WEATHEH f Partly cloudy Sunday possibly show, era In north portion Sunday inner mg /Monday (air. Not much change In temperature. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 184 GOVERNOR SMITH DISCUSSES PROHIBITION IDEAS Charges Republicans Have Used Eighteenth Amendment For Policy believes People of States Should Have lx>ral Option on Slate Sale Alcohol COMPLETES FIRST TOUR INTO WEST Stresaea Kart That President Could Not Itrinß Ideas To Pass Alone MILWAUKEE. tB-pt. 29 (4*)—Strik luff bis first campaign M» “< P r ° . hibition. Governor Smiili contended tonight that the slates should he Klv eu the right to modify both the IBih amendment and the VuFrad act- or* to keep them in effect within their borders. As be wound u up his Initial stump ing tour through the west with « apeech in this city. once widely known for Itn beer, the Democratic nominee for president caljfrtft for frank diwueslon of the prohibition UHcHtion uud »s*ailed 'present Feder - al restrictions on the manufacture end sole of liquor ami the Keputtli can administration for the way 1t has been, enforcing them Then he outlined *•< lit hD speech of acceptance. h‘s program for modi ficatlou for both the 18th amend ment and the VoDtead law, onlj'Jtow ever. In slate s where- a mapority of the voters gave their approval. He renewed his pledge to guard agslnst the return of the saloon, but made no dlrsct reference In his prpared Urt to the Canadian llqnor srtttPm «s he did last month at his notf catlon in Albany. ' "It must be borne in mind” aald the New York governor "that under my suggestion Federal prohibition la preserved In its entirety for the stale* that desire to remain dry," “It “wll remain always the dlity of tin Federal government urtfrr my proposal to protect the states desir lng to remain dry from the lntrodur tlon or importation Into them of al eoholic Beverages. "It retains all the featured of the 18th amendement and the act su taln lng It* except that the »!*le IlseW in the soverign power after a vote of the people deride tinder strict control to dispense alehhollc beverages. “Now I am fully aware.” the De mocratic nominee went on “that the president of the Doited States can not bring this shout by himself; hut repeating what I said In St. Paul, what we laek in this countrv Is lead crahlp; and If I am elected president of the United States it will he mv duty to Iny this Platter before every, community th»t 1 can reach and let them make their own decision. If that Is not Democratic government 1 must confess that I do not under stand it. 0 “You can except nothing ftom the * Republican party The long record of eight years Indicates that they have Used th»' law for patronage pur posse and for poftleal erpedlenry. They have tiled to lie went when they were with the wets-and dry when they were with the dry. hare silently sold hV an p-emitted the paralysis of the whole machinery of government when It rom--« tn ear rylng out the mandate of the eon < ‘(button and the statut of the Taw. It t* because of that that after eight years they are compiled to promise again that they wilt do •omtth'ng shout It If given a npw lease on life by (he American people.” 100 Acre Nahunta Far«i Brings $21,000 of the large it deals in rural real estate in Wayne county In month* was consummated ye-ter-tqv when J. D- Pate of Fork Township schl jto I, R Ayeix-k, a fine 100. acre near Nahunta rburcli. Buck Swamp T-wnstilp, for--42UMK>, or $2lO an acre. The deal was handl ed through Joe A. Parker's real e-Hale P ffics- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY Diphtheria Cases In County Show Increase The number of diphtheria K per cent In excess of the num ber lit the county at the name dace lu>a year, tt was stated yesterday at the Wayne and Goldsboro health department- There arc 26 case* In the county now. against 12 the same date a year mis. An uncs.ial ty large number Wf adults are as dieted with the disease, it was wild HIGH GRADIITES ENTER COLLEGES . 