WEATHER Owmlly Mr and .'colder Tuesday Wednesday Mr- rr«*»h ' to strong northeast wind* diminishing by Tues «j»> plght J VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 227 MIDWEST FLOOD LOSS Early Begins Trail to Home, Sweet Home NEW ORLEANS, Nov. U» Hob Idlng and partially blinded bul with hi* 1-prosy "arrested” John Early, North Carolina mountain, eer, ended hla decade of “living death’* today to return to hla &t acre farm n«r Tryon, N. C. ‘‘l an. going up that mountain aide and I'm | ver coming down again,” ha aaid when releas-d al noon from the national leptrsarium at CarvtUe, La. “I’m going straight hack U. North Carolina and f«m» my 50 "My life from n“w «n w|l| he Hrletly private- l won’t have anything to do with anybody except my folks At first I just thought I was sick, I did n’t ae«- why people were afraid ot e sick man. But the doctors told me how It wa* and when I knew I stayed right there and got cur ed- I’m never going to hare any thing to do with anybody. “ KIWANISHAS FINE MEETING Mias Helen Wilson Addrettwes Club and Mrs Spicer Leads Singing Dr. W. 0. Byrd who "conducted the program at last night* Kiwattl* lun ■ ch'on wa* unusually fortunate In securing assistance and waa able to make It a '‘ladies night" frong, the entertainment viewpoint. Mr*.' Wil liam Spicer delighted the audience with a number of Folk Honga, end tendered the club timely assistance in improving its singing. She *ang a •jtumber of K'wanls song* Just to show how it should be dour, then she led the singing and the entire member ship attempted to sing with her. The songs as rendered by Mr* Spicer made an especial appeal to -yanlans and resulted in Immediate popularity for numbers which have had only casual notice heretofore. The principal speaker of the even ing was Miss Helen Wilson, Super visor of Wnyne County Schools, who described the nntnre of her work null ielated Interesting feature* about th* lural school# of the county, Mis* Wilson sa>d that It was a rare privilege to get to talk to a crowd of men, for, a* was well known -when both mm and wome n were to gether a woman could never get in a woH'l. Her talking she said. wa» usually llm tcd to »n audience of v teachers, mother* or children. Her principal duty, she went on. was not ju»t to ride over the county enjoy ing the beauty of the couutry as wa* probably Imagined by some of the tax payers; nor wa« it to muke trouble for the teachers, as they might Jtomo time* think; nor even was it to Just o be a school visitor, a* some children thought: but It was to help ch'ldren »nd teachers byway of instructions. This wa* done, she ex plained. by working to improve nt t'9id"uce »“'■ by cultivate* desirable habits among the children, and by observing teaching methods i»nd sug ge»llng improvement* }t*t work among teachers eon* *ted lr> visiting them In their das* rooms in teßch ing classes for them, and In c«ndu<» mg teachers meeting* and mod* 1 ! ch»s»e* In which one taught and 'll others dlseuese'l the «l ture of the rhetho'l* used. Miss Wilson, stated that her work , dealt mainly with the rur*l eleven-j • t *ry schoo's and she related a mim Iter of inter' sting f'attire- about these • ural schools. Accortl eg to her there are over B.« 00 pupil* In these rur'l schools which constat of four stand ard high schools niiTfenv standard elementary schools, one of the *< hool H having the large** attendance of apr school in tile county out- d<' of O’d* toro. The Instruction In "II of them .compared favorably with city school*, ah' continued- notwithstanding the f. ct tfliiMl'<‘y •v*’ *«’ r ‘ ou,!v hand'edp ped by being able” tti pav only the minimum salaries, by bavin? a low percentage of avenge attendance, • r.d In some c"** bv not having money to run for nine month*. J.letii Kyle who Is In tlu- city In the Interest of She T.. H. ATffly' thd » s* present at the me-ting **< * guest mad ■ an lnt< re«t n, talk tn wlilcji he ICouUuvd on Pa*r Six* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY, Want City to Bear Cost 01 Center Street Ravine Work „ * o » I ~ _ DELEGATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS APPEAR BEFORE BOARD AND K. C. ROYALL PRESENTS THEIR ('(INTENTIONS—JOINT COMMITTEE AP POINTED T OSTUDY PROPOSITION Center street property owner* don’t think that they should be made to bear th* expense of paving the center of Center Street. They took the matter to the city aldermen at % the board’s regular mid-month meeting last night and the upshot of was that the board named a committee of three to confer with a committee of three from the property owner*. The Joint committee will meet at the city hall Wednesday afternoon «t 2:3e of the city u» a whole and not Charge Bungling a Carlos Quiros (left), chancellor of the Argentine embassy at Washington, and James Mc- Cullough. Vestris passengers, who charged that liner was mishandled from time she left port until she sank. DEMOCRATIC WHIP IS DEAD Oldfield of Arkansan Had Fug Many Years Been Among Party’s Leaders . . o 4 Washington, Nov. i».—(j»>) Rep. reseutatlw William A. Oldfield, of Arkansas. Democratic wh‘p in the House, died tod»y following an opera t.on two day* ago. Tji«> Arkansas •epresentative, who wa» 64 years old, suffered a» attack of gall bladder trou ble last week in hi* office «t the Hou*e and underwent an operation Saturday morning. He, however, fail ed to rut-1 ty front the operation and succumbed early thi* afternoon. His body will bo taken tomorrow evening Ic his homo at Hatesville, Ark., whole the funeral will r«ke place. The body will arrive at Batesville on Thursday morning. Arrangements were being completed today fur tl>£ usn"l con gressional escort .for the body. (Continued on page 6) , First Baptist Budget For Next Year Totals $15,235 Preliminary to the (every member ■canvass of th- ehuic'b b- lc Id nevi Su"day, members of First B"pt'*l church o nSuhday , past h-ld their uunuai afl d*y| meetlhg, nam'd church officers and adopted a buduet for the coming year. The budget total* $15,23(1 fpr all purpose*. K lativ- to tlh tfVrtry-member can vass, the following explanation wa' carried In the current church bul letln. On next Sunday Novhieber 26th oui Fve r y Memtrer r»nva*a for the chilrcl' budget for the > ar 1!'2" will begin The work wi f l stait In the Sunday rSchool ami very teaefifF fion. the .li nlor IVpartment up througn - the Adult department Is to have rhvrg< : of the canvas'* lor hi* or h r dn»* Plnrs for the work are to he nt'd' wiUi the departments thhaugli thts j week. The use of our Sunday * bool with Its fine,, organJrjf.tlon Is tvt.**' [and It# poser w|l|. be felt tn th«-«at- r uuuiber of -übscriptlpug- particularly for the benefit of the owners of properly nlong the street. Mr. Royall, In argnf»g the case be Tore the board, pointed out that tho act of 1925 passed by the Igg'slature upon recommendation of the alder manic board of the city, an act provid. ing f«r -the as*e*«mie»t of all coet* for paving’ sguinst property owner*, contemplat'd pavement* for outlying streets, in newly developed section*, Ir such instances a* thi*. he *aid, the properry owners alone stand to re»p the entire benefit. But even i» the Jnstanee where the paving i* done and full charge* made against the pioperty owners, it is l>a**d upon tho sequent of the owners, he argued. Center street work, he contended, did not come a* a result of a special ptea of the owner* of, the property but rume H a civic demand. The Chamber of Commerre first, the Ro tary club, the Klwania club, lb' 'nnlinus4'ns On re l»lr» DISTRICT MEET OF PHYSICIANS Dr. Woodard of-^jpljliibor o In . ( (»mpleting Year "Ah I*re«i dent of Fourth The fourth ditrict Medical Society will convene in Roanoke Rapid* at 6:110 Ah'* evening, will listen to four paper*,® elect officers and transact business. With tonight’* meet'ng, Dr. A. G. Woodard of Ooldahoro *nds a year an president of the District. A number of local physicians will go to Koanoke Rapids for tho meeting. The district is made up, of Edgecombe, Halifax, Greeß*. ffilinston, Nash, Nortbampthn, Wayne and Wilson counties. Paper* will be presented tonight by Dr. M. I. Flemlng^of-Rocky Mount; !