WEATHER Oeerally fair Friday and Saturday. Llule change in temperature VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 182 GARDNER WARNS STATE AGAINST LEAVING PARTY Gardner To Appear Here October Fourth O. Max Gardner will ronw to Goldman) on Thuntday, October 4, Inataad of on October 8. W. A. Dana, county executive committee for the Democratic praty announc ed yesterday The Democratic can didate for governor will *pe*k In the courthouse here at 8 p. m. on next Thuraday night Mr. Deea aatd. On October It Mr, Gardner hpeaks in ftfetthfleld. on October 8. In Kenansvllle; .911 October 4 , here; and on October sln Klna ton. HIGHWAY FORTY CLEAR OF WATER DrfourN to Kiwaton and Snow „ Hill, Howevgr, Still Necewtary For tbejlrat time in day*, highway number 40 south of the city waa yesterday front under the Good waters of the awollen Ncuae river. Traffic had been going through since late Sunday afternoon bnt at considerable risk from wutcr which lose to s depth .of several Inches at a number of points approaching the bridge over the river. Aa late aa Wednesday nt(ht there wan a five Inch stream acroas the highway at Adams Filling station, but early yesterday morning all of the concrete waa ' again clear. On both aides of the route, though, for several miles approaching the N»Me .river bridge, water stands to tKe edge of the ruad shoulders. While the section begins to throw off the effects of the,, flood with In creased rapidity, work of repairing the washout at Bear Creek. near , LaGrange ia still going on. It was said last night, necessitating the con tinued barring of Kinston traffic donut number 10. It Is still neces sary to detour to reach Snow 11111, faction* of the new highway having been weakened by the raJn x- At the State hospital for the color ed Insane, officials ran now take full stock of the damage dope. Corn and 1 l.ay crops suffered wore- In the lloods which covered the hospital plantation over most of its acreage Water has now receeded In the Fni - son sad Jones buildings and the 300 temale patient* marooned on the second and third floors have been “ taken back (o their usual quarters. HEADQUARTERS NOT RESPONSIBLE Chairman Mull lamina Statement Aa To Murohy and Ward Attack* on Simmon* RALKIGH. Sept. 27—(A*l Respon sibility for attacks recently made on Senator F. M. Simmons )n campaign speakers by Walter Murphy and for mer congressman Hallett S. Ward was disclaimed by the State Demo cratic organisation In s statement ta bued tonight by O. M. Mull, chair man of the State Executive commit tee. "The Democratic organization 1* not responsible for these attack*.'' his statement said "From the begin nlng of thie campaign, it hits been the policy of the I>emocrutl< organ 1 tatlon to conduct its fight In sup port of Democratic prlnlplcs and fjOt all nominees of the party. We have studiously avoided bringing any thing In the hatnre of personalities and In suggestions to speakers sent out from headquarter* "Day by day the prospects bright en for a Democratic victory In Stile end Nation. Let us renter our tack on our Republic foes and pre sent the cause of Democracy to the voters without bitterness or person alities” RKPRKNENTH U. H. WASHINGTON. Sept 27 W. tr wlng Glover, second assistant post master general was today designated by Postmaster General New to repre Sent the postoffice department at the inauguration of air mall service be tween tbe United States and Canada October 1, . THE GOEDSBORO NEWS READ m THE MORNING KHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY2 BUYERS BEFORE THEY Him t. y « » ' Larry Newsome Will Be Electrocuted At 10:30 HENRY BELK WILL WITNESS ELECTROCUTION AND WRITE STORY FOR TOMORROW’S NEWS—LAST MINUTE EFFORTS AT REPRIEVE FAIL Tea-thirty this morning le the hour set for the electrocution of Larry Newsome for the murder of Utile Bee la Tedder, depaty State Prison warden Informed The New* over Jong