WEATHER MOSTLY PAIR Tt'BHUiY AMD WEDNESDAY VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 191 GOVERNOR SMITH TO VISIT RALEIGH THURSDAY Invites Wayne Folks To Come Over And Be Part Os Celebration * Governor Will Spend An Hour In State Capital— -3:30 to 4:30 CANCEL engagement DANIELS AT FREMONT I'arade and Reception Are Being Arranged For Visit Os Nominee A> Smith, brown derby, and all. t» romliiß to Raleigh Thursday afternodSi “'from 3:30 to 4:30 and wauti to meet all hla Wayne county lrlends at that time. The Ipvltallon to the friends here i bout was extended yesterday after noon from Slat* Chairman* O. M. Mull of Shelby to County Chairman W. A. Dees, who passed it along 0 to The Kean* with the request that It be given the public. * I •\Afid 1 want every man who hears about It or read about It," said ■ Mr. lues, "to consider it a personal Invl tatlou to be present. Governor Smith wants to see the folks from Wayne He likes folks. Aside from being a fair r'ghter, honest, open courageous, his humanistic side is one of his finest points,” " 9 , Governor Smith does not plun to mnkc an address In Raleigh, according to word from Mr. Dees, hut will spend l’ Ihe hour In meeting the folks. There will be a parade and after that a re ception. of the appearance of Governor Smith In Raleigh, Chui’rnan Deea hgid that It would be necessary In cancel the engagement which £•«« scheduled for Josephus Daniels at Fremont. Mr. Daniels, editor of the News and OUserver. and sec retary ot the Navy under President Wilson, will confer with the New York exeru live, act as one of tip* leader* in the . reception committee, and when the nominee's spclal train pulls out of Raleigh for Charlotte will be on bo»rd with bine, The Raleigh editor and De mocratic leader wist” accompany him to the latter city. ir°was said Whether or not Mr. Daniels will he able to come to Fremont later was not known last night. Chairman Dees Q> made It plain to Chairman Mull that Wayne county and Fremont were standing It) their right, to hear the It* 3eigh man before November 6. and Mr. Mull said that he would do what he could to arrange another date for Mr. Daniels in Fremont. The new* telephoned to Mr Dees by Mr. Mull settles definitely re ■ ports of the visit of Governor Smith In - North Carolina At one timelt was thought that he might deliver an address In the state, hut this will he foregone |n order that til* nom !ree may see more of the IVks and let them see him ]|> Is expected to deliver an address 1n some of the ai joining states and thousandc of Tar lieels will journey to hear him if It is .within several hundred miles. News that TTovernor Smith will i pend an hour In will he re ceived in Goldsboro. It was thought, ns few piece* of new have been received lately. At h'ast three thoiis and Wayne county people will go J to Raleigh, hoping to get a glimpse of the nominee. If was estimated Details as tft the parade and reeep t.lon were not available last evening CONVENE WAYNE SUPERIOR COURT ■% ■ J udire Daniels Finds Light Dty’s Work For BeirinninK Os Term i A light d»>>t work greeted Judge Daniels when he convened. Marne county court for the trial of civil cases here yesterday. A Jtiryi was seated for the action of A. P Gard ner against the Wilson Tobacco ■Warehouse, for services us tob acco drummer. Tit* ortu after the jury was seat ed. threw the case out. pointing out a mi dake In bringing the pleadings Gardner, however, will be allowed to bring a new action. Flossie Merritt THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Os BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—BEAD BYi BUYERS BEFORE THEM Bint -—* Governor Smith Will Make Stops in Four North Caro lina (lilies RALEIGH, Oct. «—<£*>—Governor Alfred E. Smith, Democratic presi dcutial nominee, will visit four North Carolina cities— Raleigh. Green*boro. Salisbury ami Charlotte* on Octa tier 1„ O. M "TTuTi chairman of the l*emocratlc State Executive coin ntlttee anounced tonightt. Mr. Mull’s announcement said that Governor Smith would stop In Raleigh for one hour from 3: Aft p m tik> 435 p. m.