>r. R. P. Beckwith of Rosemary, and Dr Thurman D. Kitchin, dea n of the Wake Fore#>t Medical School, will diems# "Profestlonnl Welfare’,' while R. M. Grumman of the Diversity of Nprth Carolina will discuss post graduate work for physicians as con ducted in extension work (AI.L MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS WILMINGTON. Del , Nov. 19.—(/P)-~ Th'* E I. Dupont De Nemours and Company today declared the regular oividend of 2 12 per cent of the com. mon stock, an extra dividend of $4.75 and called a meetlng'of stockholder* to split.,up the stock on the basis of 3 1-2 to 1. JOTRHEYH OF i LIFETIME PICKENS. 8. C., Nov. 19 '/TV- About 40 yenr» ago ‘‘Shug'’ M-dlln, 79. vis'ted Greenville, about 2d. miles away. Excepting that trip, he has be*jt outside of piekens county only twice and ha* never seen a plw4 street. After the Sunday -school canvass the memb-r* of the thurch «li» are not Included In the Hund"y srdo.ol will b« canvassed by othr<*r orgHnl/.r tloas of the rhufeh and finally, eu teams of cT.tvasser* jpnl! vein p.'-i the vo.k among tl .-- »!ci i\j inl**cd by iur oriranlxa’' >• < Th-re nr# twurthlng* whereby out budget must be rals-d. I ir-d. to cet some to give more This we heflve will be don-. Let ur grow in the grace of givlnff t.oi k a: Die ue d*. count your bl'gftng and i rhisc your pledge. * Stroud, to get more to gi-vu Some and we are sure thi* will he‘a> co i,- plished. Ev-ry mem ter should help We are thi* year to euhst all and each to have hi* part |n the finances of the church and Kingdom- At tli- albday meeting Knhday the frTllrfwiug officers were named: Clerk M- A-'slharer. Assistiint Clerk Victor Pale. Coutluuvd or* Page suj GOLDSBORO N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1928 FIXED AT HUNDRED MILLION 17 LIVES ARE PRESENT TOLL OF HIGH W ATER Five State* in Grasp of Floods And McssisHippi Leaving Its Bpnks * - n 700 HOMELESS IN ONE KENTUCKY CITY Three Men Swept to Death When Bridge Went Out At Fine ville, Kentucky KKANSAH (MTL, Nov 19 Over flowing ' strenms were spreading death and destruction in five states to night and th, nrighty Mississippi rlv. er itself was out of it„ hank* along the borders of Missouri and 111 not* Rainfall of unpMcodcnted propor tlonH for thi* lime of the year, brought Kentucky and Illinois into the flood |>elt during the d*y and 'n < rogaed ‘the seriousness of the «ltua 'tlon in Missouri whde communities in Eastern Kansna aud a portion of Oklahoma w*ro slowly recovering from the most dt**sterou» flood on record. Three deaths in Kentucky when* the Cumberland river was On a rump pge, and two more reported in Kan *aa brought the total known dead to 17. Property damage already w*s es timat'd «t than )tOO.OUt).OOP. Fevers! thousand families were home. 1< s* and a • old wave and snow in some place* adfled to their misery. 3 Three employee# of a c«M»l company were swept to their ileatb* 3tiir P'ne Title, Ky., when a Tirldgo over Cum berland river wa» carried "way. Swol len by thWly six hours of rsln, the stream" invaded the buslne*s district of Mkddlesboro and flooded dwellings in th# low parts of Pinevilts, Harland and Bsrbourv'lle. More th«-W per ton* were forced to flee tlieir home* In Harland. The Kentucky river left K» bank* 'and flooded homes and bu»ine«* build ing* in Neon. The MissoiAl viver - was reaching the flood stage aero** the whole of M>o*ourl and threaten'd Inundation of a large acreage of bottomland In the vicinity of' 8t Ixrol*. The Grand river a nd .other «reams were on » ‘iampagn and many rail line* and high, ways were blocked in the state. ley Fingap* Grip Houlh ATLANTA. ’Oa., Nov 19 (/Pl^- Winter* icy tslon* gripped Die South land tonight a,, strong br-exe* whip p,*d overhanging cloud* swsy and ■ ent the mercury plummeting Trom j almost the summer heights of recent l day*. The break In the abnormally I**} temperatures began yesterday cloud* drafted ov-r th- Mls«l**ippl valley state* and loooened iiijpuilttant showers and today eea- n board slates were released from the “November heat wave” a* th' r*!n* swept eastward. Southern Stale# from the M'wlr slppi ynlley to the foothill* of the Ap f tachixn* trtnlght were in the gra*p of th' cold wsve. while the Atlantic set hoard States were feeling «h«* flr *k tlTects, but Florida baske.l In w»rm °san*h rie throughout day and held little’apprehension for sharp winds r,g f,O wa* the forecast for minimum t'mperature*. Tn " number of «tat-s -the mercury had plunged 1° the 40’* with prospect* that Ve would he in evidence in „ome section* in the morning. Vocational Teachers Will Confer In City —* Vocational Agrtcu'TThfo tncher* of .;ioup three of the Haste*" division will hold h conference at the rom ivpn tv Building her- at 9 o’clock Th.,r*'ay morning. 