WEATHKH I'artly cloudy slightly warmer In la terior Wedaaadsy, Thuradsy fair. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 166 GOV. SMITH BACK HOME FOR FEW DAYS OF REST "a * 1 * . *- 7 !:■■ ' r ’ ' ' _ ... Will Decide Whether Or Not To Make Trip Into North Carolina Right Now He lo Interested In Catching Up With His Sleep Schedule ROOSEVELT CHOSEN BY N. Y. DEMOCRATS 4. Democratic Nominee Prevailed Upon Roouevelt To Accept Nomination ALBANY, Oct. 2-GPI Governor Smith returned home tonight from Mb first campaign tour a* a prcslden ti*l nominee. After an abaence from Albany of 16 days. he win welcom ed at the atallon by a hand and a o , crowd of enthusiastic Itemocrat* GOVERNOR SMITH’S TRAIN KN HOUTE TO ALBANY —(A")'-Near the end of a journey lain the heart of the Wnt, Governor Smith thla evening welcomed the prospect of a few daya rest In the peaceful surrounding* of the executive mansion at Albany. There, an he puts it himself, the Democratic preaidenttal nominee In tend* to catch up ou sleep and gets hlmaelf primed, both physically »nd w'th material for speeches, for the final weeks of the campaign. The governor's plaus are - ite. He rleterated today after leaving Rochester and the Democratic at ate convention that he did not know how long he would remain In Albany, where he would go on his next stnnip lag tour, or what he woifid dtecuss Ir the donen or more speeches he Will deliver before election day. <• Definite details will be worked "out within the next few days and pro - bably before the end of the week It will be known whether the nominee agrees with some of his advisers that on the negt trip he ahonld swing Info the South—into Virginia or North Carolina—end Incade "such border states as Term ease/ Kentucky and •W. Vlrg nta. It la a certainty that he will go Into both v Missouri and Maryland, apeak (n a, few middle wee tern citiaa and wind up hie campaign in the Eaet but further schedule* are sllll In the making. . A little more than an hour after the Democratic’ convention had ad - lourned today the Governor's camp aign special was on. Its, way again, with Albany about five hours away. As a press conference held In the club car, the presidential .nominee appeared elated over the state ticket put In the field by hie party/partlrul trly over the nomination of Frauklin D. Roosevelt for Govarnnjf ' • Roofcevelt with full aseurance that he- would take the post of state lead ershlp,” said Smith, relating how he had urged Roosevelt,, now In Georgia over the telephone to alter hi* deci sion not to become a candidate. *T : simply told him that the con - vention was unaimnus for him, that the Democratic party needed him. >nd that I didn’t see how he could’ ref use." « NASH’S PLANE MAKES RECORD „ v Telephone Wire I’revenla “Mlhh Goldsboro" From Getting First.Hbnor - The way It stands now Lither Nash, member of Boy Scout imop number 1. has the champion self build model akpljnc Young Nash’s model holds tVf Gold'bord record among all contender* with “yards of fine flying. Thab “Is the offh lai record. John law Best, 'however, got tils good plane built by himself, to stay In the air for 114 yards In au unofficial test. Had not a telephone wire got in the way Billy Brown s -Miss Ooldsb.ro" would have taken honor* .evlly Brown's “Miss Goldsboro'' got away to a fine take off and was going s’rong and rising *t ohm I y when It hit a tele phony wit* and crashed further tests are to be can ducted later under the direction of W. W- IlVvVr*, Scout Executive. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ Eli. BUYERS BEFORE THEY! BUH * T £ Catch 26 Found Carp i In A Dining Room How would you like to go Ash ing in your owu dining room apt? cptch a M pounder. Some folk* uia> thlhk. that that Is the way lhey> .trbuld ever get k dah. Well, tj what happened at, the State Hospital for the Colored Insane following the recent flood ’The dining room of the hospltul was several Rxhea In water from the rlsiug of the Neuae. Employees set to work pumping out the v ater after the river hud fallen discover, ed a 26-pound Geimau carp In the room- NO HOPE FOR ~~ SCHOONOVER Former Golduboro Mjtn Shot By Wife, Who Fires in Self DefenMe ’I. > * Little hope was held yesterday for the recovery of Edward Schoonover, former Goldsboro resident, vwho Ilea at the point of death in a Rocky Mount hospital, suffering from btfl let wound* inflicted by hi* wife. The Schoonovers lived In C.oldaboro. two years *gp and Schoonover was known as an excellent mechanic and a \likeable man except when drink li*g\'The ahootmc tern re# to "Lonl* bury/lo which place the family had moved, edslV Sunday morning. . Police say Schoonover while in tox'cated attempted to whip wife setslng a pistol she fired twice at him. One bullet struck Schoonover in the ahoulder aud the other through hi* abdomen. Mr*. Schoonover, police hay. threat ened to end her own life following | the shooting of her husband and she is being closely gusrded at her home by deputy sheriffs. _ v VISITORS ARE . ROTARY GUESTS Club Honors Women's Club Fed eration Council Delegates At Barbecue h ' "" The Goldsboro Rrttary club enter tained at the -Memorial Community Building last nlglit at a barbecue, lion Vrlng delegates to the council meet ing of the North Carolina Federation of Women's clubs and wlvol of Ho tarisns. TbonfaH O'Berry acted *tj toast master and presented Kav Armstrong rod Rev. J. M. Daniel who bade the delegate* »nd wives welcome to the city and to the occasion la the name of the club. Response wait made by .Mrs. W.* J.’ flrogden of Durham. Some seventy guests enjoyed th# hospitality of th# club. __ Bushwhacking Campaign In Wayne Aimed At Democracy The position of the Democratli r «rty In Wayne eounty i* ■»' >nh< h », danger today «» It »a« in the flay* when Captain Nathan tVH.rry and hi* harotc cohort* held VVayn< steady and true and waved the dav In thin latrtct. This atatemeni Is nnd. hy The New* upon receipt of r*lia - He Information a* to the Jnsldloua campaign that I* heln* waged ag*lti«t the Democratic nominee*. From till* aource in that part of the county and from that •ourv* in o' , .. another. *nd another and another. teport* have been reaching The New* the pa*t few day* of the campaign heln* carried on for the defeat of Democracy in Wayne. The camp»lan 1* lie'n* leveled iu the main again**' Governor Hmiih anil it I* upon thi* i**ue that’ tho*e woiktn* a*ain*t the |»arty arc making their attack*, work ill* quietly without public, notice in llftl* group* gotten together her? pud - Fugitive Caught, - - i - r - - - | |■| _ ■ | ■ - ■ -|- ■ - | ■ -| -1 -iii mu ...i . * waMEIiV; ' mgm fa . w|B“ : M. - •* t ■ ?<?*'■. J*' j • I I E:« . a l C . - ■■ —. tu —■■ WOULD YOU WTOOONIZE HIM? .. * IJ?rc is the first photo of Clinton 8.-Carnes in Canada* ; made by the Winnipeg police just before he wait hailed into court Saturday inorninp, when he was ordered held. It was j sent by rail to St! Paul, by plane to Chicago and by tele photo to AUsnta. —Photo by NcwsreeL Editor Wbll Street Journal Died Tues. BATTLE GREEK, Clarence | W. Barron, flaundal authority and editor of the Wall SI reel Journal, and a number of other financial pub- | lications. died tonight at a locul sunl Fifium. lie had l.eeu in a state of coma for the last IS hour*, rallying but once. Mr. D»rron, who had b”cn a fro-j rjuent vialtor here, was brought to the sanitarium three weeks ago, then very 111. there over thp county. Republican*, according to reports • caching The' New*, are going ‘ly about the byways and hedge* In tl-e rural district* of the county, seek III* out here and their that man who' 1* known to he on lh« fena*. Follow* a solid barrage of distributing ini*. \ icpreaentation* about the position of Governor Smith upon oO liut mod of all the retJflui; prejud ice* of the people being played upon in this "bu-. hw harking'' < atn- I *l*n. “I believe