? • The Newe Baseball Matinee Starts At Two P. M. Today: 0. Max Gardner Speaks At Eight Tonight I j weaThkb I Partly cloudy Thuraday. Friday fair I followed by ahewera to VOLUMR SEVEN; NUMBER 187 YANK AND CARDS SET FOR OPENER IN SERIES Combs Will Not Be Able To Start So Paschal And Durst Given Assignment HuKKtakM Says He n “Satinfled” I But Nut A* Much Aa Might Bo McKETUHNIE DEC LARES ifß ALL UP TO TEAM ' . * i Luacrri Not In Bout of Fonu; Cardinal Kreuh Aa Morn . ing Dew *, t i NEW YORK Oct. S-rhPI "We *re satisfied" mused Huggla* staudlug over i plate of roaat chicken ft the Medium May " w « » r * m,t h,,w#T . er, so well satisfied” he continued in the Mine paeslonlee* vole*. “»s we would be If Combs could play, which ! e cannot and If Hhaierl were In form be la not. "OtfT clUb eater* the series prepar ed to rlvs ak good as U aeadgand l* confident of Its ability to hdld It* own That sun helped today. No, 1 never make predictions ” %Ketrhnle Says NEW YORK —(A*) "nw yon ever | see a manager win a world series —I from the Bench" demanded BUI MrKetchnie, chief of the Reil Birds j as be aat comfortably In a field box. j st the stadium today ifliils the Car - dinals. spick and hpan In new road uniforms frolicked under an Indian summer JbwlC “Any championship that Is won by 8t liout* wilt hare tij he won by my players. They aye all prepared , The battle remains up to them -and the Yankee*. I must not predict since I really have no part In It at all.” . w Comb* faat o Play NEW YORK (>P>—Bahehall play er* wearing the color* of Hm New York Yankees and 8t T.ouis Cardin ala hit their last ball* for fun todaF and welted for the World Series to open tomorrow. After an extended *lnal practice session the champion* of the two leagues nut playing be - hind them for the World Bert** fa v strictly bittiness A bright, warm day save the ath -0 letew a rhanre to cloy* their prepara - tldtis for classic with extended Ijvt tin* drills followed by brisk Infield Workouth. Nothing happened al the last min - ute seeslons to Indicate that either manager ha* changed his ml-nd op pitching selection* for flu- opening selections Mller fHtfxgin* and Bill McKetchnie Insist that they Ire open minded as to nominations for pitching duty but there will be wide spread surprise If Waite Hoyt and Bil Sherdel are not the opposing ,i moundamen. The Yankees learned i definitely g the request go over to some other time. Subsequently Mr, T'.oVttll in osiiiference with Judge D. H. Bland, representing the petit, oner* agreed on today ** a hearing. J. J. Hatch ig Hlwo employed by the 'Vilson hank, a* Is W. A. Finch, Wit son attorney. A pumlyr of cltUens will go to Raleigh today with counsel' for the O. MAX GARDNER SPEAKS HERE TONIGHT SPEAKS HERE THIS EVENING 1 U "" j >■ V • •’■lll ■ JR, w r ' I HON. O. MAX GARDNER Democratic Candidate for Governor „ CORN CONTEST TAKES NOTICE Olkcr Communities Seek to Get Honor From Nahunta Com munity Men Wayne county farmers drq now giv Ing time to picking out their ten beat ears of corn to be offered in competition for a allvet vase offered at the Wayne county Fair, Goldsboro. October ID, November 3, The vase, given by a prominent seed dealer was received yesterday by county Agent A. K Robertson and la now ou dis play in his office. • ,1 Last year the prlxe for,tho ten best ears-of corn was won by Frank Peclq of the Nahunta community, hut fine ctfrn grower* of every section of the county are going to do their beet to take the honor away from him this year. <> The Nahunta community h*s thr** ; silver vases won by Nahunta farm ira for bc*t corn ears exhibited at various county fairs. In addition to that won In Wayne hv Mr. Peele, Joe PaVis of Nahunta took the slmlar prise at tin* Kinston Id county fair last year, and Floyd Kdgertod of thu. Continued on Page Stxl i ctltioners. Whether or not opponent* of the reqqcat will also go to the hearing could not be learned. Most active among prlvaf- Inter cat* worklns for the bank nFfw- F I’ G Thompson.Jdr. Thompson said yesterday that In had cv.