WEATHER •bowara Sunday Collar weat portion Sunday afternoon. Colder Sunday Bight. Monday probably fair and coUUr VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 226 FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY STORMS AND FLOOD TAKE TOLLIN MANY PARTS WORLD Torrential Rains In Kansas and Missouri Wreck Much Property Rains Ceasing But After Five Lives Have Been Inat; CoM Wave Follow* WINDSTORM IN EUROPE LEAVES PATH OF DEATH Thirty-Nine Lives Have Been Lest Other People Are KANSAS CITL, Nor 18—A let-up r-f the torrential rain* which deluged Western Kansas and Eatttern Mis. eoaria for two dayi promised relief tonight from flood that had taken three and possibly five lives, render ed hundreds of persons homeless and disrupted train service and highway traffic. Streams were still on a rampage tut flood watars were expected to subatde rapidly with the cessation of the torrential rmln» which pour, ed from 6 to nearly 12 Inches of wat er orey a wide~srea in from 36 to 48 hours. A rold wave set In. r to d comfort of flood suffetrrs and '< central Kama* snow and sleet fol lowed the rain*. Damage to crops. Industrial plants, homes, bridges, railway tracks and highways as a result of the floods was estimated at several millions of dollara. Two more deaths were beteved Ho have been added today to the three reported yeeterdey when an overturn ed mote rear appeared above the creel of rereading Waters Ip Swope Park here. Two men were fnthe car laat night when K ventured info the Park despite warnings ' \ ■ WINFIELD. Kan . Nov 18Dykes protecting thla city from the flood waters of the Walnut river were eub merged early tonight and water be gan to pour Into the north residen tial district. Residents whose homes were endangered by the flood of 1923 when much of the city was Inundated were being warned to leave and seek higher ground The had risen all day at the rate of about a foot an hour began to* rise even more rapidly rbortly before 6 o'clock It Is feared heavy damage will result from the In urdation or the dykns, erected this year by the municipal government. Water invaded the city power house ■t dusk tonight, throwing the city into darkness The city Hvaterplant was still In operation late today. V - -- LONDON. Nov 18.—The terrific gale which has swept Western Eu rope for two days was raging over the continent tonight with a known death 101 l of 39 and with 12 other persons missing in Us broad path of destruction England was enjoying a lull I the widstnrm. but the North Pea coutrios still were bearing the brunt. One death occurred !n Antwerp, me In Cohtenx. and one at Dethne. France. A family; of 12 was given up sp loet at Amsterdam .when a rep*>rt was received IhaT the wreck or their boat had been seen in the Zuyder Nineteen person* were killed in England either" bv wreckage torn loose hy the rind or by stumbling In front of vehicles while ducking the storm with heads down Seventeen persons were drownefL>whe n a boat rapplied telephones, telegraph and train service* were demoralise*! ' C hannel steamers last night required fr«m 8 to 13 hours for a voyage nor. mally made In I*** than two. Germany was one country to feet the violence of the storm today The Rhineland was visited by a Scree wind and torrential ran whch caus ed many Injuries A woman was kill vd and seven person,, Injured In the collapse of a house at Coblpns SILVER QUARTER SAVES I.IEE NEW' ORLEANS. I*.. Nov 17 E w (}n t tgv* Von Herr, a mechanical dent Ist. today owed hi* life to a sliver quarter he carried in his vest pocket When Von Herr, wap ah"t hy an at. tempted aaaasaln the bullet struck the # lece of money, and Von Herr aus 4«uit'4 out/ « slight Ussfe wouil , THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. ANDERSON TRIAL IS NEARING END Jury May Receive Case l,a(e Tuesday Afternoon As Arguments Limited a '*l ~ ■ RALEIGH, Nov. 17—(JP)— Testl mony Id the trial of Dr. Albert An derson. superintendent of the State Hospital for (he Insane, on charges of cmbeixlement and malfeasance In of flee had been concluded when Super Ini couit adjourned until Mjapriay to dya after another suasion that saw a .parade- of Witnesses, technical and character. Judge W. A. Devin, presiding, fixed the n.axlmum time for argiiment al 7 hours for th e defense and five hours foi the prosecution and said that If both sides showed a disposition to use all the time allowed, he woulu hold a session Monday night so lhal he might begin his charge 7'posday afternoon and Rive the case to the Jury before night. Solicitor Hrassfleld agreed to elitnl ballon of three of the fifteen counts -Ic the bills of Indictment. One was a charge of malfeasance In office In connection with the death of Mrs. lilly Nelson of Marker’s Island, who died al the Institution January 4. 