1 ■ v Thirty Two Member* of last Year’* ('lans—63 IVrretll— Have Matriculated Sixty three porsent of the Golds-, boro high school graduating class of Inst year have matriculated in col leges lids fall and have entered up on their work. There were-fifty one schools -were selected by the thirty four young ladies and seveutecn young men. Nineteen different schools were selected .by the. stlrty *-wo students who left Goldsboro for their first year's round of instruc tion. Twenty four of the young grad uatf* Selected colleges of the State while eight .iwtient out of tTifrT’ Tar Heel borders to the lnstttnttona of their choice. The boys seem to have -» higher percentage of Ihtr member chip entering college. Eleven of the aeventeon are seeking more instruc tion. a preentage of sixty five. Twen tv one of the thirty four girls are taking further work, a percentage of « ! xty two Six boys have town left at home The numbcT of girls remain mg out total thirteen. AH of the boy* who for reason of thetr own decided to remain out of reboot have found employment. Some are making their plan* to en ter college at some future time, a few are probably entering upon » career tor life Os the Wilrten young women who sos their own reasons are at home ttiig year, more than half of them have found employment out of the home, while the others have pro h.bly found that they c»n very pro fltably spend time around the fire ride The writer feels safe In saying that so far noti have followed the inai rimonlal path, though som- m»y have plans of their own. The action! sya-f tern has been nhle to keep three, young ladies of the class, one acting r,r secretary to the superintendent, one assisting Mrs. Spicer in Wit- high M-liool cafcterts. nnd the third spend ing some time helping out ia the l;'gh hi hool library. So far, Hie two winning thy Well prises have chosen to remain iK,. home tills year. •• The Continued ion I’age sixi Jackson Urges Republicans Make Most Os Opportunities (Jo out Into Wayne county and ta hot continually In make the best u r the great opportunity for suceenx for toe Republican party which has ari* en in North Carolina Such- t* I . l * In «-ffect tlie advice of Bn.willow J t k . i-n of Hendersonville. State Republl can chairman, tof Hepnhltcau couhtv here yesterday morning. I’aul C. We«t of Ralcigli, manager of the Republican, canipilg.it la E i u " anil addressed the cls-'aineetlng which-was presided over by T. C ('row. county chairman, -one seventy fvc G. (j. P. enthusiasts of the o , county were present. , Mr. Jack-toli wus enthualasttr in hi* opinion it* 4o the sucre<* of the [ county an sjau- tickets of his party Winds Buffet Tiniest Dirigible 1 fiAhr- Tiif '(■ -> >’■ • • *• •\) r $ - rriVf-A* in* i .. - a yr 1 r Thf Puritan, world’* snullrst dirigilde. i» shown above attempting to combat 55-mile An hour wind in* order to make a landing in New York's Battery Pat*, in the (oreirround. A. H. EDGERTON IN STATEMENT Did Not Authorize Use of His - Nairn* at Hank Hearinn ' 4 . In Kaleißh | A. ft tolgertwr, local financier. In no way authorized the us- of hl< i cm« a* approving the petition of fh‘- | Branch Banking and Trust Comp*A? of Wilson for the location of a branch bank ia Goldsboro, he »t»ted to The News yesterday An account, of a hearing before Jhe Corporation commission, wrltten.by Tom Host for tint-jtlri:.Bil:iboro Dully N« w . had been re printed In Saturday's Goldaboro News, and contained reterwu i Mr. Kdgertpp. The latter risued the following: “I notice in your pap r of this nimning a report of the, hearing, held, before the Corporal ion Commission Thursday, of of tho Branch Banking* and Trust company to open a branch bank in Goldaboro. “As "my na< >• was quitr pfom tu tit ly mentioned In the would like to muke this staterm nt In regard tp It: Thai not sign th- paper endorsing it ami that the use of mjr name or petition in the matter w*a unoauthorlzed, against my “wishes, and without my knowledge or con - seut. - ttf. trust those advocating It will pleaae refrain from the u*e of iny name any further In this connection.'' <1 KTIS INJIHID LAWTON. Ok la.. Sept. 29 S-naDr Charles Curtis, republican vice presl d< ntbil