WEATHER Fair Tuesday and Wednesday, slight ly warmer Tuesday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 179 SIIH RECITES STORY G. O P. “BLACK CHAPTER” Record Does Not Show Hoover Has Raised His 4 V Voice to Protest Acts Oil Man Sent Communication Protesting to Hoover o/ Teapot Dome Leasing TWO HIGH REPUBLICANS NOW IN PRISON FOR GRAFT Questions Statement That I>ast 7 12 Years Have Been '*• , Period of Leadership HELENA, Mom.. Sept. 24 —(A*)— Kecitir\jc what he termed a “lon* tale of Corruption intrigue and treagon agalnet the government II up If,” on the part of Republican charged with the administration of the nation's affairs during the last 7 5 yearg. Governor Smith tonight declared he had search ed Ij/ vain to rany word from Her. bert Hoover of "protest, of condem nation. of repudiation of thjs black chapter In bia party's history." The Democratic presidential nomi nee recalled the oil lease dlgclosurs and court action growing out of then., ag well a* revelations of wrong doing on tbo part of Charles K Korbe*. di rector of the Veterans Bureau, and Thomas W. Miller, as alien property custodian, which landed them iu prison, and asked whether there *rag no responsibility for this resting on the Republican party. In a campaign speech prepared for delivery here In the home city of Senator Thomas J. W alsh, fvho prose cuted the Senate oil enquiry, the New York governor declared piat testi mony In the courts or before the jgenate Investigators showed that the leasing of the naval oil reserves, was discussed In the cabinet ot the Re. publican president ot the United States; that an oil official had gent a communication to (Secretary Hoov er, “protesting against the secret leasing of Teapot Dome" and added; "The record of the last 7.5 years Is as well known to the Republican can didate for president as to any other man In the IMtlted Stateg. Nobody will deny that- Mr. Hoover sat In the cabinet for 7.5 years, yet I search In vain for any word frpm him of protest, condemnation or of repu diation of the black chapter In his party's history. » "On the contrary. In the face of that racord In hla speech of acceptance he said ‘The record of thes 7.6 years con, gtltuteg a period of rare courage and leadership and constructive action. Never has a political party been able to look back upon a similar period with more satisfaction ’ "Would Mr. Hoover have the Am erican people believe that in the light of the disclosures mentioned there was any rare courage, any leadership, or any constructive action?” MRS. S. A. DANIEL DIED LAST NIGHT Funeral for Mother Rev. J. M. Daniel At Warrenton Wednesday Following an Illness of sixteen weeks, Mrs- Emma Mayo Menial, widow of the late 8- A- Daniel, apd masher of Rev. J. M- Daniel of Golds, bdro. dlg*d at the home of her dough' ter. Mrg. J. H. Edwards, In Header- | gon at 8 o'clock lagt evening. Thd sad news reached Rev. Mr. Daniel last night and the entire city will »ym. path lie with him In b*» bereavement. Funeral service will be held from the late residence of Mrs Dan'el In Warrenton at 10:30 Wednesday morn ing- The funeral will be conducted by Rev- N M Wright, who will be argigted by Rev B P. Robinson, and If B. Porter. Interment will be In the family burying ground. * Mrs. Daniel was in her seventy ninth year and was of a prominent old Virginia family, the daughter of the late James H, Gilliland, a veteran Os the war of 1812 She was happily married to the late Stephen A. Daniel. weR known’Warren county planter, and of Ibis union live children sur vive They arc: Rev. J- M Daniel, of Goldsboro. ('. 