WEATHKH *Wr ■ad Warner Thursday Friday ttragtly ootd, probably with skowora VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBRR 181 GOLDSBORO NATIVE DIES PLAYING PEACEMAKER Johnson Baker Sought Stop His Two Brothers Who Were “Wrestling” Wu SI Team Old and Uft Goldsboro 15 Years Or Ago CORONER ABSOLVES HIS BROTHERS OF ANY BLAME Fefl Back Unconscious. Dying Shortly, After Trying Stop Brothers WINTER HAVEN, Fla. Sept 31- OP) —Johnson Baker 21. died here this morning while trying to separate Ms brothers. Hubert and ReKinsid. who were engaged in a wrestling -j.atcb. After attempting to set a* pesce maker h« tank to the door unconsctous. dying a lew moments later. A coroner's Jury absolved the brothers of all blame. The youth wa« a native of Goldsboro. N C.. haring lived liege 16 years. ' He is survived by his parents, a slater and tour brothers. It was believed hyre last night that JGhnson Baker, referred to in the proceeding Item, was a non of George Baker Who, moved from Goldsboro 16 years ago. George Baker was a member of the firm of Baker, Isler and company and engaged In a mercantile business on North Center street near where the Bitsell Grocery company now la. The Baker family lived In the 20fl black ol North William street. While the names of the parents of the unfortunate young man are not g:ven, it la known that Mr. Baker— who had large holdings here—had a family of about the site of that das tide above. <4 rribed In the Associated Pteas ar- TRYING TO SAVE LARRY NEWSOME Granting Reprieve Doubtful, However; Elictrocution to ! Be Tomorrow Efforts nre belna made by bet* of hta race to save l*arry New some. Wayne coumy negro who tour-, dered a little white girl lent winter and who la scheduled to die toroor-1 bow from the electric chair. A dispatch from Raleigh had thei following to »ay relative to the rate "heat minute appeal* for l-nrry] Newsome, Wayne county negro await Ing death in the electric chair to-j morrow, appear doomed to failure. Pardon f'otnmiss'oner Kdwtn Bridg ea Indicated yealerday.' The commissioner had befofe him an appeal from R. H Shephard, of Winston-Salem, asking that re mental status be made examination of the doomed negro'* "Commlmloner Bridge* said this would hardly be done a* the negro had been examined and the decision made that while he was auh normal he had sufficient Intelligence to know right from wrong and that l* the final test in aurh cases "Newsome was Lrst convicted of blaytng Beulah Tedder. Wayne coun ty while girl, after a sensational trial In -Wavne Superior court last Decembo?, He wa* sentenced to die on Krlday. January 13 Appeal to *u pr.m# court stayed execution. The Supreme court granted a new trial, and he was reconvicted in Chatham county in June and sentenced to die on Krlday June 13. Again a Hup - rems court appeal saved the negro Three week* sgo the Supreme court affirmed the Judgement of the lower court. "The execution of Newsome wtH be the firat alnce spring It will lesTe only one doomed man on death row— Wilbur McLaod. Lee county negro, who ha* an appeal pending 2,0011 HOI HUS Ht/U) BY PIKK IN HllkOH HANKOW, ( hlna. Sept. 2*> i/Pl It was featured today that many pci son* were-dead ** a result of a lire vMch started In a gambling den in the na tive city yesterday morning. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS i ’ r * Tl . r- - " BEAD IN THB MORNING KHILK MINDS ABB FRESH—BEAD BY BUYERS BEFORB THEY BUS. • 6 * New Mexican Pres. Hugs Correspondents MEXICO CITY Sept. 2S—<iP)— All American uewapaper correa ponedeuta ,In Mexico City were bugged twice today by tbs pro visional president elect, aud they returned the embrace. As each reporter called to play hU respect to Emilio Portae Gil, be was ao greeted and a little later was so sped on. his way. It was merely the proper eti quette for the occasion, but nev ertheless was a novelty to most o( the newspaper men, but was a uovelty aa they hare been able rarely to see President (’alien, much lesa to hug him. The embrace la convetion