WEATHKK Bair Wednesday and Thursday; slightly cooler Wednesday in Weal and North portion. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 180 COTTON CROP IN STATE CUT OFF 150,000 BALES Rot Develops After Rains Ot September, Schaub Report Shows This Docs Not Take Into Ac count Weevil Damage. Or Flood Damage data is Fathered by MANY COUNTY AGENTS Report of Findings Are Given Out From State Collage Office in Raleigh •RALEIGH, Sept 25 </f»> The cot ton ctop of North (MrolJna has been damaged 160.000 hale* liy September rains causing rotting of seed cot'on In partially open bolls, d**clared I O. Schaub of ‘State College after tabu lating results of a survey by county agents in the principal cotton pm. during counties Os the state' The amount of damage runs at* the •pay fron about 5 per cunt In tome rountlea to aa high aa 26 and 32 per cent In otbeia with a general aver age of about 16 per cent for the Mate, the dean okld- His Information was secured by Ihe agents'counting 500 bolls on Id dif ferent sections of each county- The counts were made in different parts of each field and the results carefully tabulated. This damage does not takp into con. aideration weevil and flood damage, Dean Schaub aald. ■■+» —a | SAYS RELIGIOUS TEST IS UNJUST H. L. Stevens Jr.. Remind* Vet er&iiM of Oath Which They Took In 1917 fff m Opposition to Oovernor Smith as the Democratic nominee on Account of his religious faith, "la striking a death blow ft the very things that service men fought stamp out,” declares Henry I*'Stevens. Jr cf Warsaw, In a statement issued through the Democratic Veterans' Organisation headquarters here Mr Stevens is a former commander of f the North Carolina Department of the American' Legion, and Is now Judge of the general court of Duplin county. * TW'JP "When our country came to draft men." declares the statement °f •'t' - Stevens "they were not asked what church do you belong to and when many_ of them laid down their lives on the field of battle, for all church •a. for all business, for all progress and for civllzktlon itself they were not interrogated as to whether they were Protestant. Jew or Catholic In fairness, and fairness Is the creed and motto of service men. ctin the people of this state, of any State, say “-You Catholics can .and must serve your country In time of war. •d If need ba. give your lives, hut you cauuot servo your country In; time of peace.' "Every man who saw World War or Spanish_Amerlcan War service took a solemn o*th to 'uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States which Constitution aaya thut 'The religious set shall never he required as a qualtftatton for any office or public trust under the United States", and «ny attempt to 'bring in the religious test to my mind is an attempt to violate the spirit and the letter of the Constltu. tion. Tlie oath I took In 1917. so far aa I am concerned. Is Ju*t as bind, lug on me now as it w«* then and wilt be until I foreswear my alh>_ fiance from this country to that of another. I believe that Is the Ottl, tude of bones ex service man" Lindy Visits Chicago On “Business Trip” CHICAGO. Sept 25 (VP) Col. O. A- Lindbergh arrived here today from Cleveland, from which he flew with Myron T. Herrick, U. S. Ambaasa, uor to France ♦ "This Is purely a business trip,!, declared Col Lindbergh. I'm" flying! about the country aoley in the inter_ cbt of the Trans coutluential air transport Mr Herrick will go on to tfca Pacific coast by train. - THE GOEDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY* BUYERS BEEORH THEY) Bint Red Cross Fund Here Reaches Sum of $255 Goldsboro's contribution to the Florida and P«*rto Itico relief fund mounted yesterday to 1265. with the local chapter of the Red Cross renewing Its appeal for further donation* It win* pointed out thut Goldsboro contribution!* ty the fund have been much leas than other cities of llilh slxe. Thefollowlng list of contributors were announced yesterday. ' ‘ Dr. I). J. Hose | 6.00 Cash 60.pU Minnie Boyette 5.00 A. Daniels .. 10 00 Cash ...... 