1,. Daniel, of Roma. Os., Frank H. Daniel of Columbia, tC'onllnued on page two) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS v J * ” READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BIG BUYERS BEFORE THEY] giftl Floods Drive Foxes From Swamp Lands Not only have the floods along pte Neuse broken up swamp.htdden distilling plauts, but they have driven foxes by the score to the highlands, resident* of the county reported yhsterday. It was call mated that 15 were killed over the week end. Sheriff Grant told the best story In reltalng how he rah over one with his automobile on flighway number 10 Saturday plght. “Blgglest fog I've ever scan," paid the sheriff Another automo pile was seue with three fine ones piled on the running board. DELAY OPENING WAYNE SCHOOLS Because of ('onditk>ns Incident To Flood. Schools Open On October 15 The rural school* In Wayne county will not open until the fifteenth of October this* year. Plans had been made for the opening at the usual time on'the first ofOctober, but on account of tlie many bad toad* and. bridgoa over which the school trucks will have to travel, it was decided to postpone the date for two weeks. The annual conference for teachers will be held on the 11th and 12th of October. A number of prominent speakers have T>een Secured for this conference. The delayed opening of the Schools will permit the farmers to pick out 4 larger amount of cotton tham heretofore and it is hoped that a better attendance of the children will result during the first month of the school hesston. Moth’r Fremont Woman Is Seriously Injured Mrg. J. D. Mayo, 78, B other ot Mrs- George Davlg of Fremont, was uerl. ously Injured Sunday afternoon when struck by an automobile driven by a negro near her home in Tarboro. Mrs. Mayo had left Mr- Davis’ cat, which he had parked off the highway and had gone some distance back toward her home, intending to see if the front door was locked. She had Inttigted with' Mr- Davis, tl|at she knew the place better and could lock the door better. She wag some dis tance from th car and about acosa tanee fro'p. the car and about across The car passed over her body.' In formation from Tarboro yesterday was that she had regained conscious negs but her condition is regatded as critical. Mrs. Vlnyo. with her husband, had started with Mr. and Mrs. Davis to Fremont when the ac cident occurred. W KEkl Y BATH MOVEMENT GAINS FORCE fs FRANCE PARIS. Sopt. 24 (A*)—The weekly bath U still the dream of the hygjen- Ically Inclined in France- Once they get that custom established there may he talk about the daily shower, but not yet a while. Goldsboro Weed Market ■ < Averaged $15.21 Monday An average of sls 21 for all grades I * was made in bales on the Goldsboro j tobacco market yesterday establish Inga new dally average for the mar i kit for the season. Deduct scraps which brought 81 to 82. warehouse men said, and the average was close to |2<* per hunlred. There were Wold yesterday 128.63 b pounds which brought a Uital of 119,568 10, according to offh ial figu | res Supplied The New-, by Mr. Culler The day's sales brought total .-ale ftr the season, to 1.H57.M0 pound apd the total money paid to grower* to 8255.58806. official reports tabu iated by The New* show*!, mi GENERAL TYSON AT FREMONT TONIGHT FIRST PICTURE OF COUNT ZEPPELIN IN FLIGHT—BY RA DIO TO I. I. N. AND THE NEWS. J " T jC” —* 1 rrr r» . >X. x ' • l v i 1%.. , A wfe A} . •{- a * , ’ W ' * - ' ,v • . , ?]’■.. t\ '. I Ik . V “ * 1A 1 1 • II ■lv \ 1 I *',*'* ‘ . 1I J I I H I , ’ I I 1 ■ I l I>. ' ■ - I ( vJ , ~7. ~ \.l ? Tills, ipholo transmitted by radio to the United Stat es show* Germany’* super-dirigible—the Count Zeppelin— at the conclusion of her second trial flight, preparatory to inaugurating n pusSeuper service across the Atlantic. In the foreground workers are shown watting to selro pilot hawsers to guide mpnsfer into her hangar attar har jrip over Ixke Constunce and * • <lO>—a#»Mt H lasUratad hmml ' . .w.w—w. . WSW.W! 1 ,iisi 11 - . - - -- LANGSTON TO BE RADIO SPEAKER Appeals to VeteraiiH Over WPTF Kalffijfh. At 1:45 Wednea day Afternoon UFLEIOH. Bept 24 —An appeal to veterans of the world war lo sun pbrt Jov. A.’ired E. Smith ttvl O. M«x Gnrdt tr will be made here from Radio Station WPTF Wednesdsy ty Colonel John D. Ixngstou, of Golds boro, who hss been appointed chair man of Ihe Democrat id world war veterans commltee for Caro_ lina. , Colonel Langston will go on the air from WPTE at 1:45 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon for a 