be tween Intimates in Mexico. ROOSEVELTIS HEARD IN GA. SUtnderx of Gov. Smith Not Re peated Where Hitt Record la Underatood r ATLANTA. Sept. 26-iW*>—Frank, line D. Roonevdt, who nominated Smith at Houston, told a state-wide really of Democrats tonight, that "It is rery satisfactory to come track to Georgia and discover that moat Os the rtortsw about the trend* of tfie Hepnbllran party are untrue" aud that when the election comes the South will be found true to its hiator leal principles. “It la to me a significant fact." he said, ‘that moat of the false op position to |he nomine* of the Demo cratic party for the presidency is definitely located among those who bare the least opportunity to know him and hta hecord. The farther you go away from New York state the witdgr becomes tjie untrue tales, the sillier becomag the reasons for op posing him. „ "Where average water Iran, had an opportunity to study the true facta, you find no repititton of the rlander and mis-statement* that are being circulated. "It Is of course needless to tell the truth to people who do not want It— to those men and women like Senator HelHn. Mr. Upshaw. Dr. Slraton anil lira. WlHebrnndt. who either for not rrieiy or private gain are making themnelvee’- ridiculoua up and down the country. There are minds that do not avoid mis-stating facta “If they ten get on the front page or fill lecture platforms.’ Averages Advance Fronjt $3 To $6 On Goldsboro Market Average* on tjie Ooldnbo.ro tobacco market »dvan<-ed from $3 to IS per . l.unred In Wednesday's and Tues day's sales, official report* gTven The News lasi night showed. The high 1 .verages or the season was attained Tuesday at J16.1R Yesterday the average fell off. .* few points, but remained at llS'>4 On both these days there very fr ,w j quent sales of I 2&. S3O. S3S and |.l* but there was also offer 'd..» large quantity of wet dammed and rotting 1 weed that brought from |1 to |2 and rounted largely In , h o I d i ti C down the average. This low grade is cveraged In along with the other In all official figure* compiled lor the „ Goldsboro market*. a Custom said not to obtain In some of the larger markets Warehousemen Joined yestei 4 i■* si.d on Tuesday In siding the price here. Buyers were glpgt In getting 1 ilintf Tuy*^ O. MAX GARDNER SPEAKS HERE OC TOBER 6 How Denver Welcomed Gov. Smith ns 1 '* ■ •4* a Surging crowds, bitring hinds, cheering, flag waving citizens—that’* how the city “out where the West begins" welcomed Governor Alfred E. Smith, Democratic nominee, on his arrival. Photos above show candidate and his Langston In Radio Talk Asks Vets To Aid Smith RAUSIGH. Sept. 27-Ari pppeal for tha veteian* of the World War - ■ ■ ■ nSWiatl « » ■ ■gnd of the Spanish American wire to "stand firm for the man who has been the friend of their unfortunate comrades" was delivered over radio station AVPTF here today by Col. John D. lamgstou of Goldsboro, rhairmau of the Democratic Veterans Organisation In North Carolina. Col. Laugstoii npoke as follows: Fallow Democrats and Veterans of North Carolina: Ten years have passed since Amorl. c* witnessed the labor ao<J aacrifleea of her boys that Democracy might uot perish from the earth. Moat of Ihe boys are back, taking part as cttlxenx In the task of Slate and itlon building. Some Be under tha poppies In Flounder* Kidd Some wander disconsolately victims equal ly of shell shock and a Nation’s n«g lect: Some Ha with hopeless outlook In scattered hospitals. Some tukn eyes vslnly towards loved one* they can never see again. Some He In mental darkness (hat will cover them until death. ‘Crippled and dls. eased, thousands of theke unfortunate comrades retuln the sp»rk of h<ip» that Ameriru will some day put Into action, the Nations pledge n* her warrlorw returned: “Boys we will i ever forget yon." I know that I interpret aright the heart and mind of the North Carolina * » Thontlnned on Cage SUI warehousemen ordered hi* buyer on the fldor to protect the farmer*. The buyer did, and