200 Mrs M. K. Robinson .... 600 Mr*. K. 11. tiorden 600 Mr and Mrs. 11. F I**.'.., 10,00 BERRY GROWERS ARE TO PROFIT Order For Farriers To Start Refrigeration Service Has Been Issued o - Strawberry shippers of Mt Olive, Faison and further South will profit Kiterlally If an order lasued In Wash itigton 1s carried out: v The* Corporation Commission in Raleigh has received notice that Ser vice Director Jlartell of the Ynteratate Commerce Commleslou lias re<mß_ vtVnded that the Commission order railroads operuttng from the berry growing section of North Carolina to provide refrigerator express cars. Commissioner Kartell heard the testimony In which North Carolina O *rW thlppers set forth that they were be. mg discriminated against in favor of shippers of other states who were provided the refrigerator car service. If this recommendation Is followed Corporation Commission officials said, North Carolina strawberry shl l*ers can get their berries to northern market quicker than at present which will mean they will arrive lu better condition and demand higher prices. Appeals For Funds For Storm District o * *» WEST I'AL.M BEACH, Sept. 25 - (/P)—The Pulm Beach chapter of Red Crosu today appeal to national head, quarters to "initiate a move" to raise >12.000,000 for rehabilitation of the storm swept area In Southeastern Florida. The appeal was sent In the form of a report of conditions, placing the number of dead, In excess of 2300 and the number of Refugees as 12.200. The report, addressed to John Bsr ton l’ayne, of Washington, national president of the Red Crons was algn. ed by Howard W. Selby. chairman of ihe Palm Bench chapter and Geo. W. Carr, chairman of the relief com, mitt.ee Leaders Meet Saturday To . Plan New Year’s Work Community club work among the 12 rfir»l consolidated school section* qiffihw county will be planned fur till*' year at a meeting called for Saturday September 20. at 2 p rn The cull wa issued by Ali Veaxey, chairman *ti«l by Miss Itertha Caseys) the latter sec_ retary. Community work In the rural arc tlopit ban f>cen carried on with mark_ cd success durluK the pant two years Two meeting* are held each month Ht each club and one i* given to cducktlonal purpiaie* and program* and the other to a movie program At leaat that ha* been the plan During the two year* a great deal of inter_ eat In the club meet Inga baa been aroused and the various conjmuulttea Alamo City Ready for Legion 8"" — 1 « 1— Tenth annual national convention of American Legion wfTl be held in San Antonio, Texas., Oct. 8-12, sessions being held in city’s hew (2,000,000 municipal auditorium (above), a war South Carolina Now Feels » Crip 01 Floods On Coast GEORGETOWN. 8. C„ Sept. 25 (/P) Thousands of acres of , low. lands In Georgetown county were under w»ter and many families were reported driven from tlirlr homes to day as the flood waters from heavy rain* In the state last wees, flowed to the sea in rivers ufothls beet lon With the Pec Dee rising at an estlmat vd IHUIqI a foot an -himr. the Hautwe <>n a rampage ami the Good stage on the Black river practically station, ary. conditions %-ere declared to be growing worse every hour. In addition the damage to crops and homes, numerous, bridges have already been swept away and high, tray routes cloned In many sections Miles of roads are under water. The Pe*- I»ec i- srhe.lnl.-d to reach Its crest tomorrow hut the high mark of the Santee is not expected before the end «of the week. Before the Hoods began to recced the number of homeless Is expected to increase and the total damage to mount to a high figure More than 1000 acres In the Pee Dee hection of the countv TO DETERMINE FLOOD DAM AGE Uses Airplane to Gather Data And Photographs Along Coastal Sections WILMINGTON. Sept 25—(4*1—MaJ nr W. A Snow. C S. district army engineer, completed an airplane sur vey *d Eastern North Carolina today n an effort to determine the approx iniute damage done by the reecut flood* in the <-<a*tnl region. Piloted hv a Fort Bragg airman. Major Snow flew up and down the craatal