15 minute ad dress Mrs. E. C. Gregory, of Bsliabuiy. daughter of Senator f/ee S. Overman, will deliver the becond Democratic radio address ot the week here SaUu;. day afternoon from WPTF. ' Hither Mrs. W. P. Few. wife df the presient of Due University, or Mrs. Herbert F. Seawely of Carthage, wife of the Republican candidate for Utiy cruor, will Tuesday afternoon "rom WITF in behalf of the lloo\er_ Curtl* and Beawell_Fl*Wr tickets; NEW MONET FOR WOMEN WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 (AV- I'omen of Washington are favored above all others in the country when It comes to getting new, erisp bills- With the buresu of engraving of the United States Treasury gitualed here, It 1* easy for banks to keep constant, ly on hand-a supply of new money. Monday was an Ideal day for tob seen sales, a briuhl, dry. eool lay and there w ere frequent shies of ,J3O end up ranging us high as 850; The general average, however, w*s fut to 815.21, by the presence of a large amount of low grade stuff. Should tolay he a repetitldn of yes terday as to weather large sales wilt take place today, upwards of 8200,000 pounds and the total for the market will pass the two million pound amount. I'.limj i,sting /de|iys and ; hold ups fur wet weather (he. market . this year haw wold faster ami more rapidly than last season. The yarne hold* true far the ■Ter»ge. GOLDSBORO- N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1928 YOUNGSTERS MAKE FLIGHT Joh. Williamson. Jr., 4. and Ma ° rie Belk. 3. Take Ride With Stewart A1 Stewart, chief pilot for Urtf' Carolina Airline of Raleigh, added two young convert* to the aviation denomination here Sunday. \ Jog. R. Williamson, Jr., aged fmir. went for • flight with his father. Mr. Williamson was in the Air Service during the War and feels about as much at home In an airplane aa he does In a Ford". Junior id a chip off the old block. "Itjvaa a great ride.'' the younghler told Stewart when he was hack on the field Mr Williamson says the boy r shall fly his own plane .liefore he is twelve old. M>rle Belk. who will celebrate her fourth birthday neat month, wltli her father, Henry Belk. was the neat ’pafrlnfnger after young •Williamson. She didn't like it because she was so Miiall she couldn't look over the side of the ship and wanted to stand up cn the seat. Running true to her sea. M»rle talked a string of some_ thing all the time she was in the, hut the motor made so much noise her word*, all except four, were, lost. "Daddy, where's your hat?'* were these words, ' Stewart' remained on the municipal Jleld all day Sunday aml did a good business. for a look at the flooded Nouse All puffed up un. cer its burden, the stream looked tike the Miiedsslppl. anl from the way It staggered around curves It had had a hard time making up Its mind which way to go. "If the folks would proVide me with ,i hangar on the field here," said Stewart," I would see lhat a shlpols kept here permanently, I'd move my family here and live In TJoldsbtrro " Raleigh Selected For Speech of Gov. Smith CHARfiOTTE. N. Sept. 28 <7P> Governor Alfred E Smith of New lurk. Democratic presidential nomin ee. delivers an, uddtess in North Caro »in» as contemplated, It will likely l.e at Ralelgn. O M. Mull of Shelhv slate Demo (ratio exei utlve committee chairman, and former Governor Cameron Morri ton. national party committeeman, for North Carolina.’today telegraphed n to' recommend that Raleigh b« gelecUd. CLUB OBSERVES BTH BIRTHDAY — , % Wive* and Sweetheart* of K|d wuniarta Entertained luut z' Evening , r ' '"‘ v , _ In the most splendid meeting In its history the Ooldsboro Klwsnts Club had its fighth birthday dinner and party last evening. Seven o’clock found the balcony of Hotel Goldsboro filled with men and women, bedecked with caps, of various colors each bearing the Klwanla emblem. Alt of the wearers were In a happy mood and full of anticipation for t'h* com Ing events of the evening wblcb they were not to be disappointed Entering,the banquet room Kiwsniaa*, rnd guests seated themselves around the beautifully