presently, the com- I s ple>s were paying more. The total' sales, on the market here now, figure* supplied The News by Ur. Kill ter show, are 2.22i,.ti!i2 pounds lor which u total of 22'**,21b2l has teen paid. Tuesday's sale* were 131.914 lb*, for which (21.314 14 was paid, and yesterday's sales were 137,108 pound* Inf which (21.308,01 wa* paid Bright skle* of (his week and the ra opening of traffic on hlgbwav 40 "south of the city will result in latge breaks on the market today It ,t expected The sales wilt approach 200.000 pottmK hut warehousemen again pointed out yesterday that lii Goldsboro the farmer not only gel* * fair price for hts to)>*«cn but he gfta a sale the same day of arrival Padlv congested condition* are re ported a* exlsiting on tho larger HWILSM Wl US »l«l«. GOLDSBORO- N. C- THCRSDAf MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 RALEIGH HEARS FRANK IfNINCH Denies He “Works” With Re publicans. But Offers G. O. P. literature RALEIGH/ Sept. 26 o**) —Frank R. McNlnch. Charlotte lawyer aud chairman of the anti Smith move meat tmiilghl branded as uulrue, "In tamoua aud slanderous" the charge that ha and Frank Hampton, secre tary to Senator f". M. Simmons had l*eeu “working secretly with the Re publican party" in a two hour devoted to an*attack upon Governor Hifißh and praise of Gov Hoover. McNiach ! said newspaper report* rad quoted former oopgrtssm m Hal lett H. Ward «» making the charge against him Ahd Hampton in a poll tical addreaa delivered at Fayette - ville. He announced, he was to submit himself to Waid, an iitoruey, tor crust examination as to hta ac tivity iu the anti Smith movement or to meet the retired member of ('on great Iu Joiut debate. Iu vlewuof Ills statement, lie added, be expected Mr. Ward to withdraw Ills allegation aud to apollgite. The city auditorium was more than i hi.ll (Hied with a good humored an ] dience which cheered Ihe speaker, is penally aa he paid tribute to Heiiu i tor Simmoiia as ": that u'obPe old lio ' man of North Carolina ’Democracy", md when he, nienttoiMMl the name of I O , * . y ' . ! Woodrow Wilson. * Anti Kmlih literature, some of It j bearing the label of the Republican j • e HhprhhVtur# of the Anti -Saloon tat onal couunlttee. ami other with Tv ague, whs displayed «n a table in the auditorium for thi»f# who cared to help themselves, hurt there was «!*<». some Anti Hoover (last's distil buied to the crowd a* it left the ' building There was no heckling of i the .speaker. One man, who said He wa* a New Yorker. Interrupted Mr. McNlncn to . ib ny a statement by the Utter that In . N« w York-under Governor Hmttk- ad 1 mlnUiration negro school teachers 'aught In while school* The New Yorker in reply to a question by the sj>e*ker admitted that there were | gome negro teachers In mixed school* hut dee I a red lb* tri* were con i.tTloits for which tho :p*r- nt< of the I white children were responsible as ! they had opportunity to send their ; children to white schools. MeNlnch | il.nuked him for the Information and said he would withdraw his original 1 sUlsfliSttU ng.na * • ■ sisa. wife (arrowt) almost obscured by crowds en route to their hotel, and nominee delivering address before microphone on platform trod by William Jennings Bryan in his role of cam paign spellbinder. HOOVER GIVEN DARK PICTURE Senator Frailer, Krp., Admit* Hi Mar N. ft.. 8. D„ Mont. and Minn. WASHINGTON. Sept (#)— A decidedly unfavorable report ot Ibe political situation in the nortkwMt ern wheat belt waa brought to Her bert Hoover today by Henator I.yu J. Frasier ot North Dakota, after tbe Republican presidential candidate bad received encouraging newa from aocb widely separated siataa aa Wyoming end Florida. Frasier,' a Republican ho ember of the progreaalvea In the Senate, sal* tUat the situation lit North Dakota was far from atlefactory and that '.here was much discontent among 1 the farmer*. He added that hia Infor - mation wa* that a similar situation existed In Booth Dakota. Montana and Mlnneaaota.