—at Greensboro from 7 to 7:?fl p m. In Salisbury from * 30 to 8:40 p. m. and In Charlotte from !t:3O to 1:10 p. m. No speeches will lie made. Mr. Mull said the Governor will «nter North Carolina Thursaily morn Ing »t Norlina .After leaving Char Uc|tf> the irßln will proceed on In Kentucky, Plans are belfig made, Mr. Mull added, for a delegation In ’ North Carolinians to meet Governor Smith'** train at Richmond or Norlina nnd escort him through the state, going a* least as far as Charlotte. Mr. Mult plans to have s number of decorated automobiles —on*f or more from each county that call rend one meet- Governor Smith's Main and have him head a parade through the streets of the city. Indefinite plans a hoi calf for an Jn formal roiflVrenre of newspapermen from all over the- Rt*te with Cover ror Smith, probably to be held In I one of the Assembly halls of the Slrj Walter hotel-- ALRAN'Y—(/D —On his wny him tonight, calls for his depart ure by regular train frofn Albany, ti.mmorw at 12:T(I p. rn.-for New York aft or conferences thnre W'ednesdsy lie will board Ills Jspeclal train and depart for the . sftutK at 11 o’clock Wednesday night. Richmond will he the first Stop for c personal appearance by the nomi nee from the rear of hslll car train 9:15,a m Thursday being the tlm set for his arrival at Die Virginia capital The lengtlFof the stay there and at other cities enrnute to Tennessee wan not announced . Raleigh, N. C, will he 'reached at 3 p m, the s*me day and other cities In that slate whore slops are planned ere Greensboro, at p ni, Salisbufy (Continued pn page 7) t Wants Veterans To Unite Stop Religious Prejudice Congratulating Allen Adamh Greensboro, chairman of the Re|>nh ||< un Veterans Organlxatlon in N *rth ( arollna on religious in tolenu)*''. <’<»l- Langston, of Goldsboro, chairman of the Demo cratic Veterans Organlxatlon In ,h stale In a telegram to the C,reensltor > miin yesterday suggested that the two group* **f veterans Join in a drive to collect publications which further religious Intolerance an.i "have a big bonfire In celebration of a day of religious freedom " o This organlxatlon t* contained In a telegram which Col . Langston, fileu, to Mr, Adams, ans» eH Jii £_ a y4e4s-1 ,f m ot the ** made sometime a •to hy the Goldsboro man. "You are correct.’ witjd the Gold boro man "Forbes went to It deny the I • Babe Ruth Comes Home / i 1 • I V ' J kru AJ <■ «M| i i KXjI * WKf JM "Tit *■' JK V v F.- Photo shows Babe Ruth crossing the plate on Gehrig’s seoond home run of the _ii&y in the third World Series battle at Bt. Louis Surdity, Lou 11 »een charging in Dirigible Awaiting Fair Weather Data 43 . FRBI HER ICHSHASKN, G e r Oct. 8—(/P) —Good weather pros pects over the Atlantic were awaited tonight by Dr. Hugn Eck ener before lie would announce the "sailing” hour of the graf zepplln, the huge new dirigible which he Is to pilot to the United States. He hoped the report* would be favorable so ra depart ure Wednesday. The final lest of the airship, » flight ot less than 5 hours, wan given today. The dirigible flew over Lake Constance, while thou* ands of spectars. a large propor tion of whom Were tourists at tracted hTe-lJy the coming event, watched apcl cheered. Dr. Eckener s*ld tonight that it Is going to rout 400,000 marks, ap proximalely ttjfi.noo for the round trip to th,e United States. I.It)I UK \I»DS TO Dl ti ll TOLL NEW YORK. Oct. 8 (A*) Four more deaths, believed by the" police to be due to.,alcoholism. were rcp-irt <»d today, making a total of 17 In New 'York over the week end Two ur. Identified men were [licked up In Last Side streets and two lodgers were ? mild tjead in Bowery roomtliK houses. splendid record of Governor's Smith hemficial accomplishment* for the veterans. ; "I must decline to *ubnnt any charge* to the attorney genlral * of flee. It's . been tried tietor* and Fall and the rest are «t»ll slrtiuc in the sunshine. That office suffers from scute cases of 'prolongiCs'. V. also tl**cllno to air,.qucwtlot) at Am crlcan legion meeting before else itlon Legion not In poUtti •* nnd TV mu 1 cratic Veteran* organisation will not le partv to rai.