distance jree terday afternoon. Hyscj Bulk, managing editor, will go to Ra leigh this moralag to cover the electrocution of Newsome for The News, trrompan)ing Mr. Belk will be J. H. Bennett of The News meehanelal depart ment. RALEIGH, r ßept. 27 -Larry New some, Wayne county negro, will take a short walk Friday morning—a walk down the padded aisle of death row and inly the electrocution room of the States prison He wltl pay 1 the penulty for (he murder* qj Reulah Teddar white girl Hope for Newsome from the ordin ary channels are closed. The Pardon CommiMsioner has rejected pitas for clemency and the Supreme court ha|_ refused to grant him a new trial. . Only the dlscovrey of sensational new evidence In the case or an act RENEW APPEAL * FOR FLA. AID t Contri button* Through Local Red Cro** Now Total $371.50 Contributions through the local -*hap(er of the Red Cross toward tns ialed 1371.50, and an appeal was re tailed 8371.50, and au appeal waa re newed for further contributlona. The following through the local office: At noon, Tuesday, September 26. the relief fuud for the disaster re lief situation In the West Indies bur ficaue covering the Virgin Islands, Porto Rico and Florida, was 11.920,- 689. Sufficiently accurate estimates already received Indicate that $5.- 000,000 will be the absoluate mini mum required to handle. the com bined relief job. Every chapter in the United States U being asked to Increase this quota, if possible At present, In addition to the director, I the jted Cross has fifty four relief workers fronrvNational headquarter* on duty throughout the area There are forty five Red Cross nursep on duty. The Red Cross, the National Guard, and the American legion are assisting the State Hoard of Health in a clean up so the flooded region* Inoculation of all persons In the af fected area* Is gojng forward at a rapid rate. There arc 185 hospital cases being handled, of which twenty are ser ious Injuries. Wayne county* contri bution through September 26th was f 320.50. Yesterday'll contribution* are; K K, Borden 150.00 Cash 1.00 1 v ('OOl.lDClE’ft COCHIN TO AID SMITH IN VERMONT RUTLAND, Vt.. Sept. 27 —OP) —It Is tip to a first cousin of President Coolldge to attempt the impoWible task of carrying Vermont for Smith Park H Poll»rd of Proctoiwvllle been re-elected chairman of 'Yhe democratic state committee n DEARTH IN CHAIR CHICAGO, Sept 27 Death In the electric chair will be demanded for Augelo Petlttl. acchsed abductor of Billy Rsuierl, when the state brings him td trial on Indictment* charging him with kidnapping fur ransom and extortion. KAINRK'H BIRTHDAY AMSTERDAM, Sept 27 ( A *)— The 1 sum ta'lst organ Hut Volk said today that great frtdlvltles were being plan tied at 1 seventhieth birthday of former Kat* |w Wiiliet'u ou January 27. or God can prevent the fatal hum of th« high powered death dealing dynamo* at the Slate Prison. The only doubt as to Newsome's obligation to pay the supreme pen alty lay in his sanity. Proof of his guilty gas definitely sntablished In two trlala -one of which waa of a sensational pistol shooting nature under Judge Henry W. Grady. On account of Judge Grady’s charge to the Jury In this trial the Supreme court granted Newsome • tew hearing, but this also resulted In convlctiou and tlu* Supreme court ratified it. He waylaid little Beulah Tedder one night this spring as ahe waa walking across a field near her father’s house and attempted to as ms ult her. She resisted and fled. New tome overtook her and aterrlfc struggle ensued in which the negro slabbed the girl's throat. Her mangled body was discovered a few hours later and bl(f>dhound* followed a trial to Newsome's home, where a bloody knife and blood stained clothing was found CHARGESLACK OF LEADERSHIP Governor Smith Again Empha ***** G. O. P. Farm Relief Failure la Attdrmw ST. PAUL. Minn. Sept. 27-f/P) In another assault upon his Repub lican