VOTE THE STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET TOD A Y: GET RETURNS AT THE NEWS TONIGHT THE GOLDSBORO NEWS what warmer Tt |i Jay 0 - -1- READ LN THE MOKNINCi WHILE MIND> 4 Hfc FKKMt K h AI» MV Mi > KK> KKP<»KF THK4 Kir> VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 215 BATTLE OF BALLOTS IS ON IN UNITED STATES TODAY Forty Million Voters Expected To. Exercise The Right Os Franchise Country Last Night Hhd Atten tion Set on Voting Machinery 4 for Today WILL RUSH COUNT OF BALLOTS THIS EVENING 37 Senator* and 435 Represen tatives Also Will Re Elect ed Today (Bq Associated Pre**) This is election diy. summoning tF« populace to Ita civic duly of n»l ■ cctlng Ita governing officer*. Once •lain it mu*t decide whether the helm ML national leadership *h»M he entrusted to Republican or Democrat. It ha* to chooae between Hert>ert Hoover and Cliar)ea Curtl* on the one tide and AID-ed K. Sm tli and T. j Rohinaon on the other. Ry the hallo) i tha electorate trust alao declare t*a preference in ddating electing 37 senator*. 435 representative*. 34 governors |nd rartona alate officers. More than 40.00A.1HM1 strong. the i-lectorate la ready to exprysg ita will, tmdly prepared to wrtedta mandate after month* of attentive li'tenlng to. debate on the laanna and of clnye acru tiny of tike candidate* themselves. It haa weighed the evidence and heard the doting argument* of the atandard. bearer* There remain* to the balagu. ered voter only the teak of dedalon. Appending to an aronaed populace to tranalate Ita conviction* Into bal lot* at the poll*. Mr. Hoofer direct ed hi* last word* of the campaign, over the radioYrom hi* Palo Alto, I Calif, home laat night. Oor. Smith spoke twice in condud ing hie caae, once to the farm belt at noon time, and again In the evening to the entire nation. Hummarlging hi* argumenta for a return t° Democratic leadership. Their trip* at an end. the two cen tral figure* and their vice pfealden.- tlal running male*. Robinson uml Cur tia. arc at their homes, resting and •watting for the new* off victory or dt feat. Bach ha* retired from the stage, eyprenaing confidence he will have a -part In the drama's last act, the March b Inauguration. With the campaign machinery di» niatlde for another four years, every agency center* now on the procee* Ly which voter* will speak hi* inlud. Scores of thousand* of voting bout In have been set up in dty and hamlet T'onrtniiert on V*«» LIGHT SESSION . COUNTY COURT; Only Ong Drunken Driver Be fore Judge Bland's Court Vestetday i The lull beforw the election slovpi waa felt even in the county court veaterday when only a few case* were irled. A number were continued un. til November 12 James Carrs way was bound to sup i erlor court on a charge of forging n check, * . - <. Leonard Yelverton wont drive an automobile In the next three month*. I e if lie 'doe* he will go to the n'ad* for it. He w*» yesterday convicted of J d-lvlng while drunk, and fined s*>" \ and the coat* and told that if he ect* under the steering wheel In the next ] three month* he will do this time on the road*. Taft Allen, charged with larceny of an automobile was bound to superior court. Charles Atak* was sentenced to A month* on the roads for larceny j and appealed bind bring fixed at .13"" Jodie AVarren was fined $2". atwT the costa on a charge of as««ttlt. Rgynest Moulton appealed after h" had been sentenced l<y ser*,.' ninety day* an the rond* for assault and car ryipg a concea'ed weapon. Bmtd was! fUed p$ f2W, . , - ‘ Expert- That' Vote in Wavmv County Will Reach Or l*m» Five Thousand DEMOCRATS CONFIDENT OF WINNING VICTORY Fremont Pre mtde*; to Give Al fred E. Smith Great Ma jority At Foils At 6:41 this morning-attt»up-f« l |. P gfn balloting In the most .