1918- The charge was withdrawn, he said because malieasame In office Is a misdemeanor and the statute rtf llml tatlons on misdemeanors Is two years The prosecution also agreed to eliml nation two charging Jinnies Adams, superintendent of the tnstltu Lon's farm, with working Inmates on his private property- Adaji.s is co defendant with Anderson on two In iHctpients charging embezxlcinent of hospital property A group of former or present em ploycoa of the institution weie called ytoday and testified thai Dr. Anderson hud not permitted his business ven .tires to interfere with his duties as .head of the hospital. Without excop lion they declared he had never ne gleet ed patients or been remiss In his duties. Henry Hurke, chairman of the state budget bureau, said that ho had ex amlned and approved from time tc time the accounts of the hospital and had found them properly kept. Testifying as an expert. Dr. H. C peltry, superintended of U4o V|r gliila hospital for the- Negro Insane* Dr. James K. Hall of Richmond, Vs. »nd Dr. Chs*. O’H- stale health officer, each declared h< was familiar with the Institution here and said its administration compared favorably wtlh that of sThillar institu Hons In the Lolled States. ■ is.' EARNER* OFFER SAMPLES OF HAY A*!! t.RAIJf EOK PHIZES AT EXHIBITION CHICAGO, Nov. 17 The Interna tjl'uial Grain and Hay Show will be held at Chicago December Ist lotoi ,as a depart meaC’of the International Live Stock Exposition. State Fox Hunters Start _ Convention Here Monday The Ninth Annual Field Trials of j the North Carolina Fos Huqlers As reelstlon wlll k be held here beginning M<*nday night and continuing through Friday- In connection with the con vention there will be staged on Tuee day the fourth ‘annual horse show of the Fog Hunters Association, and i.ii Thursday the hemh sho v. Th* Hotel Goldsboro will be headquarter lor the Convention and horses will !• dahled and clogs benellcd at 'he Fair Grounds- The Convention Is ex|iecte(f to draw i.t least Ino fox hunftng en»husiast from every part of the sfue. and,a number from adjoining sts'es F -m, of the packs of great reptna'loil In h. Pouth an I some of the ‘rest blood sii hoiMH will l» Jr r,,u ’* t her- A riun b<*>d*l horrer and dogs had been ship - ped iu yeste, day. The S"ut i«rn Assoc*» I r of F< x ! ft (inters held Its (rials at ffharloMea vllle. Vs . this week and a number ©i' the botsvs aud dogs who com/sled GIRL ACCIDENTALLY KILLED BY BROTHER Listening to an Amazing Story rr . . . \ —l ■c Hr *3 M 1 An amazing tale of mismanagement, inefh ciency and Tack of discipline aboard the S. S. Vestri* was reyealed before Federal commis sion headed by United State* District Attorney i Charles H. Tuttle in New York, shown in above photo interviewing survivors. Seated, NEW PASTORS TO HOLD SERVICES Method tats of City and Coualy Welcome Incoming Min \ intern Toduy Jfour Incoiding Methodtet padtors will conduct their Hist services In charges In Goidaboro and the county todays '• At Bt Paul Church at It o'clock this morning Kev. W. V. M>-Kao will use as the topic for his first sermon "A Mighty Call to a Mighty Faith" At 7:30 Ibis evening his Hnbjept will be 'Tile River of Salvation." Men hers of the First Baptist church will join with members of St. Paul in gvorship at tho evening hour, forego ing (heir night, service in hospitable welcome of Mr. MclUe to Goldsboro , Rev. If F Mu lids, who moved his' family to the Hi- John Method!