decorated tablet and were soon enjoying the first course of delightful dinner served by Hotel Goldsboro. Along with other decoration# the table was supplied with balloons and nine making Instrument* for each I m one present. Liberal use waa made of these. Throughout the evening speeches were-. b*r fed but Chas Miller and ltob Kdwarda were allowed to give toast to the ladles. gongs were much in evidence. The real treat of the entertainment found In vocal Selections ran dcred-by Mcadames John Morris, Will Spicer, Al Kerr, and Tatbqrt Parker and .Miss Mary Kmma Glddene, the plant) ercomjymymeiir* being played by MU* Laurinda Hooks. After the meal was finished wbat had been Intermitted noise became a bedlam and It was with difficulty that Pres MJJJMPNrgH able to get the floor L M. Ross, chairman,, of the enter_ (Continued on page 5l Nedse Falling Rapidly And Highway Will Soon Be Open Flooded Neuae river fell rapidly all day yesterday and by this afternoon • 'c or tom irrow highway VI South to Wilmington ma again !>»• passable , \Vllnilugten may again he passable. * which a! crest time was placed at | the Southerland gaaoljne plant, was I moved on Sunday to tin Thompi..n h> *h,clle” .t <• the highway last nignt ■ w is jassabl** to an automobile a gietiler -distance than this. In Lit. j tie \YA*h'i.gU>n. where busts have ■ been ifted t y the reshlvnU for sorng CITES RECORDS AS TO VETER ANS Col. l-angston Contrasts New York Under Smith With Nation Under G. O. P. " V » Colonel John D. Langston, chairman of ths State Democratic Veterans Dr ganlxatl >ti In a statement issued to the press yesterday, contrasted record of Governor Smith and the Record of the Kepiibllrhn admlnlatratlon con cernlDK ex service men. The statement follows: The treatment accorded veterans ft the Untied States by the Repub i '.-au Adpiiiilal'atlon establishes a re: ord it gov'rnmen'i I Ingratitude that has no paiallel in tba history of auy nation. Veterans of the world war, their wives and children, have been figuratively slapped in the face par aietently by the party la power for the benefit of those who amassed for tunes wblla the war wan In progress and who are continuing recipient* of the Republican party hands ou(T The Democratic Veterans Organisation pr eposes to let the electorate of th* country know who Is and who haa been the friend of the veteran and tsmlly and who has been hostile to his tatermta. The contrast of th# recoi-ds of Governor Hmlth as head of the admin Intratlon of tba state of New York with the record of the Republican National Administration will convln ee tba electorate of this country who still are grateful for the sacrifices made In 1»!7 and 1911 that the Re publican Administration has been both. heartless and selfish in dealing with adjusted compensa tlon hospitalisation, civil service as applied- to es service men. veteran employment, and the handling of vet eran funds, while on the other hand the record of Governor Smith at the T)#sd of the great state of New York shows that he has been in thorongh sympathy with the Interest of veto rans and their famlltas and haa sou ght andkwon bitter fights against the Repulflß an party In his atate to Inaure for the veteran and his faml *lles every resource within the power of thav state, ta his effort* In that state be was blocked by the Republl can party at avery step sod finally took the stump' to carry tlrtwugh an amendment to the 'suite constitution < to provide for a forty five million foliar bonus for the New York vet "Plans. He won t\gm fight. , What G-ovaruor Hmlth did for th# veteran* in th«t state as the head of the government, he will do for the veterans of the nation as the bead of the national government, end the Republican party will always be , found blocking bis efforts In th>t re ! «|*ect. The sble boiled veterans of North ; Carolina want nothing from the government as “pay for their patrio_ 'tlsm” as Indicated by Coolldge. They I <|o want, however, full protection of the Interest of tine disabled, veteran*. They want his money kept where It win