„g political event Wayne c-unty U*» known in twenty-live year*. A total of about 3026 vote* were cast in the county tu the otf year ele ction two year. ago. and registration for ih a election ha* been nnpre. rated Voting today will run to S.OOO ui beyond, muuy beHeved yesterday. Today * voting it w»a **'d. wt, L 1,1 * a much grea «r percent of the women voters on the count exercising lh« tranchlae than they have ever don* since they were glfen the right At the ; tame time Republicans »r* expend to express lln-lr vote aa they have j tot done In year*. Democratic leaders were confident 1 eeterdsy that the county will remain easily In the Democratic colamn with -.he national ticket winning a ro»Jort<y and only a iktle way behind the »U*w ticket. ■••■.. . -r' Grantham U>whahlp nnd Bt»ney Creek went Republican for several «ounty officer* last election, and it was considered probable that this might be the case again today. RepdfU from Fremont were tlifct hbout 471 vote* would be. cast there, that Smith young get 40„ Hoover 60. and about 26 anti* would not vote 'nationally. Gre*t Swamp anticipated about 175 voting, with Smith getting 126. , * Anticipating great crowd* at th« ban ha, election official* were yes terday" making arrangements to handle them orderly. At the court house entrance* will be on thj* east end norther of the building and the weat side wlH»be Mr exit only The voting booths and their places In the county: Gold«boro one, Spence .Motor Company; Goldsboro 2, court, house: Goldsboro three, ho tel; Goldsboro lour, W. D, Creech store. Mt. Olive. Dudley, Mitchell’* store at providence. Fremont, Eureka, Bev en Spring*. Indian Springs Plyeville, I'earsoti's *tore at New Hope, Gran tham's Store In Grantham. Hood Swamp School lnß»ul*ton Ruck t vamp. Sasser's Mill In Ofeat Swamp Rosewood in Fork. Harvey’s store in Money Creek. New Pastors Come To All Methodist Churches Here Four new pastors will this year come to Goldsboro under assign ments by Bishop Edwin Mouaon «* the closing buslneswl of the North Cnroltng Conference of the Methodist Kpjsropal church, South, in Wilson t unday night. Rev. *W. V. Mcßae wffl com<- to. St Paul to succeed Rev JM Daniel] who has completed hts fourth year! here. Mr, Mcßae comes to Goldsboro! from where he ha* serv ed the Me hodisi ehureh dlsltnr'lon \Jr. Itantels Is transferred to the first ihureh at Rockingham a hi/v. W H Rrown »IJI Kurced; Rev. R K. Ilrown-.en the tioldsboroj circuit Mr. Brown hat: completed lour very successful years on the Gnldahoro circuit and has won Mate wide »tt«ntlon for the work he ha* dtvne. Duke t'niveraity having; placed some of the churches on Ihe, rirentt In It s demonstration program.! selecting ttiem a* model* for other I fhurchrs, Mr. R. K. Brown la tranaJ AFTER THE RATTLE OF BALLOTS -WHO ft I Wnt V V 1 kA Jt A DEMOCRATIC BALLOT Here it la, Demorrsta, the tickel jrm will be looking for at the pnllf on November A. RATIONAL HVI.I.OT Klee tor* at Large: TKRItY A. LYON CLYDK R HOEY ‘ IBs trie t JSBct,pra: First Oongreanii mil IRsietct: 81 ANI.KV U INHOIi.Nr: Second Oongreaslongl Dlstriot v W. 11. 8. Bt’RGWYN Third Congressional District GBORGK WARD Fourth Congressional District T. T. THORNE Fifth Congressional District ROBERT M GANTT Sixth Congressional Otstr|ct - , K. K lIRYAN Seventh Congressional District T. K HATTLEY Eighth Coiigre slonai District W. R. LOVILL Ninth .ConfcMSlonal District PEYTON McHWAIN Tenth District ft. H. REYNOLDS FOR (ONBRF.K.H CHARLES I, AHEUNKTUY NTATK For Governor 0 O. MAX GARDNER * For Lieutenant Govi rnor Xt. Fountain - For Secretary of State J A. IIARTNESS F'or State Auditor BAXTER Ml It HA M For State Trewaoier . B. ft. LACY . « For Huperintardcnt of I’wbllc Instruction ' A T ALLEN