-e political qu'Hlbn there l charged party respos sijrlllty 1 tor past recor*l Republican officials >■< f bureau anil that *v tem if hand picking (rffldal* hi“, not r.wulted ' in *afety and Is siTil unsafe. You ■ answer, let hy tones he I i ouncelng religion- intolerance. How "Congr»lult*te yo(T* on your (In !| about joining "oiir organlxatlon wit nine In a drive to collect O'pett For— I urn and *ll other similar sheets be I mg distributed by Republican office* 1 end have a big bonfire In celebration slot a day of religious freedom.” GOLDSBORO. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9. 1928 RABBI FREUND TALKS TO CLUB - i Sul Isiuich In Charge of Kiwanis Club Urogram On laud , Evening 1 At last nights luncheon every Ktw aninn was delighted with the program put on Sol Isaacs. He was fortun itc In having for his and the clubs guests Rulibi uih( Mrs. I. 1,. und Ml*s Mavis Evans. Mrs. Feund.’ accompanied on the piano by Miss Evans captivated the entire member I t hip with a number of vocal music selections. Rabbi Feund made the principal talk of lho wing, banning with • number of humorous stories ho had ( everyone In a pleuaant and ultentlvel mood when U* explained serlous-ly j why he thought ho many anjayetl th<- Kiwanis and slmular clubs Human r.ature, he said, causes every one of i, |o he in constant earch foi hap f j-iness, and'*indirectly has hoeu the i auho ijf every: grc»ti discovery in ijvlliatiou, and the sam' 1 efforts to ward happiness will continue to K'v*' us improvements In every 'tray. In this search he continued, we.ur*' all urcamers -and wkiil to do hit-* things, toil most of u*t have a capacity for little things only. Civic Huh*, lie ex plained harmonizes our dream*, mak iug us satisfied tiTTTronr tittle part In tli<* sphere where w<- live »nd can do.amather than of the lmpo« nihle ('tub association and fellow t hip result* In our satisfaction in Im proving onr own little spot, and as a result wo have betters towns more Inspiring religion, better schools and r leaner Invironmeiits, and enjoy our dub meet legs At the beginning of the meeting. President Miller read a letter from j the W.iVnp County Motion I'irture Steering committee op community dub aitlvitlc In Wayne county In vlting the Kiwanis club to join with xarlonw community ~dul>s of the I'oOnty in giving a Dutch luncheon Tor the purpose of getting together the various community leader* »n 4 the business men of Gold-bore The club voted to accept the invitation and appointed Mr Tom .Norwood as representative of the dub in arrsng lug a joint program.» The attendance prices presented hy Klwanian IsaacST were given to Mm l Kt'tnid and Mr, I*rank Taylor. O % | Mr IV W. Minton and Mr. R D. i lilount, Ktw anl*r. Os ValparUo, fnd.. were guests of the club. from third. Gehrig’* homer came in the fourth inning. The Yankee* won, 7 to 3, and are now three up on the Cardinal*. —Photo by International Newereel. Yanks Are Stopped . But Not By Cards ST. LOUIS. Get B—(A'j-Ths Yanks were stopped today in their rt|*h toward ■ feecon successive world's series f-hamplonxhlp—but not by the Cardinals. .A downpour of rain early this morning swamped the playing Meld at Sportmaii’* Park to such *n extent that CommlWlontr Lan dis authorised postponpnent of the fourth game. The weather prospects favor resumption of the serie* tomorrow and praying pro* pects indicate Its adrupt end. un ls»« . the