1 8 Howard. di~tr|. 4 supervisor will be In of the conference, and Mr Rlsh-r of the State Division of market* will be pre*en* to discus* th' mark-t'ng of nonitry *nd egfls. TVorehlne P l ®"* •, for th' year will be submitted hv th' foil" amr C W. Whrlck. A H Veagev. O F S'vmour, F. J, Morgan. G. K Middleton, f. (' Bunn and O. A Munn. SVLMtS GOOD NIGHT LONDON. Nov. 19 -JdTPi Gen. Wil liam Bramwell iftioth, cytt.tnauder of the Sulvalloh Annj», State Zionist Association Formed at Meeting Sunday J. STEIN OF.FAYETEVILLE AND MISS GERTRUDE WEIL NAMED PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF * STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WILL RAISE $21,000 What w“s one of the largest and moet enthusiastic gatherings In the history of the o Goldsboro Jewish Community, look place Bund*y at the Obeb Sholom TVmple. Hepri— Att'"d'ou*. opening of "the Convention held In tu*ny a inoon, "ml spok hlglily of lh«. effici-nt way in wh'cb the local commute* had handled pre hmlnary preparation*. Throughout y. Mterd»y fine dogs and finer horses which will be enteied in the cast* and in the annusl horue show, arrived in th* city. They are cor rail'd at th-' l'.ir Ground* and Hr interest'd of sperutora visited the grou'-d* to Inspect them. ..Truck* bearing the dogs will'. the Fair Grobnd# tills Morning -and the fir,t cast will be node in the ccuntry adjacent to th- Goldsboro - O Seven Spr'ngg road. Early Jast eve. ning fifty Hound dogs of tho d'rby das* had been registered for the iu** ton. Ralibi Iser L. Freund greeted the delegate* and w*a followed by greeting* from the congregation by Sol. Isaacs; from the Temple 81*- tefhood by Hri, Lionel Well, and from th* lock! chspter of Hndaseah by Mi** rranci* Kadis. Mr. H. M. Kadis, was elected permanent chairman and pre slden during the aftkrnoon's proceed ing*. Harry T. KeUnran. of Baltimore, fieeldent of the Seaboard Zionist He. t'o9 then addressed the a***mbly. Very forc'fhHy he appealed to the Jew* of North Carolina to organ!** themselves for the great enuew of upbuilding Palestine a* a Homeland lor the hope cbertehed by the'9l - wish people since th'tr die perskm from P*l*atlne, and which I* becoming a reality bow since the Balfour Declaration of Nov. t, 191 T, And the subsequent declaration of th* League of Nation# gad the resolutions (Oonttpjued on Pan* Btx t Ten Tragic Stories yMHiPFf ■ P. W. Pupp« (left) nnd Wal lace M. Sinclair, Veatrta *»r vivora, who teadfiad before United State* District Attor ney Charlc* A. Tuttle in con nection with government's probe of tragedy. The wife fnd child of former were in boat carried down with the iU-fated .. liner. ■, - , c .. .. HOOVER SAIL? ON MARYLAND Accorded All Honors An Big Hhip ( learn For South America C - ABOARD THE U 8 MARYLAND AT SEA. Nov. 19. ys>) - With every honor except that of the presidential flag, H'rbert ffßKver today left If. 8. soli 55 on a mission of friendship and understanding to the sister republics of lh« wetern hemisphere. Thi# bat tlcahip which is to be hi# headquar ters until the trans-Andeen Joitrney from Chile, steamed steadily south ward tonight through th* calm Paci fic. The Hoover party was cheered upon ,t* nrrlvnl on a .special train at B#n Pedro "Where k boarded a barge of 4dmlr«l C. PratU'commnnder-luxhlef ol the United Mates Battle FK<*t. tml can and Secretary Ballard at that time expected that aeverkl other* •voujd b* received before the close of t\p- registration hour. Th# horse show will be held at 2 o’clock #t tho Fair Grounds this after noon with 14 