opposition Governor Smith to night held that the fundamental "weakness" of the Harding and Coolldge aiftnllnstratlou* has been a lack of leaderahlp. * Democratic presidential no minee touched upon the farm pro blem, again assailing the Republicans lor g failure to work out an effec tive- relief program, and declared that there was a whispering campaign to misrepresent his stand on Inland wat erway development and Immigration. In a speech prepared for delivery in the St Paul auditorium after spending much of the day in nearby Minneapolis, Smith recalled that as | Governor of New York he had favor ed. like bis Republican predecessor, the so-called all-American route tor a waterway between the Great Lakes and the ben. He reiterated, how ever the readers* expressed In his acceptance speech to be guided by the finds of engineering experts as between this route and the proposed Lawrence river waterway. As for immigration, the Democra tic candidate said, there "Is no in yie between either of the parties or fvndidjUe* on the question of sus taining and keeping Infull force and effect the restricting features of the present Immigration law*. "Where they are to lie amended / (Continued on page two) COMMISSION HEARS FACTS v> Argument* For Ixycation of Unit Branch "Bank Trust Co. Here I’reaenled » " The State Corporation Commission iu Raleigh yesterday Iteurd argu ment for the granting of the appli cation of the Branch Bank and Trust compsny of Wilson for establish ment of a brunch of their institution In Goldsboro. A number of Interest ft * > . , •• <d Goldsboro people attended the ' meeting; „ “ « At aome later date. It was said. | the Commission will hear reply from | Goldsboro sources which contend ! that the best Interests of Goldsboro > ?nd the amount of bus!ness done does ! tet Justify ihe location of'-ianjother I hank In the city. ' Ruling on the application will not I he made. It was learned, until both tides ary heard In the rase,>and care lul consideration given to arguments put forward by #»ch. GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 28, 1928 RALEIGH CROWD CHEERS NAME OF GOV’RNOR SMITH _ n. Democratic Nominee Say* He’d Rather l>owe Then Desert General of hi* Army RAI.EIGH. Sept 27 (AV-A warn, tng that the Democratic party of the gouth would "lose ita best friend If It screeds from the par ty of the North’, was sounded her* tonight by O Maa Gardner. Demo ctatlc candidal* f«»r governor, who poverty criticised Herbert Hoover for his alleged dmertiou of Woodrow Wilson, and Praised Governor Alfred K. Smith for hi* honesty, integrity and ability. Making hit only political speech In the state capital. Mr. Gardner WB * heard by a crowd which filled the main Door and first galleries of the bugs auditorium. It waa generous with Its applause and when the apeak er announced him loyalty to the preal detutal nominee with the declaration that he :“would go down to defeat rvther than be disloyal to the gen eral leading my army” it stood »nd cheered , Oardner condemned the Republi can party’s record In both state and national aftalrs with especially caus tic denunciation of the parts made by cabinet members in the oil scan dals Ha accused Hoorer of sitting silent while Albert B. Fall »nd oth ers cqnsplred to seek ths oil proper tl*s which the speaker aald had been preserved for the nation by Joseph'** Daniels Raying he had often disagreed with the Raleigh editor. Gardner declared that Denials as becretary of the navy tinder Wtfson and by his contra# lh the current politico! campaign hail enhanced his with the Caro llntans to a point ha had never be ■fore attained. Defending Governor Rmlth's atti tude upon immigration as a policy which would not Increase the num bar of immigrants admitted annually. Gardner touched brifely upon the religious Übues, which he said, should never had been Injected into the csmwUan. "I remember that In 1926 w* Bap