*! phurch isrraonage wJII hold service twice today- Rev. W. 11 Brown hat taken up his residence on the Golds ls,m Circuit parsonage on KaM Ash street and begins his'work, olid Rev I H. Richmond. who will reside In I’akevllle. will »ISo hold hla opening worship for the Goldsboro end Pike viile charge. Official In liinior * \ Order Died Saturday I NAHHVILI.K. N (••. Nov 17- (7P| M \\ Uncke. for many y<*ai* active fy Identified with the Jnnlcr Order United American Mechanics died I” day at fet* H 1 me following » petlod •of 111 health covering spverd months -In this event are erprn ted to come her, for the State meeting- Monday afternoon and until II o' i lock lhat night will lie given to the entering and marking of h i mil. for the derby ( las* At & u Mon dtiy night at the Hotel Goldsboro w-111 lie stjigi-d the gciicrul gek t. (ding, guests will tic Introduced, an iKunremcnts made of linn* tnd idsce foi first cast of Derby Class, and gn explaii.itlon of running rules made Tue-dav morning will witness lilt ! firm cast of derby class with the sec ;,nd st '"tun. Wed ne -Uv Tuesday ntgM will be test tired try an oblMtlon hy a In. al jwo k. time, anil place to he announced at the general | meeting. . • 'The Fourth Annual Horse will An- T uesday afternoon q,at 2 :g> m with the following a« the pro ! gram Open Three Halted Saddle, lfors*- ' (’up Hlhh.ins, Jitdged »n Conforms >1 UuuUuued ou Page Fouf^ GOLDSBORO- N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 18, 1928 * j y PROIII AGENTS OPERATE HERE Three Men Bound to Federal i Coart An Result of Sertee- 1 Os Raida % George C'ash. a native of Canadir but lately resident of Plymouth Mass ii in Wayne county Jail In default of 1500 bond after baring been bound to Federal Court In Wilson on a charge of nianufarturtag whiskey. 11, was one of two men arrsited by Fed *raf dry ngrnls who have been opera* Ing In the county. Cash was arrested hy Federal Dry Agents Hatton ami -Strickland of Hmlthlleld and Deputies Gardner and ■Bn Ith at a still In Indian Springs township. He was given a prelim ip ary Lsq. W. Ji. Britt, United plates Conin.tssloner Th« of Acers getzed the still, thp>n gallons, of whiskey, and poured out several hundred gallons of Ireer. ( ash told the officers lhal lie was ,hitch hiking to E'lorlda when he wa» up by Gordon Howard- Thr patter, ho said, employed hi r j to uid ruling and grading lohsceo,' hut i pretty soon had him runultig a still /Cash contended that he w.i, acting intent for li'iwurrl when captured i Burt# Head, operator of a filling near Zi»n t'hurch -So* (lon or Seven Springs section, and a young man hy the name of Price, were also found over after ,n Hutton and Strickland raZ-officeis raided •hr tiitt-iri and severs! pints wtwskey 11<.i4 contended that the liquor was Price'* arid Price contend ed lhat it was * Head*. NEW INVENTION ATTRACTS NOTE r# llctlmtl KoNctmtr Putpnln “(’«*<• N-liile" and Order* Come I hick and Faut The latest candidate for the "local hoy»make.«.good" column L Herbert Ito-* oarer who led hi re alrort four i years agi to follow a ill w* pa per ca rt-er. and ha lor the past, three years been In rh« employ of the New York Times. Recently Herbert became In teresterl In an Idea which he has since patented and is now marketing, a combination < Igarette ease arid auto matte lighter. The "Case N-Lfte.'* It was duh bed by Us Inventor, follows the meth. ml of operation of other popular' lighters, except for the (act that It Is contained within a u,« which also will atow away a pack of clvarettes, the whole occupying no more space it the pockK tlrna a paper package of cigarette*. This novel accessory for tho smok er Is ”.isde In a variety of finishts — s I (Continued on Tag* Four) I to r n I'. (jrtHm, George Pre»twich, John Kip ling and Mr. Tuttle; Minding, Jose Gsrcia, Ed Darcy and Robert E. Manley, assistant U. S. attorney. Inset, F. W. Puppe, engineer, who saw his wife and child perish because lifeboat couldn't be launched , ARM IS BROKEN INIUTO WRECK G. M. Whitfield of Near Stvm Oprlugn Injured -I* - - Wreck On Highway 10 G. M. Whitfield ia recovering at tils home on the B. W. Taw planta tion, near Seven Springs, from Injur. It*s *untaled in an accldot Saturday night when his automiblle was struck I y one driven by a Mr Brown of Four Oaks. Mr. WliltfltV dualained a broken arm Just below the elbow anil was otherwise bruisede and cut. *ncr an examination at a local he*- pllal he returned to his home. Tho accident .occurred, officer* Mild, when Mr. Whitfield, after at*, uallng. turned from highway num ler 10 Into a side road. Just before ho made the