tbW I at* pped Into one of th«*>« little ralllc* the other night" »a : d a staunch “uppnrter of <3-e Demoii'itlc ticket from ron*t«We to president, "Everytlyii* fell sljent uni tb* M-lk tlo r< K*ok> nr ■oiid »■< it to auunire what 1 *»• doing there It waa « meeting of *otn« i >rt at uhleh X. was pot and tba .JU <Cooti»u*J on pag* 6i ;^| GOLDSBORO- N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1928 DARING ESCAPE BY DICKERSON Notorious 'Robber and Compan ions Overpower Guard and Squeeze Through Wires MONTGOMERY. Ala. Oct. 2 —Aided by three outsider*! Huy D.Ck craon, notorfuua hank robber and I Jstt breaker, wnh two companion* to j night overpowered a guard on Kilby prison wall and escaped hy scaling the wall und uiueeilng through "high t>iislon wirot. Dickenson who was serving 20 to _r. year* wa- an umpanled. In hi* lat 1 cat break hy Frank Cook, aha*, J. M. Cooley, serving a life sentence for | burglary and Ivaiihoe Sllvey. farmer,. 1 ‘King of Rootlecgyrw of f!irmln(tli*m" The alarm w.i given by the guard who w.i* overpowered. A. G. Richards fter He had removed Rtrlp* of adhe tve "tape w tli which the convict* . and their outside conspirator* cover ed hi* month and eye*. - | SUcbard said fli Tily before 8 o'clock •■‘to/ight he was approached , hy three men, one of whom told him ' he was to be relieved, and mad* as if tr> preo-nt him i note but ir.ateud pr.-died a pistol into his fSc© j The trio overpowered him. before I lie could make an outcry,. Richard* 'j mild, Uhen handcuffed him and cor. eyed his eye* and moiPh with adhe -1 j mvp tape. Dickerson and his two companion* , then wonted the Wall,. *i|Uc catpi '■|ti i .!n ten ion electric wire, ut d n»ing a nip* ladder, dropped, out ■ Ido and iuut.-Jied with their uui-ff<* Helper* iu au automobile. _ CARNES EAG’R TO GET TO ATLANTA Alan Who Almconded With Bap tiMt Money Wants Speedy f; « Return WINNIPBO, Man., Oct. 2 Refusing to discuss details of his speculations and flight to Canada until after be has conferred with his attorneya, Clinton H. Carnes, absconding treas urer or the Southern Baptist Mission U’.artl of Atlanta. ()•„ today paced lit* cell, begging for speed In getting him Uck to Allauta “No, I shall not fight extradition", he said, "My attorneys have advised, we that such a course would be fu-i t'le. Anyhow. I want to get back and have It over wiUT‘ > Carnes was capttfred her* late Frl-1 day after a uatlon wide searyh across the United Hialsa and Canada. Ha admitted his Identity. “The Statement I mae to’Winni peg detectives Batjmlay in wlhch I raid I did not steal ll.OiHl.OtMi from the Baptist Board. I* absolutely true" Carnes said. "No. of course I will not admit how much f did get”, he coutlnued "1 uever said I stole a dime, did IT "If there Is tl.o*h),(H>o miwlng from the Board's funds someone else must have gotten plenty. I dost car* to the case atsHl." Carnes, dreased ’ In ! gray trousers and * sweater coat, was nervous and 111 at ease, Impatiently h* rejected suggestion* that he tell something regarding his movement* since lenv- Jng Atlanta. - - . HERB CHANGES HIS SCHEDULE Journeyn to Elitabethtown On Saturday to Speak In Ted netwee Mountaina WASHINGTON. Oct 2, f/Pl—Revla ing hi* entire Itinerary for th# re mainder of the campaign. Herbert Hoover today mapped out a new pro gram which will see him in action on th* drive for the presidency on elec tion day November 6. ’ This week end the Repullcan nom inee will joureny to Eliaabethton, Tenn . to speak In the Southern moun tain town on l&turday. The follow ing week he will move upon Boston where he will speak lit Mechanic* Hal low Novemelwr 15. He will close” hi* drive In the East the next week with a speech in the home town of Governor Smith, hla opponent. The date for th[* speech In Madisou Square Garden ell chang ed to October 22 because of the con flict of his previous speaking date, October 13, with election regtatra tlon ln Nvw York City. lailer In that