For Attorney Genera 1 forred to tlie West lhjrh»m M thodlt church, which if' a good promotion. Thin chunh in located very near the Uuko I'nlWndtf i ampu* anil |**• t of "it* couiTrcKHil»n, I* drawn trnm the M. tli»(ti - imlv r-i'v 'lli i VV II •e HrotsTi'' who ruccim-clh Jter. II h. ftrown, is a aplcndid pastor and min i*tcr Rev, H I. Jerome Rtve up rc. live work :n thl* cntifi'rivji come a -luih-nt »t I'nl n Thelng'sl ••mlnarj, Vw’Yo'k l'i f.R'V. I. S Richmond corpea to fill tin- place which Mr Jerome hax filled so »c. teptah’y. The Kltn stri ct' and like ville churches reared to loan Mr Jer i me hut rejoi- >• t“ «<* uc.- Mr. Hit'll mood „ Rev. J. ll PrtsscUe, who seived fit. Johns'last year. t»u; had previous ly nerved it for four year*, wa* Iran* ferred to Keuly «nd Micro, and R«r. it . it. K. Mnnus H rent t.) St, Johns, a uiau y( , _ “ a irii GOLDSBORO- N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 6, 1928 , t " DENNIS U.« BRfrMMIIT • For Commissioner of Labor and Printing H FRANK D GUIS J , 11 For CnaualHlMtr of WILLIAM A- GRAHAM For Commlsaloner tis Insurance DAN C. BONEY For Commissioner of Revenue RI’ITS A. DOCOHTON For Corporation CoinmUslonvr W. T. LEE For Aaanclale Justice* of Supieme Court W. J BROGHEN GEORGE W. CONNOR F'or Stipeiior Court: F'lr»t Judlrtal DU trie): WALTER L. SMALL Fo,r Judge of Superior Court Eleventh -Judicial DUtrlct: JOHJk H CLEMENT ’’nil aty ' Srnatora—Eighth Senatorial District Kenneth c. ij^yall, Wayne County; ci.aith: c. Cannady. J«hnstou (Jou nty. Ilduse of Repre'ontattvea ° W. WILEY ANDREWS CLUNKY r.’HOOD Judge of County Court DAVID H. BIJA.ND Solicitor, of County Court PaL’l, It. EDMCNDSO.N : v / ' Reg liter of Deeds (MISS) DEBSIK GRANTHAM Surveyor I.OCIS GODWIN , ■* ” Coroner THOMAS R ROBINSON . Sheriff WILLIAM D GRANT ♦County Cnmmlsalonera L. A RANEY, NATHAN B BERGER, IAMES It MPRVIN. : DEEMS 11. PATE, J HERMAN DENNING. M en.lier of B)>ard of Education I 3 U I • 'LI A MIMA TAI.k.H OF A OTF 111 1,1 . jaer HREENSBORO, N. Nov. 6. uP> * Char!*- A lllu. n, i hairma'. if lb- North Carolina stati lemril <if elt >- ! tlon-. explalneil in more del.HI tonlaht l.i* TTerltl in on rules” for voting to morrow, "I say In w)un;'< * using the- Auatta Mac ball t ki l> t-v.i f.t III" ■ lur: ished by elect'on office: i may i* voted or l ovinted. "In counties not imlng the Austra lim>; ballol, voter-, nay hay* tleUel - (Hi ted < r wriCen or parfl* l ') printed aicf partially written. IloweveE lb.- b ilbjF? should In- ini pap.'i \ t ■ i kj/in ter and < it to ifi, ni/,e of olftci u j !>al !"l ■ . , "Slate biard of election* urges all i ittl- i» to use ball'd* provhb i by H«« tidr; "(fuels atiil not talj* chani e> i. . etiofflctal halo Its. However, a voter! Iras the right to vote, not on.y a* he! please*, but the particular pure of paper hr please*, anil electl >ll olfli err will usually irsdlve doubts !,i favor of the right oi a voter to have hi* bal I lot touuU‘4.” » _ r RETIIhNS WILL BE PROVIDED I hi- News Will Give Complete Kyiuri H Am GatF%red By AsMPciated Ureas A leased Aaaociatad, Press wlra run Mug Into The New* office tonight -will give complete retqfWs of the 41- octlnn aa last a* they can be supptW to through the army of worker* that have Ives*n provided to speed the nawa The News iufito* the public to galh er in Dont of tha off lea oft lea on South Jam«’* *trnet and hear the rw tu-n*. They will Ite inegaphoued from Ihe window* »nd occaalonal bulletin* counted. The Aaaoelsted Pr«*a* plana to send .fiaqtpsnt enmprehenalve l*ad|i, cov ering every angle of Interest and In terpreting the trends of the vole and s-xplafnlng colorfully I Ivclr slgnlft. i amr#. The new* of the election iervtee will be under the supervision pf flyron Price, chief of Ihe