine ted for preetd. eat for the third time, .insisted that „ the Republican pletform declsntioa on water power was uneattefactorp and asserted that, the acceptance speech of hie oppenent did not con. tain “one single word on the quee tlon of water power development." . sad that Mr. Hoover failed In his re. cent Loc Angeles speech to mske hie •tend clear. Governor Smith alao asaalled Pr**l CooUdge for vetoing the Muscle Shoals bill without an explanation of Its rejection and for making the de_ deration In a maaage to Congress that the Mwesle Shoals question seem ed to "have assumed a place out of all proportion with Us real Import. • now" The New York governor decs red, inaction on the part of the Fedora government, the strange sience'og tho candidate sod the meanlapeei plank of the Republican platform, tndhmtw to any the least, a sympathy with the widespread propaganda against pub Ho ownership spread throughout the country by organisation known ns the Joint committee of the 'National F.lecetric Light association The Federal Jrade commission In Its Investigation of übllc utility rar'l porations, tbe Democratic nomlene as serted. has developed some facts that Mr. Hoover knew of this power lobby Intended to influence Congressional cation and legislation. Mr. Bmlth said that the "Lobby's" executive director, Judge Davis, for merly was a naaeltsant becretary to Mr. Hoover; that Paul Clapp, mice s secretary to Mr. Hoover was named secretary of the Joint committee and is the executive director of the Nn. tionsl Electric Light Association, which, he explained, la one of she S groups making up the joint commit, tee; and that former Senator lunroot of Wisconsin, who he said wan retain ad by the Joint rommlttee as conn, ■el "to oppose’ the Walsh resolution for nn investigation of public utilities operation was also "Mr. Hoover’s counsel at the Kansas City convention in the content over Southern delegn. • lone.’ „ Kiwanis To Entertain ladies Monday Night I The Ooldaboro Klwanln club will entertain at a Ladlaa Night program ■t the Hotel Goldsboro Monday er«n_ Ing at 7 o'clock. "Thia la fh*t open meeting of Ihe year," nay* an annoneemeut of the club, “and'the flrat eoclal occa_ •ton of the fall aeaaon. "A great time la expected as the | procram committee assures the club I that they are prepared to show every one a good time. "Monday Is the birthday ,of Kiw_ anhi In Goldsboro therefore the cele (ration" LAbY AH TOR HAII.H P«ft T. S. SOUTHAMPTON. Eng Sept 27 (A*) —Lady Astor, looking roup* and (harming In a blue tailored coetnuM and close fitting hat. sailed abroad Uje Aqnitanla today for a two weeks rtatt to her old home In Virginia. She will slao spend a few dayn in New York and Washington. THE GOEDSBORO NEWS BRAD BS THE MORNING EHILJg MINDS ARB FRBBB—READ BE BUYERS URDU THUS mra. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY JOHN LANGSTON GOES TO DIIRH’M Win Become Court heme Re porter Ou Durham Morn in* Herald John D. Lagfeton, Jr., left yeeter. day for Durham where today he will enter' upon his duties M courthouse reporter for tbe Durham Morning Her Md. For the pagt II monthb with the News as associate editor and assletadt In the advertising depart, mem.'*' ■" The Durham position, he believes of fern greater opportunities for ac. quiratg a more varied experience In hie chosen profeaslon of newspaper. [ S o f} • teg, With Mrs. Langston, ha left on the morning train yesterday. They harp taken an apartment oa Breed street, Durham. „ As courthouse reporter, Mr. Langb_ ton will have the moat Important news beet on The Herald. ALAB AM A TURNS OUT AIv’THTES V State Executive Committee Manouevent to Prevent Any Uwpieeeentneoß BIRMINGHAM. Sept. II- (/P) Functioning without a hitch tbe state Democratic committee of Alabama de layed selection of an associate Sup. 