« „ c , "Ther# la likely to be a big protest vote In my state’ he said after hie - conference with the nominee. "The Republican* have been promising j tarm relief for year, and with my people farm relief fa synonymous with the McNanry Haugen bill. "I canont bflleve Gov. Smith wtH cnrry the atate. but there Is much discontent with wheat price* lbw. ! Home say the Democratic nominee has a good chance in Montana,’’ Roulh Imh*ta. Minnesota, and as well as In mv swtt> I do not know, - ' Vrank W Mondell forme represen | tsllve from Wyoming wb« called on | Mr. Hoover eiprensed belief lhaf ! Got. Smith had lost more, votes than 1 I * had gained by hla sally Into the j O (Continued on page 5) Eastern Carolina Week 6 «' n Is Being Observed Now This I* "Eastern Unrollii* Wmli" It in being observed by many civic rlnbi*. Hp«»kern have born provided by thy Eastern Carolina Chamber Os Commerce from Kinston The orator* tre tejltng of the section's advsntag rr Anil poind bill lea. » Monday night Henatojr C. C. Can. a.ly of Benson. addressed the Kay «ttevllle Uotarlnn*. Newell. Bartlett. Secretary of the chamber, spoke to Keiily and HmlthUeld Uhi at a joint hc^loii. 4 ’Jam« a A I’ower*. Kin ton, Hth lilatrli't aoUritor 'address*! the Greenville Kotartaua; Judge Guy Kiliott. Kinston. *** heard by the New Bern Kfwaniaow and Dr. A. 8. Oliver, Benson, president of the chamber appeared before the Clinton Riparian* * • g imin „ Fort's Powder Stores Explode; A Hole Left MKLILLA. Spanish Morocco. Sept. S« OP)-The bodlea of 61 person had been recovered tonight from the virlulfy of the hugs hole In the ground which waa all that marked the alte of Fort Cabrerlta had stood until ihe explosion of 4* powder magaxlne laat night« Most of the dead have been Iden - lifted The majority of the Injured, who numbered more than I*> werg aoldleta aa were all tha known dead. * Mora than a toa of black pow der waa atored In Ike tnagaslne when It exploded from an unda. termlned cauae WINNING VOTES IN N. DAKOTA Democratic Nominee Informed He Han Good Chance of Car rying North Dakota GOVERNOR SMITH’S TRAIN BN ROUTE TO Sept It —(B*1 —On tke ,homeward bound ( itirich of the llret stumping tour, i Gov- Smith fnvadad North Dakota to.' day and found It another state clean ed by hla supporjera a« a real cib palgn hen leg round Encouraging reports were given tj»e Democratic presidential iMminw, aa hie lrale, headed f<F the Twin cltlce of Mlnneaota. traversed North I)|. kota'a vast farming terrtto-y. At laaat an even chance te carry the stale was the wont brought to the governor by more than ose of hi* f.»l lowere who-'’boarded the special hnr tnfuimal conference* with the nomi nee. Others, however, emphnalaed that North Dakota normally la heavily Re. publican, N particularly when there Is no large scae boll on th* part of ’.bo' non-partisan wtag of the party and they w*re of the opinion that the Democrats faced an uphill battle. de> spite certain eticouragtag trends. Bismarck, the stale qppbal, was on the scheduled for brief lay near at trld-day. with Fargo, to the oast, do*a for an hour’* atop at nightfall. Only a few other station stops In the state v. ere scheduled. Governor Smith worked far Int > the night a s ,hjs train was leaving Mun* lass, on the speech'ha will daltver t(.morrow night In St. Paula Ha withheld dallnlta aunouadon.ent aa to what would bo his theme, but It was expected that ha would touch upon several campaign Hanes of particular interest to the agrtcußural novthweat After St Paul, only one campclgn speech at Milwaukee, Saturday nlgkt. la to be delivered before h > returoa to his home atate. . As he traveled ea*t today Gov Smith was Informed that from M» aland* point western North Dakota, the Stronghold of the nonpartisan lea gue, looked better than the eastern {fclhm of the stfte, generally regard ed aa moie conservative. Advl»ers told him he bad galged supp«n de spite the admitted weakness o» the Democratic organisation In the siate I-monte the former followers q| !