Wash ington bureau, who Is Inf isiniplettng a nation wide trip during which he describ'd political ooiidittoua In many state* He w|J| share the writ lug of the tend with D Field Brit, ile, who accompanied him on the pre .ini trßhsiid Janie* L Williams, who I'niitig the political convention* and vne© h»* contributed much to the political report. Interpretative lead* ' n the congressional returns wjll b» written by F M Stephi-aaou, who_ has I • ' :i t ravelijig w?bb-SeifTtOr Cur tla and Raymond / Houle, who ha* lieen traveling with Senator Robin son. fCnntlnued on pag* 6) Aldermen Award Contract For Paving Center Street Goldslxtro will get an Improvad ‘ i enter s'reel tor a ('lit Lima* pre* ent Contract fi*r paving the center of the street fr"in Asti to Che it nut wa if la-d night by tbeAhlermen at their rivulaP FI -t Mondalr session to the ProVu Paving' Company for I 1t,140. ] The contract will specify“7hxt the | ♦cork i» to t»e completed thirty d*y» j af"er It !.< signed, which will probably be brfor<- .Cfirisltna- ' Four rompanb offered bid* on the •••(irk. and Übmt 12 repreivuitatlve* of] the-<e companies were present to 1 await the opening of bid*. The Board. W(>ni Into executive wea«lon and »n I oi need the Brow company the low j e*l bidder niter a cliuautalatlou of ,;bnit 30 minutes. Yrrdtnance* prov'idlng for the I*. -vance of sloo.non permanent improve' nont bind* were adopted and order j e l piibliahcd The various Item* to be ] PMtvhbd fyr In bond* were: j cater $«,oo. sanitary’ sewer $11,000,. storm stwrfi f26,00U, curb |mtrfia«j Candidates Use Radio ■ In Final Appeals To w People Os The Nation COMMISSIONERS HOLD MEETING Mt. Olive Citixenn Arc Informed Relative To Funding Debt Os County ttoWMal Irate Mt. Oliva cttlaeo* i (termed out of thalr section yester. day prepared to raise a row about more h*»od* for the county and *u crehsed debt, for they had been told that more bmda w*r* to be 'aaued. Hut when they lamed tne true facta went *w*y aatlafled for there wsPETtn plan* of Increasing the coun ty debt. The had advertised ■ hearing on funding bond*, bonds which would lake car* of current debt The debt bears intafat at 6 l*r cent and the bond* bear Interest at only four and thraw-tourtha par cent, saving the county one *nd one. toilrth per cent Interest on the amount.. When this flatter waa aa plained to tha clttaena who had ap pea red before the commiaetowara, Ihe withdrew any complaint. • The Commissioner* drawd the Marne* of ntnaty.six Wayne ouaty men who will do duty a* Jurors In tha S week* or court to be held, beginning November 1». The ft ret weak will be a special term of civil oourt with Judge C. C. Lyon of Elisabethtown presiding, and the eeeond will be«ta November 26 wKh Judge F A. Dan iel* of Goldsboro presiding. Tfis first week of this term will be given to civil c«nrt and (be second to criminal court. __ SIMMONS FIRES PARTING SALLY - Sayn He Will Mewt Cameron Morriaon and The Rent of Them Two Yearn Hence "'V "" NEW BERN. Nov. 5 (A»>--Senator F. M Simmon* fired hi* final gun in hi* right on the candidacy of Gov. ♦ rnor Alfred K. Hntlth. Democratli |,re«ldrntlMl ttomlilee. her# tonight as (era delegation tailed upon him at his home In mu Impromptu speech he urged voprs ft) cast their ballot* In accord a lilt their conviction. He aaked that all report aud have arrp*ted any per *ou on either *lde" who waa found nmnwptlu* "t lekery or maulpula tlon" of tlie ballot boxes. In referring' to former Governor Cameron Morrison, ihe senator said "lwo year* hence. I will meet Cam. eirori Mori Ison and the reel y»f them." | uid Nidewalk* flOomi; paving $29.00" nil for street purpoM* $4,000, stree ! traffic and signal *iga* |2,stxi, dec. *rlr light-White Way $12,600. City tax