-ry rcueon to believe Ihat the appllcaliou of the Wilson company would be granted. “Auother hank here,” he asid "wouM iu t)irth.!-i toward tafnlug olher peo pie to CioldHtioro than most ’anything that (ould be doni “ A petition circulated u the city and asking the Corporation Commit sinn to grant the application h.m been rigned by about 2df> an hat ah tla 1 men of the «tty. In the county shout n.er* have signed a like pctitlo'n. Not half a do*en,who were ap proached declined to sign the peti lion,” Mr. Thompaoq said- GOLDSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1928 DUPLIN CROWD LIKES GARDNER Not Enough Seats To Go Round When Democratic Candidate S peaks There (Bpecial To Th* News) KENANBVIL.I.E, \Uft 3 «>»*) ~ There weren't enough aeata In the Duplin county courthou*s> here to day when O. Max Gardner, Demorrn tic candidate for Governor spoke here this afternoon. They said down there that it way’ the higg««t politi cal gathering here In a eoon'a age. I1 he crowd was estimated at from , 1200 to 15(10 ail'd they must have . cade the next governor feel mighty 1 good, the way they cheered t>landed him as he went along. | 'The Shelby m*n did a good Job of i tearing Into the Republicans and their alders and comforter* who are laying down the “whispering" at tack on Governor Alfred K Smith. Mr. Gardner let it tie known In no uncertain term that he wm not mak lug an appeal for the .iippurt of thus* who are agniipi'tthu national candidate. r H«r compared deserting Governor Smith to dcWertbiy the commander lu chief of' ait army. Following the address, Mr. Gard ter returned to Raleigh where he T 111 spend the i before going to I’,'ldshoro night for an add res- 1 P Wayne Street Woman Died At 1:50 Wednes. —?- Mr*. Roberta Buck, 42, died at her borne at 145 Wayne street at 16 11 1 ye*t*rd»y afternoon after an llltiews : of five r eeks. Mr*. Buck fs survived by her I husband, D. W. llu* k, three small ; children and three brothers, Camay. I cwla and Ij6iin|e N, sh.nk., all of ! Jopisi county.'Funeral arrgngamentH 1 haVe not be'en • ,>aiplftiMl Imt will be ■sometime Friday in Kinston. Mrs. Buck wan a natlv* of Jonea county •for several years i but had bc.» i a Gold.boro resident kim;h DUGHTIM mf.ft RAl.KlOll, Oct. :s, l/l 1 , The thirty ninth animal convention of the North 'Caroling Branch of King’s Daughters J opened here today- A re'igloqs sea 'Won opened tha program. The News To Stage Baseball Matinee For Biseball Fans Invitation* reading aa follows were distributed yesterday in Goldsboro and Wayne County by The Goldsboro Daily News. “You are to be the guest of the Goidaboro News, at the World Series matinee, beginning at 2 p. m. Thurs day afternoon." Standing room will be provided for 1,000 in front of The News office on South James street and this room ie yours for the taking. • Ralph King, champion megaphone operator, will broadcast the game to the fans from The New« windows. The play by play story wf II be supplied The News by The Associated Press. Wires of this news-gathering agency will hoojj directly into the playing grounds and Cart Brandenbury, who for 25 year* has covered the World Series, will dictate tne story. , » Latest Example Os “Whispering** Attack ’ *. * Her* t* tjie lataat sample of "whispering'' being circulated lo cfUy agsuUt Governor Alfred I j Smith. When*-* the unmitigated “He" Came or how could not be ascertain by The News, but It la going the rounds In Goidaboro. “I am Just, aa 'frald of that place.” aaiil * cirtaln man of th* city, pointing to the local Cathe-. lie church building, “a* I am of a snake You know they tell me that there la a company of militia drilling in there every night, had that as eoon as Al Smith 1* elect ed they are going to take charge of the country tor the Catholic*" Thft was the conversation gives Th* Hews ythjkenlay from reliable source*. , . - - i - -- ■■■ 3 If thle le ignorance Good Ixml give u* Mexico. R not Ignorance hells gates are yawning hungrily. 