'rsee court Justice until the last or der Os buslneea today to steam roller rail within the committee” opposition to the Democratic party's ticket as a Whole. In the process of cleaning house, the committee expelled two of ita members who had openly declared their support of Herbert Hoover for 1 I resident. Neither attended the com.' mlttee meeting. Hugh Locke, one of those expelled was In Walkar county where lie had an engagement to dellv or aa antl_Bmltb address. The committee declared Judge A. B. Foster of Tuscaloosa, the Democrm tic nominee for a mil year term as an associate member of the State Sup. rente court. - ■ ' ■■ RULES FAIRMONT MARKET FAIRMONT. Sept. Xl— (A*)—'The of flcial tobacco marked report for the week Issued today allowed sales of 1,1 ft,ooo pounds on the Fairmont m»r ket at an average price of 16.22 cents: For the Season, sales of 15.327.24* pounds.at an average of 16.16 cents were reported. ~ LADY lAHTOR HAILS - * SOUTHAMPTON, Eng Sept. 22 (A I )—La«Dr Astor, looking young and' charming In s Jxluw tailored costume and close tiffing hat. Bailed aboard tbe Aquitsnla today for a two weeks visit to her old home In Virginia. Goldsboro Has Contributed $166.50 Toward Aid Florida Goldsboro people through yesterday had contributed (166.60 through the local Red Cross for the relief of the relief of the Florida atorm victims, announcement from the local chapter ■ aid yesterday. An appeal for further response was made In the following htaiement Which was issued: “Over a thousand dead; a hundred thousand homeless; starvation and disease rampant.” Such la the story routing from the hurrtcan swept conn tries of Porto Klco and Florida. Re lief is imperative. The American Red ('roes Is calling for 15.000.000. When humanity suffers, cltlsens, of Golds boro and Wayne county are not oaed to stand callously by. _ “Murisr Farm" K I \ K , * Jr / •• AiDW t ’ i -■ vw m m m L. to r.. Lewis and Nelson Winslow, Pomona, Gal* boys whose mysterious disappearance Is linked with alleged *'merd**fgHi."4toclo*urea. Gordon Stewart Northcott, 21. described by his father aa aa “apt man," is la custody of officers on charges of murdering Tour boy*. (International Newsreel) INSPECTOR TO COME TO CITY • “ ' ■■■ ' ' :■ * h~ ’ J Ip to Make Survey Aa To Ad tSUoMiLotter Carrion . In Gokteboro ik The following telegram from Mlat Marion L Overby, s#cr*t*ry of Con rrebtman rhas L, Abernethy, to The News Is self explantory^ "While In Washington a'few daps •go Mr. W. C. Denmark, secretary of the Goldsboro Chamber of Com. mere*, brought to the attention of thia office the need of additional carriers and additional postal clerjre., la Goldsboro I have Just returned from th« poet office department where I took this matter up tilth Mr. Spill. u>an chief of the division of pant ot flee service and ha assured me that •n Inspector would be sent to Golds, boro it once to go over the situation with Mr. Denmark and Mr. Simplnks the local Postmaster Mr. alao stated that he would make the Investigation Special so ah to get the inspector* report and relieve the alto si ton before tbe Christmas holiday*. Hoover Confers With . President CooUdge WASHINGTON, Bept. 22—

— Herbert Hoover and Prsaldent Cool tdge, tbe new and the miring thief of the Republican, party surveyed the political horUon today in a lengthy conference et the White House. Both refused to discloee what particular aspect of the campaign they had studied but their meeting end lunch, jeon together came wlthiwa few hours after the prealdnt’a rtura to Wash ington from hi* home stele of Ver mont and New England- The Republican candidate remained at the White House for almost an hour and a halt and at the conclu sion of his visit paused long enough to tell newspapermen that he and the president had gone over "the general situation together.” Contributions are belug received daily at Ihe local headquarters of the Red Cross. The direful nese of the need demands haste. Those who In lend to give that liras may be saved are urged to main their i nee. Contributions to date are; ° Cash V,.. ....(10.00 Mr. and Mr*: Resile Well .... 28. M Cash 15.00 Mra. B? G. Thompson §OO Ihr. R. B Miller ...1 600 Mrs. Henry Weil 26.00 Mrs. Donnell Cobb 5 00 Cash 1.60 Mrs. F. K. Bonlen 26.00 Mr*. Joe Koeenthal 26 00 Elisabeth 1 Rosenthal 2600 ?oUU (116.60 GOLDSBORO. N. C SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER S 3, 1923 FLOODS FALLING •UP-STATE NOW Kimfon Expected Be Point of Greatest Danger On Neose RALEIGH, B*pi |l —(Jfy -Flood water* tonight war* subsiding alone the upper Hction of luMn Carolina rivers leaving a trail of damage to highway*, crop* and human that will run into many thousands of dolls ra, but the tyeat of tha flood la to roach tha lowtr sections of tha streams- . Tha Capa Fear river at Fnyitte rllla, which was almost isolata«l ( by high water yesterday was steadily falling tonight. The river raeasded about 18 laches thorn today, tha weather bureau said Tha crest of the Neusa flood passed at SmithAeld early today and tha riv er had fallen