nominee i».iinfully injur ed Uperi lilsi iVfiiv.il hi'ietodav lien a linger was caught In Die door «t an automobile. n the corumk election, he tool tiw Wayne b-adcr*. Tli• ■ meeting lu.ied about an hour, and following It Mr. Jackson and'. Mr W< -t proiv - tied to Burgaw and Keuansvillo Sot, further i onftrencf». Mr. Jackson war quoted as saying that lie would look with favor upon Senator Borah speaking In Goltkt. tioro. tn ca*e this Republican leader » ime« to North F.irolln.i lia* tieeit -rdlcatid a* a possibility Tim ap proaching nth or* of S'-I) a) or- Fuel is, vice presidential nominee in Raleigh has stressed. tt was considered p >baho th.lL Mss B«*well, daughter of-th lti|>U htlcsn nominee tor governor will tw- Jnyited .to. the city for addresses on behalf of tin- candidacy of h'-r fath cr nnd of the- national Republican ticket. ‘ GOLDSUORO- N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1928 [HOLD RALLY HERETODAY \ - * \ ^ —; Ikiutist Young People From Nine Churrhp-; Coming To naptint Tn* H. Y, I*. Ip* «f the Neuse | YUantte Asosclatlon to wbiett the i * Ih-incordcy I£A J, KI <; 11. Congicssmeu from Texas and uar from Georgia will Join the state's bn* I pry "I i .impasg.:. speaker, n.ho will carry tlie cause of democrat y into more than 76 communities in the sla'- tl'it •:.- tire ‘commg w-w-k, the sc tied ul. ann- tn- -d today by Slate I Chairman (J. M Mull -hows. j Several speakers from amour Die political leaders in North Carolina ' who hnn not yet Ims*ii In actioi will j also talic the si lamp during the week-j , Fr i sir ilnnli.ini and Jliitcn So li ners. representatives Ip Congress 1 from Texas, are t«> speak three t'niea tin the sia'e next seek. Fon are* jngn K t. * , 4 • ii ha ■ ■'!> '. engagements The weeks schedule of sp. ci he. In. eludes: Monday, Judge C. I ? . Harris of Ra lelgti it Mi olive; J. W. Halley at Now B-- h. and O. Max Gardner at ■ Muielicad City. Thu th day O Max Gardner at Cfotds b»rld«boro, with wlu>m Captain Baldwin had made sev era! v -Its during tlie last two or tlrree ye»m, 111 health having forced hi* retirement from active service. IHs condtion gradually grew worse (Contiued on F*agc Six- Harris Speaks At Canvass At Mt. Olive Monday Night The Democratic campaign lu Wayne county will reach full season from this week a* the sport scribes would -r.ey when Charles 0. Harris ,i M- Olive Monday night tad <>. Mux Garner of speak* In Goldsboro Thursday night, Os tub if I. The Mt. Olive meetlpg wdl he held in th- school auditorium at 8 o'clock In the evening and will be the second of tin. Wayne comity rsnvasn. ibe one at Fremont haring la-i-n first. Adivc e.< reaching county headquarters y«* terilay wire that eenslderaWe Inter «-st 1« iielug atnnlfest in the appear a tire ut Mr. Harris In Mt. Olive, The peaker Is a member of the Raleigh bar and n campaigner of no soft ped al inclinations or antecedents; Gardner comck to Goldsboro on Thursday night In his stumping tour cf lhe s i>Ute t and every Democrat tu EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY Community Club Work Is To Be Resumed In County About Oct. 15 ONE IS KILLED IN EXPLOSION, .. o v Garner Filling Station Wrecked By Force of ' Gan Blaat RAI.EIOH, Bept. 29 Flame* fed by the fume* of gasoline spread tra r«dy lu fight off the pirates was The Anklng. which lefrt Singapore, September 2S for Houg Kong, was at tacked by the Piratea Wednesday la the'Gif of Tonglng. . The plimtee had (hipped aboard the ship as paaseag. era, a frequent practice la Chine** waters. Mo«t of the officers of the ship ward at dinner when the pirates, number ing 40 men drbpped their passenger mlea After a brief fight, tha pintles reined the ship's armory and took tall control of the vessel. Overawataff the 1.400 passengers aboard her. All (he passengers ware mustered oa the desks and systematically searched. I-oggage and cargo cases were ton sacked and the ship's officers wars robbed- i „*, “ The pirates disembarked Jo thred lifeboats, taking loot rallied at tM.SSB Mexican. Sever*! Chinese pessingirs were taken along to he hold as M ransom.