turn. Mr. Whitfield Had en quired of his brother Stennls Whit Held, who was on the rear seat of the car. If there wa» any one behlnn him. and receiveirt a negative reply. I.ut na he made tho turn his car was hit hy that of Mr. Brown who was follow Ing. but who could not stop In tlm to prevent a clash. Mr. Brownoffcred all asalstance possible, agreed that the fault was his, and offered to hear cfbense 01 repairing it* Whitfield rar and of necessary medical treatment for Mr Whitfield. Ho sxi not required to give bond’. Yesterday he came from Four Oak* for tho purposo of visiting Mr. Whit field and ascertaining the true ckent of big injuries. Regional Zionist Officers Speak at Convention Today / The firsrt Slats Zionist convention , >er held In America will convene at j ,o |.„|jv til Obeli* Sholent Temple with Harry 7 Kellnait. "f prc-ldent of tho .-nals'arvi Zlnolat Hegltfo. nii.l' Mrs. Israel Shapiro, of llsltinnire Seals.aril Hadassah t on. v.ntion Kralonai Fnlt. »» ,; hlcf speakers. . . Zionist conventions of the past have be.-n held as regional affairs and If Hie one todsy prove* satisfactorily successful. Ihe slate convention plsn may be t|. fnnlely for tho movement \Vhiln today - smeetlng is .stalog tied as u Z ton Ink-cun vention. a uum her of pon memlrers of the movement will attend and take part In tbe pro j gram. * Delegates from many parts In th. Btale are expected to drive to the city today, and registration will be car ried on at the temple between the hours of 12 noon and 1.3 d p- in. Miss Gertrud* Well, chairman of the Con Ventlou um.mltt«e, will opeu lh« con. FOURTHEN PAGES TODAY THOUSANDS VISIT WARD’S STORE Opening of New Firm Here II Greeted With An Unpre cedented Rush A total of thirteen thousand two hundred and twenty-one peopls yealer day visited Montgomery Ward and Company lo greet the forma' opening of their new store hers, making I' necessary for the management to In the aesielance of the police to keep the traffic In front of the store clear Over one hundred employees were on hand to welcome the great crowds ss well as to serve their needs, aad while the aisles were congested with the visitors, no disorder of aay kind ooeiirred. ° While a large number spent an en Jnyable time losing over the beauti fully arranged More and fraah mar chsndlse attractively displayed snffl dent purchases were made to keep four .cashiers busy, and made naeee eary the employment of several extra The sa)ee girls were distinguished adding machines to tally thf aalea. by green and blue long Bean ooata and were characterised hy their es Aclenry a»i courtesy In wnltlng on th» trade and displaying tha ware# of their vartou« departments. Practical, ly all of tbeaa girls war* recruited locally ss well an the other help With l he possible exception x*f the manager. Mr. McCullough aad hhT'V , ° assist ant*, Messrs Hoover and Hurtt. Mr- McCullough declared laat algM lhat he waa more than pleased with the wara* raceptmn Ms Meet reeelv. l done, and that It compared favorably .With the opening day of aay M thn xlorn opened In the other cltlee of the country. Many people pro coromenMnng generally on the appearance of the More end yesterday's beglnalng said this store could held up Its head ad being up to dale, arcbliactually at tractive In cities far larger than Goldsboro, and that they bad never before seen such sn Inpouring of the publblc to a Ilka event In th* history If th* (own. » End Education Meeting Os Southern leaders • CHAPEL HILL* Nov. 17.-(dV The total expenditure* for public cduca Hon In the U- 8 In the last 11 year* kav* Increased 280 percent and the end of this upward scale Is not .n eight for the need continues to be uigent and the rapidly increasing Wealth offers proof that education la a highly p~rWable lavaetmeat. Dr. fi 1) Strayer of Columbia Dnlveralty one of the foremost authorities In the country on (he financing of educa tion. declared here todsy In delivering the principal address at the closing HC|udon of the Knivsrslly of hlorth I'anTllidf'* Aral annual southern con 'eretiee on education- vention. and l«slle Wall, who will serve as temporary ohslrmsni, will bring greetings. Rabbi I. L- Freund will extend welcome ss minister In -charge of Sol Isaacs will speak as vice president of Oheb Hho lem