WEATHER Pair Wednesday and Thursday Rts tag tampers! ur* Thursday VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 228 DR. ANDERSON Matter Ot Punishment Will Be Argued Before Judge Devin This Morn Anffcraon Guilty of lining Pali •ata on Private Property On Two Inntancen ,' 0 o OVERRULE MOTION THAT VEfcDKT BE BET ASIDE Judge Voice* Opinion Statute Calls For Removal of Office Aa Result Verdict RALEIGH. Nor. 20 <49 -hr Albort Anderson. 89 year old superintendent of th>' North Carolina nt»t r lor th* IMare lui« wm coi.virtcd on two count' of mailt uaance Indictment Ly a Jnr/ In Wake county lupe.t.'rl »• vrl hart* *eday but Ihcr• aiose n dl agie'mcnt between Judae W, A Devin, pi raiding and defense attorney' aa to what punlibment «•> prescrib'd by law for the cane. Judge Devin, alter dlimlaalng a de t n*s motion that the *v-rdkt he thtown out, said that It waa hli Opin ion that dismissal of, Dr. Anderaon from the poat he haa held for IS year* waa callad for by the sta'ute, hut the Huperlntendent'a lawyer* differed with him and a hearing waa aet for S:S# o'clock tomorrow morning to de tMinlne the point. The Jury returned Ita vetdlet after three hour, and llfi minute* dellbera tlon. Interrupted on one orraai»n wh*n the Jurors reported to Judge Devin that they could not agree, only to be »enl hark by httn with Inatrncllona to make further efforts to r*aolt a ver dict. The trial had been tnjder way atnee November 12. when churl waa .< convened In 'paclal aeaalon by, order of Governor Mclt*an. ‘ The two count* on which Dr An demon wa# convicted < Mamed giro wjth haviag hoapltal pallenla to work on hla private farm* on two different*lons. He waa found not guilty on ala other counta. which Included allegatlona of ofuelty to Inmates of the hoapltal, and Improper tit'* of'stafe purrhaaed groceries and gasoline. A grand Jury Investigation of con dltlona at (he hoapltal rraulted In the indictment of the »upprtntenaent »"v rial week* ago on a number of charges of malfeasance and eii.bcxxlement He vt| not Irk'd at the current term of court on the emhexxlem'-nt charge Since hla Indictment, Dr Amlcrann haa crntlnued In charge of the hoapltal Defenia allorneya indicated (hey expected to contend at the hearing to irorrow that the charge* of which thetr client wa* convicted did not ccnalliute ertmm under tha law. CONTINUE PROBE OF SHIP'S SINKING Members of Ship Crew Testify Thst Doom and Hatches leaked; Others Deny NEW YORK. Nov 20 <49 A »a loon mate and a waller from the rrew *f Thtr"afeamer Vcatrle testified today at the federal • nqulry Inin the Kink ing of the *hlp with fh<- loaa of more than too live* that It alwaya leaked at pert* and door* when there waa heavy weather aud that nothing waa ever v a uon>* about "topping the flow of water Prevlou, witness'-, have testified that »n Ita last trtp *ea wafer poured (■to the Veatrla through (lickc port* and door* an fa at that the combined effort* of the at'am pump* and buck at brigade* of aeaucu could not keep up with It The testimony of the saloon mate end waiter came only an hour or two after two InapectorK of the If. 8 Inspection*'Kcrvlcp of the department of commerce had lo'tlfted at a *ep prate enquiry going .forward In the ruatom* house (hat they had Inspected the Veatrla a few diva before It *all Id and found It seaworthy >ii all re Sperta The Inspector of hull* mentioned in particular the port- and doora through width other persona aar the re» poureil In *tr»y>oa and *ald he had found them fit. 1.0 KD MUON'S HONt HAS MM IT LONDON, Nov 2U—i