national lyaguc champ iinis show a remarkable reversal • b of form. - . Thy ground was stll a bit soft In spots at Ll sp. m. twit it seemed to (he small cluster of dls appointed fans ami experts who gathered to inspect "the situation thati emergency cxnijde could have 1 put tlm field In good playing shape. • - —K- •——t Ht.MHKMi.v i.tisKH Appeal WASHINGTON. O* f. 8 —Jtjhn lien Arnistiong Mr. Hamilton received whst he thought an umual opportunity to 'ontfune his a rad u at* w<*rk a£ P*a body, and hi* resignation wa* ac c< pt>• w ill regrei *tn the p-irl of the School Board. The resignation i* effective ITidsy nhd Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will leave then for Nashville. Mr, Armstrong wll assume the liuth* of principal of the school In mnnetlon with his work sh city sup erlutendon*. The. school has been in * p< ration for five w<*ek« now on Its [.resent t< rm and lias b< «n well or ganlted for the vi-ar hy Mr Hamilton Much of the eu-tivlty for the year ha* beep planned, ont it wa* Said Mr, H*mlMon came to Goldsboro from Salisbury to he* om* principal and In the time that he ha* been here hi* work has won rommenda t*oti from the school board and from Offer Reward Os S3OO For Taking Os Slayer Os Greene County Man . Democratic Rallies The following Is the schedule ot local Democratic rallies for •Wayne county for this week: All of the meetings except th»t at Marvin’s store. Seven Springs on Saturday will be st 7:38 In tbs evening The rally at Seven Springs will be 3 In the afternoon Wednesday- Dobb«rs*vlll* school house, N. W. Outlaw and J. F. Thomson. Wednesday—George Warrlck’a Store. Hu*h Dortch and Uuruey P Hood. Friday Herman Denning** Store Judge D. ft Bland and J, F. Thompson. Frlday -Smlth’s Chapel school house. Senator Riverds D. John son of Warsgw and J. J. Hatch. Saturday -Murvlnb fltore. See en Springs. 3 p, ra.. W. F. Taylor and Judge D. H. Bland. Mr*. Elliott In addition to thesh local ral lies Mrg. Maxwell Hall Elliot of the faculty of Henter College New York City, wtll speak In the courthouse In Goldsboro at 8 P m. Friday evening. She Is sent out, by the Democratic National com mittee. a , OTHER CHARGES AGAINST CARNES s ft Sdbciior Believes Carnew Used NliHHion Board ('redit In Mail ATLANTA. Ga-. Oct B—tfl*)—Bolt cltor John A. Boykin declared today that he believed moat of the documen tary vetdence for the state against Ullnton 8. Carnes former treasurer of th Baptist home mission board, was ready for presentation to the grand jury. Tomorrow that body Is expect ed to take some action- Already three Indictments have been >stunted against Carnes, all charging embezzlement from funds of the board. I ' The solicitor gepernl said lhat ”we are gollt* to get several more Indict meats against Carnes for his specu lations from the building fund, but <4 a the chief source ot hl« revenue ap pears to fiave been through the hanks to which he sold the mission board’s , notes, (t Is on these count*. I under stand. that there can b#*any number • up to forty, lhat we hoped to assure for Carnes a sentence In Ihe pen|len. tlary, which, to of his ago may * mean life- IhO general public. KAtUnwer* ,of 1 Igh scflbol activities hive potuted to the until able Increase In school spir it among the etudent* under new or gantsatlons InstiTuted. Scholarship and attendance have been strength - ened, Mr, Hamilton Is a graduate of Wake Fore*( college In the class of -.