. WEATHKK Flair Haturdwj. Mwneay probably Shower* little chaage h» - (Mfirttur*. V VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 183 NEWSOME IS ELECTROCUTED •■'V ' » ' . ' . X , ' ;. :i - ' Calmer Than Most 01 ■ . * Those Present, Negro Walked To His Death “How You All "Feeling?" He Asks Witnegtini Ah lie Ad vance* Into Death Chamber 8 FREMONT MEN ARE OFFICIAL WITNESSES j Waa “Happier” Than In Days, And Said Ix>rd Had For given Him (By HENRY BEL If ) Calmer than moat o( (He witnesses and newspaper men gathored for the electrocution. Larry Neweome, black rtdmpy Wayne county negro went to Li* death In the atate -owned man ktllar at the State Fr'son. Raleigh, yaaterday miming Jnatice was dwne and the pegco paid- with hT* life for the like he had from pretty litU* Beulah Tedder, on a blenk. Uy njgtit. December It, 1927, Henlah eared "her honor hut lost her life and. yesterday the atate required tho ■npreme genulty of Newsome. Batter-fed looking. belter kept than when convicted her* l*«t win - ( ter, the aub normal Newsome , calmer than moat of the witnesses! leathered in' thq aeml dark, octagonal | death chambef 111-the prlann. Clad In tha blue denim of the peniten tiary In his stocking feet. Newsome walked between Dr. John L. Tillery and Rev. John Clanton, negro min isters, as he advanced to his death. Purpokefully he stalked ahead "His face was pallid, and on liir tore Head there was a dark circle, "Good mornln’ herald In low but steady words which sounded sharply In the room stilled by thf know ledge of approaching death The greeting had been addressed to Dr. a, H. Nnrfnan, prlann warden. 'Another step hp advanced and his eves flitted about the circle of neww papermen, the wltneaaea from the Fremont section. The silence was fttrilble as he took In the scene. "How you all feelln*'*? he naked, addressing the tense group ranged about the death chamber. Prison attaehoes assisted him In getting placed In the chair, not be cause he waa weak or needed asals tanre. but that hi* body might Ik; properly placed for the devouring electricity to «paaa through and *c compllsh Tts piiri*pm‘ The electrodes were fastened to hie legs, the death cap slipped onto his shaved head. "You can make It a little tighter." he aa'd, referring to the straps of the headpiece, and ‘‘tighter' was his last word The signal was given. J E Thom, • a*. of Ismbhurg. shoved In the switch aT.d 1800 volts of electricity were concentrated in the body of the 2t year old negro. Straps of the ma chine that hung loosely grew taut with strains ns Newsome stiffened Ip death agony. There was no out cry A faint odor filtered about the email room. For-two mliintes > jijni«<*en safonds the electricity shot throng v New home's body. The signal t***Vlthdrnw the awltrh was given, and Mr Thom as broke the current* The chest of the limpv was hired o.t the left, side, and oir. I. R: Builnra. of Rowland applied the rethOecore. The heart still honour - ed Slijhtly. Th t the electricity might be strengthened in Its deadly qualities. Deputy Warden Honeycutts poured water i>n Newsome's tiead god.on Min leg. For a second time Mr. Thomas closed the switch, allowing li to re main abut fog 55 seconds. For a second time Dr. Bullock lis tened for signs of life. These were none and at 10:11’ a s» ts the Rowland pbysclan pronounced the negro dead. Was “llappj" Newsome was happier yesterday morning than he h»e been for davs, Dr. John L. Tiller*. of th* depart ment of Bible of Hh.iw Vnlverslty 'told The News following tlx- exe< u tion. Dr. Tillery, with John Clanton, ministerial student at Shaw, had act Continued on P*i« Si*) THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING ffHILE KINDS ARK FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THKB BIOL Newsome’s Father ' Did Not Want Body ‘ 9 (Special To The News). FREMONT. Bept. 28 Mack Newsome, negro, father of I<arry Newsome who was electrocuted at State Prison yesterday mornluy for the murder of Beula Tedtfe/. did not claim hts son* body be