Udy Hat ho. wife of London's retiring lord mayor. ih' Mansion House with one ungratined whli. t.hal of ln*t"ll- Iiik a descendant of Dick Whitting tog I pal «|t wgiylal .mm*. ~ T- - J '• 'i • ‘ *w w - . -*N If* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—REAI) BY BUYERS BEFORE'THEY, BUY. IS HELD UP AND ROBBED OF $I(P» Fork Township Man Reports That Three Unidentified Ooverpowered Him *> - That he w*a held up and robbed of 1109 near The warohou'e d'»tri»t of North Center street wa* the story "’hick Bill Haaarr. who reside* on Mrs. Ttibe Edglntnn a farm In F«Mf townah'p, told yesterday to Jocal of ficers. & Mr S*»*er li»d sold « losd of tobac ct, gon 1 * to the bank and got hi* c heck ca»hed i" order th»t be migb' pay for some curing be had done. Out side the bank, according to hi' story ns repeated by an officer, he »a!d he was accosted by a young man wear jjfii boot, and ItKak' trouser'. The youth Wanted to know what he waa going to do with hi* money, the of tlrer quoted Mr. Hssser ■* saying. The farmer mistook the questioner for the *«n of a man to whom he owed a aum, and told fSTtn to tell hi* falh er th»< he would pay kirn the neat to. h»cco he sold. Mr. Ba*»*r proceeded on to Center street and northward along It He h«d left th* main bu*»n**a district »n'i waa near the (Jold'boro Milling com pany when he noticed that the young man who had accosted him seemed to f* following him At about the same t'me two other* Joined the followsr and they aet upon Mr. Kaaser. he svere, overpowerde h'm and made away with th# money. Ix>cbl offlrer, h«ve Jnatltilted a wide aearch for the robljfrs, but they bare very litll* authentic deacrip lion* on which to worlc . CRAZY HATCHET KILLER SOUGHT hiiw Thrift’ snd Wounds Two In Maniacal Wandering In Omaha, Neb. a ' OMAHA. Neb. Nov 20 Two hundred policeman and officers and hk many rlllxcna "were on watch in I aI? part* of th'- city tonight seeking a trace of a maniac hatchet slayer who police are convinced, la responsible for the death of three (iwrsons and the wounding of two, one probably fatally. , '. Not "luce Frank Carter, th c sniper <o terrorised the city several year* ago with Ills all'nosr automatic rifle, haa lutereal anil excitement been ao ten"# Carter ahot several peraona to death The latest victims of the "hatchet maniac" were wealed ' early thlf morning when Mr*. Harold Strfhllng wife of a former high school foot- Divorces One Man Upstairs, Marries Another in Basem’t • r. All in the apai e of an hour yc*te' i day. x cont'lv young woman she's' just twenty five wa» the po-»i-»s,,r c f three names. It all happened “t th-? courthouse.- “* j The Wayne ( ouniy Superior Court rooms. Judge C C. Lyons, presiding waa the scene of Iff* first act. Mrs. Netti" Walker of Btoney Creek town ship (I u divorce from Sidney Walker It appeared that he h« I run off and left her about threaPNi*v'» "ft-; i r she had entered " local li<i»pitiU‘ foi «n operation. That wa sever*' month* ago. She got th" divorce |ti | due and record ooqrap The young] woman ***utiled her maiden natre,| Nettle Ma" Hmllh. The city and county h-qlth iepari j | irant. Dr L W. Corbett pr-"ding vt up ihs* Rrniit of th*» **rt. j ti«* Mrs Smith. dir»rt thf court room wher« »lic hud »**< ure*i voref, \ill«d, aIoHR >*itU J. H S®t* | ton. of I.aGr«nge. requeuing « phy-| Hlcal examination for a marriage i er-, I tlltvat', Ttl« voujyle >u du« and f 'cortt] 0 FOUND GUILTY UNDER TWO COUNTS As Lava Crept Inexorably Nearer k 4k „ f fct /f ■’ cyr,, V Ts Vu I'his rentarkabie photo shows cttiscns oi Mascali, Sicily, about statue of patron saint, molten lava from Mt. Etna Robert W. Stewart Is Given Liberty In Teapot Dome Case WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.