section, photographing and mapping and gathering data which will be forwarded to the engineering department relative to possible ac. tion with flood prevention In the , O* s * roKion. aroused to civic project*. l-a*l year the number attending ihe meeting* wPan about e<|uabto the entire poputTV tlon of Wayne county. Thc°follow nip t* the call for Ihe 1 (-organization meeting «ent to lead i r* of the various dub In the county: We are calling a meeting of the County Central Committee of, Corn, intinity cltib* here at Gold*boro next Saturday. September 2‘tth. at -2 pm lc the Community Hulldltig* I‘lan* should be made for the biggest pro. grarti of Comdiunity ifflb work till* year that we have ever "had. You are expected to meet with u< and we will ]ook for you. We want your hel|i and cooperatiou in Ihi* work. Please do not disappoint m GOLDSBORO. N. G WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 26, 1928 and 2oofl acres In the Santee section are flooded. Cotton, corn and hay are submerged and believed practlc. ully destroyed. Miles of the territory In the An •Irews section Is flooded by the Black fiver with no fall nrcfhe^stream yet perceptible. Many of those homeless ,*re In this area. Malay tars Karoo nr 4 wILMING+nN CJR> Thirty or were reported ma. tmined on highway 20 between Cape I ear river and Alligator river tonight at* a result of high water hacked up over the Cape k>ar causeway by high tides. Kerry boats wet*** having difficulty In moving car*, unable to reach them md were making trips with 2 arjd 3 machines Instead of the usual 12 or 16 Highways officials on the scene udlrsed motorlsA that the should, cre of the causeway were washing away and an attempt to drive through the 2 or 3 fset of wAtOP would be made at their own rlsa „ The tide will fall In a few hours. CHEEK LEADERS ARE NOMINATED dnldshoro HJifh l’repnre* To liack Its Football Team This Season » Yesterday morning Ihe C.oldahoro High SchiHi) football team was given a big round of encouragement when the Htiidunt body_JuJd » pep meeting at (Impel time andfjLtrst forth In with the school soifg* anil ( beers 1 Nominations for the coveted position of cheer leader were made and each of the nominee* gave a demountra_ tlon of theD ability to lead the stu. dent In the yells. All five nominees .showed ability and with a little practice any of *hem should be üble to get a lot of noise form any given crowd of root ( rs The nominee* were: Wvstt Kxum Archie Date. John Henry Pike, Pau_ linn I’anncll and Veradis Robin *on The election will be held Thursday morning and the elected will lead the student l>ody irfi jli.f'jwTmnb •yell and Nuig* in prepartion for the game with Fkrmvllle Vrlday from \Mf xt •■pon*e of the studCnta It looks a* If the High school stud..■ enls are going to support the team a* no High school find ball team has ever been supported here before. HI NUKED MIHIIUN Mil Nil iKthkitkk hi inn MADRID.. Sept 2b I/P) -With the dead and Injured In the N ivedjide* theatre fire for thp most part person* of small mean* I hem council of nlln l*ters Is expected to appropriate mon cy for the relief of stricken families Approximately 100 bodies have keen recovered" and the fire chief es t mated today that as many as 40 others might be found lu the ruin*. memorial. Left, Edward E. Spafford, national commander 6f the Legion ; fight, a chow line outside San Antonio during training days of 'lB RANEY GARAGE IS DESTROYED Studehaker Complete I/om and Chevrolet Is Badly Damaged Fire originating Ip a vacant room over a garage at the home of L. A. Haney yesterday morning about 3 o'clock destroyed a Htudebaker Bin. ouslne and badly damaged a Chevro let. Prompt work on the part of the firemen prevented the flames from spreading to lh# kit* hen qf the house This part did take ftr* but was ex. tingulshed. It wax,believed that the fire orl gloated from defective wiring in tha room uvar the garage, formerly us. ed #* a servant's room As estimate of the damage could not be hod lost evening. It was said that there was tome Insurance on the