cause he “didn’t feel like he ought to take the money his other children had helped to make and spend U burying this no count one. 1 ’ Bo t{re father declared to day. He had prefaced thia remark with the declaration that he had tried to raise his children like they ought to be raised, and was quoted as saying that though he deeply that Lhe ataVe taking life of his boy he knew be had committed the crime and the good people of the stale said he ought to pay for It. that justice was dppe. „ ■ ■ " '. l "" BIG INCREASE IN SALES HERE Expert That Market Will Mssk« 25 I’er Cent Advance Over last Yeac Mammoth sales o?*the lats Tffre? days h»vo set a new record for auc tions on the Goldsboro tobacco iq* r ket. It was said yesterday. Friday was a rSfretition of the previous day with so much buslqews being done that clerks were unable to eomplje official statistics through late last night Official sales through Thursday, ■b ns given The News by Mr. Fuller of the Export Leaf Tobacco Company, shows 2.<50.878 poutidi for which 83*1.18! 81 bas been paid. Yesterday’s big breaks shoved the total close to the two and three quar .ct figures. It now lupins to appear that tha Goldsboro Market, which has stead ily advanced In averages this year— will sell 25 percent more than was sold l»«.t year. This would place the DiU’tii !• ’the 10.000.0 db pomel cl:u-n A'» tbccsetnen have pointed ont the continned congested conditions In Wilson. Greenville. Kiniton and oth er large centers, the favoi'able aver ages made In Goldsboro and the In creasing patronage of thdAlocal ware | houses from a wide area. The average made Thursday In tha j, tace of much berap was $16.30., Fremont Natives Relate Graphic Story Fla. Storm (Special To Thfe News) FREMONT, Sept. 28 Steam shov els were used for digging graves in ' tte West Palm Beach urea during j the recent hurricane, according to a letter received by Mrs".,.Ora Yelver | tou of Fremont Route 3, from her daughter, M>w. Blanche Ruffin, who • lives In West Palm Beach. Another daughter. Ml»s Dollle Yelvertoo bad i.gone qnly a short time before the j storm to enter school In Flolda. Lat . ters from these two div*- graphic des ’Viptlous of the hurricane “The hurricane w«s terrible’ writes Mrs. It tiff in on the Thursday .following the , etodm. "even worse than ihe one at Mama, yon ought to see how the negroes and white people are l.urlad They are using two of Loch man'* ateam. 4Uovi I* lo dig the grai cs and putting, three and four iu the 1' same box. aud are putting them side by side and putting the boxes on top t f oath other. I'la terrible. They bur - The Proudest Boy in Montana ■ — 1 - 1 m fait -it* I |||c *jai | I Thk intensely human photo show* how Governor Alfred E. Smith, Democratic’nominee for President, occasionally forgets his role of political leader and becomes |u*t a pal to the younger generation. lie is grinning campaign 'button upon breast of ' youthful admirer during tofieHstop of his train at Billings, Mont Governor Smith Speaks ~ In Milwaukee Tonight Encouraging Reports* Brought To Him A« To GtyVCUP In Minnesota OGVKRNOR SMITH'S TRAIN KN POUTE-TO MILWAUKEE Wls., Bept 38—(AP) —From a stato that never has gone Democratic iu a national elec tion to the only one carried by La foiled* four years-o ago. Governor Smith moved today In hts quest for the presidency. ■' ■ ... - The Democratic nominee said good bye to Minnesota, greatly encourag ed by the> reception given him last night In Bf. Paul, when he branded the Repulillean party as lacking In leadership and hammmed away at his opposition from t|i« farm relief, inland waterway development and Immigration angles. Grossing Into WUeonain for the sixth and final Speech of hla Drat stumping tour, the New York Gover nor. was headed toward Milwaukee. As rte campaign special, nearly an hour behind schedule In getting away from Ihe Mlnnl'sotu capital skirted tbe Mississippi and the Badger *iate, crowd* were out at various way stations but only rfbout a half dozen stops all for train oper ating purposes, were made and many failed to get a glimpse of tbe !