a foot tonight from the reading at t o'clock this monitor Although the upper Tar Is now falling tbs river Was at 29 foot, 14 feet above flood stage and still rising slowly at Tarboro tonight- Tarboro itself baa been tittle affected by the Hghwater bnt Princevllle, negro com. mualty across the river, was a desert ed village today with water lapping at tftb Unit floors rtf Its houses. The river has al*° flooded the state hlgh say leading to Greenville and Bast, em point*, cutting off traffic. A flir ty foot flood crest has been predicted (or there tonight. Latest reports received by the weather bureau said the Roanoke river at Weldon was 39 feet or about 9 fast above flood stage lata today- It Is stUI rising and a erwot of 42 fast is predicted within the next 24 honri. State highway number 40 U under water there, halting tragic over the main Artery to Norfolk. V*- Flood renditions along the lower sections of the rivers are not eapected by highway officials to be so severe ag they were along the upper sections because tha rivers broaden la the ex treme east. Kinston is exited to be the point of greatest danger ae waters from tha Neuae which passd Its eras! at Smlth fleld thara today. The weather bu reau said the crest would not reach Kin Mon for five days- Stewart to Sfcow Folks Floods From The Air At Stewgrt, North Carolina's pram., ler svistof. Isnded on the Goldsboro municipal airport yesterday and pre pared tq take the folks for the air 1 1da today • nrf *h® w thenl th ' floods •‘I tell you."’ said Stewart after coming down "Yonpcan't tell any_ thing about it until you get up In the air like that. Saw some hog* out there on an Island and the water ria. |r>g all around them. Rooked to me like they were In a pretty Unsafe place too,” Stewart will remain here ever the week end. taking passengers frorf> the airport near the Griffin ' Park. , , a . . GRIFFIN IS GIVEN HONOR Wml Point Promoted Gokloboro . Boy to Sorgooat for Skow ing Aptitude (Special To The News) •WEST POINT. New York. Sept *1 For displaying special aptitude la both academic and miliary subjects at tbe Military Academy here, Cadet Thomas N. Griffin at Golds boro, at the opeaing of the lI2IM academic year was promated to tie grade of Cadet Sergeant by Major General W. R. Smith. Superintendent Cadet r horns* Griffin la tba son of Mr. M. *■ Griffin, 4*2 Mflberry St. Boaria of officerh studied the record* of or. try cadet In the first class before re commending to General Smith that Griffin be given the additional honor and responsibility The entire promo. t*on system at tba Military Academy’ I* competitive. The selection of Griffis was baaed on a merit roll compoaonte being considered. Scholarship 2* portent: Demerits, 10 percent: Drill II pereeat leadership I* percent; Bearing and percent; ad other aettvUea. I percent. While Regular Amy officers »up_ ervke all drill a considerable aaaoaat of actual instruction in given bp the cadet offclare and non commissioned oi fleers. The discipline of the Corps Is ahfc maigiy exercised by eadeSi. nadon this system Griffin trill bn_ come accustomed to handling and training men. thereby bettor fitting himself for 4 commission as lad Lieu tenant which will be tendered him oa grad nation ant Jana • ’ r o • i .... .' Day of Atonement Is Celebrated HMw ,At 1:10 tonight serriqM trill lapis at Temple Oheb Sholum tor the flay of Atonement. Monday mortal aer. vices will begin at id o’clock and pr ntianc to sundown. Monday careless will Include a memorial'aenrite at 4 o'clock in the aftemooa, , The Day of Atonement la th# hottest day la the Jewteh Calendar and lb oh served with class salon from labor, fasting from sundown to sundown, and with services on tho oven of the Festival sad through tho entire dap. la Biblical times tela day was oh. served with special rites and sac rifle es, outstanding ware the scape goat sacrifice end the high Priest*# ea. trance to the Hair of Holies, the oa ly occasion of the year he waa permit, ted to do ao. Today the Jews asks forgiveness for his shortcoming bp prayer/’ Rabbi Frennd will officiate at all service*, and will preacb at 7:M tn the evening service and 12<20 in the morning service. In the merning aar mon he will review tbe events of the Jewish people during lust pear. The public la welcome to all #ervte_ ee. Tbe following stores will be eloaed in honor of Tom Klppur: H. WeU and Broea.. teases. Heilig and Meyer*. Kadis’, Ooben’a, Shrago's, Army