Htudebaker but none on the Chevrolet Mr. Raney was out of the city at (he time, and In driving back yester day, His car plunged off the highway Into a deep hole opposite tha Adams filling station on highway 40. The highway,was under water and Mr Raney was said to have failed to re member that the road .curves at the point and to have driven atraight ahead A wrecker had to be called to pull the car out. PORTES GII, TO BE PRESIDENT Will Take Office December I, AC The Expiration of (’alien Term MEXICO CITY. Kept 25 I/P) Emilio Fortes OH tonight was elected provisional preshlenr of Mexico by a Joint eeslson of the Senate and cham l.*er of deputiea. He received 277 votes with none opposed. He will take office on Dec. cm her 4. on the expiration of the term of President ('sites In place of General Alvaro-. Obregon, the regul. r,rly elected president who was assas sinated last July. May Establish Poultry Routes From Goldsboro According Jo ii statement given | (ut from tin* fMiamber"of j lant night. W, Denmark hax Juat j returned froth a buainena trip to Philadelphia, where be Interviewed Kliaer and Kabfnowltl. The»« peo_ pie are very mm h gratified at the hutinoHH I hey handled through their (ioldeborn plant. laid year and advlae Mr. Denmark that they would not only buy poultry but that they* would buy egg*. through their plant here ; during the coming; tall and winter. Thi* information will be received f>y the farmera of Wayne and adjoining : counties with Inlereat aa the aur_j plua egg problem haa been a hand! i cap to tho poultry ralaeri. Farmer Would Get Aid From His Government If Democratic Ticket Named Highway 40 South Is Aga'n Open For the first time In eight day*, traffic moved through yeaterday from Goldsboro it* Mt. Olive and Wilmington. Traffic went through hut it was necessary to proeexd cautlosly, and with care over n_ long stretch of the .road from tha Circle filling station paift the bridge over the Neuse This area was ntlll ( under waUr yesterday that came up to the running board There were a number of car* cars drdwned nut Ip attempting the passage aqd one truck aud three cars plunged oft the high, way where shoulder* are worn off by the floods and Into deep pools 'on the edge. By this morning, the concrete of the road will probably again be • out of the water. DR SMITH IS CLUB SPEAKER Rotary Will Entertain Women's •Federation Council At Barbecue Tuesday While the average of human life has been from 31 to 52 yea r » throigh prevertlv* medlrene In the Inst 20 year*, this lengthening aver age tun been accomplished In the main through savin* the I Ivan. of a greater percent of babies at blrtM, declared Dr W. H. Hmlth, speaking on "How td& Live ls>nger" before the Goldsboro Rotary Club last evening. It was a 20 minute talk that Dr. Kmith mad* hut he packed every minute wlth-fa'tq* which held the clqne attention of the club. Indolence and Inactivity la aa d*n serous aa is overwork" said Dr. Hmlth. stressing Bw* necessity for reasonable exercise if on#** body ib to be kept In good condition. (Continued on page two) ASK EQUIPMENT OF CITY PORT Department of Commerce Hay a Hangars Must Be I Maced To Complete Plana — * i The Department of Commerce !h ( Washington, through a questionalre 11 reived by the local Chamber oC Commerce yesterday state* that they are anxious to Identify the Goldsboro Air port on th* national air route, t.ut before doing thlh-. the grounds will have to be lighted, hangar* #r_ ected. twel station installed. and other equipment necessary to *c_ comodate flyer*. It was stated last ntght that th* original air port committee of the Chamber of Commerce Jointly of the air port committee of th# city council would he requested to meet and de. vise ways and me*n» to comply wlfh tie rub.