—Beach ing a verdict in |es* than au bour K f jury in the District of Columbta Hup remt acquitted It W p Stewart, chairman of the board of di rector* of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana of charges of perjury which followed hi* appearance la*’ February before the Henate Public hinds commutes. Frankly >ml exuberantly happy at 'he outcome of th# trial which stretched through a week ah»l a half, the oil mgn with hi* chief of counsel frank J. Hoku". »t hi, »ido, wa* sur «>unded by a throng of friend* offer irg their rongratnlationa He thank ed the Juror* Individually and bc wtowed upon, each of the women who aefVed on the pan‘l a hearty hug. The can' wa* given to the Jury at 2:30 p. m., with Instruction* from Joatin«ktf)alley to con«ider first of *ll ‘vhctheV th» re wa* a-quorum at the aesaion of the sennte commit tec at which Stewart gave hi* testi mony. The point wa* aubjfct of n hitter dispute from the very begin nlng of the trial. 0 The minute* of the committee were introduc'd 'nto'the evidence by U. H Attorney Itover. who h*n'lled the gov ernment * case, with th«' contention that they reported eight member* ot the committee'* 16 to b;«v« been in at tendance and that the meeting there fore waa valid. Thi* wa* (llapid"*! by lloga'i with the aaseftlon that of th• ‘ ighl report ed hy the mmute* ns preaent, sonic were iv-toally c|tA>whcrt’ and were in. eluded in the rrfll , ill In a Tch-phonlc request to the clerk of the committee. Wit lie** for 'lofenv testified that *t Continued (Mi Page Four) 1,. ... M - *s. Iconr-e got ihr examinatuin and the • erjiflcale. Th" office.of regist* r of deed' foe Wayne county. Mi s D- -dh fjrgntham Nv«a the «cen« of the third "cl Mi» Smittj If th >t'* the propfr address end Mr. Hutton applied for a mar I lage license. I" due and r cord course they r i-">ved the lh en*c The office of W. (J. ID it, Sr. j 11. th* courthouse his nr nt. was the •s i nr of the fourth and final act. In line and record votirae the miirrytii't |.ar*on yironoun<-*d lh- Js.y*'-*r uj,d i man and 23 ye«r old wom“n man and , wifa. Mr* Hutton a* het th rd a»d P‘ r i manent name •< h i-, five children h> il>r fl'st husband. H-dnpy Walker ! Mr. Button h»» three ekil Iren-hy a j previous marrl"ge. That gl'" * ite m ■■cpi| l in start wth. The young coupl" went im the r j way rejolctny. and courtlinuae »p'ct*- ! tpr* won deled how tt w*» <h"t-*nme ; time" *aid 't timk » long time logpt | Vi,) thing donv about ibv courtboup" GOLDSBORO- N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1928 MART AGAIN SKYROCKETS Some Skarm Shoot sh. r > Durinji Trattinjc Which Sloiih Barely Short 7 Million NEW YORK, Nov. SB,—With four h>gh pr'red issue#’ skyrocketing |3f> L» |63 a share, and at loa*t 60 otliera limbing $1 to $lO * shorn to new high r«cord», Wall «Mrcet today wK nea*ed the wildest -atock market In history. The violence of lb« ad vance fared many *mall Uador* -and inyeatora into liquidating their atocka w»th the result that m<ny of th* gain* were cut down and a numhev of las lies ahnwed toaacs of $1 to $!» a' (hare. Total *a|r* »et a new high record at fi.