not be stolen, and do not get a basis of adjusted | pensation as was applied to great In | uustrles after the tsar, they want the sympathy and expression of gratitude from the government expressed In | other form that ■ veiled suggestion from the President that the veteran deslrea his patriotism bought and I paid for. -* » days, the water’fell Seven inches yesterday. Announcement »»« made yesterday afternoon that the washout at Brook's Hwamp, 10 miles South, had teen repaired on forty, aud that a* soon a* the water recceded from the highway, t reffic from Goldsboro to VVilnilnaton could again be started. County road* In general suffered less than state highways, according to Engineer Ham D. Scott, who said _ (Continued on page 6) e MEMBER OR SHE ASSOCIATED ’ PRESS PftlCß VTfB CMIfTQ Talks at 8 P. M, v r At Schoolhouse Many Wayne County Bo?n Serv ed With Him in Breekln« * Hindenberg Line I What will likely be tbe largest yd lltlcal gathering In Fremoat la years will take place wkea General Law rence D. Tyson, UnltedSutessenalor from Tennessee, will speak at the Kremont school house at t o'clock this evening. By vtrtae of the gras enca of General Tyaoa, Fremont wilt be oar of tba spots In the political limelight tonight Tbe meetlag will 'launch tbe county oaavsss la Wayae and Democratic candidates Otll at tend the gathering ia a body. The addreea to ha main la Frambat will be one of three which the Halted Stales Senator will make In North Carolina. ' W. A. Dees, chairman of tho Wayne county Democratic osoeetive committee, said last sight that he expected that the namber who wild hear General Tyhoa tonight will am ceed the number who hoard J. W. Bailey open the campaign horn teat Wednesday. Hia remark* Worn prg d.rated upon reports raaahtag him of largo delegations of OoMahore people who are going to the mending and of Information gatbersd la e trip through th* Fremont auction yootoV day aftraooon. " I think that ttNMs If' grant many Goldmava ptopto Ifiel.i said Mr. Dean, “tor they tall me they are going, and around Primoad all Democrats are going out “I met one service maa tm From on! this afternoon who recalled that OoU < ral Tyson was his rommaadne In the World War wkea ho waa serving In the Thirtieth Division. Ha told, ms that many a time ha had gtoaa General Tyaoa the gsaorsl’s hnluta c verses#. ” I 'The folks know that a Mg maa M tr. do tha talking aad they are goiug to be there. Yeteraai to Attend Th* presence of Oaaaral Tyson, who waa la chargs of tho Thirtieth Division outfit that broh* tha Hthdaa buYgUoe, will bring oat many of tha veterans of tha county. It to expected. Col Edgar H. Bata, chairman of tha Democratic Veterans Organisation at Wayne County, yeatarday tesaed mi appeal for all eg sendee maa to at tend the meeting. Col Ruin aaid: General L. D. Tyaoa, United Btataa renator from Tegaomoo, will Speak a| F < moat tomorrow Bight Ueneral Tyson comaundel tho to., mou 6i*tb Brigade of tho SOth dt vision who broke tha Hlndeabwrg line juet ten years ago, September 29. In this battle waa many boys of Ways* county and eom* of them mods *uv ime sacrifice. is desired that all th* Vetera* of w.>> us county coma oat and ho4| tMs old so.dler. * t Let'i hi nor whom honor la luo. Roads la Good diapa Practically all th# ’oad* IWfhf Into Fremont are now Ia passable shape after last Weeks WAod. R waa Haled, and road eondiDosa aboutd act keep any one at home. Highway to on both slaa of tows la and las bang open. , ** ronmr cgiminioierh DONATES ONE HI'RDIEO DOLLAR* Three rooms In Duplin Coaatyy Courthouse-at Kanaaavlll* have been ( net aside to he equipped a* restrooms for f»rm women. Mis# Carolyw F. P. Garrison, home agent, repegts-, Tha ..county V cornmimioaom donated |IN i for the' equipment while the woaMW nil! do th# neceeaary painting aad renovating. Ou# of the rooaas WIM . sill be a nursery, with a negro womaa on duly every week day to noetat Id raring for babies. Another room will be equipped aa a reading roaaa, ind tbs third «« ft lftSftfl«|

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