tist* elected Warren O. Harding" he remarked, pausing to glvs hi* words "That's enough for me". ‘I want It to be qaid in the highest j.lact*." he added, "’"that the next president of United State* Is an honest’ man. I-ay*n£. saying'«Smlih had been grossly abused, the *b#ak ev asserted even th«\. worse eneintes (of, the preeidential nominee had nev er accused him of be'njc a thief.” » MISS WEIL TO AID GOVrSMITH Httire* From I’renWency of Wo men Voter* League to Aid Democratic Nominee RALEIOH, Sept 27 </P» Ml** Gertrud# Well or OOldsbOrO. presld (git of the North Carolina Leagu# of Women Voters will take temporary leave of absence from that organ!**- tlon in order to participate actively lc the presidential campaign in North Carolina, she stated todsy ■chile In Raleigh after a Meeting <»f the executive board <»f the League held In Greensboro on Wejlneadsv Mias Well is a supporter of Governor Smith. Mrs. C A Shore of Raleigh, tljlrd vice president of the i**gu«, will serve as *<ting president "In order that the non partisan character of the l,**gn* may be preserved," said Miss Well. "It la an accepted custom that its executive officer* should not become promin ently aud actively Identified with any party, althought It I* the dearly de - fined policy of the league to encour age It* member* to Join the party of Its choice The outstanding object of the league ia the political education j of women. Its btudies political meas ures and supports and opposes potl t'ral measures btu it does not sup port or oppose political candidates," Babe Gets 52 Nl* DKTROIT, Sept. 27 (API Babe Ruth hit hln 52nd home run of the reason In the first Inning of the Yankee-Detroit gam# today. Gather Neuse Flood Control Data In Survey From Plane .. . WORK BEING CARRIED ON BY DISTRICT FEDERAL EN GINEER SNOW; PLANE SIGHTED OVER GOLDSBORO ■ BELIEVED THAT OF ENGINEER Flood coutrol data about ths Neuss river 1* being gathered in an aerial survey by Major W A. Snow of Wilmington, dhtrlct Federal engln . according to report» oat of Wfl m'ngton A plane which spent aome time over Goldsboro and environ* about !:*<) JVednesdav l« believed to hsv* been Diet from which Malor Snow I* making the stwdv The Tar rtyrr •* al«« lndnd«d In the air it literary of the engineer Tbe nnreuse of the sitrvev la to esfber In form* tlon for t*« !*t*r In flood control measure* along the rlv»rs, Romettm" sen con tress authorised *n annronrlstloti to h- n«*d hv the •Bafrlct eoeloare*' office tn conduct loe I surtev to "«c*etaln the pos e'btlltv and feaalhllltv of d-vebio. mg hvdro electric flood conrtol a reek and devaloplng irrigation, and navigaHoa of Ike Tar. Neuse. and Pap* Fear rivers. The question of harneMtag the power of the rtrqgs has beam under Inreetlgatlon by Major Bpow for sev eral mouths, but aow be writ! twitch PENDER COUNTY SUFFERS MUCH V Many Reporttd Deotitute In Ope i Towimhip Following Hlgb Watow i' ' * Sept story of privation and tattering among flood victims of C*B*tuck township In Pander county waa brought her# today by R. D. Mar shall, a garage operator sec tion. Marshall reached tms city by row boat after be had been marooned lor five days, he said. Moore's Creak battle ground tt a veritable lake, be reported. Oaeoliae launches are operating on the high-' war*, crops are ruined, score# of home* are abandoned, schools are closed and many families are desti tute In Canetnck. The flood water* of the numerous small cr#«ka and the Gape Fear river reached tbe creat on September 38 and since then fcsv* Some livestock has been lost and on* negro waa drowßed at Ivapboe, Marshall reported, but ao far aa h* knew, this was the only 'loaa of life.' The only mpde “I travel was bT ■boat. Sonffontt have been built In many homes to place household goods out of reach, of the water, he said. Water le standing from t Inch*# to 7 feet In pfactially every home in the section. CanetUck township He* between