*cmo c r»tlc standard bearer. (COBtilled on Page, Hlx- led 300 negroes and 186 white people,* and they are attll bringing more dead cue* In .. '■ “Charlek worked until 1 o'clock last night helping dig graves and identify person* V 1 »ho bad I teen brought in country f can't begin to ‘crftiiwin how torrihh It Is “West Palm Beach #*■ Just ruined. I aim' Beach wasn't dumaged so had Out in the i verglades they arc going to start burning the dead bodies in -1 stead of burying the bodlew. bacause! fi't y were drowned and they'he afr,t:il | of the typhoid germs going around | l think It will bo betteF for the pro '■ pie here. "In the negro town ther Isn't i . hardly a house standing. “We have something lo he thank fnl of because everyone lu this spart n.rnt is safe This stood It better than anyone I’ve seen yet There are only seven stores' open right now, hut flty're fixing tbe oth - er* so they cau open them." GOLD6BORO. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1928 ASK REDUCTION WEED ACREAGE .„;v ** . - • t> j Small Atlendancd At Meeting Held in Greenville s , Yesterday - A campaign for reduced tobacco’ acreage lu 1929 was launched by tbe Lantern f’arolin*. Chamber of Com inerce in ■ aedional meeting in Green vllle yesterday., but less than 125 men of the section were present to see the campaign gel underway. Resolutions adopted at the meet ing urge a 25 percent cbt In tobacco erreage for next year, and call upon tho United States Tobacco Assocda - tion to- provide for the opening of Sastemi Fai-ollua toharro mskets not latkr than August 20. Another nection of tho resalutlon avks the Btate College extension ser vice to back a more dairy cattle pro gram In alt of file counties of this xeetton. Philadelphia Mavor Transfers All Cops PH 11-A DELPHI A. I’ept 28—(A*)— In au'effort to eliminate alleged jkil lie corruption revealed In tbe grund jury Investigation and their "rack - els'’ Mayor Harry A. Mucey tonigbF Issued the most drasffc police reor ganlaatlon order In the history of Philadelphia, directing the transfer cl every policemen In the city. A1 Smith Hoover War At Virginia St. School Bound* as of a great battle giv ing on disturbed teschers at Virginia Hireet Grammar/school at the recess period yesterday. From all the noise, the shouting, the civil,;;, the’hurrahing, uppaicnt that wotne major cates trophe had struck among the eight year old males of the achool. Nervously the teacher* rushed out In a body to find that engagement w*s taking place b>*ttwcn the Al Smith and Herbert Hoover, con tingents of the school "Ifi*, did all this start,’’ authoratlvelff de maftllcd one of the teacher*. 'Well you know, Robert Rhodes Hatch and his; gang are trying to run all the Hoover boys off the grounds" refdied one who had been busily engaged In repelling th* invaders. Republican Chairman To Confer Here Today k ! Rrawnlow Jackson, chsirman of the Executive committee for the ftepubllcan party in North F*ro - llua. wHI confer Republican leaders of Wayne county In the courthouse gt 10 o’clock ’ J tbU morning. T C. ('roer, cqunty chair matt announced yesterday. The meeting will not.be a public af fair, Mr. (’row aalfrl. but Kepubll - cau commit teemeu over the conn ty are being urged to attend: In the afternoon Mr. will hold aud Rurgaw.,lt was said. A sum ber of meetings In the iuteraxt of the local G. O. P. candidate* and In tbe intereat or the national ticket are being planned srer Wayne. It waa announced. * RASKOB TALKS OF SMITH PLANS a " r V No liana for Nominee to Go Into “Solid South”, Says Chairman • NEW YORK. Bept. 28 [Jff— Dfccua sing plans for Governor Hmlth’a aec cud speaking tour. John J. Raskob. Democratic national chairman, aald I might that he believed Vfc presld ent'al candidate will apeak iu Tan - ti't <ee and Kentucky and alvo that he would visit Baltimore, Md. The rnalrman aald ther* war* no .plan* for the governor to get Into the ‘frolld south" and added ll« did not