*j23. He taught lu the Edenton high school and In the Salisbury high school before becoming principal in Goldsboro. For th# past three sum - r.iers he ha* pursued graduate work It* education in Teacher’s College, Columbia university. Upod completion of the winter and spring te/ma at Peabody, he will re - turn to Columbia summer school to »ecnre the Master’s degree. At Pea body he will play his courses with the view to obtaining the degree of doctor of philosophy. It was while visiting in NsshvlHe in Auguit that Mr Hamilton re*-elv *d the offer rtf’ enter Peabody. He at < nee took the mat ter* Under considera tion and conferred with bie superior Ray Armstrong here. MEMBER Oil THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i ■ ii ■ ■———+ PRICE FIVE CUm IkpulM, Aided By Hundreds as ('itixenM. Failed to Find “Shack” Tyndall RAKER FUNERAL RITES ATTENDED BY HUNDREDS Brother of Slayer Ait anted For Alleged Crine of Twc Years Ago A price of 1100 oo Ws baa*. Shack Tyndall, whit*’wan who ;Batt|rd#r morning *hot and killed Bunn Bakar, wealthy Oraana county farmer about 1C mil** northeast of her*. w*a still at large last area ini: "We are MUI watching every place that we. think he might be," Sheriff Raaberry of (freene county toltl The News over ing distsne* teat night. Deputies from 'Wayne, Wilson sad Qreene ii. untie* spent moat of Sunday, aided by hundred* of cltlsena, tn searching for Tyndall. Oreene coanty hah offered a reward of S2OO for Tyndall's capture aad the family of Baker has offered n reward of *IOO, The Baker funeral, conducted at the home guadity aftemon hy Rev. W. C. Blanchard of New Bara, at tracted a crow# estimated hy Sheriff It* sherry at B,too. At one time gander k was believed that Tyndall «9*Teen surrounded la a thicket near Fremont, hut emoploOp heating of the buahee la the e*ctloa proved thla erroaeoua. • Do you think Tyndall has nogaped from the herttaar The Neva asked Sheriff R»*berry over long distance last night ~ “I am afraid eo," resiled the sheriff Peeling rune high sgslast Tyndall In Oreene county, the sheriff told The Newa bat he did not think them was any danger Bf a mob la cnee the murdeter we# captured. "Os coarse", he added “There are name who would like mighty well to get their hands t n him." Brother Arretted Jack Tyndall hrothsr of the mar derer, was arrested by deputy sher Itfg Baturday night and taken to Witeon and lodge In I*ll tor a crime < ommltted two years ago. Tyndall attempted to draw a pistol oa tka two officers who arrested him sad surrendered only after one of the ot f'cers beat him to the draw. Charge of carrying a concealed weapon will be plic*d against him for having tbs *’• pistol. Sheriff O. A. Qlover of Wllaoa county, notified Solicitor Don Qllltam of Tarboro, ofTyadsll's arrest and v.’Sa awaiting word as to what action to take concerning bolding him ter trial ror the two year old ertae tor which he jumped a IMS cash bond. A court hrder for hi* arrant has been secured ari-Ort la "being held on that. Tyndall le alleged to have broken into Driver's store, about five mllea from Wilson add to hgvs eto»ne reveral automobile tire* and other thing*. Johnnie Heath w*e nine ar rested In connection with the robbery and wan tried and sentenced to two year* In the penitentiary. Heath ac cepted the sentence and has been re leaned from penlfbntlary Tyndall had never been heard of until officer* Irund him Batarday night while rearching for hta brother. ' The shooting of Bakar occurrsd at the home of Ernest Jones, nsgro, who resided across the road from Tyndall and at whole home Mr. Baker stop ped. was prepartag some barbecue and while he soft Mr. Baker were talking Tyndall, who had been hunt . lug walked up and started n oonvar iation. During the talk Mr. Baker, a< cured Tyndall of secretly disposing of some of hia crop. Tyndall denied the charge and Mr Baker asked him to go tn Snow Hill and he would prove his charia. Baker started walk Ing off and Tyndall tarried momen tarily. After Mr Baker had gotten n few Itepe ahead Tyndall fired Baker fell fnre foremost to the ground Tyndsll Htepped forward an placing hie gnu near Mr. Baker’s hs#, palled the trigger s second time, tearing away a portion of the head and efuatng Instant death. Jones was the nalp* eye witness to the murder sMd ha gave the alarm as soon sh