*11,900 Hhare*. which contra»r„ with the previous record of 6.714,t00 eg-, nblighcl la't Friday. Order* poured Into rfc market in such gigantic volume that tb* - ti< ker ran from 30 to I T >Y ff!WTm«s behind the market, th'' u*u*t ln»t minute or", der* 'delnyiiiff the pi*'"’ ”g of the final trkn*artlo n until 2 hour and 42 min- UtCg after the marke< doaed. Forced hy the thousands of com plaint* again*t the present *ervl«-« and widespread rolT*iiaton rnusel In l.rnkeragc hoil'<« ' to take drastic ac., b tion. official" of the exchange todnv cecl'led drop nil sale* volum'' from I lie tape except for a few minutes i fter the opening. Itcg'nuing Thurs day, under the new plan only stock j price* will'he printed on the ticket i end It la expected that the quotation | '» f vice will !>•' speeded up at le»sl 26 per cent. Arrkngement* ar* being made by the cx< hang(--To supply sale* volume es the individual k. lo preJR a* social ion amt' newspaper* pend'ng the , utnltaiion of *t»ecia| lel'graph prim is whi- h nr'- Isin provided for this • 'see. blit the details. Il'iV" 110 l b ee worked out. OLD TlIF.m K DOOMED HALT LAKE CITY. Nov. 20 - <49 ’'- The Daughters of the Uione* ra htv ahaichuosl t heir < ff• »tt lo ive# Hie hHorlr Hall Lake theater, which! * efeted under Brigham Young’s d ipvllo" and I nwhich Motde Atlahv* u,ad( h cr debut a* *• ha he p aruta The rout of saving the building »«' Dm, great, the Daughter* found GCHFth Sllwll* IN DINIHKHH MIAMI Fla . Nov 2d. <49 -■-Th"’ Gre r k ateaer Alekandiia l* in din ' I dos. Faval In the A*ori» «nd > tug is proceeding t/i h*'r fitt'lic* according to a e»sage puked off -th" air by tropical r‘*dlr» hare at 3:21! (,Vlo<k thi" , mrtFtiTng. Th* Abnao i drla sent out an BOH a (»»' minute* | earlier. 4 | rumbled inexorably nearer their boinea, de stroying everyttting in itt path. Inset, peasant woman crazed by tiie disaster. ROTARY HONORS FOOTBALL ( LUB Karlh«iimke SqUHd Ih Gochlm of Hoioriana Ai Ke«til«r ° Tut'.sday Mreiing Member* of the football squad of T 0 the Goldsboro high school wer* guest* of the Gold»boro Rotary dub f 1 at the regular meeting of Uia club at the Hotel Goldsboro last avanlng Rev. W. V. Mcßae, new pastor of Rt. Paul Methodlt church, *•* In troducel by J.flV J*rom r and after cxpreaalng. hi» |V"aaur* at Iteing sent lo Gold»boro, dellver-d a short talk to th" v>a|ltng I'iofballera, Ulbng them to learn the important thing of everything i* i u it* right place at tha right time. „ Short talk* „* wer* made by Ray Armstrong, who Introduced “the valuable man nn tk» team—|*neral cooperation:’’ by George 8 I>«wey, who "-omplimentcd the pleyer* for having turned out a winning: team through collective effort; 1 by Joe Parker, Jr,, who *ald that Coach Bui luck h«d taken green material and made It ripe: by Co»ch Rulluck, thn (counted the aea*nn’« record, »by Captain Jim Spicer and Aleg McLean IIHIIKD 4,01.1 RAM, DRIVE TAMPA. Fla, Nov 2»l (49 What l< believed lo be a record drive of « golf hull wa* leveled her# today when Carl Heka, Forest HHI profeaelonal, |nil another golfer, partner of Toni McHugh, measured the distance of ■ drive by McHugh Sunday The apher" waa found to have traveled down No 7 (airway for 3jJ<r yard* McHugh I* yr, feaalonal v al anolllor club here It couldn't happ'n again In » m'l lion year*, tmt it happened Just o"ce i lid that one" wa« sufficient to pull Marion Roy kin a, Faison negro, .out of the slough of despond and place him w»y upon the height*, Itovkln- hoi gone to Wifaon with Maury Jam-"*, young white man of Fainon, to *"ll * load of tobacco. H" r".