* and regulations of the de partment of commerce whereby our air port will be recognised. The Agricultural Committee from the Chainlier of Commerce together with Rinser and KabinowiuV local manager will. In the nest few day* tour Koetern North Carolina for the purpose of reaching a decision as to whether or not. truck rogtea into the Goldsboro plant from different »ec_ tlon* of the Kastern part of, the state would he feasible The poultry industry i* rapidly growing in Rustem North Carollua and as soon an It reaches a point where the volume will Justify ihNt nationally known poultry concern, it will establish a kilim* and packing r> , plant in Goldsboro, MRlftlliy Oi THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK PTTR CINTR Thin ia Derlaratitm of U. & Senator Tyaoo, Spooking At Fremont Last Niff kt . P BELIEVES SMITH WOULD CALL CONGREBS TOGETHER Coonty (anvaaa Iftunrhcd A( Fremont On Loot Evening Witk Hundred* Preoent *' The only hop* of the America* farmer 11m H» th* election of GoveC, nor Alfred K. Smith and th* Demoer* Me ticket | If Hoover I* elected b* will b* fore', ed. In order to h* con*l*i*nt with hia l>ant record, to t*nn* pn order r*«|tttr. inn that white end aegro worker* m •II branch** of th* federal govern, mmt work *ld* by aid*. d*ak by draft without regard to eolor llnra. Th*** wyr* point, which o*n*rat I awrance 0. Tydea, Uatted Btatra Kanator from T*nn*****, emphasised lax *r*niag In en addrraa at Fremont Th* addrraa launched th* ranvaa* In WayM county aad »aa the drat of a a*rtra of mrating* wMdft county candidates will attend at ear. loua voting place* la Wayac o*n*r*l Tyson waa greeted by aft audience of h*v*ral hundred oho haft gathered from Ooldaboro. Fremont, Plk*vlll*. Eureka aad th* country, abount Fremont la a two hoar ad_ dreaa, Oensrai Tyeoa covered much r round and brought out away couvtae lug arguments »s to th* a*e—Hy el supporting th* *nttr* Democratic deft •t. Th* Tennraara Senator did aot re. sort to nay of th* spread wgb oratpi? methods; h* dM not rely *u “high pressure" tactic, which Would W through atltuulatlon of rauttowei* l.a marabalud hi* facts oee upon da. other aad tha quiet, dignified maeber of th*lr presentation added weight M the taints made. "1.5 t me warn you lu concluding.* said Oeneral Tyuoe "That If Norift Carolina goes Repehdcaa aattoaaßy thft year, thee the entering wedge )d created and yon may aspect to eae North CaroHaa go RepuWtcaa M .B state la the Best election." He cited what had happened ia Me own statp to prove this warning. _ "Let me warn you again," »* i*M. "That if the solid Booth break* th*e y*ar and Oovernor Smith fnlle of tha «lection because the Booth hoe depart" ed th* faith of ita fathers, then tha Democratic party N doomed." Cel. Mb latradaeed Speaksr * Col Edgar H. Bala, chairman dft the Democratic veteran* orgaalutioa in Wayne connty presented Oeneral Tyson, relating tab record *e a solid -inr and a* a etateamaa. I 'w A. Dew, chairman of the OP mocratlc executive committee of tha county called the nutating to order; declared the! It was • Democrats meeting and that tha Democratto rospel waa to I I preached "We aren't going to Hour trite any eUehr," raid Mr. Deeh. and the crowd cheered him. Farm Belief Qnestien In ebowlng that the only hop* far the farmer today lira la the election of Governor Smith, Oeneral Tyeoa ro viewed the Republican record of tha l»st • year* with reference to agrl ctultur* He recalled that In th* I>M Platform the Q. a f. promised relief to th* farmer aad did nothing Hi recalled that the promise was Pa pealed In 1924. aad then he showed bow the McNary Haugen farm aid bill was defeated through Repuhll ran support( how .it waa vetoed by a Republican president, how Repuhll canh hod deflected on thir own Mil and refused to para It over the Coolldg* Veto. AH this he said, la the face of tha fact that every other important division of American lift today has been legislated into prosperity through governmental regulation. Hu cited how railroads were enabled to make a profit through their rata filing powers conferred hy th* gov eminent; how thr banks were prop perous through Ih* nation wlda Federal bunking system; how labof we* allowed the right combine far Its good. "The farmer remain* the only (Continued oa page «•* 5

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