1 COUNCIL ENDS y SESSION HERE -. , $ District Meeting* es Women's ( lube Are Next On Program 1 Ci The Connell of the Btate Federa tion of Women* club* chjn*4 lu two day session her* yesterday afternoon when It adjourned following the luncheon given ll* member* at J o'- clock The morning was devoted to business and Included plan* for ds~ partmrnt* presented by chairmen of Cltlaeilalilp. American Home, Ait. Civic*, Education aud literature departmentb. Into which the Federation la organised for,pro gram purposes. The chairmen of standing committees- also presented their plana for the year Mrs. Thos. o’Ber>-y presided. Tlie next thing on docket In th*i activities of the woman's clubs of the Mate Is the district meetings for the sixteen districts. They begin today at Raeford, and Mr*. *nd Mr*. W. J. Brogden, first vice preei rnnllnnsit n« Fag* Rtx* Wayne Blockaders Now Erect Iron Shed To Protect Outfit Wayne county blockaders sprla «• met king *ew on SkegHfa de puties every few weeks, it »eems, The Infest I* a galvanised Iren roofed shed hnllt in teh forests to skelter the boose plank Oflieerf discovered *nck n »hed In the Wooten'* VII *eetl«n es 8e» Hope township. Mark* about the shed showed that a consider able stay had been made at the place, probably several months, bat the oatflt had keen recently looied. A half mile from the site the depatles found hidden la brash a complete kg gallon rap aril y ontfit. Deputies ..ffornrgny, Gardner, Smith and Coker voach for the facts In this story. In the Hennett's Bridge sec tion of Indian Kprlag*, the De puties raptured a M gallon efill la operation. A* they extend the HOOVER TAIJCS WITH COOLIDGE f , V * t — 6 Reprenentalive Flah Txllh Dr. Work Religious Literature Must Be Slopped - WASHINGTON, Oct. J~(dfl-Aer pert Hoover today pgtd another viett to the Whit* Hoae* to dtecaea the general political situation with Preei dent Coolldge and dtenoned after the ccnference that the chief executive t leaded to deliver some eHnini befoe* election day, The Republican sidentlai nominee deolarwd that he did not know whether the epeecbee of Hr. Coolldge would he poilMcal He would not reveal th* subject es their conversation beyond declaring that tt was upon various matter* pertaining to the campaign and the gtnara! prog reds of hla presidential fight Earlier In the day Hoover wel comed a group of Drat voters from th* home town of Governor Alfred B, Smith, bis Democratic opponent, with a brief addraea ta whtcb he saa f, has lied that the vigor and Ideal lam of th* yoanger generation were ***** tial to carry on the Republican party. -The candidate also 1 learned from Representative Hamilton Flab of New York a new angle on th* politi cal all nation In that nt*t*. The nom In*tlon of Ambassador A. B Hough ton of Great Britlan aa Republican senatorial candidate, Fish aaid. to gether with the vigorous fight of tifia Democratic forces under Gover,, nor Smith had thrown that state la to the doubtful column.,, The selec tlon of Houghton had alletuited th* world war veterans from th* Republl can party. leter Fish said he had informed Dr Hubert Work, rhalrmTn of tb* Re publican national committee that i utilemi the circulation of religious lit ; erature was stopped, the Democrat* would make a weeping gains hi th* East. He added that he also had urg *d Work to eumnyon Mr*. M*bel Walker