-eiv<"l $133 for h'a load and pla«e<l it" comfortable w*d of $lO bill* I" the wntcli pm kw of hi* trouser*. Pre«*ed an tig 1 1 .iguinas hi* body, ll felt nh e and w»rm., On Into (J'ddaboro "b the return trip he e"nie, along with Mr Jame* lie a»kcd the latter lo top hi* truck and let him get *om" *hoea and thing* for hla wife and the kid Tha pur i ha*e" were made in ■ local atore and PnyklriK reached confidently for hi* wade of money A terrorized *n(l iigoiiii'd look *w"pt across hi* f*<« i« in, tug deep into the pocket- Th* ief per he dug, Ipto the pocket, the more empty ll f'lt. frantically h« rushed through In* «>ther pockeu. This Wouldn't Occur Again In One Solid Million Years Court Hearing $25,000 Damage Suit Brought As Result Fatal Accident STARTS SUIT FOR $25,000 laG range Man Named De/end ant In Action Growing Out of Aul» Arrtdenl Damage totaling 111,711.21 la re quested in two auila started ya'Ur tay with tha filing of complalnta In tha offira of Clerk of Conn J. B. Hook*. Mr*. Mary Oarrl* bring, null for personal damage* for $21,00* agaiaat U D. Woot** of IxrfJraagn. 8 r JactfOn ask, |7Bt W *g*laH H R. Grantham, alHging violation oi oon. t ract. Th* *Uis bronght by Mr* Oarrl* again*! Mr. WooUn ia tb* outgrowth of aaancldant 4* wbteta Mr. Woeten '* • ntomohile Hruck th* wago* o* which Mr*. OarrU araa with har hua h*nd and children on tha paat Aug ust 7 Tb« complaint altfi*' that th# arcld'nt wa, th* Hhiult ot n«gllga*ca. raralesanes, and "acklnaanam on oart, of Mt- 'Wooten. Th* wagon o|( which th* plaintiff wa* riding, It is conUndad. wa* da mollshad, Mr*. Oa»rt# thrown to tba highway and h#r akull aavaraly fraa lured, bar left tbjgh and right hip revere! y hrutaaH. *od tha complalat allege* that *ha Is last m*ntally and phyah-ally nafit for her dull#* aa • hoAw'fe. Jackaon claim# dam*g* *gal n, ‘ Grantham for aDag«d breaking of a rontract under which th# ptalatlff wa* to erect a brick store on North t'entar street In Mt Olivo. Astor h* had started tb* work, the co«|f\alnt •late'. Jackoon waa atoppod from go ing ahead with It by Grantham Tha stoppage damaged Jarkao' to th* aum of $7*1.86, ‘t la o"ntan ad. Snow Fall Reported In Weatern Carolina AHHEVILI.E. Nov. 20 —I4V Flixr rlaa of snow wer* atlM curling down along Asheville streets tonight at I o'clock an the roerftiry gradnally dropped lower, but no heavy enow was rdportnd fr<*n. MAratern Nodth Carolina towns- Apparently there had been but, lit tie snow during th* day on either Mt Mlirhell of Ml rtegah Tfa merrory waa standing at 32 degrees at 3 o' dock tonight a ltd T R Taylor, weath er bureau official, said that It might go aa low aa 27 or Jl during the idght Isiwer temperatures were eg pected In tha event the *kMi cleared hut at * o'clock they wore overcast. Tiiai.h H4>r TKArm r.i iDiH BOSTON, Nov. 20 (M t ) In order to maintain th* pnllir rteputeul atandafd M neatneaa, some Bnahon traffic officer* must change thetr white glove, twice a day] , lime and tlm# again. Rut nn results. The money was uiis*lng. He had lost il ■'Well, all a* ran do u place an ad In The Goldsboro News am) if we <ae get it bark for you,” aaft Mr Jam"* taking Ihttfeltuallon In hand If aome knnMt bum find* It you might get K bark " ‘At the New* office, they told their itory to W. H Mngvtou. He «ttgg*ht »d that K would b" better to hack track to Wllaon and try to fl"d thr moeey. and Mr. J"m#» r'msmhered •hat about I rn'ie, out of Wilson they !iud »top|K’d to loan u tire pump to a passing autotst. It might have been there that the money wn* lo»t, h* da clded. "But the llghta «n my. truck ar*n*t working," said Mr. Jame'. "aad we aie sure to get caught in the dark,’’ Ibivkln* stood to one eloe. too etu" tied to speak or offer any