eveut* on Die card. Eleven silver loving cup* are to be 1 ward'd in the event* and ribbons wiU be award'd in three. The beat horsewoman, horsemanship only to county, will ree'lve one of the cups. An event which should stimulate in ti rest generally dnd attract n large crowd of epectntora. will be the op «n half mile race lu which a cup will b' awarded. The real fun, however come* tonight when a local pack will give an ex hihition in hunting as It ehould be done. The convention will continue through Friday with new features for each day. _ , MEMBER OP : j THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FTfl Cum Though Sinking, Ship , Did Not Ask for Aid NEW YORK. Not. 19 Although It had been hove to for 17 bourn Tii taking water faster than It could be pumped out and was ■lowly turning over on ita aide, the ateamer Veetrta reported to • alaler ahtp at 6 o’clock laat Mo*, day that It bad "nothing to com municate” a wUneea tee titled at the Federal enquiry todagjk John K. Bu.lth of the Marconi Wlreleaa company, waa the wit. n«e* end he produced radio Hjgi to ahow interchange of meeeagee between the Veetrle and the Ve| pair*. The Vjetrta tank about 1 o’clock Monday with the loaa of m&e than 190 lirea. Smith'* logs a homed thag (ha Volpatrp called the Ventrta re peatedly during the day and night when It waa alnhing. Moat of th« eaila brought no nespopss. hat when the ship did get In tench on aewral occasions, the meeeag* of the Veetrta waa always the asm# — l “l have noth lag to cong. , munlcate.” m i.i-.i- I. ■ I— COURT CANCEL MOST CHARGES ■ Jury Will G«t Ander— Cm* Im Raleigh Bomntiac Today. Bcfgved 1 RALWQH, Nov. 19 —Ooly th« . argument of Solicitor t 8- Brass, field and the charge of Judge W A. Devin, presiding, were lift tonight he. fore the qpae of Dr- Albert Ander eoa. superintendent of th« Slate Hon. pltal, charged wtth malfeasance In office gone to the Jury horn. Solicitor Braes field’* arguawmt ahonld be completed tomorrow m%a. aa Hake far mgw—at by the proeeoution he* baa nlimited Should the aoHeitor taka only a part of the .Urn* alloted him. Judge Devin preh ably will complete hla charge during the morning, giving the can* to the jury before the afteWooa receea. , (Walter D. Artier, isaeletaat dhog. ney general, who waa appointed by Governor Me loan to nartat In proaa. ruling the chargee against the hos pital head, waa the first attorney to ba heard today. After ha hod talked for about an hour, four dafenaa at. toroeys wars heard. After eight county in the Indict, ment were eliminated by agreement Judge Devin charged the Jury with returning a verdict baaed on lh« fal lowing allegation*; that Dr- Aader. aon worked Bob Orean, a hospital employee, and gome patient* ba hla private property: that ha uaad etat* purchaaed gaaollna in the operation of hie automobile for private par. poaaa; that ha exceeded hla authority In collecting f!n*e • of Inmate# who violated the htra; and that Lafay ette Parker aad E. B- Hut. petlentd died In the hospital, had bean vlctlme of cruel treatment. ‘ a Thoses- count* eliminated were thrown out because they either charged often*#* alleged to have *>■•♦■ n committed two ytnrs before the date of Indictment, therefore, outlaw, ed under the etatute of limltatloas, nr that ho evidence had been submitted regarding them. STEWART GOES ON AS WITNESS **. •, . o “* ■ ClaimH One Question In Record Was Not Asked Hint During Quiz Before Conmltt#* I WA.SH IN( ITON, D C-, Nov. 19— Stressing particularly whether • quorum of the Senate Teapot Dome M >j uaq* iu.»».jd sea eeniunnoa Stealrt, chairman of the board of the Ktandar dOil of lad.. Is aHeped to haw committed perjury, counsel for tha ell man today prevented Ita entire cat* within one day's session Os the District of Columbia Supreme Court- Stewart took the stand In hla ®W* def<-n*e, together wtth more than a dozen character witnesses- Three of the witnesses pave evidence intend ed to eupport a statement by Stew art that a question forcing the best* oi one count tn the perjury account waa not naked In the course of the oil man* appearance before tha Be*, ate commltt*#. < g