Stork, Max Cohen’s Market, A. A. Joseph'*. TWO RIVER MEN DIE Ilf FLA MEH PHILADELPHIA, Sept 22 -i Two Delaware River barge captain* wore burned to death Friday, on* losing hie life In an unsucewSihil attempt to save hi* companion / Cary Maxwell Is Awarded Another Heidelberg Honor Cary Maxwall, non of Mr. and Mrs. H. a. Maxwell of 404 Park Avanue baa been granted a fellowship of IMO mark* by the Unbolt Foundation aa an aid to continue h<* studies at Held , I berg, Germany, for another year, nla parents have been Informed. The award it direct from • German fund '•for exceptionally gifted foreign stn_ dents" and ia much bought after for the honor aa well aa tha monetary value. Young Maxwell who completed hid college coarse at Duka University, last year won an exchange fellowship at Heidelberg In competition with students from many American Ualver title*. This moat recent award “ ta Hade to him upon the basis of the, SIXTEEN PAGBB TODAY Flood Damage To Crops At State Hospital Here Will Be About $12,000 BOREN IS MADE VICE CHAIRMAN CoL Umßi Makaw It Clmt Organ list ton Not Upawt ed With Ltffion Norman A. Bona, of Greensboro waa yesterday named aa vtos chair •uaa of the Democratic Veteran* Ot ganlaatton la North Carolina bp Col. John D. Langston, state chairman. Dan • Elina of Asheville had beta teed visa chairman anriter M Km week and there rsasains to bo appoint ed oa* other vine chairman to com pinto the state orgaaiaattea. 001. Lang at on said. Tba third ana to ha named will be a woman, ha daclar ed. f ' In aangnaelag the appointment of Mr. Boren. 001. Laagetoa .called at tention to toe tool that the Democrat!* Veterans organisation la in no wap connected with the American Lepton, he said. "I want it daftnttoly understood that the I cmodVatk* Vetoraae Orgi* ixatloß It ta la no manner auanoated with related to or attempting afftlatt. ion with aap ot the standard Veter ana Orgaalaattamt such as the ARtori tan Legion, Veterans of Foreign War, and Dtaabled Valanma. N* tot li hatter knows that tea Amarfean ip •ten a* aa Organteatlna to not la pod Ipdlykinil ViNjMHMk'’ ate flrrt of all AmerteM eltteeaa. Oar plan for tin w map sign pen rid aa far a direct appeal to the invMttvnal Yeterana Irrespective of sap affllla tiona be may ha** with aap ad tho Veterans A* n Lagtan aair* myself 1 would ant want anyone to violate that aplandld provision In the constitution of tho Amerioan Lo gion which muhoa It n non partteoa body of War Veterunh." MR& ELLIOTT IS TO SPEAK HERE ’ ■ 4 'whMMkdMMi ** ' Hunter CoUom Wotonai WUI DM* cum Smttii'a Wotfnro and Educntkmnl Work RALBIOH, Sopt: t»— •Ywwßw tevhm to Rs depth on tea aaytepi prop Um Neos* to tha moat of Jh| JtodiX N*di iikMw mMt' H^(H itißCHt Jum mt oaasaa |ka - V'RCw wMw FMaMp hot * large area 4m iCded to Un watery rate. In dm Lrida Waehiac. •tree* organised ferry means of patting to and team tetete' , «NP— 1 ~Thg eight fires* Mb Ik the One. # air darby from to* Angelas to Okc * ctaaatti took oft tor* today far Ngn* Blast Aek*- another eight aoatrwb ttaalrat lOMoetoek. senTrqmSql ] AGAINA* HOME Ftadb Hg»|totp Imm Pn B-tNgni Vnwmmn jjt LITTL* ROCK, Ark., flapt -Back htom after Uto aailae travel tbroogh too Inner torusa* at Democracy, the BeUd Boath, flaootoa iloe Roblasoa tonight planted tha i£ question at tha top at the Uto of Issnoa to ho nnTJfl tha aampalga « "Without doobChe said flpaa Ml retura bare, “the religtooa gasstteg Is foremost ’* 'j Tba Democratic vice praaldentJaf MBta* explained that (ana relist •ad prohibition ware vary fNgueatlft mentioned hot that these two gees. Urns wave shoved oat of flvflt ploag by the quaetioa of reUgioo which tog bean injected la to polltM Govaraor Smith membership la thff Catholic church." „ | Moat a t tha people already atawf that Oovaraor Smith being g membas of tha Catholic church, "MB no morg to do with hla official net* than wg| membership la tha Msthedfat church has to do wtth my per* famine «0 public duties. J Throughout Marly throe wsahe at campaigning, the Senator toaehto upon this queetiso la every toflrsani ' Tima and ttoa again ha gontad froast tha c oast ItuUon of tha U. dsoltaeg it strictly prohibited say rellgloag •eat as • quailflaatloo to told otogg and said that Qov. Smith a* WIiUBj •f New Teak had #howt» Magfltflf to hg aot a Catholic. Methodist to Bagtoff for govaraor hot a groat AfMtoflto governor who halloas* lb the earn*!*# separation of chamb apd