believe such a trip *ro* neceeeary I Wilson Sets Second ' . New TobaCco Record# WIIAION, Sept. *B—<*)—For th* aecond time In thr*« week* tbe *xhU Ing weekly .tobacco sales record* has been shatterd on th local market, of filal figure* of warehousemen re vcabd today. Hale* for the fir* day period end ing yeaterday totaled 7,787,Ml pounds as compared to the record eetabltah - ed the week ending September IS, 6t 7.588,814. The new record ecllpae* the mark established last year on tbe local, market laet year by more than a million pound*. WO MAX |<s NINTH ifrß BROTHER IX.MW IN HINHtXD, AHKENTED NEW YORK. Hept 28 (JP)—k wo. man who Insisted her brother-ln law.was her husband was under ar. real today, charged with perjury. Mrs. Della Frank. 23 year* old. o( the Bronx, wan separated from her himbund. Albert JYunk. several year* ago and granted alimony of 825 a week, none «f w hlch she ever re; clv ed, she says- • . v (p Ijist Tuesday she had a man ar rested. saying he was her huaoaud Albert. The man. however, insisted be was Albert’* brother. Samuel. Arguments Against Permit Expected Next On Thursday > W Itblii eight or ten day* a rnilng s.ih p|-ob*hly be forth coming from cn the appllcatbm of the Branch Banking and Trust company of Wtl~ klou'-to locate a branch in Goldsboro, it was I'srned yesterday. Arguments favoring the granting of the applies tion have been heard by the loiuml* slow, and It Is probable gilat on next Thursday argument" ag»ln*t grant tug the application will tie received A ruling should com* in a short tome etter the conclusion or the hearing, It was said. Tom Host, Greensboro Daily New* correspondent, had the following In Ids paper yseterdey relative lo the flret hearing: Application of Branch Banking company of Wilson for authority to open In the Goldsboro territory a branch of the Wilson corporation wua argued lief ore the corporation commission, tod»y and action was dtlayed until.tbe two national banks of Goldsboro can b" heard In opp<>s» tion. Clinton S. Carnes Is Placed Under Arrest In W innipeg, Canada SIMPLE FUNERAL FLOOD VICTIMS Service Arranged By Minister- Ul AstHOcUUon; One For Negroeo Aloe ■WEST PALM BWACH. Sept. 2f— ((s*>- Plan* were mad* here today for a simple funeral be held Sunday for Florida* 2.800 atorm dead Member* of the efty ministerial union met yeeterday at th* Flret Methodiat church |iad appointed • of it* body to conduct the aervlc**, which will be held over lb* grave* of more than 700 atorm victim* bar led at Woodlawu cemetery her*. Rlt es will be conducted for thoee buried there-./*? those burted elaewher* and for than* who** bodies etill lie ua fouud along tbe devastated shore* of laik* Okeechobee. Two service* will be held. The flret at 2:20 pm. will be.for whtt* peo ple, and the ether to be conducted Jeter and by negro clergymen, will be for atorm vtctlma. s Under present plan* th* funeral dirge will be played by the city bead the opening hymn will be sung by a mass choir from all the city church es and'the Invocation will be aald by Rev. Charld* U Ml worth of Norwood Baptist church. HOOVER IS TO V SPEAK IN N.Y. Mndtali Square Gordon With ('■parity For 20,000 I'oopt* Secured WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 (AX -Her l*.rt Hoover will apeak in New York City ou October 13 Instead of Octob er 17. the . hang* of date* being mad* so that he oeftld obtain Madieou square Garden with quadruple seat ing capacity over Carnegie bait. The change waa made tdday after Penator George H. MO*** of New Hampshire chairman of the advisory ccmmlttee had reported that th* ad vance demand for tickets for the New York speech «i> *o great that the Carnegie ball would not afford *uf flcent Apace to accomodate the crowd At the Hoover General headquar ter* It was xSIS that tbe 5000 odd • cat* In Carnegie hall would have teen filled with Hoover worker* from th* varlon* prelncta In greater New York and sor (i that reaeon the New Madison Square Garden wa* a* - cured with Ita seating capacity of ap proximately 