the Gape Fear and Black rivers, both of which hate been out of bounds for several days RECORD SALES OjHgCAL MART, Bookkeef»en»\l>o Not Complete Tabulation* Night; Es timate 250.00 Pounds The largest sale AJoldsboro tobacco market this aeaeou waa re corded yesterday snd bookkeepers laboring far Into laat night wer# uti able to complete the tabulation* that official tlgure* might b« given this morning. It was eatimated. however, that from 260.000 to 276,000 pound* sere sold here., shoving the total for the season to two and a half million pounds Included In ths sale* yesterday w»* a l»rg# amount of damaged weed and the average tot | terred aa a rfsult. The average, low grades »nd all wa* estimated a* about sl4. Vine Oreen county farmer who plant* 300 acres in tobacco tried the Goldsboro market during the day. He couldn'f find sufficiently expressive words to tell how much better the Goldsboro market was than other market* he had sold on. He eßttmat ed that on an average he wa* bene Btted |IOO a load by selling here. , his artivtiea to a study of ths flood control' “ question end will make aerial photograph* of the true con ditions at flood stages which ran be used to a good advantage^by tbe government In event flood control ts mad# possible for North Garllua riv er*. While the quealla ts •fill In • much unsettled state Ma|or Snow felt confident that (he flood condi - tion* prevailing at all of North Caro llna rivers will be coailutrlv* proof to (he fedyr*l authorities that action of some sort la neceeeary to avoid ftrlher destruction of drop* and property when water* again descend on the coast plain* from the Inter ior. • * The preliminary effort being made by Major Snow is In keeping with that aaktd of the Federal Govern ment by Congreimman 0. A. Aber nathy While the flooda were atlli rising in this section. Congressman Abernathy took np With the proper Federal authority tbe matter of a flood control anrvey. He waa aaenr ed that an expect, would be diapntch od to the ncene. SOMETHING NEW AS TO POLITICS c» «snm*iw £1 ' f" i Veteran* Or«anluUon WID Back Booths Al Coeuity Fwirw Bomstning new under the ana the way of lolttlcal advertising will be resorted to by the Democratic Veter an* organisation In ita effort* on be half of Governor Alfred E. Bmlth la Nuth Carolina. The county and dis trict fa|r* nr* to be etillaed. accord ing to announcement by Gol. John IX Langston, state chairman. Bach county chairman. Got. Mags ton aald. haa been requested to pro cure a booth at his county fair From this booth Democratic literature will be distributed. Frqjn a 10 fool space In tha rear of the booth and la such letters that he who runs may read will he a chart, double columned. On* column will be present the al leged G. O. P. Record of graft skth reference tn veteraun aid and the na tional provisions for the veterans un der the Republican administration* Hi# other column of the chart will give the New York State record with reference to veteran aid aa procur ed bp-.Governor Bmlth. "Rn far as I know" said Col. Lang* ton "This la an ids* tb*t has never before been tried In polttcs. I be lieve that w* will especiafly through the chart, bt able to reach llterqlly thousand* with the true story of the facts." Seventy-five district and county chairmen have already been named by Col. Langeton and others are be ing named .*ll the time. Bach county chairman is expsifted to prepare the Veteran* Organisation booth for hi* Itounly fair. GOYKRBMRMTB KKPOMT „ N tYH I ROFN IM MAORI) j .r r Washington; «* P t 2« t/p) The department of apiculture's sun.inary . of weather and crop condition.) for | the week ended yesterday says blph winds, heavy rain* and Bonded low I lands did mu< h damage teVotton In the more eastern portions of tbe belt,, especially In the Carolina* and ooolb-l I eastern Georgia, where (he crop de -1 terlorated steadily, with much sited ding, boll* roting. and seed spnmt- 1 log In the central atatea of the belt 1 the week was generally fair and mostly cool and while lh# coolness telarded development In some places. ,10# crop generally opened rapidly, and picking and ginning made good !