•- folled** and those dtsaatlalted with conditions- under prohibition- Judge F, H. Briaika, Hmllhfleld. be fore the Ben*ou Ktwanls; J. Paul ,Kr?uell<. fewt Hill. FsrmvHle Klw»nl«u« J, A. Pritchett, Windsor,* Kllzaheth City Rotarian*; W Hrodie Jones Warrenton. Henderwon Kotarlan* During the pa«t two or three day* .the Mount Olive, Smlthfleld. Waah. Ingtou. Tarborn, Warsaw, Duan. Jacksonßed Kprings; Snow Hill, Ayden, Henderson, Kinston "and other ciuba will hear addresses, the apeak era to include Col. George K. Free, man of Goldsboro; Oeorge C. Royall, Goldsboro; Newell Bartlett, Kinston; Senator C C Canady, Benson; Rev. H. Jodau, Weldon; J H Carpeu ter, Maxton; Rev. Fred Jones. Green ville; .Major W. A. Gr*ham. Kinston, J.JR. lurua«e, Aydeu and other*. inMipnw or THE ASSOCIATED PRESS puca nva cum • -—iv Wayne Canvass Continues Mon. < ,* ■ . C. U. Harris of Raleigh Will B» Speaker at Mt. 01 ve ‘ Meeting Monday In the riiet twalite day* of Oatob ar three Democratic speakers wttt deliver addresses In Wayac county, according to anaouncemegt made yesterday from county headguarttr* by Chairman W. A. Doe*. Outstanding lu general Interest pro •ably Is the appearance of 'O. Mat Gardner Democratic nominee for , Governor in the coart house in Oeide boro, at I o’clock in the afternoon. Saturday.. October I. Nest In lino and regarded no at greet Importance la tke address t« be delivered at Mt. Ollya Monday nlgbt. October 1, by Charted U. feir rls of Raleigh. Tkla will he the ado ond of the county caovnas gatherings and all Democratic randidatea wilt' be prreent and will bo Introduced ft the Uma. The andllorlujn of the Mt Olivo school will Im thg place for this meeting. Mr. Harris, the speaker, is g mam 1 her of the Raleigh bar, a brother of ! Judge W. 0. Harris, es the Super— ! lor Court beach and aa campaigner «( long Democratic to pe rlence »V f f Mr* Blllott, of Ranter Collage, New York, will apeak ta OoMoteftf tr. October U at aa baa? yet to be set. Mire. Mlltatt, a woasnn as afgaa. 'public importaaee ia Maw TtoM City sad htata la stmt Into North ( CaroHaa by tbe National ipalhij bore. cement from State gad gatlpaal bead quarter*, confine bar e»»*ch ta tha main tp reviewing Mat*' l'egrt*UM*a i ecu red by Ooveraer (aUk .tar tba , aid and comfdrt of Urn workiagwem , an. Ik>r children, and lain— ■ facial service lines generally ■ls trewd lb final Garda* * "We are aotag to ban Mb crwwdt at avary misting we are rotad to have." said (lhatroa* Ow lats algbt That # Bare and cm be dermfik on. bat f am bapiag Mr. 1 Gardner copes fm Isiirdii week | that ara will bar* tba Mnaat era*! of Democrats aaespblad that Ootds boro has kaawa la eomethai* The address hr tba gmbsgaatortal r.omlaee ban ta ta oaaasettaawtm his tour near tba Mala. H#»orU from other rotate are that ta erepr place. Mr. Oaedaar bae left tba ref ers oa fir* for the caaeas of the Democratic party. Saab that be baa ■pokes be has bit Jasl a little barter sad by tb* thae be gets to Oatdeboro. R was said yesterday, the folks may be well prepared for some sttmalaU lug pronounremeat*. —■— * y DOUBLE KILLING IN NASH COUNTV Vw* v : ***** MOUNT; Sept W-tAI-a.' R Morgan, Nash county farmer, who ; kill bis wit# sad Ibew shot hlayslf • hi* afternoon to aertsps^ptura. I d, * d •* • lo <ml hospital lets today. Morgan killed bis wife at their home la Caetalls tbts tnorning knd the* fled to the wood*. Clooely par sited by « posse; be turadd bl > gua oa , himself rather thsa submit to cap lore. The tragedy left four orphans Do 'txCiUc trouble we* thousht to lm*a prompted the get i — — * ENROLLMENT mißGf D DURHAM. Sept.. in i/ h- Tip •*< bod of religion at Duke Untveralty : formally was opened yeeterdsy wRb sn enrollment of 7fl stedenig as com. pi red with tb< enrollment 9l IS in the- fall of ISM. President Few de clared the school sboetd serve as sa influential force being laced with a "iremetidoua reaponnihllßy but nt tba *i.me* tin.#* with nn Inspiring ippor. t unity." • .* • ••

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