20.000 and l* on# of the larxeet hall* in the country. A delegation Representing several hundred petitioners* and $4,000,000 In property, came to Raleigh to pre - sent tb« cause The Branch Ranking company which recently spread out to over territory In Warsaw and Helms In which banks had gone down would go intq, tbe Wayne capital to occnpy and enlarge Hie field of tbe (.Id People’# which failed two yearn ago. Goldsboro has now only thro lank*, both .national. In the arxu ment* m»d* before the corporation commlsnlon this morning It wa* contended that one of the natioual Institution* i* the child of the Nor-'' wood* and the other of the Borden*. Kenneth Royall attorney of Golds boro *ose during the proceedings to announce that he “approved e>/~ torney for the two'national bank*. At a later date the commission will hear the opponent* The Only controversy Is over the butlnri*. The Branch people with, capital, surplus sod undivided profits Uootiaued on ft|* 8U). liKMRER Off KHK ASSOCIATm PRESS price five cam Ex Treasarar «f Hone Mlmtott Hoard, Southern Baptist Convention, Fonnd SHORTAGE IN ACCOUNTS * SAID TO BE A J^ILLIOM EmbcuUmont In Chorre fti ferred in Warrant Under Which Ho la Hold WINNIPM. Manitoba. Bept *»— —Clletoo «. Cere**, format ireeeurer of the Hoeee MMm Board of the Southern BepUet convention. Atlanta, (la., wee arrested here to day. He wee taken Into anatody oa a warrant charring emheaalemeat. On Be pi ember | at Atlanta. On.. Dr. ('herlee W. Daniel, chairman of the executive committee of Ike church, announced that there erne "appnr •ntly a ahortage of one million dei iara oa the hooka ’ handled hr Oam- M At that time he had dhuppeared from Atlanta. Two ladlctmeata charging emhu iclment oae charging mlenpprepvin tton of in.tN and the other MMH have been returned ngnlapt Oeraen by the Pulton county grand .Jury at Atlanta, and solicitor general i. A. rfoykiu baa aanoopced that other true htUa will he eought he rapidly aa auditors working on the books hM complete * DIRECTS APPEAL TO STATE YOUTH Gardner CDgg Rocord of Rgpuh Henna la Votoraao AM yr- Tlgitwi WILBON, Sept **—(**— Appealing to the young men of North Carolina, tin American Legion and toe methdtn of tkia mate, 0. Mag Gardner, Dame < retie Kuaeraetorlal nominee plentfed with them here tonight to ge loth* polls to Nooember nod defeat the «a fubllcan party beennae of “the klft ertmea committed ngainod the die. a bled end aksk reUraae of the world war.“ . ' There k one Mil of iedUmont egalnot the Repabltoaa party that. 1 call upon ton young men of North Carolina to proanente an Norembnr «'• Mr. Gardner naM “Thle Mtl Tk the serioes charge larolved M toe responsibility ~of the RepnMlona party tor lt» coodncf toward the Mi •nd disabled soldier* of the world war.* _ American soldiers iwinmed from the campa and field of conflict to be come the vtttme of toe ormftio*. bribery and treachery of the Veter ans Bureau, toe epeeker charged The jrlmlnal lews of the fl. 8. Bent Col. PorbUe to the Atlanta pent. tertiary for hie bribery and for the soldiers money he elole, Mr. Onrdner declared. Bat the moral and poltlcal lew of responsibility will never b* vindicated end made ceen nntll toe Hepohllcen party, roeponatble for the. dirty crime against the nation* young men. Is rebuked, conrlcted end repudiated at the bar of a long dd .ayed, but perpetually outraged pub lie opinion- • > “I eppeel ItPlhe first rotor* to commit their c»u»e and heart* to tha Democratic party on Its record In state end nation.“ Gene and Polly May Be Married In Rome HOME. Sept 21- MfV—After e feW r hour* experience heretoday with the formality for bia approaching wed ding with Mis* 'Polly” lauder of Greenwich. Conn, (tone Tunney, re ared heavyweight champion decided that if his bride to be ag ( (reee they will he married In the eternaj, city. MU* Lander end their parents, <to gether with several frtoi»m» are voy aging toward Napela where they are due next Tueaduf. TVW

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