Wlllebrandt back to her du i tie* In the department of Justice, Ftak TxHr Dr. vicinity, two youth* meed pad them on a Ford r««4«trr and «»*e dietaace up the road fired »t aa liakriaary object la the w«od». Fired twice la <|alclt «nc_ ce**»lou. Thio wa« evidently the “clear ont >hrnal*' far when the officer* reached the utill a few mlaateo later, nobody wan at hemej.iquor waa Irfrkllatr Into a half galloa frail Jar which wa« ronalng over. Fear empty par rel* «howad a rood «lied rani had tH-en made, koraegay, Nmith and t.ardaer were (he raider* la thi* laotaarr. GFKWtIf IHRK.IBI.F ■ETrtJTfI TO RERUN HUM .IN. fkt- 3. After paying a friendly vialt to Kngland the new German dirigible Orafaappella ranch, ad at 9 a. m today. lmiMy oi KBB ASSOCUOD n mm puci no cam Nathan O’Berry To Present Him H*H Arrive la Clgldsksss This Morning Spend Meal es The Day Here ■ «. . . O. Mas OtHur, es Shady. Dan cratlc (’an didst* tor Oewfcn, will address Democrats at Wayne owenSr •t the court bourn thta uvuetoe •* » o'clock. TIM ooertboWke vttl In ell probability mat be large eamngh In' as far accomodations te all Whe coast, but W. A. Data, County shelrmae, ■aid yesterday feat fee Peanarart. principle of ft ret coaae ftrat aarvai would bo folio wad with raCwanee In the aoata. “So If yen Intend to hear Mr. Oof# nor— and 1 know yen deal want • inlaa that—ran ked better la tkean early." captain Nathan OWarvy, aaa Ikaa atato chairman of fee Df gratis party la North Caroltan. and fee haro of many a battla tor tka Paaa cratie party, will prikant Mr. Oavd nor. Mr Oardnar now baa (ha aam uatloa which at nap Sat the tofe boro man. aanardtof In Jaaipnaa Dan tola, daelfead to BBeagt. Ae uevaty lead la fee day# of matoeiaai .Cap tata O Berry bold totogae ante to «Ka for the party banal Mjto^ it was «ta tod Ho may he lußbrwkai tirod after kla tranwana feaaktog tear of tka peat three waeka and eaatetr the unity as Sitting * to* hour* of rant. It Id ylry probable. howeror. that the gnhevaeterial eoe •iidato Will do n toad Ml of greet- Ina fee fothk before fee hear tor M» addrefe tonight. f\«. M n nnmf I n Inndafla aafe ftaaPf • Mad Fa.. ■wt IV m^^^wafaM toaighi to have ana of . the heal . "eonl saving" political apeechoa aaadl la the rictalty fena tor hi tka earn** ' paisa Mr. Onrdnnr atprtod aana# ratlraly, bat haa bean warealap up more aad more the farther an down ; the line be haa pane la bis fear. In Morehaad City Monday night » rira alarm dteturhed Mm spunking Volunteer firemen 1a the aodlecco had to raah oat. "Ton fellowo kar ry on out oad pet ant feel lira and come bock." said fee nominee. "For f am going to kalld a tire under the Republicans and they will send yon to put h out." Mr Oardnar la e native as Shelby. Cleveland county, and ta forty ala rear* eld. M tka nga as M ha agent nine month* aa a "male aklaaer 1 la the American army la ihlrtda aad ruba during the Spaaleh American war. Ila waa a» Mar feetball player at the I'ulre rutty of Nhrfe Caroling Since hie school days ho hoe boon football conch, lawyer, banker, manutoctarera. Sunday school lynch er. state senator, lieutenant governor. 1 ICARNES NEARS UNITED STATES HI At Reaa and Saaks to Avoid Talk A beet Hie Alkgrd •V •' > * % CrittMs HPRAOVE. Moutitobo 111., Oct. l— id)—At ease while chatting with of ficers taking him back to Atlanta. Clinton 8. Carnes early tbU after-, noon was neoring tke American bor •Mr. Hla alienee regarding fee past wea continued but he said ha realis ed his arrest and return muat he fee cause of a sensation through tba South. He appeared worried and seemed at though he sought to tease hla mind when she talked to’ Ms escort shout the Canadian prarite and algkte along the railroad Oraau fees was Hoad *nd he haa •everal days growth 'of beard. Ms ia bc*a 9 kept la handout* m^a^f