Congregation, Mrs. J. P- Snrago lor the Temple Sisterhoods. Fannie Ksdla for the Ooldsboro Had assah chapter. Convention officers will be elected pod Mr bellman's address will foi. low Plans and recommendation* will b« offered by Simon J. Levin, of Bal timore regional director. Various 11 immunity teports will be ceiled for and Mrs. Chart** Ftnkelstelu will pra scat Mrs Shaprto. Mush fur the odaston will be ren (<• r< d by Mrs- Vance Weill, Mzas Movie VNuns. and Mrs I. L. TYeund. At 6 o'clock this evening a buffet supper will he served the visiting delegates and gueata at the Temple Sunday School room. Musical aalec lions will he given by Miss Ida Mar. gulee and Sol Batfl. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED „ PRESS PUCB fin cum Bertha Carter Shot to Death t. '' q - t . Janet* Carter Wu Ckaniag Shotfun Whan It Was Ac- { c idea tally Discharged * * « • Berth* Carter, 14 year old daughter of 1. F Carter, white tenant os John WUltam'e farm two mile* eoutheeat of Ml Olive, wee almoet instantly hilled yesterday afteraooa aboil l:tO o'clock whoa a double barreled shot aim, which was be Inc cleaaed by hay brother, James Carter. IT, aecMaetl? disc barred leading the tall load ot oae barrel Into her bead aad another charge into her right am. Joat he. low the shoulder The girl lived oaly a tew Seconds, accordln« la her oMeet •later, Rlliabetb. who had Joat atepped out es the room when the shooting oc . ii r red * ahertf W. D. Grant aad coro*ar T R Robinson arrived el the Carter heme shout forty-dve mtuutee atte* the tregedy. ead attar Questioning the wltaeeeee whe ware la the house at the time, they agreed, the! the girl wee killed accldeetally aad that It woald sot ha aeeoMery to amgaael a coreaer'e lary. Jnmea was etttlag la a chair la a corner of the llvlag room es the house cleaning the g«s preparatory to gp log rabhlt.hunting. K was eakL :i -«t bad jast Snlebed olMag the look apd hammers, aad wag getting ready to "break" the c*a le naffer to cteaa eat the barrets, whoa aaddialy to tame uneiptataed manner oaa es the her was ineKaatalto IhSisil aad twee thMswad Instantly hr the other Both chargee took offset la the ap pee past of the yweag girls body Her etster, Elisabeth had Jail stopped from the aad wee petag toward tiff eod ot the back porob she heard the two ehoti la oulek sesame toe, df. Aoers ware told- She deelered that she turned around Just la than to see Bertha tall to the door "I saw •»lood trickling down the aide of hit sane, aad I kaew that my eietor had bee* shot I west to her, aad got a pillow aad put under her head, bat she didn’t live hat a few secoade," she stated. v -i* * Bertha had base vaccinated lest week. It wae I earned, aad waa Jaat getting ready to go hack to ML Olivo «wlth her father begad** aha waa afraid th* vacclaattea had net tohea she bad put oo her sweeter aad with her hat la bar bead, wee nmeet eg the room when grim Death, la the term of a number of May lead pellets toad from a gun nt clone range, gut *Vhl den belt to her intended "trip to q Jsßton, although completely sbeetv ed of nay blame la eenaeetioa with th* shooting, we* stricken with grief ■over the shocking death of hie you** slater. The two had baaa ascending I) chummy. It waa said, aad a cross word had never been heard between theta. Funeral arrangements had aot been completed let* yesterday afternoon but lb* a-r'vtcea will probably be bold •ometlm* today, U waa said The de ceased le survived by her father, e brother. Jbmee. end two sisters. Sal. ll* and Elisabeth- Her mother bed been for about It year*. DORSEY GOES \ FOR PRISONER Elijah Johnaon, Eheaped Nafra Murderer, la Captured In New York City 1 , Sometime yesterday Elijah Johnaoa !,at one tln.e a rttlien ot Weyae Coua r *y. boarded a train la New York City •for Raleigh. With him wee Chief of I’ollce C B- Dorsey, es Fremont More then three yen re ego- on May 18, .191* to be exact—Johnson, who had at that time aerred dve mouths k>t a twelve to ftfteea.yeer sentence for second degree murdr. escaped from Slate’s Prison her*. This week the long arm of th* lew reached out aad caught him la New York City Chief Domey. who knows Johnson was designated by State'* Prison Hfi rials to go after Johnson. The chief end hie prisoner nr* due at the pffaea Sunday. _ „ f _