collector Jame* C, Craw lord was authorised to advertise lota ! for a*le o which paving aiwaameßts have not been paid. W. C. Spence appeaed before the hoard to a*k permission to fill a 'tron two lot* between Audubon and Pt»A* View Park The, matter waa re. ! r< rred to the city manager. Prominent Wilmniffton BusinesH Man 1s Dead WILMINGTON. N*v. 6—<A*)~ J. OllchrUt McCormick, 5I widely known ' Wilmington business man waa found ,((«d »t a Washington. D. <\, hotel j ♦ nlay, according to word reaching j "’lerdr- Funeral arrangements havo not I been cuptj>l?tetj, TI"2 J * MEMBER HF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mid five Smith Spoke Twice Over Ra4f>o Hook Upe Yeoterdey. At Noon and Night NOON ADDRESS MADE TO MIDWEST SECTION Hoover Urgea AM To Eaerdfee Franchise in Speech From Pale Alto, Calif. NBW YORK. Ndv. S-dD-Teraiae , to the radio to carry • Haul appeal ' to the voters of the nation. AUred A smith declared toetcht that he "could enter upon the datlea of the l. rent eat office la the world without commitment to anybody eaoept ihe American people." In his campaign reledletory epeech nrepared for deltvery through the microphone to an naeaao ‘udlence. ; the Democmtlc nominee at fleet re viewed la detail hie record la pnhlle life and then delivered what he den. tribed m “my taet epoken word be fore the American people. I ooe ea i ter upon the dotte. of that grant •«- i flc* with a mind etagla ts tha heat i Intereat of this country. sad 1 pr*- , mint you that la return for your vote of confidence tomorrow l ahall *»»« to the country the beet that la la me ' to bring attest a constructive, bru ' creative and forward-loohtpi ad*»n 1 iftrstlon " i The goeeraer said that wadar the (Itlaens of tfce country "Mart ee •ume aa individual oWtgatloa to do 1 their fhll share to hoop the Doporra t'r government the success It has been." He added that -their «hare on election Ay" waa to ha Rare tn Vota. PA UO ALTO, Calif. Nov. I—<AV- Herbert Hoover left his campaign for Ihe presidency tn tho band* of tbo voter* tonight nod aat down In tho comfort of his Pnlto Alto hemn to await their decleloa. with three moots of work and al fOantlanad an papa •» CLAIMS SMITH EASY WINNER Rankob Wires Ckairmpn Does He Will Got 402 Elsciorsl Votgg * ** » J«hu J. Kaskob. chairman of the National Democmtlc committee in n telegram yceteeday to W. A. Dote, chairmen of the Wayne County De mocratic eiecntlve committee, pre •li.ted ih»t Uovernor Alfred A h«4Rh will win at the polls today, galuiag 402 electoral votes The telegram follows: Our election survey indicates BmNH *iwl Robinson will win by large plur ality earring u*ll«l Boqth New Yerk, Maasschueett*. Rhode Island, Ten nessee. Missouri, Wisconsin, Mtnnieo is, Montsnf, Nevada. Arlsona. Now Mexico. New Jersey. Maryland; W. Vlrlx ns. Kentucky, Colo ! tsdo, Connecllcut. New Hampshire. Indiana. Wyoming. Oklahoma. lowa, IRah. Illinois. Noith Dakot*. and South Dakota with total ot 402 elec | torial rotes and with Washington, I Vie ware. Oh'o, and tfhnnay Ivania la louht. IVtoonglrations through tha ! inuth west and east leave no ' but that the "happy warrior" la ov. j cr whelmlngly the chotce not only of (hr IntellegentUel but of the plain people of our great country who are ! t ied and thoroughly dlagnested with | the hypeoregy pervading society lo usy as a reauß of the rapidly !•• • reaalng disrespect for our laws lU ri tuition* and everything that ahoufd be fine and revered In the character of our nation victory Is our and every county chairman la being urged to .leave no stone unturned to make K - ihe mo*t decisive victory in onr polL tlcnl history. John J. Raskob, Chairman Democratic National Co*. I I II

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