comment ID* abject mien touched Mr Lang ston. He offered hta car for lh* trip {Continue og pag* •) ____________ r MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRJCI nvi CINTN JrMle Mitchell Seeks Judgment Again*! Dtlif Transit ('Am* puny in Death of Wife HIM WAGON WAS STRUCK 1 BY BUB OF THE COMPANY VertUrt of 1700 Is Awarded Her ring Aireinsi Power and '* Light Company Returning ■ verd* t for the plain tiff. a Jury yeetcrday -wurWd E P. Herring, negro, |7Mi against tbe C'r oltn* Power and Eight company >u Wayne County Superior court an* the court then turned to the 128,000 data as* *uit which Jennve Mitchell b*e brought afninet the Dial* Tran*!: n o.pen> following an accident on highway to couth ol the nty in Hep i ember lktT. la returning the verdict for Her ring, the Jury found that negllgefcce of the light company In faulty wiring, bad coatrlbuted t<» thr hurßiag of h‘« dwelling. Hr bad nekrd judgment of 11 toe agalnet the company, and the Jury allowed |W*. ' Two divorce, were granted in odd moment* of tbe rourt. Mary A Par ker wae divorced from lioule Perher oa tbe ground* of "dultery, end Net tle Walker wae divorced from Sidney Walker on the ground* of nbaadon neat. In the rate of IB P Weal aad wife agalnet 1 B Hooke, verdict wae for Ike defendant. The Jury found they the nets over which the eult result it we* properly end legally hi, aad that Ike plaintiff* owed the defend •at the *um of HIM on It. Ae to the Mitchell e***, Mm. Hfceh ell died et a local hoapltal sometime after the wagon on which "he, jher husband and their children ware rid ing wn» etrnrk hr a bu» of the D'li* Transit Oompauy Mlt< hell took the atand yesterday lo testify thet ai the lime hi" w«gon wae hit by the hu* that it wga on th* light eld* of the road and that hi* wife was sitting on a board acroea tbe r«er of tbe wagon, we* holding he» hahy in one arm and a lighted Isnt rin from the left »ld>- of the wagon Mr. and Mm Wgller Hlnnnfit. who appeared at thn.„Y*n* of tbn accident a abort lime after It happened, also offered teellmonv on behalf of the V'alntiff. They told of seeing n lant #rn nl th* aprtl ' The etnrr «f the accident Wa» »1»» related to the court hv yowng N‘lton Mitchell, who wa* In (he wagon at the lime ll wan struck, and hy Joseph Itrown, who happened elong shortly ester the acc(d»nl jTtdg* H. If Bland of Ooldeborn and W, A Pinch of W'leon are r*p reaepflng .Mitchell. Cot., <l*orge K t'reeman and (}*n*'»l Albert I* C*« ere app*gHn* for the T»an*portation company "• V , WALKER THINKS OF FIRING COPS lAlllr Headway Made In Solving Death of New York’s Max irr Gambler « NKW YfIRK, Nov- St* UPi Mayor Jemen ,1 Wether entvmii'd P’g«v that, whll* he me* not satisfied with the work dnft l ' hv detective* In •* t&nptliig to attire th* cf Arnold Rolhatntn before making chnnr*a to th" police department lie must con sider their pnnalble cff'tta In the rpld-t of an Important Investigation The ItrooMvn Bugle puhllnhed a Philadelphia rtinpatch Maytag a staff reporter hml (rScad* QpUVt Mr Mann* antrght hy police for questioning •" .that city and had learned hie every mova- McManus, who police hrljeve m*y have been an eye wlineen to Ih* alar Ing. the Ragle‘a dispatch enyn. check *d out of the Hotel Hteneon yesterday after attending the Peaud’olnmhla gam* and vleltlng with e bualneae friend In the hotel Vmidlg Heturday Tbe Kagle reporter says he ha» learn ed where M. Mann* la going from Phll*d*lphla. where he eapect* to stop apd whom he, plan* to -

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