city he will f*g£. westward again to Journey across th* lontlnent to vote at hi* home In Palo Alio, Calif., stopping to make a speech In the Middle We*t Ills final trolte of Ihe campaign will be nlade In a Yadlo addresa from hi* home on the night of November 6. The candid ale cleaned up a number of campaign detail* at hla home before turning to the daily round of ronferenrex today, at hi* headquarters Names Commission Work For Bentonville Military Park “ to undertake ways and ; mean* to have the battefleld of HentonvUl* 17 mile* from Goldsboro established «*i a national Military park and to brine about the coopers non of State and Kederl autborltlea la the consummation of' the project, »«< appointed by Oov. Ango* W. cl«*as ye*terd»y. The committee, appointed at the suggestion of Mr*. John 11. Anderson cnalramn of the publicity committee of the t utted Daiixhtar* of the l‘on fedeiacy. North Carolina Division fol low*: .0 < Mr*. John H, Anderson. Chapel Hill, president; Mr* Walter K Wood srd ' Wllaoti; Mr*. W M. Sander*. Smithfi*ld: Captain JCdgar Ilaln, Goldsboro; General A II Boyden, Salisbury; Geiti-rsil J. Van B Mett*. Hnl'ixii, Alrtander W*hh. Halclah: and Dickson Mcla>an. Raleigh “It 1* entirely, jtfobsbl* Hist tU# Piit County Receives - $5,000 Public Health Award, Delegates Told Democratic Rallies Who, Where, When Speaking engagement* tn th# IfeiuiM rapt campaigm tft Wayne county O. Max Uarduer of Shelby, Democratic candidate for Gover - nor at courthouse In Goldsboro Thursday evening at • o'clock. Hon. Josephus Daniels of R*l elgh, editor of News and Ohnenrer aud ex eerretar} of th# Nary In President Wilson's cabinet, at school auditorium In Fremont. I p. in Thursday, October 11. Mrs. Klllott of Hunter College New York City at courthouse lu Goldsboro, October 12, i p m. WHITE REPLIES TO ROBINSON Offers SI,OOO To DcMOcratlc Funds 1/ RoMnson Make Good BUlement EMPORIA. Kan, Oct B—(B^—Wil liam Allen White. Bporla edlUir aod author. In a statement tonight, offer td to contribute J 1666 l> the DMMx cratlc campaign fund If Senator Jo# Robinson. Dempcratic trie# presiden tial nomine* can pH# tbs date and place wheer th* Kansas editor dea crlbed Herbert Hoover as a "Fat padgy. cepoa, sluing on #«g*." Senator RoWseqß attributed the phrase to Mr. Whit# to an addreua isat night In Wichita aud added that Mr. White had referred to Senator Curt hi ** a "nR-wtt , \ "Senator Robinson,” Mr. -Whit# said, “ give# me more trouble than nil my money. He keep quoting thing* that I didn't say ... . “If J»e can cite the date and plat* where 4 declared that say capon over sat on eggs. I will give th* JDamo rrafllc campaign committee 11,060. Poor as I am aj arithmetic, I can figure there la sometthng biologically wrong about a capon sitting qn egg*. "Yet. I with 1 certlnly Mr. Hoover haa hatched oat a fine brood of trouble for Ihe Demo tratlc candidate* with the betting odds running 3 to 1 against th# Tam many gladiators. “If Senator Robinson la so keen nbout quoting my Immortal pros* ,here la a line for him—ln the prea *nt sloppy shamble*, dry Jo* Robin - son wears th* harassed look of an iintlHafyOou league preacher sitting ti - morously on the edge of his chair at a bartender* convention . . . "As for Senator Curtis, I have found, sometime* In sorrow, that he Is amply able to lake care of him heir” HtXhEK l»IK* NEWVAN. U* . Oct. 2 Thos Sir Parrott. 52, local banker, nt'lt owner and clvleleader died today 'rora a heart attack. thl* battlefield an a national Military i ark." "Governor MnLasn said. "A* It wa* one of the mo*t Important bat tie* fought In the Civil War. It la expe» ted that the govnrnment will reuuiye ; the *t*te to pnfchnae or condemn the land whlclj wiM be nee e*»ary I<% the purpoae and convey It without coat to the Kederal Govern ment, and the Kederal Government may then aasume control of It very much In the name way It ha* sa nitised control of the Battlefield of Moore'* ('reek Bridge, but nothing can he done miles* Con*r*»* pa**e* *ii art authorising the battlefield to be established s* a National Military n*rk. It t* expected thaf North Caro Una senators and representative* In Congre**. particularly Senator -Stm yffon* and Cnngt‘ea*m*n Hop, will ba* come actlye Is their efforts to hfcV* the ayesssaty Mfl ps»ss4- ©•*-: .. . ‘ • Pf'' •***>*■ S Ml I' rnfTnß on (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS . 1 " »■■■ ■■ PRIOR mi CRNTt State Council Federation of Wo men’s Club* Hegins Bm akHM la City r■u . . PROP. FRANK GRAHAM SPEAKS TO DBLBGATBB c • * Mrs. Thomas O’Berry OatHaes Projects ( Kibe TV Werk For This Tsar Opening their two day snasioa with • public meeting tastalght, delegates to the Council meeting*'** the Iterth Carolina Federation o t womee'e clahe were told hr their preeideat, Mrs. Thomaa O'Berry. that} |he pubhc I ealth award geee to Pitt eonnty. Mri O'Berry made thin aanoance ment In the ooaree of outlining oh lectlree to he worked for during the mxt few month*. The year's program as given hr tl* Gold*boro waagaa, prweeded the featare address of the area lag, made hy Prof Freak Ora liam of the University of North Care linn, . The award wHI be In fit assure ad a year's expart pehNc health uurvina by the Netleee) Child Health Amerfa Hon and the American Pablk Health A sohr Ist lon mined at |MN add the work will bo started In the late fall, Mrs. O'Berry said The North ONe- Hna Federation wop the award la competition with the worn pa's cinh r.rfifktiose of the Batten aad npeo the basis of health surveys complet ed by Individual eluha. The coast? .elected itor the wort wa« chosen on the hsttt of nooeetdh- IHty, present pnbtk health tare organisation, rwl aW bappr tivor, aad attttade toward pahtte health work Repreeeatailves of thd Plate Board of Health, the Child Wet f-ire Association aad the Pahtte Health association and of the Fad t ration of clnha named a committee which selected Pitt oonaty far the work. PreL Qrttam Bpekr Prof. Qraham keyed hlu Uidime ..with the program of the womeah clubs of the state as glm hr Ms». O'Berry, referring to the werk being taken as the fourth American revela tion. "Tbs New American frontier" Activities such an they are sudertek anh club bulldhig, la North Onrollaa the emphasis upon the Individual, upon "human atUtndne” and offer a :"ch»nc» to adopt noMa hnmaa atti tudes than have ever exttlted in the world before." b •They call as to freeh ndventnme" declared Prof. Graham la an etoga vnt addreaa “an they project new k tellectusl aad cplrtaa) frontiers." Especially did-.the Chapel MU pro feseor urge the elah women to land their Influence toward changing "North (larollaa’a shame" her rating with reference to public .libraries. There are. he told the eadlenoe gatb etod In the sudltorlam of the wont ing and sponsoring he declared piece today. l.ged.POU people *ho are with out access to a*y public library. There are 44 cogatlee in the state, he continued, which do not ham » public library of any sort -A* "North Carolina ranks nt the bottom of the aatoa,’’, he said, and pleaded with the clnb lenders to go I>ack to their homes eod to their homes /and to play their p»rt fn changing this rating. Pregram far flake "Don't be Influenced by ready made statements." said Mi*. O'Berry, in (he course of her statement of the year's program "Be fair and tolerant: bring honest, considered opinions to the ballot boxes and II pros them" and she sfremed the responsibility of every club wosian to study the platform* of the v*r iouh parties the records of the me k>u« candidates and to eierctae the full duty of cltixenh In the light of knowlMlxe sod reason. The clubs will work this fall, she raid, for multilateral treaty, for the Australian ballot, the eight ssoothe school law. renewal of the Infancy and maternity act* »hdjr*ttpi* Bfjh among womtu asdj|MtaHh'^t''JoK'l

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