«dvancement. Hull rot continuer In portions of this area. DRY AGENT HHOT JACKSONVILLE, Sept. 17—John Hystwr of this lcty, and Hope King | a prohibition agent, were both ser | lously wounded In a gun battle this i gXternooa. MRMBBP 0| OPHE ASSOCIATED PRESS PKICB wm CBflW The News Will Give World Series Fully Continuing lu policy of Moor*' years standing The Novo will give the con piste story of Ills World Its lies which begins next week. Tbs series will be (applied to 1%» News through the Associated Press sad relayed to the fans who gather la frost of the office on South Janes street WEED GROWERS ARE TO CONFER Many Bpa«Mr Bodhicwd Arreuf* For lift At GrhMTtAe Madtlac T»Ahy Leadag bankers, nsernhaati. IW i srroaists end others will attend a i ert tonal meeting nt Organ est le tar day. *nt which thg tohacoo situation will ho disowned The Sabers Oarw- H r , s chamber of Oofemerce. eggrwb dn to the point of oonhUveaeae In its effort to MMN higher prisee for growers <a thte halt Ip epoaaet lag the coatoraaoa. A nan her of awr hetg and the lending producing ooaa tie* win ha rspntat^ted. A (tannest by Newell larttaM, f<eretary of On chamber, deflated “H to very evident that If hotter prto m ire to W M taf aoreege wM have to he rod heed qaaeldorahl/” '■ The reduction to aPhjfrid fge nunerowh aafhorfttoo la Instant Carol fag will ho at Im| M percent Souse planters are report ed to be OH the varsf of the crop nUasothdi. h«t wsch *»i ‘l* S*TS_ thta yaar an laeidMO of llM*# pounds over JMtf. ia PpHe of thfl fast there have been loanee Is CM»f *¥* sa.o The North Carolina crop will ffc , hahiy boa "w*o Ml eawMler, ’ say l»- ldd.M9 ppahds. . WVI t* ( * heavy Inr reaps, .fu Keetuchy and A nominal Intreaee IS Ooorgia esd . other states, Bartlett hgld. *’•> •If the oodferesos biOvoentyUle di ; cldes. as It probably trill, that mdse * tion is pheasaary. a large Ha wllftto *. spent |s getttog baton the eroWefC'* the advice for a drastic oat. Wded prloje have Improved rspMQr during the past few Asp*. Blood *an’- dldbas, rein dsnegod and the grewtod ntoveneat tor iMfl cartattSMai ere responsible for this Inpoveneat. M If believed. ' f - -i- M — - + + yoBKKT vnm ma* wm vmtibi i*W| , •wallacs. Idaho, Sops. »r-i*£- Forest street drives hofofe s wind and deerlhed sa attaoag «ho worst in this section is years, ansae ed the area around Kellogg and Wal lace today. '**•- • The blase outside Kellogg was out ' of control asd early today had edf* t red mere thaa CM hsaiirad acted.; '< Hangers said the lowa would ho la * danger if the wlad hhtfted More then MC SMS her* been seal > to the fire lines. FBI If UK ANT . *; CHA ft LOTTO, Sept 17 Authortoa- « tioa for (be laetallotioa of a firs hygraat on the new tlaletpal gerese property was made by city conmiw r loners at the morning board neet |lgg yesterday. J-J* FLOODED NyiHK KIACiIFB CIEBT AT KINNTON TOIIAf s KINSTON. Hept 17—Of)—With tht | Neuse river at Pood crest hers today I water was pouring over the No-folk* Houtheru tracks and Inundating a real, dentin! section of South Kinston sad Lincoln City, a Negro settleneaL Two hundred persons were homeless, mere then halt of them white, la the Vtl* lags of Harpsrsvllla, wafer stood eight feet deep. Utcsl authorities indicated they could handle the eltuattaa without outside assistance' The flood was »eld to be nnpt so serious as the lIM overflow. Caswell cotton mills have suspend ed operations due to wator la the holler room Water I# fir# toot deer ia the shop of the tyastoa CatoUad railroad Several largo lobes of the city by the oveigaw. One of then to nearly two atiles tottg. Ti |t *

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